Taboo Sex

Last Chance: Chapter 1

Separating partners invited to find their ideal mate.

May 20, 2024
42 min read
exhibitionismstore sexLast Chance Ch. 01strangers
Last Chance Ch. 01
Last Chance Ch. 01

Last Chance: Chapter 1

The author's note: This piece details the struggles of a couple on the brink of divorce due to certain incompatibilities. It's quite long, so I'm posting it in chapters to help with readability. It also contains elements of exhibitionism and voyeurism, so I hope you all enjoy this erotic story.

I would like to thank ChiefHal for his proofreading assistance.


"So, Barry, Amanda, how was your week?"

"It was a fucking disaster!" Amanda exclaimed. "He couldn't even do the laundry right. God, half of my bras are now pink!"

"Well, one of your stupid red socks was left in the washing machine! Maybe you should have made sure they were all taken out last time you did laundry!" I retorted.

After twelve years together, our relationship was a mess. I was head over heels in love with her when we got married. We'd graduated college together, coordinated job searches, found housing... everything, and then took the lea to get married. It seemed perfect to me. But two years in, her career became more important than I was. She traveled the country for work, not with me. Her days were spent in meetings, not with me. Her evenings were occupied by work sessions, and dinners out with clients. I often wondered if some of her trips were as business-related as she claimed, given her fondness for sharing her experiences on the phone and through text with her male supervisors at the law firm. She swore it was innocent. I was just a jealous asshole, that's all.

Late-night calls and texts didn't help. My silence was taken as disapproval. I was told I was childish for worrying about the state of our marriage. I was dismissed as immature when I questioned situaions that, to me, seemed far from business-like.

"Why don't you be more like me, focus on your career? I'll be your stay-at-home wife and Cook your dinner, mow the lawn, do the dishes - whatever you want," she'd say.

I... wasn't a stay-at-home type of guy. My career included camping, hunting, and fishing. The last vacation we took ended early when she couldn't stand sleeping in a tent, extreme dislike of cooking outdoors, and general discomfort sitting by a fire. She much preferred staying in hotels, fine dining, and sipping drinks by a fireplace in a bar.

I made the mistake of accusing she knew what I was talking about from experience. She did not.

It was the last chance for us. Our marriage counselor, Rachel, suggested that we swap chores for a week: she would cook, I would clean. Whit it was time to mow the lawn, she tried - unsuccessfully - to replace the broken belt. I found it... hilarious. Mend, she was protestraomed, then refused my help to free herself. When she finally freed herself from under the rider mower, her pants were clearly pulled down too low: you could see her butt and her bra. Not funny, I learned. Her opinion of the situation was made more "enlightening' when the white laundry turned pink because of her lack of attention to detail.

So, Rachel asked gently, "It didn't make a positive difference?"

"No, it made me realise every smart woman should hire a lawn service!" Amanda scoffed.

There was no positive outcome? Rachel inquired.

Observe marsupial behaviour

"I believed she had it." I remarked swiftly. "She always disregards the external tasks and things I perform. She got a feel for managing those tasks."

"And as I've stated. Any clever woman would engage an organization to manage the backyard, so she wouldn't need to crawl beneath a mower, getting grubby and ruined. I don't grasp how you can tolerate executing that sort of chores!"

Rachel sat and shivered her head. "All right. Allow's not commenced a spat. We both comprehend this is a secure environment. Everything may be declared without a combat, is not it?"

"Sure, okay." Amanda said effortlessly.

"What I'll just utter is this. I deem both of you are behaving like kids. Neither of you wants to make the tiniest motion to rectify your issues. I can't view any other solution than a provisional mutation!"

I gazed at her stunned. I was anticipating she could locate a method to address a couple of our discrepancies. But this...this was essentially proclaiming it a lost purpose after only a handful of encounters. "Isn't there an additional option? Something we hadn't experimented with? Has it all payed off?"

"Regarding time!" My partner replied, with a glower.

"I stated PROVISIONAL mutation. Spend some time independently, to let you give attention to what genuinely subject matter in your lifestyles. Throughout a mutation, neither of you possesses the right to challenge or complain about the other's processes or picks. That signifies, whatever happens during the mutation is fully guarded. Therefore, if you long for to explore a romance with someone else, she can't grumble."

"And by romance you imply she can go and sleep with her manager outright, without me being capable to grouse?"

"I've never adulterated on you! You recognize that!" Amanda snarled indignantly.

"Sure, Right. Probably not in front of me, but I'm not at all persuaded it hasn't occurred during one of those multifarious late function evenings."

"Oh? And Suzanne's and your swimming groupings just occur to fall off coincidentally at the identical occasion?"

"You comprehend I didn't do that. She did. She was just challenging to her husband maintaining his hand on your crotch, when both of you thought we weren't paying attention."

"That's not genuine! He didn't have his hand on my private areas!"

"Oh yeah. I forgot. You're therefore bashful now that you won't even wear a two-piece swimsuit anymore. Lamentably for him. I have no doubt that should you not be devouring a one-piece poolsuit, that he'd possess your panties downward plus his fingers inside you well before she became debilitated and did what she did!"

"Cease both of you! As of this instant, you're officially in a prolonged separation. If she longs to sleep with her manager, that's her preference, do. But the same proceeds for you. Should you desire to explore a real relationship with someone else, she can't reprimand."

"Like I would care? I'm prepared to be terminated. I don't care who he sleeps with or when or where. I solely want out." My almost ex-wife snapped angrily.

"Acknowledged. Presently, this is a trial because, and well, it's sought to allow you to have a flavor of what's on the other side of the fence. The elderly adage, the turf is greener is not just a maxim, it's generally the veracity due to the fact that when you own that, what you had might in reality seem preferable, than you judget it was. Now, we could give this trial separation go for a few months and let matters proceed in a natural strategy. But I prefer a bit extra of a direct way. We'll make a spouse switch. Just for 1 week."

"A husband swap," we all regretfully voiced in harmony?

"That's what I surmised. I possess plenty of customers, and truthfully, I conceivably hold the ideal couples for each of you - or at least what you've argued the ideal maiden would be. For you, Amanda, a very occupation-driven individual, that is absolutely what you've denounced Barry doesn't have. Barry, I captured a perfect bride-to-be for you, a kind young lady who loves the outdoors and delights in being in a protected setting."

"I don't detect anything inappropriate about that." I concurred.

"Barry. I prefer you to design a 1-week vacation, separated from work and the strains of daily living. I prefer it to be the kind of vacation you consistently envisaged taking Amanda on. Accept it as if Amanda were there, she would participate in everything you suggest."

"Okay, both of you will be back tomorrow at noon. Barry, you'll be taking your wife home. She'll need to pack the same items as Amanda. Amanda, you can bring your medications, cosmetics, work-related items, and any gadgets with their chargers. However, you're not allowed to bring any credit cards or cash. The only clothes you may bring are the ones you're wearing. Your new husband, Liang, will be responsible for providing everything you need, just like Amanda will be with Barry. Do you have any questions?"

Amanda inquired, "What exactly am I supposed to do with this husband of mine?"

Rachel responded, "Well, he's very focused on advancing his career. I told him you're an attractive, ambitious woman and that he ought to prepare himself accordingly. I doubt he'll take any time off for a vacation while trying to secure a crucial client."

"Not really telling me anything significant."

She chuckled, "True, but it does say something: you'll be a partner in his life. An equal. You're both dedicated to your careers. Let's go, we'll be back tomorrow."

As we made our way out, Amanda followed in her high heels, matching my pace down to the parking garage. I sat in the driver's seat as she settled into the passenger side, and off we drove for a thirty-minute journey home. She broke the silence with a soft voice, "What's next for you?"

"I don't know yet. Thinking about going to the lake."

"Liang might enjoy that."

"Perhaps. We'll have to find her some clothes somewhere if she doesn't bring any."

"You plan on saving money by not buying her undies?" she chuckled sarcastically. "Do you recall how miserable I used to be when you tried to get me to stroll around without knickers?"

"True, but I'd like to show her my appreciation for her body."

"I've tried to remind you, I don't work naked at the office now."

"I'm well aware."

We drove in silence for most of the journey home, until Amanda spoke up again. "You don't detest me, do you?"

"I don't hate you either."

"STILL want to be friends?"

"I do, but things may change when orders are issued."

"I'm not thrilled with how we are, but it appears to be unalterable. We're here, where we are."

"You want to try salvaging this?"

"To a point, I do. I wish we could remain friends upon our separation."

"Alright, then. You know, I don't loathe you."

"I don't hate you either," I answered. "Your body still excites me, and I'd love to find ways to spend more time with you. I prefer work to live, not live to work. You used to think the same. But you've changed now."

"Hasn't changed much."

"Yet you've stopped enjoying the small pleasures in life."

"Sorry, but work is my escape," she replied. "I'm lucky to have a job where it doesn't matter what I look like. You've always admired the way I look in ripped jeans and no top, remember?"

"I recall those dressings, yes."

"Well, don't worry. I have no intention of leaving it behind."

"I'm glad. I wish we could have kept that at home though."

"We can't change what is, unfortunately."

"Indeed. As long as you have your last bit of dignity, I'll accept that."

"I'm not so sure about that. I figure we each have our faults and our assets. We'll have to accept them when we part."

"You're a dreamer," she teased. I smiled. "I wish we could share moments like the one when you were fixing the lawnmower. You looked quite the mess, with all the sweat, dirt, and tattered clothes. I quite liked it."

"You'd be astonished by what arouses me."

"Probably so. I remember your pursuit of me all the time."

"I didn't force you, dear."

"Despite your best efforts."

We continued for a while in a comfortable silence, but her voice filled the air once more, "One last thing. You mustn't hate me for liking my new husband. He doesn't just look like you but shares many of your traits; namely, our similar dedication to our careers."

"I wouldn't be human if I didn't feel a bit hurt."

"I know, it's only human."

"I hope we will always stay friends."

"I do, but we'll just have to see what comes..."

Instead of "parting as friends," we'll call it "ending things amiably." I'll change "mostly not" to "pretty unlikely" and "Just the same" to "All the same." Here's my paraphrased version:

I drove into the driveway. "I'll do my best to end things amiably. But I can't guarantee anything except my efforts."

"That's fine."

"I'd suggest you pack. There's not much you can take with you."

"You, on the other hand, need to find your new partner and get settled."

"I have some time. I'll spend the first day getting acquainted with her."

"You bed?" she asked meaningfully.

"No, that's not what I meant. Why do you care where I sleep?"

"I'm not concerned with where you sleep," she retorted.

I shook my head. "I know what you're referring to. You don't want me having sex in the same bed we used to. But once you've left, it won't matter, especially since you're expecting to be gone permanently. Don't worry, I have no plans to throw your things away or let her use your clothes, whoever she may be."

She got out of the car and into the house, leaving me alone in the car for a third time.

Today, I had to pick out an outfit for my temporary husband. I didn't think it would be hard to pick out, so I went with regular lakeside attire - a moisture-wicking t-shirt, lightweight fishing shorts, synthetic boxer briefs, shorty socks, and running shoes. It took me maybe five minutes, and there I was, ready. I was extremely nervous, but also satisfied with my choices.

My wife, Amanda, showed a bit of nerves, too. She chose a navy blue mini-skirt and a light powder blue button-down blouse to go with her lacy high-waisted panties and matching bra, which she wore to show a prominent cleavage. She tried on several outfits, eventually settling on the one I described. She glanced back at the house before leaving, probably thinks it's the last time she'll see it, carrying just a cosmetic bag and a computer bag. I didn't hear us speak a word to each other as we walked to the counselor's office. She dabbed her eyes a few times without ruining her makeup. Maybe she didn't hate me as much as she thought.

As we entered the office, Rachel greeted us. "Mr. Lewis, let me introduce you to Liang. This is Liang," she said, ushering in a short Asian woman wearing a very short black micro-skirt and a yellow tube top, both of which exposed quite a bit of creamy skin. Her height was almost petite but not overly slender. She was well-endowed with rounded curves, showing generous C cups (or even bigger) in her top, which highlighted her nipple piercings. She wore platform sandals, a failed attempt at matching my height. She hugged me tightly, pressing her firm breasts against my chest and leaning up so our lipswould meet.

She kissed me softly, my return kiss being slightly less enthusiastic at first, but she aroused me, so I kissed her back eagerly, letting her meld her pelvis with my hardening bulge. Rachel gently pulled us apart, allowing space between us.

"Hi, I'm Liang," she gasped for breath. "She meant..." I murmured, a little embarrassed. Looking at Amanda's cold expression, I released Liang from my arms.

"Amanda, is something wrong with Barry being intimate with his wife?" wondered Rachel.

"Amanda? Why are you concerned about my sexual activity with my husband-to-be?" she snarled, her arms folded.

"It's not my business," Rachel remarked mildly.

Amanda's mouth opened as if to speak, but then closed, forming a firm, thin line. "Not at all," she replied. "I'm not his wife anymore, which means he's free to be with whomever he wants, whenever he wants." She finally said, "It's not my problem."

"So, that's what you wanted? For your marriage to end so you could be with someone more suited to your desires?" Rachel inquired softly.

"Yep, that's exactly what I want."

"Alright. Allen, this is Amanda, your new least for the next week."

The man in a suit stood up and adjusted his sleeves. He appeared to be a few years older than us, not too much. He stepped toward my wife, extending his hand.

"Good afternoon," he said casually, as if greeting a business acquaintance.

My wife hesitated and then shook his hand, sounding awkward.

"Just a reminder," Rachel interrupted, as they let go of each other's hands. "You're responsible for your new spouse until next week. Treat them as you would if you'd been married to them for years. This is an opportunity for all of you, but mainly for you, Amanda and Barry, to experience what life could be like with a spouse who fits your description."

"I need to leave," Allen said, heading toward the door.

"Wait!" Amanda exclaimed, looking back at me panic-stricken. "I don't have anything to wear but what I'm wearing now. We need to go shopping."

"It'll have to wait," Allen replied, turning and heading out the door. Amanda ran after him, striding as fast as she could in her high heels.

"Well, she's in for a treat," I chuckled softly.

"Barry, you shouldn't think about your wife that way," Rachel cautioned.

"Well, she's not my wife anymore, at least according to her. So, she can have all the joys of that lifestyle. Here, Liang, you enjoy the outdoors?"

"Yes, thank you!" she beamed, flashing me a wide grin.

"Well, we better find you some appropriate clothing. You can't wear the same outfit every day for a week if you intend to spend most of it without clothes on."

"That won't be a good thing?" she asked in broken English, a cheeky grin forming on her face. She then hugged Rachel warmly. "Aunt Rachel will see me for a week!"

"See you, sweetie. I hope this is what you expect."

"Yes, thank you!" she responded, breaking the hug and walking away with me. "I'm yours now, Barry."

"Um, yeah," I responded, allowing her to hook her arm in mine. We walked towards the elevator, and I observed her still flashing her breasts. "So, Aunt Rachel?"

"Yes, she's my father's sister," she replied, dismissively shrugging.

"This is something you should explain later," I said as the elevator doors opened. She pulled her shirt up, revealing her tits with pierced nipples, and almost jumped into my arms. She pressed her lips to mine urgently, sliding her other arm around me to rub my growing erection. "Give me time," I said, pulling away from her lips. When she removed her lips from mine, she stepped back, but maintained her grip on my hand, still sporting the exposed tits. "Slow down," I repeated, as the elevator started to slow down. In the parking garage, she removed her hand from my shirt, but her breasts were still uncovered. She held my hand and led me to my car. "Do you walk around half-naked all the time?"

"Ask me that when I'm dressed," she joked, walking towards my vehicle.

She looked me up and down before coming to a stop. With a smirk, she reached for the elastic band of her skirt and slowly began to lower it. Soon, she was stepping out of the garment and tossing it at my feet. "Sometimes I walk around completely naked!" She said gleefully. I remained rooted to the spot as she approached me once more, this time wrapping her arm around me and turning us towards the parking lot. "I'm so horny for you." She whispered extra quietly into my ear, "my pussy is dripping wet, I can feel the juices running down my legs."

"Do you always act this way, or are you putting on a show just for me?"

"Aunt Rachel told me to not do anything unless I genuinely wanted to and not pretend to be something I'm not. If it's something I'd do with any other man, and I feel like doing it, I'll do it." So, here she is, naked, in the middle of a parking lot in America for the first time.

"Your first time in America?"

"I've been before, but never had the opportunity to do something like this."

"And is this something you want to do?"

"It feels so good, doesn't it?"

Laughing, I answered, "I imagine it does, but we generally reserve this for more private settings." As we approached my SUV, I turned around and unlocked the passenger door. Rather than climb inside, Liang pulled me back into the driver's seat and pushed me down until I was partially reclined. She then moved over top of me before pulling the door shut.

"So, do you want to do this?"

"Absolutely. I've been anticipating this since Aunt Rachel asked me if I would be willing to do so."

"If I'm not your husband?"

"If you're not, then yes. My husband never had a large penis. Aunt Rachel said your wife complains that you always want sex and she never does, so I'm pleasing my new husband and giving you the sex you're craving." She moved her hands back towards my waistband, intently unfastening the shorts.

"Hold up!" I exclaimed, grabbing her hands.

"What? Don't want it?"

"What? Here, now? In the car?"

"Why not?"

"Let's at least try to make this less obvious." She released my hands and went back to undoing my shorts. With fast, dexterous movements, she managed to pull them down my legs and removed my briefs. Her eyes widened upon seeing my size for the first time, her mouth dropping open in awe.

"Whoah! That's a huge penis!" She exclaimed.

"Not that big, but you're not used to one this size, I suppose."

"Definitely not." She said, both hands still wrapped around me as she struggled to fit them completely around my shaft.

"I'm going to need you to let go."

Liang transferred her hand positions, effectively wrapping both hands around my shaft and still leaving my head exposed. I reached up and brought her hands to release me. Once I was properly situated, I opened her legs and leaned into the passenger door, enticing her breasts against my mouth. As I flicked my tongue quickly over the taut peaks, feeling the metal rings in the center of her nipples, I nibbled them tenderly with my teeth.

"Ready for fuck?"

Laughing, she giggled in response, "Yes! Ready!"

I paused for a moment before habitually reaching for her legs. "You sure you want to do this?"


I coaxed her into raising her knees up on either side of my waist, her enclosed legs grazing the various parts of the car. I moved her chest against my face, puffing out my cheeks as I took one of her nipples into my mouth. They responded to my attention with excited spikes in their hardness. Once satisfied with my work, I switched nipples. I teased the other one with my tongue and gently bit and tug on the nipple with my lips and teeth. I hoped my experience and subtle teasing would help Liang feel confident in her ability to perform adequate physical intimacy. It's important to build up her confidence sowe could fully enjoy ourselves together.

"Mmmm, you're so naughty!" She cried out, slipping her hand between us. Her hand found my hard-on and lifted it, guiding it towards her moist, eager body. She slowly lowered herself down, feeling my head connect with her tight opening, spreading her lips as she pressed against me. "Oh my! I'm being filled!" She moaned softly, allowing her body to take more and more of me with every thrust. Her breasts bounced gently with each movement as she lifted and lowered herself, grinding against me until my whole length was inside her. "Mmmmm, I feel incredible!" she gasped, arching her back as she continued to ride me.

"You want to cum?" I questioned.

"Yes. My husband never makes me! He just leaves me to take care of it myself after he's done."

"Well, then let me show you what a real, passionate male partner can do." I said, using my feet on the floor to meet her strokes.

"OHHHHH YES!" she shuddered, sensing each erotic jolt as our climaxes approached. She slammed down onto me, my cock sliding in and out of her, stretching her even more as she stroked. I felt her pussy's walls pulsing around me, pressing her sensitive spot as we both reached the end of our journey. I warned her that I couldn't hold it much longer, and urged her to hurry.

"OHHH MY GOD!" she cried, feeling my warm, sticky fluid coating the deepest parts of her. Her body shuddered with each thunderous shot, jerking like a machine as she climaxed.

"Ugh... I've never felt like that... ever!" she exclaimed, crashing down on top of me, trying to get her mouth to mine without having to remove my now deflating member. She pressed her lips on mine, our breathing heavy as our climaxes subsided.

"I really enjoyed that. It felt very different from the way things are with my husband." she shared, catching her breath.

"Did you like it more than with your husband?"

"Yes. It's such a difference! he doesn't even come on me like you did, and there's no kissing."

"I guess not all men are the same."

"Well, my Aunt Rachel must've known what I wanted." She said thoughtfully.

"You're divorced?" I asked, puzzled.

"No, I'm still married. The marriage was arranged. I tried to please my husband as much as I could, but he didn't give me what I needed. My mother wanted me to marry a traditional Chinese man, so I did. We live in an apartment with a grassy yard. The yard has several buildings around it, and we hang our laundry out to dry. One day, my husband came home early and found me hanging laundry. But I wasn't wearing any clothes... other than this see-through bath robe."

"Wow, that must've been awkward." I remarked.

"Oh, it was." So I started to feel guilty about that, because I shouldn't have made that mistake. That's when I decided to start pleasing myself whenever I felt the need. Husband got mad. At first he just ignored it, but as time went by, became more angry, and started to hit me. So I decided to leave him."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"It was horrible." She shook her head, shaking off the memory. "I just want to thank you for giving me such an amazing experience."

"She's extremely angry. She grabs what I'm wearing and forces Liang outside without any clothes. She says that if I want to show off my body, I should show everything! This really makes me furious. I know the boy next door is watching me. He's watching me, a lot. Once, I see him stood at the window rubbing himself. I invite him to come out and let him fuck me in front of the door. Let him fuck me until he makes me climax." Her face darkened and she frowned. "Let him fuck me until he fills me two times. The neighbor father comes back home and sees the son fucking me. He comes over and rubs himself until he shoots all over my face and breasts. I stand there, letting my husband see me with another man's cum on me and dripping from me. He tells me that I disgrace him. I have no honor. My family has no honor. He makes me leave with nothing. I take the clothes that are hanging on the line that are mine and go home."

"I think I understand." I whispered, "and your aunt thought that I'd be a good connection to American men?"

She stared at me and smiled softly. "She said; you still love your wife, but she doesn't love you. That you'll be very sad when ... um ... a wife swap? Yes, when the wife swaps over and the wife doesn't come back to you. I think if I please you a lot, you'll keep me instead." She beamed with a big grin. "So far, I'm pleasing you a lot?"

"Yes, you're pleasing me a lot. Tell me. How old are you?"

"I'm thirty-two. Am I too old? I read that American men like younger girls."

"No, that's not too old." I shook my head slightly. "Now. I think we need to go shopping for clothes for you."

"I won't be naked for you all the time? I read that many American men like women wear sexy clothes that show their bodies. Not show more than this!"

"No, that's not too old." I said with a slight shake of my head, "we just need to make sure you don't get thrown in jail for running around naked."

"In China that also happens." She said with a pout. She took a deep breath and sighed. "So, you buy me clothes to cover my body up?"

"I'll buy you some things first that help show off your body, not cover it. Then we'll get some more conservative things." She smiled at me and leaned her face down to give me another long, hot, wet kiss. When she broke the kiss, I was left breathless slightly. "You keep kissing me like that and you'll suffocate me." I laughed.

"You don't like kisses like that?"

She grinned and wiggled herself on me, grinding her mound against my once again hard dick. "I think you like kisses very much that way."

We stood in the empty parking space next to my SUV and dressed, finally pulling out at least half an hour after the meeting with Rachel had ended. I couldn't help but wonder what was happening with Amanda right then. Part of me hoped she was getting exactly what she wanted, and that maybe she'd be happy for a change, and part of me hoped she was getting just exactly what she wanted ... and learning that her idea of a perfect man wasn't at all what a real man was like. Did I wish for her to come back to me? Of course, but that was as far as it went. I had to find a way to put that aside and focus on the beautiful, sexy, sensual, Asian woman sitting next to me, with her skirt pulled up so I could see her bare pussy, her fingers stroking my dick through my shorts.

I figured the best place to start was someplace she could get something really sexy to wear for me, as well as a bikini. She couldn't walk around the campground in nothing all day, or we'd get kicked out. But once out on the water, there wasn't a law against being naked that I knew of. Hell, a lot of the bikinis women wore these days showed enough that they were essentially naked.

For a while, I'd been to this quaint little store numerous times, although less frequently lately. Amanda developed this habit of vehemently refusing to wear any provocative lingerie I bought her, rendering my purchases futile. So, I decided to stop wasting money. I parked my vehicle in the lot and assisted Liang in getting out. She hastily stepped out, lifting her skirt sufficiently to give me a decent view until she was standing on the ground. It was blatantly evident that she didn't mind exposing herself, not just me, but anyone who happened to be around. She snaked her arm through mine as I led her to the front of the store. "Let's start with this place. You can select two garments to wear at night, as much or as little as you'd like. A bikini is also an option. It MUST have full coverage of your nipples and private areas, or we'll be tossed out of the camping site. Furthermore, you'll need undergarments and bras, so we can purchase those if you wish. A week's worth - would you like seven pairs of panties and perhaps two bras?"

Liang responded, "If that's what you wish to purchase for me, but I hardly ever wear undergarments, so don't waste your money."

"Well, whatever you believe you'll require for a week then." I responded, shrugging slightly. This was an incredibly radical departure from Amanda! All of a sudden, Liang disconnected herself from my arm and sprinted down an aisle as soon as we were inside the establishment, appearing as if she were in a confectionary paradise. She scrutinized article after article, holding them up against her body to demonstrate. After examining more than two dozen, she spotted something that caught her attention. I was about to direct her toward the changing rooms in the rear when she merely yanked her tank top over her head. She disrobed between the racks, completely naked, sliding into a see-through gown. It took her several moments to align her breasts perfectly in the see-through material, causing her private area to be utterly visible.

"She looks stupendous in that, doesn't she?" a middle-aged woman's voice sounded from behind me, causing me to whirl around and behold a woman standing nearby. "But she should utilize the changing rooms in the back."

"Apologies. She's only been here for a few weeks and hasn't quite acclimated to our custom."

"Ahhhh. So, this in Japan? Korea?"

"China," I said, "and truthfully, I have no idea how people shop for clothes in China. I've never been."

"Ah. So, your daughter?"

I looked at the woman in bewilderment, then realized that Liang's youthful appearance made others assume she was younger. She could effortlessly be mistaken for a twenty-year-old instead of a thirty-two-year-old.

"Currently, just a friend. However, she hopes to solidify our relationship. She simply appears younger than she is." I observed Liang pirouette and twirl in the thigh-length, sheer gown, sporting a massive grin on her face before she resumed her search for additional outfits.

The woman remarked, "She appears determined to show you what you like, doesn't she?"

I glanced back at her, noticing a barely discernible smile on her face. "Indeed, she seems bent on teasing you."

"Well, I may have something she'd appreciate." The woman said, as she walked toward me and Liang. The trio conversed briefly before the women proceeded to the rear of the store and up a separate aisle of racks. Liang was once again naked, this time adorning a dress. It took a while for the woman to show her how to put it on, and once it was in place, she demonstrated its special features. The dress's skirt portion on each side was slit, with the two sections overlapping - so that when she stood, her intimate areas were concealed. However, she could simply part the skirt's gap, letting me glimpse her cute little pussy. The dress's top section had a similar arrangement. There was a frilly kind of covering that hung down across her breasts. Lifting the frill, the woman pulled the material down, exposing her perky boobs and rock-hard nipples. Admittedly, the gown offered various opportunities.

I consented to let her buy that dress, as well as a sheer gown and a very sexy lingerie set, before we proceeded to choose some shirts. She opted for two fishnet mesh shirts that left very little to one's imagination. Then she moved on to the swimwear section. Choosing a bikini took just a few moments. I watched as she stepped into what I'd heard called a sling shot - a tiny triangle of fabric with two narrow straps running up over her shoulders, each with a wider part where her nipples were. The wider, almost diamond-shaped pieces of lime green material could barely cover her areola, and were thin enough to show the outline of her nipples and the barbell rings piercing them.

She proceeded to demonstrate how simple it would be to part the straps around her breasts, leaving them bare, or to slip the straps off her shoulders, allowing them to fall and expose everything. Yes, she was having a blast, teasing me and giving me an erection.

"Do you like it?" she inquired, wearing the lime green slingshot, the top pulled apart to show her breasts. She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm so turned on right now," she whispered, her cheek pressed against mine.

"I don't believe this is the appropriate place," I said, glancing around to see if we were alone, but not finding the saleswoman.

Liang released me with one arm and slid her hand between us, pressing her palm against my erection. "You like that?" she murmured, moving her hand to unfasten my button. I took both my hands off her bare ass to prevent her from unbuttoning my pants. "You're not fun if you stop me. Rachel says that's the kind of woman you prefer," she remarked, pulling her face away from mine and looking up at me with a pout. "How do I know what to be when you tell her you want something different?"

"I can't truly comprehend that." I replied. "I'm just not as comfortable with having sex in public as you appear to be."

"If this isn't what you want,"

"What I want is for you to be yourself, not what you think I want you to be."

The smile reappeared on her face as she reached for my belt. "Then let me be playful with you," she whispered, pulling my shorts over my hips. She squatted in front of me, pulling my briefs down to expose my erect penis. She grinned at me, then wrapped her hand around me and leaned her mouth toward mine.

"Ah, fuck," I groaned softly, as she closed her mouth around the head of my penis. She began licking around my head and sliding her mouth and hand on and off my shaft, watching my reactions and adjusting her actions. She was becoming quite adept at reading me, as she sucked and slurped my dick, causing me to struggle to prevent releasing in her mouth.

"Excuse me," said the saleswoman, suddenly appearing next to me, her red spandex dress with a zipper running down the front exposing not only her thigh and the top of her stockings, but also the clips of a garter belt holding her stockings up. "I, um, don't believe I should be witnessing this," she said, her eyes darting around the store to check if there were any other customers.

"I apologize," I muttered, pushing Liang back and making her stand up, my erection protruding and dripping her saliva on the floor.

"Here, you look amazing in this!" Liang declared, stepping towards the woman. She took her hand and grabbed hers, pulling her closer to me as I stood, lifting my briefs over my erection. "How do you think I look in this?" Liang inquired, looking at me.

Liang gently tugged the zipper of the woman's dress down, her eyes fixated on the massive bulge in my underwear as she allowed the zipper to glide lower and lower. The fabric of the dress eventually separated, exposing her ample, grapefruit-sized breasts held up by a lacy half-cup bra. The zipper kept moving until it unhooked and the whole spandex dress dropped to the floor, leaving the woman standing in a sheer red panty that failed to conceal her vagina or the curly bush adorning her mound. Her breasts were held up by the lace bra, but her nipples protruded from above it, completely visible to me. This elderly woman, possibly older than myself, looked extraordinary in the red garter belt, red stockings, and heels she had on.

"You know what I look like in this," I told Liang as she stepped back toward me. She contemplated my statement before countering with, "I don't told you to pull them up. Keep them down so I can see you while we're swapping outfits."

"All right." I murmured as she retreated to the nude woman.

"Do you require assistance?"

"Yes, help me." She nodded, glancing at my enormous erection as she unhooked her bra strap. Liang placed the slingshot off to the side and gently removed the bra from the woman's body. She spent some time taking each item off, the process taking longer for the stockings. Liang instructed her as she taught her how to roll and position the stockings on her legs. After completing the task, only the dress remained. The woman now stood stark naked, and Liang not only looked wonderful but tantalizing beyond words, my racing heart matched only by my throbbing erection.

"I think he loves the view," Liang remarked under her breath.

"I can't tell if you're intrigued by this situation just because of his reaction," I said quietly, my finger gently trailing between her thighs while she nude woman stood before me.

"I like when he reacts," she replied, surveying my straining shaft. "Ahh, I reckon you make her warm too. Her panty is damp where I touched her when I took it off."

I observed the woman's face and saw her blush, bashful not by her nudity, but by my mention of arousal. Liang took a hold of my hand and guided me next to the woman. She urged my fingers to slide in between her thighs, where I could feel her dampened slit. She hesitated slightly and then backed up with my fingers positioned between her legs, pressing my palms against the bare skin of her rump. "I'm not implying you want to sleep with me," my English companion whispered seductively. "It feels as though Liang may appreciate it too."

"Are you sure you're not married?" the saleswoman questioned, averting her gaze from my throbbing member. "The ring you're wearing is likely a sign of a spouse."

"I am separated," I whispered, not wanting her to learn the truth. "Liang is my kind of...experiment. My wife and I are in the midst of a trial separation. I have a playmate who is everything I claimed my wife lacked, and she has one who lacks what I did."

"Fascinating...but humiliating. What if I were to guess you'd consider something erotic like this stimulating? I've always wanted to try something like this." Her hand gently stroked my erection, priming me with questionable intent. "If I walk away to don an outfit, then return and bend over, what is the likelihood you'd fuck me?"

"If Liang doesn't protest, then it's possible," I responded nervously, edging closer to her and following her trek to the dressing room. "As delightful as my test wife feels, I can't seem to scrape the surface of fulfilling my desires."

"What if you had to satisfy both my needs and Liang's?" she queried with a coy smirk. "I've never felt so alive. Can you imagine such a scenario?"

Liang chuckled and stepped back as the woman released me. "Let me make you super hard for a long time!" she chuckled playfully, before lowering herself down. She went back to licking and sucking my hard shaft and mushroom head while the saleswoman retreated into the store room. I didn't know what she was getting, but when she reappeared a few minutes later, she looked quite different. She had on black fishnet stockings, knee-length black leather boots, a black corset that left her breasts fully exposed, long black satin gloves that went up to her elbows, and a black eye mask, similar to the kind worn at Halloween parties. She sauntered back to us, the 6-inch stiletto heels on the boots swaying her body seductively. You could tell she wasn't accustomed to such high heels, and she was trying her best to look sexy. She approached me as Liang took a step back.

"This is...quite intriguing." Liang remarked, stepping back further, still donned in the red lingerie.

"Always wanted to wear this for a man," she murmured seductively, running her satin-covered hand along my saliva-slicked cock, "and have him fuck me in it." She stroked my slick penis, using it as a handle to guide me forward. I followed her, walking slowly behind her to match her deliberate steps, all the way to the cash register. She stopped and then bent over the counter, arching her ass up towards me. "I'm ready if you are."

"How far should I go?"

"Baby, you can go as far as you like." She murmured softly, wiggling her butt seductively. "Please make me come first, and you can take the red outfit for free."

"You have the authority to do that?"

"I hope so, it's mine."

"Well, it's about time I found out." I muttered, shaking my head. I stepped behind her and discovered that the pantyhose were crotchless, allowing me to rub my swollen head up and down her wet pussy. She had a significant amount of red hair between her legs, but it was wet and flattened by her own juices and my fingering for those few short minutes. I nestled my head between her folds and began thrusting in and out, short little strokes at first, but each one growing longer and longer until I was thrusting hard into her, slamming my thighs into the back of hers with each thrust. The heels held her ass at an optimum height for me, and I drove into her with fury.

"Oh my God, yes!" She moaned loudly, her body moving back and forth on the countertop, as I slammed into her ass with every stroke. She clung to the counter edges, moaning and gasping, as my thrusts drove her closer to climax. "HOLY FUCK! I'M COMING! I'M COMING!" She cried, as her pussy constricted around my shaft and her limbs began to tremble. I continued to drive into her, my own level of need growing at an alarming rate, the urgency to cum nearly unbearable.

"Fuck!" I groaned, as my body spasmed, shoving my cock deep into her pussy, the initial blast of semen shooting deep into her spasming vagina. Again and again my body bucked, emptying itself into her until I was left standing behind her, panting and occasionally twitching.

"Oh God, yes!" The woman moaned, still gasping for breath. "Oh God, that felt so good. I've never done anything like this before, and well, I've always been curious if it would be as intense as the stories I read."


"All of that and even more." She breathed rapidly, shaking her head. "Damn, it felt good!"

"So, is this a private performance?" I heard, glancing over to see a young woman standing near the door. "Or is this open for business?"

"Oh no!" The owner exclaimed, realizing we'd been caught in the act. She awkwardly pushed me out of her pussy and straightened up, covering her chest and her pussy with her hands. "Um, just a moment to change." She said, trying to move away from the counter.

"Oh, no need." The customer said, as she stepped closer to us. "On the contrary, I'd like to see the whole outfit because it's so delightful. I've been searching for something to wear for my husband's birthday, but now, I've located the perfect option."

"Have you?"

"Oh yes," she confirmed, motioning to the owner's attire. "Fancy buying one? I could use another." She hinted with a grin, glancing at my limp member.

"Pardon me," I said, bending down to retrieve my underwear, which had slipped to my ankles.

"Don't apologies, I thought it was rather enticing. As I'd stated, if my husband didn't object, I'd try it on for size. It appeared to go well with that outfit, after all."

"I recognize the compliment, but I usually don't engage in such activities," I muttered as I pulled up my pants.

"Then fortunately, I seem to be in the right place at the right time, because that was quite arousing!"

"Best of luck to you," was my reply. I looked at the shop's owner once more before saying, "I believe we should make our way out of here." I noticed Liang approaching us from the rear of the store, wearing the zippered red dress and matching stockings.

"This is quite a sight," remarked a customer. "Is she with you?"


"I'm 'test wife,'" Liang offered.

"Test wife?" I asked.

"I'm assessing whether he likes what he says he does before ending our marriage."

"So, you're not bound to him?"

"Right, we're currently undergoing a trial separation," I stammered, feeling my cheeks flush.

"Then it seems this situation is becoming more intriguing. More interesting by the minute."

"In any case, we should check out," I suggested to the shop's owner.

"Certainly. The lingerie, swimsuit, and red outfit. Oh boy, just take the whole lot. I'm indebted to you after what occurred."

"Are you certain?"

"Indeed. I benefited greatly from this encounter. Just consider me even." She grinned.

"Okay. Liang, let's leave," I said, descending into the driver's seat after assisting her into the passenger side.

"And if you wish to engage in any additional entertainment with my husband and me, I'll leave you my number!" the customer yelled as we exited the store.

"I didn't enjoy?" Liang inquired as we drove across town in silence, heading to my preferred outdoor sports goods shop. "You weren't satisfied?"

"Well, partly yes and partly no, I suppose." I responded.

"Why didn't you enjoy? Was I not attractive enough for you?"

"Oh, trust me, you're very attractive. It's simply that... I never imagined this kind of scenario actually happening. When it did, I felt embarrassed by my actions. I've never had sex with a stranger before, let alone in a public setting."

"I see."

"Perhaps you understand better."

"No, I don't understand," Liang said as we arrived at the store. "Now, let's pick you some clothes to wear for camping."

"Have you ever been camping before?" I questioned.

"No, have never experienced a tent stay."

"Then you'll require attire suitable for various weather conditions."


"No, you mustn't go naked. We'll get kicked out if you're completely au naturel."

"Here in America, you have the freedom to do as you please. I read a magazine where ladies expose more, such as bikinis. Some women like to be nude all the time. I prefer being nude at home, while my husband is away. He's commented, 'a woman should always be dressed. Nude only in the bathroom.'"

"Ah, this isn't the United States." I said with a shake of my head. "If a man displays his genitals in public, he'll be considered a pervert and possibly arrested. On the contrary, women are unlikely to be arrested for public nudity, and men don't often complain about spotting a nude woman."

"That seems unfair."

"Regrettably, it is." Pausing, we continued, "We're almost there. Should you change back into your skirt and top?"

"Why change? I didn't look appealing in the red dress?"

"On the contrary, you looked incredibly attractive."

"Then why didn't I suit you?" she asked. [

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "You know what? That outfit is quite seductive on you. Women who wear clothes like that in public are usually seeking sex."

"So, you want sex with me. Why can't I dress like I crave sex?"

"Liang, women who wear outfits like that tend to pursue sex...for money."

"Oh, I see. Then it makes me seem like a prostitute?"

"It does lean that way a little."

"And you're uncomfortable being seen with a woman who appears to be a prostitute?"

"Yes, somewhat."

"But you told your aunt you wanted your wife to dress more attractively, yet you're not happy when I look like I'm dressed for sex?"

I glanced over at Liang and shook my head. "You've got a point. I told Rachel I was disappointed that my wife always had to wear a business suit instead of something more enticing. Seems I should be careful what I ask for. Seems like you've learned a lot about me by talking to Rachel for almost two hours."

"Yes, we spoke for nearly two hours about men's differences between China and America. Rachel told me all about your sexual preferences, but your wife didn't know this. She wished she could accompany you on a trip and allow you her scream all night."

"She told you that?"

"Yes, she expressed this desire to enjoy an exciting night with you. She regards her husband in China as a gold-plated asshole. It appears she's right. He never had conversations with her or allowed her to discuss her sexual desires. He merely emphasized appearance and wouldn't care as long as she was good in bed."

"And did you discuss my sexual preferences with Rachel?"

She grinned at me. "I've lived with her, so we had a chat one evening about the differences between men in China and America. Rachel told me how you crave sex, but your wife is not interested. She regrets not being able to join you on a trip and experience what you did in the shop."

"She said that?"

"She said she wished you would make me scream all night since her husband is not the adventurous type. He never engaged in conversations with her, even regarding her erotic cravings. He just required a good lay, while not even considering her desires."

I parked our car and killed the engine. I looked at Liang and resolved that her outfit was entirely acceptable after all. I exited the car, walked to her side, and opened her door. However, she had already moved, sliding from the seat. The short red dress rode up her body, revealing her transparent panties for a few seconds before she adjusted her clothing. As we walked through the shop, the stares from the men were evident, and some even moved to obtain a better view. At first, I felt embarrassed to be walk next to a woman who easily could be regarded as a hooker. However, as we progressed towards the ladies' apparel section, I began to feel protective. I couldn't help but think these men were contemplating sex, especially when two of them shifted their positions to continue viewing her as we passed by.

A delightful sales representative, named Julia, approached us. "May I assist you? I'm here to help you find clothes for your friend. Let's start with some shorts."

"Yes, we need appropriate clothes for camping. Let's find a few pairs of shorts and shirts to pilot this endeavor."

Julia led us to a section of Nike shorts, all appearing light and loose-fitting. "Usually, these shorts are worn by runners. They provide the flexibility and comfort without any hindrance. Honestly, some females enjoy them because they feel barely there."

Liang chose a heather gray pair. "How do these look?" she asked as she stepped into them and zipped up. I struggled to resist the temptation to stare at her exposed nipples and the transparent red panties beneath her trim leg openings. "I believe they're suitable." I responded.

"Will they reveal too much?"

"No, they'll sufficiently expose what you intend." I assured her.

"Perfect. I really like these, and perhaps a white pair?" [Statement] Liang enjoyed her outfit and suggested a white pair of shorts as well, to which I responded that they would sufficiently display what she desired. [Paraphrase] After some time in the store, Liang liked both the red and white Nike shorts she had chosen, believing they'd adequately express her fashion sense and her intentions.

"Let's grab two white and one grey, shall we? That should be enough for now." I said to Julia.

"For shirts? Considering how hot it is this week, I'd recommend some moisture-wicking shirts," she replied, leading us to yet another rack while Liang returned the shorts. I hung onto the dress she had been wearing. We headed towards a selection of Under Armour shirts. Julia selected one, a white spandex shirt with short sleeves and a deep V-neckline. She helped Liang into the shirt.

"Wow," I whispered, taking in the sight of Liang in the revealing shirt. I could clearly make out the outline of her red bra beneath the thin fabric. The shirt hugged her curves, even revealing the shape of her nipple rings.

"You like?" she asked with a flirtatious tone.

"I do."

"You'd like to take this off me?"

I chuckled. "Yes, it'd make me want to take it off."

"Great!" she exclaimed, her grin widening. "Any more?"

"Follow me." Julia suggested, leading us to a section with sports bras. By this point, we were walking down the main aisle of the store, Liang now completely naked from the waist up and wearing only a little below it. She attracted a lot of attention from male customers who were craning their necks to get a better look at her. Julia held out a hanger with a white spandex sports bra. Unlike the ones I was familiar with, this one had a deep V-shaped cut at the front, leaving very little fabric to cover her breasts.

"Why don't you try this one on?" Julia suggested. Liang removed the bra she was wearing and tossed it to me, standing naked above the waist now. She took the sports bra from Julia, slipped it on, and pulled it down to cover her breasts.

"These bras are designed to be lightweight, quick-drying and cool," Julia told us. "You can see that the material is thin and breathable."

"And see-through too!" Liang laughed, turning to show me that not only the shape of her nipples were visible, but also the darkness of her areolas.

"Just be aware that when it gets wet, it gets more transparent. That's why most women wear them with a loose-fitting tank top."

"Cover this up? Oh no! I like being looked at by my new husband!" Liang declared, arching an eyebrow towards me. "Of course, yes! I'll take two!"

"What else do you need help with?" Julia asked.

"She's going to need some long pants and a long-sleeve shirt, along with a lightweight jacket." I answered.

"Not a problem. I can find those for you too."

Julia led us deeper into the women's section. Liang continued to disrobe as she went, her perky C-cup breasts bouncing with each step. I noticed my dick growing in my trousers, which I'm sure Julia and Liang were both aware of. We spent several minutes searching for a long-sleeve shirt and then it was on to the trousers. In order to try them on, Liang had to remove her spike heels, stepping into the pants and trying on various pairs until she found one that fit comfortably. Along the way, one of her stockings came loose from her garter belt, so she removed both the stocking and the belt, leaving her in just her sheer red panties.

"Anything else?" Julia inquired.

"I'm a bit hesitant to say yes. She can't go camping wearing these high heels." I pointed out, noting the red spike heels draped from Liang's fingers.

"Shoes! This way!" Julia instructed, cheerfully leadings us to the shoe department. There were a few other customers in the area, including two women who were giving Liang dirty looks. One of them muttered something under her breath.

"Excuse me. There's no need for that kind of language. Don't insult my new wife like that!" I snapped. The woman quickly stormed off. "Just wait until the manager hears about this! There's a naked woman shopping in the store?! It's unacceptable!"

"Don't sweat it." Julia said, walking back with a shoe-measuring device and crouching down in front of Liang. "I'm the manager on call."

I chuckled. "Alright."

She walked off, disappearing behind a curtain into the back room.

Liang stood next to me and faced me. She grabbed my head and pulled my face towards hers, kissing me. "Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?"

"For standing up for me against that woman. You do more for me than my husband ever has."

"I couldn't let her say those things about you." I replied.

"I know. I'll give you a more heartfelt 'thank you' in the car, if you want. I won't do it here."

She let go of my face with one hand and caressed my member through my shorts.

"I can fix that for you." She whispered, undoing my shorts.

"Liang, don't." I whispered, feeling a suspicion that she was about to do something.

"Is it me?" She giggled, pulling down my shorts while my hands held her clothes - both old and new - to rub her hand on my dick.

"Julia!" I heard her call out in surprise as she approached us with two shoeboxes.

Liang let go of my dick and turned towards her, revealing my now exposed hard-on. "Shoes! We'll try them on!" She exclaimed, sitting down in the chair next to us, bringing Julia's face close to my penis. "Shall we try?"

"Yes, let's. Oh my!" Julia exclaimed as she stepped towards us, noticing my exposed dick.

Liang put on one pair of sandals and walked around, Julia remaining kneeling, less than a foot from my now erect penis. "These shoe shops sound really exciting."

"It's complicated," I said quietly.

"I bet. But lucky girl, huh?"

"Liang, you mean I'm the 'new' husband, right?"

"Yes. Just for a week. Perhaps longer if he likes me."

Julia appeared surprised, but didn't ask for more information. I didn't feel like explaining myself, so I merely stood there with my pants down around my knees and my dick exposed. Liang sat back down between Julia and the chair, leaning over to whisper in Julia's ear. "Would you like to touch? Go ahead. I don't mind."

Julia blushed, putting her hand over her mouth. "I couldn't." She responded softly. "And besides, isn't he your husband?"

"He's my new husband, but I need to learn what he likes."

"He liked the saleswoman at the store earlier, didn't he?"

"Yes. But taking you now might do the same, and give me some clothes for free."

Julia blushed even further, her ears turning pink, as she hastily stood up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you think that...or anything else. I'm going to the dressing room." She almost ran off.

"Help her take her purchases, then we'll go pay for everything." Liang said, standing up.

"I don't think she wants me to follow her." I answered.

"Then pull up your pants and we'll leave."

She scowled at me and crouched down again. "Are you not turned on enough yet?" She inquired as she moved towards my groin instead of fixing my pants. She started sucking and licking my dick. "Hmmm...I think you're more than turned on. Come on, fuck me."

I threw the mound of clothes onto the chair, afterward taking her hand away from my genital region. I retrofitted my undies back over my manhood and subsequently retrieved my shorts. Liang manifested disappointment due to my unexplained rejection of Julie. "Let's head back home." I uttered, musing over my sudden command of her broken English. I gathered her attire and permitted her to wear the flip-flops, appending the box to the mess. Conducting myself toward the front of the premises, Liang followed barefoot with the sheer panties as the only coverage. The cashier seemed fixated on Liang while he assisted us, as the operation seemed prolonged due to his preoccupation with her.

Upon finalizing the transaction and accounting for the expenses, we ventured to the parked vehicle. Liang appeared unperturbed by the glances she received, as she sauntered toward the vehicle, effectively nudist. "You don't comprehend? That woman covets you. Your reaction aroused you. She probably remains, removing garments in anticipation of you."

"Could you cease stating that?"

"Saying what?"

"Fornication. It's unrefined language. If not that, what transpired at the other establishment?"

"I engaged in sexual intercourse with you. One engages in intercourse to feel pleasure. You were occupied with the woman in the store; that was only fornication. Coitus entails mutual affection. Fornication describes an indifferent act, quite frequently masquerading as intimacy. Fornication isn't dreadful, but rather a quest for satisfaction. Talk to your Aunt about needing more fornication. Making love entails unity with one's lover or spouse. Assert your feelings. We're not experiencing love, but we're not fornicating either. We share, that's inaccurate?"

"After scrutinizing your eloquent explanation, I can't refute your definition. Yes, we engage in the act of fornication. No, we do not make love. Thus, if we utilize that terminology, yes, I bedded the woman in the store after fornicating with her."

"Magnificent. That has been settled. Now, can we proceed to our new abode and indulge in fornication? Or can we fornicate here? I'm exhilarated," she pronounced rapturously.

"I'm not astonished. The longer we resided in the establishment, the less of her dress she assumed. I was perplexed she had neglected to remove that too." I communicated, gesticulating to her lap.

She readily discarded the itty-bitty crimson panty, as its capability to conceal anything had been nullified, and took residence in the passenger seat completely undressed. "Is this permissible?"

"This is permissible." I confirmed, chuckling gently. I initiated the vehicle and directed it towards our residence. As frequently as I attempted to provoke my wife into displaying her bosoms or genitals while we traveled, one would expect that driving with a sensually attractive young woman, completely nude, in the front seat beside me would be an ideal fantasy. However, I inadvertently drove in a manner to minimize the amount of individuals who could perceive her, and she seemed unconcerned. I couldn't suppress the thought, "If my wife had actually disrobed and exposed her assets, how would I have felt?"

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