Group Sex

My Dream of a Massage Session

Imagining a relaxing massage experience.

May 21, 2024
13 min read
My Massage Fantasymassagebig boobs
My Massage Fantasy
My Massage Fantasy

My Dream of a Massage Session

I've had a secret crush on my massage therapist, Amanda, for a decade now. She's petite, adorable, and boasts the perfect chest for her diminutive frame. She's taken time off in the past to pursue a nursing career, start a family, and move from one massage parlor to another. Whenever I visit her, she always knows how to address my aches and pains by simply asking what's been happening in my life recently.

Although we've often chatted before and after my sessions, I've always fantasized about her, her body, and what having a sexual relationship with her would be like. I always get aroused when she's working on me, especially when she presses her palm directly against my undercover erection for a few seconds. Her touch is just too much for me.

Recently, Amanda mentioned during one of our conversations that she'd been feeling neglected by her husband and sons. She's had a challenging time juggling the needs of her family, her work, and her home. On our most recent meeting, she mentioned how exhausted she was from the never-ending demands of her loved ones and the work she does as a nurse.

I couldn't help but share in her struggle when she asked me what had been happening in my life. After listening to my usual routine of working out, traveling, and lots of meetings, she shared that her days had been pretty rough as well. "Enough about me...what's going on with you?" I said, somewhat lightheartedly. Her busy life often left her feeling unfulfilled sexually, and this time, she told me she was taking a break for some "me time".

As I explained my daily activities to her, Amanda appeared more lost in thought and drained than usual. It was evident she could use some rest and relaxation. After a long pause, she finally asked, "Maybe you need the massage tonight?" In the spa where she currently works, there are only a few massage therapists, and we were the only ones present at the time. While her offer was tempting, it was also something I'd once considered: massaging her instead of her massaging me. "You mean we could actually switch places?" I asked, only to be met with nervous laughter and a shaky voice.

"I was thinking about it, and I think it'd be nice," she said. Her hesitancy was evident in her tone, and her eyes remained downcast. Standing by the side of the table, she was self-conscious, and she crossed her arms over her chest. Her look conveyed that she rarely gets to take care of herself in this way, even though she devotes all her time to others.

"So, you want to switch roles?" I clarified. Starting to turn my head, I looked at her and noticed her hesitation. She seemed nervous, nervous to actually put her intentions into action. "Uh, if we switch places, I can massage you. It's not about the technique; it's about the healing power of touch. And if you encounter any knots or aches, I can guide you through them," she volunteered.

From where I lay, face down and ready for her to begin, I watched Amanda with anticipation, waiting to see if she would follow through with her offer. To my surprise, she hesitated further. "I was thinking about it, and maybe it's better if you give me a job to do first," she suggested. I heard the door knob turn and the sound of her walking toward me.

"Ready?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Always," I replied jokingly. With most of the other therapists gone for the day, the massage room was filled with our anticipation and excitement. Little did she know, my arousal reached a peak during that session, imagining the inverse of what usually occurs: her giving me a massage instead of receiving one. It was a secret I took to the grave.

In that instant, my thoughts were whirling, and without hesitation, I found myself saying "Sure" in a slightly nervous tone. Amanda moves toward the table and gently places a hand on my lower back...You've been visiting me for a long time now, and we've been getting to know each other a bit more. I'm comfortable with this arrangement, but we can't talk about it because it's not what should be happening here, and I can't risk losing my job. Additionally, I can't step back out of the room or make you leave before our session is complete since our boss checks the video monitors that record the lobby and hallway outside the rooms. Consequently, if you agree, I'll turn my back while you get up and dress, and you'll do the same while I get undressed and positioned under the sheet.

I giggle nervously and say that's fine by me. She turns away as I get out from under the sheet, immediately noticing my stiffened state. I walk to the chair, and she slightly turns her head and mentions, "You might want to just wear boxers and a t-shirt considering the room is warm and you'll get hot during the massage." I inquire if that's the reason she always wears yoga pants and a t-shirt. She laughs and says, "Well, yes, but also because they're really comfortable!" With my boxers on, I begin to pull on a shirt but hesitate. "Can I leave my shirt off to avoid it getting sweaty or covered in oil?" She readily agrees. "Okay, I'm ready now and have turned my back for you to change."

At this point, I moved to the other side of the room so she could use the chair to place her clothes. I repositioned myself to possibly catch a glimpse of her as she changed. Amanda starts by removing her flip flops, showcasing her adorable toes with a perfectly manicured pedicure. She removes her yoga pants, and I hear her as she moves and leans on the chair. She removes her massage t-shirt, and I hear the sound as she pulls the sports bra over her head. I hastily sneak a glance to the side and can see her beautiful breasts escaping from the sports bra, albeit briefly. Then, I hear her slide her panties down and start to lightly step toward the table before she lays down and pulls the sheet up.

"I think I'm ready. Thank you for your consideration!" I blush a little, my erection still apparent, and turn around to move toward her feet.

"Relax like you do to me, just breathe and let some stress melt away." I stand next to her feet so she can't see, and I put my fingers on her panties. They feel damp, but they're a pretty red thong with a pattern designed on them, which I recognize to be from Victoria's Secret.

I decide to follow her lead. I go to her head and lift the sheet to readjust it. In a fleeting moment, I catch a glimpse of her fully naked, petite body before the sheet falls back into place. I move around to her feet and begin warming oil in my hands. I feel her tense slightly as my hands touch her feet, and then I gently massage both legs. "Let me know if I'm doing anything wrong or if I need to adjust the pressure," I say to her. She replies with a simple "okay" and a small sigh. After a minute of this, I cover her feet, and then I move to her left side, uncovering her left leg and going a little higher than initially planned. I apologize for the accidental expose, but it seems to be fine as she doesn't raise her head. I continue working her calf area, switching between long strokes up and down and focus on her hamstrings. I perceive her shifting her legs apart slightly and notice the warmth between her legs but avoid getting too near to her. I complete her left leg with a few long strokes and cover it before moving to the other side and repeating the process, but purposely lifting the sheet higher to show a bit of her cheek. I hear her make no objections, and I begin the same while working further up her leg until I can just make out the silhouette of her soft lips. I struggle to maintain my composure; my hands shake a little, and I add more oil while attempting to regain control. Finally, I cover her leg and shift my attention to her back. [TL;DR: During a massage, I can't talk about our secret arrangement or risk getting fired. We need to change while the other's back is turned. I joke about her wearing yoga pants for comfort when suddenly she begins undressing, revealing her toned body. I touch her feet with oiled hands while she relaxes, and she reminds me she's still working out. I admire her great figure and intend to control my arousal as I work on the rest of her body using her foot. I'm almost overwhelmed with desire and need to focus on my job, so I put more oil on and continue massaging her leg without commenting on her panties.]

Crawling over to the bed, I carefully pull the sheet off her back, collecting it at her waist. I notice her hair impedes my progress, and without hesitation, she informs me of the hair tie in the nearby drawer. Before I can grab it for her, she vaults up and twists her mane into a carefree chignon. I watch as her plump chest peeks out from beneath the covers.

I caress her silky back, tracing a path down the spine's center, flanking her shoulders, then across her back again. As I explore her skin, I detect her breathing deepen and what seems like a subtle release of tension. Encouraged, I press harder on her lower back, causing her to murmur, "Just above... and below." Understanding, I experiment with the pressure on either side of her lower back.

She gives no further directions, so I execute a slow, unyielding caress along her contours, my fingertips navigating her little mounds and the soft hollows in between. We proceed in this manner, as I inch nearer to sweet sensation zones on her skin. As I near her buttocks, I consider stopping, but her backside seems to invite me in. Deciding to venture further, I hook my finger around one cheek, and maintain a smooth, QUICK touch, returning it to the small of her back.

I decide to confirm how she's reacting, asking in a quiet voice, "How have I been doing so far? Everything okay?"

Her eyes are still closed, and with a blissful expression, she says, "It's perfect. I'd tell you if it hurt, but this soothing touch is remarkable."

Elated by her remark, I respond, "I've always loved imagining this - the feel of your smooth skin - it's exquisite." Her blush reveals unspoken thoughts.

I rise, and kneel behind her head. I swipe the sheet from her breasts and start to work on her upper body by massaging her neck, attempting to emulate her own magic. As the sheet drifts upward to her nipples, I briefly glimpse her bare chest. I savor the feeling of her uninhibited sensuality, and the beautiful vista of her body's plump, full arms greets me. I crouch next to her and tread in caution, offering more brushes to her neck and hands. Her eyes remain closed, so I use her proximity to allow more intimate contact with her skin.

Unconsciously, I incite her ooh-la-la zones by meeting my hard on against one of her hands. We both come forth to engage with our powerful arousal, equally enthusiastic about what's going on. Switching to the other one, I make her hand an accomplice, and it becomes clear, she is enjoying the sensations, evident with her aching response.

Taking a more subtle approach with my excited member, I advance to her leg.

As I drew the sheet up to just below her buttocks, my observations confirm she is enjoying herself. Naughty intentions overcome me, as I lean into her thigh and caress before touching my stiff manhood against her hand. No verbal reactions, still the same shut eyes and relaxed breathing encourage me to continue this intimate moment.

I raise myself to her foot and bend to calm her heels. I ascend her tantalizing thigh, my hands looping her smooth, sensitive waves. Paying special attention to the snug folds which lay just above her inner thigh, I hear a small blip of air leave her lips, signaling my boundaries. I retreat and finish her left leg, enveloping it back in the sheet.

I make amends by allowing her thigh to shield me somewhat, then move to stand near her toes. Though my boxer briefs taunt me with their inept containment, I watch her undisturbed breathing, I feel definite signs of moisture below us. Elated by our innaneous intimacy, I am nearly ready to lose control, and claim my reward...

I reveal her left leg once more, this time up to where the bikini fabric ends, and start gently rubbing up and down. I realize this may be the last moment before everything comes to a halt, so I want to savour every stroke against her velvety skin. Finding myself pressed against her, she pushes back harder, prompting me to stay right where I am to relish the sensation of pressure. She presses her arm into me, making it feel even more amazing while also throwing off my leg movements. I start to get lost in the sensations when I realize my hands have moved under the sheet and onto her waist bone on the outside, and my finger on her inner thigh is merely an inch away from her. The sensation of her warmth as she breathes heavily becomes more detectable. I pull back and resume my actions a few times, each time inching slowly forward until the tip of my fingers touches her wet, smooth lips. The moment she utters a soft moan, she grabs my hand, which is currently being used to stimulate her. I'm stunned for a second and suddenly realize my fingertips are inside her wet pussy, and my other hand is resting at the front of her waist as she starts to knead my erect penis.

Without a second thought, I push my fingers in further, causing her to slip her hand under the waist band of my boxers to grasp my cock. I continue moving my fingers in and out, marvelling at the wetness I've created and her audible moaning which corresponds with my own heavy breathing. I remove the sheet from her, giving me a clear view of her large breasts for the first time. I travel up her body, coating my palm with the massage oil. Touching and pinching her hardened nipples, I delight in the contrast between their softness and firmness. I maintain fingering her while she holds my erect cock, her mouth opening slightly as she looks into mine. After a brief moment, we continue with these movements.

As I watch her legs sway gently while she emits soft moans and breathes harder, I am captivated by the vision of her body under my touch. I realize I have never been more aroused, with her hand obviously gripping my penis. I slip my shorts off and move to the end of the table. She gazes at me inquisitively, wanting to continue. However, as I grab her legs and push her bottom to the end of the table, her legs encircle my shoulders, helping her balance as she's exposed to me. I kneel down and, with her legs for support, lean forward to gently lick her wet, slick pussy. I find her clitoris with my tongue and reach up to fondle her erect nipples, simultaneously running my fingers over her belly and chest. This causes her to sigh, moan, and take in deep breaths while allowing her hips to move on their own according to my tongue movements.

I pull my head back for a second, noticing that the room's soft lighting reveals how soaked she is from the massage oil, her nipples standing up straight and visibly larger than I could have imagined. I lean forward again, relishing the taste of her wetness. My right hand continues traversing her body, caressing her belly and chest while playing with her firm nipples, considering them in my palm and fingers. My left hand dips beneath her and enters her, replaced by my tongue. Her hips now move rather frantically. My right hand slips down so when I push it back up, it lands at her other hole, which she tightens instantly and moans louder. I then take this as an invitation to penetrate her. I would have never imagined I'd be witnessing her naked, let alone getting my tongue into her pussy while finger stimulating her anus.

We carry on this way for a while until she takes hold of my head and grips my hair. I notice the tension in her legs as they resist me, while her soft moans become more guttural; she then undergoes an orgasm. I sense her body tense and shiver before relaxing once more. I rise up, allowing her legs to wrap around my waist, her hands settling on the edge of the table. As her eyes look into mine, I see her relaxed form and my fully erect penis resting on her atop her wet, hot pussy. She grabs my pulsing penis, positions it at her wet opening, and pulls me into her in a single stroke. She releases a loud "oh fuck you're big," before closing her eyes and letting out another "oh."

I start moving in and out of her gently. My fingers wander around her chest and belly, then I lean in close and find her neck, quickening the rhythm of our lovemaking. Her legs close tightly, my fingers lightly clasping her throat, our gazes stay locked, both glistening with massage oil and sweat. I speed up since I know I won't last long due to envisioning this moment for years and hearing her moans...we both become fully immersed until I groan and thrust in as far as I can, losing all control as I start to ejaculate deeply inside her. She feels the spasms and immediately reaches another orgasm, hugging my hips tightly, her arms wrapping around my shoulders, pulling me down against her for a passionate kiss while we try to catch our breath through gasping and intertwined tongues.

As the climax ends, we gradually withdraw and I sit up to stretch, becoming soft inside her until I withdraw completely. Amanda beams and blushes, "Thanks...I shouldn't have done any of that, probably unprofessionally and personally, but you have no idea how much I desired that. Please never bring it up to anyone! I don't think we can ever do something like that again, but it was so ecstatic and delightful." She smiles and blushes at the feeling of embarrassment, excitement, and guilt for everything.

I chuckle and say thanks, and this is our secret. And you have no idea that I've longed for this for years!

Amanda smiles and blushes once more, "Yeah, I assumed so. With that thing, it's hard to keep it hidden during a massage, especially when you're lying face-up on the table!" Standing up, she enters my embrace and our naked, oiled bodies touch and sway together, my erection getting firmer, and her erect nipples poke into my chest. She steps back: "I enjoy your response, but we must cease for now. It's getting late, and I need to go home!" We watch each other get dressed and she leaves first to close up my appointment and prepare for the next one, then I leave. I pay, hand her a tip as usual, she asks: "But I didn't—" before I finish with, "Yes, you did!" She smiles and says, "See you next time while I fantasize about this encounter and hope it becomes reality..."

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