Erotic Couplings

Love for Sex Workers: Formalizing Their Relationships

Heather and Liam's romance blossoms... the expected outcome being physical intimacy.

May 28, 2024
9 min read
Sluts in Love: Making it Officialromancemaking lovemultiple orgasmsloveanalslut
Sluts in Love: Making it Official
Sluts in Love: Making it Official

Love for Sex Workers: Formalizing Their Relationships

In the second installment of this series, Heather and Liam engage in a game of cat and mouse, waiting for the right moment to reunite.

If you enjoyed their first encounter, prepare for a more detailed and steamy sex scene in this chapter.


For several weeks, Heather and Liam were preoccupied with work, making it difficult for them to arrange another meeting. However, they each had some opportunities that could have turned into a quick romp.

Heather contemplated inviting her neighbor's 19-year-old son over for a casual hookup, given how much he enjoyed their first encounter together. But in the end, she decided against it.

Liam, on the other hand, received a text message from a girl he'd slept with months ago, begging him to join her. The location was just a short drive away, and he could have stayed the night. Nonetheless, he chose not to take her up on her offer.

Both of them found themselves thinking of each other far too often, but even though they share a love for unrestrained sexual encounters, they held off from these tempting opportunities.

Heather expressed how unique he was to get so much satisfaction from sex with random people while still fitting her type. She suggested getting a few friends together for a joint experience.

Liam, in turn, lauded her for making him laugh and not limiting herself sexually. They both agreed, they had excellent chemistry and should take advantage of it.

A few weeks passed, and they became restless. Their libidos were on fire, with just their own hands to keep them occupied. Both their minds imagined a different partner. Neither had any idea the other had been struggling with the same situation.

Finally, Heather took action and sent a provocative text message to Liam.

"Hey, whore. It's 8 PM on Friday night, and you're getting the best sex of your life. Confirm you're free, or I'll f**k you mercilessly."

"Fk, girl. I can't handle a good time threat. Yes, all yours... all weekend. I've been thinking about fking you since I left you full of cum that morning."

"Where should we meet, my slutty love?"

"No place. Hotel. Room service. En suite jacuzzi. Let's wreck some property."

"I'm already drenched. See you Friday."

"I can't w8."

"I'll do everything to make it worth your wait."

Despite their questionable grammar and clumsy typing, their messages expressed their immense desire for each other.

Their self-restraint became increasingly difficult as the weeks passed, and their text messages were becoming more and more sexually explicit. Liam booked a hotel, only telling her that he awaited her inside when she arrived.

When Heather showed up, she ignored texting him, choosing to make a dramatic entrance instead. As she entered the hotel room, she tossed off her long coat to reveal her bare upper body and heels.

Liam, waiting near the large windows with the curtains open, was already naked and painfully aroused. As she entered, he was ready to pounce on her. When they met, they shared a passionate kiss before engaging in rough, passionate sex.

During their lovemaking, Heather seized his behind and roughly slapped it, encouraging him to enter her. Yet when he tried to bite her nipples, she groaned and pulled his head away.

They both reached orgasm several times, lashing out painfully at each other and baring their teeth in the process.

After their intense encounter, they both glanced at each other and chuckled before passing out from exhaustion.

There was no sugary sweetness. Instead, there was an intense ferocity akin to natural disasters, the deadly precision of a cage fight, the insatiable craving of bears emerging from hibernation, and the harsh bitterness of coffee and cigarettes. Labeling their actions as sweet would be like deceiving a child by giving them cacao and calling it chocolate. There were numerous self-indulgent pleas for pleasure being instantly addressed with charitable donations of body parts... but absolutely no trace of sweetness in the act of giving.

The conversations were minimal, but they spoke volumes with their bodies. Heather was the first to form a coherent thought beyond "cock, pussy, fuck, fuck, fuck" or a jumble of unstructured desires. She barely managed to express it audibly in a breathy murmur.

"Fulfill me. Give me your seed. I want it deep inside."

Liam was not quite prepared to respond with such eloquence. He screamed as he persisted in his thrusts. It didn't take long before they finally achieved some semblance of actual conversation, however.

"I'm about to erupt! Liam, make me come. YES! YES! YES!"


Liam roared and discharged deep within her, as she had commanded of him. He continued thrusting during the entirety of his orgasm and kept himself fully enclosed within her at the pinnacle of his contracting form.

At this point, Heather's mouth opened in awe, allowing her voice to escape its mute confinement. She appeared astounded and disbelieving of his ferocious response. Astounded and disbelieving of the sheer power of his erection. Astounded and disbelieving of the orgasm that seemed to rip through her when he unleashed his entire essence into her.

It wasn't until after this extreme climax ruined Liam's sanity that his long howl diminished into groans that sounded almost painful as he began his descent from the dizzying peak. Even then, he persisted in pushing into her without pulling back, lifting her up on the bed as if he could magically generate even more space to fill her wet cleft with.

Heather quivered and quivered. She quivered with every thrust. But as soon as he drove himself home and commenced to grind into her, that's when her voice regained its freedom, released from its silent prison. A scream rose from the depths of her lungs, escalating in volume and pitch. Despite all this, Heather continued to quiver until long after Liam was drained and lay atop her, catching her breath.

Liam had not experienced an orgasm this powerfully shocking since the days when the experience was still a new sensation for him. Liam could feel every single one of his pelvic muscles, as if everything between his waist and thighs was contracting in perfect unison to expel as much semen as possible into her.

Heather, however, had not experienced an orgasm with such extreme intensity, length, and satiation since the first time she indulged in masturbation with a butt plug and a vibrator simultaneously. Heather could feel her muscles tense so much that she thought her bones might break. Her ceaseless trembling caused her ears to ring and vision to blur before it subsided.

Liam's mind was debilitated of its rational capabilities. He could only perceive amorphous, ineffable thoughts. Not just images. Sounds, colors, tastes, scents, and touch... everything within his mind seemed to take on another existence after his climax.

Meanwhile, Heather's mind exhibited an intrusive idea near the end of her climax which, for some reason, increased her pleasure. This was something she learned in a sexual health class before she changed her major. She was acutely aware that the spasms she felt in her core were cervical contractions, as her womb acted like a ravenous mouth to consume every drop he filled her with.

As soon as Liam's abstract mind-fuck and Heather's misguided mental trick subsided, they both erupted into worn-out chuckles.

"Holy shit... oh... my God, Liam." She panted between hurried breaths.

"I know. Fuck..." He breathed deeply and sighed happily. "... I know."

"What next?" She asked, still clasping him tightly.

"Regarding what?" He inquired, unable to move his head after his orgasm rendered everything but his erection powerless.

"Concerning the fact that..." she gasped. "... that you're the best fuck I've ever had?"

"Considering you..." he swiftly responded and required additional breath. " are also the best I've ever experienced... what do you say we continue this indefinitely?"

"Mmmhm." She moaned. "Yes... I... I really like that idea."

As Heather's limbs continued to tremble with residual tension from her climax, Liam's words seemed to reawaken those sensations for a fleeting moment before vanishing again as she weighed his words' significance. Her arms and legs weakened, yielding to the gravitational pull, ending up in a state similar to Liam's languor.

"Hang on. What?" She snickered.

Liam felt a glimmer of unease, sensing that his statement could have traveled too close to expressing unacknowledged emotions, especially so soon.

Heather and Liam both rolled their heads back to face each other, their gaze meeting head-on.

"I...uhm...I-I-I" Liam stammered, contractions pushing his heart to a similarly rapid pace as the previous second.

"I did the exact same thing." She frowned, conveying her surprise. "Like...really. The neighbors went to the tropics. I almost marched over to their apartment to have another go with the son. But let's be honest, I couldn't do it. I could only picture you. I've been pleasuring myself for weeks."

Liam frowned back at her, amusement and confusion emanating from him.

"What the hell?!" Liam exclaimed as they burst into suppressed laughter, clutching each other tightly. Liam didn't lose his grip on Heather. She didn't halt her upward surge around him. Their amusement simply aided their reinvigoration.

Their snickers evolved into uncontrollable laughter, and Heather started rolling her hips. Liam eased into intermittent, shallow thrusts. They sealed their lips in distinctive kisses, alternating between concentrated gazes into each other's eyes and amused glances between their chuckles.

Theirs laughter dominated each kiss, their eyelids relaxing during lip locks and closing tightly during their outbursts.

Inevitably, the kisses triumphed in their contest, and they propped up their tongues together in sympathy. Heather swung her leg over Liam's waist again, and they resumed lovemaking.

"I haven't done this in ages," he announced.

"Neither have I."

"I'm loving this. The laughter, especially."

Her heart-warming giggle returned—that same silly giggle that initially captivated his heart. Heather kissed him lovingly, nesting in close contact as they resumed their unison.

Another orgasm overcame her, a dissimilar climax compared to the convincing, body-trembling finale she'd had. It didn't fan her whole being; it provided a profoundly emotional warmth. Heather's sobs erupted amidst her moans. Despite being emotional, she wasn't upset or distressed. She was rattled by the sheer magnitude of connecting on a profound spiritual level, unable to express her inner sentiments.

Liam observed every detail of this orgasm, sitting Liam up and embracing her tightly. Brushing her forehead with a soft kiss, he looked down at her until she glanced into his eyes. The concern etched across his face triggered a satisfying smile from her and a cursory nod, as if implying that she was doing fine. He smiled back and gently guided them both back onto the bed.

A face-to-face position, her upper most leg settling above his waist, Liam continued his intimate thrusting. Heather cooed into his ear, "I'm loving this."

Liam's climax was calm compared to the powerfully mind-numbing one just experienced. Heather caressed his face, gently stroking his hair and boosting his orgasm's feeling of accomplishment.

When he stopped thrusting, they both tightened their grips on one another, sharing a meaningful embrace.

"Heather..." Liam appeared hesitant.

"What is it, Liam?" She gave him a benevolent response, her heart and mind speaking in perfect harmony.

"Can I...?" Liam let his question dangle.

"Of course. I want it, too." She answered her heart instead.

"Okay." Liam soft-kissed her once, lingering in a tender, docile manner. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she whispered with affection.

"Let's be cautious about it."

"Let's be ourselves." The response counteracted his recommendation. "That's who I am with you. There's no one else like that, is there?"

"Not at all."

"Then let's keep things natural," Heather asserted. "Let's flout convention."


"Allow us to avoid overcomplicating anything."

The two-heart summit came to a close with a blazing kiss, marking their lives with passion.

It was a weekend filled with sensuality, stretching from Friday night until Sunday evening. They filled the hotel room with love and disregard, just as Liam had suggested.

Throughout those nights, they engaged in several rounds of lovemaking and other physical endeavors, leaving their bodies weakened.

Floating around in the jacuzzi, surrounded by bubbles and sipping champagne, Liam and Heather sank deeper into their bond, enjoying the feeling of closeness.

Beyond traditional sex, they discovered various ways to be intimate, with Liam exploring the hidden depths of Heather's body and Heather exploring the intricacies of Liam's mind.

The curtains to their hotel room window remained open, leaving their room exposed to the view of passersby. Liam didn't shy away from the exhibition, using one of their moments of passion to present his lover to the world, not caring if they were noticed.

The sensation of being witnessed was enough to propel them into ecstasy, satisfying the heightened emotions they were chasing. They couldn't care less if someone was peeking in or not.

They spoke of their lives openly, navigating an emotional sea, dipping their toes into intimate, personal details. It felt like familiar coastlines they instinctively recognized.

As the weekend came to an end, they checked out of the room, forever changed by their time together. Their unexpected relationship had begun with an unconventional flair and would continue to develop in a similar, unpredictable manner.

They knew they had all the time in the world to understand one another, plunging deeper into their hearts, exploring the depths of who they were.

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