Erotic Couplings

Marie and Charles to Unite in Holy Matrimony

A disappointing beginning. A chaotic conclusion.

May 27, 2024
31 min read
watchedcreampiesfrustrationrough sexMarie and Charlespassionbareback sex
Marie and Charles
Marie and Charles

Marie and Charles to Unite in Holy Matrimony

This Monday wasn't any great shakes, let me tell you. Apparently, the company I've been working for is going through a busy patch and one of my most reliable assistants, Anne, wasn't there to help me out. Seems she met with an accident over the weekend and now she's in the hospital. I felt terrible for her, but I've got a problem of my own. Her duty was crucial to my daily routine.

Immediately, I glanced at my calendar to see what my schedule was like. Luckily for me, there was only one meeting scheduled for the afternoon. Once that was taken care of, I gave the hospital a call to inquire about Anne's condition. I learned that she'd undergone surgery due to her injuries and is on the road to recovery. However, that process could take as long as a month.

Not wanting to be without my trusty sidekick, I reached out to the HR department at the head office. "Hi. This is Marie from the northern division. I've got a little problem up here that you could help me with."

"Sure, what's the issue?" came the reply.

"One of my PAs, Anne, is expecting to be in the hospital for at least a month due to injuries from an accident. Is there a chance you'd have someone available to fill in for her? I don't have anyone currently who could take on her duties."

"I'll look into it and get back to you," they assured me. "As soon as possible."

"That would be appreciated," I responded.

The day plodded along and, finally, I received an email from the head office confirming that Anne's temporary replacement was arriving on Wednesday. Not my first choice but, at this point, I didn't have much of a say in the matter.

After work, with the sun still in the sky, I stopped by the hospital to visit Anne. I found her in rough shape, her injury having taken a toll on her. I promised her that her job would still be waiting for her when she came back.

"I've managed to get a temp to cover for you," I told her.

"Thank you," she replied, "and I appreciate that."

Leaving the hospital, I made my way home to my little riverside cottage. I'm the head honcho at the office, managing eighty full-time employees and up to twenty additional temporary workers.

On a normal day, I'd be up early, showered, and ready for work by eight thirty. After breakfast, I'd make the drive to the office. But on Wednesday, I couldn't stop trembling around the idea of meeting my new temporary PA.

For the rest of the day, my mind was preoccupied with imagining who my new assistant would be. At the end of it, I prepared a meal, took it outside, and enjoyed the setting sun as I dined in my garden.

On Thursday morning, bright and early, I showed up at the office to find a tall blonde young man waiting at my door. He was absolutely beautiful. Oh, how my body warmed! He was much too young for me, but it was hard to deny the attraction.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my eyes trying to contain the heat wavering behind them.

"I'm Charles," he answered. "I've been sent to be your new temporary PA."

I nearly choked on my drool. Why the hell was my body reacting to this kid? He's barely out of school! "Okay. Charles. Take a seat." I said, pointing to a chair by my desk.

Once he sat, I said, "I need to know more about you. HR didn't give me any background on you. What qualifications and experience do you have?"

"I graduated from university last year with honors in business management. Six months ago, I joined this company as part of their fast-track management training program."

Some academic qualifications, and management seems to think he's a keeper. Meeting him was stirring up emotions I didn't anticipate.

"That's quite the impressive track record," I said. "Why'd you head up here? Was your assignment voluntary or mandatory?"

"It was a mix of factors. The position was offered to me and I decided to take it," he smiled.

"That's wonderful to hear that the higher-ups think I'm worth learning from," I replied. "You're here as a PA, not a student. If you're unsure about something, just ask."

I practically pushed him out of my office, all while trying to suppress my own lurking desires. Not just because he's young and attractive, but because his voice sounded like honey cobwebs coating my eardrums.

Holy smokes! What was I doing? I didn't even think about it. My body just responded to his presence. There was a longing inside me that craved to be fulfilled by him. It wasn't even 15 minutes after I laid eyes on him, and I was already on fire.

I couldn't let myself give in to my desires though, even if he showed any interest in an older woman like me. My job is everything to me, and the great salary that came with it. The fear of losing my job due to inappropriate relationships was a real possibility.

It was a tough decision. If I sent him back now, it could lead to questions that might be hard to answer. At the same time, his career could also be in jeopardy simply because of my feelings.

"Right, Marie," he said. "Where should I begin?"

With his voice, he sent chills down my spine. I tried my best to hide my reaction to his remark. I instructed, "Your desk is right outside my office door. Please acquaint yourself with the system on the computer and then let me know about the meetings we have for the day."

"I'm on it, Marie." He replied, and there it was again - the chills stealing over me. I looked at him, and he seemed to know what was happening to me. Was he truly interested or was he just teasing me? Either way, I needed to maintain a professional distance.

We got through the first week without any significant incidents. He was proficient at the job and made my day well-organized. Managing my strong urges for him was difficult, but aside from that, it was a stress-free week.

I spent the weekend at my cottage, detaching myself from reality and enjoying some relaxation. On Saturday night, while watching dull television, my mind drifted to Charles. Goodness, he was so attractive. If he were here with me, I'd have given myself to him in a heartbeat. Just picturing that idea got me so worked up that I soaked my panties and had to take them off. And now, I was spending a pleasant half hour alone with my fingers playing with myself, dreaming about Charles touching me.

Charles started flirting, and while I appreciated it, I had to keep the relationship professional. The battle between my professional needs and desires grew harder.

Weeks passed, but my feelings continued to intensify. I spent each day fighting my lustful urges. To maintain my concentration, I had to keep extra underwear in my purse in case I had a "wardrobe malfunction."

One day, Anne was finally recovering, and I was hopeful that this ordeal would soon end.

What's interesting was that when we were with others, he'd call me "Marie" in a normal tone. But when we were alone, he used a voice that had me yearning for him. He had me in his grasp, and I couldn't quite figure out how to break free.

It was Wednesday when he came into my office to discuss the coming day's events. He stood next to me as I reviewed the plan, putting his hand on my shoulder. Leaning in toward me, he whispered, "Marie, will you have dinner with me tonight? I'm so tired of eating alone."

I knew better and spoke firmly, "I'm sorry, Charles. You know the company's rules on relationships between managers and underlings. We could both lose our jobs."

His hand travelled from my shoulder to my chest, and as it reached my breast, he said, "You know you want to, Marie."

Fuming, I pushed his hand away forcefully. "It doesn't matter whether I want to or not. We're not going to do it. That's final. Keep your distance from me."

He backed off, and I saw the look on his face. I think it was because he hadn't been expecting that rejection.

Tension filled the office for about a week. Our professional duties worked well, but it was difficult to keep a professional distance from him.

Then, one morning, we were in the elevator together. He pulled me towards him and claimed my lips in a fiery kiss. Our tongues danced together, and I was weakening at the knees. A desperate need burned in my groin. I realized what we were doing and quickly pushed him away.

"What the heck was that?" I said angrily. He was using me, and he knew it. "You know how wrong that was. It won't happen again."

He remained as distant as possible from that point on, clearly not happy about my rejection.


So, what's all this about? A secret flirtation at the office that could cause both parties to lose their jobs? Boy, life can be complicated...

Here's a snippet:I was constantly wet, and I had to start carrying extra underwear with me in case I needed to swap them out throughout the day.

I heard Anne was recovering well and planning to return to work soon, which meant that Charles would soon no longer be working with me. I was grateful since it meant I would no longer be tempted by him.

On a Wednesday, Anne returned to her job, giving her and Charles two days to transition before he left for his head office.

On a Thursday, Charles found me alone.

"Starting from 5:30 tomorrow, I won't be working with you anymore. I can finally socialize with you. I'd like to treat you to dinner to express my gratitude for everything I've learned from you."

I remained hesitant.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? We share a mutual fondness."

"What makes you think it's more than a professional relationship?"

"The kiss in the elevator showed it all. You had feelings for me from the moment we met, and the kiss proved it."

Although I couldn't refute his words, I was still careful about my response.

"I'll think it over. I'm not committing yet."

"Well, you're not rejecting it."

That night, I ate my meal and watched TV, but my mind was anxious and uncertain. The reality was setting in. If I went out with him, the relationship could progress. Fantasies are enjoyable, but actual experiences can be entirely different. The scenario where I ended up in his embrace did cross my mind. Could I be happy with the reality that followed the fantasy?

I was still unsure about what to do. My dreams took over, and I had a beautiful orgasm with my fingers. Should I let the fantasy become reality or keep it at that? The kiss in the elevator told me it would be OK, but there was something holding me back. I fell asleep amidst my confusion.

The next day at work, Friday, I was still undecided when Charles asked me.

"Have you made up your mind about dinner yet?"

I hesitated before answering. Some time passed before I gave my answer.

"Yes, I'd like to go out to dinner with you."

Charles beamed with happiness.

"That's great."

"What time, and where are we going? I need to know what to wear."

"I thought 7:30 at The George would be suitable."

"I'm good with that."

There was no further discussion about it until we were about to leave.

"See you later." He said.

"You will."

At home, I realized I'd need to have dinner earlier since 7:30 is much later than I typically finish my meals. I had a quick snack before getting in the shower.

Standing in front of my mirror, I examined myself. I'm not in bad shape. My light brown hair has some grey strands and lines forming around my eyes. My boobs don't hang as they used to, and my thighs are slightly thicker.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind. I'm confident he will make a move tonight. But what if he doesn't like my body? I would consider that the greatest embarrassment. Although I wouldn't be bothered, I feared his reaction. I expected I'd end up naked, and that worried me.

I deliberated on what to wear. I didn't want to look like a slutty woman but also didn't want to appear uninteresting. A pale blue bra and panty set with matching suspender belt were the choices. I wore black stockings paired with my little black dress. I love this dress. It's knee-length and form-fitting. It has a high neckline and short sleeves.

As the cab arrived, I wore my three-inch heels and grabbed my black clutch bag.

Upon arrival, The George, Charles approached me in the lobby.

"Wow." He exclaimed when he hugged me. "You look so good you're practically edible."

I felt heat spread across my back as his hand lingered. Somewhere else below, I felt a stirring befitting his comment. Phew.

"Thank you," I replied. "I'm not on the menu yet, if at all."

He seemed a bit downcast but still chuckled.

"We have some time for a drink before dinner. Our table is booked for eight."

He led me toward the bar with his hand on my back. My back warmed up as he held it, and the area below responded as well.

We chatted at the bar and discovered he was a fascinating individual. His experiences from his gap year travels had me laughing. As I pondered his stories, I felt increasingly at ease with him.

The food was exquisite. Although I can't recall what he ate, I vividly remember savoring each bite of French onion soup, crispy croutons, beef Wellington, Eton mess, followed by coffee and brandy. It was decadently delicious and I savored every last morsel. We finished a bottle of wine between us, and I'm pretty sure he made sure I got most of it. I was thoroughly content after that.

We ventured back to the bar for more beverages. I only ordered lemonade since I'd had enough already. After our stomachs settled, he took my hand and we left The George. I'd decided then and there to simply go with the flow for the evening and follow his lead.

We strolled down the street to a noisy pub with loud music that almost rattled the windows, and went inside. The bar area was bustling and packed. He led me through to the back area, which boasted a large dance floor and a band playing with fierce intensity.

He embraced me and we danced. It was difficult for me to keep up with him. I was getting a bit tired and was just about to request a seat, when a slow melody began. We swayed together and unexpectedly, he steered me to a darker area.

He kissed me as he had in the lift, and my response was the same. My insides felt like mush as our tongues tangled. His hands wandered over my back and bottom. I didn't stop him. My arms were around his neck, aiding me in balancing as my knees began to wobble. I was experiencing a burning heat and that familiar desire arose in me. My vagina was already moistening.

His hands navigated down my thighs. I shuddered, wondering if he was seriously going to lift my dress in here. If he did, would I resist? The idea of being finger-f***ed on a dance floor was extremely arousing, and it almost brought me to orgasm just thinking about it. His hands, thankfully, did not venture higher than my thighs. He felt the clasps on my stockings.

"Stockings and suspenders. Mmm, very sexy." He whispered.

I just smiled and kissed him.

We completed a few more dances, some fast ones, some slow ones. The fast songs were enjoyable but the slow ones were better, as we would deeply kiss and roam with our hands. I could feel his erection pressing against me when he held me tight.

The band announced their final song, and we danced to that as well and exited as they began to pack up. When we got outside, I observed the time. It was well past midnight. I hadn't noticed the time passing due to the immenseness of my enjoyment.

A queue of taxis lined the street, and we hopped into the first one. I wasn't overly cautious getting in, resulting in showing off a bit of stocking top. He chuckled when he saw it. He instructed the driver with the hotel where he was lodging, and we left.

As we entered his room, I became anxious. Would the reality match my fantasies? Would he harbor any unfavorable opinions about my body? He sensed my silence.

"Are you alright, Marie?" He inquired.

"I'm good, just winding down a tad. It's been an intense night and I've relished each moment of it," I responded.

"That's fantastic. I've cherished it as well," he said, then took my hand and kissed it.

It was a short drive to the hotel, and we swayed at the door, seconds before entering. As soon as we passed through, we wrapped our arms around one another and passionately kissed. My body was ablaze with aching desire. I longed for him to fill the empty space inside me.

His fingers cared for the zipper on my frock, while he kissed my neck and explored my chest, reaching as far as my dress allowed. We separated, allowing me to remove my arms from the dress, which slid down to my ankles.

His lips sent tempting kisses across my neck, and continued down to my chest. He tasted and licked my nipples as his hands touched my bottom. I practically collapsed from the extreme pleasure engulfing me.

His fingers discovered the fastening on my pale blue bra and released it. We pulled apart to enable it to fall to the floor. He switched gears, kissing and licking my nipples while his hands admired my bottom. I wanted him, and I craved the aching emptiness within me to be satisfied by him.

He unzipped my dress, caressing and squeezing my bottom. I felt his fingers tracing my thighs through the flimsy fabric of my underwear. I grew even more excited and damp. [My hands are a bit shaky; please excuse any typos]

He attempted to guide me towards the bed, but my dress snagged on my leg, causing me to trip. He caught me and we laughed. One shoe fell to the floor, and I removed the other one.

As we proceeded, I began to undo his shirt buttons. He guided me onto the bed and finished the task. His shirt landed on the ground, and his muscular build was exposed. He removed his pants, leaving him in his underwear.

His gaze revealed a strong yearning as he moved toward me. He leaned over me to kiss me passionately, with his tongue caressing mine. Then, he kissed me on the other side, mindful of my tender nipples. While one hand played with one breast, his mouth moved to the other, causing me to moan loudly. I grasped the back of his head, arching my back as pleasure overtook me.

I felt disappointed when he stopped, but he continued to kiss me, moving from my mouth to my stomach, and descended toward my waistband. He hooked his hands on my panties and pulled them down as I lifted my hips. They slid down my legs, their soft fabric brushed up against my skin.

I lay there, legs apart, my private parts exposed for him to see. He leaned between my thighs and behold, knew he was going to pleasure me. His mouth was magical, and I bucked my hips against his face as he licked me. He took my clitoris into his mouth and sucked, eliciting loud moans. My hand was behind his head, gripping him as he sucked.

When he had my clitoris in his mouth, I screamed in delight as I felt an orgasm. My thighs squeezed his head shut. I looked at him, breathing heavily, his firm erection evident in his briefs. I couldn't contain my excitement, this was unknown to me before.

He pushed his briefs down, revealing a large erected penis. I pondered over whether I could handle him or not. He positioned himself between my legs, aiming for my tender spot and slowly pushed. I surrendered to his advances, feeling my body accepting every inch of his. I sufficed, feeling whole and at peace.

His thrusts were rhythmic, and I lost myself in the pleasure. We weren't two bodies but one soul. We soared and experimented, entirely entwined in love. I was immersed in an ethereal world.

As he stroked inside me, he kissed me. This terrible kiss was engulfing, stealing my breath away, captivating me in his irresistible rhythm. Time became irrelevant, only pleasurable emotions mattered.

My body was in a frenzy as I approached climax; I could feel the impending explosion. He stroked me, and I could feel the culmination of bliss approaching. My breathing quickened, and I surrendered to it, detaching from temporal human existence. My body quaked as I achieved peak, depleting my stamina.

"Oh ... yes ... yes ... yes ... yes" I stammered as waves of unending exhilaration swept over me.

He maintained his rhythmic thrusts and eventually surfaced. Exhausted from his efforts, he lay flat on his back, panting. I lay on the side facing him, praising him:

"Charles, you're exceptional. I've never experienced this level of pleasure during sex."

"My immense satisfaction is due to your responsiveness and sensuality, Marie."

"You're so kind." I replied, looking at his still erect penis.

I crawled over him and grasped his erection, oblivious to the previous session. He groaned as I caressed him, but he ceased. Undeterred, I straddled him, feeling fulfilled by his presence within me. I swayed back and forth, occasionally lifting myself up and down. It felt exquisite, but the action was lacking the convulsing force of a climax.

Lowering my expectations, I prepared for his second climax. I did not anticipate that it would come so soon, but we were both absorbed in our heightened connection. As his orgasm was imminent, he let out a guttural groan, and then he stopped.

Departing the bedroom with Charles snoring away, I weaved my way to the bathroom. Forgotten were my toiletries, so I rummaged instead and stumbled upon some mouthwash. With a liberal application, my mouth experienced a refreshing tingle. I turned on the shower and let it run until it warmed up.

A sudden pair of hands gripped my hips and something firm pressed against my derriere. One hand massaged the soap dispensers and sealed it with a generous amounts of bubbles. I shoved myself against the wall and gasped as he pushed me while I thrust my lower body forward.

For the third time in two days, Charles took what he deemed rightfully his. Under a warm torrent of shower water, I welcomed his hardness. The soap made for a slick encounter, lacking any substantial foreplay. He didn't last long and I felt an immediate climax in response, leaving my insides dripping with his fluid.

"Vile beast." I praised, dancing with laughter. "Now, I must meticulously clean myself up."

"It's my fault. You were simply too tempting."

As I turned to face him, I noticed his semi-flaccid state, still a sight to behold. I pushed him.

"Move it. I need to clean myself thoroughly."

He exited, leaving me alone in the bathroom. His path led to the toilet as I heard the signature male voiding sound. My urges rose, the water and the shower providing inspiration for a natural response. With a gush of pee, I let it wash down the drain and left the bathroom, a towel draped about me.

Naked, Charles lay in the bed. I stood on the precipice of temptation. Murmurings of flashing exposure raced through my mind, but I convinced myself not to follow through, lest I put us in jeopardy of being thrown out of the hotel.

Breakfast had graced us with a boiled down option, the typical toast, cereal, and coffee assortment. A young girl arrived to deliver it, untempting as a target for said display.

After brunch, Charles informed me of his checkout schedule.

"I must leave by eleven."

"Are you leaving today?"

"This room was reserved for today's checkout. Whether I leave or not remains a ...variable." He raised an eyebrow.

"Alright." I said. "Meet me in the lobby once you've checked out. I need to take care of a few things and it shouldn't delay me for too long. I'd prefer you're there when I return."

"I can't wait," he commented wryly. "What's your plan?"

"...Shifting focus." I said. "Last night, what happened?"

"We had quite the fun adventure and you, unfortunately, collapsed on me and fell asleep."

A subtle wave of guilt washed over me. "Oh, I'm so sorry. That wasn't a good idea."

"No harm done. Drinks had left you drained and depleted." He muttered.

Once we ate, we donned clothes. One of my stockings met its end with a ladder, and headed to the bin. My suspender belt wouldn't fit in my clutch purse, so I opted to wear it. My bra and panties escaped unscathed, while my now dirty dress garnered a trip to the wash. As I stood, I slipped a lacy bra and panties set donned over my skin, followed by a buttoned long denim dress. Sandals completed the ensemble, raised for ease as I grabbed my large handbag and placed my overnight case in the vehicle's boot.

Arriving back home, I unloaded my case and scribbled a mental list before donning a pink bra and panties set over my clean garments. A buttoned, full-length denim dress tied it all together and sandal-clad feet finished my ensemble. I slung my satchel over my shoulder and set off to the car park.

The hotel welcomed Charles as I meandered over to him. "Now, Charles, options present themselves. You can go home as planned, or you can acquiesce and spend another night with me. The call is yours."

"Challenging options." He pondered. "I think I'll stay till tomorrow."

"The preferred situation," I smiled. "Ask the hotel to store your luggage till later today."

Caught off-guard, a look of surprise flickered across his features. "Will we return to this hotel?"

"Negative. I've booked the next room."

"How did you know my wish? You could've cancelled just as easily."

"I held some faith in my preference," I grinned. "What are our next steps?" he inquired after addressing the hotel staff.

"I'm certain we'll find some preferable activities to engage in," I replied cheekily.

We took a walk around town, intertwining our fingers, and walked on a forest trail, encountering a lovely waterfall. It was a stunning location, so we sat for a while. There were various families around, and we were entertained by the playfulness of the children splashing in the pond under the waterfall.

Continuing on, we stumbled upon a spacious area with grass, which appeared to be a common hangout spot given the presence of a cafe. They offered sandwiches and drinks, so we decided on a light lunch. It was shaping up to be a delightful day.

Following lunch, we headed back to town and saw a poster advertising an open-air concert in the park. It piqued our interest, so we made our way there and found some space on the grass to sit. The performances were top-notch, and we were so engrossed that we didn't even realize how much time had passed. Eventually, the sky started turning dark, and I suggested:

"It seems like it's about to rain heavily soon. Should we rush back to the hotel?"

"Yes, that's a good idea." He agreed and assisted me in standing up.

Although we had withdrawn somewhat early, it had turned out to be a tad late since it rained heavily. It was one of those intense summer showers, where heavy raindrops pummeled the ground and us. In a matter of minutes, we were drenched entirely.

As we approached the car park, I exclaimed:

"I'll fetch my bag. You go ahead and gather your belongings from your hotel, and I'll find you at The Connaught."

He swiftly rushed, and I followed with my bag. We arrived at the hotel nearly simultaneously. Both of us looked quite the sight,with soaked clothing and water dripping everywhere. We checked in, traded in our wet garments for hotel robes, and took the elevator to our room.

Upon entering the room, I observed his semi-erect state and immediately felt an urge.I knelt in front of him and took him into my mouth, savoring the moment. I had discovered my penchant for this act in my younger days, and this type of connection still excited me. Once properly erect, I moved to the bed, assuming a position he couldn't refuse. He accompanied me onto the bed and entered me. It was quick and passionate. Just what I needed. We climaxed simultaneously.

We showered together afterwards, but there was no more intercourse, apart from him cleaning me with his soapy fingers. We cuddled up in our robes and binge-watched television on the bed.

I awoke to a gentle nudge from Charles:

"I'm hungry." He said. "It might be a good time to eat."

I glanced at the clock and saw it was shortly after seven.

"What a great idea. I'm famished as well. How long have I been asleep?"

"Approximately an hour."

"My apologies for that. It wasn't polite to doze off."

"No worries. You should sleep if you're tired."

I pushed myself off the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When I returned, Charles was pulling on his shirt. The sight of the bulge in his briefs was tempting, but I remembered my stomach insisted on food, so I declined.

We indulged in a sumptuous meal, then relocated to the bar for drinks.

"I'd like to express my gratitude for this past time," I said. "You've ignited something in me that was dormant for a long time, and the experience was unforgettable."

"I'm overjoyed that you enjoyed it as much as I did. Honestly, I'm thankful for your company while introducing me to ideas and approaches I hadn't considered before."

"It's been amazing for me too. It's upsetting that this needs to be the end, yet we knew from the outset that there was no future for the two of us together."

"I appreciate your feelings, but I wasn't anticipating that you might feel differently. I'm glad you acknowledge that you've experienced positive repercussions from what transpired this past weekend."

I drained my drink, clinging to his hand, and suggested:

"Bring me to bed, Charles."

He hastily polished his drink, and we proceeded to our room.

After spending some time kissing, licking, biting, and caressing each other, we became one once more. The union was a leisurely and tender one, and I felt extremely content. When we were done, I fell asleep on my side. He lay behind me, with one arm wrapped around me, gently caressing my breast.

At some point during the night, I woke up in a cold sweat and shaking. The nightmare was a memory from my past I thought had been buried. Why did I talk about my post-divorce sexual encounters? Such a stupid thing to do.

My mind was in a state of confusion. If I couldn't bury this memory again, it would continue to haunt me for a long time. How was I supposed to put it away again? I didn't have a clue. However, I eventually had an idea. I didn't know if I could make it work, and even if I did, it might not be effective. I had to attempt it, though. There was nothing else I could do.

I fell back into a restless slumber.

In the morning, we slept in significantly later than we ought to have and only just managed to arrive at the dining room before breakfast service ended. My thoughts were still racing at a mile a minute, and Charles could tell something was bothering me.

"Are you okay, Marie? You seem to be preoccupied. Have I done anything to upset you?" He asked with a concerned expression on his face.

"I apologize, it's something I've been thinking about and trying to figure out. Don't worry, it's not anything you've done to offend me."

His worried expression disappeared.

"Can I help in any way?"

"Perhaps, but I can't discuss it here where other people can hear."

I checked my watch. It was nearly time to check out.

"We're going to have to move quickly." I said. "Checkout is in five minutes."

We hurriedly rushed back to our room and hastily packed our belongings. After checking out, we strolled to our vehicles and stored our belongings.

We confronted each other, and I grabbed his hands.

"This is challenging for me. I'm about to ask something strange of you - to do something without telling you what or why. Do you trust me enough to do so?"

After a moment of consideration, he said, "Yes. I trust you."

Feeling relieved, I responded, "Thank you."

I led him down a well-worn path in the grass to an area behind a concrete building. The grass had worn away here due to use. The area was covered in empty beer cans, some used syringes, cigarette butts, and some used condoms. The air carried the smell of an old toilet.

The ground was so filthy, I didn't want to put my shoulder bag down. I saw a rusty nail protruding from the wall, and I hung my bag on it, praying it wouldn't fall off.

I placed my back against the wall and hugged him closely as we kissed passionately.

"I want you to fuck me here," I said in a shaky voice. "I want you to use me, abuse me. Be aggressive and cruel. Don't worry if I protest; just fuck me. The rougher and more violent, the better. Overpower me."

A moment passed, and I was concerned that he might not follow through with what I asked. Then his eyes narrowed, and he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me up by the roots. I gasped from the pain, as my face was lifted towards his. His lips then covered mine, and he bit into my lip. Even more pain. I wet myself at the thought of being discovered any moment. This only increased the intensity.

His other hand had not been idle. He pulled my top, exposing my breasts, and then roughly removed my bra. The hooks dug into my flesh, making my nipples tingle and stand up. He squeezed my breast and I gave a moan into his mouth. His grip tightened, causing me to shriek. However, fearing we could be found, I suppressed my scream.

His mouth then left mine and went to my chest. He sucked on my nipple, then bit it. My nipple was next, and he bit down on it. He slowly increased the pressure, causing me to believe he was about do bite it off. I thrashed about and tried to pull away from his mouth but there was a wall behind me, so I couldn't escape.

"Stop, it's too much. Stop!" I groaned.

He disregarded me and continued, biting down harder. When he stopped, the relief almost matched the pain. He took my shoulders and pushed me down onto my knees in the filth.

"Suck my cock," he demanded.

I hesitated. However, he clutched my hair and pulled my head back, forcing me to look at him.

"When I ask you to do something, just do it. Don't hesitate." He snarled.

Unleashing the wild beast, I swallowed it whole and savored its immense taste. My head got clamped firmly by his strong hands, driving his erection deep into my mouth with each thrust. I struggled to catch my breath as the roughness gagged and choked me, just like an animal in heat. Drool dripped off my tongue and lips in awe of the titillating sexual experience.

The beast was then pushed against the wall, and my skirt was helplessly removed, exposing my naked bottom in all its grime. I trembled with anticipation as he could have caught me at any moment, but the supposed risk aroused me even more. His tongue snaked through the air, careless of where it went, leaving my other breast in a bid for attention.

His hand travelled between my legs, slipping under the cover of my knickers. He could have felt the saturation with just a single touch.

"Open your legs", he ordered.

I struggled through my garments, eventually freeing one leg of my skirt. I spread my legs and his hand played the role of a lover, rubbing my juicy vagina.

"AHHH!!," I screached as I let go of the builds of pleasure inside me.

He tore away the last of my dignity by pulling over my underwear, exposing my raging arousal. He slid a single finger into me, and I was so wet that he moved with ease. He traipsed inside me, tapping into the hidden spot, the source of extreme pleasure within. I could have climaxed simply from the touching.

His fingers were then yanked from my throbbing vagina and I was instructed to suck them. I obeyed instantly, getting a hint of what had been hidden inside me when I tasted his juices. He cornered me against the wall, obtaining the right angle for entry. I gripped on to his strong shoulders to stay in place, succumbing to the pounding of his fingers, leaning on me to sustain his thrusts.

His fingers shredded their way through me, each strike reaching a powerful intensity with a throbbing peak. The sound of someone climaxing snapped me out of it.

I heard his instructions. "put your finger in."

Complied, I guided him into my aching, wet mouth, gagging at the burden it bore.

The enormous cock penetrated my wetness, and I moaned loudly on the spot. "I want to be fucked like a back alley whore."

He was not having any of it and continued on, finding the right positioning finally. He put me on my back, his cock deep inside me, causing my heart to race as my pussy squelched between his hips. I embraced his legs to remain in place, and he began to thrash, banging my body against the cold concrete wall.

The network of pleasure that I felt at that moment had no boundaries, reaching every corner of my body. He pushed his cock deeper, reaching the pinnacle of his glorious rock-hard cock and unloosing the torrents in me. The width and vigor of each thrust, pounding, slammed me like a wave, and it was the most electrifying experience I had ever felt.

"Uuuuunnnnnifff – FUCK", I wailed.

Two people emerged, undoubtedly fascinated by what they had witnessed. I pedaled wanting to keep my breasts in the shadows and hiding my soaked pussy from their sight.


He continued on, ignoring their taunt. "She's getting fucked hard."

The car park was soon within eyesight, and I became uneasy with the sight of the two strangers observing the intercourse. "Stop... I can't!" I begged. Every thrust was agonizingly painful as the angle was wrong, and the pussy so sensitive.

He pounded me for half an hour before capturing the exit point inside me. The ejaculate was unleashed into my womb, producing small amounts as he pulled himself away. I clung to him like my life depended on it, unable to support myself after the euphoric specatcle.

My skirt was a wet, muddy, and spotty mess, and I struggled to remedy it as people may spot my bare breasts and pussy. Changing into my underwear, I pulled my skirt up with a heavy heart. Back in the car, he took the wheel and I had to steady myself, wishing to stay with him despite the disheveled state I was in – neither my body nor mind appeared composed.

"Scout around", I instructed him.

He walked ahead, revealing he had the situation under control. I logged into the car, trying to hide.

I stepped back into my seat and drew him close to me. Outpouring my deepest appreciation, we shared an electric kiss. My skirt, emblazoned with semen, sodden undergarments, and raw excitement, now held the possibility of being spotted all over the car park. I was desperate to get away, as quick as possible my skirt was yanked down, and my legs tightened around the door.

"Get in", I said as the car passed by.

Driving into the cramped back seat, he kneeled by the passenger seat. He pierced my lips, penetrating me with his tongue. The remnants of our exciting encounter were strewn across the back seat; we didn't care anymore, the high was too addicting. The scent of my juices was still rich in the air, engulfing us with mist that washed over me. The clothing could be disposed of later, but right now, I needed the pleasure, and my back thrashed against the cold car wall.

"Appreciate it," I said. "Now, I assume you'd like some clarification."

"Yeah, please."

"You should know that I'm entrusting this information to you. There are just two people aware of this. You'll be the third. Even though I shouldn't feel ashamed, I do. There was this guy, I won't reveal his name, who was pretty decent. We'd been hanging out a couple of times, and he was quite the gentleman. I got along with him well. Our relationship progressed to the point of heavy petting. He had his hands on me and I had him in my mouth. Things were going great and it seemed like we were compatible. I was almost about to invite him to my place and my bed."

I took a pause, as the next part hurt to both remember and retell.

"We were strolling along the beach on a nice day. When we reached a secluded cove, it was empty. We decided this would be the perfect spot to take our relationship to the next level and engage in sexual intercourse. I was excited about a romantic beach sex experience, so his sudden rough treatment came as a surprise. He pushed me against the rocks and kissed me ferociously. He was quite beastly and ripped open my blouse, loosened my bra, and roughly handled my breasts. When I cried out in pain, he slapped my breasts and told me to shut up. He claimed all women wanted it rough. His hand went up my skirt and pulled down my underwear. He entered me when I was not ready. It felt excruciating. He violently pushed in and out, slamming me against the rocks. Fortunately, it didn't take long before he finished inside me. He didn't use a condom, but thankfully, because of my age, I didn't get pregnant. When he was done, he thanked me and said I was incredible. He wanted to see me again, but I refused. He stormed off angrily and left me there. I managed to tidy myself up and made my way home. When I got home, I found that his rough entry had caused me to bleed, and I sought medical attention."

By the time I finished my story, I was sobbing.

"That was horrid," said Charles, holding my face in his hands, wiping away my tears.

"Did you report the incident to the police?"

"I didn't believe it would make a difference. I'd agreed to have sex with him, so it's not considered rape. I had no proof that I didn't want it rough."

"I'm sorry, Marie. That must have been an excruciating experience that's been with you all this time. But how does this story relate to what happened between us today?"

"Recall when I talked about my sex life following my divorce? There were two who made it to my bed, but there was a third I didn't want to discuss. He was that man. When I mentioned him, it triggered memories of it all. Last night, I had a nightmare about him. I thought I'd buried the memory deep, but evidently not deeply enough. Today, with your assistance, I believe I "ll be able to progress from it."

"I don't follow. How does our rough sex today help you to step away from that horrid experience?"

"When I think of rough sex, I'll now remember what we shared, not what he did to me. You added a layer to that old memory. You were rough with me, and I enjoyed and desired it. The distinction is that I know you are not like him and simply pushed your limits for my satisfaction, and for that, I'm grateful."

"I had no idea about this sort of psychological dynamic. I really hope it works for you, and I'm honored that you trusted me to assist you."

"Charles, you've been amazing, not simply today, but in previous instances. I'll cherish this weekend. I'm in a fair bit of pain. It's not a complaint, I just need to get home and fix myself up, so our goodbyes will be in order."

We kissed, romantically, and he got out of the car. Tears fell down my face as I watched him walk away.

It wasn't a comfortable drive home. My back was throbbing, and my thighs ached from being spread wide for an extended period. There was blood between my legs, which resembled a boxer's match.

Once inside, I immediately filled the bathtub with warm water and added some antiseptic liquid. As the water flowed in, I cautiously started to undress. The back of my top was ruined and bloody. It was hitting the bin. The skirt was filthy, despite my impeccable girlish appearance, so it too went straight into the bin. The back of my bra was also coated in blood, causing it to join the top and skirt. The knickers were a match with the bra, making it pointless to keep them.

Taking a glance at my reflection in the mirror, I observe that my nipples are noticeably swollen and red. Bruises have already started appearing on my breasts and thighs, and it seems likely that there will be some bruising on my buttocks as well. Unfortunately, I can't get a clear view of my back, but it looks like it's covered in scratches and is quite red.

Taking a bath feels awkward as I'm unable to lie flat against the tub. However, I manage to soak my back, which provides some comfort. After washing myself, including my sore and tender vagina, I get out of the tub. Drying my back is excruciating, but I manage. The rest of my body is in relatively decent shape.

I put on a new pair of underwear and a skirt. Trying on a top is uncomfortable due to the pain, so I abandon the idea and opt to go topless for the rest of the day.

I go through a sleepless night, getting up late and phoning work to inform them that I won't be coming in today, but will be reachable by phone if there's any urgent business.

My back heals rapidly, and by Wednesday I'm back at work. Life resumes its normal course. There's no word from or about Charles for more than a year. Then, I'm informed in a company newsletter that he's been promoted to manage the South West division.

I send him a congratulatory email, and he replies, expressing his appreciation for the support and guidance I had provided him. Thinking about him brings back many pleasant memories of that weekend.

My life has been fulfilling. I reconnect with Peter, an old friend. Peter and his wife, June, used to be neighbors with my ex-husband and me before they relocated for his job. We had a strong bond and I missed them when they moved away.

June passed away two years prior, and Peter chose to retire early. He moved to this area for the same reason - the old house held too many memories. I'm delighted to reconnect with him.

We start spending time together, going out for meals, attending theaters or movies. We simply enjoy each other's company. One evening, Peter invites me over for dinner. He's a brilliant cook, and it's a delightful meal.

When he kisses me, I'm taken by surprise. I return the kiss, and before I know it, we're in bed. He turns out to be a fantastic lover, and I truly enjoy the sensation of having him within me. While it's not the intense sex that Charles and I shared, it's functional for us both.

Peter and I have a great time together, but we both agree that there won't be any long-term commitment between us. We end up as friends with benefits.

I owe Charles for showing me that sex can be enjoyable again.

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