My Name is Gabriel

A talented and gloomy individual named Gabriel encounters Natasha.

Jun 4, 2024
16 min read
masochismYou May Call Me Gabrielcagecnchumiliationepic romancesadism
You May Call Me Gabriel
You May Call Me Gabriel

My Name is Gabriel

One stormy night, in a remote location with no passing byvonders, a young woman was trapped in an underground shelter. It was carefully hidden, with no chance of someone stumbling upon it anytime soon. The man who imprisoned her had put a lot of thought into constructing this bunker and he didn't skimp on the resources. The large concrete room was filled with various tools and furniture, including a St Andrews cross, a stretching rack, and a rotating wheel he could tie his victim to. From the ceiling hung an industrial strength winch, and in the floor was a deep hole that could fit an entire person.

Also found in this shelter was a large dog kennel-sized cage with thick, wide spaced bars strong enough to withhold a wolf. The man, who had just acquired his latest conquest, stood near the cage, watching her with a twisted grin. She was his now, and the only way she could leave was by saying the safe word. That was a part of their deal - once she agreed to play his game, the only way to end it was by using the safe word, after which she would have to leave the shelter. Her captor had gone out of his way to make sure no one would find her, since there was no way she would be wearing clothes if she had to leave. He'd burned her clothes himself.

The woman wasn't aware of any of this yet, as she was unconscious from the combination of alcohol and fatigue. But she had said yes to going with him, and he had the paperwork to prove it. He'd deliberately kept the details of the game a secret and Natasha had no idea when it would begin. He loved surprises, and the mere thought of her finding out made him smile. Exhausted, he wouldn't sleep until he saw the outburst of emotions on her face when she woke up. And maybe, she'd scream.

After all, he was a sadist.

Natasha couldn't believe how hazy she was feeling. It took her a while to come out of her alcohol-induced sleep, and she was content to stay that way, just trying to get a grasp on what was going on. She'd spent hours drinking and partying the night away, following a typical end-of-school-year ritual, and at some point, someone suggested they pay a visit to a local adult dungeon. Sharing her kinky fantasy with a bunch of strangers was a blur, but she remembered being approached by a girl who said,

"There's someone here you might want to meet."

Natasha vividly remembered her first encounter with the enigmatic man the girl introduced her to. From the moment she lay eyes on him, she was attracted to him. He was tall and muscular, with cropped short blonde hair that created soldiers' haircuts. But what caught her most were his eyes - beautiful and haunting, almost radiating in the darkness, they reminded her of wolf eyes - the way he studied her was uncanny. After a long silence, she found the courage to reply. As they chatted, she couldn't help but stare back, captivated.

The girl did most of the talking, and when the distant man offered her his hand, Natasha didn't hesitate to follow him. When they came into a private office, he sat her down and moved his hands to her thighs, removing any doubts she had had about his intentions. Staring into her eyes, his masculine scent filled the air, and she inhaled deeply. The man detailed what he had in mind, inviting her to play his secret game, but warned her of the consequences:

"I am a true sadist, and once you agree, I will bring you physical pain. I won't hurt you badly, but you will feel it, loudly. This might happen several times during your stay. Agree or don't, your choice."

Natasha's breathing quickened as she heard him detail his plans. Her curiosity was piqued at the notion of being tied and dominated, but the prospect of being hurt made her heart pound even faster. He exuded an air of raw sexuality, which made her insides shudder. The fact that he hadn't given her many details only added to her excitement.

She hesitantly nodded, her heart racing.

"The location is hidden. Do I have to leave my clothes?" Natasha asked, her voice halting.

"Yes," the man replied, his voice low. "This is part of the game." Natasha's stomach flipped at the thought.

"Yes, I understand," she finally replied.

The man smiled as he watched her take in all the details of her situation.

"Excellent," he said, grabbing her hand. "Now let's get started."

This guy seemed to know that Natasha wouldn't be able to express herself in words easily, and it was a bit of a mystery why. But that's how it was. She nodded in response, and he whipped out a paper listing down the rules of this game or whatever he had planned. He got really serious asking her to read it and to sign it.

"If you want to get out before these two months are up - referring to the time specified in the paper," he said, pointing to the bottom of the page, "you just need to say that word over there." He pointed to the word. "However, once you do that, it's game over, I mean it. I'll take you to a safe place where you won't see me again. Do you follow all of this, Natasha?"

She looked him in the eye with those blue orbs, and he took her hand and gave it a peck.

"I'll see you soon," he promised, brushing her past his office and left her with new acquaintances. Natasha regretted not being forewarned about these people since her night took a turn for the worse the moment they shoved some drugs down her throat. She's not even sure if she made it home that night.

Natasha could sense the jolting from her body, and the knowledge that she was lying face-down on the floor made her stumble to get up, but she couldn't. Her legs slipped and slid on the cold concrete, leaving her back exposed. The bars of her cage finally registered in her mind, and she couldn't help but scream as loudly as she could.

This man found her scream hysterically funny, "Mmm... such sweet music," he joked. He didn't move at all, remained in complete control and enjoyed the scene.

In her despair and not fully awake, Natasha could make out her captor's tall frame, dressed all in black, and he looked irresistibly attractive. After a brief moment of awe, she felt frightened as the cruel thought of her naked, vulnerable condition ever-present on her mind and her face started to crumble as she started sobbing. Her broken cries must've entertained this hunter, for he arrested his movements and chuckled at her distress.

Natasha felt abashed to see him in this position of power. Confused and stupefied as he towered over her, kneeling, pulling her hair, and bending over her to rabbit-punch her. His soothing voice returned and dissolved any resistance she had left, turning her into a nervous, obedient bunny.

"Hello, Natasha," he said; rousing from lazy slumber. "Can't believe you've woken up."

With no resistance, he kept pulling her hair, grinning at the reactions he got from his words, "I was getting worried there for a second". She was forced to focus her gaze at his handsome features.

"Where's it hurting?" he inquired with a touch of amusement, stroking her face gently.

"Everywhere," she stammered with a lot of difficulty, struggling to find her voice.

He chuckled at her answer, "Now that's unfortunate". He paused, brought his mouth close to her ear, and kissed it while stroking her cheek, "You remember we met at that BDSM thing you didn't remember the name of, right?"

She didn't say anything but forced herself to look at him in awe, blushing brighter than the sun. Once he let go of her hair, she started babbling, her words all jumbled, "I... I'm in so much pain".

He pulled her back to look into her eyes, "I said, where are you feeling pain exactly?"

Natasha's heart raced wildly, sensing arousal.

"I-I'm feeling it everywhere," she whispered. This man made her feel like nothing but a lamb, and it made her want him even more.

"You better be, since you didn't take my advice earlier", he said. "Just remember agreeing to this and the paper you signed, and you'll earn yourself the deal."

Natasha's face turned pale as she remembered the paper. "I... I didn't know about the cage."

Her captor's voice oozed with smuggery, "You never asked."

The chill in his tone made her tremble more. It was a rough feeling but his words were just as smooth as ever, sending shivers down her spine. As much as she was scared of his random outbursts, she couldn't help but be fascinated by the way he'd managed to stand tall over her even while she was caged and vulnerable, like a predator loving the fragility of its meal.

So, Natasha, let me lay it out for you. You signed up for this, agreed to let me inflict pain on you. You're free to back out anytime, but c'mon, isn't this what you've always fantasized about? So, you're my prisoner now, by your own admission.

As he finished, Natasha shuddered from head to toe.

"Wait, please," she whispered, as he grasped her chin and tilted her head back.

"Little lamb, huh?" he commented, peering into her eyes. "You imagined someone hurting you, but now you're afraid, right?"

Natasha gasped. He was spot on, despite her discomfort. Still, she bristled at his condescending tone like she was some naive child. Yes, she was young with limited experience, having only slept with a few guys from her class. But the temptation between them was palpable, the sexual tension nearly tangible. So her thoughts drifted, wondering if he would screw her, too. He seemed to understand, presenting her with the agreement he'd made her sign.

"Just in case you need reminding," he chuckled, showing her the document.

She read over the contract, remembering each moment. The words made her blush. Specifically, point five: "I consent to sexual intercourse, including oral, vaginal, and anal, with and without foreign objects and implements." She hadn't pondered the finer details then - she just wanted this guy to take control of her. Now, trepidation rolled in, as she was left with a plethora of questions.

"Uh, implements?" she trembled. "What implements?" Her voice trembled. He seemed to know before she even voiced her concern.

"You'll know when the time comes." he smirked.


Entrapped - Day One

On her first night inside the cage, Natasha was ill. The combo of alcohol and whatever else she consumed at the party hit her hard. She went from feeling tipsy to being stricken with nausea and convulsions within hours of arriving home.

Gabriel was a light sleeper. The first sound of a gagreflex had him sitting upright, cursing her under his breath. He was no fan of stupidity and partying definitely pigeon-holed her into this category. But he needed to ensure she was still breathing and shut her up so he could go back to bed. Reluctantly, he got out of bed and hobbled over to the cage.

Natasha was lost in her pain, her eyes squeezed shut against it. She didn't notice Gabriel approaching and wouldn't have cared had she. Sickness overwhelmed her, causing her to retch uncontrollably. She didn't even react when Gabriel's hand landed on her shoulder.

"Feeling ill, eh?" he mused softly. He didn't expect a reply. The sight of her shaking body in the corner told him enough. Without wasting time, he strolled over to the first aid chest. In the glowing light from a nearby lamp, he selected a needle and syringe. He was not a doctor by trade, but he'd picked up enough knowledge to administer drugs as needed. She may never appreciate it, yet he knew it was necessary.

Natasha's seizures had reached a fever pitch. Her body wracked with pain, she was oblivious to the world around her. When Gabriel placed his hand on her shoulder, she didn't move or make a peep. The needle sank into her skin, injecting a drug into her arm. He was efficient about it, not waiting for a response. Seconds later, her eyes rolled back, and her body froze. The drug worked its magic and knocked her out. [^.^]: ^.^The text has been paraphrased maintaining the original tone, length, and formatting.

Gabriel, still holding Natasha's wrist, nodded to himself. Her pulse was strong, even after the sedative he had given her. She'd be out for about ten hours, but she'd be fine. There was just the vomit to clean up, which was quite inconvenient. Finding the key on the bedside table, Gabriel unlocked the cage and dragged her unresistant body out. It didn't take long for him to clean up the mess and wipe the vomit from her mouth with a damp towel. He then bent down to put her back in the cage, but paused. As usual when dealing with a helpless woman, he'd become aroused. His cock was poking out of his body aggressively. He desired to save his cum for the following day, but there was no way he could control himself. So he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He placed her face down and spread her legs wide. Her ass was terrific, and he began massaging her butt cheeks before grasping his cock and frantically masturbating over it.

Man, the sex they'd have was nothing in comparison to the other things he had planned for her. While thinking about it, he felt his testicles tightening, and a moment later, he started coming on her pale, round ass cheeks. Once he was done, he hit her cheek out of habit before picking her back up and tossing her over his shoulder like a ragdoll.

"Get back in the cage where you belong," he whispers with a grin. Minutes later, his visitor was locked away again, and he was back in his bed, sound asleep.

When Natasha regained consciousness, it was almost noon. Due to being in an underground shelter, she didn't know it was noon until Gabriel told her.

Gabriel sounded annoyed as he's saying, "You were asleep for half the day." Natasha felt a weird urge to apologize. Apologize for what? Her friends had tricked her into taking some bad party drugs, and then he'd brought her here and locked her up. Her muscles still hurt where she'd slept on the cold concrete. Using a shaky hand, she rubbed her ass cheek, noticing how sticky it was for some reason.

"Ah, yeah," he said, looking at her. "I covered your ass in semen last night while you were out."

He smirked at her from across the room, and she wished she could tear that smirk off his face with her eyes. But she was in a cage, naked, and her ass belonged to him. She couldn't do much other than deal with it. She shivered involuntarily and shifted onto her side, pulling her knees to her chest. If only she'd taken the time to go over the rules more carefully before signing on the dotted line.

"Well, don't look so pissed off," he sneered at her. "Or next time I won't give you anything to help with the pain..."

Next time. She couldn't imagine ever being in this situation again, letting someone talk her into taking drugs. There would be no next time. But Gabriel was thinking of other things. Finishing his coffee, he walked across the room and poked her through the cage's bars with his toe. Feeling lethargic and not in the mood for chatting, Natasha tried to ignore him, but when she felt his hand on her hair, she remembered how he'd treated her the night before and she spoke up.

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

"I want to hear you screaming," he stated. Natasha trembled at his words, not entirely sure what that meant. A moment later, she felt his hand on her breast, and she moaned.

"Please..." she pleaded. "Please don't..."

His grip only tightened, and he pinched her nipple between his fingers, causing her to yell in agony. Despite her exhaustion, she didn't attempt to fight back. He stopped abruptly and said,

"You need to get something to drink."

Leaving her alone briefly, he soon returned with a big water bottle filled with orange liquid. He wedged it through the bars at her.

"Drink this," he commanded. "The whole thing."

Blindly, Natasha followed his instructions. Had she known what torture she was in for, she would've said no. Though it wasn't real torture, but more of a rite of passage: an initiation into a twisted new world she'd only fantasized about until then.

Once she was done, Gabriel took it away.

"That should help keep you going," he stated, and she knew he spoke the truth. Her dehydrated body was feeling better already, but the feeling wouldn't last long. After all, he'd given her just enough to keep her going for a few more hours. Stepping around the cage quietly, he reached for the chain hanging on the wall.

"Come here, Natasha," he called while unlocking the door to her prison. On all fours, Natasha inched toward him slowly. She didn't know what he was going to do, but the chain in his hand tipped her off.

"Please, Gabriel..." she said, using his name. Staring at his face, she realized he didn't care.

"Hurry up," he demanded, and he fastened the collar around her neck.

For a whole day, Natasha had desired to break free from her confinement, but not in this manner. Gabriel dragged her out by the chain as if she were an animal, leaving her petrified and paralyzed with fear. Moreover, the humiliation aroused her, yet she didn't allow herself to acknowledge it.

"Stay on your hands and knees," he ordered, and she had no choice but to comply. The chain was thick and heavy, causing her neck to bear its weight as she shuffled along to keep up. Thankfully, her destination was not too far away.

He halted in front of the stretching table and bent down to wrap his arms around her waist. She writhed in his grasp, and he cursed her as he laid her face down on the wooden platform. He wouldn't let her lift her head, instead forcing it down instantly, and then began to bind her arms above her head.

"Remain motionless or this will be even more painful," he declared, albeit his statement was a bit misleading given the unrelenting punishment he was about to unleash. Natasha was shaking considerably now, and he chuckled as he restricted her legs at the other end. At this point, he was utterly absorbed in the pleasure this gave him.

With his captive secured, he grasped the wheel and started to turn it. Slowly and relentlessly, he stretched her, feeling an intense sense of satisfaction.

Natasha felt her arms being drawn away from her torso and took a deep breath to brace herself. The belt around her neck and the restraints digging into her wrists and ankles left her feeling utterly powerless, awakening an irresistible sexual response. This occurred despite the agony soon tightening its grasp on her. With each revolution of the wheel, she shook more and more. She couldn't help but beg.

"Stop! I can't take any more," she pleaded desperately.

Gabriel, however, had this under control. He had a firm grasp on how far he could go without inflicting actual damage and knew they hadn't reached that point with Natasha. He continued to turn the wheel, witnessing her body shudder from the pressure.

"If you truly want me to stop, use the safe word I gave you," he said smugly. "Otherwise, I'll enjoy your screams, which I'm sure you'll find as delightful as I do."

Unbeknownst to her, she had begun screaming at some point. She was acutely aware of the torment, but was unable to stop the noise. Rendered immobile, all she could do was tremble and shriek to her heart's content. Gabriel delighted in the sight and sound of this, making his dick swell uncomfortably in his trousers.

As the pain subsided, a metallic object pressed against her backdoor.

"Noooo!" she managed to utter. Gabriel was not paying attention, however. With a firm grip, he smeared lube around, and then thrust the oversized stainless-steel dildo into her unyielding rear.

"Noooo!" she tried to protest, but to no avail. Gabriel persisted in his incursion, ripping out the object, and then thrusting it back in time and time again. As his arousal rose, he accelerated his thrusts. Simultaneously, he freed his swollen member and squeezed it as he pummeled Natasha's ass.

Natasha sensed her anal opening tearing just a little. If she were free, she would have squirmed and fled. Her limbs were still tethered to the table, however, leaving her wholly exposed to the assault. Despite the intense anal debasement, she could not move an inch. Eager for more, he kept mercilessly ramming it into her, producing unbearable, deafening screeches. His eruption was imminent - he was reaching for his pants to unbutton them just as her tears of sorrow commenced to stream down her face. Her cries tapered off, ending with hiccups and sniffling, and she cradled her disheveled arms between her quaking body. Within her thoughts, she continued to beg for leniency, but her voice wouldn't return.

Gabriel concluded he'd had enough. With a swift motion, he undid the clasp and released the tension in her limbs. He observed without feeling as she slumped onto the table, her shoulders quivering with her sobs. He would've preferred to poke fun at her, but his excitement prevented him from speaking. So, he simply loosened her restraints and lifted her off the platform. Carrying her to the bed, he put her on her back and spread her legs. His dick was large and hard as it penetrated her. He opted for her pussy since he knew it was moist, and he believed it deserved some attention. He pounded her systematically, and she didn't resist. How could she? Her limbs were completely wrecked. His dick swelled within her considering this.

Natasha was fighting the urge to vomit. She realized the sole reason she hadn't already done so was because he hadn't permitted her to eat. The sadist knew what he was doing, the jerk. He should never have allowed her to be submissive, but now that she was, she didn't want to quit. She writhed as he fucked her, his hips slamming against her delicate inner thighs. His dick was long and thick and hard, and she felt it pierce her cervix with each thrust. She attempted to persuade herself it didn't hurt as much as the sodomy he had performed on her, but it didn't alleviate the current discomfort at all. In a fit of desperation, she began crying again -- at which he leaned over her. His pale wolf eyes examined her contemplatively as he licked the tears from her face. She was transfixed as she gazed back at him, and then she felt his powerful stomach muscles rubbing against her clit. The following second, she felt her body teetering over into an orgasm. The pleasure was therefore overwhelming it caused her to scream in a different manner.

"OhmyGod! OhGod ohGod ohGod!"

He didn't change pace as she trembled and writhed underneath him; he merely held onto her more firmly. The second she came down from her high, he took a breast in his mouth and started sucking on it. Forcefully. Forcefully. His teeth closed around her nipple, causing her to cry out. To her delight, he made her come again while biting her breasts and nipples, so that she squirted over his member -- something she'd never done before. She could smell her own juices over the masculine scent of his body and the luxurious cologne he wore. For a little while, she reveled in the sensations of his smooth, hard flesh rubbing against her. Then he increased the speed and began to fuck her even harder, and she recognized he was doing it to cause pain. In a feeble whisper, she begged him to stop, but he continued fucking her for more than an hour.

Eventually, she was defeated. She was happy when he carried her to the cage and locked her in. Suddenly it was a safe haven, and she gratefully curled up into a fetal position, yearning for solitude.

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