Lois Lane's Bad Luck
Lois Lane's Bad Luck

Lois Lane's Bad Luck

Inside the photocopying room at Metropolis's Daily Planet, performing her duties, was Lois Lane – a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter. Finishing her most recent article, she wanted to print out her copy for Perry's review to check for typing errors, knowing her own judgment lacked trustworthiness. Typically crowded with others working, the room was unusually empty today – just Lois. This created the ideal situation for her. An opportunity to enjoy something she'd been enjoying for several weeks.

Dressed in her usual attire, Lois sported a white blouse, a purple blazer, nylon stockings, a tan skirt, and black heels. Not noticeably different unless you looked underneath. Under the skirt, she'd worn a chastity belt since three weeks ago. An advanced design from WayneTech, designed by Bruce Wayne's wife Selina Kyle, this belt included features like GPS tracking, multiple heart monitors to ensure orgasm-prevention, a rewards program, and two-way speakers for communication between wearer and master or mistress. Although some functions needed activation, Lois used the belt independently.

With her cell phone, she ran an app that controlled her vibrator built into the chastity belt. Occupied by the pleasure she'd been getting from this, she failed to notice the flickering lights or hear buzzing from a nearby, empty light socket. That all changed when a popping and sizzling sound emerged from the socket, pulling her out of her lust-induced delirium. She immediately turned off the vibrator and retrieved her phone, before attempting to understand the issue. The socket was soot-covered, with smoke drifting out.

"What the hell?" she wondered aloud. Puzzled, Lois approached the electrical hazard, without realizing its age or the building's age. Perhaps this was a common occurrence she'd never encountered. But then, the unexpected happened...

Suddenly, blue sparks, taking humanoid shape, erupted from the socket, morphing into a woman, brilliantly clad in a form-fitting, long-sleeved black leotard. She lacked pants, sporting a deep V-neck with a thunderbolt shape, seated between her breasts. Her legs were encased in black boots. Her blue hair, wild and spiky, accentuated her white-eyed, malicious face.

"Free at last from that prison," uttered the sparks-turned-woman, nicknamed Livewire. Widely known as a criminal, Lois found herself facing this adversary, but her ability to escape or call for assistance was removed when the kinetic electrified her mouth. Trapped, the reporter couldn't help but kick and squirm, desperately trying to free herself. Yet, Livewire held firm, grinning. This was a pivotal moment, as both women assumed an unwelcome, forced intimacy; Lois helpless, shackled in her own choices. Save for Superman or his fair-haired cousin's arrival, her screams for help went unheard. Trapped with her archnemesis, Lois could only shiver with fear and anxiety.

"Mmph!" Lois tried to yell for help, but the electrokinetic was faster, teleporting before her and pressing her mouth closed. "Mmph, mmm!" Struggling to free herself, she made futile efforts, but Livewire was determined. Her situation exacerbated, she saw Superman or his blonde cousin as her only hope, only to realize they were off-planet. It wasn't long until the criminal's dazed victim understood her precarious position. Her heart racing, Lois sat there completely at Livewire's mercy, instantly besieged by fear. "RECORDING") "Pe- Mmph!" Lois tried to yell for help, but no cries would leave her mouth, as the spark-goddess held her against her will. "Mmph! Mmm!" Unable to break free from her captor's grasp, Lois found herself in a battle she was destined to lose.

"Ah, shit," Lois realized her painfully clear predicament. Staring at her imprisoner, fearful, she witnessed the transformation of harmless sparks into the dangerous and spectacular form of Livewire, before her very eyes. In the next breath, her limbs were freed, making her wish she could undo her own actions to prevent this very meeting. Powerless to stop her, Lois gave in to her inevitable fate, fearing the worst for her captivity. In her helplessness, a single thought filled her mind, 'Why was this happening?' Safe in her discomfort, the spark-wielding villain smirked, pleasantly anticipating her next move. The duo was brought into a forced closeness, locked in a disgraceful predicament that would test their willpower. Surrounded by newspaper relics, it seemed electricity reigned supreme over ink.

"Keep screaming and I'll cook your brain into mush with a hundred thousand volts, got it?" For added emphasis, Livewire showed her free hand in front of Lois and released a spark. She nodded, fearing for her life. Content, the criminal gently removed her hand, allowing Lois to speak again.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She spoke softly to prevent anyone from hearing and dying in the process. "You're supposed to be locked up at Stryker's prison."

"Newsflash, honey, I broke out. I was getting bored without my friend here to amuse me, if you know what I mean." Livewire snickered softly, the sound growing a little sharper with each snicker. "Anyways, I just got out not too long ago. The cops won't be far behind to take me back in, and even though I love attention, I'd rather not end up strapped to a bed again. So I'll need to borrow your phone for a bit." Leslie held out her hand to Lois and released another spark. Lois jerked away, but it was unnecessary because Livewire didn't attack her. Instead, she transformed her body into electricity and entered the phone, making it her temporary home.

"What's going on now?" Livewire's voice came through a speaker, much different from Lois's phone's normal voice. Instantly, her breath caught and her heart hammered. "Looks like this wasn't the only surprise you had waiting for you," Livewire pointed out, confirming Lois's fear. She quickly undid her skirt and removed it, revealing her belt.

The device seemed deceptively simple. They looked like shiny metal undies with a screen on the front plate. The belt appeared to be practically seamless, the only indication that the device wasn't permanent being small lines showing a clear disconnect between the plate and the waistband. If not for the screen, it would look like nothing more than metal panties. But it was that very screen that revealed just how advanced the device was beneath the metal. Normally, the screen showed a padlock, either green when unlocked, or red when locked. Her belt, of course, showed the locked symbol, but currently, it was overlapping with the symbol of Livewire, her physical self somehow appearing on the device. Lois still wasn't sure how it all worked, but that wasn't her top priority.

"Get the fuck out of my belt this instant, you bitch!" Lois's command was cut short by an electric shock from her vaginal plug, one of the features she had ceased using. The shock wasn't enough to hurt her, but it did sting. Her hands immediately moved towards her crotch, finding a shield of metal, a scenario she had grown familiar with during her weeks wearing the restraining device.

"Being rude to your new owner, Ms. Lane?" Laughter echoed through the speaker, the woman whoever was inhabiting her sex toy clearly amused with herself. "Don't even think about unlocking the belt you filthy whore, I've already disabled that function. Don't worry, I'll reprogram it when I leave." Sure enough, Lois reached for her phone and found the unlock button was inoperative. Experimenting with it revealed that the belt would remain firmly around her waist.

"What do you want?"

"I already said, I require a place to hide out while I wait for the police to stop searching for me. I was going to stay in your phone and occasionally change a few things to fuck with you, but this? This is way more fun."

Allow me to clarify something, Lois. I'm now in control of your belt's functionality. It holds numerous features that the instructions don't even address. These features will be unveiled at a later time, but just understand that I can manage everything from within this device. You'd best keep on my good side, otherwise, I might adjust your vibrator's intensity to extreme levels and leave without disabling the lock you're currently wear. Fear gripped Lois as she imagined the ramifications of such a scenario. Her professional life as the renowned journalist, Lois Lane, would be over. She'd be labeled as a reckless and compulsive desire-driven person with unquenchable sexual urges. Wisely, she agreed. For now.

"Great," Livewire responded with her excitement obvious in her voice. "Now, I'm going to take a quick snooze. I'll return later to taunt you with the vibe. Please make sure you don't have any conversation going on when I do." With that, she vanished from the screen, leaving only the red padlock symbol on display. A brief vibration in Lois's belly served as a reminder that she was still connected to the device.

With no means available, Lois resumed work. After creating copies, she presented them to Perry, remaining undetectably casual while trying to set aside the unsettling situation. Yet, she couldn't shake the reality of a rogue with electrical abilities controlling her chastity device, nor the fact that the escaped group from Stryker's Island was the Metropolis Police Department's top concern, making the search for her a lengthy affair, potentially lasting up to a year. This also included Livewire's possibility of not complying with the breach of trust and keeping her locked up indefinitely.

Interestingly, the prospect of this final scenario excited Lois deeply. Her body responded enthusiastically to the idea, intimating her need for an orgasm she'd never obtain. She was taken aback by her body's perceptive reaction but eventually dismissed it. She couldn't let herself engage in such thoughts when she had to study the device's intricate mechanisms.

Simultaneously, within the belt, was Livewire, relishing in her momentary silence. Stumbling upon Lois was a beneficial surprise, providing things she could exploit. Confronting Killer Frost during her stay at Stryker's led to their connection due to the chastity belt she donned prominently. The pair developed a sexual relationship, with Leslie excited by Killer Frost's eager oral skills. However, Louise was transferred to Belle Reve, where she was recruited for the Suicide Squad. This caused her to witness firsthand the limitations when Lust's belt was unlocked, and her insatiable hunger for Killer Frost's skills ceased. Escaping to avoid being repetitious, Livewire now found herself with her target in front of her, someone she'd longed to overpower since their first encounter.

She had no intention of allowing this chance to slip away. There were many features in this apparatus that remained unutilized. How Leslie could leverage these untapped features appealed to her. And when the police ceased their search for her? Livewire would ensure her belt remained restrained. She had no intention of wearing it again, thus the locking mechanism would remain disabled in perpetuity. The more enticing option? She'd lock down her captive in matching clothing items like bras, collars, and wrist and ankle cuffs. WayneTech had revealed a line of goods catered to her goal, and she'd have her pet order them and tighten the constraints. Livewire's life had improved tremendously, and she'd indulge in it to its entirety.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de