
Natural Attraction: Part 1

The tests are successful, yet she is growing considerably.

May 21, 2024
10 min read
Botanical Beauty Pt. 01hyper breastsbreast expansiongrowthpaizuaricloningexperimentboobs bigger then bodysciencegiantesssize difference
Botanical Beauty Pt. 01
Botanical Beauty Pt. 01

Natural Attraction: Part 1

Aiming to Explore

The primary goal of this endeavor is to explore the prospect of producing organic, conscious life that can harness the sun as a power source. If the experiment succeeds, the findings may pave the way for far-reaching biological innovations in the future.

Scientist's Diary: Day 1: 10:00

We've successfully linked a sunflower seed's DNA with that of a human egg cell obtained through a generous donation. As anticipated, a few hours post fusion, the initial cell division yielded encouraging results. The specimen manifested within a petri dish, exhibiting development. After several hours of supervision and nutritional reinforcement, the first visible shifts have presented themselves. Miniature rootlets are now sprouting from the seed, foreshadowing what could happen later on. Awaiting further progress, my curiosity has reached new heights.

Day 5: 10:00

We transplanted the specimen outside, inside a confinement unit. Ascribing parameters that resemble regular sunflower seeds, we'll modify them if necessary. At present, the sprout exhibits rapid, abnormal growth compared to its customary sunflower counterpart. It has attained a 3-inch stem and leaves but its stem is comparatively thicker than an ordinary sunflower. Our monitoring equipment demonstrates the roots expanding underground, deepening each day. Continued monitoring is necessary.

Day 15: 17:00

Today was a pivotal moment in this project. The sprout has initiated the sprouting of 2 tiny green buds and a large yellow bud. The green buds are side-by-side on the stem's upper part. The buds have no signs of transitioning into flowers but seem to germinate into something other than flora. The giant yellow bud on top blossomed, exposing 2 large closed eyes. The 5 massive petals spread around the "face," encircling the specimen's head. The noticed organs now appear to be exclusively the female reproductive organs. Our team was astonished that these developed before any other organs, but the specimen's health doesn't appear to be compromised. We'll continue to observe any potential advances. Its height is 2 feet, 4 inches from the ground to the stem's height and 3 feet, 2 inches from its roots' lowest height to the top of her head.

Day 20: 09:00

The mystery regarding the specimen thickens. The green buds on the stem fissured and dropped their petals, to reveal mature female breasts. These appear identical to human breasts - except for their green hue. The appendages around the specimen's "shoulders" developed into incomplete arm-like structures. Her yellow bud on top blossomed, disclosing nothing other than two massive, yet still closed eyes with no other facial features visible. The organ noticed before evolved into the female reproductive organs. Unexpectedly, the female parts appeared first compared to any other organ forms. The team was astonished by this and can't determine what impact if any it'll have on the creature's overall development. Its height increased to 3 feet 1 inch from the ground and 4 feet 2 inches from the roots to the top of her head. She is also able to emit a series of grunts and squeaks, though she has no oral or nasal passage to create the sound. Breasts are assumed to have replaced the specimen's role of absorbing sunlight, similar to a plant's leaves. Her roots have transformed into leg-like projections, leaving us uncertain how the specimen will gather sustenance from the soil next.

Day 25: 16:00

An important shift has taken place today. The specimen started to show signs of life, her eyes opened to reveal large, glossy black eyes. Upon awakening, she looked around her surroundings and gradually began to move. Although her movements are cautious and clumsy, she actively utilized her "arms," presumably to extract herself from the ground. Her speechlessness remains, expressed through grunts and squeaks. The breast size increased to D-cups. We theorized they're intended for sunlight absorption, much like a plant's leaves. Her legs developed from the conjoined roots once used for soil acquisition. With the unexpected modifications in her structure, her overall height expands to 3 feet, 10 inches from the ground to the stem's top and 5 feet, 3 inches from the roots' base to the top of her head.

The "plant woman," as we've come to call her, has relocated herself. At first, we thought this would cause significant harm to her body. But she could crawl and subsequently stand for a few seconds utilizing her surprisingly large legs before collapsing back onto the ground. Following an hour of effort, she was able to master a complete walking pattern. Fascinated, we decided not to interfere. She remains incapable of communicating verbally, but her grunts and squeaks have grown more varied. She seems to be searching for a way out of her unit, as she frequently shakes the steel bars keeping her captive. We are concerned about this behavior, but we are confident that she will most likely not succeed in breaking free while under our guardianship.

Another surprising development was her growth. The subject's breasts have continued to enlarge, reaching an H cup size now, and her height is 6 feet 5 inches. This is alarming because she has outgrown the average human height in merely 30 days, and we are concerned that her body may struggle to keep up, given that she is no longer connected to the ground to obtain nutrients. Yet she appears unharmed or affected by this. We will ensure that the subject stays healthy in the days ahead.

Day 32, 6:00, "Accident Report"

One of our researchers accidentally bumped into the door switch while looking through the door window. Just as he tapped the switch, the subject noticed and ran toward him, pulling him into the unit. Although she has grown to 6 feet 8 inches, it was astonishing to witness the subject display such agility and strength, managing to bring a fully-grown man into the unit. As soon as the researcher stopped struggling, she raised her hands slowly and started poking and prodding his face and torso. After a few minutes of this, she laid her I-cup breast on the researcher's chest while staring at his face for around 2 minutes. Then, when the security team arrived, she released the researcher. We pulled him outside and examined his body. He appeared unharmed, with just a few minor bruises from being knocked to the ground. We must discover why she acted so abruptly. Is she trying to protect herself? Does she have a sexual attraction? Or was it just reflexive behavior? Further testing is required. What disturbed us most was when the researcher stated during a review that while she was on him, he swore he heard a laugh.

Day 35: 11:00

The subject's development is accelerating. Her breasts are now enormous N cups, which seem to be very soft and pliable despite being made from typical plant-like tissue. Her petals have also started to fall off her head, but more have been growing in their place. Some of the petals were collected stealthily for testing, and we discovered they were quite soft to touch while also releasing pollen on anything they made contact with. We're unsure if this can result in the development of new specimens, as sunflowers need a partner to fertilize. The most shocking advancement, however, is that the subject appears to be pleasuring herself in her chamber, making high-pitched sounds as she does so. She may have reached several orgasms throughout the days. She now stands at a height of 7 feet 7 inches and does not seem disturbed by her body or height.

Day 40: 20:00 Accident Report

The plant woman has escaped! We examined the footage from our security cameras and discovered our 9-foot specimen with massive X-cup breasts had torn open the fence and entered a nearby forest. Security forces were immediately deployed to capture the subject and prevent her from coming into contact with the general public.

However, what was even more alarming was the vast number of sprouts we discovered in the soil inside the subject's containment chamber. The subject was somehow able to asexually reproduce by creating spores that developed on their own in the earth. The top scientists at the facility are now convening an emergency meeting to determine the best course of action.

Day 47: 3:00

The subject was located 15 miles from the laboratory. She had traversed through the forest and across empty fields, and was found inside an abandoned barn, so perhaps her actions were fortunate since she might not have interacted with the general public. Nevertheless, the distance she traveled through the forest and fields likely caused a significant amount of her spores to spread, and it will be incredibly challenging to clean up, but we must persist in our efforts to contain the contamination.

The investigation group cautioned their way into the barn. On entering, they stumbled upon an unnerving sight. A woman, now standing 14 feet tall, was "sleeping" on the floor of the barn. Her breasts were an astonishing 4 feet in size each. The team decided against waking her and instead went outside to call for aerial support to transport her back to the lab. However, one team member remained inside the barn and accidentally triggered her to wake up. The woman instantly stood and grabbed the man. Despite the man's attempts to flee, the specimen was quicker and easily scooped him up. Upon hearing his distress, the other team members rushed inside. Outnumbered and underprepared, they chose to wait for her actions to avoid provoking her.

The specimen continued to study her captive, hovering over him while gently rubbing her lower half against him. The man confessed in later interviews that this encounter was erotically stimulating for him, resulting in his climax. As soon as the team member completed the act, a helicopter with a tarp arrived. A security member hopped out, entered the barn to stun the plant girl using a tranquilizer dart, saving the man in the process. It took 8 people to transfer her into the tarp and lift her back to the research center.

As this episode occurred, the lead scientists issued us new orders. They chose to secure the existing specimens within the base but ordered the elimination of those discovered in the fields and forests, given our limited resources. The question remained: how could one stop a creature that developed so quickly and powerfully without alerting the public?

Day 52: 10:00

The plant woman was returned to a more durable containment room, where she grew to 19 feet tall. Her breasts now each measured a monstrous 7 feet wide, more significant than her torso. She loved showing them off to the cameras, jiggling them for all to see. The giantess was restless within her chamber; should her growth continue, she could easily break free.

The specimens that had been in our possession had started to resemble the initial subject. There were notable variances in their skin and petal color. Some were already removing themselves from the ground and demonstrated rapid growth, with their breasts already reaching gigantic sizes. Some had breasts the size of basketballs, despite their 4-foot height.

The group began cleaning up the invasive specimens outside the lab after containing the plant woman. About half the research and security members were assigned to the task of removing these monsters from the ground. Over the days, they made 7 miles of progress, and these specimens were becoming increasingly humanoid in shape. It was only a matter of time before they awoke, and consequences were unclear. Another emergency conference with the lab's senior scientists was summoned. Unhappily, they determined eliminating all work with the specimens was crucial to prevent any legal entanglements with the government that sponsored them. While regretting the situation, I understand the gravity of the circumstances. Though the plant girls didn't do anything wrong and might possess human-like intelligence, nobody knew the repercussions if they continued to flourish. Alas, I pray this situation never arises. Yet, I know it was necessary...

Day 53: 1:00

I can't believe what I'm seeing. I can't friggin' believe it. We set a blaze in a location we presumed was the primary spot for plant specimens in the forest and started numerous fires surrounding the lab. And, as we watched our work burn to ash, what walked out of the facility's flames? An enormous plant woman and a group of 5-foot smaller plant women emerged. They sauntered confidently towards us. We attempted to flee, but they had a speedy advantage that left only a handful of us managing to escape. They pursued one individual each...

In my experience, the luckiest individual was me. The 20-foot monster picked me as her preferential target. At first, I attempted to run away, yet she locked her eyes on me the second she emerged from the inferno. Her mammaries were larger than anything I had ever witnessed, each one being 10 feet in size. As she stepped forward, her breasts would jiggle intensely, causing her nipples to bounce forcefully. The sound of her breasts sloshing against her body was incredibly alluring.

As she neared, she grasped me, placed me inside her cleavage, and commenced rubbing her enormous breasts in a circular motion with me inside. Her beautiful skin felt fantastic against mine. I could feel her chest warming my body as she moved. She persisted with this motion until I climaxed within her tits. I let out a scream of pleasure, disregarding any potential onlookers. Once I calmed down, she pulled me out of her bosom, laid me on the grass, and started caressing my entire body with her 2.5-foot nipple. Her nipple was wet and sticky, but it felt phenomenal. I ejaculated instantly, and I was already hardening again.

However, she removed her nipple from me and proceeded to undress me, which was soaking wet with my sweat, cum, and whatever substance her body generated. After she got me completely undressed, she assumed a position above me, exposing her stunning vagina. We commenced sexual intercourse immediately.

I didn't resist. It was as if she was made for me, made for this world. Despite her size, she was exceedingly considerate, ensuring that I took even more pleasure than she did. The sound of moans filled the air, not simply from my peers but also from all the plant women. Even the straight female scientists were ecstatic, engaging in lesbian acts with their flora partners. The woman on top of me was emitting moans, but they were deeper and louder than those from the other plant ladies. Her voice had a resounding effect, audible for miles. Her moans embodied her essence; she was powerful and beautiful, yet delicate and willing to share her pleasure with the world. She was greater than us all, and there was nothing that could hinder her.

As I became climax-ready, I clasped as much of her car-sized thighs as I could, and thrust into her wildly. She responded with a high-pitched yelp before moaning and thrashing over me. I heard all the other sounds around me signifying their impending climax. The satisfaction was overwhelming; I couldn't endure it any longer. I thrashed as hard as I could, shooting into her deep vaginal canal. I perceived all the other individuals around me experiencing the same intense climax with their partners.

In reality, this should have been the most disastrous night of my life. My reputation had been ruined, my research was completely destroyed and, in my eyes, I had doomed humanity. Yet, it didn't matter. I had sex with a giant plant woman who seemed to be as fulfilled as me; who could have a better life than mine? We carried on having an endless orgy, experiencing multiple orgasms with our partners until exhaustion put me to sleep.

When I awoke a few hours later, it was now daylight. I saw the titan and the other plant women standing and heading towards the surrounding towns, likely to join the others in the forest who were doing the same. As I took yet another breath, I stretched out my arm toward her, waiting to see if she would look back at me.

She did. She gave me a delicate yet loud chuckle before walking away.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de