Celebrity Sex Stories

Milfyverse: Alternative Sexy Universe.

Born again as Spider-Man.

Jun 3, 2024
6 min read
older womanmrsosbornaunt mayaunt nephewincestmrsMilfyversespidermanmilf

Milfyverse: Alternative Sexy Universe.

The last thing I recalled was lying on my deathbed, my body ravaged with terminal cancer, struggling for my last breath. I closed my eyes, anticipating nothingness. But instead, my eyes popped open again, prompting me to find myself standing in a single bedroom, on the verge of shock as I gazed down at my hands. They were unblemished, juvenile - not the rough, delicate hands of an aged individual.

Scanning the room, I discovered with astonishment that I was in the room of none other than Peter Parker! Spider-Man posters embellished the walls. Was my spirit now residing within Peter's body? I shook my head, unable to digest this notion. This must be a dream or a near-death delusion.

Pinching myself provided little insight. This startling situation felt vividly authentic. Memories of Peter's life bombarded my mind. The day after the radioactive spider had bitten him at the science fair flooded my thoughts. I sensed and grasped the space around me with an almost alien awareness. I delicately extended my arm, causing my bookbag to slip from my grasp. Devoid of intellect, my body contorted and my feet clung to the ceiling through an unfathomable adhesive property.

I was Spider-Man! Better yet, I occupied Peter Parker's body as he gained his spider-like capacities. This was both mind-blowing and nerve-wracking at the same time.

An aunt's voice emanating from another room made me jump, almost losing my hold on the ceiling. "Peter? Was that you I heard come in? I'm baking pancakes for breakfast!"

My eyes sparkled at the sight of Aunt May for the first time. Her youthful, vibrant demeanor conserved traces of maturity and charm in her mid-forties. A hint of a silver strand graced her brunette hair. Regaining my composure, I removed myself from the ceiling and approached the staircase carefully.

"Here's my cherished nephew!" May shouted, enveloping my face in warmth. "You arrived just in time."

A grin spread across my lips, unsure of what to utter. Uncle Ben offered a warm greeting from the dining table, leafing through the newspaper.

After an uneasy breakfast consisting of pancakes and mundane chit-chat, I excused myself to prepare for school. Dressing in fresh clothes, I admired my slender, athletic teenage physique. Upon observing the yellow school bus crossing the road, I felt a knot form in my stomach. I feared I had somehow blundered into this world.

I hastened outside, sprinting to catch up with the bus before it speedily departed. Reaching for the golden handle, I made an attempt to board, but with a sickening crack, the metal handle disengaged, sending me tumbling onto the stony pavement.

Raucous laughter ringing from the bus windows mocked me. "Losers! Abnormalities! Bring a car, Parker!"

Shaken, I picked myself up from the ground, wincing at the bloodied scrapes on my palms and knees. Possessing remarkable abilities didn't shield me from the cruelty of the world. I sighed, pining for my former life. Becoming Spider-Man was more challenging than I imagined.

As the bus drove off, taking me with it, a familiar voice hailed me from a luxury town car. "Pete? Are you alright, man?"

I turned to face Harry Osborn and his mother. While Harry presented a striking resemblance to his father Norman, the same piercing eyes and arrogant mien, his mother exhibited an allure in her middle-aged beauty, exuding sophistication and elegance.

"Oh Peter, what transpired?" she blurted out, scrutinizing my injuries. "You must be more vigilant. We wouldn't want that handsome face of yours to be marred."

My cheeks reddened as Harry rolled his eyes beside her. "Mom, this is Peter," he mocked, "the friendly neighborhood loser."

I averted my gaze, at a loss for words. Mrs. Osborn's suggestive overtures, even directed at a teenage boy, were glaringly inappropriate.

"Stop by the manor any time if you need anything, Pete," she cooed, exiting the mansion with her son in tow. "Why, you're practically family!"

With a wink and a soft caress, she strutted off towards the school gate, hips gyrating captivatingly. Harry and I remained frozen, baffled by her candidness.

"Yep," I answered, still flustered. Inhaling a deep breath, I tried to clear my mind and focus on the day ahead. "We should probably head to class, huh?"

We walked towards the entrance, Harry filling me in on the latest school news I had missed while leading a different life. Out of nowhere, a cool autumn breeze blew over the courtyard, and my spider sense activated, sounding like an alarm in my head. I turned around and caught a football, just inches away from hitting Liz Allan in the back. She turned, astonished, as did the entire courtyard of students who had witnessed my amazing reflex.

"Peter...how did you?" Harry asked, taken aback beside me.

I examined the ball in my hands, then back at the shocked crowd. A smile slowly spread across my face, realising this was just the start of my powers awakening. Maybe being Spider-Man wasn't going to be so bad after all.

The rest of that morning passed in a haze. The story of my football catch spread through the halls like wildfire, and I became the target of strange looks and whispers from my classmates. Harry shot me curious glances all morning.

Lunchtime came, and I followed the flow of hungry students to the noisy cafeteria. I grabbed a tray of cold pizza and a cardboard carton of chocolate milk, and searched the crowd for a familiar face. Harry waved me to a table by the windows. As I navigated through the sea of chattering teenagers, someone's elbow knocked my tray, sending my milk container flying.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" a sensual voice cried beside me.

I looked over and saw the stunning face of Mary Jane Watson. Her emerald eyes were wide with surprise. Even as a high schooler, MJ's fiery red hair and porcelain skin made her like a radioactive creature.

"It's...it's no big deal," I stammered, still rooted in place and mesmerised.

A towering figure suddenly stood over me, snatching up the spilled milk carton. "Hey, Parker! Watch where you're going, you little nerd!"

Flash Thompson, the muscular star quarterback of Midtown High, was the owner of that gruff voice. He grinned at me, then handed the milk back to MJ in a chivalrous manner.

"It's okay, baby," MJ cooed, wrapping her arm around Flash's bulging bicep. "Puny Parker here was just admiring your arms."

Flash chuckled coarseley as MJ twinkled at me. I felt my face burning red. How could I have managed to anger the school's top jock and his beautiful girlfriend so quickly?

Lucky for me, Harry appeared beside me. "Let's go sit down, Pete," he suggested, glaring at Flash and MJ.

As I turned to follow Harry, Flash's massive hand clamped on my shoulder and pushed me around. "What's the problem, Parker? Cat got your tongue?" He shoved me, sending my pizza tray crashing to the floor. "Or are you just too busy stuffing your face to talk?"

Laughter rang out from the nearby tables. Flash's goons sniggered beside him. Rage boiled within me, threatening to break through my restraint. I clenched my fists, feeling new muscles tensing...

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed my arm. It was Harry, his expression clearly warning me. With great effort, I swallowed down my anger and walked away, leaving Flash and his jeering team behind us.

"Just walk away, Pete," Harry said grimly. "He's not worth it, bro."

Later at Harry's place,

After hanging out with Harry for a while, I went to use the bathroom. I wandered through the maze of corridors, passing a study or home office.

"Hello, Peter." Ella Osborn was standing in the door frame, a flirtatious smile spreading across her lips. She was dressed in a form-fitting black dress that emphasised her curves. "Come inside for a moment."

I hesitated then walked in. The room was full of shelves holding books and the scent of cedar filled the air. A fire burned in the fireplace.

"I just wanted to see how you're enjoying your time here," Ella said, pouring herself a glass of scotch from a tray. "How's it going?"

She sipped her drink and looked at me through her glass. Despite my being 18, her intense gaze made me feel shy.

"It's been great, Ella. Your home...it's beautiful," I replied.

She chuckled lightly. "Please, call me Ella. 'Mrs. Osborn' is quite formal for friends of Harry's." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTqvECXjtgw

George Jetson: "Jane, can you believe this three day weekend?"



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ella_Brandon https://www.pinterest.com/pin/348417806350330287/



Captain America

As she drew nearer, she delicately ran her finger along my jaw, causing me to tense. The scent of her perfume blended with the scent of scotch on her breath filled the air.

"Aren't we...attractive people supposed to stick together?" Ella purred seductively.

My throat constricted, and I struggled to find the right words. Was this really her trying to flirt with me? My thoughts became scrambled and uncomfortable.

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