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Nanny Ogg's Early Life: Chapter 1

Nanny Ogg from Terry Pratchett's works joins the fireflies in a dance.

May 2, 2024
7 min read
oralwitchesNanny Oggin Younger Years Ch. 01pokermagicterry pratchett
Nanny Ogg, in Younger Years Ch. 01
Nanny Ogg, in Younger Years Ch. 01

Nanny Ogg's Early Life: Chapter 1

Once upon a time in the realm of Lancre, there lived two young ladies named Gytha and Esme. Their adventures were mentioned only briefly in the tales but never fully explored. Let's dive into the past and join them mid-discussion.

"Esme, do you think the boy from long ago will appear by the Long Man tonight?" Gytha wondered aloud. They waited together outside the Hall for their male counterparts to return home. "The one who resembles Methwen when he was younger."

Esme reacted suspiciously, "Gytha Ogg, must you always bring up that subject? He's older than you, and haven't you already settled down with someone else?" Gytha momentarily considered her words before responding, "Yes, but it's been over a week, and today is a new day." Esme frowned, "I saw him leave your house last night, Ms. Ogg. Do not deceive me."

"Ah, you're referring to the other one?" Gytha chuckled, knowing how easily triggered Esme could be. "Remember, you weren't supposed to be the wicked godmother but failed in that endeavor."

"Well, I'm not saying I'm not unhappy about missing out on being a doting mother to diapers and nappies!" Esme countered, trying to keep her composure.

They stayed in silence, listening for any hint of returning footsteps, when they heard the sound of horseshoes approaching in the distance. Their men were returning home.

Redcully arrived first, riding on his large horse, exuding the dignity of a true blue blood. His friend, Jason, followed close by. Esme's voice preceded the pair, "Gytha Ogg, how dare you speak of such things! You're making me look like the naughty one." Not wanting to looked back, Gytha kept her focus on the approaching men, who both appeared to be riding their most noble steeds.

"Esme, I was simply thinking about our other dashing friend, not this one," she explained. Esme's face turned red, "Well there's no need to share your private thoughts with everyone! Remember how you weren't supposed to be the evil godmother but ended up so anyway?"

Watching Redcully approach, Gytha thought, "What a determined fellow!" The vision of his confident strides made her laugh.

As Redcully approached them, Esme shoved him off his horse, "I'm no one's servant, Mustrum Redcully," she asserted, borrowing the horse's movements to remain standing on its back as it reared up.

Although confused and stunned, Redcully finally stood up, struggling to recover his breath. "I...I don't understand," he fumbled, "But you may guide me to the woods for a walk if you wish."

Not caring if she hurt Redcully's feelings, Esme ordered, "Take my arm if you don't want to be taught a lesson." Redcully slowly reached out to take her arm, and together, they walked through the forest.

Left behind, Jason offered, "My dear," to his friend, "How stubborn she can be! She would know if her feelings weren't getting in the way."

"So, now what?" Jason inquired.

Gytha suggested, "Let's find ourselves a cozy spot under a tree and watch the fireflies dance together under the starlit sky." Jason held her hand, and they made their way deeper into the forest, taking a path almost exactly opposite that of the other couple. As night fell, they found a comfortable spot to observe the intricate ballet of the fireflies.

"You know," Gytha said softly, barely audible over the whispers of the leaves and the distant calls from the creatures, "I wish I could fly among these little lights, as free as a hummingbird."

A young, charming woman wishing she could soar across the night sky. Two friends exploring life and love as the world and the night swirl around them.

"Hey buddy, can I come with you?" Jason inquired, thinking it was the appropriate thing to say. "Naw, if I were a bug, you'd be too heavy." This response made Jason erupt in giggles, though he wasn't certain if it was meant as a jab or not. Before long, they were severe once more, simply gazing at the stars and savoring the breezy wind that played with the trees.

After a while, Gytha inched closer to Jason, hovering her lips close to his ear so that only he could hear what she had to say. "Wanna play a game, strong guy?" Her voice had an enticing tone, causing Jason's heart to race involuntarily.

Jason hesitated momentarily, unsure of his next move. Was this real? He mustered up a large dose of courage from deep inside and nodded slowly. He extended a finger, gently stroking her cheek, then running it down the outline of her breast.

Gytha prevented him from going too far. "No, no, this isn't the way the game is played. It's an ancient witch's game, and we'll get to that eventually," she clarified.

She elevated her skirt to her thigh, retrieved something that looked like a deck of cards from beneath it and roused Jason's anticipation.

"You win, and we'll carry on as we were," she said. "And if I lose?" he inquired. "Don't lose or else we'll both be disappointed. You know about Cripple Mr. Onion, right?" Flashes of losing money throughout the years flitted through his mind, but the memory of a fair-breasted witch with a card deck was faded beneath a coat of paint in the color of octarine light emanating from glowing insects.

"No light to play by?" he questioned, looking towards the starry night. "No need to worry about that." She moved her hands skyward, shutting her eyes and summoning three fireflies to land on her palm. Using one hand, she swirled her fingers as if stirring tea, causing the bugs' glowsticks to heat and bubble, then expand. Each one swelled to a point where they threatened to burst, but with a flick of her wrist, she launched them back into the air. They hovered over the blanket, illuminating it and the two potential lovers.

"Nice," Gytha noted. "Now let's play some cards." She spread the deck on the blanket, and Jason glanced at his cards, discovering he had two pairs of Onions. "How should we wager out here? No money?" he asked.

Her gaze shifted upwards. "Of course not. Let's bet our clothes." He blinked at her, mentally recalling his too many misfortunes with this game; his memories tinged with a wealthy bosomed witch waving a deck of cards.

"Okay, I'll bet my boots and take a couple of cards." He laid down his sets, disposed of some, and took two new ones. "I'll challenge your bet, not taking any." They both set their hands down, and Jason won, thus he retained his boots.

The next two hands transpired in the same fashion, the only difference being a set of Quadruple Onions for Jason. Believing in his luck, he wagered her his boots, socks, and shirt. He gestured at her, "I challenge." She laid out her cards and revealed nothing.

"What'd I get?" Jason asked incredulously. Gytha grinned, displaying a mixture of pride and disappointment, "Uh-huh." She removed her boots. "My turn." The next few hands were the same score: Flora, Onion, Flora; she never discarded to draw another card, just played what she was dealt. Jason eventually was left with only his underwear. "Think about this Jason, all or nothing in the next hand?" He agreed and the veritable cards flew across the blanket, bathed in the light of the magical fireflies. He worried about his five Onions, but then he spotted something even better in his cards - a Dead Man's Hand that could defeat any set he could have been dealt. "I win!" she shouted, taking his clothes off.

Her removal of each item was leisurely. "Your turn," she said. He stood, hesitating momentarily, then slowly unclothed himself. "Nice," she remarked, noting the competitive spirit in him wilting under the force of her luck.

"Alright, next hand, all or nothing?" Jason suggested. He braced himself for whatever destiny held in his cards. He searched his line of sight for the precious trio, and then he saw it - his own Dead Man's Hand. "I win!" he roared, ripping her clothing off as well. The disrobed couple stood softly, poised to connect.

Jason's throat grew parched, and his heart pounded out of his chest. He fought to inhale, studying the woman poised in front of him. Gradually, he disrobed himself till he was bare. As he discarded his pants, he noticed for the first time that she was the most stunning being he'd ever seen. The torch's glow illuminated her luminous skin, accentuating her curves and hollows.

"Since you won, I've got an even better prize for you," he announced. "Lie flat." Jason complied, and she climbed onto his thigh. With her right hand, she started to stroke his arousal, caressing his warmth with her cold skin. "Uh, move your leg, like this..." She showed him how, raising first one ankle then the other. "Then, hold onto me when I tell you." She placed his hand where she wanted it and began to glide her mouth up to his penis tip, so that her lips could embrace him. Fervently, she sucked and stroked him.

The rustling of the forest sounds faded as they immersed themselves in their passionate rhythm, their gasps and moans dominating the silence of the grotto, reverberating off the rocky walls. Despite their frantic motions, time seemed to stand still. They melted into each other, withdrawing from their surroundings. When she came close to eliciting an orgasm with her mouth's caresses, she stopped. "Mr. Cards, would you like to see how a witch conjures some real magic?" she inquired, her lips curled in a mischievous grin.

"Yes." Jason's response was barely recognizable, his breath ragged.

She got off the ground and inched over to him, placing herself above his hips. She lowered herself carefully over his torso. "Don't blow your wad just yet; we need to play more games of cards," she cautioned as she positioned him inside her. "Haven't felt anything like this in... well, a very long time," she sighed heavily. Her motions were gentle and serene as she allowed him to fully embed himself.

She increased her pace and intensity, finally taking the wheel, controlling their pleasure. "Are you going to let your little man spew into a witch's cauldron?" She coaxed him, pushing down on his torso and gyrating suggestively on his turgid rod. "Ever thought about what witchcraft feels like?" she asked him, gazing deeply into his eyes, both aroused and mischievous.

"I'll... won't... last... ooh fffffaaakkkkgh!" His final thrust was accompanied by a deep sigh as he released his seed within her. She increased the intensity and speed of her movements, a mixture of jerks from below, combined with their mingled wetness. Slowly, she ceased, permitting his shriveled shaft to disengage.

"How does my witch game make you feel?" She grinned devilishly.

He flashed her a matching wicked grin. "Delicious." And, entangled in each other, they relaxed, listening to the choir of the night creatures in the darkness, witnessing the fireflies' twinkling dance above them, satiated in the knowledge they had shared something unique beneath the stars. Wednesday night was Gytha's night, according to Jason.

Posies by Gytha flew up and waved a bony arm in dismissal at the recent interruption. The luminous orbs Contracted into normal-sized flashlights and left the grotto.

"The gossips are ruining the ambience, my dear." Gytha stirred the leftover tea from earlier. Snapping a finger, the bulbs contracted back to their original size and flew back into the abyss.

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