Celebrity Sex Stories

Library Staff Member Chapter 2

Fresh additions to the mix.

May 4, 2024
21 min read
elevatordarehighwayswimming poolpublicchallengeLibrarian Ch. 02libraryliftsubmissivebutt plug
Librarian Ch. 02
Librarian Ch. 02

Library Staff Member Chapter 2

I took some time, but it wasn't because I wasn't trying. Here we go!

Disregard the city's unfriendly urban planning, it's vital for the storyline.

Laura would eventually leave the library. No, she wouldn't be there forever, right?

Chloe turned the corner and spotted Laura leaning on a bookshelf, pushing her hips out. She had a reddish-brown fox tail dangling from her behind, and no clothes on at all. The tail stood out prominently, drawing focus to her buttocks. She remained unmoving, bathed in sunlight, seemingly ashamed and embarrassed. The other girls were silent, making the situation uncomfortable. Eventually, Laura straightened up but didn't cover herself, seeing no point in it now.

"What you're witnessing right now is just a photoshoot," Laura tried to justify herself, pointing at the camera Ava held in her hand. Laura crossed her arms in front of her, glanced at her breasts, and shifted them behind her back, trying to seem casual.

You're not wearing a bra. Your breasts are bouncing, don't you see?

"I'd never seen a girl posing nude in a library before," Chloe remarked nonchalantly.

"Have you seen a girl posing nude anywhere else?" Laura countered.

We're trying to be witty. I can be witty too. "I didn't know nudity came with a butt plug," Chloe snarked. It seemed pretty kinky.

"It doesn't. I always do this, no big deal. How do you feel about it?" Laura asked hesitantly, not knowing if Chloe was making fun of her.

"I adore it!" Chloe replied earnestly.

"Chloe, could you..." Ava stopped abruptly, having said too much. "Would you fetch the other book? Laura, head over there as well, by the desk."

It feels like I know this woman, Laura thought.

"Absolutely. See you there."

As the girls vanished into an alley, Laura thought about removing the plug. She was worried about explaining her nudity to anyone she might encounter. Although she contemplated taking it out, she realized she had no other place to stash it.

She entered the next alley and began searching desperately for the other book. The thought crossed her mind that Ava might have staged her catching her in the alley.

Should I be angry at her?

In the meantime, Laura found herself in a similar position she had just been in due to Ava's suggestion - leaning against the bookshelf with her butt high in the air. She looked around to make sure nobody witnessed her.

It's the same pose Chloe had stuck on me earlier. Perhaps for one difference.

She grabbed her tail firmly and tugged it slightly, imagining Ava wouldn't let her go. It was an exhilarating feeling.

She quickly released her grip, and after finding the book she was looking for, began walking back through the library toward the main desk, worried Ava wouldn't inquire about the delay. Upon reaching the last corner, she heard voices and hesitated.

"...but how did you persuade her into it?"

"It wasn't my idea, and neither was the photoshoot. To be honest, I think she wanted it too. She once told me about her desire while drunk."

"Interesting, and have you taken enough photos for the calendar?"

"I'm not sure. Should I do more?"

Yes, she did want it.

Laura knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but she found the conversation intriguing, especially if it could ease her predicament. Standing at the end of the alley, unable to hear anyone approaching, she was on pins and needles.

"Her tail is like a work of art, and I found the color matching her hair quite beautiful. However, if you're planning another photoshoot, I'd love to see her private parts too."

An idea popped into Laura's mind.

Maybe this would make sense. I have to check.

She set her book on the ground and slid her hand between her buttocks, kneeling down and yanked the plug out briskly until it came loose.

If you'd like, you can see me completely naked.

Laura held the plug in front of her to examine it. The fur was elegant and lusterous, but she preferred the opposite end - a small, conical silicone piece with a captivating shape. She stuck her tongue out and slowly licked it. It had no taste to it, which was suitable. She slide it into her mouth and nibbled on it with her teeth. It felt strange, but that was precisely what she wanted. Reflexively, she grabbed her phone, and grinned as a touch landed on her cheek.

I'm still completely naked. Perhaps this is the most I've ever been.

Laura gazed at her body and swung her head, playfully tugging on her nipples with the tail. It felt enjoyable, but she noticed the tail was obscuring her view. She tossed it over her shoulder, then wrapped it around her neck like a scarf and ran her fingers through her hair. She had a decent idea of how she looked, but yearned to see herself in a mirror... or in a photograph.

She stepped over the corner and strolled towards her friends, unintentionally forgetting she was just going to test it out.

Chloe was facing away from Laura, and Ava spotted her first - giving her an extra two seconds of silence. It was impossible to ignore her friend chewing on an anal plug while wearing a tail as a scarf. Chloe was the first one to verbalize something,

"You've always been somewhat naughty, haven't you? I'd say your attire is even more alluring now."

Laura realized she probably was an odd sight, and the tail butt plug wasn't much of a outfit. Chloe's comment relaxed Laura a bit. She closed her eyes for a second, letting out an internal sigh of relief. But Laura knew better than to take the plug out of her mouth for as long as she could, now that it was in there.

"Have I scared you before?"

If so, I'm surprised I've never employed such tactics myself.

"I don't think I alarmed you. I believe you enjoyed it. Being watched and being naked."

Laura nodded in agreement. She wasn't going to lie. The girl appeared to be kind and encouraging, so she had no reason to dissent. Laura nodded again, anticipating Chloe would inquire further.

"Can you envision another instance?"

Laura glanced at Ava questioningly.

"You can believe her. She's my friend. And she'll make sure you're satisfied."

If she can, yes,yes, and yes! Laura nodded enthusiastically, gazing at Chloe. She shocked herself when she realized how ridiculous she must look, but had no intention of relinquishing the plug just yet.

Soon, they were in Chloe's car, and Laura wasn't a car person. But she recognized a 1970 Dodge Charger.

I can't help but wonder how much attention it garners.

It occurred to Laura that her toy was in hand, but she'd discarded all her clothing. It was possible to not cover herself, remaining naked in the car.

Both the car and seats were black. The seats were leather, so she was grateful for the towel provided, to prevent her skin from burning.

"Would you like to know where we're heading?"

I'd prefer if it was a surprise, but I'm game to find out.

Laura sat up straight and settled in, her bare feet resting on a rigid door mat. As they progressed down the highway, Laura attempted, unsuccessfully, to relax. Everything from the soft-yet-bumpy towel supporting her backside to the stiff ruber doormat beneath her feet reminded her she was without clothes. She searched the interior of the car until her gaze fixated on the sunshades. She knew there was usually a mirror on the passenger's side, and she reached for it.

They arrived at their destination in no time. Laura considered herself unprententious so wasn't too self-conscious about being bare and driven away from her belongings. It was a wonderful feeling. However,the car's dark interior didn't help her acclimate to the nakedness. She admired the sunshades in her window, and knew a mirror was traditionally attached to the passenger's seat. Curiously, she reached for it.

At first, Chloe was confused, but then a grin spread across her face. She focused on driving as she stole glances at Laura, trying not to miss the moment when she saw herself in the rearview mirror for the first time. Laura opened the mirrored door and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Is this the real me?" she gasped.

Her eyes were wide open, but calm and curious, and her mouth was full. She grinned, showing her teeth and a visible medium-sized butt plug. A fox tail trailed around her neck, attached to it.

Soon, they began to slow down. Laura closed the shade and noticed toll booths in the distance, drawing closer and closer. It seemed Chloe would bring the car to a complete stop to purchase a ticket.

Chloe looked at Laura again, but didn't say a word.

"She would speak up if I were in trouble, right?"

So, she chose to remain as she was. Her hands trembled slightly, not from cold or fear, but rather excitement. She placed them under her thighs, not to hide herself at the last possible moment.

When Chloe brought the car to a full stop, they spotted a handsome guy at the booth. He recognized Laura was naked instantly, but he didn't seem angry or uncomfortable. Maybe he was curious.

"I doubt it's roadworthy. If I were you, I'd take that out," he joked.

Laura looked at him straight in the eyes and removed the butt plug from her mouth. "You mean the one in my butt?" she teased.

He nodded and Laura could see he was trying to contain his laughter.

"Where else would I put it?" she asked.

"Anywhere else, really," he replied, trying to keep a straight face.

He nodded again, smiling, and pushed the button. The barrier lifted, but Chloe didn't move. She looked at Laura again, waiting for her to do something.

Laura unbuckled herself and slid her bottom against Chloe. She licked the plug clean and pushed it against her anus. She turned her head to meet the guy's eyes and groaned loudly, pushing the plug firmly inside.

"Uh, the window's..." she realized. "Let's say a few other drivers may have heard that."

Laura smiled. She pushed the plug further and moaned again, barely audible this time. "It's in." She returned to her seat and buckled again, a little sad the show was over so soon. She waved to the guy, and they were on their way.

"Did you even pay him?" Laura asked, laughing.

When they left the highway and entered a residential area, Laura realized Chloe was taking her to her apartment. She should've been relieved, but the thought of navigating unknown territory while naked made her nervous.

"It's quite a distance you need to travel to reach the library or the swimming pool," Laura said.

"Yes. But leaving just a little further has its benefits. People who choose to live here value their privacy and are courteous to others, even if they're on their balcony or terrace, or even using the elevator naked," Chloe explained.

"You mean we'll probably bump into someone in the elevator?"

"It's unlikely to happen by chance in the middle of the weekday. That's why we'll wait for someone to park their car."

"Wait, what? And then what?"

"We'll follow them into the elevator quickly before the doors close."

"Okay." Laura thought of Chloe's words. "Have you used the elevator naked before?"

The sound of garage doors opening interrupted their conversation. While they listened to another car travel down the ramp, Laura unbuckled herself and slid down onto her seat. When the car passed theirs, Laura caught sight of the driver.

"It could be some teenager," she surmised.

They heard the other car's engine turn off, and its doors open.

"Ready!" Chloe exclaimed, obviously excited.

Laura unbuckled herself and stepped out of the car just as the car passed theirs. Energetic and anxious, Laura did the same thing. The floor was rough, covering grime that would normally go unnoticed if one wore shoes. They were still underground, so it was chilly.

Laura considered taking the towel, but decided not to. She was going to ride in the elevator naked and not hidden by a towel. It may not have been her idea to begin with, but she was quite eager now.

Soon, the russet-haired driver got out of his car. Laura, thrilled but also uneasy, reacted as Chloe did.

"Get ready! And don't lag behind!"

Guy was making his escape and Chloe made a loud, clear throat sound. Laura closed the doors, joined Chloe, and heard car doors being locked rapidly. The lift was approximately 10 meters away, and she noticed a man standing near it, waiting for it and checking them out.

Oh no.

To be honest, it wasn't what Laura had pictured, but on the other hand, it wasn't too bad either. The man looked him up and down, like he was taking off whatever she had on. He gave off a cool, interested vibe. Laura glanced back at him to verify it wasn't the guy from the toll booth. It seemed no one cared about her lack of clothing.

"Hello Josh!" Chloe said casually.

"Hello there." "And this is?" he questioned.

"This friend of mine - Laura. I'm showing her around."

That's really smooth. That means...

"I see, you should come visit my place sometime."

Both girls smirked and Chloe replied, "We'll see about that, and let you know."


The lift arrived at last, and thankfully it was empty. They climbed in and Laura made a point of being the last one to enter so she could face the man - Josh - and hide her tail. Showing her boobs and her entire body felt like enough for their first encounter. Just to make extra sure, she reached back and tucked her tail behind her. However, when Laura glanced up, she found Josh looking at her amused in the mirror. His line of sight was from her backside to the entrance, indicating he'd seen her tail.

"I wasn't playing with it, just so you know. I was just tucking it in so it wouldn't be on display."

"My apologies. I didn't mean to invade your privacy."

He seemed to accept her explanation and appeared sincere. When Laura reflected on it now, having Josh witness her tail and finding it amusing gave her a sense of accomplishment. So far, everything had gone swimmingly, and she couldn't be more satisfied with Chloe's offer made in the library.

The lift reached their floor surprisingly quickly. It was on the ground level, much sooner than Laura expected. Chloe announced it was their stop, and she stepped out. Just as she anticipated, there wasn't anyone else there. Laura held onto her tail. She turned, let go, and walked out of the lift slowly.

"See you again," Josh said, and the doors closed behind him.

Despite its ground-level location, Chloe's apartment was well-lit. The living room was attached to the kitchen. Windows were covered with thin white curtains, and Chloe observed a closed patio inside. There were a few small trees, hedges, bushes, and an indoor alley with benches for resting.


She also noticed the balconies and terraces. Some of the ground floor apartments had terraces, and so did Chloe's.

Hadn't she mentioned sunbathing on them naked before?

It was a lovely addition, but it was far from private. There was only a little fence surrounding it, making it significantly less private than balconies. When on a terrace, one would be visible not only to those on neighboring balconies, but also to other terraces and even people strolling through the alley, or relaxing on the benches.

"Chloe, did you really sunbathe on this terrace, in the buff?"

Chloe laughed, "You're mischievous! You can ask Filippa about it. She'll be here shortly. I just hope you don't mind."

"What are we going to do?"

"First, let's braid your hair. How does that sound?"


And thus, when Filippa arrived, Laura was huddled under a blanket on a couch. From what she could tell, Filippa was unaware of the naked girl under the blanket, just as Chloe had said. The girls started braiding Laura's hair - Chloe insisted on a boxer braid.

They sat on Laura's both sides, each working on her own braid when Filippa turned to Laura. "I caught a glimpse of your butt. Are you wearing a thong right now?"

Laura couldn't see Chloe's face and didn't know if she should tell the truth or come up with something else. Instead, she let the blanket fall. It slid from her shoulders, displaying her bare chest.

"Really?" Filippa exclaimed, but Laura couldn't decipher her reaction - anger or confusion.

"Why did you?"

"Why am I..."

"Why are you naked like this, you silly. Did you want me to see you nude?" "And tell the truth."

"No, I don't have a problem with that. But it wasn't like that. I just wanted to not wear anything today."


"I could say everything now."

"Occasionally, I feel that spending so much time and money on fashion doesn't benefit me, but rather large fashion companies." She tried to turn around but the girls were still braiding her hair and she couldn't move her head too much.

She continued, unable to see Filippa's face, feeling her eyes on her body, "If I hadn't worn anything, it would be seen as indecent, but I don't find it indecent. It's societal norms that force me to wear clothing, even on the days when I wouldn't put anything on by choice."

"For instance, back in the ancient Olympic Games, athletes were competing naked," she continued. "Nowadays, it would be unimaginable, and I wonder if it should be that way."

"Why are you asking me about swimming?"

"You're a good swimmer, aren't you?"

"Yes, very good. What do you mean by the opposite?"

"The saying 'You can't change the whole world, but you can change your own.' And I think that, if you truly meant what you said, you could change things. I suggest you let societal norms not dictate your actions."

"What specifically are you suggesting?"

"I know of a public pool nearby that isn't crowded during lunchtime. I challenge you to enter the pool completely naked. What do you think?"

"That sounds fun, but it's a bit crazy. Other swimmers would definitely notice."

"Of course they will, at least some of them, but they'll pretend they didn't. It's rude enough staring at someone without any clothing."

"Taking advantage of the societal norms I'm breaking myself? That's quite twisted."

"Or he will capitalize on the situation and watch you swim."

Completely nude in the swimming pool? That's quite a challenge.

"It's an appealing idea, but it's also quite reckless."

"And what if someone approached you?"

"Tell the truth. You've given us a strong motive to do this."

"And what about the lifeguard? He's supposed to ensure the safety of swimmers and has authority. He would kick me out of the pool."

"Or he would take advantage and watch you swim." "You'll be surprised at the things you can get away with by being a woman. Which is ironic considering your naked Olympic athletes were all men."

In the car, Laura began feeling uncertainty.

"I'm excited, but anxious about doing something crazy like this. I'm thinking, all these years of peaceful activism, and now I'm about to humiliate myself for sport."

"You're not humiliating yourself, for one reason. We can encourage and dare you, but in the end, it's your decision to follow through or not."

"It's easy for you to say. But if I do decide to go through with it, everyone will see me naked."

"And why is that a problem? You don't even know them."

"There was a time when I would've found this charming. Today, it makes my heart skip a beat."

"I didn't mean to downplay what you're about to do, but you're far from being the first person to do it."

"Skinny dipping?"

"It has even become popular enough to have its own name. But why are there no clothing-optional swimming pools?"

The longer Laura and Filippa discussed it, the more comfortable she felt with the challenge. Her swimsuit, which she had always considered necessary, now seemed pointless. Donning it before entering the pool seemed prudish.

The lounge and pool were separated by a glass wall. The lobby was spacious enough to accommodate a café, with most of the tables present along the glass. One could observe swimmers while enjoying their tea. There were two couples doing just that. On any other day, Laura would have found it charming; today, it made her heartbeat quicken.

"Do we have a backpack for me?"

"You don't need one." Filippa added, "Here's the beauty of this: you enter naked and exit naked."

"But I'll need flip-flops, though."

"No problem."

"Let's talk about the smartwatch, Chloe mentioned." She continued. "Only these items are needed for the next hour or so; no locker keys or pool wristbands."

"We've got this covered. Just hand over your bathrobe when we get to the changing room. When you're done, we'll return it to you."

Laura was unsure about the purpose but didn't object. "Why do I need a smartwatch?"

"Primarily to aid in timekeeping and laps."

"And swimming gear?"

"You won't need a swimming cap today, thankfully. A swimming goggles set is essential, but I brought mine. So, do you need goggles?"

"It all seems planned out."

"Got a question." Laura asked, "Since you're not joining us in the pool, who'll wear your swimming robe?"

"We're not going to swim with you now. We'll stay in the café and observe." Filippa responded, handing her the smartwatch.

Laura's plan shifted. The girls were supposed to have passed through the changing room, but now she was hesitating because the other girl was indifferent about her robe.

"You're not stealing my bathrobe, are you?" she asked sarcastically, but the other girl didn't show any reaction. She and Chloe left the changing room.

The only problem now is how to exit the changing room naked, Laura wondered.

The other girl returned from the showers, fully clothed and smiling at Laura. She'd understood the situation and didn't judge her nudity. Relieved, Laura went into the shower herself, spending more time washing than she usually did.

Nobody seems to care that I'm naked here. I trust them, even though they didn't disclose their plans.

As she feared, while showering, she realized she had no plan for leaving this place. Her shoes were dirty from the courtyard and would have to be washed first.

"Having second thoughts about swimming nude?" the other girl asked as she emerged from the stalls.

"Yes," Laura confessed.

"The moment has come. There's no point turning back now that all you have left is your robe," she replied.

"Right," Laura laughed nervously. "I'm a little apprehensive about going in the pool naked. I'd prefer someone to notice me once I'm already swimming."

"I can help, just whisper your plan to me before I speak to the lifeguard. I'll text you when he's distracted," the other girl proposed.

"Does this amuse you?" Laura asked.

"Absolutely. I'd like to watch you swim naked. I'm also concerned that you would never do it otherwise."

Laura saw the other girl slowly put on her swimming suit, radiating confidence. She felt embarrassed.

"A few things to check first," Laura said. "The lifeguard duties are usually on one end or the other. Which way should I look? There are two exits. One would allow a quick swim while the other guarantees privacy."

The girl in the bathing suit answered, "The side where the lifeguard's station is, of course."

Now it was Laura's turn to shrug. "I'd rather not dive headfirst into deeper water," she laughed.

The girl smiled. "There is another option. I'll distract the lifeguard while you swim."

"Thank you for this offer."

She started counting in her head, familiarizing herself with the building's design.

Should I strike now, or wait longer?

"Wait a moment! You're not thinking of stealing my bathrobe?"

"No. I just have your interests at heart," the other girl assured her, laughing.

Time to take a chance! She stepped out of the changing room, looking directly at her robe.

"Still naked," Laura confirmed. She crossed the pool to the substitute lifeguard's station. Over there were people in the chairs, mostly customers.

The girl had been expected in the changing room, and didn't show. Laura hesitated, wondering when would be the right moment to strike.

"Having second thoughts again?" The girl asked again from under the showerheads.

"Yes" Laura admitted. "I'm anxious about getting into the pool. I'd feel more comfortable if a lifeguard only saw me after I've entered the water."

"I can do that for you, just whisper any direction to me before I approach the lifeguard."

Suddenly, it all makes sense. "I'm curious. Why are you helping me?" Laura asked

"I'm dying to see you in the pool like this. And I'm also worried you might not handle it."

She exited the showers, dressed in a swimming costume. Then Laura left her, glancing to make sure she wouldn't be seen.

This expedition is becoming a bit adventurous. she thought.

Laura left her flip-flops by the wall and reminded herself to remember the spot. She didn't want to spend too much time looking for them when she exited the pool.

In the deep end, where the diving blocks were, there was no lifeguard to be seen. Things were looking good. She stealthily moved in that direction. The fastest way to enter the water was to jump onto one of the blocks. This would give her a moment of visibility but it would also get her into the water quicker. Her doubts about whether jumping was allowed slipped her mind.

Holding on to the goggles she still had in her hand, Laura stepped onto one of the blocks and got ready to leap. However, as she was about to jump, she noticed the goggles in her hand. She placed them on her eyes, only to realize they were slipping off. She quickly adjusted them so they wouldn't fall into the water.

A sudden thought crossed her mind - if no one had noticed her so far, why not just stay on the starting block and adjust her goggles there? It would save her the trouble of diving into the pool.

Taking her time, she adjusted her goggles and looked around the pool. Some people were swimming, but no one seemed to pay attention to her. At the other end, a girl from the changing room occupied the lifeguard's seat. Laura was surprised.

"How did she make the lifeguard leave?" she wondered. "She's the lifeguard, isn't she?"

It was common knowledge that only lifeguards wore orange swimsuits. Or was that no longer the case?

With no one around, Laura decided to take full advantage of the situation and take her time adjusting her goggles, just as she was taking her time getting into the pool.

As soon as she was done, she got out of the starting block and jumped into the water.

Water enveloped her body smoothly without any drag from her swimsuit. She was happy to have an empty lane and felt like she was swimming in a competition. The whistle she heard made her realize she had heard a lifeguard's whistle. She was sure of it.

As she reached the end of the lane, she stopped and raised her head, only to see the lifeguard's feet. She couldn't help but smirk, "The lifeguard has seen me before I got into the pool."

"Yes, she did," the lifeguard replied playfully. "But jumping blocks are off-limits. I would have loved to see you train on them today, but I can't let you do that."

"I was wondering if the whistle was to tell me not to jump or to make me jump," said Laura.

"Neither. I was just watching you, and it seemed like you were seeking attention."

"I did have a moment like that," confessed Laura. "Do you mind if I swim while you watch?"

"Certainly. Just ask me to watch you."

"Could you watch over me while I'm swimming?" asked Laura softly.

"Of course. I'll be watching closely."

Laura's workout was quite adventurous. For several laps, she felt uneasy about someone joining her lane. But as she swam more, she felt more confident. However, she was still hesitant to do lengths on her back as her breasts would be easily visible.

"It's funny that swimming naked is frowned upon, but being naked in a sauna is encouraged," she challenged herself mentally.

Despite her excitement, or maybe because of it, she began to feel tired. She remembered Chloe and Filippa had promised to watch her and glanced at her wrist. There was a message from them - "Once you've finished, come by our table, pool side."

Chloe waved at a waitress to take a photo of them. The waitress appeared reluctant but eventually agreed. Upon seeing Laura on the other side of the glass, however, she put her camera away.

"What's the matter?" Chloe inquired.

"Well, I need to get my flip-flops," replied Laura. "I left them at the other end of the pool."

"So?" asked Chloe.

"I want to walk back by the side of the pool, where they're sitting. There are a few people swimming, and I'm excited about it," she explained.

Chloe asked the waitress to take a photo of all of them, so Laura could remember the moment. The waitress obliged, but saw Laura by the glass and replaced the camera with the smartphone.

In the story we have a situation where the protagonist, Laura, finds herself in a compromising position showing off her pussy to her friends and pretty much the entire swimming pool, all captured by the cameras of her friends Chloe and Filippa. The characters in the story speak in an informal manner and the narrative conveys a sense of excitement and mischief.

Girls became aware and Filippa said firmly, "Yes, we understand. And she knows too. She's our friend and wishes to be in a photo with us." This was essentially true because they had never invited Laura's permission, but assumed that she'd be okay with it.

The waitress made sure no one was watching before she sent a message to the girls. She checked that all tables were still vacant and then she sent another message that she had prepared beforehand.

"Bend over, and put your pussy against the glass!"

This is insane. I can't do it... Or can I?

Laura knew she wanted to perform this feat, regardless of her hesitation. She was unsure if she'd have the guts to do this action again if she chickened out now.

Chloe has already seen my pussy. And Filippa doesn't mind it either.

Laura decided not to gaze at the friends and just focus on the task at hand. She leaned against the wall, lifted her arms over her head, made eye contact briefly with a lifeguard, and began to lean over slowly, as if stretching out her hamstrings. She touched her toes, feeling her buttocks and pussy pressing against the chill glass panel.

While counting seconds as usual for her stretches, Laura allowed her imagination to run wild. She envisioned all the swimmers had stopped swimming to gaze at her. She was too afraid to look, to see if this was her imagination or not. She somehow lost track of time after 30 seconds or so, but knew she'd been bending over for about a minute and a half when she felt a knock on the glass.

Felt she heard, but it was more like she felt the noise because she didn't hear anything except the knock on her buttocks. She rose slowly, turned around, and saw Chloe and Filippa appeared to be amused. Filippa placed her smartphone against the glass and started showing her the pictures taken.

The pictures were laid out just like photos one might see on Instagram, with women drinking tea and dreaming off faraway lands, except for a bottom that was prominently protruding above the table, at about shoulder height.

In the next series of pictures, the girls were no longer pretending to be oblivious of her pussy. Posed shots with them acting intrigued and nonchalantly pointing out features of it made her blush.

Laura had no idea who was taking the photos, capturing her bum jutting out over the pool. Only when she saw the next picture, showing Filippa posing with Laura's bottom between her thumb and index finger, did she realize that the camera wasn't in their hands.

She glanced at the women expectantly and they pointed at the waitress. Laura made fleeting eye contact and immediately looked away.

Shit. That makes the fourth person to see my pussy today. Plus, whoever was in the swimming pool, if they were watching at all.

She hurried towards the showers, made a final eye contact with the lifeguard, and made her exit.

Thanks for the comments on the previous story. This one is my longest story, and so a little more feedback is certainly appreciated.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de