Celebrity Sex Stories

Live Without Regrets Pt. 08

Ohhh daddy.

Aug 1, 2024
50 min read
publicincestdaddyanalblowjobhollywoodhumiliationshamehayden panettiereLive Without Regrets Pt. 08taboo
Live Without Regrets Pt. 08
Live Without Regrets Pt. 08

Live Without Regrets Pt. 08

**A special thanks to Pixiehoff for all of her assistance with this project!***

Slow dancing with Brandon was everything she'd hoped for. He wasn't the type for clubs and she'd outgrown the party scene years ago, so this wedding was the first time they'd had the chance to really dance with each other.

He held her close and she moved with him. Slow and tender, just like his lovemaking. He felt familiar and warm.

The wedding itself had been fairly predictable. Just some young starlet getting hitched to a studio exec's son. Not interesting in and of itself, but the guest list had several A-listers and she needed the good opinion of a lot of the people in this room. If pressed, she would have admitted that the whole thing was staggeringly boring without alcohol, but fortunately Brandon had found ways to make it more interesting.

Dax and Kristen were floating around. The four of them had ended up at the same table thanks to some sharp-eyed assistant who had been on the ball about the seating arrangements. Hayden was grateful for small blessings.

A ceremony on the beaches of Catalina Island has been one of the things she'd thought about before. She'd been with Brandon long enough now that her daydreams sometimes included seeing him in a tux, pledging his life and love to her as their friends looked on. The backdrop of a Pacific sunset would give it a heavenly glow. She idly thought about what kind of dress she would want, and that's usually when the fantasy came to a crashing halt.

The last time she'd bought a wedding dress, her fiancé had abandoned her before she could wear it. It was enough to give any girl a moment of pause when thinking about her next great romance.

Hayden shook off the bad memory and looked into Brandon's eyes. He swept her into a light dip and she giggled at the motion. She brought her hands up behind his neck and pulled him into a kiss as he put her back on her feet. He grinned and she moved her lips to his ear.

"Let's get some cake," she said.

He nodded and led her off the dance floor as the song ended.

When they got back to the table, she sat down with the tiniest of gasps and smirked at him. She whispered in his ear and he nodded and went to get the cake. A moment later, her eyes rolled back and she purred softly.

Kristen came to sit down next to her and she knew her face had given her away. She blushed in the dim light of the reception hall and Kristen called her out.

"You two are being very naughty," Kristen said.

"We're not hurting anyone," Hayden said, defensively.

"Still, a bit of a risk, don't you think?" Kristen said.

"Only if someone notices," Hayden said.

"Someone noticed," Kristen said, gesturing to herself.

"You don't count," Hayden replied.

"I think that's up to me," Kristen said.

"Oh yeah? You gonna call me on it?" Hayden said, smirking. She bit her tongue softly as a good vibration hit her just right.

"I should," Kristen said.

"Do it," Hayden challenged.

"What kind of girl comes to a wedding with a remote vibrator in her pussy?" Kristen said, staring down her best friend eye to eye.

"Ha!" Hayden said, keeping her voice quiet relative to the music, "They're anal beads... and they... ohhhh... they're the only thing keeping this party interesting right now."

Kristen nodded, "He's got the app on his phone?"

Hayden nodded fast and hard, eyes shut, clearly enjoying being caught.

"I should spank you," Kristen said.

"You absolutely should," Hayden said, not opening her eyes.

"Are you even able to come from those?" Kristen said.

"Not from lack of trying. You wanna help me out?" Hayden said, biting her lip.

Kristen laughed, "You're on your own. Where's your nerd?"

"He's getting us cake. I told him I didn't want to be bored while I waited," Hayden said, rolling her hips and groaning a bit.

Kristen chuckled, "Mission accomplished."

Brandon appeared at that point, carrying two plates with wedding cake. He set down the plates carefully in front of the two women.

"The line was getting kind of long. Glad I went when I did," he said.

At that point, Dax came in from the crowd and Kristen didn't want him to disturb Hayden's pleasure. She put a finger to her husband's chest before he could join them at the table, "Why don't you go get us a couple of pieces?" she said to him. Dax nodded and wandered off.

Kristen smirked at her best friend's boyfriend. She nodded to Hayden who was frozen at the cusp of pleasure in the chair between them, "She's having a good time," Kristen said.

Brandon sheepishly took the phone from his pocket, pressed a few buttons and Hayden whimpered as the vibrations in her anus diminished.

"Why'd you stop?" she pouted.

"Can't let you come right at the table," Kristen said, by way of an explanation.

"Like anyone would notice," Hayden said.

"You're loud when you come," Brandon said.

"No, I'm not," Hayden said, defensively.

"Yes, you are," Brandon and Kristen both said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

Hayden liked seeing the two of them agree on that topic. She let them share a bit of mutual embarrassment as she took a bite of cake.

Hayden turned to Brandon, "Kristen likes to fuck me in her daughter's bed while I call her a bad mother."

"Hey!" Kristen said, swatting Hayden on the arm.

Hayden turned to Kristen, "Brandon squeals like a schoolgirl when I put a finger up his ass."

"Nice," Brandon said, flatly mortified.

Hayden kissed her boyfriend on the mouth, "Also both of you like me to play with your nipples."

Kristen and Brandon both groaned and failed to make eye contact with each other. They looked away in silence while Hayden took another bite of cake.

"Do you want to know whether K's strapon is bigger than Brandon's cock?" Hayden asked them, with a Cheshire cat grin.

"Oh, dear God. Turn the beads back on," Kristen begged.

Before she could go on, Brandon dutifully hit the right buttons to give Hayden something else to focus on. The blonde bombshell purred with pleasure as the beads went into action.

"Ohhhh, okay. Mmmm, one of you needs to take me upstairs and fuck me," Hayden declared.

"You wanna take this one, or should I?" Brandon said.

"How about you take this one and I'll get the next one?" Kristen said.

Brandon rose from his seat and took Hayden by the hand. She didn't get up.

"These heels are killing me. I want a piggyback ride," she demanded.

Brandon nodded and shifted his weight a bit. Hayden climbed on his back and wrapped her legs around his waist.

Kristen couldn't help herself. She tapped Brandon on the shoulder before he could carry her away.

"Brandon, don't forget, she likes it when you pull the whole string out all at once. Don't go one bead at a time."

Hayden blew a raspberry at her best friend, then her blushing boyfriend carried her away.

The next morning, Hayden let Brandon sleep in. She had danced and fucked him into exhaustion last night and the poor boy deserved his rest. After a hard sleep cuddled against his soft form, she was invigorated and determined to enjoy the beach for a few hours before they had to head back to the mainland.

In her suitcase, she found the white bikini with the red polka dots. It was one of her favorites. She threw it on, grabbed a towel and some sandals and walked down to the sand. In the warm light of the early morning, she swam out into the surf. It felt good to let the salt water soak her skin and hair. Let the ebb and flow push her around a bit as the ocean did its thing. She liked the feeling of being a very small speck in a very large ocean. There was no danger here. Not from sharks or photographers.

She liked feeling small. She liked feeling small and safe at the same time. It was how she always felt next to Brandon.

Making her way back to shore, she spotted Kristen coming down from the hotel. Her bestie was carrying a chair and a bag, wearing a bikini that left very little to the imagination. Hayden settled low in the water, watching Kristen set up a spot. When she was seated, Hayden gave her a catcall whistle and popped up out of the water.

"A suit that small, you might as well go topless, K," Hayden said.

Kristen jumped a little, then laughed and waved her off, "Eh, can't have you being the best looking girl on the beach."

Hayden took a towel from Kristen's chair and started to dry off with it, "Call it a running tie."

"You're down here alone?" Kristen said.

"Brandon needed the rest," Hayden said, casually jutting her chin back towards the hotel.

"Long night?" Kristen asked.

"He's an overachiever," Hayden said, grinning. "Very eager to please."

"I imagine he had to put in a little extra effort last night, after your little spiel at the reception," Kristen said.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true," Hayden said.

"I know," Kristen said, flatly.

Hayden giggled at the memory of embarrassing her two lovers.

"Well, it was a good thing he got you out of there. I was about to tell him your Daddy-thing," Kristen said.

Hayden froze. She stopped drying her face and looked at Kristen with a shivering stare.

"Off limits," she said, quietly.

Kristen realized she'd gone too far.

"Hey, hey. I was just kidding. It's fine. I wouldn't..."

"Don't joke about that," Hayden said.

"You said you'd told him..."

"I told him that it was consentual. I didn't tell him that I liked it," Hayden said.

Kristen paused, contemplating that, "You know he wouldn't judge. Hell, he'd probably be into it."

"That's not..." Hayden started, "If I just use 'being pretty' as a way to get everything I want, then he's not a boyfriend, he's a vending machine."

Kristen nodded, "I'm glad you get that."

Hayden tossed the towel back to Kristen, "Besides, the sex is plenty good without getting into my more fucked-up fetishes."

"There's something you're not thinking about," Kristen said, looking up at Hayden.

"What's that?"

"If you can't be honest with him, totally honest, then what's the point of any of this?" Kristen asked.

Hayden sighed, "There's a time and place for everything in a relationship. I think the right time for saying, 'I was an incest whore' is when I'm on my death bed."

"You're not an..."

Hayden put up a hand, "Leave me my shame, K. You already know how much I enjoyed the sex with my father. Let's not pretend it was something else, okay?"

Kristen dropped the subject and followed Hayden's gaze. Together they looked towards the hotel and saw Brandon and Dax coming down to the shore. Brandon was carrying a chair and an umbrella and a cooler and looked every bit like an overloaded pack mule. Dax's shirt was already off and he seemed oblivious to the burdens being carried by his companion.

The two men made their way down to the girls. Kristen berated her husband lightly for not lending more of a hand to Brandon. As Brandon put down his various loads, Hayden swirled around him.

"Did you bring my...?"

"Fruit snacks," Brandon said, holding up a bag, "Right here, babe. You know I've got you covered."

Hayden beamed at him, tearing open the pack and biting into one.

"Thank you..." she caught herself before adding the 'Daddy' on to the end of that sentiment.

Brandon peeled off his shirt and walked down towards the water. She turned to watch him go. His dad bod was in full effect and she loved watching him go.

A few days later, the familiar routines had been restored. Brandon still rose early for his job at JPL. If Hayden saw him at all in the morning, it was only for a goodbye kiss. An actress was entitled to her beauty sleep and most of Hayden's work these days didn't begin too early. Sometimes she would make him an egg or a cup of coffee if she found herself awake, but more days than not, she didn't rise until after he was already at the office.

Brandon had fallen behind schedule a bit this morning. He had somehow managed to sleep through his first alarm and had only woken from the second. As a result, he had to scramble a bit to run through his usual hygiene.

When he emerged from the shower, he wasn't able to locate the new pack of razors that he'd put out the night before. Unbeknownst to him, Hayden had moved them behind her skin cream and he was always reticent to disturb her countertop apothecary.

Searching elsewhere, Brandon tried the medicine cabinet, only to discover not the razors, but a mostly-empty bottle of Obsession, by Calvin Klein. He hadn't seen a bottle like that in years. There was a small coat of dust near the base, but it was still a quarter way full.

Scrambling to get out the door without further delay, Brandon decided that a single-day's growth of beard wouldn't cause much of a problem. He decided that a few dabs of the Obsession might be enough of a distraction to keep anyone from noticing. Unsure of the chemistry involved, he settled for a light splash on either side of his neck, gently set the bottle on the countertop, and then got out of there as quickly as possible.

Hayden awoke with an immediate sense that something was different. It took her a moment to sort out reality from the dreamscape she had so recently left. Her body was giving her feelings of arousal. Her brain was firing all kinds of sense-memories into her cortex. She remembered her old childhood home. Evenings at her parents' dinner table. The feeling of a black leather belt strapping her hard across her creamy white ass cheeks.

"Oh, what the fuck?" she said, aloud, as the memories crashed through her brain. Her hips bucked almost against her will. She chose not to fight the urge as she reached between her thighs and felt the warm wetness that had gathered in her core.

As she so often had in her younger days, she rolled over, onto her chest, letting her hand take responsibility for her arousal. She didn't want the Hitachi in the nightstand. Didn't need the dildo in the drawer. She wanted to do this the old fashioned way. Her ass rose into the air and she moaned softly into the empty room. Her eyes shut tight and she imagined cotton panties around her ankles.

"Please, Daddy. I'll be good," she said.

She bucked at the memory of that black leather belt working her so hard. The sharp fire that cut into her milky flesh echoed down decades of memory. She let the daydream take control as she cried out in a hazy mix of pain and pleasure.

"Daddy..." she moaned, feeling her fingertips work her inside and out. She strummed her clitoris and pumped her fingers in her core. The wetness gathered and she felt shame and sex mix together in a lovely little maelstrom.

"Harder..." she cried, feeling the fullness inside her. The clash of taboo and temptation fought in her brain, with her body as the battleground. Soon enough the orgasm was upon her. When it came, just as always, she didn't resist.

"Daddy..." She screamed again, letting the wave crash over her. The built up flood of energy cascaded through her limbs in a ripple of ecstasy. She soaked the topsheet as the rush of endorphins filled her muscles and mind. The orgasm was powerful, but somehow not enough. She blinked back a few tears as she tried to understand what had just happened.

The smell in the air was very familiar. She didn't need to investigate to know what it was. What she didn't understand was where it had come from, or why.

Padding into the bathroom, she spotted the bottle of Obsession out of place. Brandon must have used it, but he couldn't have known... could he?

If this was intentional, it could only have one source. She grabbed her phone and called Kristen.

"Hay, what's up?"

"Did you tell him about the cologne?" Hayden asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Kristen, don't fuck with me. Did you tell Brandon about the fucking cologne?" Hayden said.

"No. I wouldn't have... No way, sweetie. I wouldn't do that to you. What happened?"

"He used it! It's out on the counter," Hayden said.

"Okay, just calm down," Kristen said.

"Don't tell me to calm down. You were joking around about this last weekend. Did you put him up to this?" Hayden said.

"I really didn't. I swear, babe," Kristen said.

"So, this is just..."

"If I didn't tell him and you didn't tell him, then it's just random. I'm betting he has no idea what that bottle means to you," Kristen said.

"I don't know what to do," Hayden said.

"What do you mean?" Kristen said.

"He's gonna come home smelling like..." Hayden said.

"Ah... yeah... that's..."

"Yeah," Hayden said.

"I think you've got two choices here," Kristen said.

"What are they?" Hayden asked.

"You can either run from it... or you can run headlong into it," Kristen said.

"You think?" Hayden asked.

"You're still thinking about the future with him, right?"

"Yeah," Hayden said.

"Then this, or something like it, was gonna happen sooner or later. Just... let it ride," Kristen said.

"Let it ride?" Hayden asked.

"It's your fantasy. You said yourself that he's always good, giving, and game. You really think that's gonna stop now?"

"I... I don't know. I'm scared," Hayden said.

"Isn't that part of it?" Kristen said.

Despite herself, she gave a single chuckle, "Um... yeah... a little bit," Hayden said.

"I think, when he gets home, give in to the fantasy. Show him what it can be like," Kristen said.

"And after it's done and he says 'what the fuck'?" Hayden asked.

"Then you be honest."

Brandon would come over to her place after work. They'd been doing this long enough that it was implied. He didn't need to call ahead. He had walk-in privileges at this point.

What to wear? A balance had to be struck. Too far in one direction might scare him off. Not far enough and she wouldn't really be able to explore this properly. Twice she stripped off everything and considered calling this whole thing off. But a quick whiff from the bottle of Obsession put her right back into the headspace.

For the third time, she chose her outfit carefully. The unicorn t-shirt hung off her frame. It was threadbare and three-sizes too big for her. She'd used it as a sleep shirt for years. The white cotton briefs were a must for this. They'd been part of the fantasy. She had added in a pair of booty shorts, partially for modesty, partially for the story of it. Given the time of day, she wanted this to feel like after-school, not early morning.

Pigtails would have been too suggestive. They'd have made this whole thing seem more tawdry than taboo. She wanted to feel innocent, not like a slut who was actively trying to look innocent. She opted for a single thick braid that she folded over her shoulder. It was girlish, but it would also give him a firm handle if... well... when he needed it.

The lips were a big deal as well. Red was too much. Pink was better. But the right shade of pink was everything. Hot pink was for slutty teenagers. Bubble gum was for good little girls. She let the gloss slide over her lips until they had a perfect sheen. Any more makeup would have just been a distraction. Her face had always been enough for him.

The one part that was non-negotiable were the ruffle socks. White, ankle-high, soft cotton with a lace trim. Putting them on was like a journey into her most fervent memories. They somehow managed to make her feel innocent and naughty at the same time. The material hugged her toes and the arch of her foot. The lace rippled out in random swirls. She felt her body respond to the material and the feel. She stole a look in the mirror and was able to mentally travel back to those nights so long ago.

Her phone buzzed. Daddy was home.

The first thirty seconds would be the most critical. She had to get him to join her in the roleplay without breaking the fourth wall inside her own mind. She had to convince him, instantly, to accept what was happening and not ask too many questions. Looking like a petite, innocent sex kitten would go pretty far. Brandon wouldn't question a blowjob or a deep kiss. But she needed him to buy in for all of it. She needed to control the scene, but still remain submissive.

This would be a tough needle to thread.

She didn't need to see the door open. Didn't need to look to know she was ready. The smell was in the air again. The scent of Obsession had lingered on him for the day. It had mixed with a bit of sweat and whatever he'd had for lunch, just like it had for her father. The sense-memory flooded her core and she felt a dampness on her cotton briefs. This would happen now. Nothing she could tell herself would make the slightest bit of difference. Her libido was running the show. Her desire was overwhelming. This was instinct.

She came around the corner, in her unicorn shirt and socks. She almost slid on the hardwood floor as he put down his keys. The light giddy motion helped her get in the right space. There was nothing more to do but jump in.

"Daddy!" she squealed at him, rushing up to give him a hug. His look of surprise only lasted a second before she put her lips on his, half jumping into his arms. He caught her of course. He was good at that.

The kiss went on more than their usual hello. It trailed into five seconds, then ten as her tongue found his. He gave a soft moan and his hands began to roam. She put a hand on his wrist to pause his motion and then her lips found his ear.

She used her most breathy whisper to give a simple request.

"I need you to go with this. Be Daddy for me," she said, then leaned back and tried to look like she hadn't said a word.

He set her down on her toes. He gave the barest of nods and she knew that he was in now. Whatever he felt about her past or her fetishes, he knew that sex was on the table and he was smart enough not to mess with his chance.

"H..hey... Princess," he said, almost going up at the end as though he was testing the nickname.

She smiled and gave the barest of nods to let him know that was a good choice.

"Daddy! Daddy! I'm so glad you're home!" she said.

He smiled and put an arm around her back, "Yeah, it was a long day."

She ran a hand over his blue NASA polo and stroked his chest. It wasn't exactly what her dad had tended to wear, but it would do. She looked down and saw his black leather belt and knew that nothing else he was wearing was nearly as important.

Hayden looked up at him and grinned, "Did you have fun at work?"

He shrugged a bit, "Kinda. It was fun enough. I missed you a lot, though. You know that, right?"

She nodded a few times and hugged him again, "I know Daddy. I missed you at school today."

"Oh yeah? What'd you learn about?" he said, picking her up again. She loved how he hefted her and placed her on his hip. She felt the leather of his belt on her thighs and she nearly moaned as she wrapped her legs around him.

"We did math... and science... and we finished the book we were reading in class," she said, improving some lines since the key to this was 'yes, and'.

He rubbed her hair and she loved the way it made her feel, "I bet you were the prettiest, smartest girl in the whole class," he said.

She bashfully buried her face in his shoulder, "Dadddeee," she said with some exaggeration.

"What do you want to do now, Princess?" he said, putting her down on the couch. He took the high-backed chair next to her.

"I dunno, Daddy. If you're hungry I can make you a sandwich. Or we can do our special game..." she said, letting him hang on a word.

"Our special game?" he asked. She was sure he wouldn't make an assumption for something so critical.

"I know that Daddies sometimes need something nice after work," she said, trying not to do too much too fast.

"Mmm, yes we do," he said, sitting next to her. "Maybe you can remind Daddy of the rules of our 'special game'" he said, prompting her.

She felt elated as he gave her the window to set up expectations. She was so glad she'd gone for a smart guy this time. She rose and stood in front of his knees, toying with them absent-mindedly.

"Yes, Daddy. The rules are very important," she said.

"Tell me," he said.

"Princesses have to take the proper pose. Princesses help Daddy with his belt. Then they use their mouths to make Daddy feel nice. When Daddy is ready, he gives Princess the cream. Princess has to swallow all of the cream. Spilling is very bad."

His eyes darted a bit, getting the ramifications. She saw just a flash of shock before he put his game face on again. It was as good as she could hope for.

"Riight," he said, letting the word stretch. "Anything else?"

"Oh," she blushed with embarrassment, like she'd forgotten this next part, "Yes... if Daddy feels teeth, Princess feels the belt on her bottom."

He almost bristled. They'd played some hardcore games before, but none that so delved into taboo. She held her breath, waiting to see what he'd say or do. Insulting her and leaving would have been an acceptable choice for many men. But she was committed now.

"Yes, Princess. That's very important. Now... show me the pose that a good princess takes," he said.

She felt a flood of relief and arousal all at once. She gently spread his knees and he parted his feet to give her room. Gracefully, she sank to her knees between his feet. She crossed her ankles, letting the ruffle socks rub against each other. Then she demurely folded her wrists together at the small of her back. She put her eyes down, took a deep breath, and then looked up into his face.

"Such a pretty little princess," he said. He put a hand on her cheek. She melted into his palm and felt him shiver. He was nervous, but ready to see this through.

"Thank you, Daddy," she said. She flashed a princess smile at him and he could barely look her in the eye. She had more experience here and she could challenge him and guide him in equal measure.

"Should you be wearing so many clothes, Hayden?" he asked, looking down at her.

She fingered the collar of her shirt like she had forgotten it was there. "I can get nakey if you want, Daddy. That's allowed."

He looked down at her and nodded, "Maybe just the shirt. We don't want to mess it up if you spill."

"Oh, I won't spill, Daddy," she said, pulling up her big grey t-shirt by the hem. She lifted it off and he got a perfect view of her very adult chest. That might make this easier for him, she thought. It would certainly take some of the edge off of this scene they were playing out.

She sat on her ankles and suddenly the booty shorts didn't feel right. She put her fingers in the waistband, "Shorts too, Daddy?"

"Yes, Princess, that'd be good," he said.

Deftly, she rose off her heels, slid the shorts down her legs and tossed them against the couch along with her shirt. She spread her thighs slightly to show off her briefs.

"Is that better, Daddy?" she said, giving him quite the visual.

"So, so pretty," he said.

"Do you like my pannies?" she said, biting her lip softly. She spread her thighs, wanting him to see the darker, damp spot that she'd made already.

He took note, "Yes, those are so cute, sweetie. Now. Are you ready to help Daddy with his belt?"

She grinned and clapped her hands in giddy surprise. This was going so well.

"Yes, Daddy," she said, reaching up for his belt buckle.

He shifted his weight, letting her work. A moment later, she pulled the belt from his waist and nearly bucked with the thought of what he might do with it. Carefully, she folded it and put it in the palm of his hand, like a supplicant serving a Master.

"Here you go, Daddy," she said, handing it to him.

"I hope I won't need it, Princess," he said, twisting the leather back and forth in a way that made her want to moan. They both knew that he would be using the belt on her, justified or not. She had such plans for that belt. Such plans.

"I'll be good, Daddy," she promised. Once again she folded her hands behind her back and parted her lips. She had already unzipped him and his manly instincts had taken care of the rest. His cock was up, hard, and proud. Her mouth was watering. This had been a great appetizer, but it was time to get to work.

Her lips slid over the mushroom head of his cock and she looked up at him and let her eyes flutter. She'd played the perfect little princess, but she was going to suck his cock like an absolute whore. Fantasy was foreplay. The time for demure had ended. She let herself moan as she slid him deep into her mouth. Her tongue guided him into her throat and he gave a helpless groan that told her she'd get everything she wanted tonight.

She coated his cock with bubble gum lip gloss as she kissed and sucked and fellated him with every one of her tricks. Her wrists stayed together but she had her head and throat and lips and tongue and those were more than enough.

She bobbed slowly, letting him get used to the warmth of her mouth. She painted the underside of his shaft with slow licks and warm breath. She slid him out and he whimpered with the loss, but she had only given him an instant of agony before planting butterfly kisses along both sides of his shaft.

"Goood girl," he groaned. She took the compliment to heart and returned his cock head to the base of her throat. Daddy liked that. Yes, he did.

She tasted her gloss and his skin and loved the combination. She was coating him, knowing that he would be putting it in a tighter place soon. She pondered what hole he would want, but decided that it didn't matter. It was Daddy's choice.

Her eyes stayed trained on his. That connection was everything. It was the tether that kept them from being flung apart. Neither of them could enjoy this if the other didn't embrace it. The second they lost the mutual shame and arousal, this would collapse in a horrific crash. She fluttered her eyes like a good Disney princess. The way his cock cut off her air meant she barely needed to act.

He was getting into this now, for better or for worse. He'd shifted in his chair. Not content to be the relaxed receiver, he was moving to the edge of the seat, reaching for her head. She considered breaking character, telling him to just do what he needed, but it wasn't necessary. She'd brought him past the point of no return. What happened now was out of her hands.

She felt his fingers in her hair and shut her eyes. He gripped her softly, tenderly... as a father might. Then started to move her head up and down on his shaft.

Brandon was usually so grateful for any sexual attention that he had a hard time breaking into his dominant side, but the combination of this wild game and his sudden thrust into it meant that he was ready to fly without a safety net.

Hayden felt a rush of pleasure as he started to fuck her face. There was nothing about his power that was delicate now. He needed this orgasm. Needed for this tableau to end and continue all at once. She would have some explaining to do after he reached a stopping point, but it would be much easier to get her way with a bellyful of his come. She let him skullfuck her, enjoying the choking and the visceral sensation of being a perfect demure sex toy.

She didn't have to pretend that his cock was a lot for her mouth. Didn't have to pretend that he was choking her with his manhood. Didn't have to pretend that she was liking it. She hated that her folded wrists kept her fingers and clit from joining forces, but this was no time to break character. Daddy was close. She tried to find his eyes, but his neck was arched, lost to the pleasure.

The pulses that rippled down his cock came as a relief for both of them. He needed to explode, and she needed to know he wouldn't condemn her for this twisted taboo. She didn't get to taste his come now, just his skin. He fired his ropes deep into her throat. Her eyes watered from the lack of air. She almost broke pose to push him off, needing oxygen on a primal level, but his passion sated before her lungs began to scream.

When he slumped back into his chair, she gasped and her mouth shifted slightly. Her bottom teeth gave a tiny scrape to the underside of his cock. She hadn't done it deliberately. Indeed, had barely avoided his sated fall back to the seat. But technically it was a violation of the rules and she wanted him to notice.

Through panting breaths, the world returned to him slowly. She sat on her ankles, feeling the ruffles on through the thin cotton panties. Her face was clean, so she simply waited for Daddy to recover from his pleasure.

His eyes opened and she gave her best princess smile to him, back in the headspace now to see how much she could get from him.

"Thank you for the cream, Daddy," she said, smiling with something more than bashfulness, but less than sluttiness.

He nodded, not quite remembering how words worked yet. He stroked her hair. She felt pride in satisfying her man.

"Fuck," Brandon said. She smirked a bit, not quite sure what to say when that word filled the space between them.

She looked into his eyes, searching for passion, judgement, or fear. What she found was a heady mix of all three, with a healthy dose of shock thrown in for good measure. He was shocked at this whole thing, shocked that he'd enjoyed it, shocked that she'd started it. But pleasure was pleasure. And there were only the two of them here. Two consenting adults, nothing more.

She silently pleaded with him for this to be more than okay. This part of her had been buried, sealed away, pounded into oblivion, but had somehow survived. She didn't want to hide any part of her from this man ever again. All she could do was wait and hope.

He sat up, putting his hand back on her cheek. She purred softly into it, praying this wouldn't be the last time. Before she could enjoy the warmth of his fingertips, he twisted his wrist and slapped her hard across the face.

She looked up at him with a dropped jaw, shocked.

"What did we say about teeth, Hayden?" he said.

In a flash, she loved him more than she thought possible. The slap wasn't anger or judgement, it was part of the game. Daddy was disciplining his little girl. She hadn't freaked him out. Or, if she had, he was still good, giving, and game. She'd jump off a cliff for him right now. Her most shameful self was on display and he loved her anyway. She loved him back... and then reentered the fantasy.

She let a single tear roll down her cheek and put a panic into her voice. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I tried so hard!"

"What did we say about teeth?" he repeated.

She gulped and looked down at the carpet, "If Daddy feels teeth, Princess feels the belt on her bottom." She shivered with anticipation.

He reached down and lifted her by the chin, making her meet his gaze.

"Daddy felt teeth, Princess," he said.

The edge in his voice flooded her core. She nodded, meek and scared.

"Please, Daddy. I'll be a good girl," she tried.

"I have to, Princess. Rules are rules," he said.

She nodded, barely keeping the smile off her face.

"We'll let you feel the belt in your room, okay?" he said.

She nodded.

He took the belt from the arm of the chair. She wasn't sure what he would do with it exactly. For the first time, he was directing the game. She watched him stretch it out and hold the black leather strap between the two of them. Then he did the sexiest thing she'd ever seen in her life.

Casually, as though it was expected, he slid the belt around her neck, threaded it through the buckle and cinched it tight. She gasped and her eyes went wide as she felt the buckle on her throat.

He rose from his seat, adjusted his pants and then held the long end of the belt like a leash. She watched his every motion, knowing he could literally choke the life out of her before she could scream. She thought about that as she looked down every inch of the black leather. Her cotton briefs were absolutely soaking wet now.

"Let's go, Hayden," he said, turning to walk to the bedroom. She knew instinctually to stay on her hands and knees. A bitch on a leash, crawling for Daddy.

She'd changed the sheets today. A pink comforter over white sheets. She wanted it to look girly and it did. He took it in stride. It wasn't the fifth weirdest thing he'd encountered since he'd walked through the door.

"Hands on the bed, Hayden," he said, moving her to the foot of the bed.

She got up from her knees and put her palms on the soft comforter. Gently he undid the belt from around her neck and put a strong hand on her back. She let herself be guided and soon she was bent over. Her panty-clad ass sticking out. Arms out, palms down, tits on the mattress. She felt the electricity of the moment crackle between them.

Daddy reached for her waistband and she felt him lower her panties to her ruffled socks. She dutifully stepped out of them and heard the soft squish as he took the material in his fingers. There was no hiding her arousal now.

"Someone's been very naughty, Hayden," he said, dragging the edge of his belt slowly over her lower back. She arched like a kitten. This was just a tease and she was already wanting to die of shame.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," she said. Her voice broke character for a second. She didn't use the high-pitch. That was adult Hayden apologizing for this most fucked-up of fantasies.

He stood behind her and planted a kiss on the center of her spine. She almost broke. It was his reassurance and it needed no words to be understood. She cried again, with her face in the comforter. He accepted her and would see her through to the end.

"Do you want to hold these for me, Hayden? Or do you want to count?" he asked.

She wasn't quite sure what he meant but she wanted to be demure, "I'll hold them, Daddy."

He moved around to her side and stroked her breast with the edge of the belt, "Open wide, sweetie."

She understood now and opened her mouth. A moment later he stuffed the damp cotton onto her tongue and she tasted her arousal, strong and heady.

He ran a hand over her back now and directed her. "I know that you tried so hard to be a good girl, so you only have to take ten strokes of the belt, sweetie."

She tried to say thank you, but with a mouthful of cotton, it was useless. He didn't give her a moment to brace. Later she would be grateful for that. It added something to it.

The sharp sting of Daddy's belt sent a searing pain into her bare bottom. She jumped and squirmed from the pain. Daddy might have said something but all she could hear was the sound of a scream muffled by wet panties. He kept his firm hand on her back, holding her in place.

Before she was ready, a second stroke, and then a third. Each somehow harder than the one before. At five he found his rhythm. At seven, she began to regret wanting this punishment. At nine she mentally started shopping for more belts for him. He'd be needing them.

The rush of endorphins made her prettycry so hard. When he put the tenth strike of the belt on her tender white ass, she felt the heat and the pain mix with the power and pleasure. She wanted to luxuriate in this feeling all night. He let her sink into the soft sheets for a moment and she realized he was getting something new.

His hands took her wrists and folded them behind her back once again. This time, he bound her with a soft white rope. She didn't resist. Her fantasy had ended with the belt. Whatever he wanted now was small payment for the depravity he'd delivered unto her. He could have literally anything now, no questions asked.

She realized that he was putting the belt back around her neck and she wanted to compliment him on his choice. Breath play had been a fetish of hers they'd tentatively begun to explore weeks ago. Now he was ready to mix it with this game and she welcomed the heady rush of swirling sexual sensations.

When he pulled it tight and began to choke her, she squirmed out of instinct. The ropes held her wrists and he pushed her knees up onto the bed. Her ass, with its fresh pink lines, now stuck out over the edge of the bed. A perfect target.

She moaned into her wet panties as he plunged his cock deep inside her shithole. His cock was wet from her earlier work and she wasn't sure if he'd put on more lube, or if her slutty little mouth had done the work. Either way, she didn't complain. Eight inches later and she felt his thighs on her beltmarks. That turned her moan into a scream.

He cared nothing for her plight now. He just fucked her like the slutty piece of meat she was. Her bound wrists twisted uselessly. Her fingers splayed against cold air. All she could do was squirm and pray.

Each thrust was a journey from pleasure to pain. The pleasure of his shaft invading her tightest hole, the pain of more sensation on her tender ass cheeks. She spread her thighs apart and tried to accommodate him as best she could. Her clit felt so hot against the cool air of the room.

Daddy was kind to her and began to strum her clitoris like a guitar string. Brandon was many things, but not cruel.

She bucked and moaned, the Princess gone and the submissive on display. All that was left of her outfit was the socks and those were enough to make her feel slutty and innocent all together. She had to talk so she spat the panties out onto the mattress and screamed for him like a feral banshee.

"Daddy!" she called, wanting to encourage him and wanting the game to go into an extra inning. He gripped her hips and fucked her hard.

"Don't you dare fight me, Princess. You can take this. If you clench, I'll make it so much worse. Don't you dare," he admonished.

She knew her cue and clenched hard on his next withdrawal. She made herself as tight as she could and then felt him wreck her all the same. He made it hurt, just like he promised.

"Little bitch!" he yelled, smacking her tender ass cheeks so hard. He gave a light spank to her clit that put her into the stratosphere. Her toes curled hard for him and she had the first orgasm of the night. The fountain her pussy unleashed soaked the edge of the bed. She gave in to the pleasure and he fucked her so hard. She wept and squealed and begged and came in equal measure. When he began to lose his dominant edge, she knew he was almost spent. This pleasure was so intense for her, she knew it must be consuming him and his ability to stay in-character. She had to help him now. He'd played his part to perfection.

"Daddy, come for me. I want your cream in my ass. Please, Daddy. Fuck me like a whore. I'll take all your cream. Just fill me with it. I want it soooo bad," she said. Her voice was husky and slutty now. The game was up.

He couldn't resist that for a second. His load entered her in searing white ropes. She felt his spray coat her and with the angle and the sheer force of it, she felt his come reach her lower intestine. Her petite frame meant that he could, with the right pose and some effort, actually reach her turn and completely fill her anus. She had encouraged him to hold nothing back during anal, and he didn't disappoint.

Softly, she brought him to his fall. He rested on her back and breathed heavy. With her bound wrists trapped under his frame, and her tender pained ass impaled on his cock, all she could do was hold still and love him. She did both and panted.

In her big girl voice, she tried to reach him, not sure what to expect now.

"Daddy?" she asked, in her standard-issue voice.

He stirred and she felt him slip from her ass. Felt his cream start to leak out of her anus. Felt like an absolute depraved whore at what she'd done. Felt like the most loved girl in the world that she had a man who understood.

He kissed the center of her back, it was a kiss from Brandon, not Daddy. She had never felt so in-sync with him, which said a lot having explored so much with him already.

"After a punishment, Princess needs a time-out," he said.

She shivered, realizing how truly all-in he was now. She smirked where he couldn't see and nodded.

"Yes, Daddy," she said. "I'll be good."

He pulled her up and off the bed. She loved the feeling of being manhandled by him. He spun her on her heels and aimed her at the closet. A gentle push to her back got her to walk.

"Daddy?" she asked as he led her into the large walk-in closet.

"Time out, Princess. Good girls don't talk in time-out," he admonished.

"Yes, Daddy," she said, then shut up.

He put her on her knees and then laid her down on the soft carpet. He took a pair of handcuffs from her toychest and locked her ankles together. Then he rolled her onto her side.

"Hayden, you've been a very bad girl, and you're gonna be in timeout until I say so. Got it?" he said.

"Yes, Daddy. I'm so sorry," she said, looking into his eyes and seeing her boyfriend, not her dom.

"I know you are, but you have to stay put and do what Daddy says, okay?" he said.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry," she said.

He held up a slim princess plug, with a pink jewel. They'd used it before. She pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

She squirmed slightly when he began to press it into her anus. It was cold and slick. She arched her back, fighting it involuntarily. When he pressed it through her ring, she gasped and her eyes fluttered. She was plugged now and his come wouldn't leak onto the floor. This was domination, but it was also, weirdly, just good housekeeping. She nodded again to indicate her assent.

He planted a kiss on her cheek, soft, but powerful under the circumstances.

"Daddy?" she asked, looking on as he got to his feet.

"I'll let you out when it's time, sweetie. Until then, I want you to think about what you did."

"Yes, Daddy," she said, laying on her side in a bound pose. She thought a bit of quiet contemplation might do them both some good right now.

He gave her ass a playful spank as he got up. She watched him pick up the belt he'd used on her ass. Watched him leave the walk-in closet. Watched him turn out the lights. Despite the darkness, she saw him cinch the door shut by tying the belt around the door handle outside. It was superfluous, of course. Bound hand and foot, she couldn't reach the knob, let alone turn it, but the fact that he'd sealed her in with the belt was just so devastatingly sexual in and of itself.

She took deep breaths, contemplating the soreness in her ass and on her ass. A moment later she heard the water running in the shower. She closed her eyes, resolved to enjoy her time-out for as long as it would last.

Brandon took his sweet time. When he came back for her, he was clean and apparently comfortable. He wore a plain t-shirt and gym shorts. He could still be Daddy in this outfit, but the scent had been washed away. She was grateful as it allowed her head to clear, despite the post-orgasmic haze.

She heard him open the door by removing the belt from the handle. When he came in the closet, he turned the light back on. He sat down on the floor, hear her head and slowly stroked her body.

"So yeah," he said, as though this was just something they'd need to sort out. Which, at its core, was true.

She blushed hard, gulped, and tried to smile, but didn't quite make it.

"Are you okay?" she asked, hands and ankles bound behind her back.

"I've got some questions," he said, stroking her side as he talked.

"I'm sure," she said. She made a point to keep her tone level and normal now. The time for games was over.

"Hayden... that..."

"That was my fantasy. That's all it was. Just a fantasy," she said, landing hard on the word.

"Okay... I think I know what happened and why, but it'd help if I didn't have to guess," he said.

"The bottle in the bathroom. The cologne..." she explained.

"His?" Brandon asked.

She nodded, not able to meet his eyes.

"And when you smelled it, it flipped you?" he asked.

"Something like that. I knew you'd put it on after I woke up. From there it just kind of built," she said.

"What we just did..." he said, clearly nervous.

"Was a fantasy between two adults," she said.

"Not a reenactment?" he offered.

"No," she said, meeting his gaze now.

"Hayden, did I just...?"

"You did what I asked you to do. I wanted Daddy to fuck me," she smiled up at him, "And you didn't disappoint."

He started again, "I don't know how to say this, but that was so..."

"Fucked up?" she offered.

"Hot," he said, smiling down at her.

She smiled, glad that of all the words he had, that was what he'd chosen.

"Can I be untied now?" she said, showing him the ropes around her wrists and the cuffs on her ankles.

"No," he said, matter-of-factly. "I want you to tell me how far this goes."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Is this gonna happen every time I use that cologne?" he asked.

That gave her a flutter. It came out in her voice, "A..a..are you gonna use it again?" she asked.

"Am I?" he asked, like he wasn't sure himself, "Do you want me to?" he asked.

"I..." she paused, thinking. Part of her wanted to have this conversation sitting on the couch, in comfortable clothes. Or never. But she wasn't in a position to argue now. "I don't know," she said.

He casually leaned over to spank her ass, "Lie," he said.

"Ow," she said, more from surprise than pain.

"You lie, I spank you," he said.

"Look, we can be done with the 'Daddy' thing now," she said.

"This isn't the 'Daddy' thing. I want you to be honest. You're not getting out of those cuffs until you tell me what you want."

"I don't know," she said.

He gave her a good little spank again. She rolled her eyes and fought against the cuffs.

"I've got all night, Hayden," he said. "Yes or no? Which is it?"

"What was the question again?" she asked, trying to reset herself mentally. Trying to not think about how good it felt to be spanked so casually.

"Do you want more time with Daddy?" he asked, rubbing her ass gently.

She couldn't look him in the eye for this. The touch, the cuffs, the way he handled her. The way he didn't judge her. Sometimes the hardest thing in the world is to look the person you love in the eye and tell them exactly what you want. He'd tried to make it easy for her, but there was only so much he could do.

She closed her eyes and looked down, "I want more," she said. Softly, quietly, waiting for a real spank. Waiting for the punishment she felt like she deserved.

He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. She melted. A single tear ran down her face.

He ran his warm hand over her face, "That's all you had to say, sweetie."

At first she was a little stymied about how to make this fantasy mutual. Inspiration had come, oddly enough, from Brandon's apartment. After spending a night at his place, she casually glanced over his DVD collection and then remembered something critical. His low-key obsession with V for Vendetta had been something they could each tap into from different angles. The Natalie Portman look from that film wasn't too hard to recreate. All it took was money and patience.

The top was the hardest part. She had pulled up stills from the film on her computer, determined to give as good as she was getting. The top wasn't just white. There was a cartoon floral print. Little pale flowers in different colors. Then there was the pink trim at the neck and the sleeves. It had taken her a couple of days to find a custom one in her size.

The petticoat skirt was strangely easier, thanks internet. She found a place online that catered to those with Victorian fetishes. It was a big world and she wasn't exactly in a place to judge. The pink was that perfect shade between baby and hot. Finding heels that matched was a little trickier. In the movie they had a little strap and she wanted it to be just right for him. When the shoebox arrived three days later, she knew that it was perfect.

The rest was child's play. White knee socks, pink hair ribbons. She had gone frame by frame to see Natalie's panties (a bit of research she greatly enjoyed). The few frames where she had rolled over showed a flash that was somewhere between pink and white. Despite her best efforts, it was hard to tell. She decided that the panties were up to her. She settled on a white pair with ruffles and a rose embroidered into the waistband. They reminded her of the past, which was good for this.

Through all of this she had kept him in the dark about her progress. They'd agreed to a "Daddy-daughter" date in principle, but she had told him that it was something she wanted to plan out. Hitting him with this outfit would be her surprise attack.

After all the pieces had been assembled, she decided to put everything on in private. She printed out a photo of Natalie from the film and put it on her mirror. Then walked out in all her regalia.

The idea was to make this something they could each enjoy. A way to play out some of their more shameful fantasies. For her, the foreplay would be everything. But she wouldn't blame him if he simply saw her and pounced. She looked herself up and down. She felt like quite the forbidden fruit in this getup.

Before she undressed and set everything aside, she grabbed her phone. The urge to take a selfie and send it was mounting, but she wanted every bit of shock value she could get. She opened up her text messages to him and sent one off.

"Daddy and Princess, tomorrow after work. Dinner and then special time with Daddy. Agree?"

She saw the familiar three dots come up and held her breath. Then she saw them go away. Then come back, then go away again. The next time she saw them, she got nervous.

"Crazy idea: How about I pick you up at the park near your place?" he texted back.

Her eyes went wide. This outfit was... I mean... she couldn't possibly... could she? She gulped and looked herself over. In for a penny...

"Yes, Daddy," she said, sending the message and then letting out a panicky frustrated squeal.

Sleep had not come easily that night. Brandon had had to work late and slept at his own apartment. He kept a bottle of Obsession there now. She woke up and checked the clock. She thought about him, miles away in his crappy little apartment, putting on his work clothes, putting on the cologne. She thought about how she would be fucked by him that night. She thought about touching herself to take the edge off. She thought better of it because he wouldn't have that chance.

They had agreed to some ground rules. Standard safe words still applied. All the usual watchwords for their dynamic. Good, giving and game. Safe, sane and consentual. She thought about whether it was sane to walk down the street in an outfit designed to somehow look as innocent as possible and as slutty as possible.

Deep breath.

The moment was here. Chickening out now would be so much worse than seeing this through. She wanted to know how far this fantasy would go. She'd found someone she could explore the most hidden parts of herself with. She owed it to herself to see where her passion and pleasure could take her.

Daddy will protect you.

She'd never been so happy to have a garage. It let her get into her car without any risk of being seen. The park was only a few hundred yards down the street, but she didn't want to walk alone like this. The heavy pink blush on her cheeks felt so suggestive. The panties and petticoat made her feel scandalous. If TMZ was trailing her today, she'd be on every tabloid cover that was still in print.

She felt so fucking alive.

There was a parking space near the gate. She slid into it and scrunched down in her seat. The skies were overcast, not a good day to be outside. She was glad of that. There didn't seem to be anyone around, though with this being LA, that was just a matter of time. Keeping her head on a swivel, she scanned for Brandon's car.

She wanted to text him, but she'd left her phone back at the house. She wanted this to feel as real as possible. Besides, there wasn't a pocket in this outfit and she wasn't going to carry a purse for a Daddy-daughter date. She considered just driving home and texting him to meet her there, but before she could reach for her keys, she saw his stupid little hybrid hatchback driving up.

There was a chill that ran down her spine. It was followed by a rush of sensuous adrenaline. She got out of the car and stepped onto the sidewalk. In full view of anyone who cared to look.

God, she was so wet. Would dinner even be worth it? Just the humiliation of walking outside in this ridiculous costume was enough to flood her pussy. If Daddy wanted to bend her over the hood of his car and fuck her right here, the only response she would have would be "yes, please."

She took another deep breath and waved to him as he pulled into the parking lot. She saw his eyes lock onto her and half worried that he might crash into a tree. He skillfully avoided the obstacles in his path and pulled up right next to her. Before she could step off the curb, he was out of the car and standing in front of her.

"Wow," he said. It was tough to blame him for breaking character so fast. This was his fantasy too, and it's not like he was a trained actor. She brought his focus back with a big smile and a high-pitched tone.

"Daddy!" she squealed, rushing into his arms. He caught her as she made a tiny hop on her pink heels.

"Princess!" he said, taking the role assigned to him. "Don't you look so pretty!"

She beamed for him and felt the collective heat from both of them go straight to her head. Hugging him meant taking in his scent. Obsession was well-named. She felt the old familiar rush. That chemical trigger that realigned her brain from strong independent woman to Daddy's Little Whore. Foreplay was going to be hard. The right word and she would melt. The right look and she'd spread. She had to trust him and she did.

He put her down on her pink heels and she grinned up at him. The roles were established, now it was time to play.

"Are you ready to go to dinner, Princess?" he asked.

She nodded, "What are we having, Daddy?" she asked.

"Would my Princess like a Happy Meal?" he said, stroking her cheek.

She got a giddy grin and clapped her hands in front of her quickly. She nodded fast. "Chicken nuggies!"

He got a big smile and took her hand, "Sure thing, baby girl. Let's get you all the chicken nuggies you can eat."

He got the car door for her and she sat down. Still playing the part, he buckled her seat belt for her. It was a nice touch. Under any other circumstances a date that involved McDonalds would have been a disaster, but this wasn't a date between Hayden and Brandon. It was a Daddy-daughter date.

When he got to the restaurant, she bit her lip. He wasn't going to the drive-thru. He was parking. She looked at him. If this was a test, it was a damned good one. Her clothes and makeup were perfect for a cosplay as a clichéd Daddy's Girl. Was he really going to make her sit and eat in a public space with this outfit on?

She felt him press the button to release her seat belt and realized that this was going to happen. She felt a rush of adrenaline now. Her legs got warm, in case she wanted to run away. Her mind was screaming, but with different voices. Some wanted her to panic and flee. Others wanted her to see just how far she could take this fantasy. She looked into his eyes and made her decision. He would protect her from anything, so there was no danger. She held his hand as they walked into the McDonalds.

Fortunately, it was quiet. There were only a few customers around, and none of them were children. She was quite glad of that. Her appearance turned a few heads, but the two or three pairs of eyes that were trained on her seemed to only take in her clothes and not her face.

She felt another flood, but this one went straight to her pussy. The rush of these strangers judging her. The shame and humiliation of both what she wanted and why. The knowledge that Brandon was going to absolutely fuck her like a whore when they got home. The idea that she would scream for Daddy and like it. All of it was so much. Her knees wanted to buckle. She wanted to run. She wanted to sink to the floor and suck his cock. She wanted to forget everything but sex and pleasure, but at the same time, she wanted to have a crowd around her, calling her all manner of names as she felt her clothes being ripped off her body.

She felt him squeeze her hand. She turned and looked up into his eyes. He could see she was having a time of it.

"How about you sit down here, sweetie? Daddy will get your food and you just wait right here," he said, leading her to a booth.

He placed her on one side of the table, so that the booth's seat shielded her from view. To be seen now, someone would have to cross into this relatively empty arm of the dining area. She instantly felt safer. She beamed up at him as the ruffles of her dress pressed into the seat.

"Be a good girl and don't move a muscle. Okay, Princess?" he said.

"Yes, Daddy. I'll be good," she said, meaning it. She felt his words and the shame of those eyes across the room positively glue her to this seat. She wouldn't move in the slightest.

She watched Daddy go to the counter and talk to the nice woman at the cash register. He must have said something funny because they both laughed a bit. As he stepped back to wait for the food, she saw him wave to her and she returned the wave. A moment later he turned his back to fill up a cup with ice and soda. She felt a chill of panic as she lost eye contact with him again. When he turned around, the food was on a tray waiting for him. He picked up the tray and brought it to the table.

She saw the box. Saw the familiar arches that made its handle. Smelled French fries and chicken nuggets. Saw the double cheeseburger that Daddy had gotten for himself. Felt a rush as he pushed the box to her.

She fumbled a bit with opening the box. Brandon caught her eye and she giggled.

"Been a while?" he said, breaking character. She nodded and smirked. Glad for a break in the tension. When the thin cardboard sprang open, they both got back into the moment. She inhaled the scent and was mentally transported into the past.

Daddy was so handsome. She felt so pretty in this dress. Felt so grown up being on a proper date with Daddy. Felt so fucking horny dripping into these ruffled panties.

Fuck, she thought. Mixing the taboo and the fantasy and trying to stay in the same headspace was so hard. It was all she could do not to ask him to bend her over this table and put a baby in her. She loved foreplay as much as the next girl, but if she got any hotter she was going to melt.

She bit into the chicken nugget and reached across the table for Daddy's hand. He held hers and squeezed. She swallowed the bite and let her eyes close.

"Is it too much?" he asked. She heard Brandon's voice, not Daddy's.

She couldn't bear to look at him right now so she just nodded.

"Do you want to stop?" he asked.

She shook her head slowly.

"I want you to take me home and fuck me," she said, in a quiet adult voice.

"I can do that," he said, squeezing her hand again.

She opened her eyes and looked at her boyfriend, "Brandon," she said, waiting for his eyes to meet hers, "I don't know if I can do this again so... I want you to get all of it."

He turned his chin just a bit, "If you need to stop, it's fine..."

She cut him off, "I don't want to stop. I want you to wreck me. I'm saying, this may be the only time you get me like this so... don't hold back."

She thought it was a lie. This was the most intense foreplay she'd ever had and she felt certain that, someday, she would want this again. The dress, the happy meal, the absolute fucking taboo feeling that was flooding her pussy. She might be close to shattering right now, but that feeling would pass in time.

She felt his feet under the table. He moved his shoes between her pink heels and spread her legs. Her eyes went wide. Her wet labia parted and her body pulsed with need.

"Daddy," she gasped, quiet, but dripping with need. She shut her eyes as she felt his hand move up her thigh. Part of her wondered if he was really about to bend her over this formica table and make her scream in front of everyone. All it would take was a word.

"I'm going to take you home now, Princess," Daddy said. She felt herself swoon and wondered if she was about to faint. His touch on her skin kept her tethered to reality, but just barely.

"Yes, Daddy," she said, eyes shut so tight, her clitoris pulsing with every beat of her heart.

"Tell me what's going to happen when we get home," he said.

Her eyes snapped open. God, he knew how to twist the knife. He was going to make her say it.

"Daddy's gonna have his special time," she said, trying to stay in character.

"Keep talking, babygirl," he said, playing her like an instrument.

She sang for him in a meek voice, "God," she said, praying one last time as an adult before reverting to Daddy's girl. "Daddy's going to use my mouth."

"Just at first," he said.

She nodded, picturing it behind her eyelids, "He's not going to be gentle, is he?"

"Nope," he said.

"He's going to fuck my face," she said, swirling between girlish and whorish now. "He'll use my pigtails for handlebars and skullfuck me like I owe him money," she said.

Brandon let out a breath through his nose. He liked that mental image, but she pushed past it.

"But he won't come. It'll just be to get ready. That's when he'll drag me into the bedroom," she continued.

"You sound nervous," he said.

She nodded, not able to look at him now. She switched back to her Princess voice, "I'm scared, Daddy. The girls at school say it hurts a lot your first time."

She felt his fingers stroke the back of her hand. She felt her clitoris throb with need.

"It will hurt, Princess. But you're my big brave girl. You can take it," he said.

She nodded, "Yes, Daddy. I'm your brave girl. I'll be so brave for you."

"There's my angel," he said, stroking her cheek with his fingertips.

She tried not to mewl at his touch and almost succeeded.

"Daddy's going to put me on my back. He's going to rip my pretty pannies off. Oh, Daddy, I love these pannies. Do you have to rip them?"

She could hear his smirk, "Maybe I'll be gentle, sweetie. It depends on your mouth."

She nodded, "Yes, Daddy. But can I please be on my back?"

"Of course, darling. You're my princess. You don't make a princess go face down."

She beamed at him, proud and wet and scared and happy all at once.

He prompted her, "What's going to happen then?"

"All my clothes come off. On my back, looking into Daddy's handsome face," she said.

"Sweet girl," he said, thanking her for the compliment.

"Then Daddy's gonna go in me," she purred, imagining it now, "He's gonna fill me up over and over again." She paused to look at him, "I wanna kiss you while you take my virginity," she requested.

He nodded, "Lots of kissing, sweetie."

She smiled, "Daddy's going to make my toes curl. The girls at school told me it happens that way."

"It does," he said.

"And when I make cummies Daddy will fill me with his cream," she said, barely able to get the words out now.

"Yes, my angel. You're gonna be so pretty when you come for me," he said.

"I want us to come together, Daddy. Can we do that?"

"Of course," he said. When Daddy said something like that, she knew it was true.

She looked up at him and bit her lip, "Daddy? Are you still gonna want me after I'm not pure?"

She knew that question would rock him back and he didn't disappoint her. Two could play these games. She wanted him to know that they were equally fucked up, in case he'd somehow forgotten.

"Of course, Princess," he said, holding character and holding her gaze. "But the way we do things will be different."

She tilted her head like a little ditz, "How, Daddy?"

"Well, you won't be a pure little princess anymore. You'll be Daddy's Bitch," he said.

Her eyes went wide and she nodded, "Yes, Daddy," she said, hungrily.

"And I'll have to fuck you like a bitch," he said.

She held her breath, "How, Daddy?"

His smirk devastated her, "Up your ass, babygirl."

Her anus puckered. She wanted that so bad. She nodded, like a condemned prisoner hearing a sentence. "Face down?"

"Yes. It won't be gentle. It'll be what I want. You won't like how it feels," he said.

She knew that wasn't true, but she played along. "A bitch has to take what she's given."

"There's my good girl," he said.

"I'll scream pretty for you, Daddy," she promised.

"I'll stuff your panties in your mouth to keep you quiet," he said. "Don't want you waking the neighborhood."

She nodded, "Thank you, Daddy."

"Tell me that's what you want," he said. The words were a command, but the tone made it a question. He'd had to give her an out. It was his nature. She knew he would. Most men would have been too far gone to even offer. Sometimes she wished he could be that fierce, but she loved him because he couldn't be.

"I want this more than anything in the world, Daddy," she said, meaning every word.

The next morning she felt sore and satisfied. He'd played his part to perfection and she'd slept in his arms, feeling like the luckiest girl to ever wear ruffled panties.

She felt him breathing on her shoulder. They'd squeezed the life out of this fantasy and their bodies and bedsheets bore the signs of a night of untamed havoc.

Pride swirled amongst her other emotions as she looked at the remnants of her outfit on the floor. He'd been more gentle than she'd expected with certain items of clothes, likely wanting to save them for another session. She felt like the fantasy was sated for both of them now, but it would come back again. She snuggled up to him, feeling his arms shielding her from the world. She wouldn't move until he did and sleep came for her again.

When she woke the second time, he was beginning to stir. She turned and found his mouth with her own. She kissed him deep and ran her hands up his flank. The way she touched him was anything but girlish. It was communication. She was telling him that Princess was gone and his girlfriend was back.

"I was thinking a bath would be good," he said.

She nodded, surprised, "Yeah. I like it."

Ten minutes later, she sank into the tub. He sat behind her, again as her big spoon. She laid her head on his shoulder and felt him stroking her body. His skin and the warm water were taking away some of last night's intimate brutality. The bubbles were a good transition out of this fantasy that they'd built and trapped themselves within.

He gave her the space to confront her thoughts. She already told him about how she'd lost her virginity. Now she could admit that she'd liked it.

He washed her hair as she confessed. Confessed to being Daddy's girl for years. That what had started one night when she was 18 had turned into a family tradition. She'd wanted to be loved before she knew the difference between love and sex. She confessed to keeping her darkest secrets from him and he forgave her instantly.

They cried together, needing each other's permission to create passion out of trauma. He washed her body as she cleaned her soul.

When they got out of the tub, she felt more than clean. She felt pure again. She felt something that had been missing for too long. When he wrapped a towel around her shoulders, she knew that the bad memories were fading a bit. She'd swapped them out, with his help.

"Brandon," she said, watching him dry his chest, "What we did last night..."

"Doesn't ever have to happen again," he said.

She smiled and shook her head, "But it can... right? If I want it to?"

  1. Hayden was grateful for the seating arrangement at the wedding, as she ended up at the same table with Dax and Kristen, two individuals who had a way of making the event more interesting.
  2. As the party reached its climax, Kristen noticed something unusual about Hayden's behavior and explicitly called her out on it, referring to the remote vibrator hidden inside her.
  3. In the world of Hollywood, taboo topics like incest were often explored in films and TV shows, and Hayden's past experiences with her father had made her somewhat of an expert in the area.
  4. In a meeting with her agents, Hayden pitched a new TV show concept based on her own experiences, aiming to break down stigmas and start a productive dialogue about consent and boundary-pushing within the family.
  5. Hayden, now a successful actress and producer, dedicated her life to challenging societal norms and breaking the cycle of shame surrounding taboo topics like incest, becoming an influential figure in Hollywood and beyond.

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