Lilly's First Time

Lilly goes to a fetish club and meets her Master.

Jul 26, 2024
31 min read
spankingLilly's First Timedominationbondage
Lilly's First Time
Lilly's First Time

Lilly's First Time

Lilly's First Time

That night started pretty much the same as any other club night for Lilly. Her room was strewn with rejected outfits and random pieces of jewellery, but she had finally decided on her clothes and was just finishing off her make-up when an impatient voice called from the living room.

"Are you nearly done yet? We want to see!" The high pitched voice belonged to her friend Lauren. She and her boyfriend, or for this night 'Master' had arrived a half hour ago, and she Lilly had just buzzed them in and left the door open before retreating to her room to finish getting ready. They knew where the drinks were and to help themselves.

"Just a minute" she called back studying her reflection in the full length mirror. It would do she decided. She was wearing the most fetishist outfit she could create from her vanilla wardrobe, if tonight went well, she was seriously going to have to buy some new clothes. She laughed at the thought, like she needed a reason to go out and buy more clothes. But for tonight what she had would do she decided, Knee high black leather boots with a 3 inch heel, not exactly a stiletto but thin enough for her. She wasn't the most confident person in heels. Sheer black stockings flowed up her legs to the just above knee length black denim skirt which zipped all the way up the side. She would have to be careful not to flash her undies when she was sitting she thought. Especially since she wasn't actually wearing any. She still wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not, but it made her feel kinda kinky, and tonight she definitely wanted to feel kinky.

The skirt led up to her favourite top, a brand new black satin corset, with black lace trim. It held in her belly nicely and pretty much showed off her boobs to the world. Not a bad view even if she did say it herself. And finally the makeup. Since she was all in black she had decided to go for the full gothic look. Pale skin, black eyeliner, dark, dark eye shadow flowing right up to her nicely plucked eyebrows, and as much volumising mascara as her eyelashes could hold. The only colour was the scarlet splash of her lipstick, the same colour as she had painted her carefully trimmed nails, and the dark chocolate brown of her long silky straight hair as it fell partly over her right eye. Yup she decided, running her fingers through the unusual feel of it - normally it had a wave to it, but she'd straightened it to within an inch of its life - she was definitely ready for her first fetish night.

Grabbing her vodka lime and lemonade off the shelf next to her mirror, she took a drink and walked through to the living room pausing for a reaction. They both looked up when she stopped at the door. Llauren was in the middle of taking a drink and choked when she saw her, "Wow, you look amazing! I love that corset, I wish I'd seen it before you did." She glanced at her boyfriend Mark "What do you think Mark, how good does she look?"

Mark smiled, he was pretty quiet most of the time, but when he said something he generally meant it. "She looks great." He agreed, "But your corset is just as sexy." I smiled at their reaction. It was pretty much what I had expected. Lauren was dressed all in white - white leather corset, short white skirt, no tights or stockings, soft white calf high leather boots with little kitten heels, and a white collar with her name on it, or rather Kitty. Marks pet name for her. And 'pet' was right. Her nickname had been Kat for years and just recently she'd extended that to be a part of her way of life as well. For tonight she was Kitty and Mark was Master - to her anyway. And he was dressed for the part, White Jacobean shirt that tied shut rather than buttoned, open at the neck. Black leather trousers that clung to his legs and backside, black new rock boots, long black hair tied back and held with a mother of pearl clasp, a black leather coat on the sofa beside him. He looked totally relaxed, despite never having worn leather trousers before. A sexy Master for a sexy Kitty.

Lilly was planning to find her own Master, and if the night went well that was just what she was going to do. "Thanks, you look great as well, both of you. Either of you got the time?" The club opened at 10.30, so they were having a few drinks in the house before heading out. They weren't planning to be there till about 11.30 anyway, they didn't want to be first in the door not knowing what to do.

"It's your flat; don't you think it's about time you got a clock in here or something?" Laurens answer was typical, even as she searched through her bag for her phone.

"I have one in the kitchen and never look at it. I normally just use my phone which is sitting right next to you by the way, or the TV." Llauren gave up searching for her phone and picked up Lilly's from the table.

"10.52" she said, "How long will it take us to get to this club?"

"I'm not totally sure, walking, maybe 20 minutes max, taxi 5" Lilly laughed. She could actually normally walk there in 10, but Lauren wasn't the fastest walker, and she definitely didn't want to try her usual pace in these heels.

Llauren laughed as well, "Taxi it is then." She said "Bring on more alcohol!"

* * *

The taxi dropped them at the corner of the high street, just along the road from the club, Forbidden Candy. They could see a few people standing around outside, some because of the smoking ban, but there was a queue of one or two. Lilly felt butterflies in her stomach and not for the first time in the last couple of weeks wondered if this was a good idea. It was too late to back out now she told herself, besides if she didn't do this, she would always wonder. They moved up the queue and in 5 more minutes paid their entrance fee and were inside. The music that hit them as soon as they walked in was heavy rock which suited her just fine, and on first glance, it could have been any regular Rock/Metal night they were at. They made their way to the bar to order drinks and began to notice the differences. First of all the clothing was a little more out there, there was a lot more visible skin than at a normal rock night, although, probably not more than was bared at a regular dance club, but it was different parts of the body that were visible.

"Look!" Lauren hissed in her ear, pointing unobtrusively to a corner, a man was facing the corner leaning into it. His only item of clothing was footwear and a pair of lederhosen, leaving his ass bare for two girls to take it in turn to beat him, one with a paddle, and the other with a whip.

Her eyes widened as she watched, not sure if she was turned on by the sight or disgusted. Thinking about it for a moment she decided she was neutral, it didn't do it for her, but it didn't make her want to run either. She turned back to the bar and finally caught the barman's eye.

"I've got the first round," she said "Vodka lime and lemonade for me. What do you guys want?"

Lauren ordered a Kopperberg, and Mark a beer.

"First time here?" The barman asked. there seemed to be a lull in orders so he had a moment to chat.

"Yeah, is it that obvious? First time to any Fetish club actually, any tips?" Lilly smiled as she answered him, she was already a little tipsy. Beside her Llauren and Mark had turned to look around some more, taking in the decor. It was underground, so it was all old stone walls there were fake tapestries with scenes of fetish activities all stylized white on black. They could see stairs leading to another room further underground, and an archway, leading to another on the same level.

The barman smiled back "You've picked a pretty good night to be your first, most of the people in here are pretty friendly and all the regulars are very welcoming. They all know how to take no for an answer, you looking for anything in particular? I might be able to point you in the right direction."

"I'm not looking for anything too serious just now, like I said it's my first time at a fetish club...I guess I..."

A slightly drunken voice interrupted her "She's looking for a Master." Lauren giggled as Lilly glanced at her. "Well you weren't going to say it outright were you?"

Lilly had to laugh "I guess not. It doesn't mean you had to though!" She turned back to the barman. "Can you just tell us what's in the other rooms?"

He grinned and accepted the change of subject. "Up here is pretty much like a normal club, except for the occasional whipping or spanking. Down the stairs is the playroom. Some fetish equipment for people to use and space for people to watch. Through the archway is the dance floor, with some semi private cubbyholes where people can indulge themselves in a little more privacy, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you don't mind people checking if they're empty looking in on you every so often. That's about it really." He noticed someone calling him from down the bar. "Gotta go. If you have any questions just ask someone, like I said everyone is pretty friendly, they've all been new to the scene at some point!" She watched him as he headed down the bar to the guy who had called. She had started to look away, but the guy at the bar caught her attention. Boy was he yummy. She stared at him and clutched Laurens arm.

"Oh boy I think I'm in love." She whispered Lauren turned to see what she was staring at. He was tall maybe a couple of inches over 6 feet. Maybe 4 or 5 inches taller than Lilly in her heels. Dark hair, almost black in dark of the club, and just long enough to run your fingers through, without being too long. He was wearing a shirt similar to Marks but with old style ruffles down the front. Black bondage trousers, with straps and clips she wouldn't know what to do with; they were tight at the ass and showed off his backside but baggy down the legs. He had broad shoulders and lightly muscled arms, there wasn't any fat on him, but he wasn't slim either, a trim waist and gorgeous legs from what she could see. He turned slightly to face the barman, and she caught a glimpse of his face, strong jaw line straight nose, slight shadow on his chin promising to be a little rough. She couldn't see the colour of his eyes from this distance but boy he had a gorgeous smile!

Lauren looked at her. "Go talk to him." She said, "That's what we came here for isn't it? For you to meet some guys?" Lilly just looked at her.

"You honestly think I'm just going to walk over there and talk to him? You do realise who you're talking to don't you?" Lauren sighed and looked down before glancing back up.

"You have a point. But I'm not doing it for you!"

"What!?" Lilly almost squealed "You better not! I swear if you say anything to him...!"

"Anything to whom?" a deep smooth voice said behind her. She whirled around and he was right there in front of her. Smiling.

"Oh God, don't do that to me! I almost died" He grinned down at her but didn't move away.

"I'm Jack" he said holding out his hand, "Euan said you guys are new here. Thought I'd come over and introduce myself, but If I'm not welcome..." He grinned again, as if he knew exactly the effect he was having. Come to think of it he probably did. He probably had women falling all over themselves for him. Oh God she was babbling inside her own head.

She took a deep breath and shook his hand, it was dry and warm, and she could feel the strength in it. Looking up at his eyes she found they were a deep grey. "I'm Lilly." She said "and this is Lauren and Mark. Sorry for shouting at you, but you scared me half to death; I couldn't help it."

He nodded to Lauren and Mark then grinned again "That's ok," he said "It was such a pretty little squeal you gave, I might just have to find ways to make you do it again" she gave him the look, but he just grinned even more. "Want me to show you around?"

She sighed and nodded. Obviously she was destined to spend at least some of her night with him. From the way her body was responding, that would not be a problem.

* * *

Mark and Lauren had disappeared at some point to do their own thing, leaving her and Jack alone. They had spent the last hour chatting and joking around while he showed her around and introduced her to some of the other regulars. They had kissed a little and now he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "There are things I want to do to you, but I get the impression you're not an exhibitionist, neither am I particularly except in specific circumstances, how about you come home with me and we discuss it hmm?' His warm breath whispered past her ear and made her stomach twist.

"What kind of things would those be?" She asked.

"Well, if I told you I have a playroom of my own, the main object of which is a big bed fully kitted out for bondage, what would you say?" He almost held his breath waiting for her reply, he was almost sure she would agree, but you could never be certain with the new ones. Of course, she acted as if she'd been coming to clubs like this since she turned 18 totally relaxed with the atmosphere, but that was no guarantee. When Euan had first pointed her out as a newbie looking for a Master he hadn't really believed him.

Most women were shy about what they really wanted the first time they came to a club. Of course if her friend were to be believed once you got past the outer shell Lilly wasn't shy in the least, and from what he'd seen so far it was the truth. He couldn't believe his luck, he'd only mentioned to Euan the week before that he wanted to meet someone new, not just to him, but to the games he liked to play in the bedroom. Someone he could introduce to the joys of the life he embraced, someone he could mould to his tastes. And suddenly here she was. A funny, independent woman, who seemed to be down for what he wanted. But he didn't want to scare her off by going too quickly for her.

She gasped at his words and felt her nipples tighten at the thought. Not really sure how to reply, she whispered hesitantly "Sounds good to me."

He looked at her suddenly serious. "I need you to know what you're letting yourself in for. To begin with, if you want to come home with me, you will address me as 'Master' in the bedroom at all times." And that's just the beginning he thought to himself, but we'll take the rest as it comes. His voice had become his Masters voice, gentle, yet firm. He would not take no for an answer.

She looked at him startled for a moment and then it gave way to anticipation. "Yes Master. Sounds good to me." Of course it wouldn't be that easy, he thought, she wasn't just going to accept everything he told her to do.

"Good." He replied, wondering if she would really submit that easily. He doubted it, but sometimes that could provide the best entertainment - to both parties. "Now go get your coat and bag from the cloakroom, go to the bathroom if you need to and wait for me at the front door." She gave him a sexy smile and nodded leaving without speaking. He smiled, so far, so good.

* * *

The taxi pulled up outside a regular terraced house, in a nice area of town. Jack had told her he was in business, but hadn't really gone into details. The taxi ride had been uneventful, some kissing and some petting, but when she had tried to stroke him through his trousers he had slapped her hand away, not enough to hurt, but so she didn't keep it there. "You will not touch me anywhere without permission, or unless I have already touched you in the equivalent place." He said, well that was an interesting rule. She was equal parts horny and fearful anticipation, with just a little touch of nervousness in there as well. Was she really ready for this she wondered? The thought only lasted a second, the rest of her was ready to be fucked.

He led the way into the house, and through to the kitchen, He made them both a drink without asking. Vodka lime and lemonade for her and Whisky straight up for himself. "Before we begin, there are some ground rules we need to establish." he said, placing her drink in front of her. She nodded and he continued "Firstly, in this session I am your Master. If you do not obey me, you will be punished; there are different forms this punishment could take, but nothing that will cause long term or permanent pain or damage. If it is too much say the safe word, and I WILL stop," he grinned that deliciously sexy grin, "but be sure you do want me to stop, I don't want you saying the safe word and then asking me to start doing whatever it is I was doing again. "

Her lips curled up in a smile of her own. "Does that happen often?"

"Not really, not with me anyway, I'm a pretty good judge of when is enough depending on my partners experience and reactions. We'll start off pretty slowly since this is your first time, build up more serious play later...assuming you enjoy it as much as I think you will. So what do you want the safe word to be?"

She finished her drink and stood up. Walking over to him swayed seductively, watching for his reaction. She leaned in and whispered "Banana." And gave him a full open mouth kiss. He kissed her back and then gave her a hard swat on the ass, "what did I tell you in the taxi? You don't do anything until given permission, or until I initiate play on that part of the body.

Now, since you seem ready follow me through to the bedroom. On your hands and knees." She stepped back and looked at him. Did he think she was crazy? That she was just going to get on her hands and knees and follow him like a dog? He stepped closer to her his voice brooking no argument, "I said, get on your hands and knees" she smiled, oh this was going to be fun...

She backed up as he stalked forward until she was pressed up against the units behind her, waited until he was almost pressing against her, then "make me" she whispered. He smiled wolfishly at her and grabbed each of her wrists "oh it will be my pleasure" he answered. Letting go of her left wrist, he pulled her around so that she was facing the cabinets and pulled her right wrist behind her back, his other hand went to her left shoulder and he pushed so that she had to kneel, there was no way she could stay upright in her heels. "Well that was relatively easy," he smiled down at her. "Now let's make sure your not just going to get up again hmm?" He pulled open a drawer next to her and pulled out a little black collar with a heart shaped tag on it. "This is to be yours while you are under this roof. You will wear it from the moment you enter this house until the moment you leave, is that understood Lilly?"

She looked up at him, trying to keep her face from showing the effect he'd just had on her. She didn't want him to know how much she'd enjoyed being made to obey, but the truth was she could feel the core of tension inside her already and her pussy was throbbing in anticipation. He clipped the collar round her neck one handed and she found it was attached to a short lead. With him holding it down at his waist she wouldn't be able to stand upright comfortably. It was walk stooped over or crawl. "Now, come Lilly. We are going through to the bedroom." And with that he started to walk through the house she tried to stand and he gave a tug downwards on the collar, "uh uh Lilly, hands and knees. " She tried to stand again, and he pushed her head down and then slapped her ass, not a gentle slap this time. "I'm being gentle with you Lilly, but that will not last long if you persist in disobeying me." She wanted this to move on. He started to walk again, and this time she followed on all fours the simple action showing her his superiority to her, it was strangely empowering to have him overcome her so easily. Already she could feel a wetness seeping between the lips of her vagina.

When they got through to the bedroom he pulled her up and gave her a full kiss, opening her mouth with his tongue and kissing as if he was trying to eat her from the inside out. "I know how to reward as well as punish Lilly; if you are good you will be rewarded understand?" She shivered with the knowledge of what was to come. "Yes Master." She answered.

"Oh Lilly, why do I get the feeling you're going to fight me?" She looked up startled he'd said exactly what she'd been thinking. She would be fighting every step as she had the first - just enough that if he wasn't forceful enough she would not obey him. His eyes were filled with heat. And the expression on his face took her breath away. He was so gorgeous, if he just stripped she would probably be helpless to do anything but jump him.

He pulled her over to the bed and before she could react lifted her up and put her down on it gently. She could see that as he'd said the bed was kitted out for bondage, cuffs attached to each of the four posts with lengths of silk that could be adjusted so no matter the size of the person they could be held comfortably stretched for his pleasure. She wasn't going to let him get her into those easily. She reached up and pulled him down on top of her as he was about to enclose one of her wrists in the fur lined cuff. She kissed him deeply and ran her fingers through his hair played them down his back and grabbed his ass firmly. She could feel the muscle under the heavy material of his trousers. He kissed her back and started to massage her breast with one hand, the other leaning on the pillow above her head. She was lost in the feel of kiss and his touch. She moved one hand back up and pulled the bottom of his shirt out of his trousers, tickled her fingers under the material and feather light let them trail across his skin just above the waistband of his trousers. "Oh Lilly" He groaned "you really shouldn't have done that."

He moved faster than she would have thought in the circumstances and abruptly the hand that had been fondling her right breast had her wrist while the other had grabbed the cuff before she knew it one of her hands was trapped. She was panting in eagerness now. It had been a while since she had last had sex and she wanted nothing more than for him to fuck her. With one hand trapped it was only moments before he had the other cuffed as well.

He studied her for a moment deciding on her punishment. She looked almost ready to come now, panting slightly, skin flushed even while she was fully dressed he could tell she was close. He smiled then, what did she want? Release. So her punishment would be denial. "You just added 5 minutes on to foreplay, no penetration for 35 minutes. In addition you will not speak unless I ask you a direct question or give you permission." He always started with a standard 30 minutes foreplay minimum. The more she struggled the more he would tease her, and she was already hot and bothered.

He smiled at the thought of keeping her on the edge for as long as make her beg for him to fuck her, to let her cum. And she would be begging before he was done, there was no doubt about that. It would probably be the first time in her life, he realised, that made him smile even more. To be the first man to make her beg. He loved that feeling.

She groaned on the bed. "If you let me cuff your ankles without struggling I won't add any more time before plunging my cock into your hot tight little cunt, how does that sound Lilly? Is that what you want, my cock inside you? Stretching those soft delicate walls with each push until your pleasure explodes around me?"

"Yes" She moaned, "oh God yes" and she did she realised, he had turned her on so much already just with a few kisses and a demand of submission, she was never this needy before any clothes came off, what had he done to her?

"Yes what?" he asked, slowly peeling off his shirt.

"Yes Master." She replied. He smiled again that wolfish little grin with just a hint of teeth, oh she was learning.

"Now what am I going to do with you?" He mused she stared up at him then, heart beating fast, trapped by both wrists there was no way she could get away, although her legs were still free. "Boots on or off? On I think, so sexy with just boots and underwear." And with that he moved down to the bottom of the bed and trapped her legs as well, so she lay spread-eagled on the bed before him. "Hmm, now I have my little present all wrapped up...time to do something about that I think." He sat on the edge of the bed beside her watching her face as he began to slowly undo the front clasps of her corset from the top downwards. With each brush of his skin against hers her breath came faster, she felt a tightening in her abdomen, that deep core inside her building in readiness for her release.

He undid it all before pulling the sides apart and laying it on the bed at either side and slipping it out from under her. "Oh such pretty breasts" he'd been watching them all night as they danced in her corset. It was all he could do not to touch them before now, to feel their gentle softness against his skin. Lilly moaned beneath him from the look on his face, and he smiled at her again, leaning down he kissed her, and she strained against the bonds trying to touch him, to stroke her hands through the silkiness of his hair to feel the rough-smooth texture of the hair on his arms. "Ah ah ah," he whispered it into her lips, "I'm the one who will be doing all the touching for the moment" he kissed her again long and hard tongues writhing together as she pushed up towards him. He moved to the side kissing down her neck, he reached where it joined her shoulder and nuzzled there for a moment, and was rewarded with a shudder that ran all the way through her. "Oh you like that don't you Lilly?" He said with a laugh

Her answer was a gasp in her throat a whispered "yes Master"

He continued to track his way down with little kisses and licks until he reached her breasts. He straddled her for a better angle, and she gasped as he took her right nipple in a strong hand and massaged it gently between his fingers. He was rewarded immediately as it hardened in his grasp, His other hand moved to give the same attention to her left side "ah such a beautiful reaction Lilly, I love how your body responds to me." She groaned and pushed her breasts up towards him silently asking for more attention. He obliged by leaning forward and taking one of the sweet hard points in his mouth, She could feel him hard and ready through his trousers as he straddled her, surely he couldn't mean to deny himself for too long she thought in a haze, he would want his own fulfilment soon enough. She gasped and moaned as his tongue flicked around her nipple and he sucked hard before giving it a gentle bite. He moved to the other nipple and repeated the movement, leaving her gasping "Please," she whispered, "Oh God, please don't stop"

He bit hard then on her tender nipple and she yelped, he sat up and gave a chuckle. "Such a pretty little squeal...But I said no talking Lilly." He moved back and stood up, He studied her as she lay before him and moved to her side. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak, he just looked at her until she closed it again. "Good girl," he said, "is there something you want to say Lilly?"

"Don't stop, please don't stop" she gasped as his hand trailed from her breasts down her stomach to the top of the waistband of her skirt.

"Oh don't you worry" he replied, "I'm not nearly done with you yet." He unzipped his trousers and pulled them off in one swift elegant movement, he wasn't wearing any underwear and her eyes automatically focused on his erect cock, her mouth watered at the thought of taking it in, sucking it until he came, his hot seed exploding down her throat. She moaned at the thought and writhed in her bonds tearing her eyes away from the sight.

"Oh you're not getting away from me that easily." He moved back towards the bed stroking himself, her eyes drawn back to the sight of him by the sound of his voice. He stood in front of her studying her for a reaction, she could feel the need growing in her, hot flushes raced all over her body. God, if he didn't start fucking her soon she was sooo going to kill him. Her body was a mass of nerve endings sensitive to any and every touch he might care to give her. He slowly moved back to the bed her eyes focused on his hand as it stroked leisurely up and down his heavy cock, stepping up on to it he straddled her at the shoulders and guided himself to her mouth, she gave a sob of gratitude and opened for him, reaching out with her tongue ready to accept him, to make him feel some of the need growing inside her.

He paused just out of reach, his lips curving into a devilish half smile, "that eager for me Lilly?" the whisper reached her and he moved slightly closer pausing again just within reach of her tongue before moving back again. She moaned in frustration as he teased her, giving her a quick taste and then removing it. "You might think I'm ready to come Lilly, but I've had a lot of practise at denial, I can keep this up for a long time." She lifted her head straining to reach him and almost sobbed when he moved back again. "Am I your Master Lilly?" she moaned in response, her body writhed at the soft words. "Yes, oh God yes, please Master..." he smiled in satisfaction. "Good Girl" he whispered and moved forward angling himself into the warm wet depth of her mouth, but still he held back fucking her mouth slowly as he savoured the sensation of her tongue running over his head, finding that sensitive spot and flicking it, pulling him in further, he pulled back and Lilly heard herself give a soft moan at the loss.

He moved back to her breasts then massaging one with his fingers as he licked suckled and nipped at the other, swapping between them, he kept his mouth there as his hands began to stroke downwards. Feeling the silky texture of her skin, he rubbed lightly smoothing his hands over her body, she was gasping and making pretty little moans, teeth biting her lip to prevent her crying out. He studied her as she lay beneath him and moved to her side. He unzipped her skirt and pulled it out from under her, leaving her lying there naked - apart from stockings and boots. One finger trailed across her shaven cunt before he spoke "I had looked forward to cutting your panties off you, but this is much better. You are a naughty girl Lilly."

He gave her cunt a light slap, surprising another one of those little yelps he liked so much, before running a finger through the cream of her slit. "Oh Lilly so wet and ready for me. I can hardly wait to fuck you; unfortunately we still have 5 minutes of penalty time hmm? What am I going to do with you?" she gasped as his fingers found her clit, that little centre of nerves was ready to explode and she gave a strangled moan as he began to massage it slowly, not enough to set her off, but enough to build the heat inside her higher. She was gasping and muttering, half formed words struggling against the bonds that held her, struggling to reach for him, to force him to give her release. She yelped again as he slapped her cunt still fingering her clit with the other hand, the combination was almost too much for her, but at the same time not enough. She was pleading with him now to fuck her, to give her what she wanted... "Lilly, Lilly, If you keep speaking I'm going to have to punish you some more" his seductively smooth voice just fanned the flames even more "would you like that Lilly?"

Her reply was almost lost as she struggled to breath writhing beneath his hands, "yes Master, whatever you want...please punish me...Please don't stop don't stop" she finished on a cry of surprise as 3 of his fingers penetrated her. They worked their way inside her cunt, his thumb rubbing against her clit as he fucked her with his fingers. His other hand slapped her cunt; giving periodic sharp bursts of pain making her yelp and cry out at the combined sensation of the pain and pleasure. She was panting hard, and could feel the collar round her neck restricting her breathing, heightening the awareness of her own vulnerability. His fingers worked inside her finding the centre of her pleasure and working that point thrusting against it, faster, faster. She could feel herself on the edge writhing upwards to meet his fingers at each thrust crying out now in pleasure the sharp slaps only working her closer and closer she pushed towards him unconscious of her own cries for more. "Come for me baby, I know how close you are, come for me..." His voice had become gruff, watching her struggle for release stoking that need, was almost too much for his own control. It was as if his voice operated a switch inside her, she came hard and cried out at the intensity, she'd never experienced anything like it, and he wasn't finished.

Even as her cry died off, he had slipped on a condom and lifted her hips easily positioning himself against her. Nudging at the very lip of her hole. "Who is your Master Lilly?" he thrust shallowly into her, the movement gentle but with the aftershocks of her orgasm still rippling through her she gasped and tightened around him at the contact "You are." He thrust again gently still holding himself in check, when all he wanted to do was fuck her hard and fast. She contracted around him again gasping with the pleasure, "Who owns your body under this roof Lilly?" he kept the slow momentum going as she gasped in answer again "you do Master" it was a moan of pleasure as she felt his mild thrusts inside her. He growled in satisfaction at her answer, and pushed himself in further keeping up the slow gentle rhythm. She could feel the tension rising inside her again, God it was rare enough for her to come once when she was having sex, and she could feel her body straining towards him ready for more. She voiced the thought "More please, More Master please more..." the teasing gentle strokes were killing her, she was going to die from the pleasure, from the need...he built her up again slowly. Judging her reaction to his penetration, he doubted she even realised how she was pulling on the bonds holding her down, straining to reach him to make him give her what she wanted. Oh she would get it soon enough.

He was at the edge of his control, her begging cries for more almost enough to make him lose it. One hand moved to her breasts as he continued his gentle thrusts and she called out at the contact her nipples still hard seemed to contract even more as he twisted and she gave a hiss as the sharp pain penetrated the pleasure haze she was surrounded in. He was fully in having worked himself further with each thrust. He played the nipple, soothing and pulling as he pulled out and thrust in again keeping his strokes steady, gentle. He studied her lying before him and changed position moving his mouth down to that spot of pleasure he had discovered earlier biting gently at the skin at her neck, her response was immediate pushing up against him demanding he increase the pace, he continued to nibble at her neck, refusing to hurry the pace as she gasped and moaned at the growing need for release inside her. Her mouth found his neck in turn and her teeth bit down on him, it was what he needed, and suddenly she found the pace increased as he began to thrust inside her harder, faster, one hand holding her steady at the hip, the other pulling and twisting at her nipples mouth caressing and biting at her neck, he pushed into her again and again, thrusting hard and fast as she let go of his neck to cry out her own pleasure. His cock was a hard length inside her thrusting, demanding that the close walls of her flesh give way even as he was sucked in further.

They were both lost in the movement as he thrust again and again, the hard core inside her tightened and tightened her body heating with each thrust, she was gasping and pleading to come, writhing beneath him, accepting and demanding even as she struggled against the bonds that held her. The explosion ripped through her in a tide, the hot tightness of her cunt pulled against him in a burst of pleasure, triggering his own release and he cried out in triumph as he pushed hard inside her holding there while the deluge flowed over them both. He pushed in and out a few times more, triggering aftershocks within her before collapsing on top of her. Both of them bathed in sweat.

She realised she was trembling with the afterglow. The pure pleasure of the experience still drifting through her body. She was vaguely aware of him gently undoing the cuffs that held her before dropping a kiss on her forehead. And moving away. She tried to tell him to stay, but it came out as an incoherent mumble. He disposed of the condom, and then went and got damp cloth and gently cleaned her off before getting in beside her and holding her close.

"That's it Lilly, sleep now" he whispered "we'll continue in the morning."

* * *

"So how was it?" Laurens voice conveyed her avid interest even over the phone.

Lilly released her mouthful to answer "the most amazing sex I've ever had" a warm current of pleasure flowing through her as she knelt in front of her Master the phone on loudspeaker in his hand. The position was deliciously degrading; she had to look up his strong, muscled body to see his face. She took his head back in her mouth flicking her tongue over the tip of his cock, she sucked him in as far as she could slowly letting him out, her tongue swirling round his sensitive tip licking at the point just below the head as Lauren replied

"Oh come on, I want details here! Did you get down and dirty?" Lilly felt a blush rise in her cheeks and at the same time nearly choked on a laugh in her throat as she let go of her precious mouthful again "You could say that." His hand tugged on her hair signalling his impatience and stopping her from saying more. She swirled her tongue around the tip of his cock again, speaking between licks "I have to go if I'm going to catch the bus on time Lauren, I'll talk to you when I get home ok?" He tugged her hair again the pricks of pain as she took him in her mouth reinforcing her place at his feet, and his pleasure.

The response was a sigh "Fine." Her voice became suspicious "you're not doing anything just now are you?"

He let her go enough to answer. "Good bye Lauren" before he ended the call. Pulling her forward his unspoken demand that she suck him in earnest clear. She gladly accepted the movement taking him in her mouth, one hand stroking the long hard length of his penis, the other moving up to encompass his balls, gently massaging as she licked and sucked her way down his length before taking as much of him as she could back in her mouth. "Oh baby, you're good." His groan made her smile around his width. She intensified her efforts sucking and licking, teasing the end of his cock where he was most sensitive. He moved against her shallowly, fucking her mouth, the hand in her hair kept the tension on it while the other stroked her cheek. He pulled her head back "Enough." She reached towards him, unwilling to stop before she was finished, which in her mind wasn't until he had come.

He pulled her hair sharply, raising her off her knees. "Enough, I said!" his voice was that low sexy growl he had used last night. As he pulled her up he turned her and slapped her ass. "You are mine to do with as I please. Bend over and lean on the dresser." He pushed her forward and she did as he said eyes widening as she realised there was a large mirror just in front of her. "Stay in that position, do not move and keep your eyes on me at all times." He gave her a slap every couple of words hard enough to sting and turn her ass red, the wetness in her cunt from the blow job she had been giving only increased with his treatment, "yes Master." Her only item of clothing was the collar he had given her the night before. "Now there are a few things I want to do with this ass, but I think those should wait. For just now, I'll settle with giving it some colour."

He slapped her again harder this time making her gasp and give her little yip. But she kept her gaze on his face in the mirror before her. One finger stroked down her crack, settling against her asshole. "Hmm this virgin hole definitely needs more attention. It is a virgin hole isn't it Lilly?"

Her eyes widened at the question and her breath caught. He slapped her hard again, and then massaged the hole with his finger "Yes Master." She cried out at his touch, He moved behind her his cock clearly erect in the mirror before her. He adjusted it to her cunthole and without warning drove in to her hard, she was ready for the penetration and groaned in pleasure at the intrusion "God your cunt is so tight, I can't wait to fuck your ass Lilly baby it's gonna be so good for you and for me." He began to move inside her, holding her hips steady with one hand as she pushed back against him, the other moved to her asshole again, massaging around it, as he thrust against her, inside her, demanding his right to her body she began to moan in earnest. As he felt her relax into him pushing against him as her pleasure mounted he pushed one finger into the tight virgin hole. Her eyes widened in shock at the unexpectedness of the penetration, and the shot of combined pain and pleasure that ran through her at that single touch. "Eyes open and on me" his voice growled behind her as he withdrew the finger and slapped her ass again. As he thrust into her again his finger returned to her ass, fingering the hole and slipping inside, mirroring the movement of his thrusts she felt the tightening at her core again and knew it wouldn't be long before she came. "Please" she was gasping it over and over again "please Master, please." He thrust harder into her and she welcomed the penetration from behind his hand moved from her ass and curved around her waist to find her clit in front. She cried out as he found the tight centre of nerves and he thrust again as he massaged his fingers against it and suddenly she exploded around him, her muscles contracting around his cock pulling him into his own release. He entered again once, twice and then pulled out, giving her one last slap on the ass. She leaned heavily on the dresser, recovering her breath. And glanced at the clock beside her.

"Ok I really have to go, or I really will miss that bus."

He smiled at her that gorgeous little half grin, "That's assuming I'm going to let you go..." his voice was almost a purr, and he laughed outright at the look of shock on her face. "I'll make you a deal, you promise to come back, and you can leave. There is a lot I'd like to share with you that I think you will enjoy as much as I do."

She smiled her own little sexy smile. "It's a deal. So long as I get to use your shower."

He chuckled again. "Oh Lilly! If I'm going to be your Master, you're going to have to learn that I command you. You do not make demands on me, you ask and I give permission or don't. But for now, you know where the bathroom is."

She quickly showered and dressed. Gathering her things, she was soon ready to go. He showed her to the door "Be here 7pm Friday next week. Don't be late." He took the collar from around her neck and hung it on a hook at the door, ready for her next visit. Then gave her a quick kiss before she turned away, he watched her sway as she walked down the street. "Damn fine ass" he muttered to himself and closed the door.

Lilly found herself drawn to the dominant figure in the corner, who was being spanking by two women with a paddle and a whip. The sight was intriguing, neither disgusting nor turning her off. In their discussion with the barman, Lilly confessed her desire to find a Master, sparking a grin from Lauren and some interest from the barman himself. Later, Lilly was approached by Jack, a handsome man with a welcoming smile and a strong handshake, hinting at the dominance and control she was looking for. Feeling a spark between them, Lilly agreed to go home with Jack to discuss further, intrigued by his mention of a bondage bed in his playroom.

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