MILF Master Ch. 04

Things come to a head between Catherine and Kate.

Jul 3, 2024
30 min read
MILF Master Ch. 04gagmilfffmdaughtercuffmotherspankingheel
MILF Master Ch. 04
MILF Master Ch. 04

MILF Master Ch. 04

I stood up and arched, knuckling the small of my back and gave a soft groan of relief. I was finally fucking done. I reached down and pulled off the knee pads, glancing across at the flooring that I had spent the day installing. "That had better have been one fucking expensive sweater." I mumbled to myself for what seemed like the twentieth time as I gathered up my tools. The kitchen floor was done and I deserved a beer.

I was in the garage having finished putting away my tools and just pulling that long awaited beer from the fridge when Kate's car pulled up.

"Hi Tim." Kate called in a cheerful voice as she skipped up and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I was startled, but hugged her back as best I could without touching her with my dirty hands. She was wearing a tight white tank top and denim skirt, the ragged hem reaching about mid thigh. Her hair was done up in a pair of braided pig tails that fell to her shoulders and she smelled like a vanilla cupcake. She pulled back and looked up at me with twinkling brown eyes, her lips glistening with gloss and I struggled to keep my eyes off of her tits when she took a deep breath.

"What? After what we did last week you can't even hug me?" She chided playfully.

"I didn't want to mess you up." I replied, stepping aside and opening the door to the house. "You look too good for a grubby guy like me to touch."

"Aaaawww, that's so sweet. Maybe I want you to mess me up, ever think of that?" She replied, punching me playfully in the shoulder.

Shit. Shit, shit, fucking shit! I thought to myself as I tried not to look like I was scurrying into the house. She was flirting with me, and she damn well knew that Catherine wasn't here. Of the list of things that could go wrong this was one of the top three. My mind raced over the various ideas I had come up with to handle this situation.

"Uh, your mom isn't home right now. She should be back in a couple of hours if you want to wait." I told her as I maneuvered through the kitchen to place the counter between us.

She followed me into the house, placing her forearms on the counter and leaning over to give me a clear view of her tits that strained against her top. "Alright, any ideas on how what we can do while we wait?"

"Kate, I really think...." I started to say, then froze as I heard another car pull up into the drive. I glanced out the window to see Catherine's Audi, she was home early. Either I had just been saved by the bell, or it was yet another alarm in this five-alarm fire I had going on here. Kate glanced over too and pushed herself upright when she saw her mother's car. I was still trying to figure out how to handle the situation when Catherine walked in the door.

"Tim, what is Kate doing here?" She asked, then froze when she saw her daughter and how she was dressed.

I started to reply but Kate spoke up. "I came over to visit, is that a problem?"

"No, but I would appreciate knowing when you are coming." Catherine replied, setting her purse down and crossing her arms.

"Oh, now do I have to book an appointment to visit my own home? I'll call your first secretary next time." Kate replied in an angry tone, crossing her own arms and raising her chin.

Fuck. Catherine was pretty meek and quiet around men but she could be a total bitch when dealing with women. It looks like Kate inherited that charming aspect of her personality and now they were like two alley cats arching their back and starting to spit. I needed to stop this and fast before someone said something that they couldn't take back.

"Ladies, please. Let's stop and...." I may as well have been a pop-up ad given how much they ignored me.

"Don't take that attitude with me young lady." Catherine announced sternly, lowering her brows and giving Kate a glare that would have frozen me in place. Kate shrugged it off, I guess she had seen it before.

"That 'young lady' crap hasn't worked in years Mom. Stop trying to intimidate me and just say what you mean." Kate replied in a voice so full of insolence I wanted to slap her.

Catherine's jaw dropped, then she took a breath and before she could say something we would all regret I slammed my hand down on the counter with a bang.

"Stop, both of you. Shut your fucking mouths!"

Both women jumped then looked at me as if they had forgotten I was even there. Catherine's mouth was still open but her eyes were wide with surprise. Kate spun around then stepped back, stumbling over a stool.

"This is exactly what I was afraid of. Look at you two, squabbling like fucking teenagers." I snarled.

"Tim, Tim I.." Catherine stammered but froze when I fixed her with a glare.

"Quiet. One more word out of you and we are done. I will pack my shit and leave."

I didn't think her eyes could get any wider but they did and she uttered a small squeak of fear. Her her hands rose to cover her mouth that way women do when they are shocked.

"No, no Tim please. Please this isn't what...." Kate blurted but I slammed my hand down on the counter again, the meaty smack echoing through the kitchen causing both women to jump again.

"Silence!" I bellowed.

Catherine and Kate cowered fearfully. Catherine had seen me like this before, but it was always after she had initiated, and I was sure that on some level she knew I was acting. She knew now that I wasn't acting. Kate had never seen me like this but knew it was her fault and desperately tried to control herself before I got even madder.

I stalked around the counter, grabbing Kate and Catherine by the arms and hurrying them into the living room. Catherine's heels clattered on the newly laid floor and Kate stumbled along in her sandals until we were in the living room. I pushed them down, forcing them to their knees in front of me.

"Stay there, don't fucking move and don't say anything." I snapped and both nodded their heads, lips sealed as they struggled to stop shaking. I went out to the garage and into my workshop where I had been working on a surprise for Catherine. This wasn't how I wanted to reveal it, but it seemed like a suitable tool for what I had decided to do. When I came back in they both looked up at me nervously, then at the armchair I set down on the floor with a thud.

It was a simple wooden chair with a straight back. I had fastened some Velcro cuffs to the arms and legs and there was a hole drilled just forward of the center of the seat. I snapped my fingers, pointing to Catherine then to the chair. Hesitantly she rose then shuffled over and seated herself on the hard seat. She got the idea and positioned her arms and legs so I could fasten her wrists and ankles to the chair, then another thick strap went around her chest just under her tits.

"You trusted me with this. You asked me to help you with Kate and told me that you trusted me to do what was right." I said as I looked down at her. Her brown eyes were glistening with tears and her lip trembled. She nodded, afraid to speak.

"But you didn't, did you. If you did, it wouldn't matter if you had come home to find Kate naked and bent over the table. If you trusted me to honour our agreement, you would have known that I wouldn't do anything without you being here. That was the deal."

Her mouth worked silently but in her eyes I saw the recognition of what I had said.

"Everything we do is based on that trust, the trust that I won't do anything you don't want me to. Well, now I am going to test that. I want to know not only if you still trust me, but if I can trust you. Were you telling the truth, or did you lie to yourself and me about you being good with including Kate in our relationship."

She had a scarf loosely knotted around her neck, I took it off then folded it and wrapped it around her eyes. I picked up the remote and pulled out one of the batteries, pressing it into her hand. I put my mouth next to her ear and growled in barely controlled fury.

"I am going to do exactly what you asked me to do. I am going to bind, beat and fuck that girl and you are going to sit here while I do it. If you want me to stop then just drop that battery and I promise to stop. But that will mean that you lied to me, and yourself. And I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who does that, understand?"

Catherine sobbed and nodded; her hand clenched the battery in a white knuckled grip.

I wasn't done. I tugged Catherine's dress up and bunched it around her waist, she was wearing blue lace underwear, but I resisted the temptation to stroke her crotch. I pulled the vibrating wand out from a bureau drawer and slid the handle through the hole drilled in the seat. The head stuck up just ahead of her pussy, not touching it but within reach if she slid her hips forward. I switched on the vibrator and it buzzed with a powerful hum.

"You won't see what is going on, but you will hear it. You can admit it is Kate here, or pretend it is someone else. Either way, you have the choice of enjoying yourself like you promised you would or denying yourself. It has always been your decision Catherine, I just ask you to be honest with yourself over which one you want to make."

I looked over at Kate who was still kneeling on the floor. Her face was flushed and her firm young tits strained against the tight material of her tank top as she breathed in short fearful gasps. I noticed that her fingernails were painted pink while the grasped at the hem of her skirt to keep her hands from shaking.

I went back to the bureau and opened another drawer, I pulled out a set of leather cuffs and tossed them on the floor at her knees. We had these kits scattered around the house for whenever the urge took us, now I was using them to either save or destroy everything.

"Strip, then put those on."

She hurried to comply, pulling her top over her head then unzipping her skirt and sliding it down her legs. Soon she was standing naked with her hands clasped in front of her, the white leather of the cuffs gleaming against the tanned skin of her young firm body. I hooked my finger and she gingerly walked over to me. I spun her around, roughly grabbing her arms and clipping the cuffs together behind her. I pushed a second battery into her hand.

"I am going to teach you a lesson, a lesson in boundaries and respect. This will be painful but no more than you deserve. If you want it to stop at any time, drop the battery. There isn't any green or yellow bullshit here, just red. Understand that if you drop that, everything stops, everything. If I decide to forgive your mom, then we go back to the way things used to be. What happened before, never happened and will never happen again understood?"

Kate nodded and gripped the battery with the same ferocity that her mother had. I looked over at Catherine, she was turning her head to hear anything she could. When I moved Kate and bent her over the arm of the sofa, she turned her blindfolded eyes as if she was watching us. Her knuckles were white on her grip on the battery and the vibrator hummed along between her legs still untouched.

I traced my finger down Kate's spine, over the cool leather of her cuffs and along the crack of her ass. Her figure wasn't as mature as her mothers, still tight with the easy beauty of youth. Her ass was clean and unblemished, and surprisingly free of tan lines. I went back to the bureau and pulled out three familiar tools, a leather crop, paddle and strap, and set them on the sofa under Kate's eyes.

"These are the tools of discipline, each inflicts a different kind of pain." I said in a calm lecturing voice.

I picked up the crop. "This is a crop, it is small so it's pain is sharp and precise. You can feel each stroke in a different place." I set it down and picked up the paddle. "This is a paddle, it's surface is wider so the pain is more general. It leaves a burning sensation that lingers even after the lesson is finished." I set down the paddle and picked up the strap. "This is a strap, it is thick heavy leather. Its pain goes deep, right to the muscle and bone and can be felt for days if delivered properly."

Kate's eyes were wide and she was shaking, but her hand was clenched tightly and she made no move to pull away when I stroked her hair. I crouched down and turned her head so I could look her in the eye.

"Kate, why am I angry with you?"

She looked at me, then at where her mom sat strapped to the chair. "Because I came here without permission?" she asked in a hesitant voice.

"No Kate, this is your home, more your home than mine and you are always welcome. Kate, why am I angry with you?"

She paused, glancing at Catherine again. "Because I came her to seduce you. I dressed sexy and planned on having sex with you." She said in a shamed voice.

I patted her head but shook mine. "No Kate, that's not the reason. We have already shared something beyond simple sex, it is only understandable that you may want to do it again." I grabbed one of her pig tails and tugged her head up sharply, not enough to hurt her but enough to get her attention.

"Kate, stop lying. Stop lying to me and especially stop lying to yourself. What we showed you was built on trust, trust that you could accept your limits and my trust that you would tell me before I passed them. If I can't trust you to tell the truth, then I can't trust you at all. Kate, why am I angry with you?"

She bit her lip and I saw tears start to well up in her eyes, tears not of fear but of shame. She shook her head in my grip. "Please, please don't make me say it." She whispered.

I stood and stepped back where she could see me and her mother easily. "The choice is yours Kate, it always is. Either tell me the truth, the truth you don't want to admit, or drop the battery. You have the power here."

Kate sobbed. "I came here to, to... I came here to try to steal you from my mom, if only for a little while."

I heard Catherine gasp her own choked sob, but Kate continued. Now that the dam had broken it flowed out of her.

"It's not fair, its not fair. She has you every day, every night, and I have no one." She bawled. "I thought I could wait, could 'share' you with her, but I'm so lonely. I just wanted you for myself, just for a little while. I just wanted to pretend that you were mine as much as you are hers."

I was glad that Catherine couldn't see the anguish on Kate's face but she clearly heard it in her voice. She choked back another sob as she shook in her bonds, the chair creaking under her weight. I walked back over to the sofa and crouched down, lifting Kate's chin and wiping tears off of her cheeks.

"Thank you Kate, thank you for admitting the truth. We can't have anything between us without trust, and I need to trust you as much as you trust me."

She nodded, sniffling. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"I know you are, but you almost ruined everything. You almost drove a wedge between your mother and I that could have split us forever, do you understand that? Are you ready to accept your punishment for what you did?""

She nodded again, struggling to control herself as she bit her lip.

"If you ever want me to stop, drop that battery. I need to trust you." I picked up the crop, making sure she could see it. "This is for what you did to your mother. She loves you, more than you can imagine, and you hurt her very much. It took you three tries to admit that, so I will give you three blows. I want you to count them, understood?"

"Yes sir." She said quietly, then rose up on her toes pushing her ass up in the air. I saw her eyes clench in anticipation, her streaked mascara making them look like black holes in her face.

I struck her with a sharp smack, it was only a half power swing from the wrist but she still yelped in surprise and pain. "One" she gasped.

I hit her again then again, I didn't need to draw it out to teach her the lesson. The unfamiliar pain was enough without the torture of anticipation. When I was done there were three red streaks across her previously flawless ass and she moaned in relief when I set the crop down. She groaned again when I picked up the paddle.

"This is for me. The best time of my life has been with your mother, and you almost destroyed that with your selfishness. The selfishness of a child who will be paddled like one, understood?"

"Yes Sir. I'm sorry sir." She whimpered, the gasped when the paddle hit her ass with a meaty smack.

"One, no four, no." she stammered.

"Five." I said as I swung.

"Five" she screamed, then "Six" when I struck again then she sagged into the sofa her sobbing muffled by the leather cushion.

I looked over at Catherine. Her face was contorted with grief and the scarf was stained with her own tears. In noticed that she was pushed back from the vibrator, taking no pleasure in listening to the disciplining of her daughter but the battery was still clutched tightly in her hand.

I picked up the strap and Kate struggled to lift her head when she heard the thick leather slide across the sofa then smack into my hand. She looked up at me fearfully, her mouth working silently in unspoken pleas.

"This is for you, the hardest punishment for the biggest mistake. You lied to yourself, you tried to remake reality to suit what you wanted it to be instead of what it really was. You betrayed our trust for your own wants, then tried to lie to yourself of the reasons because you were ashamed. If you don't understand your own feelings, your own weaknesses then how can you tell them to others. How can we trust you to know your limits if you don't admit them to yourself?"

I knelt down and stroked a stray her hair out of her face. "I don't want to hurt you Kate, I don't get off on it. Some people do, they revel in the pain and fear that they inflict on their partners. Not me, I want you to enjoy what we do together which is why I need to trust you. If you can't handle this, if you think this is beyond what you can accept then please, please drop the battery."

She looked in my eyes, then over at where her mother sat shaking with anticipation. "I need to learn my lesson. I will accept my punishment, whatever it may be."

I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you Kate, you may have just saved us all."

I moved behind her and swung the strap lightly but firmly, hitting the back of her thighs instead of her already punished ass.

"Seven, eight, nine!" she screamed then collapsed onto the sofa with a gasp of relief when she heard the strap fall to the floor. "Oh god, oh god it hurts." She sobbed.

I gently ran my hand over her tender reddened flesh, she flinched at the touch. "Yes, it hurts and the hurt will linger. But there is a benefit to the punishment, it makes the reward so much better."

She didn't move or respond, she was just laying there over the arm of the sofa. Her body was shaking and her reddened ass jiggled slightly. I gently slid my finger along her ass crack and down between her pussy lips. That got a reaction.

"Oooohhhhh" she moaned softly.

"I told you." I murmured, nudging her legs apart and settling down onto my knees behind her. "The pain gets the nerves stimulated, makes every sensation more intense." I gently pulled her ass cheeks apart and slid my tongue up the length of her pussy.

"Aaaahhhhhhh" she gasped, arching her back and lifting her head off of the cushion. I heard her cuffs jingle as she tugged at them.

"No, no. You stay right there little girl. I'm not done with you yet." I told her then slid the tip of my tongue between her pussy lips and worked it up and down, tasting her fluids as they started to flow.

"Oh fuck, oh my god." She gasped. "Mmmmmmmmm"

I slowly slid one of my fingers into her now lubricated cunt, working the tip back and forth along the inside of her pussy while my tongue continued it's slow rhythmic up and down licking. Her hips squirmed in my face, struggling to push herself back in order to get me deeper inside her.

"Oh god, please, oh please don't stop." She whimpered when I pulled back.

"Then don't get bossy here, remember who is in charge. You just lay there and take your punishment." I murmured into her snatch.

"Punishment?" she gasped, flinching when I slid a second finger in beside the first.

"Oh yes, punishment. The most exquisite punishment of all, denial of pleasure." I proceeded to tease her, probing her body with my fingers and tongue then pulling back whenever she started to show signs of arousal. Soon she was whimpering with frustration and struggling to keep still lest she give me any excuse to stop what I was doing to her.

I looked over the hump of her ass at where Catherine was strapped to her chair. She was still blindfolded but she could hear every moan and whimper that Kate was making. I noticed that she had slid forward and was pushing her crotch against the vibrating head of the massage wand. Her hips rocked and squirmed as she struggled to keep the buzzing knob in place against her snatch and the crotch of her underwear was clearly damp. She was biting her lip and one hand was flexing, her nails scratching against the arm of the chair. The hand holding the battery was still firmly closed but tugged against the thick Velcro strap that held her.

I smiled to myself, then stuck my tongue into Kate's now wet pussy earning another gasp of surprise then an accompanying moan of pure pleasure.

"Oh god, oh fuck, oh my fucking god. Oh you're going to make me cum, you're going to make me cum." She gasped, then squealed a sound of pure frustration when I pulled away.

"Where are you going?" she gasped, struggling to look behind her. "No, no, please don't stop!"

I walked past her, ignoring her pleading as I approached Catherine. She flinched when I stroked her cheek, so lost in her own pleasure that she hadn't heard me. I lifted the blindfold off of her and she squinted in the light, blinking her eyes until she could see properly. Her makeup was smudged from crying but her eyes were wide and partially unfocused with arousal.

"Tim, Tim, please. Please, I'm sorry." She gasped.

"Sssshhhhh" I hushed her, pressing my fingertip against her lips. "It's alright."

I crouched down in front of her, bringing myself to her eye level. "Kate has apologized to me and paid my price for what she did. Now, she is asking me to make her cum. Is that what you want me to do?"

Catherine blinked in confusion for a moment, her mind clawing its way up from the animal pleasures she had been experiencing and trying to make a coherent thought. She looked over at her daughter, sprawled over the arm of the sofa with her hands bound behind her back. Her firm young ass pointed to the ceiling, still red from the spanking and her hair matted to her face with sweat. Kate struggled to raise her head, to see what her mother and I were doing.

"This is your decision, Catherine." I said softly, gesturing at the struggling helpless woman on the sofa. "She wronged you more than she wronged me. Are you ready to forgive her and accept the reality of our situation, or can you not get past your jealousy and the fear of another woman with your man."

Catherine was silent for a moment, then looked up at me. "Yes, yes I forgive her. I was jealous, and selfish. I thought I was doing the right thing for her but I didn't want to share you, so all I did was tempt her then got angry when she succumbed." She looked over at her daughter. "Please Tim, please forgive me and yes, let her feel the pleasure I was hoarding."

I leaned forward and kissed her. She moaned into my mouth, her lips opening and tongue forcing its way into mine. We kissed long and hard, she didn't even react to the taste of her daughter's juices on my lips. I pulled away, looking her in the eyes while nudging the head of the vibrator against her pussy.

"You first Catherine, always. She doesn't get to cum until you do."

"Oooohhhhhhh." She groaned, whether in physical or emotional pleasure I wasn't sure but she thrust her crotch forward firmly onto the wand.

I walked back to where Kate lay, tenderly pulling locks of sweaty hair from her face and cupping her chin. "Kate, your mother has forgiven you and says that you are allowed to cum. What do you want me to do to you?"

"Fuck me!" she moaned. "Please fuck me, please let me cum on your cock."

"As you wish." I replied as I moved around behind her and nudged the tip of my prick against her hot wet pussy. She whimpered and groaned, wiggling her ass to line me up properly then with a long slow thrust I slid in.

"Oooohhhhh FFFuuuccckkkk" she moaned, her head arching up and her shoulder's straining against the cuffs she wore. I felt her pussy tighten around my intruding shaft. I held it there for a moment, then slowly slid back.

"Patience, patience. Your mother first remember."

She nodded her head and buried her face in the cushions, biting the leather in frustration as I slowly slid my cock in and out of her twitching cunt.

I looked over at Catherine and saw her staring at us. Her eyes were half closed in pleasure and her massive chest heaved with the ragged irregular breaths she was taking. The muscles in her arms and legs corded with strain as she fought to put her pussy in just the right position on the vibrator between her legs. "Ooooohhhhhh, mmmmmmmm" she groaned when she found the magic spot.

The room was filled with the sounds of sex and the creaking of furniture. I sawed back and forth in a slow steady manner, a counterpoint to Catherine's almost frantic bucking and squirming. She groaned as her so close orgasm was delayed yet again when she accidentally moved on the slick seat of the wooden chair. It was interesting, I was teasing Kate deliberately and Catherine was teasing herself accidentally. The entire thing was so erotic I found myself struggling to keep my own orgasm at bay while I waited for them.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh" Catherine screamed and the heavy wooden chair creaked in protest as she thrashed in her bonds under the throes of her climax. She bucked and writhed, her long dark hair flying as she struggled to keep her pussy pushed firmly against the vibrator between her legs. Finally she collapsed, sagging in the chair like a spent balloon.

"Alright Kate, you can cum now if you want." I murmured, rubbing my hand gently over her still warm ass.

"Oh god, fuck me. Please fuck me hard. Oh I'm so close." She gasped, shoving her ass back against me.

I increased the tempo of my thrusts to match her movements and soon the heavy sofa was squeaking its way across the hardwood floor. I changed my angle, driving down instead of forward and she howled in response. I guess that is what she was looking for because her entire body stiffened. Her wail was muffled by the couch cushion between her teeth but still clearly a sound of long denied pleasure and her cunt muscles clamped down hard on my cock. Her body shook, spasming like she was being electrocuted and I struggled to keep my position on her wildly bucking frame.

Soon she sagged into the sofa just as her mother had melted into her chair. I reached forward and tugged her head up and she gasped for air. I slowly pulled my cock out of her pussy, a soft moan all she was capable of doing as she felt me slide free from her. I looked over at Catherine who had somewhat recovered and was looking at us with a tired smile on her face.

"Go to your mother." I said quietly, pulling Kate up to her feet. She staggered on unsteady legs, her arms still cuffed behind her and fell to her knees between her mothers spread legs.

"I'm sorry mom, oh god I'm so sorry." She sobbed.

Catherine struggled to lean forward against the chest strap that fastened her to the back of the chair, succeeding only in being able to rub her cheek against the top of Kate's head.

"No baby, no, it was my fault. I thought I was doing the right thing but I had no idea how hard it was for you."

Kate pushed herself to her feet and leaned against her mother, burying her face in Catherine's neck. Catherine nuzzled her cheek against her daughter's, kissing her gently. I walked over and unfastened their cuffs. Their arms wrapped around each other and while I am sure they didn't care, I enjoyed the view of Kate's firm young breasts pressing against Catherine's full mature ones as they embraced. They murmured to each other, saying the same things as they cried on each other's shoulders.

Finally they stopped, Kate pushed herself up from Catherine and wiped her eyes while I unfastened her mothers chest and ankle straps. Catherine pushed herself up from the chair, leaving behind a noticeable stain as she struggled to rearrange her dress into a semblance of order. She put her arm around Kate who didn't seem to care that she was naked and both looked at me.

"Thank you." Catherine said softly and Kate nodded in response.

"I'm just glad that we were able to work this out. I didn't want to be the reason for a mother and daughter to fight." I told them with a sheepish look on my face.

"Mom, Tim hasn't cum yet." Kate pointed out as she reached for my crotch to rub my semi erect cock.

"Oh you poor man." Catherine said in mock alarm. "Whatever can we do about that."

Kate began to step forward but Catherine took her arm and pulled her back. "No Kate, not like this. Tim deserves the very best we can give him." She looked at me almost imperiously. "Give us twenty minutes, then join us in the bedroom if you want."

I nodded dumbly and with an almost girlish giggle, Catherine took Kate by the hand and led her up the stairs to the bedrooms. I headed into the kitchen, stuffing my cock back into my pants. Kate's clothes were still in a pile on the floor and I gathered them up, setting them on the island beside my now warm beer. I went to the garage to grab a cold one then checked my watch. After what seemed like an hour, twenty minutes passed and I set my empty down and strode purposefully up the stairs, making each step loud so they would know I was coming. I opened the door and stood there, just staring dumbly at the sight that waited for me. Catherine and Kate were kneeling on the floor beside each other. They had used that time to clean themselves up and change their outfits, and the work they had achieved left me speechless.

Catherine was wearing her favorite red and black leather corset, her double D cup tits pushed up and together to make a mountain of cleavage. Her hair had been piled up on her head with stray curls falling to frame her face. Her makeup was re-done in my favorite look, boardroom sexy, and her scarlet red lips matched her corset perfectly. She had on black fishnet stockings that fastened to the garters of her corset and I saw the gleaming black of her stiletto heels peeking out from under her magnificent ass. She had red leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles and a red ball gag hung around her neck.

Beside her, Kate was wearing a white half cup bra with her firm young tits nestled in a bed of lace. Her hair had been taken out of the pigtails and brushed but was still wavy from the braids. It was pulled over one shoulder and held in place with a gleaming silver comb. She was wearing a white lace thong and had a pair of Catherine's white heels on her feet. Her makeup was done lightly, like a schoolgirl getting ready for her first date and she looked shyly up at me through thick dark lashes. She had white cuffs on her wrists and ankles and a white ball gag hung between her tits.

I looked again, those shoes weren't white, but light pink. In fact the entire outfit looked familiar. Kate saw my expression and blushed. "I remember how much you liked this on mom." She said shyly.

Catherine patted her on the thigh then took her hand, their fingers entwining in a gesture of affection. She looked at me, then lifted her other hand. Kate mimicked her movement and I saw that in their palms they were each holding a battery.

"We want to give these back to you." Catherine said and Kate nodded in response. "We trust you, you have never done anything but try to help us, protect us. We know you won't do anything to deliberately hurt us, and we care for you enough to forgive any accident."

I have to admit, I choked up for a second. I hid my reaction by taking the batteries and tossing them in my hand until I was able to speak. "Thank you." Then, being the asshole I am I went and ruined the moment. "I have a show coming on soon, so I need these back." Kate snorted and Catherine glared at me, then smiled.

"What do you want us to do, master." Kate asked in a soft and seductive voice.

"I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you both but first you need to get me ready." I said in a gruff voice, placing my hands on my hips and pushing my crotch forward.

They took the hint, crawling forward until they were kneeling at my feet. I savored the view down their tops, Catherine's massive tits and Kate's firm young breasts on display. They both looked up at me with wide brown eyes, faking innocent confusion and apprehension.

"Take down my pants and suck my cock. If I am not satisfied you will be punished." I grunted. If they wanted to play the sweet innocent submissive, I can act as the grumpy dom.

Two pairs of hands slid up my legs, two sets of manicured fingers worked at my belt and zipper until my pants were around my ankles and I stepped out of them. Catherine took my already stiffening cock in her practiced grip, stroking the shaft with a gentle twisting motion. Kate reached underneath and gently cupped my scrotum, rolling the balls in her soft palm while her nails tickled my sack. I placed my hands on both of their heads, curling my fingers into their thick dark hair. They moaned softly, savoring the feeling of my taking control of them.

Catherine leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock, her tongue flicking out to lap up the dribble of pre cum that oozed out. Her ruby lips pressed gently against the head then parted to allow it to slide into her warm moist mouth. She gave another soft moan, her eyes closing in bliss as she sucked gently on my prick.

Kate leaned in as well, her pink lips pursing as she kissed the base of my shaft. Her tongue worked small circles around the bottom of my cock and top of my ball sack while she still reverently rolled my balls in her hands. Her cool breath ruffled my pubic hair as her nose nuzzled itself into my pelvis.

Catherine pulled her lips off of the head of my prick then slid her mouth down the side of the shaft. Kate took the hint and slid her mouth up along the other side. For a brief moment their lips stroked against each other as they passed, then again when they reversed their direction. I don't think they noticed but god it turned me on to see it.

They slid back and forth for a few moments, lipstick streaking the length of my shaft. Then Catherine pulled back and took Kate by the chin, gently pushing my cock toward her mouth. She nodded as Kate took the head between her lips, then slid her face down the length of my shaft.

"Mmmmmmm" she moaned as she sucked on my prick.

"Oooohhhhh" Catherine replied, her eyes half closed as she watched her daughter give her boyfriend a blowjob. She looked up at me, her tongue sliding over her smudged but still red lips. She arched her back, rubbing her chest against my thigh then leaned forward to kiss my hip bone. She shuffled around behind me, kissing a trail around my waist until she was nestled at my ass. I flinched when I felt her nails dig into my ass cheeks but then let out my own moan when her tongue slid up my crack.

"Ooooooohhhhh sshiiittt." I groaned and struggled to keep my knees from collapsing. Kate was sucking on my cock with all the zeal of a young woman with something to prove. Catherine was tonguing my ass like an experienced woman who still had some tricks up her sleeve. I just stood there, afraid to move and break this spell. After a few minutes I pushed Kate off my cock and she whimpered in disappointment. I had to, I had said I was going to fuck them and I was almost ready to blow my load so I had to do it now.

I turned, taking Catherine by the back of the neck and pulling her to her feet. I took Kate by the chin and pulled her up as well, pushing them toward the bed. "Catherine, gag Kate." I said.

She nodded and Kate turned, pulling her hair up so her mother could undo the ball gag that hung around her neck. Kate opened her mouth wide to allow Catherine to push the rubber ball behind her gleaming white teeth. She grunted softly, this was her first time with a ball gag and it is a lot less forgiving than the knotted cloth I used before.

When Catherine was done, I gagged her as well then pushed her down on the bed on her back. I took Kate by the back of the neck and pushed her down on top of her mother. Working quickly I fastened their wrist and ankle cuffs together, leaving them spread eagle on the king-sized bed. I stepped back and savored my work. The two women squirmed a bit to get comfortable, I heard soft moans through their gags as they did. Kate's firm young tits were pressed hard against her mothers much larger bust, like a cherry on an ice cream sundae. I saw their hips twisting slightly as their clits rubbed against each other and their fingers intertwined as they clasped their bound hands.

"My god, you look so fucking hot." I murmured. Both turned their heads to look at me, Kate over her shoulder and Catherine straining to look around her daughter. Their gagged mouths struggled to smile and Kate wiggled her ass making Catherine moan again despite herself.

I crawled on the bed, positioning my self between their spread legs and resting my hands on Kate's back. Her ass and thighs were still crimson from earlier and I was careful not to touch them. Instead I nudged my cock against her pussy, then moved it down to rub the head along Catherine's slit. Both women moaned as I teased them, their efforts to trap my cock only making them more frustrated as they ground their bound bodies against each other. I held out for as long as I could, then pushed my cock into Kate's waiting cunt.

"Nnnnngggghhhhhh!" she groaned, tensing her shoulders and burying her face in Catherine's neck. I sawed back and forth, fucking her gently but firmly.

"Mmmmmmmhhhhhhh" Catherine echoed as my rhythmic strokes slid her daughter's body over hers, hard nipples digging into her tits and engorged clit's sliding past each other.

I fucked Kate for a few strokes, then pulled out and slid into Catherine. Kate gave a pathetic whimper that was countered by Catherine's satisfied groan as my cock pushed its way into her cunt. She bucked her hips, working to get my cock as deep as she could. It was difficult with Kate's body in the way and she struggled underneath her daughter, moaning in pleasure and frustration at the same time.

Out of curiosity I pulled out of Catherine then slid my well lubricated prick between them. I felt my slick shaft nudge between their smoothly shaven pussies, then the sensation of two engorged clits rubbing along the top and bottom of my cock.

"Aaaahhhhnnnnnggggg" they moaned in unison as I stimulated them together. Their hands gripped each other with white knuckled tension and they squirmed underneath me. They struggled to breathe around their gags, their breath coming in ragged huffs and snorts through their noses as their arousal spiked. I continued to work my prick back and forth until Catherine desperately began to shake her head. I guess it was too much so I pulled back and resumed fucking Kate again.

It didn't take long, I was able to alternate between them two more times before I couldn't hold it in any more. "I'm going to cum in you now Kate. I'm going to blow my load in your cunt, do you want that?"

Kate nodded, twisting her head left and right to try to look back at me. I grabbed her by her long thick hair and pushed her face down into her mother's neck. "No, no, you just lay there like a good little fuck pet and let daddy finish."

She whimpered at the words, then moaned at the feeling of my cock starting to twitch. Her pussy flexed as she worked to milk me for my cum. That was it, my balls tightened and I felt my orgasm explode into her hot young body. She groaned again as she felt my jizz spray inside her. I pumped spurt after spurt out of my cock and into her womb, painting her with my spunk.

After I was done I pulled out then nudged my still stiff prick into Catherine's pussy, feeling my sperm leaking down to be shared. I fucked her slowly, looking her in the eye around the back of her daughter's head.

"Kate got my cum, but I will finish in you." I mumbled.

She squeezed my now softening cock with her snatch, the only way she could embrace me. I pushed Kate's head aside so I could kiss her. She grunted with the weight of the two of us but struggled to rub her gag against my lips and cheek.

"mmmyyyy uuvvvv uuuuu." She murmured around the thick ball that filled her mouth.

A few minutes later and we were laying together on the bed, both women cradled in my arms. Their cuffs were still around their wrists and ankles, but the gags were on the floor. Catherine idly played with my chest while Kate nuzzled her lips into my neck. She had asked to remain bound and her wrists were fastened behind her back but her leg slid up and down my thigh while her soft pink lips nibbled at my ear.

I pulled them both in tightly, kissing one then the other. "I am glad we had this talk."

They smiled down at me, then each kissed me on the cheek as they settled themselves into my arms with a contented sigh.

  1. Kate, still naked and cuffed, looked up at Tim with fearful eyes as he picked up a leather crop from the sofa.
  2. In the living room, Kate's mother, Catherine, was strapped to a chair with a vibrator positioned just outside of her, her eyes covered by a scarf, listening to the events unfold.
  3. Tim questioned Kate, asking her why he was angry with her, and she admitted she had come over to try to seduce him and steal him from her mother for a while.
  4. Deciding on the verbal correction, Tim cuffed Kate's wrists and ankles, then set a vibrator between her legs, with a remote control in her hand, instructing her to admit if she wanted him to stop.
  5. Kate's mother, Catherine, listened in the chair, a silent observer in this bizarre, emotional scene, as Tim and her daughter forgave each other, reaffirming the trust in their unconventional relationship with a newfound understanding.

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