Kept Well Lubricated by Her Exes Ch. 04

Mater orders her to be used. Anal. Toys. Vaginal. Clean girl.

Jul 18, 2024
16 min read
tiedKept Well Lubricated by Her Exes Ch. 04oralanalclean girlvaginalnon-con
Kept Well Lubricated by Her Exes Ch. 04
Kept Well Lubricated by Her Exes Ch. 04

Kept Well Lubricated by Her Exes Ch. 04

Hattie knew this morning she was due the shower she'd been promised. She could sense the musky, almost fishy scent all over her. All the sweat and cum of the three men that had used her was stuck on her skin. There was dried blood too, giving an added metallic scent to her. Her knees and toes were grimy and her hair - mostly her pubic hair, but as she'd recently discovered, also the hair on her head, had dried sperm in it. She felt gross, but a small part of her kind of liked being this dirty and used.

Her back, ass and thighs were sore from whip marks, and she knew that even if she was going to be allowed to take a shower that was likely going to sting like a bitch too. She was certain it was the whole point.

Despite the dirtiness and her aches she tried to focus on her trust in Victor, knowing that this was something he'd wanted her to experience - for whatever he had planned for her in the long run.

As the nurse arrived, Hattie kept her eyes down, doubting her reminding the nurse of her shower privileges was going to be appreciated. But inside, she kept hoping. Her belt was unlocked and her plug removed. It oozed out of her with ease by now, being in a constant state of lubrication. With half of her days in this place behind her, as far as she knew, she was eager to get this over with to be finally reunited with Victor. She was willing to accept her training, her punishment... Or treatment as some had called it much like others went to the dentist, eager to get a pat on her cheek from her Commander once she was finished.

"Here," the nurse grunted, handing her the ovulation test as she'd done every morning, and just like every morning Hattie had held in the first pee of the morning to get an accurate reading.

As usual, she wasn't given the result, but from the nurse's following words she could connect the dots for the answer.

"Now, I know today you were expecting a chance to clean yourself. Boy, you do stink," the nurse began, squinting her nose. "So, after you're done hosing yourself down, I suggest you douche - your cunt is going to be off limits today," she explained.

This made Hatties heart sink to the bottom of her stomach - both at the prospect of being sodomized, but also at the underlying logic behind this. Maybe Victor hadn't wanted these former guys to knock her up after all? It actually gave her some hope.

The large washing room was a far cry from a real bathroom. It was a rustic, partially tiled room with old mint green tiles with an evident lingering scent of moisture, possibly also mold, in the air. The remnants of a row of shower heads were still present on one wall, but all she had been left with was a garden hose hooked up on a simple tap. The room had an old wooden bench, a bar of household soap and a nasty-looking plastic bucket. The tiles were slimy at touch, feeling like they hadn't been cleaned in a while.

It was a small relief that instead of freezing cold water the hose actually let out water that was sort of lukewarm.

Rinsing off the majority of grime, cum and blood from her body, Hattie didn't stop herself from hissing at the stinging pain. But soon enough her body adjusted. She just allowed the water to tenderize her muscles, and for a moment pondered whether shoving the hose inside of her could wash out the remainder of the cum from inside of her. She knew it to be unlikely, but that was what she felt like doing. She didn't want to carry anyone else's child but Victor's. She touched herself gently and realized that her vagina was so sore from the day before, she didn't even want to think about the prospect of invading herself with the rubber object and hoped her vagina could just have the day off as the nurse had insinuated it would have.

She knew with her anus, however, she wasn't going to have a choice on the matter. The light meals she'd been having in this place, didn't really leave much of anything in there to be cleaned out of, but she gently massaged the surroundings of her asshole to relax it, anticipating it to become handy later. She was not new to anal play, but generally nothing really major went in there. The hose was a little difficult to regulate in regards to water volume so she struggled to really direct it straight to her anus. Eventually she managed, getting it in there just at the right angle, and she could just feel her rectum filling up with water. That was what an enema was supposed to feel like - wasn't it?

Scared of the oddly satisfying sensation she pulled it out and let the water flood out of her. It was a little demeaning to her - water splattering onto the ground like that. She hadn't realized so much could go into her. Mostly she just tried to focus on hoping that the guy, whoever he was that was coming for her that day, had lube and wasn't terribly huge. She was taking it as something inevitable, something she believed Victor thought to be good for her.

Hattie had just stuck the hose inside of her for the second time, aiming to rinse herself out once more, when she heard the door.

It wasn't the nurse. It was the guy. And for a moment Hattie was just stunned, having not expected anyone to come in here but to be treated later in the procedure room as all the days before this.

She suddenly realized she was filling up, feeling incredibly full like she had to go. Hattie took the hose out but kept her muscles together, not wanting the water to splatter onto the floor like it had before in front of him.

Hattie couldn't hold long though, and whether she wanted to or not, water just kept splashing down her legs. She wanted to sink to the ground.

"Heya, Hattie," the man said in a slight Australian accent, stepping out from the shadow. But Hattie had already recognized him.

Alex was the lurker in the shadows, that was what he'd always been, so it truly suited him.

He was still as tall and skinny as she remembered him. They'd met in college and been friends, watched movie marathons together and studied together, but one thing had led to another and somehow Alex had fallen in love with her, while she hadn't felt a thing. He was hot, in his own way - having that dark, borderline goth-punk look about him. But Hattie had had eyes for other guys back then, guys that were not terribly good for her. She supposed Alex had always resented her a little for not loving him back, but all things considered she believed they'd parted ways peacefully. But now as he really was here, to Hattie that spoke of the possibility of some lingering lust or possibly even revenge.

Alex was already topless - showing off his almost entirely inked skin. Dragons, Kois, geometric patterns being the main themes as far as she could tell, only seeing him in the distance. His nipples were pierced, as well as his nose and cheek. His ears were plugged - nothing huge but still notably stretched. His self-destruction, as Hattie had once called it, not too seriously, had clearly taken new dimensions since they'd last seen each-other.

"Hi, Alex," Hattie dared to speak, the setting - somewhere other than the procedure room opening her up a little. Besides, she'd actually thought the guy was nice and she'd been genuinely sorry for not loving him back. Hattie hoped, maybe reminding him of their friendship might make him go easy on her. But there was something dark in his eyes and she was overcome by the feeling that she should be afraid of him.

"Hand me that hose, will ya?" Alex requested surprisingly casually.

Hattie complied nervously.

"It's good you got yourself nice and clean for me," Alex commented, walked to the tap, adjusted something Hattie hadn't been able to before, and walked back, leaving Hattie standing hesitantly by the wall.

"You see - I appreciate a clean girl," Alex continued to explained. "Did you use the soap yet?" he asked, nodding towards the bar on the bench. The soap was notably dry.

Hattie shook her head, having not wanted to, knowing it would dry her skin terribly.

"Now come on then, soap up," Alex insisted.

Slowly Hattie bent her knees to reach for the soap, a number of 'dropping the soap' type prison jokes coming to mind, but she didn't believe Alex to be that into cliches, but also not particularly sadistic, which was clearly not an accurate observation of him from the past.

Alex was an odd one to figure out, to be honest. He'd always been. And beyond what he'd said about liking her, she'd never really learned what his kink was, besides knowing more or less what kind of movies and books he liked. Mostly it had been sci-fi and nordic noir. The thought of it in the present context made her swallow hard.

Hattie ran the bar of soap through some water that was in the bucket to make it bubbly and began to rub it all over her body, leaving her skin white with soap and squeaky clean underneath. She avoided her intimate regions - knowing the soap would dry the delicate skin terribly, and thankfully he wasn't insisting she would but just watched her, letting the water from the hose just pour down the drain in the meanwhile.

"This good enough?" Hattie asked hesitantly, after about ten minutes. Frankly, she was just beginning to get chilly, standing there like this, without any warm water.

"I guess," Alex shrugged, and shocked her by beginning to hose her down.

Hattie yelped.

He'd put half of his thumb in front of the hose opening so the water was coming out more fiercely.

Naturally she yelped and shrieked, the sensation on her already sore skin being abrupt and in some places also painful. She tried to choose a good angle, but her front held a lot of sensitive places and her back was in warps, so there really was no good direction to position herself but let him aim at her sides.

For a moment he stopped, the majority of the soap having left her skin, and said - "Missed a spot," smilingly, and directed the water directly to her pussy.

Some soap had indeed gotten stuck in her pubic hair, but god - the water was definitely hitting very close to her clit, causing her to scream at the intensity.

"Hold still - I'll be done faster if you do," Alex instructed seriously, and took a few steps closer, increasing the pressure.

Reluctantly Hattie forced herself to stand, legs about shoulder width apart, her arms on automatic craving to clench her abdomen and hide her nipples with her upper arms.

The very precisely aimed stream of water made contact with her labia, and he stepped even closer to direct it even more precisely, making the intensity of water against her clit even worse. Hattie struggled to hold still, moaning at the mixture of complex sensations. It would've been easier to be tied up right now. But she was pretty good at self-discipline.

But thankfully, the man didn't keep at it for long.

"Good, Hattie. Here I was ready to use restraints but it seems I might not need them at all," Alex explained, sounding relieved and impressed at the same time.

Hattie now saw up close how he too had some duct tape stuffed into his back pocket for that purpose. Her impression must've changed to relief too at his words, but he soon corrected that.

"Now turn and bend," he ordered, shifting his tonality.

Hattie complied, bent down from her hips, her hands going around her ankles as if on instinct. It was a position Victor sometimes liked for sex. She was pretty flexible, her knees hardly needing to bend to do that. She panted quietly in anticipation.

As expected Alex directed the stream of water onto her intimate parts again - first her labia, almost causing her outer lips to hold some of that water for a millisecond and fill up. After he was finished, he guided the water stream directly to her anus, using his fingers to pry her asshole to open. He seemed to take pleasure in looking at how the water washed her out, dwelling on it for several minutes in repeat.

Without telling her she could move, Alex soon went to turn off the hose, and returned to Hattie who was now very cold, but running on adrenaline, pondering what might happen next.

But what happened, almost seemed too simple, too expected...

An audible squeeze of a tube of some sort and a large dab of impossibly cold lube dripped onto her anus. Her pussy clenched, feeling some beginnings of an arousal, enhanced by the anticipation. Was he just going to fuck her ass and be done with her? That too sounded too simple.

It wasn't his cock he felt but his fingers, which seemed to be massaging her asshole quite attentively. He was definitely trying to soften her up, not just rip her - first slipping in one finger, then another - those he could manage without much effort.

Hattie actually let out a small moan of pleasure, and it was Alex's low chuckle, clearly appreciative of that, that brought her back to reality.

"Now try to relax," Alex urged, having removed his finger briefly, and pushed a sizable metal object against her anus instead. It was harder than his fingers, colder too.

A dildo? A butt-plug? - Hattie wondered, trying to picture it.

But no - the shape was too round and too big too soon to be those things, and it hurt a little more than she'd hoped to get it past her sphincter. But once it was in, she realized that it was an anal hook, feeling her sphincter contract at the disappearance of the larger object. She'd never had one inside of her, and it most definitely felt different from any butt plug she'd ever worn.

It was only as she felt its pull, Alex having found some place to attach its other end to that she realized its full purpose. It was about suspending her - or at the very least to hold her in place. She was used to all kinds of restraints, but this was the only one where she actually had free hands and legs - and frankly it was all that was needed to make her feel helpless and immobile. Even the slightest adjustment of her weight caused the hook to tug her and her nerve endings were very alert already.

Alex wrapped her hair together trying it into a ponytail, which in turn was linked to the rope holding her hook. She was wordlessly told to straighten her back and she could now feel the pressure, both inside of her and on the sphincter, the cold metal adding a very clinical feel.

Alex moved around her, and unlike any of the three men, actually touched her face first, as if admiring her as she looked up to him. She knew she couldn't expect explanations or their reasonings behind why they were doing this to her, and out of the past three men Alex was the one she actually felt some sympathy for. Maybe she'd made a mistake by turning him down - clearly he was attentive, even if he did have plenty of kinky habits. But who didn't? Strangely, she wasn't disgusted by him at all but saw a side of him she only wished she'd known back then.

Alex wrapped his hand around her face and lowered himself to kiss her, gently tugging at the hook inside of her as he did, making her again very aware of its presence.

The kiss left Hattie tingling, it having been one of the few gentle things to happen to her in these past few days. It really wasn't a bad kiss, making Hattie consider for a split-second the 'what-if' scenario where she would've given him a real chance back in the day.

Alex chose to sit on the floor, crossing his legs under him, and moved underneath her to kiss her nipples. As he did, his fingers sank down between her folds and began to work on making her produce some natural lubricant, starting out first gently before even attempting to shove his fingers inside of her. Soon enough the dryness of her body corrected itself. When his fingers entered, however, after a lengthy warm-up, he did so roughly, creating a very similar hook with his finger as she had inside of her from the other side.

Hattie winched, tugging the hook in the process. "Ah..," she moaned with a jolt.

Had she seen his eyes she would've surely recognized that need in his eyes - that need to own her. But she could imagine it. She'd thought she'd known the man, but clearly that man had deepness to him beyond her belief.

His fingers began to move quickly, in and out of her, very roughly, along with slurpy sounds coming from inside of her, her own level of wetness already exceeding her former worries about using that household soap. As he fucked her like that, more fingers joined in, making sure she truly felt it, it was becoming a struggle to not use her hands, and she grasped her own ankles.

Suddenly he stopped, leaving her without release. Her hands grasped for him, unsure quite what she was pleading for.

"Got to take care of those hands," Alex groaned disappointedly, and moved around her, rose and taped her forearms together behind her back, which was her standard hold.

He moved around her once he was finished, looking at her once again.

"God, you have a nice pussy...," he commented, slipping his two fingers again between her folds sideways to caress her from behind her.

After fingering her for several minutes, enjoying her wetness, Hattie, however, felt the familiar sensation of a warm cockhead pressing against her vagina.

Wait - what? Wasn't it supposed to be off limits today? - Hattie panicked and for a moment cramped up her anus, feeling the hook even more strongly now.

"Ugh?" was the best she could manage to let out, however. She couldn't possibly be expected to speak up and express an opinion on this? Did he know about the test? Did she? Or maybe she'd misunderstood?

As if no rules applied, he delved his cock inside of her, causing her to gasp at the thrust. He began to move with determination, leaving Hattie mostly just puzzled and concerned whether what was happening would cause her any permanent consequences - a pregnancy? Some other form of punishment for letting him do this? Did she have a choice as long as her mouth wasn't gagged?

All she got in response were grunts, as that large-headed cock was thrust inside of her yet again, Alex holding now onto her taped up forearms.

As a surprise he reached around her to play with her clit, making her deliciously aroused again.

"I know you like it," Alex chimed, sounding self-assured.

"Mmm...," Hattie mumbled, and she knew she couldn't disagree, despite the forbidden factor.

Alex pulled on her hips a little, causing the hook to press against her rectum, continuing to fuck her with force, his fingers attentively at work on her clit in the meanwhile.

Hattie was deliriously into it, having not expected to feel this good considering the state that she was in - cold, wet, hooked and breaking the rules.

He pulled out just as she was about to start a climb towards her orgasm, and shot his sperm all over her ass, leaving it dripping down her labia.

Hattie exhaled from relief.

What surprised her though, was seeing Alex walk around the room, panting, his cock having not gone flaccid one bit.

Was he on something? - she wondered.

The almost hammer-shaped cock stared right at her and the second his breathing had stabilized he walked right towards her and pressed her face into his crotch, telling her what to do.

She licked, swirled and sucked, tasting her own internal juices, mixed with the taste of cum. Could some of what she tasted be a mixture of the guys she'd been with earlier - surely, not everything had emerged from her inner cavities? Did it even matter that he hadn't shot his load against her cervix? How long could semen live inside the uterus?

Alex held her head firmly whilst fucking her face with earnest, forcing Hattie to squeeze her eyes shut, unsure if she could handle such force. Abruptly he pulled out, leaving trails of saliva between his cock and her mouth.

"You ever had an alien invasion?" Alex asked, excitedly leaving Hattie confused about what he meant.

She hadn't realized before, but he'd actually come in here with a lot more than just the pants that she'd seen him wearing before. And right in front of her he demonstrated the fantasy dildo collection he'd brought along.

There was one shaped like an octopus' tentacle, it's bottom wide like some man's bicep and the top narrow. Another one was broad, looking like its groovy texture was supposed to scare the user. And it did. Its mid-part held a sizable bulge. There was more...

"This one's called the Cyclops," Alex shared with pride. The purple-colored dildo was long and its head ball-shaped, the rest of it covered in symmetrical ridges.

"And this one is the egg," he continued, demonstrating one that honestly looked like one of the Faberge eggs Victor kept in his office.

He positioned the dildos in front of her, lining them up by size, starting with the long but fairly narrow Cyclops. Then the tentacle one followed, then the egg and then the groovy one that looked the most intimidating.

Hattie could anticipate what was coming, but honestly, she'd never felt something so foreign inside of her. But as a surprise he was just mostly interested in insertion, watching her squirm and gasp at the size and shape, not so much the fucking. He didn't seem particularly satisfied with the look of the first two dildos inside of her - maybe she was indeed too stretched out for them? That thought made her feel like a slut, and worry whether Victor would find her still suitable for him. Victor was by no-means small, but it was him whom she measured herself by nonetheless, wanting to satisfy him like no-one else in the world.

The Cyclops was pulled out of her with an audible pop.

The egg made her gasp the loudest. Short but stout it was, and her internal muscles seemed to hold it inside without much fight. It was then she felt it - Alex removing her anal hook, the round end causing her to winch as it almost connected with the egg through her inner walls. God, that felt tight.

She then felt Alex search for his cum on the outside of her labia, gathering it up as well as he could, causing very pleasant sensations for her as he did. With his fingers he began to massage her anus again, and next thing she knew the warm head of his cock pressed in.

It took her everything to relax herself but in he went, this time causing her to moan louder than she'd expected, having not expected such pressure against her g-spot. Had there been someone or something up against her clit, she would've cum on the spot. But she was too soon to conclude there wouldn't be. A battery operated Hitachi wand appeared from behind them, and pressed onto her labia.

"Now you hold onto that I'd make an excellent boyfriend, didn't I?" Alex hummed to her ear.

Another orgasm hit Hattie just before the world became black around her.

  1. Despite the soreness from her recent bdsm activities, Hattie managed to keep her belt loose and her plug well-lubricated, thanks to the attention of her exes.
  2. As she prepared to face another day in the facility, Hattie hoped that her cleanliness and oral skills would impression the new man assigned to her, Alex.
  3. After a thorough cleaning session, Hattie found herself tied to a wall with an anal hook, waiting for Alex to begin his session of non-con activities.
  4. Despite the initial discomfort, Hattie appreciated Alex's gentle touch and attentive nature, a stark contrast to the coldness she had experienced from the other men.

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