Celebrity Sex Stories

Mini Getaways Ch. 02

Alexandra Daddario likes to cuck.

Jul 23, 2024
34 min read
titfuckMini Getaways Ch. 02facialalexandra daddariocuckold
Mini Getaways Ch. 02
Mini Getaways Ch. 02

Mini Getaways Ch. 02

April 2024

OK, so there's a lot about my 'job' that I like, as I'm sure you can imagine, but one of my favourite things about it is helping my guests to explore their fantasies. Especially with the rich and famous, since fulfilling even the most basic fantasies is that much more difficult for them than the likes of you and me.

Now, I know what you're thinking: it must be easier, right? They're celebrities; they have the means and resources to do anything they want. Well, think about it for a second. Let's say you have an interest in being tied up and dominated. So, there are three different avenues through which to achieve this.

One: try and talk your partner into it. If they're into it, great; look no further. If they're not, you'll have to try something else.

Two: find a total stranger on a specialist BDSM website. This one, of course, is incredibly risky, especially for a celebrity. You never know who it is you're going to meet and there's always the chance that when they tie you up, they might not untie you again. And the chances of this happening increase ten fold if you're a world-famous actress.

Three: go to a professional. This is the safest option, but comes with its own share of problems as well. Do you really think that the average sex worker isn't going to try and benefit financially when they find out the star of that new blockbuster movie likes to get tied up and spanked for three hours straight? And, yes, I know NDAs exist, but is a celebrity really going to take the risk, knowing their sexual proclivities could get dragged through the courts for all the see? Well, I can tell you the answer is no.

So, that's where I come in. I provide a safe space for famous women to do (within reason) anything their heart desires. Want me to tie you up? No problem. Wanna tie me up? Sure. Anal? Threesomes? Foot stuff? Check, check, check. I've had some odd requests over the last two years and by this stage I tend not to bat an eyelid when a guest asks for something that is out of the ordinary. Though every now and again, a woman will request something that takes me by surprise. This was one of those times.

I was watching an NFL game during a rare gap in my schedule when my phone started ringing. I retrieved my phone from my glass coffee table and looked at the screen to see who it was. Alexandra Daddario. Alex had been coming by for about six months now and, needless to say, the sex was amazing. Honestly, I think if you're having sex with Alexandra Daddario and it isn't amazing then you might be doing it wrong. 'Cause Alex's body seems to have been built specifically for that very purpose. Her big tits. Her supple ass. Her toned arms and legs. Her gorgeous face and eyes. Every part was built for sex, and you're gonna have to go a pretty long way to convince me otherwise.

Anyway, Alex had a stay booked for later in the week and the fact that she was ringing me now had me more than a little concerned. Women calling this close to a visit usually means a cancellation, which is disappointing at the best of times, but a cancellation from Alexandra Daddario would be an absolute disaster.

"Hey," I said as I answered the call, muting my huge TV.

"Hi," was all she said back. It was hard to gauge her mood over the phone but she sounded a little anxious.

"What's up? We still on for Thursday?" I asked, keeping my fingers crossed.


I breathed an enormous sigh of relief. "Awesome. Something wrong? You seem a little quiet."

"Oh, no, I'm good, it's just...erm...I've got a favour to ask you."

"OK. Let's hear it."

Alex laughed nervously. "Right, well it's kind of a weird one, so you might wanna brace yourself."

"I'm braced. What is it?"

"OK, so you know that I'm married, right?"

Damn. I'd heard of someone dancing around a subject, but Alex was doing a full on waltz.

"I do. So, what, did he find out about us or something?"

"Erm...no. Well, actually yes, he did, but that's not why I'm calling."

"OK," I said simply, choosing to gloss over the fact that her husband knew I'd been fucking her. She didn't seem concerned about it, so neither was I. I mean, she was clearly nervous about something but I don't think that was it. "So what's wrong?"

Alex sighed deeply, like she was gearing herself up for something. "OK. Well, there's really no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it. He wants to watch us fuck."

Woah. I'd expected something big from the way she was acting but that really took me by surprise.

"He wants to...?"

"Watch us fuck, yes."

"As in?"

"Have sex," said Alex. I could hear her smirk over the phone.

"Yeah, thanks, I know what fuck means. So, what, he wants to come here and...?"

"Oh, no, I told him you wouldn't be into that. We can do it on FaceTime or something."

"Erm...OK," I replied, not really sure what else to say.

Honestly, I was kinda confused. Of course I knew that cuckolding is a thing and that a lot of people are into it, but in this instance the whole thing baffled me. I mean, why on Earth would you wanna watch someone else fuck Alexandra Daddario when you could be doing it yourself!?

Alex laughed. "You're a little confused by this, huh?"

"Ermm...yeah. You could say that."

She laughed again. "OK, let me explain."

And she did. Apparently, Alex's husband had informed her of his voyeuristic tendencies quite early in their relationship, and asked her if she'd be into it. Alex found it a little odd and said that she'd feel uncomfortable with him watching another man fuck her. Alex's husband respected her answer and it didn't bring it up again. Alex was relieved, and by the time they'd gotten engaged and married, she'd forgotten all about it.

Then, one day, her husband found texts from me on her phone and confronted her about it. Alex expected him to be upset, maybe even file for divorce, but instead her husband took the opportunity to revive a certain fantasy. Part of what had put her off the idea was the thought of fucking a total stranger. But now that she was fucking me, that little problem had been negated.

Alex wasn't sure at first and still took some convincing. But ultimately, either through a sense of guilt or a feeling that she 'owed him one', she reluctantly agreed. Provided that I was OK with it, of course.

Honestly, I wasn't sure about it either. Of course, I loved having sex with Alex (what man wouldn't?), but the thought of another guy being involved in any way was more than a little off-putting. When I finally agreed to it, it was to help out Alex more than anything else. She clearly wasn't comfortable with it either, but felt like she needed to do it to keep her marriage alive. Plus, for more selfish reasons, I had a feeling that if I didn't agree to it, Alex's guilt might stop her from coming here. And I'd rather have sex with her in front of some guy than not have sex with her at all.

So once I agreed to it, Alex hung up and went to speak to her husband. She sent me a text a few hours later with a list of potential dates. I picked one out that worked for me and Alex called me the following day to iron out the finer details.

Fast forward two and a half weeks and the day had finally arrived. She sent me a text to tell me she was close and I watched as her car pulled into the driveway. Any sense of last minute regret was promptly relieved when the door swung open and that incredible body climbed out from within. She looked amazing as usual, even dressed down in the pants, sweater and snapback hat she was wearing.

"Hi," she said as she saw me, smiling as she grabbed her bag and hurried towards the door.

"Hello, hello," I said as I watched her approach, stepping aside to usher her in.

Alex stopped in the doorway in front of me and whipped off her hat as she gave me a kiss.

"Nervous?" she asked.

"A little," I replied, taking her bag from her as she fixed her hat hair. "Kind of a weird one, huh?"

"Is a bit."

She stepped into the lounge and I closed the door behind her.

"If it gets too weird I guess we can just pretend he's not there and have the amazing sex we always have," Alex suggested.

"Yeah, that's true," I said back, hoping it would be that simple.

"OK, I'm gonna go and freshen up and then we'll get started, shall we?"


I showed Alex to her room and waited outside for a moment to see what she meant by 'freshen up'. I heard her shower start running a minute or so later, so I went to my room to take one as well. Towelling myself dry, I picked out a shirt and pants, sprayed on some cologne and styled my hair. I went back to Alex's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," she called and I took the invitation.

I turned the handle and the door swung open, revealing my guest in all her glory. Alex was seated at the oaken vanity, looking at herself in the mirror as she ran a comb through her dark brown hair. Her makeup had been done to perfection, accentuating her pale skin and those famously big blue eyes. I couldn't see too much of what she was wearing, but it appeared to be some kind of lingerie set, which I knew was amazing without looking at it. Alex had the kind of body that could make a burlap sack look good.

"Hi," she said as she saw me in the mirror, flashing me that heart-stopping smile.

"Hey," I replied as I closed the door. "You ready?"

"Uh huh," said Alex as she set down her hair brush and rose from her seat at the vanity.

Her lingerie finally came into view, and it should without saying that I was right; she did look amazing. It was fairly simple, a strapless black bra and panties, but it showed off her body in spectacular fashion, giving a breathtaking view of that always incredible cleavage. Seeing her like that, any qualms I might have had about fucking her in front of her husband were quickly forgotten about. Hell, I'd have fucked her in front of my parents if that's what she wanted.

Alex moved towards me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as she pulled me in for a kiss. Already I could feel my cock getting hard, just from feeling her body against me. I don't think there'd be any performance anxiety, even with somebody watching. Alex pried her lips from mine and let her arms hang loosely around my neck, as I wrapped my own around the small of her back.

"So are we doing it right now then?" I asked.

"Mmhmm," said Alex. "I'll call him in a minute."

Her arms came down from around my neck and she took my hand in hers, her phone in the other as she led me towards the bed. Alex climbed up onto the bed and set her phone down as she laid out across it. She looked every bit of the goddess she was, with that heavenly body and nut-brown hair sprawled across the mattress. I climbed up behind her and crawled on top, her arms returning to their previous spot as I leaned in and kissed her, sinking my tongue into Alex's mouth. The kiss was long and fraught with passion as Alex's fingers ran through my hair, her legs wrapped around the backs of mine.

Our lips came apart and I moved my mouth to Alex's neck, kissing it in several places. My lips kept moving past her collarbone and down to the top of her chest. Alex gave a gentle moan then her hand came free from the back of my head as she grabbed her phone, swiping at the screen with a manicured finger.

"Guess I better call him now," she said with a sigh. She looked at the screen and then back at me, like she'd remembered something important. "Oh, yeah. He won't be seeing your face, by the way. I made that very clear."

"Gotcha," I said, looking up at Alex as I kissed her chest.

She tapped the screen one final time and looked back at me with a smirk. "Here goes."

Alex lifted her phone up and pointed it down at her face as I heard her husband answer.

"Hi, babe."

"Hey," said Alex, giving just the slightest moan as my lips moved down to the tops of her breasts and I planted a kiss on them, one after the other.

"Have you started already?" her husband asked, sounding a little surprised.

"Mmhmm," said Alex, moaning a little louder as I stuck out my tongue and licked across one of her tits.

"Damn. Haven't missed much, have I?"

Alex shook her head. "Just some making out."

"OK. Is he a good kisser?"

Not gonna lie, I was a little weirded out by that question, and I started to wonder if he was going to talk like this the whole way through.

"Mmhmm," Alex answered.

"What's he doing now?"

"He's just licking my tits a little."

"Mmm, lucky guy. Bra on or off?"

"It's on, but I think he's about to rectify that," Alex declared, then took a glance down at me to see if I'd gotten the hint.

I had, and Alex raised her back off the bed a little so I could get my arms underneath her and blindly unhook her bra. I pulled it off and away from her tits, tossing it across the room. Alex giggled as she watched me do it and it caught the attention of her husband.

"What? What just happened?" he asked desperately, sounding like he wanted to be informed of every single detail.

"He just tore my bra off," Alex laughed.

"Damn," her husband said. "Guess he really wanted to get to them, huh?"


He wasn't wrong. I'm always dying to get to Alex's tits and this time was no exception. I took both tits in the palms of my hands, deftly caressing them as I stuck my tongue out and put it to one of her nipples. I started to lick in a circular motion, feeling her nipple grow steadily larger as I ringed her areola. Alex closed her bright blue eyes, moaning softly as I switched to the other.

"What's he doing now?" her husband asked.

"Still licking my titties," Alex declared, lightly moaning as she spoke.

"Mmm, do I get to watch?"

"Mmm-mmm," said Alex, shaking her head. "Remember what I said? He doesn't want you to see his face."

"Hmm, well you'll have to be my eyes then, babe. Tell me what he's doing to you. And don't skimp on the details."

"OK, well he's swirling his tongue around my nipple. Doing it nice and slowly, just how I like."

"Are they hard?" her husband asked.

"They are. I think they could get harder though," Alex replied, looking at me with a wink.

I knew what that meant. Nothing got her nipples harder than having them sucked on, so that's what I did next. Wrapping my lips around her swollen teat, I proceeded to suck her like a famished babe, making lewd slurping noises that were clearly loud enough for her husband to hear.

"Oh, shit," I heard him say. "He's really going for it, huh?"

"Mmhmm," Alex replied, moaning a little louder this time, as I moved back over to her other breast and gave that one the same treatment.

I gave her nipples a lot of attention, making sure that both were nice and hard but I pushed her tits together, closing the gap in between them. Shifting my head from side to side, I sucked both nipples in quick succession, lips sliding seamlessly from one large breast to the other. I kept that up for several minutes, quickly getting lost in Alex's tits. Desire got the better of me and I promptly lost all sense of decorum, shoving my face in between her tits with little grace or dignity.

"Ohhh, wow!" Alex laughed.

"What? What's he doing?"

"Wanna see?"

"What, really?" her husband asked, sounding surprised.


"Fuck yeah, I wanna see."

I wasn't concerned. I was buried so deep in Alex's tits that there was no way he was seeing my face. I couldn't see what happened next but I'm guessing that Alex flipped her camera around, 'cause the next thing I heard was her husband's voice.

"Oh, damn. He's really in there, huh?"

"Yep," Alex giggled. "He loves my tits."

"I can tell," her husband laughed. "Do you think he'll stick his cock in between them?"

"Probably," said Alex. "He usually does. But I want him to eat me out first."

She needn't say any more. I released my grip on Alex's tits, letting them fall away from my face as I moved down lower, kissing across her midriff.

"OK, that's enough," said Alex, and I looked up briefly as she tapped her screen, returning the camera to her face.

I continued to kiss past Alex's navel and down to the waistband of her panties. I moved right down to the foot of the bed and hooked my arms around Alex's thighs, catching a glimpse of the space in between. Alex's panties were pasted to her crotch, giving me a teasing outline of her perfect pink snatch. I planted a kiss on the crotch of her panties, then trailed my tongue along the slit of her pussy, right up to her clit.

"Ohhh, yesss," she moaned out softly, sinking into the bed as I lightly brushed my tongue against her, teasing her stiff clit.

"Talk to me, babe," her husband urged. "What's he doing to you?"

"He's licking me through my panties," Alex declared, cooing softly as she closed her eyes, using her free hand to paw at one of her tits.

"Mmm, that's hot. He's teasing you, huh?"

"Mmhmm," Alex moaned louder, definitely not sounding like she wanted me to stop.

I kept that up for as long as I could, but impatience got the better of me. I slid my fingers under the waistband of her panties and began to peel them down. The crotch stayed glued to the lips of her pussy, letting me know how wet she was as I pulled them down to the tops of her thighs. I tugged them down just another few inches and Alex's snatch came into view. As I suspected, her shaven pussy was visibly wet, a thick coat of moisture clinging to both her lips. I pulled them down the rest of the way then tossed them onto the floor as I returned my head to its previous position, right in front of her perfect snatch.

I poked my tongue out from between my lips and licked along her slit again, only this time there was nothing in the way of it. My tongue dragged slowly along the lips of her pussy, scooping up all the juice it could before moving up to her clit. The taste of her pussy lingered on my tongue as it started to flick at her clit, feeling it throb in response.

"Mmm, yeah. That's it," said Alex, purring like a cat as her free hand reached down to my head, running her fingers through my thick locks of hair.

"What's it?" her husband asked. "What's he doing now?"

"He's licking my slit," Alex declared, her voice light and breathy as I moved back to the lips of her pussy and licked up more of her juice.

"Mmm, nice," her husband replied. "Does he like the way you taste?"

I looked up at Alex and nodded my head.

Alex giggled and relayed my response. "Uh huh. He just nodded."

I slid my tongue back up to her clit and wrapped my lips around it, giving harder licks to her point of pleasure.

"Ohhh, yes," said Alex as her fingers clenched, tightening their grip on my head. "He's on my clit now."

"Oh, fuck. Does it feel good?"

"Mmhmm. He really knows how to eat my pussy."

I gave a few more licks to the nub of her clit then pulled my mouth from her pussy, raising two fingers and lifting my eyebrows like I was asking her a question. Alex understood my meaning and gave an emphatic response.

"Oh, yes, please."

"What?" said her husband. "What was that?"

"I think he's gonna finger me."

"Oh, fuck yeah. How many's he gonna use?"

"Two, I think," said Alex as I pressed two fingers to the slit of her pussy and carefully slipped them inside. "Yeah, two."

I returned my tongue to Alex's clit as I pushed my fingers deeper, curling them up until I found what I was looking for.

"OH!" Alex yelped, throwing her head up sharply and knocking the phone from her hand.

"What?" asked her husband. "What just happened?"

"He just found my g-spot. FUCK!" Alex squawked as my tongue began to swirl around the nub of her clit, my fingers moving deftly on her hidden pleasure spot.

Alex picked her phone back up and pointed it down at her face. I could her pussy tighten around me, fluid seeping from deep inside her as I licked her clit, spinning my tongue in concentric circles.

"Ohhh, fuuuck!" Alex moaned, her hand starting to tremble as she gripped the top of my head. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Damn, babe. You're really getting into it, huh?"

Alex ignored him, but I can confirm that she definitely was getting into it. She gripped my hair as hard as she could, nearly pulling it out at the roots as my tongue moved faster, swirling around her clit like a whirlwind. The phone was blocking most of her face but I could hear her moans increasing in volume, getting sharper and shriller as I licked her clit.

"Are you gonna cum for me, babe?" her husband asked, to which Alex responded with a simple nod.

How she was cumming for him exactly, I wasn't quite sure, but I was happy to let that go since Alex's pleasure was my only concern. A few more swirls of my talented tongue and Alex gave into the growing sensation, letting the feeling take her. Me; her husband; herself- who ever she was cumming for, Alex did so with considerable aplomb.

Sharp breaths flew forth from her lips, promptly joined by a high-pitched squeal as her climax hit her, tearing through her body like an earthquake. Her arm began to shake, to the point that Alex nearly dropped her phone as my tongue kept moving, licking her through the throes of climax. Her muscles contracted, locking my fingers with a powerful grip as hot fluid gushed from inside her, soaking them down to the knuckle. Her husband talked to her the whole way through, but Alex ignored him and frankly so did I. And anyway, Alex was screaming so loud that I wouldn't have heard him if I wanted to.

She must have cum for close to a minute, her screams giving way to laboured breaths as the feeling began to subside.

"Damn, baby," her husband exclaimed. "You came hard, huh?"

"Mmhmm," said Alex, her ample chest moving gently as she puffed out deep, heavy breaths.

I slipped my fingers from inside her pussy, noting the wetness that Alex had left on them. She noticed too, and she reached down quickly and grabbed my wrist, pulling it up towards her.

"This is how hard I came," Alex declared as she pointed her phone at my fingers, showing her husband how wet they were.

"Fuuuck, babe. They're fucking covered!"

"Yep," Alex smirked as she slipped my fingers in between her lips and sucked all her juices off them.

"Fuck, that's so hot watching you suck them clean. What are you gonna do now, babe?"

Plucking my fingers from between her lips, a little grin stretched across her face as she answered her husband's question. "Hmm, I feel like sucking something else now."

"Oh, yes!" her husband said. "Please tell me I get to watch that."

"Of course," said Alex as she looked at me, beckoning me with her finger.

I finally surfaced from between her legs, kissing up her tummy and between her tits as I moved back up the bed. Alex turned the camera away as she placed her hand at the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss. Alex's tongue pushed into my mouth, tasting her pussy again as she wrapped it around my own.

Prying my lips from hers, I looked at her with a shit-eating grin as she curled her arm around the back of my neck. I slid my arms under the small of her back, getting a firm grip as I rolled us over, ending up with my back on the bed with Alex perched on top of me.

"Woah! What happened there?" her husband asked. I have no idea what it was he just saw, but I can't imagine it was too much more than a pan of the bedroom ceiling.

"Oh, he just flipped us over," Alex explained, moving down to kiss my neck.

"Oh. So you're on top now, huh?"

Alex suddenly sat up straight, straddling my supine body with her bare ass pressed against my cock. "Yep," she said simply, pointing the camera back down at her face.

"So you're gonna suck his cock now, right?"

"Mmhmm. All in good time."

Alex leaned forward again, shifting her ass back as she dipped her head down towards my stomach. Alex lifted the bottom of my shirt and lifted several kisses on my six pack abs.

"Damn," said her husband. "He's pretty bulky, huh?"

"Yeah, he's fucking hot," Alex grinned as she moved up higher, pressing her lips to my sternum.

"How old is he?"

"None of your business!"

"Oh, please, babe," her husband begged. "Just give me a rough idea."

Alex looked up at me and I gestured with my hand that she could continue.

"OK, he's twenty five."

"Woah!" her husband laughed. "My girl's a cougar, huh?"

Alex shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

"Fuck, that's so hot."

Alex turned the phone for a second as she looked at me, rolling those pretty blue eyes. "Oh, yeah? That does it for you, huh? Your wife getting fucked by a hot, young stud?"

"Fuck yeah, it does."

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head as Alex moved back down my torso, kissing past my abs. Alex settled in between my legs then started to unbuckle my belt, attempting to do it whilst holding her phone.

"Hmm, would you do the honours?" she asked, looking at me as she shook her phone.

I nodded back and extended my hand, motioning for her phone. Keeping the camera pointed at her, Alex passed the phone to me then continued removing my belt. Thankfully her husband had taken the hint and flipped the camera on his phone too, pointing it at his bedroom wall. I was glad he did 'cause looking at another guy's face whilst getting my dick sucked would be seriously off-putting.

Alex unbuttoned the clasp on my shorts and pulled them down my legs, dropping them onto the floor. Then she hooked her fingers under the waistband of my boxers and pulled those down as well, revealing my cock an inch at a time. She pulled it down past the ridge of my crown and my cock shot out with venomous force, flopping back and forth before it finally settled, pointing at the ceiling above me.

"Fuck!" her husband said. "Wow, he's bigger than me, huh?"

"Duh," said Alex as she looked at her phone. "Why do you think I come up here?"

Alex pulled my boxers down the rest of the way and dropped them on the floor with my shorts. At first I was a little self-conscious, knowing that another guy could see my junk, but I quickly got over that once Alex crawled back in between my thighs, gripping them with both her hands as her head dipped down in between them. Alex poked her tongue out from between her lips and gave a long, slow lick across my swollen ballsack, resting my cock on her forehead.

"I can't see you, babe," her husband complained. "What are you doing right now?"

"I'm licking his balls," Alex replied, proceeding to do so several more times.

"Mmm, hot," her husband said. "Are they nice and big for you?"

"Mmhmm." Alex's reply was slightly muffled as she'd progressed from merely licking my balls to wrapping her lips around them, sucking each one in turn. I heard a loud * POP * as she plucked one free, leaving it wet with spittle. "So full of cum."

I felt her tongue brush against my cock then the top of her head came into view as she licked along my veiny underside, surfacing slowly from between my thighs as she licked right up to the top. Precum had formed in the tip of my prick but Alex quickly took care of that, lapping it all up with a few quick flicks of her tongue.

"Fuck, baby, you look so fucking good doing that," her husband said, and really it was hard to argue.

Her bright blue eyes stared into the camera as she licked my swollen cockhead, her sprightly tongue swirling around it.

"I know," she grinned, then gripped my cock at the hilt, spitting out a string of saliva that landed on my helmet and dripped down the length of my shaft.

Keeping her right hand clutched at the base, Alex gripped my cock with the other and started to jerk me off, spearing her spittle all over my shaft. A * SCHLIK * SCHLOCK * SCHLIK * started filling the room as she ran her hand up and down my shaft, stroking me at optimum speed and with the perfect amount of pressure.

"Ohh, Jesus," I moaned out softly, my cock twitching in the palms of her hands.

"Damn, I think he likes that, babe," her husband chimed in, and again he wasn't wrong.

"Mmhmm," said Alex, her grin growing wider. "I think he'll like this more though."

And with that Alex dipped her head down, wrapping her lips around the tip of my cock. She started to suck with immediate vigour, her hand and mouth in perfect synch as she bobbed her brunette head, stroking and slurping in equal measure. Spit dripped out from between her lips, ensuring my shaft stayed thoroughly lubed as she sucked my cock with force and gusto. Precum seeped from the tip of my prick, flowing into Alex's mouth as she went down deeper, moving her hand to top of my thigh so she could suck down more of my shaft.

And she suck it down, she very much did. Alex was going hell for leather, swallowing every inch that came her way. I felt my tip push past her tonsils as her lips went down as deep as they could, the fist clenched at the base of my shaft halting any further progress. I could feel myself throbbing as she worked me over, soft coos spilling forth from my lips as she sucked my cock six ways from Sunday.

"Fuuuck, he really does like that, huh?" her husband said, obviously hearing the sounds I was making.

Alex's lips pulled back to the tip and she plucked my crown from between them. She gripped my cock with both her hands, smearing in the spit that her mouth had left behind.

"Uh huh. You know how good I am at sucking cock."

"I sure do," her husband replied and Alex smirked as she got back to it.

Alex took me back into her mouth, going down deep on the very first pass. Removing her hand from the base, I could feel my cockhead enter her throat as she sucked up the last few inches, only stopping when she ran out of cock. Her forehead pressed against my six pack abs, and all I could see was the top of her head, locks of brown hair falling from behind her ears as she made my dick disappear.

"Uhh, fuck," I exclaimed, trying my best to keep the camera steady as my head fell back into the pillows.

"Oh my God, babe, fuck..." her husband said; I could hear the disbelief in his voice.

I felt her lips drag up my shaft, and I returned my head to its previous position, watching intently as my cock was unveiled inch by inch, now soaked in Alex's spit. Her lips slid up to the ridge of my crown then quickly sunk back down again, plunging back down to the base. Alex repeated that several times over, vanishing my cock on every occasion. My cock throbbed harder with every pass and I was actually a little relieved when her lips pulled up for the final time, releasing my crown with an audible * POP *.

"Goddamn, babe," came the voice through the phone. "Fuck, that was so fucking hot!"

"Mmhmm," said Alex as she gripped my cock just below the head, sliding her tongue along the underside and licking up some of her spit.

"Are you gonna put it between your tits now?" her husband asked. He seemed to really wanna see that and frankly he wasn't alone.

"Hmm, no," said Alex, giving my member one last lick. "I want it in my pussy now."

Her hand slid down to the base of my shaft and I did my best to keep her in frame as she quickly lifted her head up, planting her knees either side of my hips. I felt my tip touch the lips of her pussy and pointed the camera straight down at my cock as she lowered herself down onto it, framing her pussy at the point of penetration. I panned back up to Alex's face, showing her husband her intense look of pleasure as she slid down onto my shaft, taking the first few inches. Alex closed her big blue eyes, her mouth hanging open slightly as a breathy gasp spilled forth from her lips.

"Fuck, how does that cock feel, babe?" her husband asked her, like the look on her face didn't already tell him.

"Oh my God, it feels so fucking good," she sighed in response, and I pointed the camera back down at my crotch to show how much she'd taken.

Her pussy had sunk about halfway down and continued to descend as she released her grip on the base of my shaft, placing her hands on her thighs. I felt her ass touch down on my thighs and I panned back up to Alex's face as her eyes came open, moaning loudly as she took my cock to the hilt.

"Mmm, YES!"

She stayed like that for several seconds, feeling how big I am as my cock filled her pussy. I pointed the camera back down at my cock as she rose back up again, guiding her pussy to the ridge of my crown.

"Fuck, babe, you're so wet," her husband declared, noting the thick coat of arousal that his wife had left on my shaft.

Alex didn't respond. In fact, the only sound she made was a high-pitched squeal as she dropped herself back down again, impaling her pussy on my long, thick cock.


She proceeded to ride me hard and fast, working her pussy right up to the tip then plummeting straight back down again. Her ass beat down on the tops of my thighs, merging with the moans now filling the room and pouring into the phone receiver. I gave her husband quite the show, alternating between Alex's gorgeous face and lovely tits as they flopped up and down, and the sight of my cock as her tight, wet pussy greedily swallowed it up.

"Yeah, come on, baby. Ride that cock," her husband said, like she needed any encouragement.

Alex's moans got louder and shriller, and as I felt her slick pussy get tighter and tighter, I could tell she was getting close. And having fucked her numerous times, I knew what was needed to finish her off. Wouldn't be great for her husband, but fuck him; as far as I was concerned, this was all about Alex.

I let her ride me a few more times then wrapped my arms around the small of her back, pulling her down on top of me. Alex yelped as I tightened my grip, bucking my hips off the mattress as I drilled up into her pussy. Once I'd got a few thrusts in, I extended my arm out slightly as I held her with the other, blindly pointing the camera in our general direction.

For the next few minutes her husband stayed quiet, and I wasn't quite sure what kind of view he was getting. Could've been his wife's ass. Could've been the mattress. Or it could've been a perfect close up of me railing Alex's pussy. Frankly, I didn't really care what it was, such was my focus on fucking his wife and giving her the orgasm she richly deserved.

Alex's eyes rolled into her head and she moaned out loudly as she took my cock.

"Ohh, fuck! Yes, yes, yes! I'm gonna cum on your cock!"

"Oh, yes, cum for me, baby," her husband chimed in. "Cum on his fucking dick!"

A few more thrusts and she did just that. Sinking my cock to the base, I kept it inside her as her orgasm hit, shaking her down to the core. Alex threw her head back sharply, flinging brown hair in every direction as a wordless scream flew forth from her lips, making my eardrums rattle. Her muscles contracted, gripping my cock with excessive force as a gush of fluid burst forth from her pussy, drenching my shaft from base to tip.

Alex's body went limp in my arms as she returned her head to its normal position, breathing heavily as she leaned in to kiss me.

"How was that, babe?" her husband asked. "Did you cum nice and hard for me?"

Our lips came apart but Alex's eyes stayed fixed on mine, grinning at me as she answered.

"Oh, I came so hard for you, baby," Alex declared, then mouthed something to me that I had zero trouble deciphering. It wasn't for him .

Alex giggled then kissed me again as she lifted her head up, returning to her previous position. I brought the camera back around in front of her, aiming it down at Alex's pussy as she worked it slowly up the length of my shaft and past the ridge of my crown.

"What you gonna do now, baby?" her husband asked as Alex shifted back a little and knelt in between my thighs.

"I wanna taste my pussy now," Alex declared as she dropped her head down into my shot and wrapped her lips around my swollen cockhead.

Alex sunk straight down to the base, then sucked her cheeks in as she pulled back up, gripping my cock in a vacuum seal as she slurped up her vaginal fluid. Her lips pulled up the tip of my prick, producing a particularly satisfying * POP * as she plucked my crown from between them.

"How's your pussy taste, babe?"

"Mmm, so fucking good," Alex replied, pausing to lick my slit. "I love to taste my pussy off this big fucking cock."

"What's next, baby? What position?"

"Hmm," said Alex, licking my cockhead again. "I think I'll let him decide. What d'you wanna do?"

Honestly, I really didn't know. With most women I have a number of favourite positions that I always like to do with them, based on whichever body part I like to look at the most. With Teyonah Parris or Bryce Dallas Howard? Prone, doggy or reverse cowgirl. With Kat Dennings or Christina Hendricks? Cowgirl or missionary. With Anne Hathaway or Gemma Chan? Missionary again, preferably with those lovely, long legs pressed against my chest.

But Alex's body was so fucking amazing that it looked just as good from every conceivable angle. Of course, she's got fantastic tits, but she's got an amazing ass as well, and a stunningly gorgeous face. So when it comes to picking positions, I really am spoiled for choice.

I decided just to go with doggy 'cause I hadn't really looked at her ass properly yet. I lifted a finger and spun it in a circle, signalling for her to turn.

"Ohh, OK," she said with a grin. "I think he wants reverse cowgirl."

I shook my head.

"No? Doggy?"

I nodded.

"Hmm, one of my favourites," Alex declared as she turned around one eighty degrees and stuck her ass out behind her.

Pointing the camera at her perfect ass, I gripped my cock with my remaining hand as I got on my knees behind her, pressing my crown against the slit of her pussy. Alex looked back over her shoulder, gasping just a little as I pushed myself forward, steering the tip inside her. I uncurled my fingers from the base of my shaft, beckoning her with an unstretched hand.

A knowing smirk spread across her face as she pushed herself towards me, backing up at that peach-shaped ass. I kept the camera pointed down at my cock, capturing the breathtaking sight as Alex's pussy slowly devoured it. One last push and she'd taken it all, those beautiful tight, toned buttcheeks squished against my pelvis as my cock disappeared from sight. Alex turned her head back, tilting it back just a little as a deep moan spilled forth from her lips.

"Ohhh, fuck! This fucking cock."

She stayed like that for several seconds then began to push her forward before I quickly stopped her with a hand on her hip. Alex stayed completely still as I drew my cock back slowly, pulling right back to the tip. I kept it there for a fraction of a second then quickly threw myself forward, slamming into her pussy with a deep, probing thrust. My pelvis smacked into her plump, juicy ass, making her buttcheeks ripple and producing a loud * THWACK * that bounced off the bedroom walls.

"OH, YES!" Alex screamed, violently throwing her head back as my fat cock sunk down to the hilt, bottoming out inside her.

I pulled back out to the ridge of my crown and Alex barely had a chance to recover before I slammed back in at twice the force, making the entire bed shift underneath me and slam into the wall in front. I fucked her like that for several minutes, matching the force and intensity with every subsequent thrust.

"Fuck, babe, he's really giving it to you, huh?"

"Uh huh," Alex moaned back, seemingly unable to say much else as I drilled into her pussy with quick, hard thrusts.

Moving my hand from her hip, I kept the camera pointed forward as I reached out in front of me, grabbing a fistful of nut brown hair. Giving it a gentle pull, Alex's head tilted back a little as I used her hair like a set of reins, pulling myself into her tight pink pussy.

"Oh, damn," her husband said. "Your boy likes the rough stuff, huh?"

"Yep, he...AHH!" Alex started then suddenly shrieked as I tugged her hair back with greater force, pulling her up off the bed.

"Oh, fuck..." came the voice through the phone.

Wrapping my arms around her, I held her tightly as I thrusted harder, dull smacks echoing loudly as my pelvis crashed into her supple, round ass. Flipping the camera on Alex's phone, I pointed it straight at her famous chest, clutching onto one of her tits while Alex pawed at the other, wrapping her free arm around the back of my neck. Her moans gave way to high-pitched screams, which only got louder as I reached down lower and found the nub of her clit, rubbing it aggressively as I rammed my cock into her pussy. I pointed the camera at Alex's crotch, my fingers a blur as I strummed her clit.

Brushing her hair out of the way, I nuzzled into Alex's neck, kissing it in several places as I moved up to her ear.

"You gonna cum for me?" I asked her softly. "Me not him."

"Yes, I'm gonna for you," she whispered back. "Just for you."

My hand moved faster on the nub of her clit, promptly igniting a powerful climax that coursed through Alex's body.

"OHH, YES! FFFUUUCCCKKK!" Alex screamed, digging her fingers into the back of my neck as muscles tensed all over her body.

I buried my cock into the depths of her snatch, feeling her grip me as her walls contracted, squeezing my shaft to the point of bursting. I held her tightly 'til her body went limp then released my grip on her, letting her flop down onto the bed. I pointed the camera at Alex as she rolled onto her back, looking utterly dickdrunk as she propped herself up with her arms.

"Damn, babe," her husband exclaimed. "This guy's a fucking machine!"

"Right?" Alex grinned. "He knows what he's doing, huh?"

"I'll say. Do you think he's got any more in him?"

I scoffed at the question and rolled my eyes, making Alex giggle as she gestured for her phone.

"Yeah, I think he'll be fine," Alex replied, taking the camera from me. "Any requests, baby?"

"Hmm, how about missionary?" her husband said. "And I'd love him to cum on your tits."

Alex looked at me, her eyebrows raised. "That work for you?"

I didn't respond with any kind of gesture. I simply grabbed onto Alex's legs and pulled her body towards me, her head falling back onto the mattress as her arms gave out from beneath her.

"Ahh!" she shrieked as she lifted her phone up, pointing it down at her face. "OK, I think that was a 'yes'."

I kept my grip on one of her thighs, grabbing my cock with the other as I pushed the tip into Alex's pussy. I moved my hands to the tops of her legs, grabbing her calves and using them for leverage as I rowed myself inward, sheathing my cock in her pussy.

"Ohhh," she moaned out deeply, looking up into the camera as her eyes went wide.

"How's that feel, baby?" came the voice through the phone.

I pulled back out to the ridge of my crown, keeping it there as Alex replied.

"Oh my god, so GOOD!"

I rammed back inside her as hard as I could, hitting her cervix as she said the last word. Alex reached down in between her legs, putting two fingers to the nub of her clit, as I drilled into her pussy with a series of deep, hard thrusts. Alex's moans increased in volume and her eyes began to flutter as she rubbed her clit, her pussy tightening around my shaft.

"What are you doing, babe?" her husband asked her.

"Mmm, I'm playing with my pussy," Alex breathed softly, her voice barely audible over the sounds of each thrust.

"Oh, fuck, baby, let me watch. Please."

Alex raised her head up to look at me and I nodded my consent. Alex grabbed an additional pillow and stuffed it underhead her head as she flipped the camera on her phone. Pointing it forward, she gave her husband her own little POV shot, still vigorously rubbing her clit as I railed my cock into her. I couldn't see what it looked like exactly, but since she was holding the camera down low, I guessed I was framed from the midriff down, giving our spectator a nice tight close up as my big, thick cock as it slammed into his wife's tight pussy.

Now that I knew her husband was watching, I started to go at her harder, driving into her pussy with ever quickening thrusts. I tightened my grip on Alex's legs, pulling her back as I threw myself into her, ensuring each thrust went as deep as possible. I gave a few more thrusts into Alex's pussy then motioned for the camera.

Alex flipped it back onto her face then handed it over to me. I gripped onto one of her ankles as I pointed it down at her, capturing the look on her face as she took each pelvic slam. Her mouth hung open, pupils rolling back into her head until I could see were the whites of her eyes. I pointed the camera a foot or so lower, getting a shot of perfect tits, flopping back and forth with the force of each thrust. Panning down her tight, toned stomach, I pointed the camera at Alex's pussy, showing her husband how hard she was rubbing it and how hard my cock was pumping into her.

"Damn, baby, you're gonna cum again, huh?" her husband asked her.

"Uh huh," Alex moaned back, her breath rate increasing as she rubbed herself harder, strumming her clit in a blur.

One more thrust was all it took. Burying myself inside her, her fingers kept moving on the nub of her clit as she gripped my cock like a vice, dousing it in fluid at the point of climax. I panned the camera up to her face as her eyes clamped shut, her features contorting in all sorts of unflattering ways as intense waves of pleasure coursed through her every inch.

I moaned out loud as I tipped my head back, doing all I could to keep from cumming as her tight, gripping pussy tried to milk my testes dry. High-pitched squeals flew forth from her lips, her body shaking from head to toe, until a final full-frame shudder signalled that she'd reached her peak. I felt her muscles begin to relax and my pulled cock from Alex's pussy, visibly throbbing as I plucked myself free.

"Fuck, baby, that was so hot," her husband said. "Looks like he's about to cum as well."

"Uh huh," said Alex, still panting slightly as she started to recover.

"Where do you want him to do it, babe?" her husband asked her.

"Hmm, I think I want it on my tits. Would you like to see that?"

"Mmhmm. I'd like to see him fuck them first though."

"Oh, I think that can be arranged," Alex declared as she cupped her tits in her hands, looking at me as she pushed them together. "Ready?"

I nodded back and moved up the bed, pointing the camera straight down at her tits as I straddled her upper body. I gripped my cock at the base of the shaft and Alex wrapped her titties around it as I slapped it down in between them. My cock was still wet from Alex's pussy but I spat onto my shaft for extra lube as I started to buck my hips, sawing my cock through those lovely big tits. Alex squeezed them tightly together, enclosing my shaft entirely and applying the perfect amount of pressure as my cock slid back and forth, slicing like a knife through butter.

Alex grinned then lifted her head up, craning her neck as much as she could as her lips came open, puckering into a perfect O. Her mouth stayed open as I fucked her titties, catching my crown each time it poked out. I was close already but that pulled me right to the brink. And when Alex stuck her tongue out and started licking my cockhead? Well, that was the finishing touch.

Wrenching my cock from between her tits, I stroked my shaft about four or five times and my cockhead erupted in explosive fashion. Thick spurts sprayed forth from the tip, leaving long streaks across Alex's face. Pointing my cock down slightly, I aimed my tip at Alex's chest, making sure the next ropes went over her tits.

I took a short pan of her tits and face, showing just how much cum I'd left on both. While I did that, Alex took my cock in her hands and stroked them up and down my shaft. She jerked a few drops out onto her tits, then lifted her head up off the pillows, wrapping her lips around the ridge of my crown so she could suck out whatever was left. She released my crown with a smack of her lips, still gently stroking my cock as she gave a little smile at the camera.

"Oh my God, baby. That was...wow!" her husband said. He sounded a little lost for words, and really, who could blame him?

"Right?" said Alex as she stuck out her tongue, giving my cockhead one last lick. "I told you he always fucks me good."

"You weren't wrong, baby. Thank you for letting me watch."

"Thank you for letting me fuck him."

Her husband chuckled. "Fuck, baby, let me watch every now and again, and you can fuck him as much as you like."

Alex flashed me a little grin and I shot back one of my own. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Despite her husband's request to watch, Alex requested that he not see your face during their session. You agreed, unsure of how you felt about the situation but willing to help Alex fulfill her husband's fantasy. During their meeting, you engaged in a titfuck session as part of the experience, culminating in a facial for Alex. This scene took place during a Mini Getaways session, specifically in Chapter 2.

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