erotic horror

Legal Expert Discusses Divorce: Lecture 7

Divorce lawyer's exciting exploits - Chapter 7.

May 24, 2024
43 min read
anal sexfemale bisexmale bisexinterracialDivorce Lawyer Pt. 07group sex
Divorce Lawyer Pt. 07
Divorce Lawyer Pt. 07

Penny woke up to Amy leaving her bed, murmuring something about heading back to the daily grind. Looking around, Penny noticed a glisten on Amy's mouth and chin and realized it was her own fluids. On the bright side, there was just a new client unveiled on the office bulletin board.

"We can't just have sex for the sake of it all the time, Amy," Penny said, following her with one of their daily morning rituals – Penny's hand slipping between Amy's thighs as she stood up.

"I'd probably try," Amy laughed.

"Enjoy your day," Penny said as she went over to Cindy, who was beaming from ear to ear, waiting for her.

"Got some good rest?" Penny asked, feeling a bit jealous of her colleague's similar morning regimen.

"Tremendously successful rest," Cindy grinned.

"And how was that?" Penny inquired.

"Hit the jackpot a few times... how was yours?" Cindy replied, just as excited.

"Oh, you know... Pretty much the same, plus a new potential client," Penny answered with a smile.

"Got good memories there?" Cindy teased, handing over a cup of steaming coffee.

"Grant must have seen me coming, because he was already in the office with a fresh cup of coffee," Penny explained, her eyes locking with her boss'.

"Great to see you back on the horse," Grant said, the two exchanging a friendly chuckle.

"Grant, let me introduce you to our newest addition, Cindy Taylor," Penny said, gesturing to her co-worker.

"Cindy, you can take this," Grant directed, placing his drink on the desk.

"So, Frank, Ella," Penny recalled. "We enjoyed ourselves, to say the least. Did you know about their cooking skills?" Penny asked, looking at the folder in Grant's hand.

"You're about to find out," Grant said, handing her the folder. "Cindy, you need to sit down for this one."

Hesitantly, Penny sat and opened to reveal the information about their new case. "Here we go," she quipped.

"You're going to meet our client, Gloria Hayes. She's a 44-year-old licensed psychologist operating as a sex therapist," Grant continued, guiding the conversation.

"Sex... therapist? What's her deal?" Penny asked, glancing at Cindy, this case sounding more bizarre by the minute.

"She teaches both men and women the dynamics of dominant-submissive, as well as cuckolding relationships," Grant filled in.

"Why on Earth would we need to know all this?" Penny inquired, suddenly recalling she was disappointed with the normalcy of her own life.

"It's crazy..." Grant reached for his glass of water, ready to provide the juicy details. "You'll need to know about her husband, Rutherford 'Rudy' Hayes. He's not just any man but the 47-year-old great-great-grandson of a former president, and the long-running mayor of Franklin, Tennessee, near Nashville." Grant took a pause to enjoy his sip. "He's been running the city for the last 15 years and is also employed under Gloria.

"Wait, what?!" Penny could not believe it. "How is all this possible?"

"According to Gloria, he gladly satisfies her clients – even himself – but she can't satisfy him. They're in the midst of a divorce. You see, there's a funny thing in their pre-nup. Grant opened the folder to reveal a clause – a $100 million settlement if she loses her "consortium due to non-medical reasons." That's what she claims happened."

"And he can't get it up with anyone else but her? Isn't that odd?" Penny couldn't quite believe this turn of events.

Grant's story didn't end there. "While he's running for his spot as Mayor again, his only competitor is none other than Cathy Granger."

"Who?!" Penny was broadening her eyes in disbelief now.

"He's sleeping with her while her Federal judge husband watches. If you find that nuts, hold on – Granger has been one of her clients for the past 6 years. Penny looked shocked.

"That's insane, I mean, haven't they blabbed about this in public?" Penny asked, not quite grasping how these two personal and professional lives were colliding.

"Apparently not. Their campaigns don't seem to be affected by these affairs. However, this woman, Gloria, intends to let that all loose if she doesn't receive the $100 million and if she can't hold on to her husband's long-term employment contract with her, which only ends in 20 years," Grant bared.

"So, we have the cuckold mayor being with his opponent, a client, and he's under contract to stay on during the divorce, where his wife is also her client and is screwing everyone? Does it get any more twisted? " Penny asked, her incredulous mind reeling.

"Not yet," Grant smiled. "Despite their public denial, she is also denying him release from his divorce contract, deeming it separate from their personal life. " Penny and Grant sat in silence."

"And we thought our lives were complicated." Penny started to laugh feeling like this case was a Joker in their line of work. "What do you think we should do?"

Grant shrugged, as un-phased by all this as she felt cordial. "We should do our jobs and get this sorted."

Apparently not, replied Grant. There's no such thing as an official or legal sexual therapist; it's just her way of describing her psychology practice. She's not threatening or blackmailing any of her clients, just her husband or employee. She's charging for therapy, not the sex itself.

"Why did you take on this case?" asked Penny. "It's like a ticking time bomb ready to explode, potentially damaging the lives and reputations of many prominent individuals."

"For the money, what other reason would there be?" replied Grant. "She sent us a $10 million retainer, and we could receive 10% of any settlement, which would be another $10 million. Our job is to represent our client's interests, not pass judgment."

"I had a similar discussion yesterday with someone," sighed Penny. "I told them basically the same thing."

"It's a win-win situation for our client," said Grant. "She'll receive a divorce, yet keep her husband's sexual services and $100 million. She understands that he can't afford to settle without risking his own reputation, and any publicity will just enhance her reputation as a sex therapist."

"But her husband could win the case by proving that he's capable of having sex with her outside of his employment," stated Penny.

"He apparently can't or won't do that," said Grant. "He just needs to have sex with her once in their marital bed in front of witnesses to save himself $100 million, and our client is willing to participate, but not actively assist him. She's clearly ready to cash out."

"What's she like?" inquired Penny.

"Find out for yourself," said Grant, handing over a USB stick. "She gave me a video of a therapy session with her husband—a mayoral candidate—and her federal judge husband engaging in sex. She's offered to share her entire archive to demonstrate that her husband is not impotent. She's quite intelligent; if the example is typical of her therapy sessions, she has her husband penetrate her first, then her client. And then the rest of her stable of clients do the same. The video is over two hours long."

"Impressive cocks," said Penny as she watched the video on her computer. "Her husband is large. I can understand her not wanting to lose his services. The black men aren't small either. I like her arrangement: no bed or pretenses, just pure sex. They all seem to be enjoying themselves, though I think the judge, or maybe her client's husband—the one with the red face who's kneeling next to our client's client—seems to be enjoying himself too, as he sucks the penises after they've penetrated his wife, followed by swallowing her full of semen."

"Why did this issue end up in court?" asked Penny. "Her husband must've realized that he's going to lose her and have to pay her off or remain her employee unless he's prepared to face the humiliation or relocate to another state."

"Everything is possible," said Grant. "We'll know more once we gather everyone for a face-to-face meeting and set out the circumstances in explicit terms. I believe his lawyer wouldn't be a complete idiot and has informed him that he has no case."

"Cathy Granger, the other woman, seems to be really enjoying herself," observed Penny.

"How can you tell?" asked Grant, coming around to stand behind her at the computer.

"Look," said Penny, rewinding the video and then pausing it. "Observe her feet. Her toes are spread out. I'd bet anything she's cumming."

"I wouldn't have noticed that," said Grant.

"Amy has the same reaction when I eat her," Penny explained. "She cums with her entire body."

"I don't need to know that," Grant responded, shaking his head.


"Is everything okay?" Amy inquired as they finished dinner and ordered two salads from Renato's. "You seem distracted. Yesterday, too."

"I've begun this course, and it's preoccupying me," Penny responded. "Don't worry about it."

"What course?" asked Amy.

"It's a secret," Penny replied, grinning.

"Fair enough," Amy said, shrugging.

"I'll study for a bit, then come to your room," Penny said. "Okay?"

"Of course," Amy replied, smiling.

"My focus is on this course right now," Penny explained. "I'll be back soon."

It wasn't until past midnight that Penny concluded she wouldn't make any progress with her flight calculations - math never being her strong suit. She heading towards Amy's room and leapt into bed, kissing Amy, who quickly helped her satisfy herself.

"That's good, huh?" Amy murmured, fondling Penny's head.

"Yes," Penny affirmed. "Any thoughts on the latest case?" she asked a few moments later.

"A bit daft, that's what I've thought. No chance," Amy replied. "Didn't you see that video?"

"Which video?" Amy enquired. Penny disclosed the details, but Amy remained puzzled. "Amusing. I'd have been a brilliant sex therapist," she laughed.

"I was thinking the same," Penny chortled. "People would pay to be taught how to be sex slaves. Sounds quite fun, don't you think?"

"It sure as hell wouldn't be dull," Amy agreed, both women giggling at the double meaning.

The following day, Penny informed Amy during their drive, "I'm gonna need your own way home from work for the next fortnight."

"Okay," Amy consented, "is there a reason?"

"I've got a class in the afternoon that I'm attending," Penny said, smiling. "It might be better if you didn't know what it was for the moment."

"You're keeping secrets!" Amy teased Penny.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Mm, unexpected," Bill Cochrane mentioned as Penny tapped on his office door and walked inside.

"Good evening, Bill," Penny greeted, sitting down.

"What can I do for you, Penny?" Bill enquired.

"I believe I'm ready to sit the ground-school exam," Penny said.

"Right, you've only been here for a few days," Bill remarked.

"But I'm a fast learner," Penny assured him. "Can I do the exam now?"

"Of course!" Bill responded and left to search for the papers. After several minutes, he emerged with them. "You can try it now. No time pressure, take your time."

"Alright, thank you," Penny said and found a spare office, seating herself at the desk. An hour later, she approached Bill looking a little shaken.

"No, no problem?" Bill enquired.

"No," Penny answered, presenting her work to Bill. "I finished."

"Amazing!" Bill exclaimed. "One missed! That's rare."

"Which one?" she inquired, anxious. "I knew the answer but changed it before submitting," she admitted. "Dad always advised me to trust my instincts from the start."

"It's okay to miss a question," Bill reassured Penny. "Probably just a moment of doubt or hesitation. Anyway, you constantly impress us with your speed," he chuckled.

"Then... Are we flying next?" Penny asked, hopeful.

"Of course," Bill replied, smiling. "We're at North Palm Beach County Airport, used as an overflow location for PBIA. This single-engine Cessna 150 is our mode of transport."

"Oh, I didn't know there was even an airport nearby," Penny said, astounded.

Bill pointed out various bits of the aircraft, showing their significance and the need for a visual check before boarding. There was no stressing the importance of a thorough pre-flight inspection.

"This is a Cessna 150," Bill clarified, walking Penny around the plane. "Let's glance through it, finding the right bits and observing how important every joint is to ensure the safety of the journey."

Entering the aircraft, Penny strapped herself in as Bill explained more details about the dashboard - the altimeter, Directional Gyro or Heading Indicator, Attitude Indicator, Vertical Speed Indicator, Turn Coordinator, and Airspeed Indicator.

Once she got the hang of it, he steered the plane onto the runway.

"Woah! Wow!" Penny gasped, as the aircraft left the ground. She had no idea there would be a sudden takeoff, and it unnerved her slightly.

"That's one way to start," Bill joked, watching Penny's reactions. "No need to panic though; we're ascending to avoid other planes."

As they flew higher, Penny gained a little more control over herself but couldn't help the butterflies. They laughed and had a casual conversation about flying and their flight school. Soon, however, she steadied.

"What a view!" Penny remarked. "It's just like a plush ride!"

Bill's eyes lit up with enthusiasm for his profession. "The feeling is rewarding, and it's a challenge too. You should try piloting one of these on your own."

"I'd love to!" Penny blurted, obviously exhilarated.

"Do you think you're ready?" Bill asked. "It's all up to you, but I believe PBIA is the right place for you," Bill finished enthusiastically.

Managing to keep her euphoria and excitement, Penny agreed, equally stoked about flying in a bigger plane. He prepped her, took off, and guided the plane back down to the airfield.

"Awesome!" Penny grinned, her emotions exploding. "This feeling!" she gushed, "I want to pilot a plane solo."

"Amazing!" Bill grinned back. "Then, let's plan your routine for the next two weeks, starting with some straightforward flights, then build up everything from there."

"That's fantastic!" Penny beamed, refreshed following her previous disappointment in math.

The rest of the day was spent scheduling her piloting classes, and later that night, she confided in Amy during their shared meal. "I'm going to fly soon. No ivy-league college or even a tradition courses - I'll be learning to pilot."

"I'm happy for you, Pen!" Amy smiled. "It's not a catchy degree, but it's one hell of a skill."

"Alright, grab the wheel," Bill stated once they reached a comfortable altitude. "Just keep it stable. Focus on the altimeter and the attitude indicator currently. Try not to allow them to fluctuate."

"Fantastic!" Penny exclaimed, sporting a broad grin. "I'm seriously flying."

"Alright, turn the wheel gently to the right and make a turn. Maintain the same altitude. The attitude indicator will shift to demonstrate the airplane's repositioning relative to the ground. Good job. Now do the same to the left."

"It feels sluggish," Penny commented.

"This is due to the fact that you haven't utilized the rudder pedals yet," Bill clarified. "Try again, but this time apply pressure to the rudder pedal towards the direction you're turning."

"Oh!" Penny cried out in surprise when the plane reacted more abruptly.

"Now turn to the other side," Bill ordered. "Continue doing that, executing complete turns each time. Familiarize yourself with how much rudder pressure changes the response. Don't disregard the attitude indicator and the altimeter. You can easily lose altitude while turning."

Penny adhered to his instructions for an additional 10 minutes, eventually feeling at ease and confident that she could control the aircraft.

"Look at the airport over there?" Bill inquired, pointing towards the distance to the left.

"Yes," Penny responded.

"Let's head that way," Bill instructed. "Try to approach like you're about to land."

"Is that a hint?" Penny asked, panic in her voice.

"No way," Bill replied with a laugh. "You're not even prepared for that yet. However, you do seem to be a quick learner." Now, carefully lower the altitude, but not too abruptly, only a gentle reduction. Perfect. I'll take over now." He took control of the yoke and steered the aircraft. "No need to worry about the instruments. Focus on the plane's angle with respect to the ground. Notice how we approach with the nose slightly up, allowing the air to slow us down. I'm decreasing the engine power." He simply released the throttle. "And let's drift down gradually, letting gravity do its job." The plane descended, kissing the ground gently before rolling onto its front wheels. "Congratulations on your inaugural flight," Bill said proudly, taxying back to the hangar to park the plane and shut off the engine.

"I had a blast!" Penny exclaimed, her face radiating excitement. "When can we do it again?" she inquired. "I've made arrangements to have Friday afternoons free at work."

"Why not visit the school and spend a few hours on the simulator daily? Then we can fly for an hour or so and practice your simulator skills?" Bill recommended.

"Okay," Penny agreed. "And with my weekends off, we can probably complete your flight hours requirements within a couple of weeks."

"This is significantly more enjoyable than I anticipated," Penny asserted. "Thanks so much. You truly simplify this process."

"You're a fine pupil," Bill stated. "It makes it simple for me as well."

"See you tomorrow," Penny said as she got into her car and drove away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Wow!" Amy cried out as she disengaged from Penny that evening. "What's got you so excited?" she asked.

"I'm simply happy," Penny responded, panting for breath, her pussy still tingling from her fisting session.

"Well, whatever it is, don't stop," Amy chuckled.

Penny dedicated her afternoons on the flight simulator for a few hours, followed by an hour or so in the air applying her simulator knowledge, Bill assisting her with taking off and landing on her own on Thursday, guiding her calmly and peacefully.

"The only distinction is that the simulator is rather smoother," Penny remarked after a gentle landing.

"That's precisely why you can't simply practice on the simulator," Bill explained. "You must adjust to the differing air, the clumps, the sudden tiny gusts. However, you're doing remarkably well. It appears to be innate to you."

"It's all thanks to you," Penny said. "You make it so simple for me."

"I can't perform it all for you," Bill said. "You're the one flying the plane. You possess a good understanding of how it functions."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"There's a party tonight," Amy informed them while driving to work on Friday morning. "Do you want to join me?"

"What sort of party?" Penny inquired.

"A sexual gathering," Amy answered.

"Sure, let's go!" Penny replied eagerly.

"Wow!" Penny exclaimed, looking at Amy in shock.

"Think of it as a large, sexual gathering," Amy explained. "Usually attended by wealthy, older individuals who are bored. They host these events at different private homes every month or so."

"And you go to these?" Penny inquired.

"Yeah, been doing it for a few years now," Amy answered with a smile. "They're quite enjoyable. I'm confident you'll appreciate it too."

"I can't wait!" Penny said, her body trembling with anticipation.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Why are you looking so distracted?" Bill asked as they flew that day.

"I just have something else on my mind," Penny apologized.

"If you can't give all your attention to flying, you shouldn't be in the air," Bill reprimanded sternly. "It doesn't require much for you to find yourself in a dangerous situation, especially when it comes to flying."

"I'll be more focused in the future," Penny agreed. She let out a sigh of relief once they landed the plane, which wasn't as smooth as before.

"If you'd like, we could practice cross-country flying tomorrow," Bill suggested. "You'd get around 5-6 hours of flying in, which would help you meet some of the license requirements."

"That would be fantastic," Penny agreed.

Having trouble eating, Penny and Bill settled for a salad at Renato's. Following Amy's advice, Penny wore only a miniskirt and a T-shirt. After being directed to a house on Vita Serena, just a few blocks from her parents' home, they entered to find around 40 people interacting, some in clothes and others completely bare, with alcoholic beverages in their hands.

Penny gasped when she saw an older woman being fucked on one of the sofas, her large breasts hanging to the sides as a man fucked her. Several onlookers watched this unfold. She witnessed two men talking and two women kneeling in front of them, sucking their cocks.

"Let's explore the place," Amy suggested, removing her clothes and dropping them on the floor. Penny followed suit. As they made their way through the house, Penny found the setting thrilling because of the sight of all the naked people enjoying themselves.

"I've been looking forward to seeing you again," an older man said, grabbing Amy and caressing her while one hand was on her ass and the other on her breasts.

"Hi, John," Amy greeted him, wrapping her hand around his erect penis and sinking to her knees, taking it into her mouth as Penny watched, her jaw dropped.

"I haven't been to a party like this before," a man commented, smiling at her and reaching out to touch her vagina, his finger sliding between her lips and into her wetness as he leaned over to kiss her. Penny took his penis, then immediately knelt down to give it the same treatment as she heard him coming in her mouth.

As Penny experienced her first blowjob with a stranger, many ogling her, she couldn't believe how exiting it felt. After joining so many people in the act of sexual pleasure, Amy guided her up the stairs to the second floor, where they were standing, watching the crowded room. [(constant)2]

Escorted through the hallway, we walked past a room where multiple men entered and left. Cautiously peering inside, I discovered it to be a bedroom where a woman lay on the bed with her legs entwined around the man having sex with her, while eight to ten men stood by, some kneeling on the bed, one of them with his penis inside the woman's mouth. As the man fucking her reached his climax, cum dripped from her gaping pussy and anus. Without retreating her gaze, she watched as another man quickly replaced him, ramming his penis into her.

"That's the train lady," Amy explained, guiding me out of the room. "She's always at these events, always riding the train. She's a legend."

"It seems pretty fun," I said, unable to suppress my astonishment at the insanity of the party.

Back downstairs, we were almost instantly dragged into a group where several men thrust their penises into my mouth. I swallowed a few who came instantly, and tasted pussy on a handful who had already been there. A string of men took turns sexually assaulting me before I gained enough composure to stand up.

Climbing back up the stairs, streaks of cum decorating the inside of my legs, I saw men entering and exiting the bedroom where the train lady had been. Uncontrollably, I stepped into the same room and witnessed the woman on the bed with her legs wide, a fat black man's cock thrusting in and out of her pussy, other men kneeling on either side to have their cocks sucked. The fat black man withdrew his penis from her and crawled up her body, intending to be the next to pleasure his lips in her sloppy pussy. Cum ran from her pussy and anus. Suddenly, I found myself crawling onto the bed and greedily devouring the train lady's pussy, my tongue diving deep into her slit to relish the cum coating her lips and clit. Everyone around her was in tight formation and everyone was shouting. When the fat black man lifted his midsection, focusing on pleasuring her orally, I spotted cum running from her pussy and anus. Unthinking, I lunged for her, embracing her and devoured her cum-soaked pussy.

A man climbed off of the train lady and Penny lifted her face, gaping in astonishment. Her mother, Sarah, looked back with shock, placing her fingers together as she stared at the state of her daughters' genitalia, now brimming with cum. A different man grabbed her hips and his penis entered my pussy, thrusting furiously. Penny dashed down the stairs, her body trembling as she searched for Amy among the horny swarm.

"Amy, I need to return home," Penny said, hands rising to her head in disbelief. Neither sister had are ready to leave.

"What," Amy gasped, distracted by the man who gripped her waist, thrusting into her from behind.

"I have to go."

"Wait, I'll go with you."

They managed to find their garments and quickly dressed up, with Amy following Penny from the house to the car.

"Good God, what will I do?" Penny groaned, pounding the steering wheel as she raced away.

"Penny, what's going on?" Amy asked, aghast.

"God, I am so fucked! I-I went back upstairs to watch the train lady...she was in the middle of an orgy. I...I ate her out...and another man began fucking me."

"Your...your mother?" Amy gasped, aghast. "The train lady was your mother?"

"What am I supposed to do?" Penny pleaded. "I can't tell her that I just devoured her pussy!"

"I wouldn't worry about it," Amy said before laughing. "It's just fucked beyond comprehension. I wonder if Grant was there?"

"I didn't see him," Penny answered indistinctly. "Shit, I am just so fucked."

"Don't worry about it, Penny," Amy advised, comforting her emotional sister. "It's not like she's going to be angry you did the same thing she did."

"No, it's not about that." Penny shook her head. "I was eating her pussy! Her taste was divine! It was irresistible, the pussy of a woman whose clit felt so incredible, the feeling of her sitting beneath me as I consumed every drop of her tangy pussy juices. Yet another man rammed into my pussy from behind."

"What should I do?" Amy inquired.

"I don't know what to say," Penny murmured. "I fear that I'll never be able to look at her without thinking about her vagina, the way it tasted and the different men I've fucked in it...oh, God."

"I'm not sure what to say," Amy responded. "This is an experience you will probably never experience again, but it's difficult, given the circumstances. Next time, consider making a firm decision prior to going to one of these parties."

"If you're not going to steer clear of her indefinitely, you're going to need to chat with her, I presume," Amy said with a shrug. "It'd be fascinating to listen in on that conversation."

"You're not taking this seriously," Penny grumbled as she parked the car at their condo.

"Penny, I believe you're overreacting," Amy countered. "Both you and her attended an orgy. It's not like she can reproach you for doing what she did herself. And about her claiming you ate her...who cares? You adore eating pussy, right? In addition to that, you fuck your dad and suck his dick. Why make such a big fuss? If you think about it, it's rather awesome."

"I don't believe she'll view it the same way," Penny complained as they entered their condo.

"Well, what's done is done. You can't reverse it now. You're the daughter of the train lady. No wonder you're so hot. It's in your genes."

"You're not being helpful," Penny grumbled.

"Let's take a shower, then hit the hay, and I'll assist you in the only way I know-how," Amy suggested.

It was fortunate for Penny that she had to fly a plane the following day with Bill so that she could avoid brooding over what had unfolded the night prior. Every time she licked Amy's clit during the night, she imagined how delicious her mother's pussy must've tasted when she ate her. She climaxed, and Amy devoured each drop of her orgasm.

"You appear ready for your check-out flight," Bill commented on Sunday after they safely landed in North County Airport following a cross-state trip from the west coast, then north past Tampa, then back across the state just south of Orlando, and back to land. "You've accumulated enough hours from actual flights and simulations. Pass the check-out exam, and you can fly alone."

"You truly think I'm ready for it?" Penny asked, hoping.

"I have no uncertainties," Bill responded, beaming at her. "You're destined for this."

"When will I be prepared to learn how to fly a jet?" Penny inquired.

"No obstacles to that," Bill replied. "After you receive your solo license, start practicing on your own. Work on your instrument skills. You can perfect these on the simulator, too. It'll only take about a week before you earn your instrument and multi-engine ratings. And then, it's simply a matter of locating a jet to learn."

"Will you help me locate one of those Eclipse 500 jets you spoke about?" Penny inquired.

"I already did," Bill said, sounding cheerful. "As soon as I recognized that you were born for this, I began the search. I identified one that has fewer than a thousand hours on it. You might be able to seize it for $900,000."

"Fantastic, Bill! What must I do now?" Penny asked, enthusiastic.

"You've got to pass your check-out flight first," Bill informed her. "Make sure you're confident in your capabilities."

"You seem positively chipper," Amy remarked that night after they'd exhausted each other with their passionate caresses.

"I'm practically elated," Penny sighed.

"Are you ready to divulge what transpired today?" Amy inquired.

"Give me a week, then I'll share everything, I swear," Penny responded, snuggling up to hug her and share a lengthy, passionate kiss.

"Do you not longer feel distressed about your mother?" Amy questioned.

"Holy shit!" Penny gasped. "I didn't even consider it all day. How will I face my dad tomorrow at work?"

"Perhaps Grant can serve as an intermediary," Penny suggested.

"This isn't a problem to solve," Amy chuckled. "It doesn't need a mediator. You simply need to talk with her about it and come to an agreement. It likely won't be as dreadful as you assume. She's had some time to ponder and more than likely spoken about it with your father."

If Penny had seen her own situation clearly, she wouldn't have worn her most transparent white blouse on Monday around noon. She was so tensed that her nipples were as firm as pebbles, poking out conspicuously through the see-through material. As she passed Cindy, she saw a wide-eyed stare, then she took a deep breath before entering the inner office.

"I was wondering if you'd come to work today," Grant said from behind his desk, grinning at her.

"Oh, Dad, what am I going to do?" Penny inquired, resting on the couch. "How can I ever face her again?" she asked.

"That's pretty much what your mother said," Grant responded, joining her.

"Do you go to those parties?" Penny enquired.

"Occasionally," Grant answered, nodding. "I'm usually too preoccupied with work but I know how much your mother anticipates them. She usually attends solo and I benefit from her pleasure once she returns. That's the finest sex between us."

"Even after she's engaged with so many men?" Penny inquired.

"Not at all," Grant answered. "I see it as her warming up for me. When she saw you, she was confused."

"I didn't understand..." Penny stated. "I only wanted to watch the 'train lady,' as Amy refers to her."

"She'll be thrilled to hear that," Grant chuckled. "The train lady. That's a decent name."

"A guy had just entered her and her vagina looked incredible," Penny detailed. "I could not help myself; I had to eat her. Oh, she tasted delicious. I've never tasted a pussy so delightful. She was climaxing constantly."

"Your mother was stunned that someone was actually eating her," Grant said. "She had never been eaten so skillfully and came so hard. When she spotted you, she was frozen. She didn't know what to do."

"I just ran," Penny said. "When I peeked back, another guy was already fucking her. Does she truly despise me?" she inquired.

"She's disappointed that you're similar to her and a bit embarrassed that you know about her in that way," Grant explained. "She had always believed you'd follow a more typical path. I'm sorry, but I had to tell her about the trip to London."

"She..." Penny gasped. "She knows about us?"

"Indeed, she does," Grant said. "That made her quite furious, even though she directed her fury towards me for failing to control myself," he said slowly. "She's never protested against my enjoying other women, in fact, she encourages me. I think she does that as a method to stifle any feelings of guilt she might have regarding her own conduct, though I've never complained or resented her for it. I find it gratifying that she isn't apprehensive about making herself happy. When she understood your seduction campaign, she comprehended."

"I agree," Penny consented, smiling. "So, what's going to happen?" she inquired.

"Obviously, the two of you have to converse," Grant replied. "Come up with a solution."

"You have no clue how unsettling that is to me," Penny moaned.

"It's probably not what she's yearning for either," Grant said, chortling. "As was the situation with you and me, this isn't the sort of topic most parents envision discussing with their offspring."

"Certainly, I can understand," Penny agreed.

"Tomorrow, we should fly to Nashville," he said.

"Tomorrow?" Penny exclaimed.

"Is that a problem?" Grant inquired. "You've been taking the afternoons off, but this is your job."

"No, you're correct," Penny acknowledged. "Of course I'll go with you. How long will we be there?"

"We could be back tomorrow night, but it's more than likely one night," Grant answered. "This case is a waste of money and effort for everyone."

"I suppose," Penny said. "Let's go make everyone satisfied."

Penny followed Grant to the boiler room, feeling relieved after their discussion, reassured that her mother didn't harbor hate for her.

"Hey, it's the candy man!" someone called as they entered the boiler room and she observed the stack of letters he was holding.

"The court case involving our eccentric British royal client has come to an end, if you will," mentioned Grant, fluttering the envelopes. "We have Lady Hawthorne as our focal point here. Everyone should be aware that the original contract was worth twenty million dollars," he continued, scooting around the room delivering the envelopes. "That translates to two hundred thousand dollars for each of you. Thanks to the British government's successful seizure of the recovered funds in the offshore accounts, our customer received fifty billion dollars as a gesture of good faith, comprising roughly ten percent of the total regained amount. Consequently, your cut of ten percent has led you to each acquiring $5 million. However, since Amy was the one who uncovered the crucial clue that helped unwrap everything, I'm giving her a twenty-five million-dollar bonus, which she'll be receiving a double amount of."

"I'm the first one to express my appreciation," Reginald voiced out, rising up from his seat and proceeding towards Amy's desk. "I apologize for disrespecting you in the past due to my insensitive inclination of liking fashion and aversion to losing, particularly to a female," he shared. "As you gradually display your superiority over me as an investigator, I can only thank you for being such a gracious sport."

"I won't beat around the bush," Amy stated, standing up and planting both hands on Reginald's jacket. "I hereby forgive you, and," as cheers and applause resounded, "this warm reception you soaked up made my day. I appreciate your pleasant confession and think it's only fair to return the favor with a kiss."

"We're expecting three extra cases," Grant notified upon their return to the office. "So, you'll all have a chance to exhibit the very reasons why I deemed you worthy of your paychecks."

"It's not just the money that warms their hearts, Penny." His companion, Penny, proclaimed. "You make them feel significant as human beings beyond the cash."

"I appreciate the sentiment," stated Grant, handing Penny the last packet.

Astonished, Amy uttered, "Look at that!" while squinting at the check amounting to five hundred and twenty million. "I don't think I deserve this."

"The yardstick of deserving has nothing to do with it, dear. It's merely a case of circumstances," Grant emphasized. "Am I deserving of the vast four hundred million I procured?"

"Four hundred million?!" Penny exclaimed, her eyes widening. "When I was only seeing digits, I couldn't gauge how much you'd made."

"What I find genuinely thrilling is that there's no way I could have more fun than what I'm presently experiencing?" Grant asked jovially.

The following day they travelled to Nashville, where their client met them at the arrivals gate. Dressed in a sun dress without sleeves and coming down to her thighs, Mrs. Hayes' décolletage greatly displayed her large, dark nipples at the edge.

"Welcome, Mr. Studder," Mrs. Hayes greeted.

"It's a pleasure, Mrs. Hayes," Grant replied, extending his hand.

"And who might this spectacular young lady be?" Mrs. Hayes enquired, smiling at Penny.

"My partner in legal affairs, Miss Penny Lane," introduced Grant as they clung hands.

"If she's half as intelligent as she's attractive, I'm confident in entrusting my situation to you," shared Mrs. Hayes.

"Thank you," murmured Penny, flushing.

"Urgent business calls for me, but I'd rather exploit this opportunity," Mrs. Hayes announced. "Thus, I desire to expedite this as promptly as possible."

"I concur, may we push through as fast as we can," echoed Grant.

Entering a glass office building and passing through two sets of doors marked 'Gloria Hayes, PhD, Psychologist and Sex Therapist,' they followed Mrs. Hayes, promptly entering the conference room where Mr. Hayes and his attorney were seated side by side on one end. They took seats opposite them with Grant occupying a central position.

"Alright, let's initiate this whirlwind," Mrs. Hayes declared, after them the stewardess rolled in with a tray positioned with their coffees.

Grant responded, "I see." He interlaced his fingers in front of his face. "Your client claims that Mr. Hayes is either physically incapable or unwilling to perform his marital duties with her."

"Mr. Hayes has normal sexual relations with his wife," Mr. Tregare clarified. "In fact, he did so just three hours ago."

"Hint: he was doing his job during a therapy session," Mrs. Hayes interjected. "He hasn't touched me in months outside of therapy sessions."

"How many therapy sessions a day do you have, Mrs. Hayes?" Mr. Tregare asked.

"Two or three," she responded.

"Does Mr. Hayes have sexual intercourse with you during those sessions with at least four other men, as well as with your therapy client?" Mr. Tregare inquired further.

"Of course," she replied. "It's part of his occupation. He's contractually obligated to do so. But it doesn't have anything to do with our marriage."

"I think the court will see it differently," Mr. Tregare responded.

"I must respectfully disagree," Grant said. "Is there audio-visual equipment in this room?" he questioned.

"Yes, it's Bluetooth-compatible," Mrs. Hayes replied, standing up and going to the console. She pushed a button, and a large screen descended from the ceiling at the head of the table. "Penny, here," he handed her a memory stick.

Mrs. Hayes quickly booted her laptop, connecting it to the memory stick. When the video window opened on the large screen, she clicked on a bookmark that she had created on the timeline, and the screen filled with an image of Mrs. Hayes sitting in a chair, next to a woman with dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. Next to this woman, on his knees, was yet another man. Both women were naked, their legs hanging over the arms of their respective chairs, their pink pussies spread open and glistening, Mrs. Hayes' with dark-tinged inner lips that were pouting open beneath a fat dark clit, the other woman's with delicate pink inner lips beneath a small clit.

"Is that you?" Grant confirmed.

"Yes, and my client, Cathy Granger, and her husband, Judge Frederick Granger," she replied.

"That is the woman who is running against you for mayor, correct, Mr. Hayes?" Grant inquired.

"That's right," Mr. Hayes confirmed, flushing as he looked at the images on the screen.

"Let's see," Grant said. "Penny, start the video." The four of them watched as the two men had sex with the two women. Mrs. Hayes' voice was audible, reminding Mrs. Granger (referred to as Cathy) to just accept it and let it happen, that any pleasure she might receive from it was unimportant.

"Next bookmark," Grant directed, and Penny clicked on it, causing the video to jump to where Mr. Hayes was withdrawing his slick cock from Mrs. Hayes' now-stretched pussy, then approaching her mouth and pushing it inside. His grunts as he came could be heard, as well as Mrs. Hayes' cum-covered tongue once he stepped back and she swallowed. Simultaneously, the black man was pulling his cock from Mrs. Granger's pussy, followed by a torrent of cum. Judge Granger then turned and attached his mouth to her, his mouth slurping on her pussy audibly.

"Next bookmark." At Grant's instruction, Penny skipped the video forward to show Mr. Hayes moving over in front of Mrs. Granger, his cock at attention in front of him. Another naked black man appeared next to Mrs. Hayes. The two men immediately thrust their cocks into the two women and began enthusiastically fucking them. Mrs. Hayes explained to Mrs. Granger that the purpose of this was to provide a vessel for her husband's pleasure.

"Move on to the next bookmark," Grant instructed, causing the video to jump ahead and display a black male sexually penetrating Mrs. Hayes. Her eyes widened and nostrils flared as the man ejaculated in her mouth. On the other side of her, Mr. Hayes was pulling his penis out of Mrs. Granger's vagina. Judge Granger quickly twisted to receive the stream of semen from Mrs. Granger which flowed onto his tongue. He then pressed his lips to hers, audibly sucking on her genitals.

"That's enough," Grant stated. "Do you genuinely believe that a jury would view this as marital sex? I don't think so. This lacks tenderness and passion, displaying only manual sex. I believe a jury will recognize it as a performance for Judge and Mrs. Granger's sex therapy sessions, with no connection to fulfilling his marital duties."

"You're off your rocker!" Mr. Tregare screamed, his hands shaking.

"My client insists," Grant said. "Her testimony will demonstrate that this is her only form of sexual interaction with her husband, never in their bed. I think a jury of her peers will recognize it for what it is: a violation of the pre-nuptial agreement, due to a loss of consortium caused by health issues other than medical ones."

"You'd be obliterating their reputations if you let this reach trial," Mr. Tregare objected. "How does that serve your client's interests?"

"I concur, Mr. Hayes'...sorry, Mayor Hayes'...reputation will take a massive hit," Grant said. "Imagine how intolerable it would be for the grandson of a past president to live in the community following this debasement. He might even be forced to relocate to another country. However, my client maintains that not only does this support her case against her husband violating the pre-nuptial agreement by withholding sexual favors, but it will boost her business as a sex therapist considerably."

"Now, and I expect you've informed your client as any competent attorney would, this marriage is beyond repair," Grant explained. "My client wishes to cease experiencing the humiliation of a sexless marriage. In the interest of preserving any positive recollections of her marriage before her husband stopped engaging sexually with her, my client proposes a discreet settlement without publicizing any scandal. All your client needs to do is admit to breaching the pre-nuptial contract and sign an uncontested divorce document, with the agreed-upon $100 million payment."

"Wait a minute," Mr. Tregare interjected, turning to speak with his client. "Would your client allow him to terminate the employment arrangement between them for his involvement in her therapy sessions if we accede to these terms?"

"Not in a million years," Mrs. Hayes said. "His penis belongs to me. We have a contract, and I'll uphold it just like I've adhered to the pre-nup. If you refuse, I can make sure everyone knows why. I'll profit from this situation."

Penny observed in awe as Mr. Tregare had another hushed exchange with his client.

"My client seeks to avoid further aggravation," Mr. Tregare said, visibly losing. "He is prepared to conclude this matter. How should we proceed?"

"It's nearly noon," Grant remarked, glancing at his watch. "That leaves enough time for you to wire $100 million, along with Mrs. Hayes' legal fees of $10 million, to my escrow account today."

"Legal fees! $10 million!" Mr. Tregare exclaimed.

"Certainly," Grant responded. "When you lose in court, you pay your adversary's legal costs as well. Why would this situation be any dissimilar?"

"Then let's wrap this up," Mr. Tregare said, seeming fed up.

"I believe we've concluded our business for the day," Grant stated, standing.

"Ensure you're on time for your therapy session, Rudy," Mrs. Hayes said as she rose.

"I'll meet you there," Mr. Hayes replied, rising to join his lawyer as they left the room.

Mrs. Hayes seemed impressed after they'd gone. "You're a skilled negotiator, Mr. Studder," she commented. "I assume you'll take half of the legal fees?"

"Absolutely," Grant smiled. "And I wasn't expecting any more than I've received."

"Excellent," Mrs. Hayes beamed. "I'm receiving five million dollars more than I anticipated. However, I'd like the USB stick returned unless you'd prefer to keep it," she said, that smile getting even broader.

"It's tempting to keep it because it's quite entertaining, but no," Grant said, laughing as Penny handed the USB stick back. "Now we just have to find somewhere to stay overnight."

"There's a Four Seasons only a block away," Mrs. Hayes informed them. "Allow me to drive you."

When they got out of her car at the hotel, she said she'd come pick them up at 8:30 the next morning. Upon entering the hotel, Grant asked if they had a one-bedroom suite available for a night's stay.

"We do," the receptionist answered uncertainly. "One or two bedrooms?"

"One," Penny immediately responded, looking at Grant.

The moment they shut the door to their suite, Penny was undressing her dad. "All I could think of while watching that video was fucking you," she breathed, sliding his pants and underwear off in one swift motion. Then she took his cock in her mouth, holding his butt cheeks as she swallowed the whole nine inches. It was enjoyable when he hoisted her up, dropping her onto the bed before he went down on her, licking her wet pussy voraciously. He then rolled onto her, taking each of her nipples into his mouth in turn before thrusting into her, her legs hugging him tightly as they smooched deeply.

"I've missed this," Penny gasped, nestling against him after giving him a blowjob so he could cum.

"We've both been busy," Grant sighed, embracing her and caressing her breasts.

"I think you should fuck me with Mom," Penny suggested. "Think how amazing that would be? You should propose the idea to her," she urged.

"It might amaze you," Grant replied. "Suggest it to her."

"I like the idea of letting people know they're appreciated," she said, rising to straddle him and guide his cock into her pussy. Laboring to breathe, she asked, "Ever consider fucking Amy? I mean, she's been wanting it."

"I'll think about it," Grant promised, almost caving, then gently nibbling her nipples.

Penny returned home Monday evening feeling like she was on clouds. She hadn't realized that Bill was an FAA-certified examiner. Her apprehension vanished once they were airborne; her sole concern was to follow his instructions, carrying out maneuvers that seemed so natural when her dad was in the seat behind her. Their landing was flawless, the aircraft greeting the ground as if it were feather-light. Prouder than ever, she claimed her pilot's license, storing it in her bag and proceeding to the living area.

"I need my pussy eaten," she said on seeing Amy, tossing her clothes onto a chair beside the entrance.

"You don't need to ask twice," Amy answered, grinning as she guided Penny to her bedroom.

They were catching their breath, lazily caressing each other, when the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" Amy inquired, getting up and heading to the door. "Yes?" she asked, activating the speaker on the downstairs panel where all the doorbells were.

"My name is Helen Studder," they heard. "Is my daughter Penny here?"

"She's on her way," Amy responded, Penny feeling her heart in her throat. "You'll have to talk. Think with your heart."

At the door, Penny's mind was a jumble as she opened it to see her. "M-mom, w-what are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't we discuss this?" Helen inquired, surveying Penny's nakedness.

"C-of course," Penny confirmed, opening the door further. "Please, come in."

As soon as Helen crossed the threshold, Amy entered as well.

"Hello. I'm Amy Harrison. Welcome," Amy introduced herself, smiling and extending her hand for a handshake.

"I've never had any guests before, so there are no obligations set," Amy answered with a chuckle.

"We generally don't wear clothes in the house," Penny clarified. "It's just an unspoken rule of the house."

"Do you anticipate me stripping?" Helen wondered, perplexed.

"Definitely not," Amy chuckled. "It's just something we do."

"How about we discuss in my room?" Penny proposed, drawing her mother closer.

"It feels really cozy here," Helen shared as they entered into Penny's bedroom and shut the door. "It reminds me of home."

"It is," Penny agreed, settling on the bed. "Unfortunately, I don't possess any chairs."

"Don't fret," Helen said, sitting down on the bed's edge. "I'm at a loss for words."

"You're not the only one," Penny sighed. "I'm so sorry for mortifying you, for making you feel bad about me," she blurted out. "I had no idea..."

"Why should you?," Helen pondered, sighing. "I was never embarrassed by you, nor have I ever been ashamed of you about anything," she clarified. "What left me astounded was the sight of you on the bed, before you were identified, I was enamored with you. You were such a cool lady, a step up from Amy, and quite an accomplishment. I couldn't help but want to eat one of the dreamiest pussies I've ever come across. Its likeness to mine was striking; it shared long lips, a large clitoris, and an excessive amount of semen. I enjoyed it immensely. My mind reeled. Then, a miracle happened. I saw your face. I panicked and quickly left the room. As I turned back, I spotted another man thrusting in you."

"I don't know what to make of this," Helen gasped, startled. "Do you typically share such candid accounts?"

"That's correct," Penny nodded. "I have no inhibitions when it comes to sex. It's my paragon and lifeblood."

"I'd always coveted that you wouldn't be like me," Helen expressed, signing with a sigh. "I'd imagined I'd eventually move past my relentless desire to be sexually gratified, but instead, it appears to grow stronger. Lacking your father's loving acceptance, I fear I might have lost my mind by this point."

"Your father is exceptional," Penny praised, beaming. "I adore him so much. Do you disapprove of London? He did convey it to you."

"I'm far from a hypocrite," Helen stated. "I love knowing your father experiences pleasure. I just didn't anticipate it would be with you. Being a woman, I comprehend how unresistible he is. I've never met a man who could satisfy me as well as your father. I've been with countless, but I always look forward to returning home and fulfilling my desires with him. He's my prime when it comes to encapsulating a night of sex."

"It's difficult to imagine not having anchor," Penny said. "Before discovering your father's exceptionality, I had no expectation of marrying. But if I came across a man like yours, who allows me to be myself and can also cater to my needs, then I'd consider myself lucky."

"I would certainly agree," Helen affirmed. "However, are you okay with my unconventional preferences?"

"You're the embodiment of my hopes," Penny giggled. "To be capable of desiring sex with anyone, anytime, while missing nothing but euphoria, would be my goal if I could wield a magic lamp. That's why I adore Amy so much. She shares my mindset; having fun with others while taking pleasure in merely seeing each other is magical, and she's coveted."

"Something extremely acquainted about her escapes me," Helen said.

"She took me to the party," Penny shared. "She said you're renowned as the train lady," she expressed with a grin. "She considers you a legend."

"That probably applies," Helen laughed. "The train lady, eh?"

When it occurs naturally, Helen said. This is still overwhelming for me. I need time to get used to it.

"I understand," Penny replied, filled with joy.

"I should leave now," Helen said, stood up. "I couldn't handle another sleepless night, knowing that we had to talk."

"It's been the same for me," Penny said. "I can't even describe how happy I am right now."

"It seems like you two have resolved your issue," Amy said from the couch when she saw them coming out of Penny's bedroom, stood up.

"I can see why the two of you get along so well," Helen said, laughed. "You're both straight-forward to the point of being blunt."

"I prefer to think of it as being honest and direct," Amy said, smiled. "We hide behind words enough in our work. I don't want my personal life to be like that. I am who I am, and make no excuses for being honest."

"Thank you for being such a good friend to my daughter," Helen said. "She means a lot to me."

"And to me," Amy said. "I'm genuinely glad I could finally meet you. I've always wanted to, but..."

"I understand," Helen laughed. "Next time I come...I think I like your house rules," she said, appearing to notice their nakedness.

"You're always welcome," Amy said.

"Thanks for coming, Mom," Penny said, hugging her.

"We'll speak again soon," Helen said. "Amy, it was a pleasure," she said, shaking hands.

"Oh, Amy!" Penny nearly screamed, hugging her after her mother left.

"An understanding was reached?" Amy asked.

"It wasn't even necessary," Penny said. "We were on the same page all along. We were both concerned about what the other thought, wasn't that right? In fact, she even said that she thought the idea of her and me having sex with Dad was fantastic."

"If only I could be in that bed," Amy laughed.

Penny spent the next two days studying twin-engine aircraft, spending most of her time on the simulator, working on her instrument flying and learning about the different handling characteristics if one engine failed. It took her several tries, but she finally managed to make 6 consecutive landings with either engine out. Upon her return Thursday, Bill announced it was a good day for a flight. Arriving at the airport, Penny was thrilled to find out they would be taking a Cessna 421 - a twin-engine aircraft. She had used her time on the simulator productively, and after several touch-and-goes with both engines, Bill allowed her to make a landing with only one engine.

A few hours later, Penny was sitting in a simulator programmed with the cockpit and instrumentation of an Eclipse 500. The experience was so exhilarating that she had to be ejected when they closed for the night. She spent her entire Saturday in the simulator.

"How would you like to go to Houston tomorrow and check out the Eclipse I found?" Bill asked when she finally left.

"Really? Yes! Can we?" Penny asked.

"As long as you're confident you can negotiate a deal to fly it back here, there's no issue," Bill asked.

"I can do it right there," Penny responded. "I'll transfer it."

"Alright, pack a bag," Bill said. "We'll likely stay overnight to avoid IFR flying. It would be best if your first experience was in daylight."

"First class, please," Penny requested when Bill objected.

They arrived in Houston just before 11:00 a.m. and were greeted by a friendly man wearing a cowboy hat and boots.

"Hank Droller," he introduced himself, shook hands. "Welcome to Houston."

Hank chatted endlessly while he drove them in his Ford F250 for almost 30 minutes from the Houston airport.

"Why are you selling the Eclipse, Mr. Droller?" Penny inquired. "You've barely used it, isn't that right?"

"Absolutely," Hank agreed. "I upgraded to a Cessna Citation, so I no longer need the Eclipse. It's a great plane, though. Simple to navigate. Excellent for a woman, if you don't mind my saying."

"If you didn't own it first, I might find your statement insulting," Penny said, laughing. "Do people really say they bought a woman's jet?" she asked.

"I got you there," Hank laughed.

After a 10-minute drive on a dirt road, they arrived at a large ranch house and its adjacent hangar where a white twin-engine jet with blue accents stood, shining in the sun. Penny listened intently as Hank walked them through the aircraft, answering Bill's questions.

"Can we take a flight?" Hank inquired. "You can't purchase something without trying it out, right?"

They hopped in the Eclipse and Hank lead the way.

"Certainly!" Penny responded, showing enthusiasm.

"So, have you piloted a jet before?" Hank inquired as they headed inside, Hank seating himself on the right, pilot's side, Bill beside him, and Penny following behind.

"I've accumulated eight different jet ratings," Bill expressed, "including F/A-18 Hornets and the Boeing 747."

"Wow, you're a real pilot, aren't you?" Hank exclaimed. "It's not a fighter jet, but it handles nicely," he remarked as he ignited the engines and allowed them to warm up. "Are you secured in the back?" he inquired. "I'll make it take off straight up."

"Yes, I'm prepared," Penny affirmed, feeling her heartbeat hasten in her chest.

The primary observation that Penny made, apart from the acceleration compressing her back onto her seat, was the quietness in comparison to a propeller-driven plane. She couldn't really see the cockpit from her position, so she simply delighted in the sensation of the flight and the limited field of view outside the window.

"It's all up to you," Penny heard Hank say, only for her to conclude that Bill was flying.

She sensed everything that he did, from sprawling gentle turns to tight turns, before sudden alterations of direction. The landing upon their return was surprisingly gentle.

"What are your thoughts?" Hank inquired as they disembarked.

"It's a superb plane," Bill stated. "A true delight to fly."

"Should I acquire it?" Penny inquired.

"If a jet is what you genuinely want, this is an excellent choice for your needs," Bill remarked. "There's nothing wrong with the jet; it's solely a matter of whether you want it and reaching an accord on the price."

"What would you seek for it, Mr. Droller?" Penny inquired.

"The cost is $900,000," Hank replied.

"Would $800,000 suffice?" Penny enquired.

"No," Hank responded, shaking his head. "The cost is $900,000. It's a fair price. It's been equipped to match the specifications of the 550."

Penny realized that he was adamant about not lowering the price and that attempting to negotiate wasn't feasible, particularly considering her most recent paycheck.

"I'll take it," Penny stated, grinning.

Within the hour, Penny had transferred the funds, and Hank had transferred the title and proprietorship. Penny now owned an Eclipse 500 jet. When they inquired about being taken to town to find a hotel for the night, Hank would not relent, insisting that it was a spacious abode with much room and that he'd be proud if they accepted his invitation to spend the night. They were both shown to rooms, each with an en suite bathroom, across the hallway from one another.

Penny was uneasy and stepped outside to gaze at her new possession, strolling over to the hangar to admire her prized asset, examining every detail of it.

"Isn't it a unique sensation?" Bill commented, appearing behind her as she leaned by the doorway, scrutinizing the panel.

"It's beyond description," Penny responded. "It's like my car, but more intense."

"I figured I'd locate you out here," Hank announced as he approached, wearing a large grin on his face. "Dinner should be prepared in around 10 minutes, should you be starving."

"I'm ravenous!" Penny announced.

The meal turned out to be a large bowl of mixed salad, yet another of mashed potatoes, a smaller bowl containing carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower, and a platter filled with succulent steaks.

"Not a fan of meat?" Hank questioned.

"I don't consume meat," Penny explained. "The remaining items are delectable though."

Throughout dinner, Hank's unceasing chatter filled the room, Penny discovering that he was divorced with two adult children and that his riches were acquired through astute investing. It didn't come off as if he actually worked. Reflecting on her previous visit to the area when they dealt with Senator Caruthers, Penny didn't find it difficult to imagine someone not desiring to lead such a life. She already knew that if she had to spend much time around Hank, his rambling, incessant discourse would drive her mad.

Following dinner, Penny retreated to her room, taking a shower, and donning a long T-shirt. She contemplated for a brief moment, then grinned, her mind set, and journeyed to Bill's room across the hallway, knocking on the door.

"Yes?" she heard, and entered the room, spotting him fresh from the shower sporting a bath towel around his waist, noticing that he displayed solid muscles with no excess fat.

"I observed that there was no dessert following dinner," Penny conveyed, her heart thumping in her chest. "I believed that you might prefer it."

"I'm not old enough for you, aren't I?" Bill inquired, smirking.

"Not by a long shot," Penny said, removing her T-shirt and walking over to him. "And I don't think you're old," she remarked, removing his towel and getting onto her knees in front of him, engulfing his member in her mouth.

Easily, I can turn that into something like:

Bill didn't waste any time, getting him completely hard, and Penny delighted in the sensation of his cock in her mouth while his hands held her wavy red hair.

"Ahh!" Bill cried out as his cock filled her mouth with his cum, her eagerly swallowing it all, continuing until he was drained. After standing up, she rushed over to his now standing cock, gloving his dick and stroking it carefully, resisting the urge to relax just yet.

"This was fantastic," Penny confessed as she pushed him back onto the bed and straddled him, flipping him onto his back. He chuckled and raised an eyebrow, then she rose, proudly revealing his erection.

"Why?" he asked as he brought his hands to her breasts.

"Because I enjoy you so much. You have always treated me with so much patience and respect," Penny said with a grin. "And I'm so incredibly horny."

"I'll take that anytime," Bill replied, rolling her over onto her back. He slipped into her, trapping her legs behind his own arms.

Around midnight, he slid into her a second time, this time Penny encouraging him to let her suck out his load, swirling her head around his cock as she gasped with delight. Groaning wildly, he shot his cum into her mouth, and despite his best efforts to stop her, she continued to suck despite the searing heat of his ejaculation. The third and final time, he entered her even deeper, his cock aiming for her back door.

"Oh, fuck!" Bill said in disbelief as his dick penetrated her forbidden zone.

"This feels so good," Penny moaned, "Fuck me, fuck me really hard!"

And he did, increasing the pace and force of his efforts, their miniature cottage shaking with their impressive energy release. Only when he warned he was reaching climax did she urge him to shoot his semen into her ass.

"You're an enigma," Bill murmured as they both caught their breath, panting within the vibrant home of their connections.

"What do you mean?" Penny quizzed, delicately caressing his hands against her large orbs, her smile seductively expanding.

"You're too beautiful to be so wise, yet you're sharp as a tack. Too sweet and innocent-looking to be so experienced, and proficient at making love."

Penny shifted her weight, lifting his hands to cup her chest.

"I love sex. That's all I care about in life, sex and whatever happens when I'm not fucking," Penny admitted candidly.

"Sounds like you're a likeable character," he laughed. "Maybe we should get ready to go. I don't want our son to walk in on us."

"Why do I care?" Penny asked innocently, arching her back as she continued to express her love for him.

"Good morning," Hank appreciated, uncovering delicious food for their first meal of the day.

"Huge breakfast," Penny cheered, ready to devour the meal at hand.

"1121 nautical miles, that's within the jet's limit and 1500 miles per hour. Believe he's ready," Hank said, amused at the potential of spending the day elsewhere.

"And into this itinerary we go!" Bill declared, exchanging control with Penny.

"What was that?" Hank inquired when they landed in the early afternoon.

"A strategy to engage the Challenge Aircraft and fly over the entire country," Bill revealed, planning the itinerary by initiating the call.

When they landed at North County Airport, Bill helped with the logistics for the jet to be housed in a safe location, electing it as opposed to just leaving it outside. A maintenance worker chauffeured them to a school, where Bill's car was stored.

"I'd prefer to pass the night with you over going home," Penny flirted playfully. "I'm still brimming with excitement and all I can think about is having sex with you."

"By all means," Bill chuckled, joining her in stripping down and cleaning up.

In bed, she regarded his feminine humility and gentle strength, a strength that often put her own needs above his whenever they made love.

"Wanting to go to a restaurant?" she eventually asked, nestled up next to him, teasingly.

"Works for me," Bill sighed appreciatively. "Besides, it's a much more exciting adventure than just staying home."

Together they indulged themselves in food and sex , a dynamic relied on by both.

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