Group Sex

Lured by Salvation: Chapter 1

Jacob and Emily embarked on a religious journey.

May 25, 2024
17 min read
Seduced by Salvation Ch. 01churchpsychological horrorcoupleseductionreligious thrillercultforbidden lovemind controlfirst time
Seduced by Salvation Ch. 01
Seduced by Salvation Ch. 01

Lured by Salvation: Chapter 1

Hello friends! While waiting for some of my other stories to get approved, I've been working on a new series. The chapters in this one are a bit shorter and easier to read. Although, it may start off a bit slow, the "good stuff" will pick up in the upcoming chapters. As always, thank you for your love, support, and constructive feedback. I hope you enjoy the journey!

Jacob was drumming his fingers anxiously on his car's steering wheel, driving through the winding roads of Oregon. His girlfriend, Emily, sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window at the hills and farmland. She had never ventured this far from home and wasn't sure how much she would miss her parents.

A tangle of worry wrinkled Jacob's brow as he glanced at Emily. Her face looked deep in thought, and he recognized the look. It's that look where her mind was occupied with herparents' unwavering expectations.

"Hey," he spoke softly, gripping her leg with a gentle squeeze, causing goosebumps to rise. "What's up, what's on your mind?"

Emily was startled by his touch, snapping her gaze to his face. She attempted to smile, but it didn't quite cover the worry that emerged on her brow.

"I'm just..." Her voice trailed off in a sigh. "This retreat is crucial. My parents have never approved of me, of you. If we can't prove to the elders that we're worthy of marriage to their expectations..."

The memory of Emily's parents' judgments of him as a drifter and a wrong choice for their daughter brought a bitter surge to Jacob's gut. The hours of sleepless nights she'd spent fighting them off, of their demands for her to end things with him. To his relief, her mother had stepped in and stopped her father from kicking her out when she turned 18, leading her to Pastor Wilson and eventually this retreat.

"F--k those condescending jerks," Jacob seethed, unable to mask his bitterness. "It's our lives, our decisions, ours to make."

"Jacob..." Emily's tone changed to note of acceptance. "I don't share their judgment on you. But their disapproval has caused a rift between us. This retreat is a shot at reconciling with their approval by demonstrating our dedication to the church and its teachings."

Jacob clamped down his annoyance. It wasn't fair that they had to compromise their happiness for anyone's approval, especially that of Emily's demanding parents. Yet, he saw the determination in her eyes. He recognized it; she wanted her family's blessing.

Swallowing his indignation, he managed a smile. "Fine. A celibate warrior for you this week. Your parents can forget my sarcastic dismissals of whatever Initiation Rituals they put us through. I'll...I'll listen and learn."

Emily's teary eyes beamed at his concession, stroking his arm. "Thanks. Just don't forget our reason for going, alright? Us."

Jacob's heart swelled, and he could barely contain his excitement at finally having a week with Emily with no prying eyes. "I wouldn't dare," he said seriously. "I'll try as hard as I can not to touch you, but with you here, together, it'll be...challenging."

Emily laughed as she sat back in her seat. "The real reason we're going is for the church, not some matrimonial ceremony. Remember that."

Entering the ferry terminal parking lot, Jacob turned off the engine and turned to face Emily. "You ready for this?"

Her eyes shone with warmth, focused on him. "As prepared as I can be. And promise me again you'll try your best to take it seriously?"

"Of course, baby," he reassured her, his hand brushing her bare leg. "I promise."

Humor glimmered in her eyes, and Jacob couldn't help but grin. "Just so you don't forget, I'll be serious about one thing. Having no one to sabotage whatever comes our way."

"Jacob!" Emily's laughter rang out as she swatted his hand away. "This trip isn't about that, but you're definitely trying to pretend it is." 

"Jacob, I anticipated this. Our real reason is the church's teachings on marriage," Emily said softly. "Please, I just want to be able to see my family and have their approval for us."

Swallowing his pride, Jacob nodded. "Noted. I'll be serious about impressing them while we're on the island and keep my comments about your parents to a minimum."

Emily's eyes softened as she smiled before she leaned over to lightly kiss his cheek. "You're incredible, my Partner. Our journey is just starting."

Jacob's heart leaped at her words and couldn't resist his sense of humor. "What? No wink or suggestive gesture? I'm hurt."

"I'll assume that's your way of keeping your promise of keeping your hands off me for now," Emily teased. "Try your hardest, babe."

"I'll try," he acknowledged, his hand still brushing against her leg. "And I'm sure it'll be difficult to stay away from you."

Emily gave a playful smirk, but couldn't stop herself from smirking at his shenanigans. "Exactly why we're on this retreat, Mr. Armsy. To guarantee we remain on the righteous route until our wedding night."

Jacob's voice was lighthearted, but his actions were more urgent. He proceeded with his journey up Emily's leg. She giggled, shaking her head as she nibbled her lips.

"And how do you plan to keep your hands to yourself for an entire week?" She joked, glancing over her shoulder at the nearly empty parking lot as she spreading her legs slightly.

Jacob didn't require additional encouragement as he slipped his hand under Emily's dress and leaned across the car, kissing her uncovered neck.

Emily sighed, closing her eyes to permit the jolts of Jacob's fingers to take effect.

Jacob was aware they didn't have much time. He's always known Emily wouldn't permit anything more than hand stuff. He's learned to not whine and accept whatever he could get. There was a single time in their connection when Emily considered doing anything more sexually than that. The summer after she finished high school, they were celebrating her 18th birthday. He convinced her to drink a few wine coolers and in her buzzed state, she even sucked his dick. Although it was only her first time, she was a natural and rapidly had him ejaculating in her mouth, but Emily made him vow never to coerce her to engage in such sexual acts while she was intoxicated. He realized he had expressed genuine pain and so he swore. He even accompanied her to church three times that week as a gesture of apology.

A low groan signaled Jacob's return to the present as his tongue wrestled with Emily's and his fingers danced around the front of her moist underpants.

"I'm counting down the days until we're married." Emily moaned into his mouth, pushing her hips into his fingers.

"I intend to keep you imprisoned in the bedroom for the first week." Jacob joked as he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver along her spine. His fingers finally made it past her underpants and test the waters of her moist folds as she caressed his hair.

The windows of his old Civic were starting to fog as the ardor in the car escalated. Emily reached out and grasped Jacob's groin through his trousers, sliding her fingers across him slowly as her hips attempted to drive his finger deeper into her. Jacob had always been impressed by Emily's libido. Notwithstanding her inexperience, once he got her going, her body seemed to act on instinct.

He felt her orgasm emerging as she emitted a loud moan, clenching her hand around his burst penis, causing the friction of his trousers to induce more pain than pleasure. However, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of what was happening.

Emily groaned faintly, rocking her hips as she attempted to catch her breath. When her orgasm faded, she barely opened her hazy eyes and smiled at her soulmate before locking lips with him once more, licking his tongue.

"You attend to me remarkably," she responded, her tongue still wrestling with Jacob's.

"I'm just pleased I can bring you pleasure."

Emily stared into his eyes, still panting softly. "Perhaps I should repay the favor." She said with a naughty grin.

Before Jacob had the opportunity to ask what she meant by that, she threw her leg across him and began working on the fastenings of his pants.

If Jacob could see himself, he might resemble one of those cartoon figures, whose eyes would bulge frighteningly. Throughout their time together, she'd never been so assertive.

"Babe, what...?"

"Shh. You must behave like a well-behaved young man this week, don't you?" she teased as she gripped his uncovered cock and guided it under her skirt.

All Jacob could do was nod as he sensed the heat of her sex in the vicinity of his cock.

Emily nervously bit her lip as she hurried her steps. She understood that what she was doing was wrong, but she was desperate for Jacob to put his best foot forward. She wanted nothing more than to gain her parents' approval and have this week go flawlessly.

"Just consider sweetheart, after this week, we can start arranging the wedding and then you'll be inside me as you..."

Emily cut her sentence short as she felt Jacob's hips lift off the chair and rope after rope of his warm cum landed on her belly.

Emily slowed her movements, and leant in to kiss Jacob again.

"Now, will you be able to manage the rest of the week?" She teased with a smirk into his eyes.

"I adore you so much, love. I deeply care about the Lord, it's just..."

"Don't use his name in such a way!" Emily hurriedly interrupted while climbing back into her seat.

"I promise. I'll behave. I can't wait to spend my life with you," Jacob said reassuringly, tucking his deflated cock back into his pants.

Jacob gripped Emily's hand tighter as they stepped off the small ferry onto the wooden dock on the remote island. The wind blew lightly, causing her long blonde hair to gently swirl across her face, which she brushed nervously away.

"Holy Isle," Jacob muttered, more to himself. "Will we be completely altered into the ideal married couple?"

Emily squeezed his hand hard, biting her lower lip - a nervous habit Jacob found endearing. "I'm ready as I'll ever be. Also, I want you to honour your promise. For us." Her eyes implored him.

Jacob made himself nod. "I'm aware. No more foolishness, I promise." He planted a gentle kiss on her cheek. "I'd gladly endure any hardship for the chance to turn you into a law-abiding wife. Also, how terrible can a week be?"

As they stepped into a circle of people on the dock with smiles and welcoming eyes, Jacob let out a sigh of relief to hide his anxiety. The lush green land jutted out of the North Pacific waters created an uneasy feeling in him. He didn't doubt the Lord's existence, but he couldn't help feeling suspicious of the people claiming to be His chosen servants. Many of those people seemed to hide their own wrongdoings while criticizing his and Emily's relationship. Even Pastor Wilson seemed a bit judgmental when Jacob sometimes missed a few church services.

A stocky middle-aged man in a white shirt and black pants strode toward them, welcoming them with arms outstretched. His broad smile and neatly trimmed beard put Jacob at ease.

"Hello, Emily and Jacob! I'm George," the man said, embracing them. "As representative of our community, welcome to our holy sanctuary. You are among the selected ones."

Emily grinned, gripping Jacob's hand more tightly. The final step before marrying Jacob in front of God and her family was at hand. She couldn't wait to begin this spiritual journey.

"Thank you for inviting us, Brother George," she said sincerely. "For months we've eagerly anticipated this spiritual retreat to prepare our hearts and minds to unite in God's sacred bond of marriage."

George gave a pleased nod, leading them toward a group of small cabins. The white and pastel buildings looked like a haven, a place devoid of the temptations of modern life.

"Holy Isle is the definition of serenity, an escape from the chaos and temptations of our world," George continued. "A place where we can connect to the wise and ancient teachings of The Father, who for over 60 years has enlightened the world."

Emily smiled and listened awestruck, while Jacob shifted uncomfortably, feeling the shadows on the island's hills creeping into his heart. Though he was uncertain about the locals' motives, he couldn't deny how excited Emily was about their impending marriage. As they reached a spacious canopy area, a group of people stood in a circle, softly singing hymns Jack had never heard before.

"Here we are!" George exclaimed. "Meet your quarters, ladies; the men's dwellings are across the pond!"

Jacob narrowed his eyes. "But won't Emily and I be able to stay together?"

George looked taken aback. "Good heavens, dear sir! At this sanctuary, we can't allow unmarried couples to live together. The danger of giving into our sinful instincts is too great!"

Emily squeezed Jacob's hand, appearing brave and calm. She knew this was a pathway to the chain of matrimony and was willing to follow through. He brushed it off, shaking his head. "I get it. I'll keep control, we'll make this week go by smoothly."

Emily's eyes widened, but she remained silent. Jacob clenched his jaw, feeling annoyed. This wasn't at all what Pastor Wilson had said the retreat would involve. He was about to object, but George spoke up before he could.

"Now, we'll show you two to your individual residences very soon. But first, let me elaborate on some rules and schedules here at Holy Isle, to avoid any misunderstandings."

He cleared his throat and began pacing back and forth, hands clasped behind his back. "Men and women are separated at Holy Isle, both in their living quarters and in their daily activities. The guys will spend their days doing spiritual and manual labor - gardening, gathering food, maintaining the grounds, and similar tasks to stay humble and connected to nature's laws. Physical work is also important for curbing impure thoughts and desires." Jacob got a cautious glance from George.

Jacob glanced at Emily, who avoided his eyes, knowing he was on the lookout for support in challenging the odd rules.

George continued with his speech. "The women, meanwhile, will be dedicated to domestic chores and educational lessons - cooking, textile work, and especially the morning women's education course, which is the crux of our program."

"What is covered in that feminine education?" Jacob couldn't resist interjecting, finding the situation increasingly strange and suspicious.

George shot Jacob a steely glare. "A man does not inquire about these matters, son. Women's teachings are sacred, and the future wives are expected to accept them humbly and obediently. It is not your concern to know any more."

Jacob's anger flared, but Emily placed a hand on his arm to calm him.

"There are more regulations and schedules to discuss. So let's take you two to your cabins first so you can settle in. Then, we'll continue with orientation on Holy Isle's practices, and you can embark on your spiritual journey with a clear mind."

George turned to usher them further into the compound. Jacob leaned in close to Emily's ear and whispered nervously.

"Em, I'm not sure about this place. These seem like very strict and strange rules. Should we just leave?"

Emily subtly shook her head. "Just listen for now and keep an open mind. You promised to try. Besides, this could be a test the Lord has set before us. One we must pass to receive his blessing."

Jacob wanted to object further, but couldn't bring himself to dash Emily's happiness at being nearer to purity.

Their parents had always seen Jacob as a troublemaker for his attempts to pull Emily away from them. He had tolerated years of verbal abuse, trying to prove his worthiness to them.

"When you are all settled in and changed into your new outfits, meet me back here. It's almost time for the Father's nightly sermon."

"Who exactly is this Father?" Jacob couldn't help asking, feeling his frustration rise. He heard Emily gasp, and in a flash, recognized that his tone was more forceful than he had intended.

George frowned at Jacob. "Brother Jacob, you are fortunate to soon witness our beloved Father in all his divine glory. He is a recipient of the Divine's blessings, a true prophet among men, chosen to share revelations with our world. Listen carefully to his words; they are holy scripture. The Father conveys only eternal truths granted to him through prophetic reveries and talks with God himself."

Jacob wanted to rebut, but recalled Emily, rapt with George's words. He released a heavy sigh and headed for his cabin to get acquainted with the place.

His cabin was more like a group dormitory than a traditional cabin. He shared a room with seven other men, yet none were present. Jacob dropped his bag on the top bunk in a distant corner and pulled out his new uniform. The shirt was a light beige color and featured long sleeves, thin and made of cotton. There was an emblem on the right chest: a tree with upward-reaching branches surrounded by a thin circle. Just above the tree was a single word, "Repent."

The rest of the outfit was more standard; a pair of loose-fitting jeans suitable for farmers working in the fields, a wide-brimmed straw hat for sun protection, and earthy brown boots reaching to his calf. Jacob felt foolish but donned the gear ASAP to catch up with Emily.

In his newly assigned cabin, he learned it was more of a bunkhouse than a traditional dwelling. He shared a room with seven other guys, although none were present. He placed his bag on the top bunk in the far corner and pulled out his new uniform. The top was a light brown shirt with long sleeves, thin and made of cotton. There was a symbol on the right chest: a tree with outstretched branches enclosed by a circle. Above the tree was the word, "Repent."

The rest of the outfit was fairly ordinary; a pair of comfortable, loose-fitting jeans appropriate for farmers working in the fields, a wide-brimmed straw hat for shade from the sun, and earthy brown boots rising to his calf. Jacob felt awkward but hastened to put on the clothes to rejoin Emily.

As Jacob strolled toward the pavilion, he was halted in his tracks by Emily. Her attire stood out in stark contrast to his. She wore a tight white dress that showcased her curves beautifully. The sleeves stopped just below her shoulders and the neckline was a deep V cut, revealing more than a modest amount of cleavage as he couldn't help but notice she wasn't wearing a bra. She also had a small lace choker around her neck. It took him a moment to recognize her, but when he did, he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"You look like an idiot." Emily teased, playfully twirling the brim of his hat.

"Emily, we need to talk." Jacob felt a renewed sense of urgency to leave this island and return to their regular lives.

"Oh, this place is awesome! I have a roommate, and my own tv. They said it was on a loop, but it feels more like a hotel."

Jacob remained stunned, unable to vocalize his concerns as Brother George returned and urged them to the back of the pavilion.

Once settled, Jacob's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. In the center of the elevated wooden structure sat a hefty old man clothed in a frayed blue tunic that struggled to contain his girth. Skinny gray chest hair peeked out from the open V of the collar and his shaggy, unkempt beard cascaded down his chest.

"That's...that's The Father." George whispered in a hushed tone, motioning toward the repulsive-looking man who took center stage. "Our revered leader whom we owe eternal devotion and obedience."

Jacob exchanged a worried glance with Emily, but she seemed mesmerized, her eyes glowing with awe and adoration for this supposed sacred figure who must have been at least 70 years old. Despite his unusual appearance, The Father carried himself with a peculiar grace, his slippered feet whispering softly over the worn path.

Emily appeared entranced, her breath held as Jacob leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Don't look now, but The Father could use a decent trim."

Before Emily could reply, George snapped his head around, eyes flashing angrily. "Brother Jacob!" he barked, "Watch your blasphemous tongue. The Father's physical form is a sacred container. Treat it with the utmost respect and devotion."

Jacob flinched, chastised. Emily squeezed his hand firmly, shaking her head at his audacity.

"My dear ones, my cherished flock," The Father's booming voice resonated through the pavilion. "The time of the end draws near. The foretold tempests and earthquakes have already begun to rock the pillars of the world. The society you once knew, driven by hedonistic and consumer motives, is crumbling. The false idols of money, power, and material possessions now perish to unveil the fact: man's salvation lies in complete subordination and allegiance to me, the First and the Last!"

A harmonious chorus of amens and hallelujahs rang out from the attending followers. Jacob felt his stomach churn at the sheer audacity and apparent brainwashing. This wasn't a serene religious retreat - this was the frenzied ramblings of a mentally disturbed cult leader.

The Father carried on, his voice rising to a passionate crescendo. "Our path toward atonement lies in discarding our sinful desires through complete submission to me and my teachings. Only in doing so can we attain transcendence and eternal bliss with me as our guide!"

Jacob watched in shock as The Father raised his fat arms, and a group of scantily-clad women rushed the stage, fawning over him, discreetly referring to him as a divine being. They kissed his unkempt face, lips, and hands as he shamelessly touched their bodies, completely disregarding the fact their actions were visible to everyone present.

"Those are The Father's most devout followers." George informally explained, noticing Jacob's discomfort. "These women are to be the most blessed to receive his affection and favor. It is the pinnacle of honor."

"Adultery?" Jacob gasped in disbelief, disgusted by the blatant infidelity. This had transformed from bizarre behavior to unsettling debauchery before his eyes.

George shot him a harsh stare. "Do not insult that which you do not understand, boy. Any desires or requests for The Father are to be greeted with enthusiasm. They lead to higher rewards. These women know this and have transcended their worldly sins."

Jacob now turned to Emily, his heart sinking as he saw her entranced by The Father's deception. The cult's insidious grasp had already snaked into her mind, and his words reinforced the growing hold over Emily. Her desire for her family's approval made her susceptible to this manipulation - the more stringent the demands for submission, the greater her readiness to yield.

Isn't it amazing? she whispered dreamily. We're getting a chance to walk the right path of goodness, to obtain The Father's divine gifts. If we can only give in completely to his wisdom, our marriage will be blessed beyond our wildest fantasies!

At last, she glanced at Jacob, her eyes burning with intensity that left him feeling frozen. "I need to do this, Jacob. We need to prove ourselves, no matter what customs or sacrifices are demanded. promised me."

Jacob felt sick, like he'd stumbled into a living nightmare, dropped into the hands of this twisted cult by their beloved pastor. He wished to snatch Emily away and shake her out of this insanity before it consumed her mind and soul.

However, the look in her eyes said it all - she was already under the influence of The Father's dark glow. As much as Jacob strained to understand the wonders Emily visualized, her eyes saw just a shining, glorious path to righteousness and divine rewards for their relationship.

For her sake, Jacob comprehended he had no other choice but to comply, to offer himself to the insane practices this peculiar circle of hell wanted. Because without Emily, his life had no meaning. And that understanding was stronger than any visions spewed by the demented cult leader.

Before Jacob could articulate his objections, George turned to face them, his expression harsh. "Brother Jacob, Sister Emily, now's the time for the purification ritual to remove earthly impurities."

George's stare locked onto Jacob. "The journey to absolution starts by letting go of sin. You need to expose all of yourselves, minds purified in unwavering obedience, and learn to simply say yes."

Emily grabbed Jacob's hand tightly. "We'll give in to everything that's required. Our love will withstand these trials."

"Well said, Sister," George replied with a solemn nod. "The baptismal cleansing awaits by the sacred waters. There, you'll confess each sinful wrongdoing, big or small. Speaking these wrongdoings aloud will begin to remove your spiritual burdens and grant you penance."

Jacob's heart raced as George described the awful ceremony. "Once your sins are acknowledged, you'll be submerged in the waters, reborn and troubled."

Benevolent men in dark robes advanced towards Jacob. He felt his chest restrain with dread. This was actually occurring - they were being used as pawns along a road of escalating debauchery in the name of "just say yes."

He glanced at Emily and realized with dismay that he might already be losing her to the cult's poisonous effect.

Jacob's final thoughts as the robed men grasped his arms were of escape - getting Emily away before it was too late, even if it meant losing her in the process. Because he could no longer tell which was more perilous - remaining in this unholy place or trying to flee it.

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