Erotic Couplings

Live: Expressing Love in Words and Deeds

A visitor to a sexual advice program engages in practical demonstration.

May 23, 2024
21 min read
big cockLove Language Liveexhibitionism
Love Language Live
Love Language Live

Live: Expressing Love in Words and Deeds

"You'll be using this microphone for the entire session, even if you move around."

Trixie came closer to me, her breath and fragrance brushing my neck as she attached the adhesive pad of the portable microphone to my pulse point.

"Why not use a clip-on microphone instead?"

The production staff member stepped back from me, depriving me of Trixie's closeness. "It's a sex advice show, Noah. Sometimes things get a little heated in here." After double-checking her work, Trixie patted my thigh and retreated to the control room.

"Have you ever been on air before?" This question was from the other occupant in the studio, Leanna.


"You'll do great." Leanna reassured me. "Once we start the broadcast, it'll just be you and me discussing your situation. With Trixie screening the calls and questions from listeners, it'll feel more like a small gathering of friends than a radio show."

The atmosphere in the studio was cosy, with plush sofas facing each other across a large carpet. The walls were lined with sound-absorbing foam and filled with books on sexual therapy and adult literature. The studio had a comfortable, lived-in feel with photos and decorations scattered around.

Trixie gave a signal from the control booth fifteen feet away.

Leanna addressed her producer. "We're about to go live. I'll introduce the program, you, and then we can chat. We'll only take calls after we've discussed your issue." She smirked.

I smiled in response. Leanna was not like the image portrayed on the station's website and social media. In real life, she was a brunette, not wearing glasses, and her expression was more serious than flirtatious. But her cleavage was not exaggerated.

A green light appeared.

"Hello, lovers," Leanna purred. "Welcome to Leanna's Love Language, your destination for sex advice, stories, and advice. My producer Trixie is with me as always. How's it going, Trix?"

"I. Am. Not." Trixie replied airily. "No shortage of offers, though."

"No one would doubt that with that cute pink top of yours, Trix."

Trixie's grin revealed her dimples. She walked toward Leanna and me, allowing her petite frame to be seen.

"And introducing today's guest," Leanna continued. "I have with me Noah, a regular listener of our show and someone with an intriguing situation that many of our listeners can likely relate to. Welcome to Leanna's Love Language, Noah."

"Thank you."

I spoke to both Trixie and the listeners. "I've been listening to this show for at least three years."

"I'm honored," Leanna added, placing a hand on her chest. "What keeps you coming back?"

"The incredible connection you and Trix share. It's entertaining. I also appreciate the authentic, personal advice you give. Not just from reading a book."

"I'm not shy about loving sex," Leanna laughed. "And you, Noah? Are you also a fan of sex?"

"Yes, I'm a guy, after all," I replied.

"You certainly are," Leanna said with a hint of salaciousness. "So, what's the problem that brings you to us today?"

I steeled myself before answering. "I've been going on second and third dates lately. But after the first intimate date, I've been getting ghosted."

Leanna nodded understandingly. "Have you considered any possible reasons for this?"

"Not good. It's irritating. It seems like we have a connection. We laugh, talk, find common ground, all positive signs, right? We arrange a date for the next weekend via text afterward. All good, but after we sleep together, I either get ignored or I'll get a vague response like we don't have a connection."

From the control room, Trixee gestures, and Leanna responds, "Let's take the first caller."

A female voice is heard through the studio's speaker. "The guy's bad in bed," the caller claims. "I mean, I'm sorry, but if a girl has a third date with you, it's because she's attracted to you. If she ghosts afterward, it's because you didn't perform in the bedroom."

Leanna glances at me. "Do you think there's any truth to that, Noah?"

"How would I know? As I said, it's frustrating. If she's into me, but I'm not up to par in bed, why not help me out? Why not offer some advice instead of just leaving?"

"That does seem reasonable, Noah, but love isn't always fair, right?" Leanna asked. "So you're in your late twenties?"


"So you've had at least one successful relationship, then."

"I have. My ex-girlfriend in college. We started dating sophomore year. We were about to get married a couple of years after school but then we broke up. Six years together."

"So you can make a relationship last," Leanna confirmed. "What do our listeners have to say about that?"

Trixee signals again, and Leanna nods.

This time, a male voice is heard. "I understand where you're coming from. I've been in a similar situation. I dated my high school girlfriend through college. Neither of us knew any better. Like Noah here, we broke up after graduation, and it was like starting over again."

"Like starting over how?" Leanna inquired.

"When I got with another girl, the things that my ex-girlfriend liked didn't seem to work for her. I had to step up my game."

"Step up your game?" Leanna giggled, "I like that." But she didn't linger on the idea since Trixee was eagerly gesturing to her.

"Next caller. You're live on Leanna's Love Language."

"Nah, he's just lazy!" the female caller complained. "Probably doesn't even try, just sticks it in."

Leanna looks at me, waiting for a response.

"No, I promise you. I like foreplay. I always want my partners to feel good."

Leanna didn't lose eye contact. Her beautiful black hair was pulled back and held in place with a clip, but some strands had escaped, and she was playing with them, twisting them around her finger. "So, Noah, what's your move? How do you begin foreplay for you?"

"A kiss," I offered.

"But if you're on a second or third date, you've already kissed. What makes this one different?"

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll start kissing her on the neck, too. And the ear if she likes it."

"How do you know if she likes it?"

"If they don't like it, they'll sort of move away from you. Maybe even say it's ticklish. If they love it, you'll hear a moan."

Leanna nods. "Do most women like it?"

"Does the neck and ear thing work?"


After considering my response for a moment, Leanna returned her attention to her audience. "What do you think, listeners?"

Trixee connected another caller. "Hey," the female caller began, "I know it's easy to criticize a stranger, but I want to give this guy a shout-out for knowing that not every woman is the same. It sounds like he listens and adapts if needed."

"One point for Noah," Leanna acknowledged. "And what would be next, Noah, if your third-date lover appears to enjoy everything so far and seems to be into you?"

I'd been listening to Leanna's show a lot, so I knew it could be as explicit as she and the callers desired. "I'm going to start undressing her. If her top buttons, I'll start unbuttoning them while I kiss down her neck."

"A buttoned top like what Leanna's wearing?"

I'd already noticed Leanna's curves straining against her sweater when I first saw her less than an hour ago. "Yes."

Leanna leaned in closer. "Imagine I'm your date. Tell our listeners what you notice about my chest."

"Your breasts are amazing," I mentioned, grateful for the chance to appreciate her body. "They're full and high. Your sweater is thin enough to reveal your nipples, and you've unbuttoned one more button than necessary."

"And what does that usually signify, in your experience?"

"Means you want me to notice your body," I said, holding Leanna's gaze. "Others will look, but no one more than me."

"Woah, hold your horses!" Leanna exclaims, pretending to fan herself excessively.

The switchboard operator relays a message from another woman, "How's he looking, Leanna? I'm feeling a bit confused here."

Leanna raises an eyebrow at me, "Right, so he's around six feet, approximately?"


"Golden blond hair with a messy, deliberate dishevelled style," she continues, "Warmer color, not just-woke-up-like-this dishevelled."

"So, he's Caucasian?" the caller chimes in.

"Yeah," Leanna replies, "Sky blue eyes, slender frame. Are you into cycling, Noah?"

"Nah, I'm more of a runner, clearing that up right there."

There's a light chuckle emanating from the control room as she adds, "And that comment right there, worth mentioning."

"Leanna, my sweet, you're sort of taking the spotlight here. Let's spell out the details of the gent," Leanna explains, "Although his physique is not for the mountains, he certainly isn't tiny. And there is a bit of an enigma surrounding his evasiveness. I've volunteered to help sort it out."

Trixee waves her hand in the background, "Alright, let's get back to the whole boob show. You know, the stuff we can't see."

Leanna throws me a suggestive smile, "So, about my hooters. They're just the thing, right?"

I'm in no way objecting, "Yeah, I wanna see 'em. Small or large, just show me."

Leanna teases, "Did you mean yours, or mine? Because, dear Noah, let's get real... I'm up here and I'm pretty close to them. You wanna see your date's cleavage? Ooh, alright, let me show you how."

Trixee announces, "And Noah here would love to get a sniff of her jugs. So here goes."

Leanna straddles my lap, staring at me intently. The next thing I know, she's in my arms. "Gotta seduce me now, Noah. Can you do it?"

I'm in complete disbelief, "Uhh, absolutely." I take one arm to hold Leanna against me, and the other to fiddle with her top buttons.

Trixee describes the action, "Yup, you're unbuttoning her top, one button at a time. And, yes, it's drawn my attention. Take a look here."

Leanna's top is undone almost all the way, revealing part of her breasts. My hand caresses her systematically unhooking the clasp on her bra. As she falls forward, her breasts follow, their round shapes spilling from her top. My attention is completely captivated as I continue to kiss and nuzzle her neck.

Trixee carries on describing, "Her top is now in shambles, both her arms are held by him. Strangely, she doesn't seem put off by it."

"What a lucky find, huh, Trixee?" Leanna groans. Despite her full breasts, she melts onto my thighs. I keep kissing her neck while my tongue is teasing her breasts.

"Her chest is practically bouncing on her arms," Trixee spoilers.

The sensations are intense, the sounds of her sighs and moans ringing in my ears. I'm becoming more and more immersed in the situation. Then, "He's sucking on one while oh God, he's squeezing..."

I latch on to her breast, my mouth bobbing as I circle and tug one nipple with my tongue before sucking it firmly. She pushes further into me for a moment, followed by a small sigh.

"He's left a mark! He's been rough! Don't get carried away," Leanna moans. But I don't feel any fight as she pushes me away, the sudden shift making it all too real for me.

I'm a mix of arousal from the experience and anxiety about becoming a performer. But hey, am I secretly loving this?

"He's all over my breasts," Leanna moaned, bringing me back to reality. "It feels like his hands are everywhere and his tongue is everwhere else." She was grinding against me, her core pressing against my cock. "No," she breathed, responding to the caller's inquiry, "he's not rough, just knows what he's after."

The caller hung up and Trixie fielded more calls, searching for a good follow-up query. While I took advantage of playing with Leanna's sensational boobs, at least for the time being. I released her wrists and she allowed me to explore more while she removed her bra and sweater, eventually toppling onto her chair with her tits glistening with my saliva and a wild glint in her eyes.

Trixie indicated she had a caller, yet Leanna shook her head. Breathless, she announced, "Here's what happened, listeners." She took a deep breath. "It was a hot day, and I'm grateful to be me because it was amazing. Firm, but sexy. What did any of you think, Trixie?"

"Verified," Trixie confirmed. "Leanna was thoroughly enjoying herself. And," she added, gazing at the outline of my engorged shaft, "So was Noah."

At Leanna's nod, Trixie ushered through another female caller who inquired, "Ah, of course, a man wanted to handle your breasts. But we were all perplexed by your enjoyment, Leanna, so we're curious if he knew what he was doing."

"Yes, we are," Leanna concurred. "Noah, we're trying to uncover the reason why you're being ghosted. What our guest, along with many others, are eager to know is how well you execute intimate acts."

I knew what she craved. "Take off those tight jeans, then."

Leanna grinned with mischief before fiddling with her belt, ultimately loosening it. "For any of you who are confused, Noah has offered to lick my pussy. Is that right, Noah?"


Leanna unzipped her jeans halfway. "Do you always do this for your female friends?"


Leanna cocked a brow. "Oh?"

"Not all women favor this, or they just want to have sex."

"But if she signals her interest?"

"As in undressing halfway?"

Leanna squirmed, shaking off her jeans, and stretched her leg over the arm of her chair with just a pair of black thong panties between us.

While Leanna stood, Trixie welcomed a new caller. The man inquired, "Mr Noah, what does she look like? I mean, Leanna. How attractive is she?"

"Tall." I had been restrained from taking photos prior to entering the studio. Both Leanna and Trixie are cautious about their privacy and never disclose their full names or allow anyone to photograph them in the context of the show. But I don't think a general description would be frowned upon.

"So for those who favor tall women, you'd like her. Or tall men, interestingly." I set aside a cushion from the lounge chair before taking Leanna's exposed foot in my hands. I kissed it before kissing her calf.

"She appealing?"

"She's not cute," I stated, evoking confusion from Leanna. "She's too self-assured for 'cute' to be the right word. When you lay eyes on her, you want her. She's also rather attractive."

I kissed her calf once more, then traced my wet tongue along her leg.

Leanna grinned, "Some men rush to the pussy."

"Going somewhere?" I joked, reverting to my gentle tongue along her leg. When I reached the back of her thong, I moved aside this barrier to kiss her other thigh.

Leanna groaned, "I'm not going anywhere as long as you're tending to me."

Another question came in, prompting Leanna to supply an update. "I'm undressed, he's clothed," she divulged, "and he's kneeling in front of my chair, which is quite sexy."

"Describe how wet you are," I urged.

"I'm the program host here, Noah," Leanna teased, yet not without a grin. "His tongue's in my box," she shared with the listeners, and then cooed, "and here comes his finger. Fuck!"

Leanna's slot was smooth and shaved, offering an appealing target for my tongue. I circled her clit, tongued her folds, and scrupulously plunged a finger deep into her slit.

"Awesome," sighed Leanna. "This really feels great. He's slid his finger into me now, making me wetter. And his tongue lingers at my clit."

Trixie diverted another male caller. "Leanna, do you enjoy when women cum from oral? Some women don't."

"Mmm," Leanna, gently tugging on my hair, replied, "not usually. But for the sake of science, I'm going to attempt to reach climax with Noah's assistance."

When yet another caller questioned the action being taken, Trixie responded with Frank's movements, "Leanna appears pretty content right now. Her leg lies over Noah's back, while her hands rest in his hair. I can't see what he's doing clearly, but Leanna's eyes are closed and her lips parted. She's definitely enjoying herself."

I traced my finger around Leanna's slippery opening, leaving away her clit.

"Oh, right there," Leanna exclaimed, referring to my finger's position. "Yeah, right there."

"I think he's stimulating her G-spot," announced Trixie.

Searching through Leanna's folds with my tongue and probing her G-spot with my finger, her trembling knees signaled Leanna's imminent orgasm. She clamped her fingers in my hair and crippled it while a breast was forcibly squeezed.

"Yeh," whimpered she, "yeh, yeh. God."

Her tightly shut legs were fiercely pulled back, pressing mercilessly against my neck, making me fear for my safety. My tongue remained firm, aiming for consistent movement across her clit as if drawing her closer to climax.

"Ha!" exclaimed Trixie, "I just saw her come and it was intense! She's stretching back, biting her lip, and moving as if trying to throw me out of the way! Ooh!"

Finally Leanna let go of my hair, surrendering her body to the aftermath of her climax, drooping back in her seat.

"You're right about that," Trixie admired with wide eyes.

With my face snuggled between Leanna's thighs, it was impossible to observe Trixie's actions, yet she persistently offered updates. "Leanna looks incredibly captivated, still in the throes of her orgasm. She's hunched over, clutching my hair and biting her lip. Ouch."

"Can you describe what she looks like without your own commentary?" I enquired.

"I'm not a world-class feminist model," Trixie replied. "However, she seems beautiful, excited and, from the glazed look on her face, she's not quite the master of her body."

Astonished, Leanna breezed past the question. "He managed to find my G-spot rather effortlessly, yet still uncertain about his own anatomy."

Shirt loss punctuated my appearance approaching Leanna. "Now, let's check if the issue is penis size," Leanna commanded me to undress. While she did, Leanna resumed her keen observation, "Like the earlier caller mentioned, and is abundantly clear to everyone, he was a master with his tongue." With my shirt off, she pulled me close, "Let's examine the evidence."

"A woman's statement about her lover's manhood doesn't necessarily reflect the truth," Trixie infomined listeners. "She's loosening Noah's belt, tugging down his jeans, and earning a reaction from our subject as he puts down his boxer briefs."

"Okay..." I muttered, considering the prospects.

"In case that's not obvious to our listeners, Leanna's decided to verify your condition." She lightly fondled me while waiting on other callers, "Leanna, what do you see."

"Concerning the mystery of Noah's sexual prowess, Noah, are women drawn to your size?"

"Sure, I guess," I admitted. "But they'd say that to boost my confidence."

"Well, something observed by more than one lady shouldn't be underestimated," accepted Leanna. "I've measured before and I'm 6" long. It's possible what they meant was the girth."

"Excitedly, Trixie shimmied towards the window dividing the control room from the studio. 'Noah's trousers are murmuring around his shins. He's standing in front of Leanna who is seated in her rocking chair. It looks as if... yes, she's about to suck him.'

Leanna raised my penis to her mouth and rested it on her tongue.

"He's not entirely erect yet," Trixie asserted, "but it's already quite substantial. Leanna is licking him from the root up, tickling the rim, then repeating. Aah, she's giving him some eye contact while she's doing it. So steaming."

I sighed, amazed by how rapidly Leanna was rousing my excitement.

"He's bulky," Trixie added, "and now he's achieving an erection. Veins are emerging. Our latest acquaintance, Noah, has trimmed his pubic hair and Leanna is licking it as if it were a popsicle."

Once Leanna had me fully aroused, she continued with her evaluation. "Trixie and I concur that Noah is bulky." She fondled my shaft again, keeping it strong. "Let's get a viewpoint from our birds. How do you feel about considerably girthy fellows?"

"No, no," the first caller exasperated. "I encountered someone like that and we had to go real slow every time."

"I like it," a different caller claimed. "You have to begin gradually, but after you get used to it, it's senstationally gratifying. And I cherish the sensation of being occupied. I climax intensely when done that way."

A caller inquired as to where precisely I was biggest. "The tip is indeed sizable," Leanna remarked. "Yet it's thickest at the mid-shaft."

"Ugh, that's the pits," the caller retorted. "Stretches you then continues onward."

Trixee adjusted various callers. Some fervently championed thicker penises, whereas others were unseasoned or didn't desire them.

Leanna concluded. "It seems we've unraveled the puzzle," and here she offered my balls a lengthy, moist lick. "You're simply too dense, Noah."

"I assumed largeness was a good matter."

"There's a pinch of picturesque fantasy about it. Little isn't brilliant, and many ladies enjoy the idea of a commanding one, but in practice, as you've just heard, they can be a difficulty."

Whilst I attempted to process this news, Trixee patched through a male caller. "I don't anticipate anyone considering me, but I'm in the same circumstance as Noah. I'd like to contribute that certain stances are superior to others."

"That is genuine. Noah, how do you prefer?"

"I didn't consider a name for it. She's on her back at the edge of the bed, legs raised and bum nearly suspended over the side."

"Let's call it standing missionary."


"Wonderful. Disrobe."

It took me some time to disrobe, since I was enmeshed in my denims, briefs, and footwear, whereas Leanna remained undressed aside from her thong. By the time I was naked, she was immersed on her lounger, glaring at me with heat. This was going to happen.

"Leanna," Trixie inquired, "you never specified your preference size-wise."

"I've got 'em all," she said. "But, I'm certain we should begin gently today, right Noah?"


Manipulating Leanna on her lounger was a bit cumbersome, but I was able to line up my penis with her vagina with one knee propped on the chair's edge.

"He's teasing her a bit," Trixie shared, "sliding his penis down her lips and over her clit. Now he's maneuvering it in."

Leanna's hand snapped forward to thwart my chest. "I said go slow, buddy."

The tip of my penis had only just penetrated her folds, but I obeyed, prodding at an even more slow tempo.

"He's being extremely careful," Trixie conveyed. "He's nudging that colossal penis inside her, examining her face. Aah! Leanna grimaced but Noah eased up for a moment and now he's manipulating it again."

"Fuuuck," Leanna groaned. Her head was raised and her eyes were shut tight as I introduced her to my penis.

Trixie continued. "He's all the way in. Leanna appears so moist, each time Noah withdraws his penis it's glistening."

"It's still so cramped," Leanna clenched through her teeth.

She eventually accepted me, but never fully loosened. Her facial muscles tautened with each push and she breathed out exhaustingly, evidently grappling with the pain. After a moment I stopped.

"You okay?"

"Give me a moment." Leanna sighed out another long breath. "Fine, lovers, standing missionary isn't suitable. It's sexy to observe him penetrate, but beyond that, no."

Leanna turned around and Trixie continued her play-by-play description. "Our sexy presenter Leanna kneels on her chair inviting Noah, still erect, to reenter her. He's sliding back in." She paused momentarily then continued. "I can feel this is an improvement, Leanna is still accommodating to Noah's entry but she looks like she's enjoying it more."

"I am," Leanna said, groaning slightly as she turned her head to face Trixie. For a moment, she seemed to be in some pain, but soon this look passed.

"What's better now?" a female voice inquired.

"I don't know. Noah is extra hard and at the time, we didn't connect right."

"It's different now?"

"Definitely. He isn't stabbing me, just stretching and moving."

"Sexy!" the woman exclaimed before abruptly hanging up.

For a few minutes, I continued to fuck Leanna this way as she began to relax, her pussy easily accommodating me. Trixie answered questions from callers regarding who would be the first to reach climax, if a bed would be added to the studio, and even if sweet Trixie would join us.

"I wouldn't object," Trixie admitted, with a bit of hesitation. "But who would take over your duties?"

"Well then..." a female caller suggested, "maybe I could pop by the studio and give my expert opinion about..." She was cut off by Leanna.

"I'm not sharing." Leanna hissed before resuming her groans. Indeed, it appeared Leanna was nearing the point of no return. Securing the next caller's attention, Trixie conveyed.

"Noah is now lying on the rug. He's not carrying any extra weight, making his cock appear even larger on his stomach. Leanna climbs on top of him."

"Aaah, yes," Leanna moaned, moving up and down on my dick. "That caller earlier was correct. Filling yourself with a large cock just feels more... complete."

"So this position is your favorite?" I asked.

"Mmhmm," Leanna responded, seemingly separated from reality.

"Would I enjoy this with my next date?"


Trixie giggled. "I think our host might have strayed from just offering advice and is now using their guest for their own pleasure. And surprisingly, it doesn't seem to bother him."

I wasn't bothered by it at all, observing Leanna manipulating my cock at her desired depth and angle. As Leanna intensified her movements, her brow furrowed and her mouth began to stretch open wider. "Oh," she puffed, grinning crazily. "Oh god."

"Use me," I whispered.

"Fffff, fuuck," Leanna repeated rapidly. "Use my dick. Let them hear you."

"Take whatever you want."


"Take my cock."

Leanna cummed almost instantly. "Haaah, haah," she sighed, looking into my eyes as she planted herself firmly on my cock. She had a look of pure pleasure on her face. "Yeah, fuuuu..."

"Wow!" remarked Trixie, almost as startled as I was by Leanna's sudden climax. "She grinded on him a bit, shifted slightly, and now she's cumming again."

Leanna continued her grinding, propelled herself up with one hand on my chest, and the other on the cushioned settee. "Fuuuck, like this," she gasped, a wild expression spreading across her face.

"Folks, it appears our host may have swapped her role from advisor to using their guest for personal gain. And she doesn't seem to care if anyone notices."

I didn't mind one bit. Watching Leanna take full control of my cock, her pussy bouncing against me was quite the sight. As her brows tightened, she swung her head back, lips parting, and mouth stretching out in a loud exclamation. "Oh," she cried. "Fuck."

"What does that feel like?"

"Amazing, baby. She's hot," Leanna declared breathlessly, kissing me. "Thank you," she whispered, "I was just... having fun."

"I noticed," I laughed.

Leanna resumed grinding against me, her shorts sliding along my thighs. Without warning, she removed her hair tie and let her hair swing to one side. "Do you like this?" she purred, running her hand over her hair.

"Yeah,love your hair."

Leanna once again lowered her weight onto her hands and knees. "Do you like this?" she asked, twisting to get a better view of my reaction. "Fuck, do you want more?"

"More," I agreed.

Leanna held that position for a few moments before finding her release, collapsing onto my chest. "That was incredible!" she whispered. "For every problem, there's a solution."

I let her playfully caress me with her hair, relishing the faintly unique fragrance along with the unpredictable sensation. "Mmm."

"Enjoying this?" Leanna pressed forward, pushing a heavy breast towards me.

"Damn." I no longer served as nothing more than Leanna's personal sexual toy. I grabbed her breast, pressing it to my tongue and teeth. The first time she had reveled in it, and the second time around, two orgasms later, was no exception.

"Oh, oh Noah!" Leanna groaned, leaning closer. Her hair completely enveloped us, forming a wispy veil. "Do that to me. Fuck... do that."

"You were so selfish," I commented, circling her nipple with my tongue before swapping breasts and repeating the action. I gave her a gentle but evident bite.

"I was," Leanna sighed. "I used your huge cock."

"You're so wet from using it. From cumming on it." I thrust deeper.

Leanna whimpered. "Use my pussy," she said softly.

"Hard and fast," I vowed. I pushed Leanna down further, my mouth now reaching her neck, whispering harshly into her ear. "I'm going to fuck you hard."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Trixee said, attempting to preserve her composure, "we've never seen this before. Leanna doesn't usually have studio guests, and they typically keep their clothes on. This is the first man she's fucked!"

Leanna was no longer able to contribute to the broadcast. She slumped against me, her breasts resting against my chest while her hair cascaded around us. Her thighs moved against me, driving us together, but I had become the primary instigator. With one hand on her hip and one on her shoulder, I plunged into her with increasing intensity, utilizing her pussy exactly as she had utilized my cock previously.

Trixee narrated. "This is intense! Noah is fucking Leanna so hard right now, and she's allowing it. He's doing all the work, thrusting into her like a robot. And I don't know if you can hear this at home, but they're both panting like beasts. I'm so fucking wet!"

Trixee's confession reached Leanna through the haze of desire. Gradually, she raised her head, gazing past the surg \"... curtain of her hair. Leanna's mouth was agape and she stared at Trixee with a disconnected gaze. "Trix," she gasped.

"Oh yeah," Trixee exclaimed into the microphone. "She's done. He's using her like a toy."

Neither Leanna nor I were far from euphoria. She'd already experienced two orgasms, but to my astonishment, she was shaking and gripping my cock with her wet pussy once more. Despite my greatest efforts, I was nearing my limit, with a rumbling sensation in my balls signaling imminent ejection.

Leanna moaned again, "Trix."

"Cum, Leanna," Trixee urged. "Cum on his massive cock!"

She did. Leanna gasped out a strong exclamation, "Haaa!" Her nails dug into my chest, and her head snapped back. "Haahhhhh!" she moaned, her body trembling as her breasts quaked.

I reached my climax, which was different from Leanna's sudden and intense one. Instead, I achieved ecstasy at a lower, steady rate, my gasps turning into a lengthy exhalation. Cum poured into Leanna's soaking pussy as my fingers dug into her shoulder. My thrusts didn't lessen, but instead maintained speed, churning the seed that filled her. She shook against me, convulsing and moaning as I provided pleasure for myself.

Trixee stopped narrating, allowing our moans of pleasure and climax to narrate the story.

I slouched into my car's front seat, looked at myself in the back mirror, and chuckled. Had you told me it was plausible for a man to seem more thoroughly drained and content, I'd have said you were lying. A nap filled with pleasant dreams awaited me.

My phone buzzed. Trixee had dispatched me a video that must have been recorded in the few moments since the conclusion of the show. I pressed play, revealing Trixee's fingers parting her unzipped jeans to her panties and beyond. Seconds later, they returned to the camera, glistening with fluid. The lens followed Trixee's fingers as they rose towards her mouth. Her fingers slipped into her mouth, and she sucked them, before licking her lips.

"When's my turn?" she inquired.

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