Moonlit Bonds: Chapter 1

A gathering around a campfire among buddies – any mishaps expected?

May 20, 2024
16 min read
heterosexualwerewolforalromanceBound by Moonlight Ch. 01cunnilingusoral sex
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 01
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 01

Moonlit Bonds: Chapter 1

In Southern Ontario, there was a shortage of affordable housing and groceries, but one thing that remained untouched was the open sky and several spots for camping. After a seven-hour drive, they reached a remote area adjacent to a national park. Danny, absolutely tired from four continuous hours of driving, was relaxing in a portable chair as Miles and Nolan put up their tent. Brandon was scourging the back of the car for snacks in their cooler.

Danny removed her sunglasses and flashed a grin as Brandon handed her a cold and moist bottle of soda from the cooler. She punctured the tab and took a long swig.

"Thanks, love," she said, accompanied by a sudden eruption of gas from the soda. Both Danny and Brandon had a hearty laugh about the incident. Afterward, she finished the soda in one go.

Danny closed her eyes and sighed in content, hearing Nolan and Miles bickering over inserting a tent pole, leading to Miles making a lewd comment about where Nolan should place the pole.

To avoid any more embarrassing moments, Danny got up and started working on the other end of the tent. However, she realized that the tent was more difficult than she thought and was facing the same issue as Miles and Nolan.

"Guys," Danny said to them. "Is your tent pole not fitting into the other end of the tent for you?"

Miles and Nolan shook their heads. "No, ours is too long," Nolan explained, pointing to the pole sticking out of the tent.

Miles groaned. "They messed up the packaging for the tent poles. I'll buy a replacement online."

Without further ado, Brandon reached over and removed the tent pole from Miles and Nolan's hands, giving it to Danny. Then, he took Danny's pole and handed it to Miles and Nolan.

"That... Makes more sense," Miles replied hesitantly.

Afterward, the tent went up quickly, and no more mishaps occurred. Before long, the trunk's remaining cargo could be taken out and stored in the tent, along with two air mattresses. They had planned for a double date, which they accomplished by only getting one big tent.

Miles wiped the sweat off his forehead and slumped into a folding chair after their efforts of unpacking.

"I still believe we should have purchased another tent," Miles grumbled, upset that they wouldn't have the privacy to get intimate in front of Danny's roommate.

Danny, avoiding confrontation, didn't want to inform Miles baldly but realized his fair skin. She figured he might be a developer and hence lacked sun exposure. More piquantly, he had a peculiar habit of putting hot sauce on everything, even having one with him at all times.

Perhaps he was a smoker, and hot sauce was the only taste he was capable of detecting. No matter the case, he was an enchanting being and a handsome guy whenever he donned long socks. As adevoted yaoi fanatic, Danny was ecstatic when she discovered that her roommate was dating a fair, charming character with long socks.

Brandon unraveled a camping chair beside the fire pit. It was summer, and he exuded a lovely sheen of sweat on his forearms.

"Miles, are you finally going to get some sun for a change?" he teased. Miles responded by picking up a pair of sunglasses and crossing his legs. "The sun and I don't make a good combination. No matter how long I stay out, I can't seem to acquire any tan," he sighed.

"How about a game of Frisbee, darling?" Nolan asked. Miles, excited by the suggestion, hastily put on his long socks and sprinted to Nolan, who grabbed him from behind.

Brandon blurted out, "Miles, my dear, are you the palest person I've ever met, yet you and Nolan are so adorable together!"

Danny reciprocated with a smile. "There's none other than them who qualify as the cutest couple."

Brandon admired the view of Miles and Nolan playing Frisbee. "That guy's so pale, yet he and Nolan are so adorable," he mentioned.

Danny got all dreamy and whispered, "It's like the Romeo and Juliet of werewolves and vampires."

At this, Brandon chuckled. "Are you referring to the yaoi manga you once showed me to test whether I was bi or not? I ended up looking into other anime and manga."

Brandon stood and held out his hand to Tessa, she took it and he swiftly helped her to her feet. He placed his palm on her lower back and leaned in to kiss her. Tessa felt a wave of warmth and returned the kiss.

"Now that we're alone in here?" she suggested. Brandon took a moment to comprehend her words, but Tessa was already tugging him towards the tent.

Soon, Dani hastily shuttered the tent, and started to undress. Removing her shirt and bra, she displayed her bare chest. Brandon embraced her, caressing her frame while gently kissing her pierced nipples. Tessa, meanwhile, gradually removed her pants.

He took her hand and held it around his erect penis, pumping it with excitement. As Dani rubbed off against him, Brandon began to maul her chest, enjoying the feel of her nipples against his palms.

Dani crouched by the base of his erection and flung her hair behind her ear. Leaning towards his crotch, her lips wrapped around the shaft as she moaned into his abdomen. She tasted a little bitter and could detect the familiar odor of the day they spent traveling and setting up their campsite. As she approached the base of his fleshy shaft, her nose was submerged in his pubic hair.

Dani's moaning subsided as Brandon's erection brushed against the back of her throat. She coughed and gagged on his girth. Brandon gently pulled her off his member and allowed her to take in a deep breath of air.

Dani pulled him over to the air mattress and straddled him belly down. She moved upward to lean over his crotch, and their eyes met.

"Time for me," she said, excitedly.

Brandon looked at her, unsure of what to expect, but Dani was already putting her hair back and getting on her knees in front of him.

Dani rested her head on his crotch, salivating at the prospect of poke her lips onto his majority. She nibbled at his member in anticipation of feeling it invade her throat and she moaned into his skin. Yet, she was softer in her attack and he didn't choke from her sucking.

Dani took his sizable cock back into her mouth, pushed it as far as she could, and then pushed again. She could feel pressure in the toy. But, it was the sensation of her pulling back that put her over the edge.

Brandon groaned loudly as Dani absently took him into her mouth. An offering that he was playing her game, but would need a moment before he pulled her back. Dani raised an eyebrow and insisted on him taking advantage of her oral prowess.

So, Brandon reluctantly moved to be face to face with her lower region, where he began to rub her clit. He was deeply grateful that she'd brought him to her pleasure hub so he could practice.

Brandon inserted his fingers into her vagina and she felt the sensation of his dry fingers curling against her inner walls. He knew how to find it, but he wasn't sure what to do with the spot.

Brandon replaced his middle finger with a third finger, stretching Dani's elastic walls to facilitate the movements. He observed that Danny was positively moaning despite the dry fingers. Fortunately, he'd kept his rhythm consistent.

Satisfied with the immediate results, Brandon pulled his fingers out of Dani's silkiness and rose to his knees in reverse. He coated his cock with her juices and then rubbed it on his member. Dani shuddered at the sensation of the fluid between them.

Though her head was clear, Dani considered her timing, pending her last period.

"We should be careful," she whispers. Emboldened to end the fantasy, Dani extracted a condom from her clutch and handed it to Brandon.

Brandon tore the corner open with his teeth and rolled it up his erection. He wedged it between their bodies and commenced stroking back and forth. Dani gasped from the fullness and grated against him from below. His heart rate sped up from the pleasure, but his episode was brief.

Brandon would not last long, sadly. He went rigid, feeling blessed that Dani could accommodate him, then came in a cuntload. Dani writhed in joy, giving him a task.

Brandon sat on her and embraced her as she spiraled beneath him. When he found himself inside of her, she steered her hips to create friction, proving that he squirted a large load. He groaned as she gyrated on his remnants.

Brandon untangled from Dani, and swung his legs around until facedown. He wrapped his arms around his lover and caught her in a hug while she opened her bag for a vibrator to meet its quota for that night. She'd brought one specifically for spontaneous pleasure. In no time, he explored her inner sanctum with the vibe and retrieved a small brownish substance from her demesne.

Despite her constant attempts to reach her purse, it remained elusively out of her grasp. Brandon, witnessing her efforts, assumed she was trying to persuade him for another go.

"It's over, baby," he sighed into her ear. Tightly stuck together, Danny relaxed and enjoyed the closeness of Brandon's arms around her. Although she had not yet climaxed, she found comfort in the fact that he was a genuinely decent individual and got along well with his mother.

They were awoken by the sound of Nolan and Miles unzipping their tent. A flashlight shone in Danny's face.

"Has everyone had fun?" queried Miles as he retrieved a bottle from his pack.

Danny rubbed her eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

Nolan's head popped into the tent, displaying great excitement. "It's weiner time! Right, you've probably already had some," he concluded as he noticed the intimate twosome.

"I'll give you two some time to get dressed," said Miles as he zipped the tent back up.

After putting on her pants, Danny put on a t-shirt from her bag and borrowed one of Brandon's hoodies. She put the hoodie on while slipping into a pair of flip-flops she had left outside their tent. Miles sat by the fire, leaning forward on a log while holding his phone. Nolan, with his legs balanced on another log, held a rake over the fire, cooking eight hot dogs.

"Was that from you or him?" Danny inquired, sitting down. Miles glanced at Nolan, who was grinning. "Who do you think?" he asked rhetorically.

Taking pride in his creation, Nolan asserted, "You'll all be impressed once you start devouring our weiners."

Danny pulled open the cooler and drank from the can. "Are you thirsty?" asked Miles.

"You have no idea," replied Danny.

Brandon emerged from the tent and kissed the top of Danny's head as he passed by. He sat opposite her in the last available seat. "Give me some wieners, Nolan," he requested, grabbing a bun from the bag beside the fire. Nolan obliged, presenting the rake to Brandon who grabbed a weiner using the bun as a gloves.

"Would you like some of my wieners?" Nolan joked.

"Always," purred Miles as he removed his bun.

Nolan looked to Danny. "I got a veggie dog for you, Danny - I don't know how you can stomach those things."

Danny took a bun and helped herself to the veggie dog from the rake. "They're filled with karma," she quipped as she took a bite.

"Does karma taste like dirt?" Miles asked, pouring sauce on his hot dog.

After everyone had finished eating, Nolan returned the rake to the fire to create some char on his remaining hot dogs. He grinned. "Let me know when you're ready for the next course," he offered.

"So, the second course is... hot dogs?" Miles inquired.

"It's more of a continuation of the first course," Nolan clarified, his eyes shining with glee.

Danny grinned as well. "How about the third course?" Nolan inquired.

"Hot dogs," answered Nolan as he took the remaining four hot dogs and stuffed them into buns in his lap.

"I haven't even finished my first one," said Miles to Nolan.

Nolan merely looked vacantly at Miles and grabbed a half-eaten hot dog, biting into it readily. Miles chortled and blew Nolan a kiss.

Danny eyed Miles. "What are you drinking?" she asked, hoping for a sip.

"Alcohol-free Merlot," said Miles a bit too rapidly.

Danny raised her eyebrows. "Oh, I didn't know - "

Miles interrupted her. "I don't like to talk about it," he said.

"A designated driver, huh?" Danny asked.

Miles shrugged. "I enjoy driving, so it works out."

Danny clapped her hands. "I believe we have found our return driver," Brandon said.

Danny lifted her can. "I'll drink to that."

Miles consented and gulped down some alcohol from his bottle.

Danny clutched her stomach. "I think I need to use the outhouse," she mumbled.

Brandon grabbed her backpack. "Do you need a flashlight?"

Danny nodded, catching the flashlight from him and clicking it on. She set off along the gravel path towards the outhouse, worried about not making it back because the path behind her was obscured.

Inhaling sharply, she faced the unknown and hastened along the path she believed to be behind her. There were no campfires to illuminate her way or gravel paths to follow as a guide. After five torturous minutes of walking, she was completely disoriented. Despite the flashlight, she could find no trace of the campsite.

"Help!" yelled Danny, waving the flashlight frantically, her heart pounding faster.

"Someone, please help! I'm lost!" she cried out.

Danny sprinted through the forest, calling for help, searching for a way back to the site.

Within half an hour, Danny was hopelessly lost in the woods. The trees were unfamiliar, and the ground was riddled with roots and brambles, causing her to stumble and trip in her flip-flops.

"Hello?" she cried. "Can anyone hear me?"

Her pleas were answered by the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. Danny's heart sank, and she turned around to start running. "Help!" she screamed.

Another howl echoed through the forest. She could hear something breaking branches in the shadows behind her.

"Fuck" Danny shouted as her foot hit a hidden root and snapped her toes. She doubled over, her back against the ground, blinded by the darkness. The flashlight was missing. Danny heard something charging towards her.

She pushed herself upright and began limping, trying to move away from the sound. The creature was panting and snarling. Danny's tears mixed with the fear as she felt claws moving across her back, tearing flesh. And then, she felt pointed teeth on her throat. Realizing this was the end, her mind flashed back through memories of her life as the creature withdrew its fangs and bolted away, leaving Danny lying in the forest.

Carefully, Danny felt behind her and ran her fingers across the deep gashes in her back. She moved her hand up and checked her neck but found it unharmed. Gathering her strength and ignoring the pain, she crawled, screaming for help.

"Danny!" Miles called from the distance. Danny's eyes widened as she heard his voice.

"I'm over here! Help me, please!" she begged.

Following her cries, Miles found her lying in a pool of blood. "No, no, no, no, no," he whispered as he examined her injuries. Thinking quickly, he tore off his shirt and used it to try to stop the bleeding. Despite his small frame, he managed to lift Danny off the ground and carry her like a fireman's carry. She was too lost in pain to care how he found her or how he managed to find her in the dark woods.

The rescue operation moved quickly. Miles had found Danny and the helicopter landed at a nearby clearing, carrying her to the nearest hospital for extensive surgery.

As she woke up, Danny found herself in a recovery room, surrounded by medical equipment and an intravenous drip. Brandon was sitting in a chair next to the bed, a look of relief on his face.

"Danny!" he said, jumping up to hug her, his hand on her shoulder, offering comfort.

"How long have I been out?" she asked groggily.

"A few days," Brandon replied, "Miles and Nolan returned to pack up the campsite after receiving news that you would remain in recovery for the duration of the trip."

"I'm so sorry," sobbed Danny.

"Don't blame yourself, you couldn't have controlled this," Brandon assured her.

With that, Danny pushed herself up in bed. "I need a hug," she said, her voice full of need for comfort after enduring the nightmarish ordeal. Brandon smiled and kissed her, pulling away only when they'd had their moment. Her wince made him understand her pain.

"Can you tell me what the damage is?" she asked Brandon.

"About a hundred and twenty-eight stitches, I think," he guessed. "Your back was pretty bad, and you'll likely have scars with all that stitching." hearing him describe the injury made Danny cringe, not looking forward to having those memorials on her body.

"I'm glad you're safe," Brandon reassured her, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "You've been worrying me for days, and I haven't been able to sleep."

"Get some real sleep," Danny urged him.

"I'll get some rest as soon as this is over," he promised as they shared a final kiss.

As she rested, she winced at the pain. "What's the damage?" she asked Brandon.

"I can't really say until the doctors are done," he said. "But your back will likely need some serious care and maybe even surgery to repair the mauling."

Brandon solemnly nodded, "I don't want to, but you're right. I've been in this room for two days."

Danny's heart filled with warmth upon hearing this. Regardless of his faults, his love and loyalty made up for them.

"I'll talk to Miles and see if we can share a hotel room until you recuperate."

"But how long will that take?" asked Danny, concerned about any financial burden he might face.

Brandon shrugged, "I don't see any other option."

"Call Miles and tell him to pick you up. You and Nolan go home, and I'll check if I can be transferred to a hospital closer to home."

"Are you positive? I feel bad leaving you here alone," insisted Brandon.

Danny leaned over and locked eyes with Brandon, "You need proper rest, and we both know you can't stand hotel mattresses. I love you, but you need to go back home."

Brandon nodded and pulled out his phone to call Miles. Soon, Brandon and Nolan arrived to pick him up, and Danny found herself alone in the hospital. To pass the time, she either napped or updated her social media, informing family and friends that she was alive but hospitalised.

A knock on the door and the entrance of a young man with black spiky hair, sporting a polo shirt and khakis, startled Danny. "Hi! I'm Mike Langston, from the hospital's Food Services Department," he said. "I'm just here to deliver this form to you." He handed Danny a sheet of paper, a dietary restrictions form, which she completed and returned to him. "I'll pass that along to the kitchen," he noted and exited quickly. Danny pondered what other errands he might have.

The next four days in the hospital were agonising. Danny alternated between hating the nurses consistently cleaning her wounds and the physical therapy, which she found torturous. But by day four, her wounds were healing incredibly fast, and she had regained her mobility. The hospital assumed she'd need two more days of recovery, but Danny was determined. All her wounds lost their freshness.

The healthcare staff, impressed by her fast recovery, decided to let her leave early. She had clothes from their camping trip, which weren't covered in blood.

Seeing the money in her account, Danny called a ride-sharing service to take her to the train station. When the car arrived, she verified the driver's identity and took a seat. Brooding in silence for an entire forty minutes, she found herself at a rustic train station, featuring only a ticket stand shed and a barren platform next to the tracks.

Danny spent the remainder of her remaining funds on a train ticket, waiting two hours for it to arrive. Unloading her luggage, she left for the entrance to her train car. Providing her ticket to the attending steward, she boarded.

A five-hour journey to Windsor was ahead of her, so Danny took her seat, bracing as her back touched the hard surface. Her wounds were still quite painful, but the medication was doing a good job of alleviating the pain. She hoped a dining cart would pass through, as she was craving something potentially satisfying. However, it occurred to her that her body was thinking more about steak than she had in her eighteen years of vegetarian living.

Her stomach grumbled, screaming for food. Approaching the cart, Danny spotted beet wraps and containers with salad mixes. But the smell of meat from the chicken Caesar wrap had her salivating.

Unable to resist, the vegetarian of eighteen years made a purchase, breaking her streak. Immediately, she devoured the wrap, enjoying the authentic meaty flavour.

Munching on the wrap and its contents, she groaned in satisfaction. It was meat, and it tasted like none other. After months of yearning for something to fill this void, it finally made sense. Within two days, she texted Brandon, letting him know that she was on the train and returning home.

Twenty minutes into her journey, a catering cart moved through the aisle, offering pre-packaged meals. Driven by hunger, Danny had to focus to stop her stomach from growling even louder. She spotted beet wraps and large bowls of salad, but all she could smell was the scent of meat from the chicken Caesar wrap.

Her stomach became a hurricane of want, and she struggled to not vomit. Using her phone, she transferred funds to purchase it. As soon as her card reader beeped, she snatched the wrap from the cart and tore through the packaging. The sensation of real meat was heavenly, and she moaned loudly as she savoured every bite.

At the end of the train ride, the woman's tailbone ached from the uncomfortable seating and her shirt felt tighter than usual. An individual five rows ahead was consuming beef jerky from a zippered bag, and the scent lingered throughout the trip. This reminded her of breaking her diet after eating chicken. She dreamt of devouring the entire bag of jerky in front of the person who'd brought it.

Once the train came to a stop, she was the first to stand up and gather her luggage. She barely noticed the weight of the goods in her hands due to her injuries. Danny experienced a sense of discomfort at the smell of those around her. She could detect specific deodorant brands and the perspiration and grime from others.

Danny tried to rush through the line to exit the train as quickly as possible. It felt like a sweaty factory in there, and she desired some fresh air. Why was this line moving so slowly? She swiftly descended the steps and sprinted across the platform to the station.

Nolan, Miles, and Brandon were standing at the station entrance to greet her. She embraced Brandon, inhaling a comforting scent. Danny separated from him to kiss Brandon, and they shared a moment in the train station. At the same time, Miles and Nolan were getting quite affectionate with each other.

In the car, Danny sat in the back with Miles while Nolan sat in the front. Their reasoning was that since Miles had the smallest size, she would have the most legroom. Danny then closed her eyes in the back, and Miles sprawled next to her in a dazzling skirt. Upon their arrival at the apartment building, Brandon dropped Danny and Nolan off at the entrance while he took the car around to the parking garage with Miles.

Danny proceeded to the bathroom of the apartment to change her bandages as the nurses had instructed. She decided to take advantage of the removed bandages to look at her injuries. There were two claw marks with three claws each, extending from her left shoulder to her right hip and vice versa.

As Danny examined her back, she was amazed by how much her scars had healed in such a short time. She lifted her shirt, astonished to find that her typically flat stomach had transformed into a well-defined six-pack.

"Man, physical therapy really does work," she exclaimed in awe.

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