Taboo Sex

Kayla and Renee's Initial Experience

A troubled professional narrates a romantic encounter with a lesbian during college.

May 15, 2024
24 min read
lesbianbarcunnilingusmatureoffice ladyflashbackalcoholcollegefirst timeKayla and Renee's First Timeredhead
Kayla and Renee's First Time
Kayla and Renee's First Time

Kayla and Renee's Initial Experience

"A glass of gin and tonic on the rocks and a shot of vodka." The bartender swiftly took away the woman's drink order.

Kayla wished the fingers supporting her head on the bar would accidentally slip, causing her forehead to collide with it. It would certainly be more acceptable than trekking towards a wall and demonstrating her best pigeon impression. Her fingertips pressed against her eyelids.

Her entire life had come to an end. Done. Finished. Just as fast as it took for the office security to escort her to her cubicle to gather her few workplace accessories after being informed of a company-wide layoff. There may have been four or five others with boxes and crates during this downward elevator ride with her. Or there may not have been, she wouldn't recall. As far as she was concerned, she was the only one leaving that building. Kayla couldn't remember much else. Her mind went blank, and her eyes only stared.

"Here you are, honey." The dull thunk of the lowball glass and ting of the shot glass on the bar's acrylic coating were Kayla's faint yet unobtrusive indicators of reality.

Kayla withdrew her head from her palm and studied the rows of big bottles with every hue of alcohol and liquor on the back wall. Still not enough, she thought as she gazed at her own drink.

The woman's prim, neat, well-tailored attire comprising of wide-leg pants and a blouse beneath a navy jacket had transformed into a sloppy lackadaisical disarray in the handful of hours she had been seated. The coat was now across her lap while the shirt underneath was unbuttoned as far as it could go. Her dark brown fringe had fallen over her forehead, while the rest of her hair was still tied in a black scrunchie-bound ponytail.

"Thanks." A hint of grit colored Kayla's voice. Her slender fingers grasped the shot glass and remained static. Her translucent nail polish gleamed on her cuticles. She refused to count how many drinks she'd consumed that day. This wasn't a day for reflection. Or memory.

She tilted her head back and drained the shot. The bitterness transitioned to a burning sensation as she inhaled the drink and allowed several coughs to escape. Breath out after swallowing, don't inhale the fumes, a considerate bar patron she had encountered earlier in the day had instructed her. I blew that one too.

Kayla clamped her first against her mouth to mask the fit and felt dew form in the corners of her eyes. Oh God no, not the tears. Anything but the tears. Please. Her head sank to her crossed arms as her tattered, inebriated attempt at composure collapsed and she cried.

She had it all. Kayla Hill: Executive Vice President. She was perched in an opulent corner office on the 14th floor of her building, with access to the C-suite, a flourishing salary, healthcare, everything a self-important city lass could want, long before she turned forty. Even a company car. Just last week she had led the company in a multi-million-dollar acquisition deal with one of her firm's primary competitors, something she thought would have guaranteed her a VP position. She had attained a spot just a few rungs below the real power players.

Had it materialized, she corrected herself. Until she was murdered in the back and cast onto the streets to decompose.

Kayla looked up, wiped her tears, and strove to recover some of her dignity. She didn't wish to feel wrath or disdain just yet as the world began to distort. Only a haze of inebriation filled her mind. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her cheeks flushed. She didn't like to think about how awful she seemed and yearned for a more remote location at the bar.

Kayla knew she was typically attractive when she wasn't suffering the bodily repercussions of drinking herself silly at a low-profile tavern in Chicago. Her coworkers would frequently eye her as she walked past, even some female acquaintances despite the generally professional atmosphere. Couldn't help it, she mused, thinking back to a college encounter with one of her female friends. Oh, the glances she cast in Kayla's direction afterwards.

She was proud of her attractiveness too, taking great effort to nurture and maintain it. She'd even playfully sway her I back and jut her hips out a little bit more than the line of her attire permitted as she traversed the halls, but never admitting to it. What's wrong with combining competence and sex appeal?

Now, though, Kayla longed to be disregarded, neglected, and left alone, a weeping, intoxicated, and disheveled mess at a nondescript pub mourning in solitude.```

At first, her gaze was fixated on the pristine gin and tonic before her, the reflection of the glass doubling, merging, and doubling again. She traced the edges of the glass, following the contours of the lime wedge immersed on the rim, gently uplifting. The visual reminded her of her carefree college days. Back then, the only obligations she had were attending classes, passing tests, and rejuvenating from her hangovers with sports drinks and, at times, more alcohol. No major financial responsibilities, no career to manage, no professional or personal politics except for gossip and guessing who was hooking up with whom.

The ice cubes chinked together as she gently placed her hand on the glass, allowing the cool condensation to seep between her fingers. Throughout her teenage years and into her early twenties, Seagram's and the cheapest tonic water available were her preferred choice of beverage for wild gatherings. Parties till the sun rose, with dance music blaring through old, cheap speakers in rundown apartments. There was an endless stream of almost-faceless bodies intertwined with her own on dance floors that existed briefly, reopened, and closed down with different management. Whether she left with one of them or not, or even remembered their names or faces, she had lost count.

Kayla Hill lifted her drink to her lips and took a sip, her mind drifting back to Renee Sanders.

Renee was two doors down from Kayla during her sophomore year at college. She was around 5'4, her hair in a bob, and had a perfectly proportioned body, accentuating a full backside and chest even through her oversized sweatshirt and loose jeans.

Kayla could never find herself genuinely attracted to women, having known various friends with such proclivities. However, it wasn't Renee's body that first drew Kayla to her, at least not in the beginning.

Renee was radiant. The way her eyes would almost squint shut, her eyebrows would curl, and her smile would extend from ear to ear, showcasing the most authentic, genuine grin for small pleasures or when sharing someone else's joy. Her bubbliness always filled up a space with light.

Kayla continued to tip her glass.

Since they both took Introduction to Spanish Literature among their electives, they sat together for most of the semester, engaging in the usual drivel typical of youthful college students: gossip about grades, chatter about boys, and the best bars with the cheapest discounts on mixed drinks and lenient ID policies. One particular test caught them both off-guard though, causing them to conspire in using each other's assistance during that evening's study session.

Kayla's gaze swept through the populated bar, registering several patrons who had come and gone but a few likely regulars who remained in their snug positions, anchored to their alcoves. Their outlines merged into the decor, merely part of the surroundings. She didn't know how long she had been there, how many drinks she consumed, or the current time. She didn't care.

That evening, Kayla and Renee were on the floor, seated on cushions with textbooks spread in front of them, swamped with index cards and scattered with hastily jotted study notes. Her sleepwear was practically all she had left on, while Renee still wore her clothes from earlier in the day.

"Are you okay, love?" The bartender's inquiry interrupted her recollections.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you." Kayla slurred, still overcome with emotion. "I'll settle up soon." Dear Lord, I'm getting old. She winced at her own words, trying to distance herself from the realization she was only in her mid-thirties, but feeling the need to apologize after her display. "Thanks for checking up on me."

"No need to apologize." The bartender pulled away to fetch a glass from the shelves, her back to Kayla. Her tight-fitting light blue jeans clung to her nicely curved posterior. As she bent forward to reach into the cabinets, her hips swayed, causing her butt to jiggle. That's it, enough. Kayla straightened her vision, returning to her drink.

Aiming to bypass the numbers on the check, the woman signed and added a tip while holding her breath. At this point, she didn't require another financial disaster. Thanks to her impressive money management skills over the years, she possessed a substantial emergency fund and investable assets she could sell without hassle. Regardless, the future expense felt undesirable under her present circumstances. She gulped down the remainder of her drink quickly.

Managing to get her phone out, Kayla organized a rideshare without much difficulty. She estimated the journey to her apartment building would take roughly thirty minutes. After confirming the ride, she could focus on activities such as working out, investigating job prospects, and so forth, all of which could commence tomorrow.

She rotated on her stool and hung her elbows on the countertop, fixing her sight on the bar's twin doors. She flashed back to that night, when the material of her fake silk pajama pants felt so gentle on her naked legs. Kayla pondered whether Renee's cotton leggings scratched or irritated her.

Renee's mischievous laughter would echo throughout the room as any of them got a question incorrect on the flashcards. She fondly recalled moments when they nearly came to blows over trivial, inconsequential subjects. Their heated debates would end in fits of laughter. Renee's passion was contagious, along with her deep, firm assertions and her bubbly, vibrant energy. Her enthusiasm marked more than just her academic performance.

Amidst their jovial dispute, Renee's chest moved so vibrantly that Kayla suspected she wasn't wearing a bra. With zero intention of tempting or teasing others, Renee had just been wearing standard attire for a relaxing night in.

"Uh, Kayla? Keep your eyes up there, okay?" Renee playfully mocked her, exposing her wide, exasperated gaze. Kayla discovered her eyes transfixed on Renee's breasts. A deep sense of embarrassment washed over her as she instantly put her head down, fetched a pillow, and attempted to hide beneath it.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I...wasn't staring at you or anything, I swear! I was just spaced out." Kayla blurted out, struggling to make her words heard over her mortification.

Her phone vibrated in her purse—her ride had just pulled up. Gathering her belongings, Kayla rose from her seat and opened the heavy wooden door, braving the chilly evening air. She was thankful to be wearing flat shoes that day. Pull it together, girl.

A navy Lexus sedan loitered across the street, illuminated by the flickering yellow hue from two streetlights. An aftermath of an earlier storm left patches of water on the pavement. Kayla glanced both ways, careful not to stumble and crossed the street. Cold night air bit into her bare arms, making her cheeks blush with a mixture of intoxication and humiliation. She spotted a glimmer through her top, wondering if it was the cold or her former reverie that triggered the situation.

Grabbing for her chest to prevent any further public exposure, Kayla quickly seized the driver's attention and settled into the backseat.

"3497 Grenada Way?" The driver questioned, his New York accent thick and upbeat.

"That's the one." Kayla leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and breathed heavily. The lingering scent of the alcohol lingered around her breath. I'm wasted. The memory of Renee's physicality pervaded her mind once more.

"I've got a plan. If you can answer this next question correctly, I'll lift up my shirt for you."

Renee's mouth hung open in astonishment.

"What's the catch? You planning to trick me into something?" Renee cocked her eyebrow, suspicious. "I always knew you were a sneaky one, Kayla, but this is something else."

"It's a joke!" Kayla's voice rose with embarrassment, her cheeks burning. "What the hell, Renee, you can't be that gullible."

"So I shouldn't expect you to flash me or something?"

Kayla's face expressed a mix of anger and anxiety. \"I\'ll fuckin\' punch you if you keep going.\" She reached for a nearby pillow, swung it at Renee, and hit her. Renee stumbled back onto a bean bag chair in the dorm room, sprawled out with arms and legs splayed out. \"I can report you for sexual harassment, you know.\"

"Threatening me with owning up to punching me while simultaneously threatening me with reporting me for sexual harrassment? Classic Kayla."

Kayla's face shifted to an array of emotions, displaying shades of embarrassment and shock.

"...Oh my God, that was a mistake on my part." Kayla's voice trembled as she sat up in the chair and looked into Renee's eyes. \"I swear I'm not into guys, I promised.\" She inhaled deeply, striving to quickly rid her face of the blushing color. \"It's not me, my eyes were just drifting, I'm just kinda… see, my brain is really tired from the studying.\"

Renee's warmth and ease filled the space Renee's prank had emptied.

\"Yup, baby, I got you corrrret. Your puppies are real nice.\""

\"Don't make me punch you again.\""

Both girls burst into laughter, dispersing the tension as quickly as it had descended.---

In her mind, Kayla's vision blurred into flashes of nothing, each fading in and out. She reclined against the chair's imitation leather, her head thrown back, and her lids half closed. She occasionally opened her eyes to glance at the red, orange, and purple advertisements overhead. The taste of alcohol lingered on her tongue, muddling her memory of recollection and reality. Her breath was irregular, punctuated by the heavy moan with which she unbuttoned her shirt.

\"Renee ...\" she murmured, her voice faded. The driver let out a cough and glanced back, seeing it to be Kayla's voice before she continued her incoherent ramblings. \"Have you... gotten to a good spot yet?\" The car progressed silently down another road.

Following her train of thought, she let her fingers navigate the faint cleft between her legs. It wasn't very satisfying due to the combined barriers of her underwear and the faux leather of the chair, but her body appreciated the gesture.

\"Ok, we're stopping here.\" Kayla stirred and pulled her hand into her arm. Her eyes snapped open as her apartment building loomed into view. The car idled peacefully near the building's entrance and her driver parked it between a pickup truck and a black utility van.

Kayla quickly checked her pockets and retrieved her purse, exiting the car before the driver even had a chance to turn it off.

"You're my best friend, aren't you Kayla..", the escort smiled lasciviously. "Now, what do you want?"

Kayla smoothed down her outfit, trying to compose herself. \"I always knew I had your number.\" She threw her bag towards her apartment's door, leaving the escort confused as she struggled to open it. \"Just... be a gentleman.\"

"This isn't what you wanted, and it's definitely not what you need."

Kayla's blood ran cold as she realized what she'd done. \"What...\" Kayla asked, swallowing her tears. \"How did we... got here?\"

The escort stood up, buttoning her shirt with a sense of disbelief. \"I think we should get you home.\"

"Damn, I need to get inside." The heat coming from her groin increased with every step on the gleaming asphalt. Her rock-hard nipples brushed against her bra and transmitted every contact sensation to her horny, tipsy mind. She tossed her jacket over her breasts to hide them and somewhat stumbled through her building's automatic doors.

Kayla rushed through the nearly empty lobby. The night security guard's focus was completely absorbed by the movie playing on his workstation, leaving him indifferent to all but the gravest disturbances. She zipped past the desk as quickly as she could while maintaining her unsteady gait towards the elevators down the hall to the left. She fought the urge to rub her nipples. Immediately after turning the corner, she pressed the L button once, then several times rapidly.

"Come on, come on, come on."

The gentle chime of the elevator sounded after what felt like a lifetime. Kayla couldn't wait for the doors to fully open before she dived inside and pressed the Close Doors button.

"Fuck, Renee" she sighed in relief. Her hands immediately went inside her shirt and she gave in to her growing desire in her newfound privacy.

---They were more beautiful than she imagined. Perfectly sized, narrowing slightly from her shoulders before expanding into full, soft curves, each bigger than both her hands could encompass. Her gaze fixated on her small, pink nipples directly in the center; her areolas were no larger than a quarter.

"Oh my God." Kayla's mouth gaped slightly. "You're stunning."

It was Renee's turn to blush.

"I get guys staring at them all the time." She looked down at herself. "Big ole bags of fat."

"I guarantee they're not." Kayla moved in and gingerly touched her friend's breasts.

"Feel free to try." Renee giggled. Kayla's fingertips encountered her friend's breasts, trembling with excitement. Laying her palms flat against her, Kayla carefully examined and lifted them up, testing their weight and firmness.

"How do they feel to you?" Renee inquired before Kayla could say anything. "Well, no back pain, thankfully, they have a tendency to inform you that they're always there, but other than that, they're pretty fantastic. I'll admit that."

Kayla examined her own breasts hidden under her pajamas. She had a good B cup and was far from Renee's size; they, however, suited her slim frame perfectly. Jealousy wasn't exactly the emotion she felt towards Renee's substantial chest, as buying bras for herself was certainly more manageable, but seeing them bare and exposed for the first time sparked an unfamiliar, uncomfortable feeling of inadequacy. "I appreciate mine, but they're not yours." She withdrew her hand and placed it on her leg.

"Girl, no, stop." Renee scooted closer to her. "You're gorgeous, athletic, lean, everything. Carrying massive tits isn't the be-all and end-all, trust me." Kayla's eyes expanded as she witnessed Renee gaze at her chest.

Kayla felt compelled to cover herself. She didn't know if it was the alcohol, the situation, or the fact that Renee was already half-naked breaking through her reservations, but she kept her hands by her sides and allowed Renee to see her. Kayla didn't feel objectified like she believed Renee had been throughout her adolescence. Instead, there was a mutual familiarity and kindness that left a hint of spice: inviting and curious.

"What are you into, Kayla?" Renee asked with a smile. "I like women, and men."

Oh shit, she's attracted to me. Her words struck Kayla like a brick. A mixture of anxiety, nerves, and embarrassment exploded in her head. What do I do, what do I do?

"What do you want?" Renee took Kayla's hands and looked her in the eyes. Her voice was calm, reassuring, and unjudgmental. It was the voice Kayla had known and found comfort in all along. At that moment, she could have embraced her completely.

Kayla hesitated for a moment.

Without saying a word, she drew closer, closed her eyes, and kissed Renee. Kayla's lips enveloped her bottom lip and softly pressed for several seconds. She couldn't pinpoint exactly why, and in this moment, she didn't care. The previous hints and advances now felt unambiguous.

Renee was momentarily taken aback. Her eyes soon closed and returned her friend's affection. Her thumbs traced circles around the tops of Kayla's hands.

The two girls' lips remained locked for several minutes before Kayla gently pulled away. The blush in her cheeks returned, and her lips quivered. She gazed at Renee for any sign of... something.

"That was nice." Kayla quietly said. I kissed Renee Sanders.

"I'm so happy about this." Renee's cheeks flushed in a similar way. For a short moment, doubt emerged in her mind. "Am I going to be the only one without a shirt on, dear?" Her uncertainty challenged her usual demeanor.

Kayla expected this. Renee had already shown signs of attraction and she was partially undressed herself. Beer had made this encounter easier, sooner, and more pleasant than it would have been otherwise.

"Go for it."

Renee's grin expanded as she drew back. She held Kayla's shirt and unbuttoned it similarly to how Kayla had done it to her. Kayla held her breath as Renee took off her shirt layer by layer. She closed her eyes when her midriff was exposed, relying on Renee's leading. She took a deep breath as Renee revealed Kayla's bare breasts; her eyes canvased every detail without a hint of shyness. Kayla waved her arms and helped Renee remove the final parts of her shirt and set it aside.

"Wow." Renee's eyes wandered over every curve. Her gaze focused on Kayla's well-defined and honed abdomen. Kayla blushed, feeling Renee's eyes all over her. "I'd give anything for a stomach like that."

'"It took a lot of effort." Their eyes met once more. Kayla's heart raced. She was there, topless with Renee Sanders, after she had just kissed her. This is truly happening, isn't it?*'"

The case shifted upwards with its lone occupant leaning against the back corner. Kayla gave a low moan and grasped at herself, squeezing and pressing her right breast underneath her bra. "Just a little more, just until I reach my room."

She had thoroughly enjoyed that evening. Her body was so young and vibrant back then, and holy cow, Renee's boobs. She could have explored those big things all night.

Kayla glimpsed at the floor indicator. Fourth, fifth, sixth. She could've pulled her hand out easily within a few seconds; she didn't think many people would have been prowling the buildings this late on a weeknight, but she didn't want anyone seeing a drunk office lady playing with herself on her way to her car.

Kayla's fingers spread across her nipple, wetting them in her mouth. Age had softened some of her youth's firmness; her nipples had darkened and swelled with time, but they were still perky enough to point outwards without support.

Her thoughts settled on Renee and wondered how the passage of time had affected her former lover.

Fifth floors left. Kayla sucked her fingers and gently toyed with her nipple. Nothing could replace a pair of wet, soft lips, but her imagination was vivid and realistic.

"---Kayla gulped in a deep breath and for the first time that evening, she consciously felt the wetness growing between her legs. Renee's curvaceous body, her luscious tits, and then the kiss she'd just received from Renee had excited and aroused her in ways she had never known before. She had never felt attracted to another girl this much.

Renee settled down directly opposite her and positioned her legs near Kayla's body, only a few feet away. She urged Kayla into a similar posture on top of her.

"How are you feeling, Kayla?" She maintained their handhold.

"I ... I'm feeling amazing." Kayla reached out and gently dotted Renee's left breast. Renee moaned, pressed her chest forward, and closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. She moved her nipple beneath Kayla's fingers and witnessed her friend's moan into her mouth.

Renee's aroused, sensual voice was deep, throaty, and labored; it was a tone Kayla had never heard from her before. Hearing her send a pulse of desire to Kayla's loins made her bold to pursue a second kiss.

The two ladies locked lips once more and their tongues intertwined. Kayla's voice rose in pleasure as she moaned into Renee's mouth, feeling her tongue teasing hers and her own finger massaging Renee's chest.

Within moments, they pressed their bodies together, their breasts rubbed against each other, and their legs entangled around each other's lower halves. Nervousness and self-doubt had vanished. They'd found themselves in their brand-new realm together.---

A few seconds later, the elevator stopped on the eleventh floor. Kayla rushed out of the elevator, her upper chest exposed for the short distance to her room.

---"You're a fantastic kisser." Renee drew back from Kayla's lips, wet and minty from her tongue. [

"Thanks, Renee." Kayla's hands cupped Renee's breasts and massaged them in circles. "This feels great."

Renee pressed her forehead to Kayla's and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

"Want to join me in bed?" Renee asked, gently stroking Kayla's cheek.

"Yes, I do." Kayla didn't hesitate before replying. The fact that the person she had just ended up making out with and touching intimately was another woman didn't even cross her mind. It felt so hot, and Renee knew how to make her feel comfortable and forget all her concerns and worries. Renee's kisses were softer, more delicate, and more sensual than a man's. Even just Renee's fingertips against her nipples or her tongue touching hers sent shivers down Kayla's spine. As they embraced, Kayla wanted to stay wrapped up in Renee's arms forever. The idea of going further was scary and new, but if there was anyone to guide her, it was Renee.

"Definitely." Renee breathed softly, stood up, and excitedly grabbed Kayla's hand. Together, they left the study materials and liquor and walked towards the bedroom. They'd deal with the mess tomorrow.

Renee pushed aside a stuffed piglet and moved a spare pillow onto the floor to make room. Kayla went in first, lying on her back. Renee moved in next, straddling Kayla's legs, and placed her arms beside Kayla's head. Their fingers intertwined instinctively as they looked into each other's eyes.

Kayla's lips parted, and her breathing slowed and deepened. Renee's perky breasts hung over hers, their looks absorbing Kayla's attention. If she could look away without breaking eye contact, they would have hypnotized her.

No words were exchanged between them as they kissed again. Renee squeezed her right hand and trailed it down her arm across her shoulder. A soft, quiet moan escaped from Kayla's mouth as Renee massaged her breast. Her palm rubbed and kneaded her while rolling her nipple between her fingers. Her moan turned into a long aroused sigh as she consistently squeezed and teased her chest.

"You're so firm," Renee praised, leaning in to worship her chest with kisses. Kayla's mouth hung open as she watched Renee lower her face between her breasts and plant a single kiss. Her nipples hardened more than they ever could in any cold temperature.

"Oh my god." Kayla gasped as she watched Renee's face, hair dangling around her face, drawing a path with her tongue across her chest. She had seen that same face so many times before, laughing, speaking, filling her ears with beautiful words. Now, it was just a wonderful sensation of lips kissing her skin. Throughout her few intimate encounters with men, she had never been given such attention or love, nor had she seen that passionate display of lust from anyone. Renee treated her as a goddess, and the feeling was intoxicating Kayla.

"Oh fuck," Kayla muttered under her breath as Renee's lips closed around her erect, sensitive nipple and began to suckle. Each gentle tug sent a wave of pleasure howling through her body. Renee hummed in satisfaction as her hand traced her stomach and continued to move down her waist, teasing her panties. Kayla's moans grew louder as Renee fingered her and discovered her throbbing wet spot deep within her underwear.

"You're sodden, Kayla." Renee traced her lips around her nipple before sucking it. "You're dripping wet."

"Take them off. Please."

If she had taken off her pants faster, they would have torn. Renee traced her prominent calves and hamstrings with soft caresses.

"I want you to have everything, Kayla."---

When Kayla hit the mattress, her world swirled around her. She embraced the smooth, clean sheets, peeling them from her back. After taking three deep breaths, she wrestled her pants and underwear off. Her wardrobe now contained nude boyshorts instead of skinny black ones.

"I'm drunk, damnit," she groaned, managing to kick off her last pair of pants.

A naked woman sprawled on her bed. The spinning ceiling fan blew air everywhere, helping to dispel her heat. As she thought about Renee's curvy, voluptuous body, her hand ventured downstairs. She recalled how she used to keep herself clean-shaven, but then she allowed her pubic hair to grow, evolving from a landing strip to her current triangle.

Renee hesitated initially but then focused on Kayla's body, starting from her feet, legs, panties, boobs, and up to her face. Kayla's bright, wide eyes pleaded with Renee; their faces mere inches apart. With just a smile, Renee ceded to Kayla's wishes. She eyed the wet underwear before slipping it down her legs.

"Kayla, you're absolutely stunning." Renee hovered over her friend's slick, bare pussy. Its edges were slightly darker than the rest of her skin; faint pink lines were visible where the labia met her body, completely covered in copious amounts of lubrication. A pool of liquid glistened on the side of her inner thigh.

Renee bit her lip and stared at the sight before her, slowing blinking and glancing at Kayla's face.

"Yes," Kayla nodded.

Renee sighed contentedly, opened her mouth, dragged her teeth over her bottom lip, and lapped the buttery liquid off her friend's leg, using it to moisten her folds.

Kayla's loud, breathless moans took Renee by surprise. Her cry was drenched in bliss. "Lick me, eat me, please!"

Renee obliged, fondling Kayla's breasts and licking her up and down.

Kayla's eyes rolled back into her head. Her breath became labored. Renee's tongue danced along Kayla's wet folds, lapping at any spot her tongue could reach. Renee must've been so enthralled that she didn't notice Kayla taking her own hand out of her pants at first.

"Take them off, Renee," Kayla urged, her eyes fixed on her exposed buttocks, hidden by her pants. This transformation was more subtle than Kayla's, but within minutes, they were both stark naked.

"I'm not here for me. This is for you, sweetie," Renee replied. "Damn, you taste incredible."

"Really?" Kayla stroked Renee's face, mesmerized by how Renee was eating her out.

"Absolutely. This pussy is mine." Renee munched away, sucking Kayla's clit before coming back to her previous tasks.

"Fuck, yes!" Kayla cried, thrusting her hips closer to Renee's mouth, her head thrown back in ecstasy. "Keep going, don't stop, don't stop!"

Licking, sucking, licking. Renee's intense focus varied between covering Kayla's clit with her lips and slipping her tongue in and out of her wet folds, eventually falling into a rhythm that was rewarded by Kayla's shivers, groans, and furious grabbing. Renee visiting Kayla's sensitive spots just as she was about to finish and she rubbed her belly against Renee's shoulders, trying to stave off the impending climax. However, Renee sensed her hand was still in her pants and swiftly moved it out of the way.

"Take them off, Kayla," Renee urged, her eyes occupied with Kayla's stunning nakedness.

"Don't worry about me—this is for you," Renee reassured her. "My God, you taste divine."

"Really?" Kayla blushed, waiting for Renee to continue her work.

"Hell, yes. This pussy belongs to me." Just like before, Renee continued exploring her friend's body with her mouth, thrusting her face inside, and feasting on the flavors within.

"Oh, fuck, Renee..." Kayla's memory of Renee's soft tongue licking her folds was still clear. Renee's pale bottom arched up, and she met arousal with ardor. Oh, how she longed to be there now.

"Don't stop, my dear." Kayla took charge, stroking Renee's underwear-clad lower half while Renee sensually licked her up and down.

"Pleeease, wrap those thighs around my face, oh God, let me feast on you," she pleaded to a vacant, pitch-black room. If only she hadn't been so bashful back then, she could've magically transported her current self's confidence to her younger self and answered Renee's attempts that evening. "I desire that chunky red ass all over my facee..."

She massaged herself with even more force, submerging herself deeply into this semi-nostalgic memory. Her burning desire was insatiable. What she'd do to her, to that body, and what she'd have Renee do to her.

---"," Kayla smoothed back her hair and assumed a sitting position at the head of the bed with her senses and slight embarrassment resurfacing. "You're experienced. I can tell."

"Don't stress it, sweetie." Renee sat next to her and dangled her legs over the side. The au naturel, naked women held hands and basked in the afterglow. "I'd adore that any day."

Kayla flushed. She was still struggling to grasp what had just transpired and who it had occurred with. Her pal, who studied beside her, shared meals with her, said 'hi' in the hallway now and then, who she hadn't witnessed wearing anything more raunchy than jeans and a T-shirt prior to tonight, kissed her, stripped naked with her, touched and kissed her tits, and deep-tongued her pussy to climax. Damn, all of that, in such a short amount of time.

"I...I don't even know what to feel, let alone express. It was all, well, abrupt." Before she could let Renee ponder any negative thoughts, Kayla clenched their hands together. "Let me assure you, it's not you. You're cute, funny, your body is stunning and I haven't had my pussy licked that well in my entire life."

Renee hung onto every word, waiting for the impending dialogue.

"I mean, honestly, I was sort of attracted to you for a while now. Your voice, your giggles, the aura you emit and the energy you carry into every space you're in, it's alluring to me. I'm not quite sure if I should call it, like, attraction or physical attraction, but indeed, yes." Kayla couldn't help but believe she was bumbling terribly and messing up the moment, but she couldn't rewind time. "This didn't come out of the blue Renee, but it's still substantial."

"I understand." Renee looked down in self-rebuke.

The two sat side by side in uncomfortable silence for mere moments, yet to the two nude, relaxed women, it seemed endless.

"Hey, regardless of what comes next," Renee looked up at Kayla, "are we still friends?"

With foreboding in her eyes, Kayla cupped her near her chest and pulled in a deep embrace.

"Oh, Renee." Kayla intensified her grip. "You most definately are. Tonight doesn't alter our relationship in the slightest."---

Kayla inserted her fingers back into herself and sucked them clean. The juice was bitter but familiar, the same she'd tasted on Renee years ago.

She let out a moan and pumped her hips upward, teetering on the edge of her climax. She'd do anything that girl demanded. Drown under her fleshy, large cheeks with her tongue licking her butt, her wrists bound to her bunk bedposts at Renee's discretion, it didn't matter.

"Please Renee, I need you."

---"Would you like to lay down?" Renee inquired softly.

"Yes," Kayla stood and stretched. Renee's eyes drifted immediately to Kayla's sculpted, slender ass that had just been obscured moments ago. "Elliptical machine?"

"Stationary bike, actually."

Kayla's heated breaths indicated her approaching orgasm. Renee's mouth-watering moist pussy, her luscious, voluptuous chest, and mainly, that happy, real laughter occupied Kayla's mind. Her voice calmed her body and her arm's comfort held her in a heavenly cradle.

Kayla cried out as her orgasm overpowered her. Her frail fingers tightly gripped the sheets. She kept her eyes shut to keep Renee at her side, to keep her wet, loving mouth connecting with her flesh.

She snuggled a pillow close to her chest and pressed her legs against it. Kayla hidden her face in the pillow and muffled her cries. The waves of pleasure crashed through her body and retreated gradually, leaving her shivering clinging to the pillow. Her quivering legs swayed back and forth over the huge wet stain she left on the sheets. As the final traces of her orgasm receded, she held her eyes closed and hugged the pillow tighter.

The room became dark as a single click extinguished the only other light, a magenta accent lamp sitting in the middle of the study table. Renee's body and face were bathed in the same shadowy glow, washing out the warm illumination of her golden hair and skin. The beautiful, sought-after state her heart and body had found, her sanctuary, was back to reclaim her for the night.

Renee slipped in under the covers, and Kayla followed. As the redhead hugged her, Kayla kissed her cleavage gently.

Renee wrapped her arms around her lover and comforted her, stroking her hair and cradling her. Her gaze stayed fixed on Kayla's eyes until they slowly closed, and she fell asleep, content.

"Make sure you're okay, sweetheart?" Renee's soft, soothing voice rung in Kayla's mind.

"Don't leave." Kayla buried her face in Renee's cleavage, snuggling as close as she could, her cheek wet from a single tear.

The last thing Kayla sensed before sleep took over was the tender kiss on her forehead, a small giggle, and the scent of strawberries.

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