Ma'am and Bear Ch. 05

Upstairs tour, followed by more and again.

Jul 8, 2024
7 min read
couplingromanceorgasmMa'am and Bear Ch. 05
Ma'am and Bear Ch. 05
Ma'am and Bear Ch. 05

Ma'am and Bear Ch. 05

Chapter 5

At the top of the stairs, they entered a large bed room. It was slightly on the masculine side and had a piece of art on the wall that was one of Bear's favorite prints. The only thing though, he was pretty sure it was not a print. Pulling his eyes away he looked around, noticing the bed in a nice series of blue tones and artfully arranged. He felt obligated to comment,

"Nice room slightly masculine but it definitely works for me," and then it clicked. Without pausing, Bear moved over to the walk-in wardrobe and saw racks of male clothing, all very expensive and stylish. Adjacent was a bathroom laid out with exquisite shaving gear, and again pictures that instantly resonated with him.

Turning to her, he put everything on pause, his head had a slight tilt, he looked at her raising his eyebrows in a silent question. Then unable to contain his insight he added,

"This is not your room is it?" Ma'am just smiled and slowly shook her head.

"I bet this goes over big whenever you bring people home for a sleep over."

Again an enigmatic smile and a slowly shaking her head Ma'am answered,

"Men do not come up my stairs, all workers are female. I am truly fussy as to who gets into my personal space."

He could not contain his response,

"But the clothes. The wardrobe. All of it?"

Again just the hugest smile was spreading across her face as she nodded,

"So, am I to be like the hired help, tucked up down the hall, in my self contained unit?"

"Oh no Bear you are firmly in my bed and never think of anything else. But if you need a little of your own space, see the door way across the room?" He nodded.

"That's my room, always has been, always will be."

"Im confused."

"No, you are not confused Bear. You have never been looked after properly."

With this she came up to him gave him a quick peek on the lips and said,

"Come this way and lets open the kimono fully and give you a real good look."

Before he moved to follow her, he turned again to the print that has meant so much to him over the years. He stood before it, raising a hand and lightly touching the canvas.

"As I thought that is the original"

Again that wide smile, a slight shrug, followed by a huge smile.

"Yes. I knew you loved that print. You mentioned it as one of your most treasured possessions and who am I to deny some one I care for as much as you."

"But" he stammered "My exclusive reproduction cost me fifty thousand."

"Well" she answered "That should telegraph just how far I am prepared to go showing you my love."

"But we have just met. We..." Bear fell silent and continued to look at Ma'am with growing angst. Finally her tone changed and the smile faded and an edge appeared in her voice,

"I met you firstly ten years ago and more recently two years ago when you appeared to be somewhat happily enmeshed with whatever her name was."

"Beverley," he quickly interjected.

"Yes, whatever. We have been an irrevocable couple in my mind since our first meeting. You sadly kept looking for love, in all the wrong places. As to cost, you know what I charge and buying these trifles for you, just made my waiting in the back ground less unbearable. Understand, this is me, caring for you, for my own pleasure. I don't need you Bear, but I certainly want you above anything else in my life. As for you, I will only feel content when you need me, like you would, your next breath, when drowning."

Well, Bear thought, I've heard declarations of love before, but nothing that just stops my heart as this does. There was a pregnant pause, and finally, Bear felt obligated to break the silence.

"You take my breath away. I know the truth when I hear it, and all I can say is thank you or yes please. I'm not sure which, nor in what order."

"Good recovery Bear." Ma'am replied, "It would have been a compete waste, you sleeping in your own bed on our first night together. All, because you could not recognize, right here, is a little girl standing in front of a little boy, asking him to love her back"

Bear just nodded. Shit, oh dear, I know what my heart says and I pushed all in when I crossed the threshold. Silly to think she is anything but totally serious. So it was his turn to respond and looking fully into her eyes he said,

"Yes, I will, I do, and I am."

"Good Bear, this is the dog house. Please be with me next door. I am not going to like sending you here, but trust me, if you do me wrong, this is exactly where you will end up sleeping."

Funny how he melted inside and looked at the ground. In response, she moved across the room, once again took his hand, and lead him towards the door to her room. As he followed he could not repress a quip,

"Does Ma'am wish to continue the tour then?"

"Oh yes, Ma'am especially wishes, and for the record Bear. I love your choice of name for me, so Ma'am, it is, henceforth."

"Why, yes it will be Ma'am," was Bear's reply, as he once again marveled at her bum. Thinking, oh, it was just the loveliest of round, when suddenly his revelry was shattered by,

"Are you checking out my bum again, Bear?"

"Guilty as charged Ma'am."

"Good, I am happy knowing, I make your tongue hang out. Keep up the good work. I like to think that shortly you might just be getting up close and personal, with what you are staring at right this second."

Slowly nodding he accepted, "Oh dear, am I that easy to read"

"Still guilty as charged Ma'am," seemed a fair response.

She was smiling as she continued to walk away leading with him behind her. Oh, he made her feel so good and again deepening desire arose within her. Missteps, early on in a relationship, were hard to heal. Bear, not running screaming from the room, when she showed the depth of her commitment, was beyond comforting.

He is who I think he is, she internalised as she walked. There is no getting away from it, and damn I want him again right now. May be after a little sleep. Sorry the shower is waiting till then.

Through the door she took him and like a kid in a candy shop. Bear took in all the sighted sounds and scents of her bedroom.

"How lovely." escaped his mouth.

"I think so too," was her reply and then follow by,

"Oh yes, Bear, try out the bed for comfort. Tell me what you think."

With that Bear immediately climbs onto the bed and lays back putting his hands behind his head. Looking up and genuinely smiling as he nods his head.

"I could get used to this," he said, as he watched her eyes darken and her focus become all consuming.

"Time to lose your briefs Bear. It's show and tell time," and without shifting her gaze from his eyes she slowly drops the teddy's straps off her shoulders and let it slide down over her hips.

While Bear's briefs disappeared Ma'am stepped out of her teddy, and smiled as there before her, was the coming attraction.

"Oh yes Bear," she said, "All by itself, how truly splendid."

Bears eyes softened as she held them and when it seemed like he was about to move, she intercepted him.

"Don't you dare move a muscle," and that said, moved onto the bed, placing one knee beside his hip, and expertly threw the other leg up and over to fully straddle him. From there she lowered herself upon the coming attraction, leaving him buried deep within her.

"Oh my," she quipped, "that, just takes my breath away," as she wriggled around on top of him. From here Ma'am continued to talk, as if reviewing a new car durung purchase.

"Oh yes, this feels just right on the Goldilocks' scale. Not too big, not too small. Oh my yes, the ride quality is more luxury than sporty, but I'm sure there are options and performance buttons, I can look for Bear."

Well now, she could see Bear was perplexed at this moment, and oh the pleasure she was deriving from him, struggling to catch up. It was delicious.

"I'm sorry Bear, have you got some thing to add to my evaluation so far? Is there some point you feel I am over looking that you should point out at this very second?"

With this said, she ground down upon him working herself to a point of climax incredibly quickly, her head back shouting,

"Oh my God. Yes yes yes!" she cries out shuddering then falling upon his chest panting as the feelings roll over her. Finally she recovers and looks up, then giggles and sits up straight still feeling him fully within her.

"Oh Bear, aren't you the gentleman. Ladies do come first in your world. Well am I not I the spoilt one?" And with that she starts to move him in circles within her.

He drops his eyes but she pounces upon him.

"Look at me Bear! No where else! No one else! This is my space now and I alone command it."

She has him fully in her grasp and is holding him within her body so tightly. His eyes start to sparkle. Oh yes, she says within, and then softly calls to him.

"Come to me Bear. Show me your love. Bring yourself within me. Let me catch you, as you tumble over the edge."

Suddenly Bear is silent no longer,

"Oh please, yes please, I'm yours," and with that he releases himself within her. Finally, he settles back and lays there gasping. He gives a deep sigh and looking up at her asks,

"More?" and so a tradition is born as she replies,

"Soon," and they stare at each other smiling. Slowly she relaxes down upon him and cuddles into his chest. He kisses the top of her head and enjoys the small noises she makes as she settles on his chest and soon it is obvious, she has drifted off to sleep.

Bear is left looking at the ceiling, reflecting upon where he is right now. He knows he has been to a lot of places, but this is the first time he can honestly say he feels at home in another's bed.

Bear watches gravity exert its influence as Ma'am slides off his chest. One arm is left draped across, him then a contented sigh, as she gets comfortable once again. Her breathing deepens and it was obvious she was gone for the night.

With this understanding, Bear quietly lets himself drift, and sleep quickly takes him.

"This room seems to cater more towards male preferences, considering the expensive and stylish clothing in the wardrobe and the exquisite shaving gear in the bathroom. It's a surprise, given that you mentioned male guests rarely visit here."

"The original art piece on the wall, which has meant so much to you, is indeed a treasure. I'm glad you appreciated my gesture by acquiring it for you."

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