Learn to Hold your Tongue

Daddy's babygirl has had a quick tongue and he addresses it.

Aug 7, 2024
6 min read
beltddlgLearn to Hold your Tonguepunisheddaddylittlespanking
Learn to Hold your Tongue
Learn to Hold your Tongue

Learn to Hold your Tongue

"No, Daddy!" I stand across the room with my arms crossed and a pout across my lips. You raise an eyebrow and I freeze, beginning to feel small and realize how much trouble I am about to be in.

"What was that, Little Lady?" You cock your head to the side and make your way to me, ever so slowly, while my heart is racing. I swallow hard and my eyes dart around the room planning my escape. *I can get away! I can run and shut myself into the closet and he'll never find me!* I snicker and flash you a devious smile, and then, I run. I bolt to the right of the couch, the dining table provided a barrier between you and I, but the issue is I've accidentally cornered myself. Sweat drips down my temples. "Would you like to say that again, my pretty little lady?" I stand there looking at you, not sure if there's a way out this time.

You managed to trick me and ended up catching me and you scooped me up and threw me over your shoulder. The entire short walk to the bedroom was full of myself kicking and punching and screaming. I picked the wrong day to wear a dress; you lay a loud *smack* right in the middle of my crack. "Daddy!!! Put. Me. DOWN!!!!" My kegs snd fist kick and punch harder,

A grin spreads across your face, your eyes are gleaming. I kick and scream all the way to the room and you flop me onto the bed. I scramble to my knees and begin to scurry away but your strong hand grabs me by the ankle and you pull me right back to you. You wrap one arm around me pulling me close, the other arm wraps around my back and your hand rubs my head. Tears begin to form in my eyes. *im in so much trouble* you kiss me on the top of my head and tilt my head back using just a finger under my chin.

"Little lady, telling Daddy no is not very nice now is it?" You stare into my eyes intently, I break eye contact and look down. "Eyes up here. Look at your daddy" my eyes snap back up to you, holding contact for what feels like ages. You lean forward and tenderly kiss my forehead. "Daddy doesn't want to do this, but he has to. Can you tell daddy why you're going to be getting spanks or do you need him to tell you?" I stare into your eyes and pout, going silent. You kiss my forehead again and press your nose to my head, inhaling the smell of my hair. "Daddy is going to spank you because you told him no. You told daddy 'no' because he told you no more playing because it's time for bed. Why does daddy make bedtime rules?"

I rest my head on your chest, rubbing my cheek against your shirt. I sniffle before opening my mouth. "Daddy has bedtime rules so that I have a good nights sleep and I'm not sleepy during the day." I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of your fingers trailing up and down my back.

"That's right. Daddy wants you to get enough sleep. You've been staying up too late, no more." You give me one last squeeze and forehead kiss before you take a step back and take in the sight of me. My hair falls into my face and tears threaten to fall because I know it's time. You sit yourself on the edge of the bed and pat your lap, telling me to lay over your knee.

You have me over your right knee, while your left leg closes and presses against my lower thighs holding my legs firmly in place. You're sitting at an angle so my upper body is resting comfortably on the bed. "Daddy has been noticing you've been extra fresh lately. I know daddy has been working more and you've been needing more attention, but you can't be fresh to daddy. You just come and tell daddy exactly what you need." Your right hand rubs my back letting your nails drag along my spine and it tickles a little bit. I feel your hands trail up my spine and press firmly, holding my upper body in place. My hands automatically rush to cover my bum but your hands are too fast and grab me by the wrists, one hand holding both of my wrists in place. The room becomes silent as I stop breathing for a moment, anticipating your next move. I tense for what feels like minutes and finally my body gives and relaxes. I hear the *whoosh* and then feel the sting on my left cheek.

This isn't my punishment spankings, this is just the warmup. You begin gently, slapping each cheek one after the other, slowly picking up the pace. Finally I let out a whine. You stop for a moment and squeeze my right cheek, then dragging your fingernails over the sensitive pink skin, goosebumps following your path. It tickles and I squirm over your knee, a giggle threatening to escape my lips before you stop. "Ass up on the bed." You stand me up and nudge me to get on the bed. I slowly stand up and the lacy fabric of my dress scratches my bum and I wince a little.

I climb onto the bed and position myself in the middle with my ass up, automatically my arms hug my knees. I'm facing the opposite direction from you and I can only hear that you are rummaging through your backpack. I hear you make your way to the bed and my heartbeat races so hard and fast I thought that it might beat out of my chest. I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I feel the bed shift as the weight of you sinks into the mattress.

I feel the soft silk of the ropes wrapping around my wrists and knees, expertly tying and knotting until I'm firmly restrained in place; I'm immobile. I hear the buckle of your belt and my blood runs cold. "Daddy I'm sorry!" I sob, my tears soaking the comforter. "Please daddy I'm sorry! Please don't use the belt!" My entire body shakes, the room goes silent, and I swear you could hear my heart beating. I hear the *woosh* and I tense, the blow never lands on me but on the mattress next to me.

"Two. One on each check. Are you ready Little Lady?" I feel the leather of your belt rub against the tender pink flesh and feel the impact of your belt on my left check before I even heard you raise your arm. I scream into the mattress, my tears freely flowing, my legs kicking. I'm stuck here. No amount of crying or leg kicking will ever get me out of this. This time I feel the raise of your arm, I hear your belt cut through the air, and I feel it land squarely in the center of my right cheek. I sob into the mattress, crying and apologizing. Swiftly you untie me and carry me to the bathroom where you have a bath waiting for me. You gently place me into the tub and come sit behind me. Your arms wrap around me and pull me close. You wipe the tears out of my eyes and wrap your arms around me and squeeze me tight, causing my entire body to relax and the tension melt away. Your finger lifts my chin, guiding my head up to look at you. Leaning forward to kiss my head and then you lay a tender kiss on my lips. "Daddy didn't want to have to punish you, but he had to do it to remind you why you need to behave yourself and hold your tongue."

I nod my head and sigh, my eyes beginning to close as I melt into your chest. Your fingers run through my hair as I slowly drift off to sleep.

  1. I regretted my actions instantly, realizing that my belt was the last thing I wanted to see during this discipline session.
  2. In the heat of the moment, I forget that Daddy has a leather belt for such occasions, a reminder to hold my tongue and act respectfully.
  3. After the spanking, Daddy gently helps me into the bath, his tender touch indicating that he had no pleasure in punishing me, only in teaching me a lesson about respect and obedience.

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