lesbian sex

My Friend in Baseball: Chapter 5

Nate and I strive to comprehend the enchanting weekend we experienced.

May 7, 2024
24 min read
gay oralanalhairyfriendsrimmingMy Baseball Buddy Ch. 05straightfirst time
My Baseball Buddy Ch. 05
My Baseball Buddy Ch. 05

My Friend in Baseball: Chapter 5

Starting the week, I was thinking about the opening line in "Tale of Two Cities." It was the ideal of exceptional times... and for me, the absolute worst of times.

On the "ideal" side of things, it was extraordinary. Out of nowhere, unanticipated, and definitely not sought after, I had experienced some of the best sex of my life. Of any person's life. Goodness, I think I had more sex in those two days with Nate than I had in the entire duration of my honeymoon. And I had quite a lot of sex on my honeymoon.

And my damn, the sex! I discovered an astonishingly vast world of sexual adventures that transformed my body and my world. I was on fire!

Everyone could sense my enthusiasm. I walked into work on Monday morning, standing about two feet taller, feeling confident enough to stride into the office's corner office and demand a raise. The other guys in the office were close in their suspicions about the reason, though they were mistaken in their assumptions. They accurately deduced I was getting lucky, but dismissed my adventures as a romantic getaway with the wife over the weekend, and were enviously inquiring for details.

Cheeky bastards.

Since I was blazingly horny, I moved in on my wife... and thankfully she appreciated my intentions. We had a couple of spectacular sexual experiences that helped me regain my composure.

However, that was just half the problem.

It was difficult to get back to Nate due to my previous commitment to spend time with him over the weekend, which left me very little time to revisit those experiences. In the early part of the week, I had other pre-scheduled engagements that I couldn't escape. Of course, Wednesday's game was at noon, so that night was out of the question for returning to Nate's place. This meant Thursday evening would be the first, and potentially last, chance for us to be alone before his wife returned on Friday.

His wife.

Crap... my wife.

What on earth were we doing?

And with that, I found myself contemplating the surreal nature of our situation. I was not certain if I could classify this as being "gay". While I did cross a line with my sexuality during the weekend, I didn't feel any different. I simply didn't view other men with lust. As it stands, even women still did something for me.

How did this change my stance on other men? I had no idea and struggled to sort out my feelings.

Working out proved to be a peculiar experience. I dreaded encountering other men in the showers, afraid I would lose control. However, my scanning eyes weren't arranged in a bad way. Yes, I was definitely checking them out. But there was a disconnect with Nate's attractiveness. In comparison, those guys looked phony and inadequate beside his masculine presence. Some of them were clean-shaven, remarkably feminine, and their genitalia seemed underwhelming. Meanwhile, Nate's physique and his confidence outshone everyone.

Fuck it. The lure of these men was appealing, but there was only one Nate. He was flawless, and filled a void in my life I hadn't realized was there.

To put it simply, I had no idea what to do with Nate. Should I act casual? Were we moving too fast?

Was this a temporary arrangement that would die down over time?

Despair flooded me. Despite sleeping with my wife and self-indulgence, my arousal was reaching critical levels. I had Tuesday and Wednesday to last until I could casually spend time with Nate again. [

I cautiously messaged, hoping for an easygoing correspondence. He responded with unwavering affirmation.

Those days were intolerable. My desperation for Nate's company grew, and my attempts to distract myself proved fruitless. I simply could not wait until Thursday evening when I could legally gather with Nate once more.

When Thursday evening arrived and I could at last pull away, I dashed like a madman through the lane, my erect cock acting like a compass. My lips were as hot and dry as the desert, my underarms sour with sweat, and my fingers were trembling. I went through Nate's back door, striding down the stairs two at a time to find...

...Nate naked as the day he was born. Crouching on the couch cushions, his hands thrown outward, his hairy behind aimed at me. "At last you've arrived!" he roared, turning around to face me.

"Zounds! Fuck me!" I cried out, up-ending the coffee table without care. I snatched his hips, pummeling my face against his rump.



His butt stench swamped my nose, causing me to initiate a wet, sluttish barrage. I aggressively ground my face against his buttocks, desperate to penetrate him with my tongue. I selfishly untangled my articles, anticipating an urgent coupling as I'd not worn anything elaborate. I desperately removed my t-shirt from over my head, causing it to tear my ear. Yet, naked at last, my body fit his like a well-worn glove.

All the while, I ate his sphincter. I crashed into him so forcefully his body was getting crushed into the couch, but I could not care less. I violently shook my head sideways, coating him with hair. I then licked up and down his crevice wildly. Following his command, he proceeded to squeeze my face in. Simultaneously, he ground his hips while screaming, "FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah!"

I could lovingly snack on his buttocks for hours, but I required significantly more amusement. I stood up and groped for the lubrication next to him, applying some to my cock. Interestingly, I had already leaked precum, making it seem that I had already climaxed. Clambering onto the couch, kneeling behind Nate, and with Nate's authorization to penetrate him, I... well, screw it. Normally, I would be cautious, but neither of us was in the mood for "mild."

I forced myself in to the depths.

Nate crafted a bull-in-heat outcry. I shoved him hard against me, my hairy chest forcing itself against his back. From this angle, I hungrily nibbled on the back of his neck, using my lips and tongue to bite and suck him. With his left hand, he gripped my hair imposedly, his nails digging into my head. Fiercely, I cupped and stroked his firm penis while... I edged my teeth into his ear.

Nate's remarks became increasingly intense, while his body language displayed his vigor. "FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah! FUCK yeah!" With his left leg, he slid to the side, widening his body, craving more of me. Technically, he opened up for me, exposing each ridge of my shaft. I then dug deep and started mercilessly driving into him.

"Oh my God!" I shrieked, unsure if it was me or Nate. It didn't matter; we had merged into one thrashing creature seeking delight.

The angle was challenging, and I required power. I gripped his leg finishedly and reinforced his hips, while I slammed into him. Hard and unforgiving. Crude Pummeling... Pummeling... Pummeling... Smiling, we synchronously tumbled around, our bodies straining against each other as my prick beat uncontrollably within his sonorous sphincter.

I clenched my teeth, realizing I was approaching ejaculation, then slower and inched in against him. Leaning into him, I pressed my face against his neck, starting a slow, planned onslaught. Every approach was a lustful incursion. My fingers raced over his sweaty torso, focusing on his dick and balls.... His cry became a barbaric animal growl, punctuated by gasps for air. Then, I demonstrated slow lovemaking, intentionally thrusting deep inside him, using only my hips. Nate reacted by angling his buttocks, contracting his anal muscles concomitantly with my thrusts, causing my penis to ache. "Uuuuuuucchh....!"

Captivating. It was God-blessed marvelous.

I loved the sensation of being with him. The feeling of us together. Oh, I adored fucking a man's bottom. For a few scrumptious moments, we reveled in that bond. That wet friction. I was able to sense my dick sliding into him, sparking him. The outcome was his cock leaking. Time had vanished. Nothing mattered except for the motion of my dick in his backside. How long could I continue like this? Five minutes? Thirty?

But then, my body rebelled against my deliberate control, craving everything instantly. The fire within me flared back up. Desire was taking over.

I began speeding up, desiring the sensation of hard contact. I drew away slightly, seized his shoulders, and unleashed a series of rapid thrusts that woke up his physique. Fuuuuuuck... the pressure as he pressed against my cock as I plowed him. Tighter than anything. Fuck, I desired even more. Fucking MORE. I pushed my hips against him forcefully. And once more. The thrusts sent my mind on fire, and in an instant, I was back to brutal body slams BAM BAM BAM BAM as I ravaged his ass. He changed from a gurgling growl to a full-on howl as his head jerked back. I banged my forehead against his back and pounded him BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM


The blood hummed in my ears, and I started an agonizing scream...

And once more... I restrained myself and slowed down, my thoughts pulling me between wanting to fuck the hell out of him and wanting to make it last. Patience eventually prevailed, and with agonizing torment to my mind, I inched forward and remained in place. Steady. Nate growled out a cry of aggravated need. My own body screamed in denial.

Once I experienced my sack cooling, I began deep stroking him again with precise movements. Always shifting my angle of assault. I could feel my cockhead drifting through his innards, feeling his ass muscles constrict around the invader. Nate sighed out a lewd moan as I did so, as I grazed each portion of him from within.

FUCK. It was so fucking rough feeling that drag around my dick, tighter than anything. God, he had no clue what he was doing to me. I was... overwhelmed... with this... sensual... feeling... as my entire body became a part of those deep strokes, driving deep inside him. My hands ran roughly over his sides. I leaned in and pushed my hairy chest against his back, my pores glowing at the contact. God, that sensual feeling remained... I wildly swiped my face against his sweaty back, one side to the other, my scruff scraping his skin. His head recoiled for a moment, and he emitted the weirdest gargling sound. Fucking immersed in the moment.

I lost it. I became Conan the Barbarian on his ass. I began ramming him again, unrelenting and stopping for nothing. BAM BAM BAM BAM

BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM. The thwack of our skin sounding like I was spanking his ass with a paddle.


So... fucking... close... BAM BAM BAM. I could sense the veins pulsating so hard they almost tore free of my neck. BAM BAM BAM. The roars emerging from my neck combined with the roars in my ears...


"UNGEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Detonation. I ejaculated. Unleashing a volcano's worth of sperm into his backside. Again and once more. An unending discharge. So much jizz within him, I was convinced he would explode.

At last, it was over, and my dick gave out its final squirt of seed. I savagely pulled out of his ass, and shoved against my haunches. Nate glanced back curiously, sweat coating his visage. Between gasping breaths, I grunted, "You. I need... you. To... fuck me. Fuck the shit out of me. Do it. DO IT, you goddamn son of a bitch!"

Nate didn't need to be told twice.

He flung me lengthways across the couch, flat on my back. With sheer menace in his eyes, he doled out some lube into his hands, smeared enough on his engorged member to be helpful, then positioned himself between my legs. He lined up his dick against my hole, and then violently plunged into me until he was deep inside. His pubic hair hammered against my hairy hole. Forceful. Harder than I had slammed into him.

I deserved this. I howled like a stuck hog.

As I reached down, my fingers wrapped around his wrists, pinning my arms above my head. With one arm, he guided my body, pulling out nearly all the way. Only his head was still inside me. Then he gave me one long stroke, his thick shaft penetrating deep within. I winced in pain, but it was short-lived since I could feel a swelling, burning sensation taking over.

His smooth hips ground against my soft inner walls, and I noticed his expression had changed. It was as if he was enjoying teasing me. Almost sadistically. I couldn't help wonder if he was finding pleasure in my discomfort; perhaps he was enjoying the subtle protest my body was giving. Just when I thought it'd end, Nate finally pushed himself all the way in, making his already big cock seem even more unbearably massive, pumping into me.

The raping sensation didn't last long. The pain was followed by a lot of pleasure. I could feel him growing larger, stretching and warming me up. It was a battle between the two extremes, a firework show within me. Without my realizing it, I started to relax. The fire consuming me felt intoxicating. However, Nate wasn't done yet. He drew back several times, leaving just his enormous cockhead inside me, his in-and-out movements driving me crazy. I moaned loudly as my body protested against him.

We suddenly locked lips; his kiss was messy, wet, and intense. He branded each nook and cranny of my mouth with his lips. I won't deny, he sure knew how to kiss and I enjoyed his sloppy yet passionate approach. I put in effort to give him the same feeling, and he continued his onslaught, his rapid bucking growing rapidly reckless.

Our lips parted with a greedy need to simply catch some air. I wrapped my arms around his powerful torso, pounding my chest against his. As his breathless gasps filled the space around me, I could only think about his relentless fucking. The hairs on our chests scratched against each other, leaving my skin raw and reddened from the sheer intensity.

In this instant, in this mess, I couldn't find words to describe what I was feeling. I was being taken by pure masculinity. By machismo. The animalistic, primal god lying on top of me was turning me into a veritable beast. Power, pleasure, and utter madness. Something undefinable filled me with a sense of freedom. I could sense it spiraling outside my system. Everything felt primal, wild, raw, and true. I damned few things felt better than this. No responsibility or duty could ever compare to being with this man.

I clung onto him, screaming, "OHfuck!"

Suddenly, Nate leaned into me and kissed me hard as his cock slipped out of me. A stillness befell us. I had never felt such a profound sense of spiritual connection. It was filled with both hate and deep love. A fire sparked inside me. Fire followed by a blistering rush of pleasure that left my head dizzy.

I saw that the TV was on and the game was in progress. Time flew by while we were fucking like rabid dogs. My smile was still glued to my face when I sat up and looked at the time. We had probably been at it for far too long. Yet, I could never regret anything about this; I couldn't regret the erotic thrill, the fiery pain, and every single immoral sensation he managed to make me feel. After all, it's part of being human. An unknown joy suddenly filled me. That was all worth it.

We finally broke apart, both drained and hungry. But checking the TV, I noticed we had lost track of time and the grand finale of our enjoyable dish was well underway. I couldn't fathom us ever splitting up. I would still indulge in this moment as long as it lasted. After a short time apart, Nate and I were once again entwined, kissing and feeling the coarseness of his chest hair. No words were spoken. We were too exhausted to even be conscious of the sheer pleasure lingering within us.

Lying amidst the pillows, we breathed heavily and cuddled like we had been strangers who fused into one being that had one single, shared primitive nature.

We seemed to sense that this would be our last night alone before Nate's wife came back home. There was no need for any conversation; we simply relaxed on the couch, allowing our hands to run over each other. It felt like we were trying to save each other's bodies in our minds. The sensation of skin-to-skin contact between men was brand new and overwhelmingly intense.

I couldn't find the right words to express how I was feeling. I'd gone from being apprehensive about being considered gay to realizing how powerfully my emotions had led me here. I couldn't believe I'd crossed a line and ended up in the arms of the most attractive man I'd ever met. It felt like it was some kind of miracle that I belonged by his side.

The thought of such a monumental development overwhelmed me and made me a little emotional. My head was resting on his collarbone, and without really thinking, I leaned down and traced my lips across his hairy chest. I continued my way down to his nipple, where I could see a familiar smile on his face. I started licking his chest, my heart starting to race with every touch. I became more persistent and pretty soon, I was fervently kissing his nipple. His scent aroused me even more, and I could feel my cock warm and harden.

I knew what I had to do.

With poise, I placed my left arm under him, caressing his hairy pectoral muscles. My right hand traced down his leg, bringing it up and bending his knee towards his chest to give me better access. I shifted his hip towards me, and my stiff dick began to slide into his hairy crevice. Nate's groan affirmed his readiness. I carefully adjusted the angle so that I could feel the head of my penis against his hairy sphincter. After a couple of thrusts, I lashed out and finally felt myself entering him.

We both gasped involuntarily.

Still crafting lovingly, I cupped his form with my left arm and pushed him forward a little with my hip. At last, my entire cock was buried inside him. I massaged him with my right hand, feeling his ass clench around it. His body shivered slightly under my touch. It's incredible to think that we both sighed in content. I guided his hip backward to get even deeper, fully enwrapping his tight ass with my own. We were both panting heavily.

I pumped him at slow, ravenous speed. I concentrated on every inch of his ass, feeling every muscle. My hands roamed over his sweaty body, marveling in the different textures of his hairy chest. I found myself craving his hair, relishing the contrast of his soft curls on my fingers.

I screwed him. Slowly but deliberately. I wanted to savor every second of it. It was perfect. I rolled him over onto his side to give me better access to his deep hole. I covered his body with my hands, letting my fingers crimp everywhere while my lips caressed his pectorals. His muscular body contrasts quite distinctively from that of a woman. I realized this after years of expecting to feel tits when I touched a woman, but it was nothing but these strong muscles and hair. I just can't get enough of the hair on his chest anymore.


We rode each pleasure out to completion. While riding cloud nine, everything else seemed insignificant. At this moment, there was nothing but him and me. It was hard to believe I was enjoying the body of such a majestic man. I was astonished by the incredible journey of desire and passion I'd just embarked upon. My entire being was overwhelmed by this experience; it felt like it would never end.

And it didn't.

I thrust into him with relentless determination. Every inch of his ass embraced me, and I leaned my mouth into his earlobe. Nate reached for my hand and guided me to his abs. I responded with caresses, feeling his skin slip beneath my fingers. His muscles tightened in response to light but firm strokes. My grip on his body matched the rhythm of my hips.

Nate squealed with joyous surprise. The sight of him in the throes of ecstasy filled me with a mastery I've never known. His body arched, and he embraced me in a warm hug. Hooking my legs behind his knees, we climaxed together in perfect harmony, our bodies trembling from the intense pleasure that overcame us.

We lay there, bereft of breath, soaking in the bliss of our newfound connection.

I ventured deep in, our bodies responding together, synchronized in harmony. Both of us aroused from memories of making love. Coordinating every move we made. I performed a sexual act on him. Continuing to do so in a deeper fashion. I expressed adoration by kissing his neck, expressing wet pleasure with vocalizations. Still, I persisted in sexually pleasuring him. He clasped my hand and our fingers intertwined. My penis stretched his body as I prevailed in the act of lovemaking. I plowed through him. Deprived of an interval, I relentlessly continued the pleasure. I engulfed his neck with a ferocious fervor, my tongue devouring the perspiration drenching it. Then I pierced deep within him. Uninterrupted, I persisted.

He yielded to my actions, surrendering his body. Releasing it to me. Why, the manliest individual in the group surrendering to me?

My advances penetrating him increased in intensity and pace. Growing more relentless. Desiring him to climax. Coinciding with his movements, his cries indicating climax, and I pressed even tight to him. Unstopping. I spread my hands across him, claiming him. My penis dominating his opening. His steps faltered due to increased fervor, and I stabilized him, unyieldingly continuing to penetrate him. My fingers delved over his body, desiring more. He rebuffed, his sounds beginning to escalate in pitch. I felt his balls beginning to contract and his anus tightening around my penis. He was nearing the point of no return.

And I aimed to evoke his release.

The intensity in my thrusts heightened. Punishing him. Chopping his being. Synchronizing with his avid chances of climaxing, I pursued to shoot forth his existence. His body reacted with desperation, yearning, his noises provided approval and imploration. My fingers frantically tugged his penis. He was helpless before my dominance.

Unyielding, I drove with such power. Jacking him. Flooding him with primal emotions. His ejaculation was only momentarily postponed. Nate's body frenzied as my penis wrenched incessantly. His reactions prompted growth. His feet attempted to retreat, although his incessant begging contradicted the necessity to escape. His body jerking wildly, exhibiting signs of orgasm, I refused to give in, locking him tightly. I had administered a strict grip on his penis and my penis was positioned so deeply inside him, leaving him incapable of retreat.

My objective now was for my climax.

Resuming, I intensified my attacks. Incessantly pounding him. Grinding my penis against him, I felt elated from the friction generated by our fleshly membranes. Nate's vocalizations commenced, reflecting his maleness. The distance between his legs shortened: he resembled an amusement park attraction. Flickers of chaotic expressions washed over his visage. My eyes shifted abruptly. Now captivated by the television. A series of chases ensued, focusing on the runner standing on first base while the first baseman's ass, having a snug uniform, protruded. Glimpses of the catcher performing intricate hand signals, his finger movements indicating his position. I then returned to the first baseman's butt. Adhering to the television’s display, I interconnected the television's imagery with the sensations coursing through me, all encapsulating a single moment: me fucking his ass. Conjuring ownership of his asset and exploiting it to the brink of madness.

Taken by surprise, I disregarded all pleasantries, clasping his belly for support and brutally pounding his buttocks. The couch moaned as loudly as we did. Our loud barks in unison rhythmically coincided with my hammering actions. Urging ourselves to release, we embraced with Nate frantically attempting to orgasm. The television crowd roared, endorsing our actions.

Eventually I climaxed, erupting so strongly, inducing the sensation of my body completely fragmenting. Nate echoed my experience, emitting aroar of such magnitude that it could have dislodged existing beer bottles. How could it be possible? Double the loads in rapid succession. The television spectators widely applauded in support.

The night was particularly silent afterwards. Our bodies had expressed all they desired. We considered words meaningless. Perhaps we were consciously aware of this as our final private encounter before parting ways. I arose to leave the scene, grasped him, and they vanished. We exhibited a wordless hug. As I left, revelling in the afterglow of the game.

In the following days, I regretted not expressing my thoughts more clearly. Initially, we had to come to terms with our identities and what it meant for us. Now, a new dilemma emerged: what to do next?

I had no bloody idea what to think.

It was challenging to accept that sex with men was fantastic. To love it without compromising my masculinity. But, should we take things further? What were the implications for us and our families? I couldn't answer these questions, and the only person who had any experience with this was the person I couldn't approach.

Additionally, the coming week presented challenges for us, making it unlikely for us to meet up as usual. With work absorbing all my time and my in-laws visiting, I didn't have a chance to sneak away and engage in our activities, even if his wife wasn't home. Crap.

As a result, I was left to my thoughts. My heart and brain clashed magnificently within me. Perhaps this was a sign.

Was it the cosmos suggesting something?

One morning a fortnight later, I was preparing to drive to work. Shannon, Nate's wife, drove off to her job, leaving with a cheerful smile. I replied in kind before returning to my car. I just stood there, bewildered.

"Screw it."

I pulled out my phone to text Nate, "Hey, are you free to chat for a moment?" Waiting anxiously.

Eventually, "Hey man, sure."

I got in my vehicle and skidded around the corner, arriving at his house within less than a minute.

"Hey," greeted Nate, opening the door wearing only underwear and a shirt. He appeared curiously at me.

"Nate... I..." I had a pre-prepared statement, but seeing him caused my voice to betray me. I studied him.


I banged on his door with force, busting it open, and attacked him with a passionate kiss. He was caught off guard, but he quickly adapated, countering with a furious kiss. We fought for dominance, similar to two gladiators attempting to disembowel each other in front of a bloodthirsty audience. I had no idea how we maintained our balance as our mouths repeatedly struck each other. His unshaved face grated my skin as he shifted to bite and nip my neck, causing an inhuman groan.

"Fuck, I've missed this. Fuck, I needed this. Fuck, I NEED this!"

Despite being in the kitchen, we made our way to the counter, where I pinned him against the edge. I gripped both sides of his face while tearing my mouth away, gasping audibly. His eyes held raw need and fury, and I saw no different in my own. I stepped back slightly, grasped his underwear's waistband, and yanked them down, toppling him to the floor. In a fluid motion, I fell to my knees to lavish attention on his dick, which was standing as turgid and erect as I'd ever witnessed.

"Jesus Christ! I haven't even showered!"

My stiff prick swelled further at this declaration.

His scent engulfed me, and I was in ecstasy. I manically rubbed my face against his groin, breathing in his aroma, making contact with his hairy testicles. "Fuuuuuuuuuuck!" he uttered, seemingly from above me. He removed his underwear and t-shirt seconds later.

I feasted on his dick, clasping it within my mouth, and sucking with all my might. I guided my lips down his shaft, nearly choking myself. I drew my mouth away, panting heavily, but I hastily resumed mouth-fucking him emotionally, wanting every drop of his essence. Nate's chest heaved with desperate sighs. I glided my tongue around his dick head, teasing the tip, circling his piss slit, then charged down his shaft, creating wet, salacious slurping sounds.

I started going after him firmly, my spit serving as the only lubricant, as I focused on his balls. One at a time, I rolled them in my mouth, suctioning on them, and tickling them with my tongue. I breathed in his masculine scent. First one, then the other, in quick succession, not allowing him time to adjust. Then, I went back to his cock, kissing the tip while jacking him to the root. Nate growled out a flurry of profanities, screaming at me at full volume.

I made him wait until he was close to the point of exploding, in a desperate state of nearly ejaculating right there and then. I grabbed his hips and pivoted him around. I forced him to bend over and expose his hairy back end, and then I went after it with everything I had.

His ass funk was ripe, exactly as I needed it. I rammed my face in, dragging it repeatedly up and down his hairy crack, inhaled the scent. Nate's screamed profanities became howls. And I rammed my mouth into his hole as hard as I could, nearly pushing him against the kitchen counter. I savagely attacked his hole, shaking my head wildly. Digging my tongue in as deep as it could go, and barely chewing it with my lips. I did everything to make his blood rush. Again and again, relentlessly assaulting him with my mouth. I could feel his knees about to give way as he slammed his hands on the countertop and screamed wildly.

I quickly unbuckled my belt and yanked off my dress pants. I ripped off my underwear. I spat excessively into my hand and swiped some on my cock for good measure, then I savagely entered his twitching hole.

Nate screamed so loudly that it could've shattered the countertops, but he endured. He pushed back even harder, eager to be filled. We both were on the verge of destruction, and somehow, we managed to forge forward. As I violently pushed my cock into his convulsing hole, I could feel the pressure immense; he pushed back with enough force that I thought I'd fractured my dick. I drove deep into him until I was fully embedded, then I started mercilessly pounding him.

Nate screamed with each stroke as I reached the peak. I wrapped my arms around him to give myself the required leverage, pinning him in place. He had no way of escaping.

And holy shit, he didn't want to.

Nate slammed himself against me, desperate. Screaming. Fucking me harder than I was pounding him. His ass biting down on my cock with each thrust. I could hear the pots on the island clamoring from the blows I delivered. Almost deafening, muffled beneath our thunderous howls.

This was way too much for both of us, even with our extensive experience with whole-body sex. I brutally hammered him for a few minutes before I could feel my balls demanding their own explosion. I raised my head back, unloading into him, firing so hard I was almost blacking out. Nate was there moments later and his defiant cry of jizz covered us both. I can't fathom how much cum gushed out.

My muscles collapsed, and I toppled to the floor. Nate was still upright against the island, but after a few minutes of furious gasping, he slid down next to me. My vision was still spinning.

We laid there, silent, which might've been for the best due to my ringing ears.

After a few minutes, I felt my breath had returned sufficiently for words. "Nate? That was insane. You are insane." I tilted myself up slightly, propping myself on one elbow. "The thing is..."...Pause.... "The thing is..." Longer pause. "To be truthful… I was half considering when I came to tell you I feel we should… you know, break this?"

Nate sat up, a blank, unblinking stare. "Cool, glad you decided differently." His voice seemed light and relaxed, but there was a dangerous undertone hiding beneath.

"I've been contemplating all this. I've been trying to come to terms with... my feelings for my life partner.... I love her… very much. Truly, deeply." I raised my hands in surrender.

Nate merely contemplated my words.

"But at the same time, I can't even fake not loving everything we do. I love being with you. You make my body come to life. So damn alive. It's all I've got. You've sparked these amazing sensations in me, things I never knew existed before but now that I have them, I need them. That freaks me out. If this was just a casual relationship, with some side chick or something, it would be so easy to dismiss. To keep it shallow. But this is more. The way you set my body on fire like a pinball machine, that's not casual. It's overpowering. I friggin' love it, like seriously love it, like you wouldn't believe. I want it more than anything. And that's why it scares me. It's too much. Too much for us... and that's why we should end it."

Nick just stared at me for a few seconds, then looked down. He lifted his eyes back towards me and asked very seriously, "Are you saying..."

"I don't even know what I'm saying," I replied sarcastically. "It doesn't matter since when I saw you again... seeing you? It completely erased whatever was going on in my head. No plan, no future, just how much I wanted to be with you. I don't need a grand plan, I don't care about high-level targets, I just wanted to be with you. I gushed out all my feelings and didn't leave room for you to say what you want, think or how you feel before making a decision."

Nate chuckled softly, and it sounded like true amusement. I was glad it wasn't sarcastic. He leaned back against the kitchen counter with a flourished movement. He just looked at me for a moment, then started talking. "See, Will... I've noticed in your convoluted mess of a declaration that you haven't given me a chance to speak my mind, express my thoughts, or share what's on my mind before deciding what you're going to do."

I glared down at the table. "You're right."

Nate stared at me silently for a while, then continued in a calm voice, "Listen, Will... You seem convinced that meaningless sex would be easier to engage with because it doesn't carry any weight. That mediocre or just okay sex is better because it's no-strings-attached and can be ended without any thought. But I don't buy it. Not for a second. And I don't think you do either. What's going on with us has been mind-blowing. It's hit me in places I never imagined existed. It's touched me in ways I never dreamed of. It's been off-the-charts. This matters to me. I wouldn't be holding on to this hard if it didn't matter. And that's why we should dive in deeper. It's the difficult things, the things that require extra effort - those are the ones worth fighting for."

I looked Nate in the eye.

"And yes, I understand... it's insane. Our loved ones, our lives, other important things matter too. We need to figure this out, and that'll take time, effort, and work. But I think we should try. I want to keep on doing this. And the sole reason I want to keep going is that it matters. It could be extraordinary. That's not something to be scared of, it's something to celebrate. Something to hold onto even tighter."

I exhaled deeply. "I hadn't considered that."

"Darn, I wish. I've got a busy day ahead, and I need to get going. Do you have a towel or something?" Nate let out a laugh and nodded in sympathetic agreement. He got up and grabbed his discarded T-shirt to wipe the dripping cum stains off the kitchen cabinet. Then, he went to get something suitable for me from the linen closet. While he was away, I inspected the mess we had created in his kitchen. His underwear lay next to me, exactly where he had tossed them. I picked them up and held the light cotton fabric to my face, taking a deep breath.

Whoa. Completely Nate. In all his manly splendor. A scent seared into my memory forever.

Nate returned with a warm, wet washcloth and a towel to help me clean up.

I breathed in his underwear one more time before handing them over to him and giving him a naughty grin.

"I'm keeping these."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de