erotic horror

Moonlit Bonds Chapter 4

Under the moonlit sky, werewolves engage in their instinctual mating rituals.

May 27, 2024
16 min read
rimminggroupcunnilinguswerewolftransformationBound by Moonlight Ch. 04
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 04
Bound by Moonlight Ch. 04

Moonlit Bonds Chapter 4

Anders guided Danny to the fence where his fellow werewolves were taking off their clothes. Caleb, wearing just his underwear, knelt next to her and slipped them off, gazing her way.

"Apologies, Danny," Caleb said embarrassedly.

Anders laughed, "There's no need to be ashamed, Caleb. We're just being true to nature tonight."

Anders removed his sweater, pants, and boots, stacking them neatly next to the fence. Danny also peeled off her sweater and placed it with the others,'m now standing naked among the werewolves. The moon shined brightly through a gap in the clouds.

Danny's skin felt uncomfortably hot, like a scalding shower. She observed the other werewolves trembling in discomfort as they underwent transformation. Her fingers ached; she collapsed onto her hands and knees, agony coursing through her.

Hair erupted on her arms and legs, spreading towards her chest and face. Then, she felt her face reshape, elongating her nose into a wolf's snout. Her ears shot up to become wolf-like. Her paws were completely formed, but her back ached in pain as her tailbone restructured into a furry tail hanging between her legs.

Danny gazed around at the werewolves - former humans now fully transformed into her kind. All black with glowing gold eyes. She breathed in deeply, enthralled by the scent of home and family.

A Night Watcher, named Anders, walked to the front of the group. His wolf-like appearance was highlighted in the moonlight.

"Night Watchers, welcome a new Member," Anders proclaimed. "We're united by the tragic curse in our blood. It connects us with a bond of shared sorrow."

The clan members amassed around Danny. They placed paws on her shoulders until she was surrounded by wolves. A second ring formed, and everyone howled at the moon rising in the sky. Danny joined in, wagging her tail excitedly as she howled at the moon.

Their howling continued for several minutes, finally ending when the circle dissolved. Danny growled, attempting speech but choking on the noises instead. "Don't fret, Danny," consoled Anders, laying a paw on her shoulder. "Speech with a muzzle takes time."

Danny growled more clearly this time. Her instincts took control, making her think of a man. Confused, she tried to concentrate on Anders' words.

"The 'rabbit run' unites us as a clan, it's as much a game as a ritual." Anders went on. Danny imagined herself as a vulnerable rabbit, Anders preying on her. A tail firmly secure around her leg, she nodded understandingly.

"Journey with us, young Danny." Anders continued. "We'll embark on many hunts, but tonight, you're designated prey. Be swift, silent, and epitomize a Night Watcher."

Danny observed her altered self and smelled the air. She could hear the werewolves sniffling, probing her scent.

Anders announced, "It's time for you to run, little rabbit." He shouted signals to the others.

Danny's heart raced; she leaned forward in anticipation, ready to escape. She dug her claws into the ground, propelling herself as fast as possible towards the tree line. Dirt flew behind her. She burst into the shadows, elated and free. The forest consumed her, and her werewolf brethren called in excitement.

In the night's dark embrace, the trees hid even the stars from Danny's sight. Her other senses amplified, like hearing the sound of a nearby stream and smelling the fear of animals fleeing her. Inspired by scenes from television, she headed towards the streaming waters, hoping to wash away her scent. Her fur stubbornly clung to her as she made her way through the almost knee-deep water.

After running for about a hundred meters in the stream, Danny exited and resumed her sprint, stopping only to lift her head and listen. The distant howls of werewolves reached her ears. They were still far away, so she continued her escape. As she approached the banks of the stream, she felt her feet slip into viscous mud.

Sloshing through the mire, Danny pulled herself through what felt like a quagmire with her paws. She could hear herself struggling and snarling as she dragged herself through the now chest-deep mud. As her effort increased, the sounds of werewolves closing in grew louder, and her footing seemed to deteriorate, threatening to bring her down. She peered upwards and found overhanging branches blocking out the stars.

Reaching for a tree, she gripped it with her claws and pulled herself up. She then dug her hind claws into the bark for stability and scaled the tree, moving up to the thickest branches. Balancing on one limb, she navigated from tree to tree, leaping between them and gripping the next set with her claws. The mud dripped off her as she scaled ever higher. Still, she could hear her pursuers gaining.

Leaping from one tree to the next, Danny was impressed by her own agility. Her tail wagged behind her, helping keep her balance. Danny was startled by sounds of one of her pursuers splashing through the mud and realized that someone was tracking her. Despite her exhaustion, her athleticism shone through.

As she reached the next tree, she heard the snapping branch and felt it give way. Caught off guard, Danny used her claws for purchase and jumped to the next tree. Focusing, she could barely hear the sounds of the werewolves closing in. However, she also sensed that they had slowed, allowing her to catch her breath. She felt herself panting and panting, but swiftly shook off the feeling, determined to keep moving.

Panting and snarling, Danny peeked over her shoulder and saw three pairs of glowing eyes, watching her intently.

"Come here, rabbit!" one of the werewolves called, taunting her. She began to wonder if the werewolves were just toying with her when the first wolf emerged from the darkness, attempting to grab her mid-jump. Danny threw a leg out and delivered a kick to the werewolf.

"Ow!" the werewolf yelped, falling from the branch right below. The other werewolves barked, but sounded more amused than angry. Danny's human brain switched off, replaced by instinctive panic. The werewolves on the branches jumped to her tree, grasping for her, but she leaped back and ran around the tree's trunk.

The werewolves closed in, determined not to lose their capture. Danny had to give up and clambered onto a large branch. Her heart raced, almost exploding in her chest. Then, something snapped. She felt her grip on the branch weaken, and her body hurtling towards the mud below.

The fall jarred her as she crashed into the wet soil, sending a burst of pain through her body. Her attackers burst out in laughter, and she could feel their coloured fingers brushing against her fur. She was trapped. But, as she glimpsed Caleb in the darkness, a realization hit her: They seemed to be enjoying the chase.

She was helped to her feet by her captors, and the werewolf she'd kicked was pulling himself up from the mud, dazed but uninjured. The pack members, breathing heavily after their successful capture, howled to proclaim their victory. Danny was swept from them and handed over to Caleb. She licked his face in thanks and as an apology for kicking him. Caleb returned the gesture, briefly staring at her before following her lead and starting to pant. They were both overwhelmed with the thrill of the chase.

Outnumbered and exhausted, Danny felt her fur caked with the various-colored powders. The pack enjoyed their victory and marked their prey. Danny was led back to where the werewolf had landed. Caleb was on all fours, trying to stand. Danny licked his face, and Caleb reciprocated in a show of affection. Neither could speak in their animal forms, so they resorted to the animal noises. As Danny sat exhausted, pondering the unfamiliar sensations in her paws, she felt a sense of euphoria and freedom.

Caleb extended his paw and touched the fur on Danny's back, leaving behind a trail of yellow dust. Danny excitedly barked when he did.

The rest of the group smelled the gathering scent and took turns putting marks on Danny until she was no longer black. They placed their paws on her shoulder, much like before, and howled towards the sky, with Danny joining in and howling with all her might. The fears that she had about this community started to melt away as she realized they truly cared and made the best of their situation.

Danny could also sense the scent of her pack members. The mix of hunting and dirt in their fur was oddly comforting. Caleb was howling next to her and she could smell how tired he must be from running to find them. There was something about Caleb in his wolf form that made Danny feel excited but she wasn't sure about what yet.

The hunting horn sounded from the clan house. The werewolves stopped howling together and ran towards the village as one pack. Seeing a large group of animals running on all fours was a frightening and beautiful sight, and being in the midst of it brought out her wild side. Danny's body followed its instincts and ran with her pack companions.

Upon arriving at the village, the moon was high in the sky, illuminating the field around it. Danny's multicolored fur stood out among the pack. Anders placed his paws on her shoulders and added red dust. Danny stared into his piercing golden eyes and felt a burning sensation as he finished.

"The rabbit has been caught," declared Anders, "Therefore, she is welcomed into our clan as a hound." Anders proudly patted her shoulder with approval.

"I can tell by the dirt on your fur that you ran hard and fought well," he softly told her, "Well done."

Danny beamed proudly as Anders continued, "We will dance under the moon tonight." He motioned for Danny to rejoin the pack as groups broke off to dance or hunt according to their preferences.

Caleb approached her with his head lowered. Danny tilted her head at him as he moved closer. She felt his fur brush against hers and his tail pass over her leg. The shy young man she'd met transformed into a powerful creature seeking her approval. He circled her again and nuzzled her face. She could feel the softness of his fur.

Observing Danny and Caleb court each other, Anders beamed and looked over at Jill who'd laid down on a rock and spread her legs, her vagina glistening in the moonlight. The elder knelt by the rock and started to lick Jill's vagina, disciplined and obedient.

Danny watched Anders worship Jill's body and refocused her attention on Caleb. She surveyed the area and noticed other pack members coupling with each other under the moonlight. It seemed that this was what they meant by "dancing under the moonlight." She was relieved that she didn't need to know how to dance. Caleb licked along the back of Danny's neck, making her shudder. She whined needily and experimented a little with lifting her tail to the side.

Caleb got on his knees and sniffed at Danny's vagina. Danny's heart was racing, she had never had sex in this form and was unsure if she could get pregnant. The mating season for wolves was in the winter, not summer. She felt a tongue lick the lips of her vagina. Danny turned around, knocking Caleb off balance, who stumbled onto his hind legs and watched in awe as Danny straddled him.

The two wolves intertwined tails, and Danny ran her paws through the fur on Caleb's stomach. She rubbed his stomach, causing him to pant and kick his leg. His cock was erect, and Danny had never seen a wolf's cock before and was surprised by its pointed shape. She put her pussy on his cock and gently rubbed herself against him. She felt a surge of fluid, covering Caleb in her juices. The sense of mating was in the air, with panting noises being heard everywhere.

Taking care not to hurt him with her claws, Danny lifted herself up and guided Caleb into her. The warmth, the fullness, she'd never experienced anything like this. Her tail wagged uncontrollably and her ears folded back, showing her joy. She gazed down at Caleb's golden eyes and lean body and bounced up and down, each bounce causing him to thrust into her, hitting the deepest parts of her vagina.

They continued to fuck like animals, Danny panted hot breathes as Caleb held her by her hips and slammed into her. While riding Caleb, Danny had a commanding view of the other werewolves. Everyone had paired off or were getting busy in the center of the pack. Caleb squirmed and pulled Danny down on his shaft. She let out a low howl as Caleb's head neared her cervix.

Danny leaned down over Caleb, grinding her pelvis against his, letting his shaft hit every spot she had. She licked at Caleb's face and panted lustfully. Caleb complied and held himself with his arms and legs and thrust his core up and down. Danny squeezed around Caleb's shaft and let out a long howl as she felt her entire body seize up. She lost focus and time slowed down as Caleb's cock gave her an explosion of orgasm.

The two werewolves pressed their faces together and licked at each other. Caleb was close and held Danny by her back, his claws digging into her skin as cum started to spurt from his cock head. He was firmly inside of her when he came, watery jets of cum blasted into Danny's deepest crevices, coating her insides.

As if things couldn't get any better, she crossed her eyes in surprise as she felt something stretching her vagina. Caleb's knot was filled, and it kept his cock firmly in Danny's pussy. She couldn't care less and collapsed onto Caleb's chest to recover. They both breathed heavily and panted, her cunt glowing with warmth as Caleb's shaft rested within her. A cold breeze swept across the field but with the fur she was unbothered, feeling more like a cool breeze while in bed.

Danny rested on top of Caleb and licked his muzzle. There was nothing to do but enjoy each other's warmth. It was like cuddling with a furry body pillow and she couldn't help but rub her arms across Caleb's chest. He groaned happily as she rubbed him and ran her fingers through his fur. She felt her head move up and down in rhythm with Caleb's chest. She closed her eyes for a moment and soon nodded off on top of Caleb.

When Danny woke up, Caleb was still beneath her and asleep as well. His cock slid out of her after its knot deflated. Feeling the need to stretch, she stood up from Caleb and felt a stream of cum drip out of her vagina. She stepped over Caleb and dipped a clawed finger into her snatch, careful not to cut herself. Danny felt her claw drag across her slit and into it, she could feel the cum dripping out of her.

She looked around and considered her options. There was still time before the moon set, and she couldn't go to bed like this. Danny thought about joining the rutting pile that had formed in the middle, a mass of furry bodies writhing against each other. Then she saw Anders still worshipping Jill, who was now heaving and wrapping her legs around Anders' head.

Danny licked her lips and felt invigorated by her conquest. Caleb was still sleeping, his wet nose breathing in and out, and Danny wanted more. She strode across the field, past couples and groups enjoying each other's bodies, and stood behind Anders. The elder alpha male sensed her scent and turned around. Jill pondered why her mate had stopped and looked up to see the new blood standing behind him.

Anders reached over and rubbed Danny's head, she mewed in approval. He smirked, "the beast's hunger is not just literal," he chuckled as she crossed her eyes at the rubbing.

Jill let out a growling bark, and Anders had a devious smile on his face. "Danny, my cock aches quite strongly. Could you care for Jill's needs? I'm sure I can find a way to repay you," he said with a quick squeeze of her butt. Danny's tail perked up at the thought and she got to her knees before Jill. The satisfied matriarch of the clan showed her snatch for Danny. She'd had bisexual thoughts before but never had the chance to explore them. She sniffed and licked at Jill's warm vagina as Anders got to his knees behind her.

With her tail wagging excitedly she welcomed the feeling of Anders slipping into her. The alpha male's stiff penis was throbbing and ready to breed her. She felt him plunge into her already soaking wet passage and thrusted repeatedly. Danny groaned into Jill's vagina as Anders claimed her pussy for himself. She tasted the inside of Jill's passage and licked her clean like a dog licking a jar of peanut butter.

She had half her muzzle in Jill's vagina when she felt Anders pull out, she backed away from Jill and looked behind her. He stepped forward and plunged himself into Jill as Danny watched from the side. She licked her chops and crawled between Anders' legs to rest her muzzle behind his balls. She leaned forward and licked Jill's anus, eliciting an excited yelp from the matriarch.

Danny's tail wagged as she savored the aroma of sex all around her. Her nose detected something salty and felt Ander's penis knot inflate inside Jill. With the alpha couple knotted and staying there, a coy smile spread across Danny's snout. She licked up some of the cum that seeped from Jill's vagina and moved away, eager to try something from yaoi comics.

Anders was savoring the warm embrace with Jill when he felt someone caress his rear. His tail swished in curiosity. A muzzle pressed against his cheeks, and he felt someone salivate over his tail hole. The older wolf twitched and grunted, realizing what Danny was doing. The newbie was indeed eager.

He raised his tail and permitted Danny to continue her exploration. He inhaled and exhaled and felt Danny's tongue worm its way into his tail hole repeatedly. Jill's tail thumped excitedly as she felt more cum spurt from Anders. Danny squeezed Anders' buttocks and licked his prostate until he was panting and whimpering in need. Jill joined in the stimulation, squeezing his still knotted penis. Anders moaned again and released the last of his cum into Jill.

Danny finished and pulled away from Anders' tail hole. She wiped her snout and saw the others resting in the grass or returning from a hunt. The grass felt cool and refreshing to the touch and provided comfort. Danny found herself trotting in a circle and lying down. She curled up, pulling her limbs close to her body, and used her tail to cover her feet and hands.

With cum seeping from her vagina and the scent of Anders on her snout, Danny felt satisfied at last. She'd never felt more exhausted than this moment. She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes, dozing off under the stars. She flicked her ears every time a gust of wind blew by. Soon, the field outside the settlement was peppered with black circles of werewolves sleeping.

Come morning, Danny heard birds chirping and the wind rustling through the grass. She must have changed back into her human form in the night. Danny found a blanket over her. She wrapped herself in the blanket and headed toward the settlement. Her clothes had been left in a plastic bin next to the gate. Checking to ensure she was alone, she removed the cover to don her garments.

Danny entered the settlement, where a few gotezha members were chopping wood. Some of them nodded as she walked by. She wandered past some greenhouses and eventually arrived at the Gotezha Hall. Elder Anders was in human form like the others and was in conversation with some unfamiliar men. They gave off a different scent, another clan? She felt a growl rise within her.

As she approached Anders, he shooed away one of the unknown men and made his way toward Danny. "Good morning, Danny," he said. These are the Black Moons, our sister clan from Quebec. We conduct trades every so often."

"Hello," Danny said, offering her hand.

"Bonjour, So polite." said one of the Black Moon elders as they shook Danny's hand.

"Is this the newbie you mentioned?" inquired one of the Black Moon elders to Anders.

Anders grinned politely, "Yes, barely had time to settle."

"Welcome to the pack," welcomed one of the Black Moons.

"Thank you," replied Danny, "Is there somewhere I can find breakfast or..."

Anders smiled, "Clan hall, Plenty of scrambled eggs for everyone." He assured. Danny hurried to the clan hall after hearing that. She sprinted toward the serving area to stack a plate with eggs and find a table. As she walked to an empty table, she noticed Caleb making his way for the same table.

Danny sat down and remained within eyesight of Caleb as he sat a few chairs away. "Good morning," she said. Caleb appeared relieved by her greeting. "Hi Danny. You slept well?" he asked.

"I had a good night, got to know Anders better."

Caleb looked astonished, "You got it from Anders?" he whispered. "And Jill didn't lambast you?"

"I was on top with him giving me another go-round," concluded Danny.

Caleb leaned forward, "Are you okay? First night here and you get roped into a moongathering."

Danny paused before replying, "It's as if you jump into a cold reservoir, it's better to do it early."

Caleb cleared his throat, "I enjoyed last night." Caleb remarked.

Danny beamed, "I did too...Wait, what about this little boy who said he has a boyfriend?" she asked.

Caleb reddened, "I had a boyfriend."

Danny offered her hand, and Caleb took it, "What happened?"

"Hiking near Algonquin," Caleb recounted. "We met at a tough time in both our lives."

Danny leaned over, "Any regrets?"

"I remember lots," Caleb sighed. "He completed me, we met in a bad time in our lives."

Danny cleaned off the remnants of her breakfast and uttered, "I'm so sorry, Caleb."

Caleb gave a bittersweet smile, "Painful memories, but I prefer to recall them."

He rubbed his eyes and blew his nose, "Who's your boyfriend?" he enquired.

Mulling over the question, Danny carefully chose her response, "Considerate, thoughtful, he doesn't have a bent penis" she confessed.

"You could always track him down if you wanted to change that," joked Caleb sarcastically.

Danny chuckled at the idea and imagined the consequences - she wasn't keen on discovering the quality of Brandon's foreplay using claws. "No, I don't think I'd go that far," she considered.

"Anders mentioned something about errands... who do I need to talk to about that?" she queried.

Caleb brought out a piece of paper from his pocket, showing her a printed-out excel chart used for scheduling. "So Jill told you that you'll be at the greenhouse, we'll sort out your schedule, but for now, it's a rotating system within the settlement."

Nodding in agreement, Danny replied, "That works for me."

"Anything to fill your time? No problem," she assured.

"No rush, everyone's a little groggy after the moon ceremony," remarked Caleb.

"You were really cute last night," she complimented him.

"Thanks... Yeah, you too," he surprised. Danny left her plate at the kitchen and headed towards the greenhouses. A short distance away, she entered the greenhouses and discovered Jill donning gardening gloves and a canvas apron.

"Morning, Danny," greeted Jill.

Danny kneeled in front of Jill and assisted her in pulling fully grown potatoes from the ground.

"Excited to have you with us, Danny. Crop 3 is ready for harvesting, so we'll be digging up potatoes for a few hours."

Danny continued her task with her hands, feeling increasingly disgusted by her human fingers - insubstantial, pale, and pink. Last night was remarkable and Danny longed to roam the wild, free as her current form. Jill noticed her distraction and tapped her fingers in front of Danny.

"Still lost in thought?" inquired Jill.

Danny felt her spine shudder at the idea of running wild, always in her wolf form, like the feral werewolf that attacked her or the one she witnessed at the facility.

"Danny, snap out of it," urged Jill. Jill gestured for Danny to join her on the ground, so Danny obeyed.

When seated, Jill continued, "You're hearing the whispers, aren't you?" she asked.

"The whispers?"

"The calls of the wild. The yearning to be in your true form at all times and live in the untamed woods. It's the genesis of going feral."

Danny didn't fancy ending up like the feral werewolf who bit her or the one she saw at the facility. "How can I stop it?" she asked.

"Go on a hunt soon," directed Jill. "Feed your animal with fresh meat, and it'll calm down."

"But the next full moon isn't for another month," protested Danny.

Jill led her to a patch of herbs, stroking her fingers across them. "Transformation is imminent during a full moon, close to it you can prompt it with Focus," she informed.

Reaching for a bottle of water, she drank from it, then held out the bottle, offering it to Danny. Jill popped a pill from a jar with the female symbol on it and swallowed it. She then handed a similar pill to Danny.

"What is this?" enquired Danny.

"Thistle, Blue Cohosh, and wild carrot," answered Jill as she gulped down the water. "Take this for the rest of the week, and you'll be fine. It's birth control, and all the women here consume it after the moon ceremony," assured Jill.

Danny accepted the pill and swallowed it. Though she cherished Caleb's connection, she wasn't ready to have his offspring.

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