My First Dominant Girlfriend: Chapter 5

John experiments with abstinence and receives a prize.

Jun 11, 2024
10 min read
sphchastityglovesfirst timeslappingmommy domanalMy First Dominant Girlfriend Ch. 05cum eating
My First Dominant Girlfriend Ch. 05
My First Dominant Girlfriend Ch. 05

My First Dominant Girlfriend: Chapter 5

I donned a chastity cage for about a week, and it was a miserable experience. I loathed it on every level. The discomfort intensified during nighttime hours, as natural nocturnal erections were inhibited. My sleep was troubled, leaving me grumpy and exhausted each morning. The worst part was having to sit down to urinate, which was a mortifying affair. It failed to turn me on or make me feel part of a sexual endeavor.

Throughout the week, Rebecca periodically inquired about how I was coping with the device. I often responded tersely, like "I can't stand it" or "it's not enjoyable." She never replied directly to my brief responses but instead changed the topic. I was determined to acquire the key from her upon seeing her next, remove it, and deal with the repercussions. I believed if she couldn't respect my wishes, I didn't want a relationship with her.

However, our scheduled reunion weekend was suddenly canceled, as Rebecca had to fly out to visit her family due to her grandmother's hospitalization. This left me stuck in the cage for at least three more days. When I asked for the key, she pleaded with me to keep it on for a few more days. With some reluctance, I agreed.

That Friday night, I received a text from Rebecca recently arrived at her destination, stating:

"Hey John, just landed. I'll call you once I'm settled. I wanted you to know that this experiment has been challenging for you, but you've been doing a fantastic job, and I'm really proud of you. I guarantee it'll become easier...this might sound strange, but it genuinely makes me happy and makes me feel closer to you. You're so attractive, fun, and heart beats so fast when I'm with you. I can't wait to be with you and make love to you over and over again. I love you, John. With all my heart."

Exactly a week prior, both of us had expressed our love to one another. Though I primarily discuss the sexual aspects, we were remarkably compatible otherwise. Our taste in activities, shared worldviews, and our mutual beautiful friendships solidified our connection. She surpassed any one I'd been with before - her attractiveness had even led my friends to quip that she was out of my league.

So, after receiving her text I went out with friends and had a few drinks. As I returned home, I reconsidered my decision, contemplating disobeying. While seated on the toilet, peeing, my dick involuntarily got hard (seemingly straining against the chastity cage). It was a strange feeling, and I suspected it resulted from a submissive subconscious. This was women's business, in my mind, and they weren't weaker. It was possible Rebecca had a purpose behind this, as she was a sharp attorney and somewhat of a feminist.

Suddenly, my subconscious seemed to have its own opinion: this was a lesson. The desire to remain submissive to her while peeing was compelling. As I finished, my dick pushed firmly against the pink plastic chastity gadget. The urge to ejaculate was intense, but my discomfort was undeniable. That night, it happened.

Not quite the desired scenario, though. I woke up from a dream at 3 A.M., feeling slightly trembly. In the dream, I had climaxed with Rebecca. Upon waking, I still felt the need to climax yet had no hard-on. Was this a dream orgasm? It was an odd sensation, but I'd never experienced anything like it. My penis leaked cum in large quantities and even dripped from the cage - it had felt great but also unique.

I cleaned the sheets thoroughly, then showered. Contemplating what transpired, my brain kept going back to the same question: What had I experienced? I recalled Rebecca had instructed me to notify her when such an incident occurred, so I sent her a text: [The text is missing from the original version.]

Unbeknownst to me, that night, my body had secretly released its stored cum in the absence of a hard-on. I couldn't believe it. It felt fantastic yet different than conventional orgasms.

Hi my love, you had mentioned to text you if I ever got off without you. Shockingly enough, I had a wet dream last night. I can't even remember when the last time I experienced one was.

The next day, while all tensed up, I got a quick response.

"Hey! I heard your text while my phone was on. You don't have to worry, I'm not disappointed or upset. It just happens when your balls are full, so clean up and sleep well. Can't wait to speak with you again sometime, honey. I can't wait to make love to you once I return. The very first time!"

Though I cringed when she said 'cummies', I was glad she wasn't angry.

We talked about things during the day. To my dismay, she decided to stay the entire week to assist with her grandmother's transition. I couldn't suppress the eye-roll as she shared the news with me.Another week in this cursed prison.

Somehow, I managed to get through it that week. I thought of escaping by using tools to break free but refused to consider it. Was she only playing a sexual game or was this more serious? Would she really get angry if I communicated my distress? I had no answers. There was a time when I believed she was just playing a sexual game, but now, I was no longer so sure. We were in love, had been together for months, and we had never had the real thing. The reason we say our first time in bed together will be when she returns made me ponder over the level of seriousness in our relationship. Though I realized it didn't sit well with me and I craved sexual release, it seemed as though I had to somehow make it through.

And I did get over it. I told Rebecca that I was feeling better than the previous week, even though there was still a toilet chamber in my room. I wasn't as frustrated as before since I'd begun to sleep better and I'd stopped thinking about it too much when my penis tried to turn on the cage.

Two weeks had passed since we were separated. We eventually reunited and spent a night feasting on dinner and wine. We caught up on each other's whereabouts. It was truly nice to see my lover. We underwent severe separation-anxiety, as young lovers do. Arm in arm, we shared our bed. As the night progressed, we engaged in a passionate kiss.

She shifted things a bit and commanded, "Okay, little one. Head into my room and get undressed." I found myself hard against the cage now. The constant pressure made my skin bulge through the vents.

Marching into her room, I disrobed and followed her commands to fold her clothes. She walked towards me wearing only a summer dress when she stopped to check my cage again.

"I'm so proud of you John. The barriers you've had to tackle, but it makes me so happy. Let's provide you with some respite."

Without any further delay, the key left its dwelling, and my cage was removed. My tense member was promptly erect.

"Wow John! It's never been this hard before." She wore a beaming smile at this, and she disrobed completely. She requested me to fold her clothes before she slipped under her covers.

With a cheeky grin, she guided me to her side, "Alright, John. It's now time for us to make love. As I'm on birth control, you may cum inside me." I obliged. "Are you excited master?" My nonchalant response slightly bugged her as she often preferred being called 'little one', but my anticipation for sex overrode any negative emotions.

"Yes, so overwhelmed, Rebecca".

"Alright, now let's do this." She spread her legs apart. Her hand gently took hold of my penis and guided it between her legs. As the tip touched her lips, I anticipated a bit of resistance, but it slid right in. She was so wet and warm, and my skinny size didn't seem to cause much friction. For me, it felt like I was experiencing sex for the first time.

She didn't make any noise or moan, which, at the time, I found odd since that was always the norm in my past experiences with women during intercourse. I asked myself, "Aren't women supposed to make sounds when you enter them?"

She hung onto me as I moved up and down inside her. Her eyes held a loving gaze as she spoke softly.

"There you go, darling. There you go. Come on, continue to thrust me. Does my pussy feel nice, baby?"

I replied with a moan, "Yes, it feels amazing." I then started going in and out faster.

"Yes, good job. I can feel your penis. Okay, if you want to go faster, go right ahead," she said.

I couldn't believe it. I came so fast, just like I've never done before. Not even when I lost my virginity! It was incredibly pleasurable.

"Wow, John!" She embraced me in her arms and giggled. "Oh baby, that must have felt so good. You came so quickly."

I was overwhelmed. I wanted to drift off to sleep but she still wasn't done.

"What do you say, John?" Her tone became stern, slightly demanding. I realized my blunder. But her sternness also meant this wasn't the end for the night.

"Thank you, ma'am. That was absolutely incredible."

"Good, John. I'm pleased you enjoyed it. That won't happen often. Now, it's my turn...I want you to go down on me." We both shifted positions so she was facing down on the bed, and I knelt between her legs.

I didn't hesitate obliging. I knew I had just cum inside her but I also remembered to focus on only licking her clit. I went straight for her clit, licking it gently. She moaned in response.

"Oh John, that feels fantastic. I thought I would cum with my fingers during sex, but you came so quickly with your skinny member."

The words she spoke hit me hard. It was all true, but I pretended not to hear. I was too busy continuing to lick.

"I want to cum really hard, John. But first, I need you to clean me." She swiftly moved, positioning herself so her clit was now right next to my mouth. Her tone took a turn. It shifted from loving to demanding.

"I need you to clean your mess, John." Her urgency compelled me to comply. I swallowed more of her juices as more flowed into my mouth. After five minutes, she seemed satisfied. However, I was now harder than before.

"Good job, sweetheart." She then moved backwards again to face away from me. She prepared lube and gloves. I guessed what she intended.

She glided across the bed and stood next to my face. "Open your mouth." I obliged, and she stuffed her panties into my mouth. "Smell and taste these." I knew they were fresh since they still held their scent from that day.

She then exclaimed, "Now, it's time for you to cum again, but then we'll put the cage back on, okay?" I agreed without hesitation. I would have done anything at that moment.

However, her tone shifted once more - she was barking orders. It wasn't anger, but her instruction felt like she was performing a task. She was stern and cold.

"Alright, get on your hands and knees, facing the wall. Lift your ass." She coated her fingers with lube and slid them in. I could feel a glove on her fingers.

She walked over and stood by my head, telling me, "Open your mouth." I did as instructed, and she shoved her gloved hands into my mouth. "Now, taste your cum." Her cold demeanor seemed to urge me to swallow it all.

When she was done, we rolled over onto the bed. I was still hard and antsy, desiring to cum. She could sense this and started telling me to thrust against her leg, clearly understanding my need to climax.

"Oh, poor boy. I know you still have cum trapped inside. I'll let you cum one more time, but then we'll put the cage back on," she said.

Then, her finger entered me. It wasn't as gentle or warm as it once was. Unlike before, she didn't massage my ass cheeks, rub my legs, or even say a word. Despite having her thong in my mouth, I moaned loudly. I could tell I was leaking a lot of pre-cum. Afterwards, I felt the dildo. It felt amazing as it went in all the way. Over the past two weeks, I've realized I missed more than just being able to climax.

"Have you missed having something in your ass, John?" Yes. Exactly that. It felt great. She grabbed my dick while pushing the dildo in and out. Her grip was too forceful. She stroked vigorously and rapidly.

"Now, John, I want you to -- ". Again, it happened suddenly. In under 30 seconds, I climaxed.

"Wow! You came so quickly, baby boy! Look at all those cum droplets. Good job. So fast for me. I'm proud of you." I was astonished by how fast I came. She took out the dildo and told me to remain on all fours, which wasn't comfortable since I was tired and had that post-orgasm clarity.

Challenging her, I said something. Instantly, she shoved her gloved hand into my mouth and I tasted cum. "Clean it up, John." I stood up and pushed her hand away. That was a mistake. She slapped me twice with the other hand. I was bewildered and pressed my hand against my cheek where she slapped me. Still looking at each other, she said, "clean it up." In a caring tone. I noticed she seemed a bit remorseful about how hard she'd hit me.

I'm not sure what made me do it, especially since I wasn't horny at that moment, but I think it was because I knew if I left, I'd never see her again. So, I took her hand with the cum and put it in my mouth. I cleaned it completely. When I finished, she said, "good, John." Softly.

Later, we both fell asleep. We got up, and I cooked breakfast. We planned our day. I tried to forget about the previous night, especially the spanking - especially since I wasn't horny at that point. Until right before I entered the shower, Rebecca came up to me and said, "Here. Take this. I want you to cum one more time in the shower. When you come out, I'll put your cage back." And then she kissed me on the lips and handed me the dildo. So abrupt and awkward.

I couldn't resist. Two minutes later, I had the dildo in my ass, picturing the previous night. Instead of thinking about being inside her, I thought about her sitting on my face and cum dripping down my mouth. I climaxed with an orgasm.

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