Celebrity Sex Stories

Klay Koopa's Admirer

Princess Rosalina takes an interest in an unlikely subject.

Jul 31, 2024
23 min read
Klay Koopa's Admirerprincess rosalinasphpeemicropenissmall penissuper mariorosalina
Klay Koopa's Admirer
Klay Koopa's Admirer

Klay Koopa's Admirer

All characters over the age of 21 years old.

This story has a pretty slow start and the fandom may not appeal to most. For anyone who enjoys, I'm hoping to do this in 3 parts.


Chapter 1

The tall lithe figure moved across the polished stone floors of the garishly decorated apartment, seemingly floating rather than pacing. The room was furnished sparingly, intentionally playing up the brutalist style of the imposing large brick wall. Rug, cushion, bed, and all other furnishings were either a dark green or bright red. The room glowed a warm orange light coming from the many large torches lining the walls. These were the guest lodgings of King Bowser in his massive palace stronghold. "Guest" was a misnomer, as the king of the koopas rarely ever had anyone there of their own free will.

It was as a "guest" that Princess Rosalina found herself in these quarters, growing impatient with the situation. Her quarters were fitting of royalty, but she grew fatigued of being on someone else's schedule--namely Mario and Luigi's. She had already been in the fortress for just short of a week, and its "charms" were irking her more with every day. To one who travels the galaxy, even a monster's castle grows boring quickly-- though she had her other princess roommates to keep her company. With a "hmph" she glided silently past her kitchenette and into her bedroom, careful not to wake the other captives in their rooms. She rested her head in her hands as she leaned on the stone windowsill and looked outside. The cosmic explorer made a weary sigh looking at a sight that would floor most other beings.

The apartment window looked down from a huge tower in the enormous black stoned castle of Bowser. Her tower was one of seven connected by a thick wall that encircled the tallest tower in the center. While the Bowser's abodes were often referred to as fortresss, this was far closer to a city in it's scope and layout. Outside the main towers of the castle was a staging area with many of the koopa king's armaments protected by a lower wall. And outside that walled area was a larger area still--the castle marketplace. This commerce district seemed to completely surround the structure with many signs, shops, and figures moving back and forth. Around this hustle and bustle was one more wall, thickest of them all, with many parapets and turrets. The final layer of the impressive installation was a moat of lava with only one visible bridge over it. All around the palace was a barren wasteland of mostly sand and stone with small pools of dark muck visible in the distance. Wild Reznors could be seen roaming the wilds, emitting flame every so often.

The beautiful woman let out another sigh and floated over to her large bathroom. As she stopped in front of the sink, her feet lowered down to touch the cold tile of the bathroom floor. She stared in the mirror as she loosened her silky cyan gown, letting it drop to the floor. Her pale skin seemed to light up the room as she lowered her cream colored panties to the ground. She took in her reflection, admiring her figure. Her breasts were small, but well defined on her thin figure. The princess's mastery of gravity seemed to translate to her bosom, as her chest seemed impossibly perky. Each teat came to a point with a pointy pink nipple facing slightly upward, erect with the stimulation of disrobing. While petite, her breast had a juicy tear drop shape.

Rosalina's gaze moved downward to her flat tummy and curvy hips, in great contrast to the slight build of her upper body. Between her long lithe legs was a tight, just slightly pink vagina. She had just a little tuft of whitish blond pubic hair matching the color of the long lochs on her head. Rosalina could not see her back, but she had a round, toned bottom. She knew objectively and subjectively that she was a very desirable woman.

Rosalina's examination of her own anatomy reminded her why she was here. The woman of the cosmos had allowed herself to be captured with many of the other women Mario associated with purely out of curiosity. She was so used to experiencing reality on the large scale of space, a small territorial dispute such as Bower's and Peach's seemed quaint. She had looked forward to treating this like an anthropology expedition, studying the koopas while in their lair. Truth be told, Rosalina is a very powerful being that could leave her "captors" any time she wanted. She had the abilities of flight, telekinesis, telepathy, and could even phase out of sight and through walls. She had tried to be patient and not interfere with the subject of her study, but she had seen little in the time she had already been there. Her only interaction was with a female magikoopa who delivered the princess's meals and supplies. She was much younger than the other koopa wizards Rosalina was used to, but still in robes and glasses rather than a shell. Rosalina had only seen decrepit old men as magikoopas, so this lady wizard was intriguing.

Rosalina lowered herself into the bathtub, now full of steaming water. As she lay back in the suds and relaxed her muscles, her breasts formed two white islands on the surface. Her thoughts returned to the magikoopa and her life. Rosalina wondered what a day in the life must be like for the average turtle in this world: what were their hopes and dreams? How did they get by? Was their society similar to others she had experienced throughout the galaxy? What was their biology like? All of these questions swirling in her head made the princess even more impatient that just a few minutes ago. She had to do something other than look out the window! She had to create her own window into this world!

"If I am just looking, there's no harm in that. Right?" Rosalina thought, "I can just phase myself through the castle walls and take in the goings-ons. I'll be invisible as well, no one will know I am there. There's no way I could cause any problems that way." The princess was so excited by this surge of impetuousness she realized she was now floating naked about the bath water, droplets dripping down her backside. She rose more into the air and items in the bathroom shook slightly from her great power. "No time like the present!" Rosalina said aloud to herself as she closed her eyes and disappeared from sight. She had transformed every atom of her body into a form of cosmic radiation--invisible to the eye and able to pierce solid objects without struggle. The princess could look down and see her still naked body, but she was utterly imperceptible to others. "Who needs to get dressed when you're invisible? Rosalina thought, "Besides, that gown was getting worn down." Without anymore hesitation, the galactic guardian phased right through the floor of the apartment.

Chapter 2

Rosalina had been gliding along and in between corridors for a number of minutes without seeing a soul--turtle or otherwise. She worked her way lower, realizing that her tower must not have been where most of the common koopa really worked. Finally, she heard the chatter of voices as she reached only the third story of her tower. Two koopas were walking the corridor, one with a black shell and the other with red.

"Pom Pom has been running us ragged since the latest 'guests' arrived." Said the red-shelled koopa.

"She wants to impress the big boss after getting a tower of her own. She's one of the seven tower bosses now and she doesn't want to go back to being some airship rat, Lup" The black-shelled koopa responded.

"Well she's making us late for our chow. She needs to calm down. I can't defend the place if I'm starving, Rup." Said Lup.

"And what's more is Kara. Why does she get to be number two in this tower? She's barely a magikoopa and she's ordering me around. I've been in this troop since that thing with Dinosaur Land." Said Rup. Rosalina's mind raced for a moment realizing she knew what they were talking about--or rather who. That "Kara" is the magikoopa that had been checking on her this whole time. Rosalina listened intently to the conversation now wholly invested.

"Well, the wand and glasses give you status." Said Lup.

"I'd like to give her my wand. She could play with that a while." Rup said as both koopas began to laugh uproariously. The invisible princess rolled her eyes in disgust. She realized that this culture was much the same as all the others she had studied in space. Men were fools with only one thought in their heads. Rosalina listened on to more crude conversation as the two turtles made their way to a large dining hall. Inside were many minions of Bowser. There were koopas of every shape and shell color imaginable. Some had wings, some hammers, and some boomerangs. The two koopas she had been following bumped past a much scrawnier koopa with a yellow shell. He staggered to the side, but did not fall over.

"Watch it, Klay." Said Rup dismissively.

The little turtle went about walking to one of the long tables, before a voice caught his attention.

"Klay, come sit here. We have a seat for you!" said Kara the magikoopa Rosalina had met before.

"O-okay!" Said the small koopa. He took a seat across from Kara as Rosalina floated over to take in their interaction.

"How's your work going in the sublevel?" Kara asked blinking her long lashes. "Are you on schedule washing the uniforms?"

"um...y-yes." Klay responded. Rosalina perched herself next to Klay, and took in what he was gazing at. While koopas were very different from Rosalina's human form, Kara was undoubtedly quite feminine. She had long red hair that streamed down form underneath her wizard hat. Her features were slighter than the males, although hard to describe in the context of a turtle. Despite wearing the magikoopa glasses of her station, one could still see her long beautiful eyelashes. The most apparent mark of her sex was the way the robe hugged her ample breasts and hips. A rare sight for a turtle, but magikoopas did not wear shells like most of their species.

"Everything is on s-schedule." Klay said with blushing rosy cheeks. It was very obvious to Rosalina that the little turtle was shy and quite taken with his superior.

"So good to hear! I knew you would thrive down there!" Kara started. "You'll get a chance in no time to earn your wings. I know the dungeon is not where you want to be. Maybe you'll be up in the tower where I work soon!"

"You really think I could be a paratroopa one day?" Klay asked with eyes wide.

"Not a chance!" Lup and Rup said in unison sitting at the long table on either side of Kara.

"You were too scared to stand guard on the wall, you won't be going anywhere. Now make room for real defenders." Lup said as a large sumo bro knocked Klay from his seat and passed right through Rosalina. Klay picked up his tray and began to walk away. Kara opened her mouth to call to him, but she was interrupted by Rup.

"Now let me tell you what we did in Dinosaur Land, sweetheart." Rup said. "Now if we can get some boos in our tower..."

Rup's prattling was interrupted as the whole hall fell silent. Pom Pom had just entered the dining hall and walked toward Kara's table. Rosalina floated around the imposing female koopa watching her pink shell sway as she walked. Other than her ponytail and pink coloring, there was little feminine about the tower boss. She walked to the table where Rup, Lup, and Kara were.

"Yes, Rup, tell me what we need to do. Because you're the boss, right?" Pom Pom said in her full but slightly sweet voice. Rup dared not respond. Pom Pom stared the black-shelled koopa down for a moment before turning to Kara.

"Don't forget to tend to our defenses again tonight, Kara. Then you're free to go to the Cracked Shell Tavern, or whatever you do." Said Pom Pom. With that the imposing boss walked away. Rosalina was intrigued by the idea of a tavern in the castle town. The thought of a watering hole in this fortress city had not occurred to her. She observed Kara as she finished eating with her inferiors and followed her about the tower. Eventually she went to the women's locker room.

Rosalina positioned herself on a bench next to Kara as she disrobed her wizard garb. Rosalina had never seen a female koopa without her shell, but soon realized that their anatomy is very much the same as her own in this state. Kara had two large breasts and curvy hips, with a small gap below her smooth vagina. The princess admired her subject's backside as she put her clothes in her locker. Her bottom was toned and bulbous, owing to a very active lifestyle manning her tower. Rosalina kept her eyes locked on Kara's swaying backside as she made her way to the toilets. Rows of shells of every color lined the benches along the route the magikoopa took.

Rosalina hovered next to the completely nude Kara as she entered a bathroom stall. The koopa turned her back to the toilet and made her legs wide. Rather than sit on the seat, the magikoopa hovered over it with her legs bent. In a moment a strong stream poured forth from her vulva, creating a loud splashing sound in the toilet bowl. Small flecks of urine would spray on to her thigh from time to time, dribbling down her leg. Rosalina admired the tight slit of her subject as she relieved herself. After a sigh of relief, Kara wiped her bald sex and flushed the toilet. She now walked in a more relaxed fashion to the showers.

Inside the showers now, Kara quickly turned on the only faucet left as the room was filled with other female koopas. Rosalina inspected the rest of the ladies as they lathered their bare bodies with soap and water. She noted other toned physiques and bouncy breasts, but none as aesthetically pleasing as Kara's ample gifts. Kara meticulously cleaned every inch of her body, making sure to clean the ample space under her breasts. From Rosalina's vantage point she could see Kara's fellow ladies sneaking glances at her large jiggling breasts and bouncy bottom. It was obvious to the space princess that her cohorts were envious of her gifts. While the rest of them would don hard shells again, Kara was able to flaunt her assets with a just a slinky gown, although she didn't seem to concern herself with that aspect of her uniform.

Rosalina had seen many specimens before she realized she had not seen a male koopa in the same detail. The princess departed the shower room through the far wall and found herself in a mirrored men's locker room. Lining the walls were male koopas rinsing their bodies beneath shower heads, with nothing covering an inch of their anatomy. The male koopa was much like the male of her species, although less muscular. They had gangly arms and legs and slightly protruding tummies. In between their legs were hanging phalluses much like the ones possessed by her own males. Koopa's, however, had ample length and girth to their penises, hanging to at least mid-thigh on every bather she saw. They were the same size as the human phallus, but proportionally they were larger given the koopa species smaller frame. Rosalina bit her lip staring at the appendages, but soon came back to reality as she noted the two rude koopas: Rup and Lup as they left the shower to go to their lockers. Their penises swayed between their legs as they walked, both larger than the average.

"I'm going to talk Cara up tonight. Maybe if I show her a good time at the Cracked Shell she'll invite me to her office." Rup said.

"I can't stop staring at her ass in the robe. Get a picture of her for me." Lup said with a chuckle.

"Now I have to get with her. I got you relying on me too!" The still nude Rup said striking a heroic pose with his penis wiggling with the movement. "Naked pictures of the girl will be good for the defense effort!"

"Alright, put your shell on!" Lup said trying to remain macho. With that both donned their undershirts and then their shells. Rosalina truly loathed the two crude koopa, but their endowment was quite impressive. Virility and masculinity seemed even more important in their culture, although she should have known that with the behavior of their monarch. In another few minutes all showers had stopped running and all the remaining koopas had put on their shells. Just as Rosalina was about to leave and find Cara again, a last koopa came in the locker room.

It was the scrawny, yellow-shelled koopa: Klay. He suspiciously peered around the rows of lockers and into the shower, seemingly checking if he was alone. Rosalina floated just over his shoulder as he continued to look around the room, before stopping in front of a locker. With hesitation Klay emptied a few items from his shell and placed them on the bench. Rosalina spied his henchman ID face up on the lower surface:

Name: Klay Koopa

Age: 22

Designation: Koopa Troopa (sub class)

Department: Logistics & Support

Station: Sublevel 3

"He's the low guy on the totem pole." Rosalina thought noting the yellow-shelled koopa's station in life. He seemed sweet, but very timid from what she'd seen. Finally, after many glances side to side, Klay pulled his shell over his head and placed it on the bench. If anyone would have been able to see Rosalina, they would have noted a look of puzzlement splash across her face. Klay had the typical undershirt of the Koopa Troop on, but unlike his brethren he was wearing lower garments too. More shocking to the princess, his lower garment was a puffy white diaper!

The invisible woman floated around the scrawny turtle trying to take in the odd sight. Had she not seen the age on his ID, this image would have made her think he was still a juvenile of his species. She could not think of single race she studied in the cosmos that regularly wore diapers into adulthood. She was distracted again as the little one pulled the front of his diaper forward and stuck his hand inside, eventually making a sigh of relief. "He must be dry." She thought with just the slightest bit of sympathy as she settled again in front of him. "This must be why he was so shy to get undressed."

Klay continued his routine by removing his undershirt and folding it neatly on the bench. He then placed his personal items and shirt in the locker and turned again, looking around to see or listen for anyone approach. He closed his eyes, seemingly collecting himself, and put his hands on the straps on either side of his diaper. With a large exhale he pulled the tabs of his pamper and let is fall to the ground with a crinkle sound. Finally, the little turtle was totally exposed in what he thought was an empty locker room. Rosalina floated before her new subject completely dumbfounded by a new discovery.

Klay Koopa had an incredibly small set of genitals, much smaller than Rosalina had ever witnessed. Just the tiniest head of a penis could be seen poking out over a tight and equally small scrotum. There was basically no length to speak of, but the girth was very skinny as well. Rosalina was again thankful she had seen the ID of her current subject, because his diaper and now meager endowment would have made anyone think he was just a baby. Her mind softened as she couldn't help but of the baby lumas she had cared for in the past while looking at the underdeveloped koopa. She attempted to snap herself out of her nurturing feelings by getting a closer look at his anatomy.

Rosalina was suddenly buzzing around the tiny turtle's "tiny turtle," trying to get a better view. She went from side to side trying to take in every angle of the koopa's miniscule penis. Her mind was soon spinning with questions: "Can he pee standing up?" "Could he penetrate a vagina?" "Did it ever grow since he was hatched?" "Does it take him longer to pee with such a small penis?" "Is the diaper related to his tiny phallus?" "Did he just not mature from below the waist?"

Rosalina's further questions were interrupted as Klay walked briskly to the shower room. She floated behind intently, still wanting to inspect the meager "manhood." The small koopa turned the shower on and began to lather immediately, obviously want to cover his shame as soon as possible. As the turtle washed his head, Rosalina drew in close to his very tiny penis. She took her dainty pinky and placed it next to Klay's shaftless phallus. She noted that her lean pinky was approximately the girth of the turtle's penis and his length reached only the first joint. She reclined as she floated in the air, contemplating the true scope of this poor being's genitals.

As the turtle finished up his shower, the princess remembered her own state of undress. Rosalina stared at the first portion of her small finger. "What would this feel like for a mate?" She thought out of curiosity. With a small smirk on her face, she brought her hand between her legs to the opening of her womanhood. Slowly, she made sure to insert only the portion of her small finger that represented Klay's tiny penis. She furrowed her brow as she moved her small finger in a number of different ways. "I think I might have felt it?" she thought to herself as she made a pouty face. "Poor baby--er thing" Rosalina said to herself before snapping out of it. "Remain scientific!" she said remembering why she came in the first place.

A now clean koopa walked back over to his shell and locke. Rosalina noted his genitals did not move in anyway as he walked, in great contrast to his better endowed brethren. Looking around suspiciously again, the little one opened his locker and quickly pulled up his big white diaper, finally covering up his underdeveloped manhood again. In a matter of seconds, he donned his undershirt and shell. "Cracked Shell, here I come..." Klay muttered to himself. This statement reminded Rosalina that she should hurry ahead to the tavern and keep an eye on Kara. She didn't want the magikoopa to get too far ahead.

"Bye bye, tiny turtle." The princess said sympathetically with a last look at Klay. Rosalina felt somewhat relieved to leave the locker room and her most recent specimen. She found her mind wandering to thoughts of empathy and pity with the poorly endowed koopa, but she wanted to remain scientific and objective. Leaving the little guy, her mission was clear again as she made her way to the local watering hole to find out how this culture socializes.

Chapter 3

Rosalina zoomed through many walls, rooms, and corridors just trying to reach the outer part of the castle town where she assumed the Cracked Shell Tavern would be. Finally piercing the outer wall of the towers, she found herself among a large hustle and bustle. There were koopas of all colors and shapes, but also other minions of Bowser too. Goombas, wigglers, and moles all drudged through the muddy streets of the castle town making their ways on separate errands. After finally getting a view from ground level, the princess realized there were few charms to this city. There was humid heat in the air and the slight stench of brimstone everywhere. What a place to live.

After minutes of touring the streets, the space explorer came to a two-story stone building with glowing light coming from its windows. As she took in the sounds of rabble, she looked up to a wooden sign hanging off a pole parallel to the ground. The sign had no words, but a picture of a large koopa shell cloven in two. "This must be it!" Rosalina thought as she passed right through the establishment's outer wall. Once inside she circled the room taking in all the sights like vignettes in a story.

There were koopas sitting on most stools at the bar and seated at tables scattered about the floor of the tavern. In one corner hammer bros were practicing their aim at tattered targets made to look like Mario and Luigi. In another spot, a shy guy, goomba, and blue-shelled koopa were playing a card game of sorts. On a back wall, Rosalina could make out sexy pin up drawings of her and her fellow princesses. "These guys really seem to have a thing for human women" Rosalina thought to herself also remembering Bowser's own proclivities.

Behind the bar was a female koopa of larger stature wearing only a dress and apron, no shell. Her pendulous breasts rested on the bar when she leaned over to take an order. Behind the bartender, a television was blaring a bulletin with the image of a well-dressed koopa sitting at a desk:

"This is a KBC News Network update! Mario and Luigi have been sighted in the underground labyrinth of 1-2, meeting the brave forces of Bowser head-on in the dark tunnels. Here is some amateur footage of the two just before exiting 1-1."

The TV then cut to grainy video of a red and green figure running full speed from a small fort to a green pipe. The footage was played many times as some of the turtles watched, but most were generally disinterested. "This must be rather repetitive for them." Rosalina thought to herself. "I've never seen a society whose entire geopolitical strategy is based on kidnapping before." She looked at the TV again as the koopa anchorman was back on screen.

"We will update you with more news on the plumber marauders when it becomes available." The TV said before returning to some sadistic game show. Rosalina had assumed that she and the other princesses were about to be "rescued" from their dreary abode, but it seemed Mario and Luigi were still quite far away. "I don't know if I want to be stuck here for that long. I could get out of here pretty easily, although it doesn't look there's much of anywhere to go outside of the castle." The princess thought to herself with mild annoyance. As she threw her head back and rolled her eyes, she saw she was actually seated right next to Kara the magikoopa.

The lady was seated on a stool, her round bottom being smushed against the hard surface, making it even more prominent. She had both her hands on her mug, her arms pushing her ample breasts together. This, of course, caught the eye of every man in the tavern--even the ones of different species. Kara was wholly oblivious to her own charms, not striking alluring poses intentionally. Again, the two crude koopas, Rup and Lup, appeared to annoy the magikoopa.

"Kara, sweet-beak, let me buy you a drink!" The black-shelled Rup said. "I think you and I have a lot to discuss. I'll let you pick my brain."

"Oh, I was just..." Kara began to say with a pained look on her face. She stopped when she saw the door open, and Klay come in. A look of relief washed over her face as she said: "Klay, come sit with us!"

The small koopa smiled sheepishly and climbed up on to the barstool, a bit of a task for the little guy. Rup and Lup looked on Klay with a sneer and turned back to Kara. The bartender brought a pint to Klay while Rup and Lup stood uncomfortably close with Kara, occasionally touching her shoulder or brushing past her thigh.

"I'd love to tell you my strategy with a wiggler. I'm sure you like a seasoned wiggler." Rup said with a grin and a wink. Cara tried to ignore her awful admirers as she stole glances of Klay. While Rup made innuendos to the magikoopa, Lup seemed to put something in one of the pints in front of the four turtles, catching Rosalina's eye.

"These two creeps need to leave her alone! They're trying to slip her something!" Rosalina said to herself. "It's obvious she wants to talk to little Klay. He just needs the courage to strongarm these guys out of here. A little liquid courage!"

Without thought to scientific ethics, she used her power of telepathy to merely say "DRINK" in the mind of Klay Koopa. The diminutive turtle was obviously very open to suggestion as he grabbed out at a pint and began to swig long gulps. In his goaded fervor, Rosalina saw the koopa had grabbed the cup Lup was "preparing" for Kara. "Oh no, what have I done?" the princess thought in a panicked state.

Rather than becoming emboldened by his imbibing, Klay seemed to slowly be lulled to sleep. He would jolt awake every few moments, but he was otherwise in a world all his own. All this while Rup and Lup continued to harass Kara just next to the little turtle. Rosalina was totally flustered by the her disasterous one-word transgression, frantically trying to correct her error. "THROW WATER ON YOUR FACE." She said telepathically to the yellow-shelled koopa. Hopefully this second telepathic message would help.

With an odd kind of grace, the tiny turtle staggered across the bar floor toward the restrooms. Despite the zig-zag nature of his route, he did not grab the attention of any of the other patrons. After some hiccups and a few more steps, the koopa entered one of the Tavern's bathrooms as the princess floated behind with concern.

Klay and Rosalina found themselves in an empty public restroom with one wall lined with stalls and another lined with sinks. There was a dispenser on the wall and small couch on the back wall. The fixtures, tiles, and sinks were all a light pink. Klay stood for a moment with his finger on his mouth still quite tipsy, as Rosalina looked on in horror. "THIS IS THE WOMEN'S ROOM, KLAY!" she screamed in her own head. Her mind was a flutter with activity and questions:

"How could he not notice this is a women's room? There's pink tile everywhere and a dispenser for women's products. There was a sign outside the door! Doesn't he notice there are no urinals?!"

With that Klay walked over to one of the many stalls and opened the door.

"Oh, that's right. Just as I thought. He must sit to urinate with such a tiny penis. Other koopas could pull theirs out of their shells, but his little peepee--er penis is just too short and small. He probably doesn't think much of urinals if he can't use them. Awww." Rosalina cooed to herself with pity and concern in the way one would talking about a puppy. Objectivity was now out the window as the princess only wanted to see her little specimen out of this alright.

The princess joined the little one in the stall and watched him haphazardly remove his shell and lower his diaper to the ground as he sat on the toilet. The princess couldn't help but notice how he looked in this position.

"His little winky looks even smaller when he's sitting to take a tinkle!" Rosalina thought momentarily distracted from the peril and wholly unscientifically. "His chubby tummy covers it a bit too. It just looks like a cute little yellow button between his legs. Those other koopas like to call theirs wigglers, but he's just got a little micro-goomba. He has to push his little weenie down because it just pokes out. Poor baby, I'm sure he doesn't want anyone to know..."

That last thought brought the princess back to reality as Klay held down his tiny penis and his dainty stream started to splash into the bowl. If she didn't do something soon, someone would find the little koopa in the women's room. His secret would be out and they would probably think he was some kind of pervert. Rosalina was truly desperate and completely flustered by the situation. What she did next was even worse than the previous interferences she had committed.

In a dazzling flash, Rosalina's nude body appeared before the tiny-peeped koopa as he sat wizzing on the toilet. She said only "GET OUT" and disappeared again, but the display had worked. The surprise caused the little turtle to snap out of his stupor and jump up, his small stream of pee now splashing on the floor. He flailed about inside the stall his legs tripped up by his own shell and diaper. The stall door flew open as he slid around on top of his yellow shell, totally off balance. The princess noted that despite the flutter of activity, his penis was still totally incapable of flopping about. She continued to watch on with gritted teeth as the situation was about to get worse.

Unbeknownst to our heroes, the scene at the bar carried on during Klay's misadventure. Rup and Lup pestered Kara while other members of the troop continued their merriment. All stopped what they were doing as Pom Pom walked into the tavern. She walked over to Kara and began to speak.

"Kara, I knew I would find you here. I came to spend time with my inferiors. I want to try to build morale before the next defense." Pom Pom said.

"Very wise, Tower Boss." Kara said somewhat flustered. Her evening just kept getting worse. "I'll get you a drink."

"Yes, let's do that. I'll just go to freshen up first. When I come back, I want to talk about you inspecting the "guests" in our tower thoroughly. It's a big responsibility we've been given." Pom Pom responded before walking off to the restroom.

Pom Pom walked into the women's bathroom to find our unlikely hero in the state he was after Rosalina's scare. He was almost dancing as his feet fumbled on his yellow shell wildly. His undershirt had gone over his face in the commotion and his diaper had landed in the toilet. An individual with impeccable eyesight could have probably made out his tiny genitals, although only for a second. Wholly by accident he kicked his yellow shell straight at Pom Pom's head knocking her down in the doorway, making her lose consciousness. He fell back, knocking himself unconscious on the tiled floor. Rosalina was aghast as she witnessed the horrible accident, and her subject now lying on the ground with his legs spread and pee still dribbling down his tiny balls from his retracted penis.

She could hear the rabble again stop outside the bathroom as she heard many say: "what was that?" Her worst fear for Klay was about to come to pass as the sound of nearing footsteps were obvious. In a flash she appeared again nude floating over the unconscious koopa, grabbing him in her arms like a baby. She pressed him lose to her bosom and made herself and the tiny turtle invisible and intangible. They floated for a moment as the bar patrons flooded over to Pom Pom. The boss was lying on her back with fragments of Klay's shattered shell all over the floor.

"Someone must have tried to assassinate the boss!" One koopa said.

"There's a spy in the castle!" A pink goomba said. The crowd quickly descended in to raucous shouting and chatter.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Rosalina said to herself as she zoomed off with Klay in her arms.

  1. The admirer of Klay Koopa, hidden from sight, listened intently as the small koopa discussed his tasks with Kara, the magikoopa.
  2. Princes Rosalina, intrigued by the culture of the koopas, decided to explore the castle walls using her telekinetic and phasing abilities, starting from the lowest levels.
  3. As Klay nervously interacted with Kara in the dining hall, unaware of the invisible observer, Rosalina noted Kara's confidence and commanding presence, which seemed to attract attention from the other koopas.
  4. Rosalina continued her covert exploration, observing Koopa society from a hidden vantage point, eventually witnessing a gathering in the Cracked Shell Tavern where the koopas socialized and let their guard down, offering a different perspective on their culture.

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