Celebrity Sex Stories

Mitsuri and Tanjiro: Amorous Fan Fiction

Demon Slayer anime: Revealing the Secrets

May 14, 2024
8 min read
l-bomblovemitsuri kanrojikimetsu no yaibaspoilerstanjiro kamadoMitsuri X Tanjiro Erotic Fanficcreampiemitsuri x tanjirodemon slayermitsuri
Mitsuri X Tanjiro Erotic Fanfic
Mitsuri X Tanjiro Erotic Fanfic

Mitsuri and Tanjiro: Amorous Fan Fiction

Mr. Uzui's Hashira Training had greatly enhanced my strength, but his relentless and intense methods meant I ended each daycovered in bruises, aches, and pain even after battling several Upper Moons. It's clear why Mr. Usui is so muscular! I believe Rengoku would have been pleased with how I handled my training. I initially believed the hardest part of the Hashira Training program would be ramping up my base stamina, but little did I know that Miss Kanroji's agility and flexibility courses would push my body further than I thought possible.

The excruciating exercise routine prescribed by Mr. Uzui during other phases of the program was just the start. In addition, Miss Kanroji's intensivestretching exercises put my body through immense stress and pain. Frankly, I'd rather face Gyutaro ten times than spend another day feeling like my muscles are about to tear and my bones could snap. However, the one enjoyable aspect of this stage of my training was Miss Kanroji's infectious zeal and optimistic demeanor.

Her unwavering enthusiasm and sunny outlook helped me get through the toughest days. Each day, she led us through extensive stretching sessions without pushing herself beyond her limits. This inspired me, since she was always learning alongside us. She would often pose her body in contortions that were impossible to fathom, occasionally exposing a bit more of her breasts or revealing a hint of her underwear. Strangely, she never seemed to notice or care until ITEFace averted her eyes whenever she bent over in front of me. Her complete lack of embarrassment always left me flustered.

One day, things took an unexpected turn.

It was a lovely, sunny afternoon, almost the end of the day when Miss Kanroji allowed us to leave training early. Nuzuko, who was immune to sunlight, attended but preferred to sleep even during daylight hours, so I decided to go alone. The water in the nearby river was deliciously warm, perfect for relaxation, and my sore, overworked body needed it. I had washed myself and was lying back in the current, enjoying the peaceful scenery and the relaxing water when suddenly, I heard a snapped twig. Panicked, I sprang up, sword at the ready, but it was just Miss Kanroji. Despite my relief, I sheathed my sword and apologized to her.

"What a terrific Nichirin sword you have there, Tanjiro," she exclaimed, admiring my blade and then looked a bit further down. When I realized she was looking at an inappropriate area, I quickly covered myself, dropping my sword in the process. "I'm extremely sorry, Miss Kanroji! When I thought you might be a demon trying to ambush me, I reacted without thinking. Please forgive me!" I bowed deeply, police even falling over in my embarrassment.

Miss Kanroji blushed furiously, quickly bowing as well. "Apologies, Tanjiro! I didn't realize I had scared you so much; please do forgive me!"

Upon straightening up, I noticed Miss Kanroji was still in her blue pinstripe kimono, like the first time I met her at the Swordsmith Village. It revealed her rather impressive cleavage, which only increased with her deep bow. Despite myself, I couldn't help but look, prompting her to smile self-consciously when she caught my gaze. She sat upright and placed a hand against her flushed cheeks. I, too, straightened up and kindly suggested she get dressed.

"Oh, Tanjiro, please don't leave on my account!" she begged. "You seemed so relaxed in the water; it's not fair for me to make you go." She looked up at me hopefully as I thought: Why's she still in public? "I truly

My jaw dropped, and I couldn't help but imitate the movements of the fish in the river. Words escaped me as Mitsuri sauntered towards me with an air of elegance and grace. Gently, she placed her hand on my cheek and stopped beside me, her long lashes fluttering. "You're simply darling, Tanjiro. Loosen up and let your body heal from your training."

I couldn't move for a moment as I tried to process what was happening. Then, to my dismay, I heard the sound of clothes rubbing against skin, followed by the splashing of water as Mitsuri waded into the river. I was torn - I couldn't simply leave her unobserved, but the thought of witnessing her naked form filled me with both longing and awkwardness. Unwillingly, I turned, my hands still guarding my lower body. To my surprise, Mitsuri was washing herself, using soap from a basket I hadn't noticed she'd carried. In the late afternoon sun, she looked divine, her pink and green hair illuminated, and the water droplets on her skin sparkling like diamonds.

Her wet hands glided down her neck, chest, and fondled her large breasts, her hard, pink nipples the same color as her hair. Her toned stomach was a testament to her voracious appetite, and her body's power was matched only by its delicate beauty. She made her way towards her navel, where a tiny patch of pink and green hair adorned her mound, reflecting the sunlight and shadows of her thighs and behind. I was jolted back to reality by her mischievous grin.

"Tanjiro, it seems I'm having difficulty washing this one area. Would you mind helping me?"

Knowing her flexibility well, I couldn't fathom why she'd asked me, but I certainly wasn't about to refuse. I entered the water beside her and accepted the washcloth she offered. I rubbed the cloth across her back while trying my best to avoid checking her breasts. When I was done, I stepped back and asked if she needed more help. She clapped her hands together happily and expressed her gratitude.

"Now that we are clean, we can finally relax!" She gestured to some soft grass a short distance from the river's edge. I shuffled over to where I'd left my clothes and took a seat beside her, lying down with appropriate distance.

"Ah, you're not needing those, are you? To maintain skin health, it's essential to soak up some sun," she said.

I remembered those long, cold winters and how refreshing it felt to welcome spring with the warmth of the sun on my face. I agreed and joined her on the grass. Mitsuri was already reclining on the ground, her arms stretched above her head, and her eyes closed.

Intrigued, I began to breathe more heavily and my arousal grew almost unbearable. She hadn't opened her eyes when she said, "Do you recall our conversation at the Swordsmith Village? When I told you why I became a Hashira?"

I positioned myself next to her and replied, "Yes, Mitsuri, you said you sought a powerful man to protect and provide for you, and the Hashira are among the strongest in the world."

"Oh, every woman wants a strong man who will look after them and fulfill their needs! But strong men, like the Hashira, also tend to be exceptional lovers," she finished with a sly grin.

My heart skipped a beat. How could she know the prowess of the Hashira? Was it...

Mitsuri interrupted my thoughts, "Of course, there's more to a good husband than just sex, such as courage, selflessness, kindness, and empathy for all living beings. Things I've come to admire about you, Tanjiro, and the strength you've demonstrated is truly admirable!"

I vaguely remembered her promise if I found the mysterious weapon. The six-armed X automaton with a sword from millennia ago had been extremely challenging, but it had strengthened me greatly. Yet, I had no recollection of her telling me what the reward would be.

"Yes, Mitsuri, I do. The enigmatic object turned out to be a six-armed X automaton from three centuries ago, which contained a sword. It was no easy task, but the experience made me much more powerful. Yet, I can't seem to remember your promise."

Mitsuri shifted onto her side, gazing at me and supporting herself with her arm behind her head. Her stunning breasts glistened in the sun, making direct eye contact with me. I was starting to feel the heat of a blush creep across my cheeks and my body temperature rise as she said, "It did. I could tell by the way you fought against the Upper Moon with the wooden snakes. Even though I was frightened, you confronted it fearlessly and also protected me when I was incapacitated by its scream attack. I'm very grateful, Tanjiro, and I think you're someone I'd be content facing battles with side by side daily. Although I didn't officially promise it out loud, there was an unspoken commitment hidden in what I said, a promise I intend to uphold."

I was speechless. Mitsuri moved closer to me and pressed her palm on my bare thigh, just moments from touching my moist penis. She peered down into my eyes and cupped my face with her other hand. I struggled to draw breath, despite all the time I'd devoted to practicing it.

"Tanjiro," she murmured, "I'm someone who loves deeply and with all my soul. And I love you. I've detected the fierce passion and desire in your glances, so different from those other men who only focus on what's above the surface. You've always been extremely respectful and brimming with love, and you warrant someone who will profess her love for you just as wholeheartedly. Will you accept me, Tanjiro?"

My thoughts were swirling, and my gut felt fluttery due to the nerves. I attempted to regain my composure, muttering the only word I could think of, the one I knew to be true: "Yes."

Mitsuri let out a sigh of relief and contentment, then gradually moved close for a warm kiss. She encircled her strong arms around me and I tried arduously to compress our bodies into one, French kissing her. She exhaled a moan against me and maneuvered herself onto my lap, rubbing her drenched pussy against my pulsing prick. I brushed my broadened palms down her sculpted back and clutched her buttocks like a lifeline. She moaned and cried out as she continued to slink up and down my shaft, covering it completely in her nectar. I squeezed and caressed every inch of her wonderful body that I could reach and couldn't help but groan at her efforts. Her tongue pierced my mouth as we moved against each other, desperate to join but delighting in the moment.

Mitsuri shrieked in surprise when I uplifted her, propped her back down on the ground, and took a moment to admire her ideal for lying there on the grass. She gestured for me to join her with open arms, "Tanjiro, I want you inside me. I want to have your cum saturate my pussy!"

My heart leaped and I got into position at her entryway. Mitsuri and I were both panting heavily in delight. When I slid myself into her eagerness, we both exhaled and pleasure swept through my entire body.

"Mitsuri, you are so breathtaking, and you feel so incredible!"

"This sensation is incredible! Now inundate my pussy with as much of your cum as you're able to produce!"

I cautiously pumped myself in and out of her but soon I was rapidly surging into her. It felt like paradise, and her vigor extended to this spot as well with how her innards were contracting rhythmically. Her chest moved rapidly up and down with each thrust and she was sobbing in ecstasy. Not long after, I felt my abs contract and penis convulse and I deluged her pussy with my sizzling semen. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly as she exclaimed in glee.

We paused, holding each other and exhaling, relishing the sublime experience. Even defeating an Upper Moon didn't compare to this!

Mitsuri whispered in my ear, "That was sublime, Tanjiro. I'm overjoyed that you share my affection."

"I do, Mitsuri. I adore you."

"Shall we try this again?" [

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Source: www.nice-escort.de