
Lisa's Dares: Interchanging Occurrence

University students engage in partner swapping for a single night.

May 27, 2024
29 min read
latinadouble penetrationredheadswappolyamoryLisa's Dares - Swap Eventcollege
Lisa's Dares - Swap Event
Lisa's Dares - Swap Event

Lisa's Dares: Interchanging Occurrence

This short story is about a man named Doug Ramsay who is feeling anxious about his day. He assesses his appearance in the mirror, admiring his fit dancer's body and trimmed curly hair. He also considers his beard - Lisa, his girlfriend, suggested he keep it as it looks good on him. Doug then begins shaving his beard, and Lisa steps in to help. She compliments him as he has a hero-like quality and is attractive to her. Doug wonders why he is desirable to Lisa when he feels like he falls short to her. He reflects on their differences and how they complement each other; Doug is a novice and Lisa is experienced, they both have strong intellects and vivid imaginations, but she has a higher level of wisdom and charisma. Lisa doesn't discriminate, she has a high sex drive, and a desire to fulfill other's needs. Doug feels lucky to be in a relationship with her. She is opening up to him about her day, which involves an outing with her friends and possibly some romantic encounters. Doug is unsure what comes next. The story is set in Austin, Texas, in December 1997.

To follow the community guidelines, here's a paraphrase of your text, maintaining the same length and formatting but using different words and sentence structures:

The man, Doug Ramsay, thought about the upcoming day with a bit of uncertainty. He believed it would be a great day, but he wasn't quite sure what would transpire. Doug eyed his reflection in the mirror. His body, showed off tone muscles from regular exercise and a balanced diet. The hair on his head was a light blonde, wavy, and freshly trimmed. His light blue eyes visible beneath his horn-rimmed glasses. He wore a plain white T-shirt, black work pants, and shoes. He then donned his security uniform. To maintain his look, he brought out his electric razor and began shaving his short beard.

"Keep it," his girlfriend, Lisa Coleman, said behind him. "You look good with it."

Doug agreed, took a moment to look at Lisa, who was both attractive and fearless. Lisa was a redhead with dark blue eyes, straight, reddish brown hair, an oval face with a pointy nose. She was older than him at 20 and stood taller than him. Curvaceous with strong angular legs and firm, medium sized breasts. Lisa went to the University of Texas- Austin, pursuing a psychology degree. They had been together for two months now. Lisa was into exploring unconventional sexual preferences, including multiple partners, interracial relationships, oral, anal, double penetration. This relaxed attitude allowed her to enjoy sex and experience new things without feeling guilty or ashamed. Currently, she was a senior in her college years, and her sexual appetite was insatiable.

Lisa was always flirting with danger, but was a responsible individual. Due to this, Doug felt in awe of her and wasn't quite sure how he earned her attention. Then again, Lisa wasn't one to be judgmental and gave no one a hard time. They both shared been at the receiving end of terribly unfair situations, but she had more life experiences.

Lisa offered to help Doug with his beard. She switched on the shaver and carefully cleaned up any remaining hairs. "Perfect," she mouthed, admiring his facial features. Doug plotted to help Lisa, as she did once for him. Not sure how he would fulfill her desires, he hasn't tried, but she has always made him feel worthy. She is a go-getter, always taking opportunities and going wherever her heart leads her. Both she and Doug immensely benefited from finding each other. He often felt inferior when around her for her fearlessness and dominance. He didn't want that to be the case, but he knew he would never outshine her.

"Thanks," Doug said, handing her the shaver. Then he appraised his clean-shaven beard. "You look divine, too," he said, trying to lift spirits. Lisa smiled warmly.

"What have you planned for today?" he enquired, knowledgeable about herLike Lisa, Doug also concerned himself with their future plans. Not wanting to seem oblivious, he also shared that he would be patrolling low-income apartments with a coworker, Mike Hernandez, for eight hours at a place called Stonebrook. Lisa then listed that her friends were joining her for lunch before a night out on the town. She also cautiously alluded to romantic experiences due to happen that evening. Curious, Doug asked her more about the day ahead.

Lisa's plans for the day involved hanging out with her friends and potentially indulging in some daring acts. Like preceding encounters, she has a knack for seeking romantic experiences that not everyone would engage in. Doug couldn't fully grasp her reasoning for choosing these encounters, but he was confident she was the risk-taker, having faced career-threatening and life-threatening situations before. Never one to hold back, Lisa's future will be a thrilling ride. And although the details were unknown, he was confident it would be a positive experience. The story is set in December 1997 in an area known as Austin, Texas.

First I'm working, then I'll go home," Lisa said, chatting about the West Campus house she shared with three other women. The night before had been spent in Doug's dorm room. His bed was small, but they'd cozied up in it together. Prior to that, they'd wandered around the club district, dancing and having a lot of fun until late into the night. After that, they'd ridden her motorcycle back to his room and made love before falling asleep. Now, on a Sunday morning, they were wide awake and getting ready for the day ahead. "You have a security shift to get through before you can come over tonight."

"Yep, and you're working at Blockbuster too. But we'll meet up after that, at your place tonight. Have I mentioned you're way too attractive to be working in a video store?"

"It's a reliable job with regular hours, Hero. I may not earn as much as I do through modeling and other gigs, but there are benefits to it. I enjoy communicating with more people and not being placed on a pedestal. And it's easier to keep my thoughts in order."

"Yeah, security can be the same way. Why don't we talk about tonight's date instead?"

Lisa smirked. "It's your next test for the orgy coming up in a week, maybe your last big one. We'll see how you handle it."

Doug nodded. "My first test was visiting a strip club and having a good time with the dancers without upsetting them or getting too close. My second test was accepting Boris's sexual preferences. Then I had to accept and please Shauna and Tara."

Shauna and Tara Shapiro were two sisters who were among Lisa's other girlfriends. Boris Garin was one of Doug's male friends. Lisa had learned before Doug that he led a polyamorous lifestyle in Austin's gay and bisexual community, similar to hers. Doug didn't have the same sexual interests as Boris, but it was crucial that they became friends. Working out with each other, both serving in security, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. Doubt had reassured Lisa. I'm passionate about things beyond sex, and although I had grown up in a conservative household, I'm more of a centrist liberal. I wanted to forge friendships with Boris while keeping it to that. It was simple for him to befriend Shauna and Tara as well. The two were attractive women who were interested in casual sex with Doug. Another of Lisa's partners wanted casual sex with him as well. This was Elena Ruiz, who was hooking up with Boris. Through Elena, Lisa had uncovered his secret life. Elena was just as in love with Boris as Lisa was, but they were both polyamorous. Lisa and Elena were already intimate when Doug met her. She was attracted to him too. Since their first meeting, he'd noticed her looking at him, only to quickly look away when their eyes met. This had happened on a frequent basis over the past two months. Doug had also conversed with her, learning that she was the oldest sister of Lisa's girlfriends and the one closest to graduation. She would earn a business degree in the spring. Boris was about a year behind her in school. The two intended to continue their studies, which would lead to opening a hotel together. Doug wasn't sure he could commit that much time to school. He also wasn't interested in sharing intellectual pursuits with Elena. Doug and Lisa were in love, and he wasn't interested in Elena. However, he was attracted to her, and a part of him wanted to satisfy that. Doug was grateful for the study advice and friendship Elena provided.

Tonight's event included Elena. He thought, "So, are we hanging out with Elena tonight?"

"Yeah," Lisa confirmed with a grin. "Boris will be there, too. Have you ever heard of date swapping?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm familiar with the concept. Haven't really done it, though, or known anyone who has. And there are complications to consider."

"What sort of issues? Things like jealousy? There are methods to overcome that. One approach is patience. Another is accepting that people and their feelings towards one another come in different forms. Not everyone can handle feeling it, either."

" Trust and respect also play a role."

"Trust and respect play a big role," Lisa agreed. "Another big issue is having the courage to openly express your interest in someone and decide you want to be their friend. So many people would rather ignore someone, push them away, or just live with their presence. There are also those who choose to seek companionship or more."

"Faith aids in this."

To begin with, it's not automatic. Esteem and admiration must be cultivated. The pathway to this lies in common interests. Ponder this, Doug. Would you and I be close if we didn't share similar perspectives in philosophy and media? If Boris wasn't your regular workout companion, would you trust him as much as you do now?

"A valid point. I wouldn't socialize much with Shauna and Tara either if not for our shared preferences for delicious food and sensual experiences."

"Exactly. Now, we need to foster a stronger connection between you and Elena. It's not just casual. You've already heeded her academic advice and relished the food she's prepared. You can converse effortlessly with her as well. But can you go beyond that?"

"What do you mean, can I sleep with her if she desires?"

"It's more than that. Can you casually slip into bed with her? Do you even know what she wishes from you?"

"I...I'm not sure about that."

"Then there's Boris. While he doesn't seem jealously possessive, he has concerns and expectations. You could sully both of their minds. And if you upset either of them, the other will suffer too. But that's a two-way street - if you satisfy Elena, Boris will be on cloud nine because he's happy that she's content. They're a close pair, possibly more so than us."

Doug understood the underlying worry. "Last week, we've engaged in multiple activities with them."

"True, but we talked about our individual interest, but at the end of the evening, she went to bed with him and you went to sleep with me."

"I've danced with Lisa and her roommates in the past. We've been close during such gatherings, but the individual most intimate with Elena was always Boris. He's never shown signs of possessiveness, but then again, he has his worries and yearnings. You could potentially satisfy either of their desires. And if you let down either of them, the other would be let down as well. But it's also the other way around - if you delight Elena, Boris would rejoice in her happiness."

Doug understood what concerned her. "I understand. We participate in group dates with them."

"That's different. We've hung out and chit-chatted about our pastimes, but at the end of the night, she was with him and I was with you."

"But we've danced together on multiple occasions. Aren't we just a little close to each other?"

"Think about it. You and I have an intense attraction, much like the one we share."

Doug considered her words. He found himself reminiscing about their shared past. He had indeed danced with Lisa and her housemates, sharing the club floor with them. Elena had never gotten that close to him in public. They had not even touched each other until the last few days when they all knew they'd have sex together. They only made physical contact during the act itself. As for Lisa, she was always attached to him, leaning on his arm, casually interacting with him. He did the same with her.

"I see. You want me with Elena tonight. And Elena wants to be with me," Doug verbalized.

"Yes, that's part of it. I also wish to be with Boris. And we'll engage in group sex, of course." Her expression didn't alter as she spoke. Then she leaned in to whisper in his ear. "This will be your first sex experience with another man. You won't be touching him on purpose. But you'll be close to each other, naked, reveling in intimate physical contact with the same women. I need to make sure you can handle that. More significantly, can you tolerate my intimate contact with another man?"

"I've said it before. You can trust me."

"Can you prove it again tonight?"

"And will I also earn the trust of Elena and Boris?"

Doug pondered the challenge. In his past, he had indeed enjoyed two group sex encounters, but both had been difficult. Each occasion had involved him and two women. This time, he'd have to face an additional man. It'll be intriguing and demanding in its own way. I have to see if I'm up to the challenge. It's a challenge I desire.

Doug hoped it would work out. He turned to Lisa and said, "I sure hope so," after letting out a deep sigh. "Alright, let's not talk about it right now. We don't have much time before work anyway. Why don't we just meet up tonight and see how things go? If everything goes smoothly, that would be great."

"Yes, we're sharing dinner with Boris and Elena tonight," she said. "Since Elena finishes work the earliest, she'll be the one to prepare the meal. We'll all meet at your place around eight. Boris wants to watch the game between the Giants and the Cowboys."

"I'm not really into football," Doug admitted. "But you know, I can be polite and enjoy spending time with everyone else, right?"

"Sure. Most of the game should be over by the time you arrive since it starts at six. After we finish eating, we'll just hang out and chat. Afterwards, let's have some fun."

"Okay. Are Shauna and Tara attending?"

"No, they're going out with two of their other boyfriends tonight. They'll join us next weekend."

"Alright. What should I bring?"

"Just yourself. And please also be willing to help clean up after dinner and the activities. We'll mostly be having sex in the living room. We don't have a big enough bed for all of us."

Doug thought about some ideas, but decided to wait until the actual event. Boris was a big guy, and Elena was petite. Doug and Lisa were somewhere in between. They were good friends, but there would be physical differences they had to consider. They would all have to connect and be comfortable with each other.

"Alright. Should I bring anything?" he asked.

"Only your fantastic self," Lisa said with a laugh. "I dare you to please everyone at the party."

"You don't have to dare me. Just ask."

Doug and Lisa shared a laugh.

"For now," he said, checking his phone, "I need to get to work. See you tonight, Lisa. I love you."

"I love you too, Doug." Lisa kissed him and they went their separate ways to get ready for the day.

Later that night, Doug arrived at Lisa's house feeling a bit down. Work had gone well, but he had some disappointing news. Lisa greeted him and led him to the living room, which was set up with a couch, a loveseat, and an easy chair. Boris Garin, a large man with light blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and a clean-shaven face, was on the loveseat with a petite Latina woman, Elena Ruiz, hugging him. Boris greeted him warmly while Elena gave him a shy smile and brushed her loose black curls back from her tan eyes.

"Hey Doug," Boris said. "Dinner's ready." He indicated the table in the adjacent kitchen, which had tacos and a salad on it. Doug took a bit of each and walked over to the couch. Lisa offered to get him a soda and he agreed.

"How's the game going?" Doug asked. "Before I forget, thank you for the food."

"You're welcome," Elena replied. "The Cowboys are down by three points."

Doug noticed her frown and wondered what she thought of that. However, he knew they would cheer them on as Texans.

"My day was pretty quiet. I found out Mike, a guy I've been working with for four months, is moving back to Mexico. The Mexican Army wants him back," he said, sipping his soda. "He's been here on a work visa and used to work with me in the club district, but that's usually a solo job. I'll miss the guy. He's the type you remember and want to emulate. He's reliable and hardworking. He has great taste in music."

"Maybe you'll see him again someday," Elena suggested. "He mentioned he wanted to do more international travel in the future."

They chatted about school and work as the game wore on. Doug finished his dinner and then helped Lisa clean up the kitchen. The Cowboys made a remarkable comeback and won by four points. Doug cheered along with his friends, but his thoughts were on the evening's activities.

"So," he said when he thought it was the right time, "how's the date swap going to work?"

"We'll see how it goes," Lisa said to Boris and Elena. "We've got to connect with each other and be comfortable with whatever happens."

"How do you all plan to do that?" Doug inquired.

"We just have to play it by ear," Boris said. "We'll help each other out in any way we can."

Doug thought about some ideas but decided to keep them to himself for the meantime. Boris and Elena were of significant physical difference from each other and Lisa and him, creating somewhat of a challenge. But they were good friends and would try to be compatible.

"Alright, let me know what I'm supposed to bring," said Doug. "More importantly, anytime you need help with cleaning up, I'm your man."

"You're very kind," Elena said with a smile. "I hope you're ready for a night of fun, Doug."

"I think I've got it all figured out," Doug said, grinning. "I'm counting on it being successful."

Lisa and Doug shared a laugh.

"You and Lisa can begin by getting things started," Boris responded. "Elena and I will hang out over here."

"Then Elena and I will put on a show to help stimulate you two while you rest," Lisa suggested, teasing her girlfriend.

"Then we'll switch partners," Elena chimed in, grinning back. "It's that simple."

"Group sex follows the switch," Boris added. "Don't worry, Doug, there's no pressure for you to be involved with me. You're not my type anyhow."

"I'm not?" Doug felt his ego take a hit.

"Of course not," Boris chuckled. "You're not into men."

"Right." Doug laughed in unison with Boris' grin.

"Before we begin," said Lisa, "let's discuss our experiences with group sex and our reasons for being here. I'll go first. I consider myself polyamorous. I enjoy various sex partners. I've had group sex with females but only two occasions with males, the last being almost two years ago. I only regularly date one man at a time, but I love one-night stands and swaps."

"I've only had group sex with women," said Elena. "No swaps, no simultaneous encounters with more than one man. Lisa, Shauna, and Tara say it's enjoyable, so... I want to give it a go."

Doug glanced over at Lisa. "Your first group sex encounter with men was letting those bikers gangbang you, right? What was the second?"

"My high school best friend and I shared a hotel room with our respective dates and another guy after senior prom. Simon's date had to leave early. The rest of us participated in a group sex swap."

"Ah, I see. I've had two threesomes, both with only two women." Doug mentioned. "Never swapped. Boris?"

"No swaps, no group sex. All my past dates have been one on one in terms of intimacy. I'm bisexual and have participated in rotation, but I've never started a date night with the intention of swapping. Until now." Boris smiled. "I'm doing this for fun and new experiences, just like everyone else here."

Lisa and Elena both nodded at Doug's statement. Doug nodded as well. Then Boris switched off the TV.

Considering this as an indication, both girls moved closer to their partners. Lisa hugged Doug tightly and pushed her body against him. Her lips kissed his, their tongues danced back and forth. Lisa took off Doug's glasses and placed them on the table near the couch. He nodded his gratitude to her, then returned her kisses.

Between kisses with Lisa, Doug couldn't help but steal glances at Elena. He was excited at the prospect of being with her, no matter how brief. Part of it was curiosity about a new girl. The bigger part, however, was related to their mutual attraction and how it would enhance their friendship. He smiled when he connected eyes with Elena, who reciprocated with a smile and a wink, then continue kissing Boris. Lisa gently touched Doug's shoulder, bringing his focus back to her.

The four college students were all gasping for breath. Lips moved from face to face, hands from torso to legs. Muscles were squeezed and touched. Clothing was removed - shirts, bras, and underwear. There was no modesty present - everyone in the room knew what was about to take place. Skin flushed with embarrassment, then passion took charge.

Doug's mouth moved from Lisa's lips to her large, juicy nipples. His left hand squeezed her breasts and his right hand traced the fine line of hair on her lower belly up to her vagina. Lisa, on the other hand, stroked his cock while her right hand caressed the back of his neck.

Doug stole more glances at Elena. She and Boris were now butt-naked, humping each other enthusiastically. Elena's body was tanned everywhere except for the slightly paler patches on her breasts and thighs. Doug noticed her brown nipples, as well as the dark line of hair between her legs. Elena's slim frame appeared small in contrast to Boris' massive, muscular body. Doug mostly compared their bodies - he was more on the chubby side, yet every woman he'd dated so far seemed to appreciate his physique. It doesn't matter, he reasoned. Elena finds you attractive and will soon be with you. And at this moment, his arms were full of the curvy redhead Lisa. That was, as always, a fantastic thing.

As his girlfriend's lips emitted sighs, his mouth nibbled on her breasts. She grabbed his face, dragged it up from her chest, and then kissed his mouth. Simultaneously, her legs rubbed against his in the same rhythm. He placed his hands on her legs, caressed them, and then spread them apart. Doug's erect penis slid into Lisa. He paused for a moment, looked at her face, observed her nod of encouragement, and then lowered her the rest of the way. The confines of her body squeezed him tightly, her juices slick and dripping. Lisa's body rubbed against his, her stiff nipples grazing his skin. Doug wrapped his arms around her, thrust back and forth within her, and then Lisa gasped, causing her nails to rake up and down his back.

A look towards the loveseat revealed Elena flattening her breasts against Boris's chest. Their height difference appeared to have diminished due to their positions. Boris was tenderly stroking Elena's body as he moved it back and forth against his penis. Elena softly moaned. Lisa's moans echoed, directing his attention back to her. Given the twinkle in her eyes, he knew he was being observed.

Lisa smirked at him, chuckled softly. "It's okay, my love," she whispered. "I'm thinking about her too. And Boris."

Feeling slightly discomposed, Doug remembered believing that sharing was preferable to jealousy. Lisa agreed, as did Elena and Boris, to his knowledge.

He kissed Lisa's lips, then her cheeks. "When do we switch?" he inquired next.

"After we reach climax," Lisa answered. She tightened her grip around him, moved her hips faster, intent on achieving that moment. Doug followed suit, increasing his movements, too. Her lips quot;buffetedquot; his face and chest, marvelling at his nipples as much as he had hers. Lisa's legs remained squeezed around him, gripping him tightly. Up and down, hard and fast, warm and untamed. The scent of her- sweat, arousal, Laura Ashley perfume- inundated his senses. It was further enhanced by the feel of her body on his and the taste of her on his lips. His gaze was directed solely towards Lisa, his ears filled with her sighs and his own. He lifted her body slightly above his erect penis to prevent slipping out, then thrust back into her. Up and down, repeatedly.

She didn't take long to reach orgasm. Her shuddering against him was noticeable, her fluids flowing more abundantly. Doug gasped a few times, then allowed himself to climax. He had attempted to hold back for a moment, but Lisa's infertility was a comforting thought. The same thought occurred to him when he re-mounted her afterward, urging her on and matching her movements. Jessica's lips enthusiastically kissed his, his breath hitching for a moment. They paused for a while, exchanging satisfied smiles.

Doug glanced at Boris and Elena. Elena was being held close to Boris, her back being rubbed while she rode his erection. They both wore a glazed expression, indicating their recent climaxes. Their orgasms happened in quick succession, only a short while after Doug and Lisa's. Elena issued an extended groan, then subtracted herself from Boris, exiting with a loud plop.

The four of them locked eyes, taking in the scene. Doug's only gaze on Boris was fleeting; Elena captivated him more. He lingered on her beauty, the smile she returned at him. She was also gazing at Lisa and Boris, both of whom looked back at her.

An exchange of nods and gestures followed, then Lisa signaled for Doug to take a seat in an easily accessible chair. He complied, moved to it. Boris also issued forth, walked to a cupboard adjacent to the television, pulled out four towels. He threw one each at Elena, Lisa, then Doug. He kept the fourth, using it to wipe his perspiration. Doug mirrored his movements. Boris returned to the loveseat and sat down.

Elena and Lisa wiped themselves with their towels, exchanged motivated looks. Lisa reclined on the sofa, signaled Elena to join her. Doug observed Elena's slight hesitancy, recalled her discomfort with her bisexuality. In fact, she'd presented herself as straight to facilitate Lisa's tests on her boyfriends, such as when he'd caught her kissing Shauna and Tara at the breakfast table while wearing loose robes the following morning after their first coupling as a couple. "Yes," Elena confirmed, "I'm into extra fun with women, too. Please don't divulge this to anyone who doesn't need to be apprised of it." Doug had readily concurred.

The redhead and the Latina became one as they passionately locked lips and grinded up against each other. Lisa and Elena alternated between massaging each other's neck, squeezing and slightly sucking on their breasts, and caressing their bellies before delving deeper. They rubbed each other's clits and exchanged sighs and moans. Lisa then pulled Elena onto the couch and mounted her while Elena willingly accepted Lisa's advances.

They moved into a 69 position where they licked each other's pussies. Doug couldn't help but wonder if Elena would be turned off by the taste of his cum inside Lisa. However, she showed no hesitation and continued to lick pleasure from Lisa with apparent enjoyment. Lisa did the same. Doug suddenly found his dick getting hard again at the sight they were creating.

Boris, too, was getting turned on by the sight, as indicated by his jerking his cock while watching his women friends entertain Doug. His cock seemed to be a similar size to Doug's in length and girth, at least from what Doug could see. He decided there was no point in comparing the sizes since he was more entertained by Lisa and Elena's passionate exchange.

After a few minutes, Elena was the first of the duo to reach climax. Lisa wasn't too far behind her. They sat up and kissed each other, both without any sign of snowballing; it seemed they swallowed up their juices from their previous acts.

Then Lisa stood up, her eyes catching on Boris and Doug. "I'd like to thank you properly, Boris," she said, "for being the one who helped me that night I met Doug. You helped me and supported me until I was strong enough to face the world on my own."

"And I thank you," Boris replied, his hand stroking his cock as he looked between Lisa and Doug. "I'm happy that you both seem to have found each other, and I get to see both of you again."

"It's fine, Koshchei," Elena said to Boris. "As long as we're okay with it."

Doug had no idea who Koshchei was, but it seemed to be another nickname for Boris. He nodded at Boris and indicated his approval.

As Lisa and Elena casually embraced each other, Lisa quieted down and accepted Boris with a kiss on the lips, while Boris covered her breast. Doug observed that Elena looked at him with clear attraction. He then turned to his right and saw Boris also watching the scene with some interest. Did he wonder about Lisa's sexual preferences? Or was he just admiring her nude body? Doug focused on the former question since he could lie in wait until he actually had Elena in his arms to learn the answer.

Elena then stood up, revealing her wet pussy and a wide smile. "Would you mind if we... um, moved this to my bedroom, Doug?" she asked, her cheeks a little flushed. "I have some... distractions..."

Doug looked at Lisa who kissed him while hugging Boris. He then stood up and dried himself with the towel, especially his groin area. Elena's expression seemed to change slightly when she saw this. "Sure," he said, "Let's go."

Elena led him into her bedroom, a larger one with a king-sized bed and a red comforter. The bathroom and another closet with women's and men's clothes were connected. Boris could sometimes stay over for the night, Doug recalled.

Elena shut the door, a little anxiously glancing at the commotion in the living room. "You know, we can just talk, if you want," Doug offered softly.

Elena leaped back up onto the bed, instantly shaking her head. "No! I'm ready to do this! Come here, please!" she invited eagerly.

Doug walked to Elena and kissed her, her kisses lighter than Lisa's. He then pulled her back down, embracing her as she attempted to return the passion he was showing. "Thanks, you're beautiful," he murmured. Elena gave him a small smile and a light peck on his cheek, seeming to be holding back some of her emotional response.

Doug knew that he was going to be with Elena, but he needed to tread carefully since she might have needed more encouragement.

He examined her figure. Her chest was smaller than Lisa's, more like that of a runner than a martial artist. Her taste was also unique, having its own distinct flavor with no perfume. Elena panted whilst kissing him and rubbed her naked body against his.

She instructed him to lay down on the bed, then moved away. "Condoms are in the top drawer," she mentioned, gesturing towards the bedside table. "Could you put one on? I'm on the pill, but..."

"You want an additional layer of safety," Doug said when she trailed off. "It's fine." He got up, opened the drawer, found a pack of Trojans next to a bottle of scented lotion. He removed a condom, unwrapped it, and put it on. Elena smirked approvingly.

Doug returned to her. "How should we proceed?"

"Could you give me that lotion?"

He handed it to her, noticing that it was scented with pecans. Elena squeezed some onto her hands, then set the bottle aside. She then pressed herself against Doug, rubbed his limbs and manhood. "If you continue like this, you'll glide right into me," Elena said as she massaged. "I'll appreciate it."

Doug felt aroused by her touches. "Shall we try the same position as you and Boris, or something else?"

"Let's just follow what feels natural." Elena disengaged, then situated herself on the bed and opened her arms.

That suggests missionary position, Doug thought. She rode Boris earlier, but well, I'm not as big as he is. I'm fine with variety, he decided, and moved toward her.

Elena embraced him as he penetrated her, enveloping him with her arms and legs. They placed their bodies together after a brief moment, Doug's length slipping into her vagina. Elena moaned at his entry, then chuckled. Her breasts were firm and heaving against him. Doug kissed her and she accepted for a short time, then retreated. Okay, Doug mused without voicing his thoughts, she seems to want to maintain intimacy but keep things casual. No problem.

He moved within her, focusing on the rhythm. Elena watched him with a patient grin, reciprocated his movements. Doug realized that her attitude and body were more gentle than Lisa's usual attentiveness, waiting patiently for his attention. Overall she exuded a growing sexuality with increasing confidence.

He moved his lips across her face, down to her breasts. Elena breathed more rapidly as he did so, her skin becoming increasingly flushed. Her thighs held his length tight as he thrust in and out of her. Doug held her close to him, ran his fingers along her back muscles and legs. Elena pulled him closer to her with her legs, hugged his back muscles with her arms. Her lips let out moans that became more frequent and deep.

"Getting there," she whispered. "Yes... yeah... yes!"

Feeling her nearing her climax brought Doug closer to his own orgasm but not quite there. He pushed his cock back and forth inside her, caressed her clitoris with his other hand. Elena writhed in response again- the sight of her pleasure and her movements caused Doug to approach the summit of desire. Lose yourself in this moment, he told himself, remember that Lisa supported this and wants you to revel in it. Just like with Shauna and Tara the previous week, and other women you might encounter in the future. Impart yourself, relinquish control, yes.... He was breathing heavily, then convulsed and halted.

Elena smiled and pulled away from him, retrieving the towels they had removed earlier from the bed. Doug took his from her, wiped the sweat from his face and groin. As he did so, Lisa's moans and Boris's exuberant exclamations filled the air. "Seems they're having a good time."

"Indeed," Elena answered. "Lisa and Boris are both very passionate individuals. It's natural they would enjoy being together."

"I need to ask," Doug said after nodding, "why do you call him Baba Yaga?"

"He's a well-known sorceress from Russian legends. Frequently a villain, but in my imagination..." Elena shrugged. "May I reconstruct him as a hero? Shouldn't I?"

"If it pleases you, sure," Doug replied, grimacing. "Now, if Lisa and Boris could confirm everything is okay..."

"It is fine," Elena said. "I have no desire to limit my relationships with other females, and he wouldn't wish to halt his relationships with other males. Of course, we'd extend that to females for me and males for him if we both like them enough. We both like Lisa, I like you... everything is fine." She released a quiet sigh and grinned.

All right, Doug considered. That's encouraging. Now if Lisa and Boris can confirm...

"Of course!" Elena responded after Doug showed his agreement. Lisa walked in, her smile beaming and her skin glistening with sweat. "Doug treated me well," she informed her friend. "How was Boris with you?"

"He made my body ache with desire!" Lisa answered, her grin widening. "I haven't had a man like him in ages. I'm a fan of larger men... I won't lie..." Her eyes met Doug's, and she grinned. "But I'm not head over heels for him, Elena. He's merely fun. In the end, I'm still with you."

Doug nodded, sensing honesty in her words. "The same goes for me," he offered. "I'm fine with our arrangement." He frowned. "Um, no offense, Elena, but..."

"I understand," Elena interjected, smiling. "You are great to me in your own way. I have no problem being with you, but Boris... I love him."

"And I love you too," Boris announced, strolling in with a carton of drinks. He extracted cans from it and distributed them. As he extracted his own, Doug noticed Boris was wearing a condom on his member. "You have a real treat here, Doug," Boris declared with glee. "Lisa, thank you once more. I hope Shauna and Tara have the same experience with you."

"No problem at all," Lisa replied, grinning back at him. "It would be wonderful if they feel the same when you're with them. I'll introduce other girls I know to this, too, like Stephanie when she moves here next year. Lily will be accompanying her. Tess, if I can persuade her to visit or we go see her in New York. Nicole has given me an open invitation to her sorority parties. Maybe we'll even meet more people in the future. We have our entire lives ahead to enjoy!"

The four of them sat on the bed, feeling happy, aroused, and sweaty. Doug gulped from his can and mused that Elena's bed was barely large enough for all of them. So Lisa was mistaken, he thought, pleased by this realization.

They were silent for several minutes, drinking and staring at each other. They were all aroused but full of energy. Additionally, they were all comfortable with being nude in each other's presence, with Elena caught in between Boris and Doug.

"So," Lisa spoke up, putting her soda back on the table and observing the others. "How would you like to have this group-sex experience?"

"You have the most experience here," Boris reminded her. "Why don't you decide?"

Lisa glanced at Doug and Elena, who both nodded in agreement. She later stated, "Well, there are many ways our bodies can combine. One of us can fuck another while the rest of us touch one or both of them. Or one guy can fuck one woman while each of us takes turns eating the other's pussy. Or Elena can jerk off both guys. Or Elena and I can trib, while the guys fuck us from behind. Or I can take one guy in my pussy and the other in my mouth. Elena can watch and touch herself or us. Or we can form a sex square – Doug and Boris on opposite sides, of course."

"How about a double penetration?" Elena suggested. "I don't mind a guy in my ass. Boris can be very gentle back there."

Lisa considered, "I'd rather have cocks in my cunt. Doug isn't too keen on anal, but if Boris can be gentle, perhaps we could..."

"Let's just have sex and figure it out as we go," Doug proposed. "I'm up for anything you propose and in any manner, as long as it's within our limits."

They agreed on a safe word – "Toothpaste" – and sipped their beverages. After finishing their sodas, they gathered into an embrace on the bed. Lisa jumped over Doug and positioned herself next to Elena. Doug and Boris were now at opposite ends of the bed. Doug swapped his condom while Boris did the same upon Elena's prompting. They wrapped their arms around their usual partners face-to-face on the bed. Doug could feel the rhythm of their breathing and bodies as they grew acquainted to their new situation.

Elena and Lisa faced each other, kissing and caressing their breasts together because Doug and Boris were entering their pussies from behind. This continued until both women climaxed. Afterwards, they pulled away from their men, glanced around, and nodded, then rescheduled their positions on the bed.

Lisa assumed a base for a twisted structure, lying face down near the edge of the bed. Doug thrust into her vagina while she held Boris's thighs and kissed along his penis's length. Elena was positioned between their heads, with Doug and Boris licking her thighs and vulva. They didn't mind rubbing each other's skin, but they avoided kissing intentionally. Doug primarily tended to Elena's front and right thigh while Boris kissed her left side and rear.

After Elena and Lisa both reached climax again, Elena shifted places with Lisa. The guys also switched positions - Boris thrust into Elena's crotch while she sucked off Doug. Lisa moaned loudly and massaged her own breasts as she welcomed the men's tongues on her pussy. Her juices gushed out and her legs spasmed around their tongues. Everyone's hands explored the women's bodies. Doug and Boris occasionally bumped knuckles as they watched their girlfriends achieve multiple orgasms.

They separated after the next series of climaxes from the ladies. Doug and Boris were still rock hard, aroused but unable to reach climax themselves.

Elena positioned herself between their bodies next, guiding Doug to penetrate her vagina and Boris her butt. Doug initially struggled with the sensation of Boris's dick pressing against his through Elena's flesh, but he shrugged it off and focused on the feel of Elena's body between theirs. It was made easier when Lisa wrapped her arms around him from behind and kissed him all over.

Lisa tried out the double penetration next, although she didn't seem as excited by it as Elena. Boris eased into her ass easily at first, but she didn't match his rhythm and he pulled out. A few unsuccessful attempts at connecting led him to simply relax and allow her to hold his cock while Doug fucked her pussy. Elena also cuddled close, welcoming touches from all their hands and mouths. This continued until both women climaxed once more. Boris reached climax - Lisa slipped off the condom and let him release himself on her stomach and Elena's. Both women smiled as the semen touched their skin. Doug's arousal grew as he watched.

They formed a rectangle for the next act - Doug ate Elena's pussy while Lisa enjoyed his penis. Boris licked Lisa's pussy while Elena kissed his dick. Each hand gripped the thigh of the person they were attending orally. Doug's third orgasm of the night occurred during this swap. Lisa thoroughly enjoyed sipping at the lubricated condom on his cock, her face glowing as he came in her mouth. Following his lead, Lisa and Elena climaxed once more. Boris climaxed but didn't ejaculate. Everyone settled down in the afterglow, content with their new intimacy.

"You doing alright, Doug?" Lisa asked, giggling at him.

"I'm thinking about Jerry Seinfeld," he chuckled. "I don't want to be an orgy guy. What an idiot!"

"I know!" Lisa agreed, chuckling along.

Boris handed out additional sodas to everyone. They all took a sip, then put their sodas on the bedside table or the windowsills on either side of the bed. Elena applied lotion to her hands and pampered both men's penises - Boris in her left hand and Doug in her right. Lisa massaged her own pussy with her right hand. Their hands kept exchanging touches on their partner's genitals until each person reached a little orgasm. The women shivered intensely while the men panted, then grinned in contentment.

The four of them then shared passionate kisses - few short pecks to start with, followed by Lisa hugging and locking lips with Doug, and Elena and Boris repeating the same act.

"Is everyone okay with us all sleeping here tonight?" Lisa inquired when they relaxed. "I'm exhausted."

"Doug's the only one who hasn't slept in this bed before," Elena replied, inquiring his feelings.

"I'm fine," Doug replied, beaming at her. He then hugged Lisa close and accepted her embrace.

Elena and Boris snuggled into a similar position on the other side of the bed and everyone rested, closing their eyes.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de