lesbian sex

Navigating the Fine Line in Chapter 13

Liz and Rikki engage in conversation, along with Winnie and Lena. Indigo opt for Alex as a choice.

May 16, 2024
29 min read
Threading the Needle Ch. 13whitewater raftinglesbian dramalesbian soap operacoming outromanceraftinglesbian novellalesbian romancenovella
Threading the Needle Ch. 13
Threading the Needle Ch. 13

Thank you, Terry, careythomas, and snow for helping me with this chapter's editing. I couldn't have done it without you.

Please note that this chapter will make sense only if you've read the previous ones. I'm grateful to my readers for accompanying me through this journey.

Chapter 13

It was an unusually bright and sunny morning, but neither Rikki nor Liz could shake their gloomy moods. As Rikki drove to meet the lawyers, she was dreading facing Samuel. They hadn't spoken much since he was kicked out. With each passing day, her disdain for him only seemed to increase. Although being free of him improved her mood a bit, the feeling of failure still lingered.

"I'm going to be trapped in a room with him, listening to him try to rationalize his actions," she thought. "Why didn't I see his true nature sooner?" She clenched the steering wheel tightly while pressing the gas pedal a bit harder. Anger often made her drive too fast.

Even though Liz was feeling down since witnessing Rikki and Yamile together, she was determined to support her best friend. She wasn't sure what else to do and felt that adding to her friend's misery would be unfair. "I can't add to her burden. She has enough to deal with already. Maybe they were just comforting each other, neither of them meaning anything by it," she speculated, looking outside the window. "It is possible that the situation is not as serious as it seems."

As they exited the car, Rikki turned to Liz. "Liz, I'm counting on you to stop me if I lose my temper, okay?"

"Sure thing," Liz answered as they entered the building. When they arrived in the lawyer's office, they were met by Rikki's attorney, then guided to the room where Samuel and his lawyer were waiting.

Samuel noticed that he was wearing the shirt and tie given by Liz. He used to look quite dashing in it, but today all that remained was annoyance. "Does he think he can control me?" she thought angrily. Still, Rikki maintained a neutral expression.

"Before we proceed, my client wants you to know he doesn't want to file for divorce," Samuel's lawyer said. "He wishes for counseling and reconciliation."

Samuel started, "I've made mistakes. I disrespected you and our marriage. I behaved improperly, but must this end in divorce? Can't you give me another chance? Remember our son, Kieran, who requires both of us at home?" he requested, reaching for Rikki's hand but hesitating and pulling back. "My love, can't you give me a second opportunity?"

If he'd expected her to soften her heart, Samuel was mistaken. Her face hardened instead.

"Samuel," she replied harshly, "What I have witnessed, I can never forget! I did my best to create a well-functioning marriage and maintain my role as a good wife. You disregarded all of that. Your love doesn't exist. You don't understand the concept of love. You..." But she stopped herself from uttering more scathing words. After taking a deep breath, she continued, "No, there's no possibility. I want a divorce, and I want it to be quick."

The anger within her unexpectedly intensified, causing her to tremble. Liz reached out to hold her hand, and she tightly gripped onto it, providing a weak smile. The rage at Samuel overwhelmed her, causing her to consider therapy. "Maybe talking to someone could help me manage the anger around Kieran," she considered. "I don't want to exude such negativity around him."

"In that case, we might as well plan for counseling," Samuel's lawyer concluded, pulling out a document from his folder. Rikki couldn't repress a disdainful sound. Divorce talks always had to do with money, which was what Samuel was skilled in. It was what made him effective at his job, so now he'd try to negotiate.

"Not much help it's going to be," she mused. In a no-fault, community property state, they could still contest things, particularly concerning Samuel's fitness as a father. Her lawyer had gathered all the necessary information from the private investigator. Among the most pertinent details were the illicit activities in the abandoned alleyway. However, she was convinced that Samuel wouldn't want the details of his affair with the client's wife made public. It could potentially cost him his job.

She considered how the owner of his company would react if she found out. Rikki had encountered Isabel, or so she asked Rikki to call her, several times at company gatherings. Isabel carried a reputation as a strict boss, even though she no longer held a prominent role at the firm. Issues of a sexual nature, such as sleeping with a client to secure business, still required her involvement. "She'd probably let it be known, and he'd struggle to find another occupation," Rikki mused. "Not that I want that. I just want a fair outcome." She eyed Samuel, who was frowning because he hadn't received what he desired. It marred his intended impression.

She squeezed Liz's hand. "So grateful I have you as a friend," she thought. "You've always supported me." Rikki doubted Liz could be as affectionate toward the women she shared her bed with. "Why can't she be as good a friend to them?" she pondered. "I often ponder whether she's capable of true commitment." It sparked another idea. "Perhaps I should have a heart-to-heart with her about what happened with Yamile. She'd comprehend, at least." But then she slightly shook her head. "She'd only jest at the idea, after all those years of me disclosing my indifference towards women," she concluded.

Her lawyer concluded, "Let's continue without your client's knowledge, Marika." She gathered her belongings. "Marika, why not you and Liz leave? I'll present the proposal." She took out a thick folder from her case. Once Rikki exited, she heard her lawyer say, "Perhaps your client hasn't revealed all the details. Can we?"

Steeling herself, Rikki focused on Liz. Her predatory manner suggested she was relishing what Samuel would endure. "I'm not the target here," she thought. "It's a necessary evil to achieve freedom."

They descended the stairs and went outside, heading for a nearby eatery they both favoured. As they were seated right away, Rikki suggested, "Let's refrain from discussing it for a while."

Liz rolled her eyes. "How about we steer clear of me?" she joked.

Amused, Rikki held her hand. "No, what's bothering you? You were in a foul mood on Sunday. You snarled at me. You chastised Bohdi. Even Bohdi."

Looking at her, Liz pondered whether to be candid. Honesty wasn't her forte. "Maybe a little honesty," she thought, as she tightly gripped Rikki's hand. "I don't know. There are moments when I ponder my situation with Indigo. Actually, what is she doing with me? She has Alex. It's bewildering."

"You've been doing that since high school," Rikki remarked. Indeed, every time someone precious fell for her, Liz managed to ruin it, frequently by cheating. Occasionally, they simply slipped away. A handful of relationships concluded with major blowouts.

"Do you remember that evening with Sharon?" Rikki recalled with a grin.

"I'd be hard-pressed to forget it," Liz remarked, now able to laugh. Those years later, she could reminisce. "Picture 1" Picture 2

"We've reached a point where the only thing certain about the future is uncertainty," she said. List

In the twilight, both women reflected on their past and what was to come. Through smiles and sadness, they'd forge ahead, no matter what the future held. Link To them, it was reassuring to know they always had each other. Highlight

"This could be the start of yet another adventure," Liz said, a sparkle in her eyes.

"If we can face the unknown, we can face anything," Rikki agreed. Together, they embarked on a new journey, no matter how uncertain the outcome might be. Quote Link 2

Rikki burst into laughter. "That was quite an unforgettable birthday bash. The time you saw her shove a cake into someone's face when she found them kissing a Japanese woman. And then the shouting episode, 'you're a bitch!' repeated over and over again."

"Yeah, and she even scratched me on my cheek when she slapped me," Liz reminisced.

"The screaming continued, with tears streaming down your face, covered in cake. Wendy managed to drag her outside, and still, the 'you're a bitch' mantra continued, accusing you of breaking her heart," Rikki recalled.

Liz fell quiet, touching her cheek where she was scratched that night. "I did it, you know. The only girl I've ever said 'I love you' to, and every time I said it, I knew it was a lie," she admitted.

"Why did you do it?" Rikki inquired, aware that this was a topic of contention among their friends.

"She desired it so much," she replied. Holding her water glass, she drank from it. "Maybe I also wanted to love," she murmured quietly.

Rikki started to utter something, but her phone buzzed. It was Yamile's ringtone. Reacting instantly, she answered it. "Hey, Yamile. What's up?"

Despite a flash of jealousy, Liz nodded. As she pondered Sharon's actions, she understandingly thought, "That was possibly how Sharon felt every time." She recalled others before that night who she tricked, although she was careful this time. "Being emotionally tortured is an excruciating feeling," she concluded, focusing on Rikki's call.

"Rikki, what's going on?" she heard her friend say.

"Honey, I can hear the sadness in your voice," Rikki responded.

"She just said her anniversary and she's falling apart," Lena replied through the phone.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I'll drop you off." Rikki disconnected the call and turned to Liz. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth, we need to leave. This is an important day for Yamile."

Juggling with conflicting emotions, Liz nodded. "Of course. It must be tough for her." She raised a question. "What about your lawyer?"

"I'll message her and let her know," Rikki said. "She doesn't need me at the moment. I'll just find them later." Her voice quivered. "I've never felt more for someone than I have for Yamile. Claudio was everything for her."

"Yeah, some people never get over intense feelings," Liz responded. Feeling a tinge of guilt, she added, "Maybe that's why I haven't let myself love."

"I understand how it is, Elizabeth. However, you're not happy now, too. I wish we could talk more about it," Rikki expressed.

"It's okay. It's not a big deal," Liz insisted. Trying to hide her sadness, her smile seemed forced while she thought, "Lying to myself."

In a different part of the city, Winnie rushed to the restaurant where she was meeting Lena. They hadn't spoken since Sunday, and when Lena sent her a message inviting her to lunch, she responded without delay.

Even as she arrived, Winnie failed to determine the intent of their meeting. "Is it a date or is it two friends sharing a meal?" she kept wondering. "Hmm. I'm not sure if I want it to be one or the other!" Stepping inside, she spotted Lena waiting. Thinking about how to proceed, she had a confused moment. "Each time, we just hug. Should I go for a kiss? It's awkward right now!"

The situation mirrored for Lena as well. Winnie's hug was too brief for a real kiss, but also too close for a mere greeting. They both seemed off guard, resulting in a weak and forced laughter as they broke their embrace.

Winnie's cheeks burned as Lena went to inform the hostess they had arrived. "I looked like an idiot," she thought to herself, realizing how her attempt at appearing fine had failed. "She just wanted a hug, and I not only tried to kiss her, I missed!"

The hostess directed them to a table in the heart of the restaurant. Winnie longed for some privacy, but there was none to be found as the lunch crowd filled the place. Their actions would be on display for all to see.

As soon as they sat down, their server approached them to take their orders. The fast pace of the service was mildly irritating, but it helped Winnie calm her nerves. By the time the server left, she was almost composed.

For a few moments, they chatted about their work and recent happenings. Winnie was relieved to learn that several of Marika's colleagues were trying to support her. Women in particular disliked Samuel. Among the group, it was common knowledge how close Winnie and Marika were. Eventually, Lena felt comfortable enough to bring up the weekend.

"So, how are you feeling about... what happened?" Lena inquired, glancing into Winnie's eyes. Winnie looked away, but the fear in Lena's mind vanished when she locked eyes with her again.

"It was incredible, but also puzzling," Winnie began, then hesitated. "I'm not talking about what we did. That was incredible, but I'm not certain what it means." Winnie nervously gazed into Lena's eyes. "For our friendship, for one thing, but also about who I am."

Hoping for guidance, Lena offered a question. "What do you want it to mean for us?"

"I've been trying to determine what happened for a while now. You likely saw that. You've been such a great friend to me. I can't risk losing that," Winnie expressed. "It's important for me, especially someone who understands me." Taking a deep breath, Winnie continued, "Someone who has gone through what I'm going through. Someone who has come out."

"I know what you're saying, but I have no experience in your parents' situation," Lena expressed. "I grew up somewhere different. My parents didn't want me to be unhappy. By the time I told them, they already knew how I felt." Lena felt sorry for Winnie and admitted, "I'm sorry for your struggle. There's not much I can offer."

"I can't deny my identity, but I'm not strong enough to come out either," Winnie confided. "There are people like your parents, who see acceptance may be possible, but others like mine who act aggressively towards those who stand up for the LGBTQ community. I'd rather not risk being exposed." Her eyes moistened as she added, "I'm a lesbian. I can't keep lying to myself anymore."

Lena held Winnie's hand tight and said, "It's valuable that you're gaining clarity. I wish my parents' experience could help you, but I understand your situation is different."

Winnie smiled sadly. "I wish it were. The people like your parents are the exception. In my hometown, they're everywhere. They're not accepting, but hostile. One student was assaulted after he was seen kissing another boy. No one stood up for him. I was too afraid."

"Those sympathetic adults tsk tsked and said it was terrible," Winnie shook her head. "But no one was caught, and people like my parents said he shouldn't have put himself in that situation." She scoffed. "And his parents didn't do anything." Her voice cracked, "They just sent him to a private school."

Winnie's gaze returned to Lena. "I'm afraid our parents might not accept it or even me. They're not stupid. They've noticed, talking enough for me to worry they might find out."

Meeting her eyes, Lena nodded. "I understand, but keep in mind you have allies. I'll back you no matter what your choice, and so will our group, except for Julie, of course." The tiny twist of her lips faded. "And maybe Logan," she added casually, her tone revealing her feelings about the guy. Winnie's eyes lit up.

"Yes, Logan's alright, or would be if he didn't think he was the best thing since sliced bread," she joked. Her eyes glinted slightly as she gazed back at Lena. "But definitely not as skilled as you! Nobody has ever satisfied me as you did!"

Lena grinned and shifted closer. "Not even Indigo?" she murmured.

Visibly blushing, Winnie whispered, "No," while cautiously scanning the surroundings to ensure no one was listening. Though the circumstances were uplifting, she made quick mental distinctions. "Friendship," she mused to herself. "Not love." She was confident in her discernment.

"Lena, you're a wonderfully appealing woman, and no one can dynamite my buttons better than you," she confessed. "But can we focus on being more friends?"

Lena's eyes shone playfully. "A bit more friendship? I think I can handle that. Despite my inexperience, you know how to ignite a woman's passions." Relieved at their compatibility, she found delight in their similar ideas.

For a while, they devoured lunch in silence. As they neared the end, Lena examined her face. A lingering question prompted her to speak. "Winnie, I'm not very good at being in a romantic relationship. I don't prefer to bind myself. Please don't hold it against me if I..." She trailed off uncertainly.

"Sleep with another woman?" Winnie commented lightly. There was no venom in her tone. "Calm down. I'm not a kid. I know and trust you wouldn't intentionally hurt me or anyone else." Despite her affinity for Liz, she welcomed the sense of protection exhibited by Lena. Lena's facade was comforting.

Looking at her phone, Winnie sighed. "Dang, lunchtime always seems too quick. I have to escape." She laid a pair of bills on the table, shared a brief kiss to the cheek with Lena, and dashed for the exit.

Lena chuckled as she caught one final peek of Winnie's derriere as she shoved her way through the crowd. "Maybe staying friends is for the best for both of us, but that doesn't mean she isn't one of the sexiest people I know," she mused. Though their lovemaking was limited to one adventure, she felt fortunate to have been a part of it.

Nonetheless, Lena mulled over Liz as Winnie retreated from her view. "Yet, my concerns for Liz remained strong," she pondered. "After a whole weekend together, even Liz's cantankerousness on Sunday didn't trouble me. We sailed effortlessly through both sexual encounters and the road trip. I relished the touch of her hand; I liked the sensation of belonging to something." She fled her dining spot and retreated to her vehicle, consigned by her unshakeable thoughts of the sensuous blonde.

In the meantime, Liz wasn't the only one struggling with distractions. Indigo found herself captivated by Liz all weekend long, even though she knew Liz had moved on. They navigated the river and even managed to use the van with the boats. Rather than fulfilling her, her relationship with Liz rekindled an intense infatuation. While preparing supper, her mind wandered back to memories of Liz.

"Even when Sunday's negativity clawed at me, it never targeted me," she rationalized. "And surprisingly, Liz embraced me as I reached for her hand later, increasing the sensation that my role went beyond that of sex." Indigo enjoyed the unfamiliar sensations. "Yet, Liz got hints of someone demanding her affection, while I reveled in a sense of needing, a feeling beyond intercourse." Conscious of fulfilling a different role, Indigo delighted in the opportunity.

When the sound of her apartment door unlocking caught her off guard, she was awakened from her deep thoughts. The arrival of Alex caused a pang of guilt to shoot through her system. Noticing the grocery bag holding bread and salad in her hands, she remembered how trustworthy her girlfriend was. Alex was dependable and kept her promises, something that Indigo appreciated and relied on.

"Hello, Indy," Alex exclaimed, making her way to the kitchen. She dropped her belongings on the counter and walked over to give Indigo a warm hug and a gentle peck on the lips. "How's your day been?" Her curiosity was evident in the way she asked.

During their time together, Indigo had noticed that Alex always inquired about her day and offered genuine interest in the response. A marked difference from her former relationship with Liz, which was filled with chatter about rivers and sex. As she finished preparing the pasta sauce, she and Alex conversed about their day's events, leaving the usual topics behind. Instead, they chatted about the world outside of their own. During these conversations, Alex would frequently pause to offer comforting touches or kisses to Indigo, earning her attention and focus.

She couldn't help but admire Alex's muscular build as she watched her setting the table. "Wow, look at how calm, \ she thought. "She's so fit. She spends so many hours in the gym, it's incredible." This was a stark contrast to Liz, who was toned but didn't have the same ripped body as Alex. "She was softer. And to top it off, Liz had bigger breasts." A quick glance at the pasta sauce simmering on the stovetop made Indigo reminisce about her time spent with Liz. She recalled the memories of squeezing her breasts during sex and aroused herself slightly at the thought.

As she stirred the pasta, she saw Alex fiddle with the tablecloth. "It's nice to be able to say anything and have it be taken seriously," Indigo realized. "Whether it be discussions about rivers, sex, or simply what happened at work." But thoughts of Liz remained, lingering in her mind like a shadowy specter. Comparing the two women, she admitted, "Bigger isn't necessarily better." Alex's slender build complemented her muscles, making her feel both strong and delicate.

Her thoughts led to a sensation between her legs. It was reminiscent of a conversation with Alex and the brief, playful allusion to Liz came to mind. Unbidden, she remembered their previous encounters, "Clandestine is fun, isn't it?" she remembered Alex teasing. Consciously, Indigo tried to refocus her thoughts on the task at hand, but it wasn't easy.

"Alex, did you hear from Weston about the Sky on Sunday?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes, he wants you to join them while Logan and Weston go on the Wenatchee River," Alex answered. Her voice was indifferent, the kind of tone one might use if they repeated something heard earlier in the day.

But there was another message in the words, and Indigo picked up on it. "Will you be coming to the Wenatchee with us?" she asked cautiously. She resumed stirring the sauce, not looking up at Alex.

In what seemed like an eternity, Alex replied, her voice softer. "Thank you for asking, but no. I'll be helping out on the Sky," she informed, carefully folding a napkin and placing it on the tabletop. The finality in her tone was unmistakable.

The ensuing silence was disquieting for both women. "So you'd rather be on assignment with Liz, is that it?" Alex finally spoke, hurt coloring her voice.

Indigo's face flushed anew, unconsciously attempting to hide her own pain. "No, Alex! Of course not! I want to be with you. Don't you know that?" she responded, her eyes welling with emotion. "Please come this weekend," she beseeched.

The hurt look on Alex's face softened as her anger dissipated. "Indigo, stop it. You're my girlfriend. I want to be with you too. I'd come if you would invite me", she said with vulnerability lacing her voice.

The intensity of Alex's emotions caught Indigo off guard. "I know, Babe, I know!" she cried. Turning away, Indigo gathered the plates of food and headed towards the table. Setting them down, she braced herself for another task. "Would you please get the bread and the wine?"

At first, Alex remained still but then she signed and moved towards them. After placing them on the table, she seated herself next to Indigo.

"Come on, let's eat a bit. Perhaps we're both a bit peckish. Finish your meal first, and we'll talk about this later," Indigo suggested. For a short while, Alex appeared as though she'd object, but she finally agreed and commenced picking at her food. After several bites, her appetite dragged her in, and she started to genuinely enjoy her meal.

The two women ate in quiet companionship for a considerable length of time, with only the sound of clinking forks on plates interrupting the silence. When Indigo had nearly finished her dished, she raised her gaze to meet Alex's. "Are you feeling any better now?" she inquired gently with a soft tone.

Alex made eye contact and continued to scrutinize her companion. At long last, she exhaled. "I was starving. You were correct," she disclosed. However, she shook her head to emphasize, "But I'm not significantly better." Her shoulders drooped, and she bit her lower lip, making her appear vulnerable and fragile, like a tough woman who had just lost her defenses.

"Indy, I understand we both insisted upon an open relationship, and during our absence, we're tempted. However, this situation is different, and it seems that it's you who's been with someone other than Liz," she stumbled over her words. Her eyes held Indigo's captive, unwavering, unapologetic, and deliberate.

With the conviction of her gaze, Indigo felt compelled to avoid eye contact. The guilt Indigo had earlier resumed its position as an uninvited guest within her mind. Her throat grew dry, making wine the only solace.

"It's been a while," Indigo revealed.

"Yeah." Alex's voice was laced with bitterness. "And if Liz had been more considerate, we'd be spending more time with each other—"

A modest defense for Liz rose in Indigo's mind, but she could not voice it. This was the truth about her situation and herself. "It's undeniably messed up, indeed," she acknowledged.

"Indy, I'm not the jealous, sentimental type. We always said trust is what matters most. But I can't ignore these jealous feelings. I'm struggling with these emotions for you; not just because of Liz—" she hesitated, seeming to find it painful to speak the words. "You love Liz."

An almost automated denial rose in Indigo's throat, and she felt it falter once it realized the logistics of the situation. "Do I?" she questioned herself. "Is this love?" Other times, her relationship with Liz differed—mostly belted to her bedroom. Alex and Indigo, however, had shared an entwined life for years now, even predating her relationship with Alex. Although Alex would witness Indigo be distracted by other women, it didn't bother her until her heart was on the line.

"I love you, beyond any doubt. I know Liz is only here for sex," Indigo said.

Alex, who had a history of being Liz's partner, nodded in agreement. "I remember Liz," she said about their time together. In the past, they had been lovers, but it had been a very short-lived relationship. Although Alex had observed Liz pursuing women, she had never noticed her partner as anything more than a plaything."

"Liz wasn't appropriate for that in this situation," she became aware of thoughts, "Alex feels threatened by the fact that I'm with her."_Her heart was heavy with her own emotions, along with Alex's, and the foreboding that pushed her to this tipping point. She could not remain in this state forever. An urge to communicate, to heal, and to understand wrapped around her, compelling her to remove this barrier built by fear.

"I can't dismiss my sentiments, Indy. This belief that you're waiting for her to ask for more from you, that if she did, you'd leave me—" Alex spoke while managing to maintain her composure and keep the tears at bay.

In a hurry, Indigo quickly got up from the table and embraced Alex tightly. "Oh, Alex, no, I'm not, I'm yours, and Liz is merely a plaything." She said this as she comforted Alex, who was now crying. She couldn't even recall the words she had said to gain that relief before. "Don't cry, baby, I won't abandon you."

When she spoke the words, she could feel how much they meant to her. "She relies on me, and I want to be relied upon. Liz isn't concerned," she mused internally. "She isn't. If I'm not there, she has Lena or some girl she casually chooses for the night." Regardless of her hopes, she couldn't change this fact. "She'll never transform, and I have something wonderful with Alex. I won't jeopardize that on a myth."

Glancing at Alex, she noticed the tears slipping down her cheeks and attempted to wipe them away with kisses. "Alex, listen to me. Beloved, I will not leave you. I will not. I wish to be with you," she murmured between the kisses. Gradually, her shaking subsided, and once it faded entirely, she draped herself across Alex's lap. Her arms draped around her neck and embraced her tightly. She felt the hiccups decreasing, and then when they stopped, she moved her attention to gaze into Alex's eyes. "Shhh, shhh, Alex," she hushed. "It's okay. I adore you." She paused briefly before repeating, "I adore you," gently and deliberately.

Alex nodded her head slightly, and though she seemed a mess with the red spots on her cheeks, Indigo had never felt more in love with her. She gently kissed Alex's lips and then sprinkled kisses all over her cheeks, trying to chase the blotches away. It didn't help much, though, so she simply settled against her, running her fingers through the back of Alex's hair while swaying her gently.

When her breathing had regained a regular pace, Alex paused and regarded the loving dark-haired woman beside her. "I'm sorry. I can't quell the concerns. I do believe you, but it's emotional, not rational," she confessed. The emotions threatened to consume her once more, and Indigo could see new tears welling up in her eyes. "I know it should be enough for you to profess your feelings, but it isn't. I can't endure sharing you with her anymore." She reached up to wipe away one solitary tear dribbling down her cheek.

"Do you want me to cease seeing her?" Indigo inquired, pointing at Alex. She caught a glimpse of the familiar Alex regaining control of herself.

"No," she responded, surprising Indigo. "I still don't wish to dictate your decisions. I'm saying I can't tolerate being with you if you sleep with her."

"Then I've already considered it," Indigo assured her calmly. Looking into Alex's eyes, she stroked the tear-stained region on her cheek. "I pick you. Playing with her was supposed to be recreational, but I won't if it upsets you." As much as she felt these words, Indigo detected a hint of uncertainty in her heart. "Can I really decline?" she pondered.

If Alex caught on to her doubt, she still trusted Indigo. She doubted if she could handle a reunion with Liz, whether by observing them together or just letting it languish. "Contemplate it, Indy. If you can't stay true to your word, be honest with me, and your own intentions," she advised, understanding the clout of Liz's allure.

"I have no need to, Darling," Indigo replied softly. Staring intently into her eyes, she stroked the location on her cheek where a tear once was. "I select you. Messing with her was meant to be a pastime, but I shan't do so if it pains you." Her faith that she could resist Liz grew, and as she felt her emotions uplift, her confidence swelled. This feeling was infectious, making Alex more at ease and rewarding her with gentle smiles. When they accomplished their task, Indigo sensed the arousal stirring within her. As Alex reached up while standing on her tiptoes to place a bowl away, she stepped behind her. As soon as the bowl was where it belonged, she grabbed her tightly. Her lips met a spot just beneath Alex's ear, delivering a series of delicate kisses.

"Shall we go to the bedroom?" she murmured, punctuating it with a tiny nibble on her earlobe.

Who is Indigo?Indigo is a dark-haired woman in a relationship with Alex. They had an argument due to Alex's insecurities and doubts over her love for Indigo.

Why was Alex insecure and doubtful of Indigo's love?Alex felt threatened by Indigo's bond with another woman named Liz and worried Indigo might leave her for Liz.

What did Indigo do to comfort and reassure Alex?Indigo decided to end her relationship with Liz and choose Alex wholeheartedly. She was felt more love for Alex and kissed her gently, aiming to comfort and reaffirm her commitment to her.

What emotions surfaced as the argument escalated?Both Indigo and Alex experienced jealousy, fear, and doubt. However, love and trust were also present in their relationship.

How did Indigo feel about the resurgence of her love for Alex?Indigo felt a renewed appreciation for her relationship with Alex and was confident in her decision to stay true to her commitment. She sensed her passion for Alex and acted on it by kissing and physically connecting with her.

How did the situation resolve?In the end, Indigo chose Alex over Liz. They reconciled and revived their connection through physical intimacy.

Alex may have appeared recovered, yet she struggled with lingering emotions from their dinner. She wanted to please Indigo, although she couldn't ignore the looming presence of Liz. "Yeah, let's," she said.

As they plodded to the bedroom, Alex's thoughts oscillated between her frustrations and her desire to make love with Indigo. She couldn't help compare herself to Liz - the constant shadow that cast its doubts upon her mind.

Indigo discarded her clothing effortlessly as they entered the room. Her pink high-cut panties exposed her pussylips vividly against her tan skin. Alex visibly reacted despite her turmoil. Removing her t-shirt, Indigo's matching bra accentuated her modestly proportioned breasts. She wore only the panties, socks, and a knowing smirk.

"Seems you're a bit indecisive," Indigo quipped. Alex's body wasn't as voluptuous as Liz's, featuring lean muscles and practical underwear. "Not who I expected to compare you to last night," she considered. Alex's hair was a mess of blonde curls, the bounce and fullness creating a unique contrast to Liz's sleek, toned figure.

"And I've always appreciated it," Indigo continued, gazing into Alex's eyes. Meandering towards Alex, she swung a leg over her body, pulling her close. "Comfort and get over here, dear, so I can play with it," she purred. Grabbing Alex's hand, Indigo drew her up towards her.

Struggling, Alex remained undecided. Her head filled with resentment, she persisted. "I've always had a little backside." Comparing herself unfavorably, she lost sight of Liz's condition and her own self-worth. "And Liz's body," Alex thought. Liz's body boasted voluptuous curves, bulging with a trim waist and a perfect ass, garnering the attention of onlookers. "I'm insignificant compared to Liz's flawless figure."

As the tension of the argument failed to break, Indigo urged Alex to relax. Straddling her, Indigo kissed her, expressing her love. Alex's reserved nature threatened to interrupt them, but Indigo's assurances eased her discomfort. Alex laid back, inviting Indigo back into her embrace.

Kissing deeply, their tongues met. The intertwining of their tongues helped breach the emotional wall Alex had built. The simple ruling supplanted her doubts with the affirmations of their love. "Just her," Alex decided as she eyes fluttered open.

Despite the dimmed lights, Alex made out Indigo's frame; her body, absent of sinful emotions she'd just shared. Her lips curved into a devious grin. "That's who I'll compare you to," she resolved. The kisses continued, punctuated by moans of delight. Forgetting her anxiety, she submerged herself in the passion of the moment. Making love to her partner fortified her self-confidence.

Breaking free of the kiss, Alex navigated the daring act of biting Indigo's neck. Nibbling sensually, she kissed and caressed Indigo's shoulder and breast. Aroused, she sought a deeper connection. "Let's not wake the neighbors," Indigo whispered, nestling in Alex's warm arms.

Mentally and emotionally, Alex's confidence re-emerged. "I'd like to see Liz try this," she flirted, building on her sense of worth. Indigo's body moistened with lust as she responded, validating Alex's feelings. In a flash, Indigo flipped the tables. Mimicking Alex's gesture, she nibbled her neck. "I'd like to see you try this."

Laughing at the comical exchange, Alex relaxed. "So, who are you comparing me to?" she teased. While she was tempted to continue the playful verbal-fencing, she preferred to share her true self. "You're it; not her," she reaffirmed.

The topic shifted to the growing tension between them. "I've always admired your woolly hair," Indigo whispered, nuzzling close. Alex simply listened and let her body respond to Indigo's gentle actions.

Lying on their sides, Alex's raw emotions were momentarily silenced. Increasing her efforts, Indigo kissed her gently, melting her resistance and desire. Focused on captivating Indigo, she leaned into the sensations, losing herself in the moment. The game had changed from comparing bodies to appreciating each other.

Transferring her weight, Indigo rose up onto her forearms onto the floor. Reaching out, she slid her hand inside Alex's underwear with a seductive smile, preparing to stimulate Alex's clitoris directly. Alex watched with bated breath, anticipating the sensations. Aroused, she took control, wiggling her hips against Indigo's hand. With a shared hum of pleasure, they submerged themselves in the intimate experience.

Through the fog of their intimacy, Alex momentarily pondered how their unyielding passion had changed the course of their relationship. And with their bodies intertwined, she realized they had learnt to reward themselves with each other for their achievements - a truly perfect journey. Pausing to savor the afterglow, she praised herself silently. The comparisons were gone and she didn't miss the competition.

Embracing her lover's body, Alex whispered. "No one gets what we have." "But we do, Babe," Indigo replied. "Forever."

As she nibbled at Indigo's collarbone, she felt a slight shiver and a subtle arch in her back. With a smile, she repeated the gesture and then moved down to her right shoulder. Coming across the bra strap, she slid a finger over it, noticing it was still there. With one hand, she carefully unhooked it and then let the strap slide down, revealing Indigo's right breast. Her nipple, puffy and erect, beckoned to her. Alex finished taking off the bra.

Bending down, she sucked the nipple into her mouth, causing Indigo to let out a deep moan. Moving back and forth between her breasts, she first used her lips to pull on them, then gently flicked them with her tongue.

"Mmm, yes," Indigo murmured, her back arching and pressing her breasts against Alex's mouth as she worked on one of her nipples. She loved the care and emotion in her partner's touch. But it felt both delightful and tormenting.

The argument had left Indigo feeling jittery and aroused. A make-up session would alleviate both feelings. Not only would they reaffirm their emotional bond, but also their physical connection. She wanted Alex to prove she knew how to please her. "I'm not considering Liz, but she hasn't rocked my world in a while, at least without something else involved," she contemplated. Flirting with Winnie and Lena always added an extra element of excitement. Playfully teasing them didn't threaten their relationship, but it wasn't the same.

Pulling on Alex's hair, Indigo hoped to convey her rising desire. While Alex responded, it was taking too long. It wasn't teasing, though. "She's expressing how much she loves me, I know," she told herself, trying not to be frustrated.

Although she perceived Indigo's need, Alex moved a bit slower, trying to show her just how much she cared. Licking the area around Indigo's belly button, she moved her tongue into the little dimple there. When Indigo whimpered, she was thrilled. She lingered there, showering the spot with kisses. Even when Indigo pulled on her hair more forcefully, she delayed moving any lower. Digging her thumbs into Indigo's nipples, she continued gently stroking them.

Indigo wanted to scream out that she needed to be fucked hard, but she couldn't bring herself to risk sounding harsh. All she could do was moan, "Alex, please," wishing she would pick up on her wishes.

"I know, Indy, I know," Alex said softly, looking into her eyes. The rebuttal stung a little, yet she tried not to let it affect her. She wondered if Liz ever complained about teasing. Pushing aside the thought, she brought her face closer to Indigo's pussy. When she felt a strong shiver, she knew she was close. Licking her lips, she moved her head forward, drawing a long lick across Indigo's wet lips.

"Dammit, Alex, stop teasing me!" Indigo finally cried out in frustration.

"Sorry, Indy," Alex said, gazing at her once more. Sadly, the reproach lingered with her, gnawing at her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a question kept nagging her - did Indigo ever complain when it was Liz? She chose to ignore it, focusing instead on the task at hand. Quickly, she moved her head forward, running her tongue up and down the slit between Indigo's pussy lips.

Indigo writhed under her, desperate to drive her tongue straight into her vagina. When Alex finally obeyed, Indigo let out a loud moan. "Yesss, Alex, yes! Oh god! Do that! Do that, Baby!" she urged her, unable to keep from moving her hips forward to guide Alex's tongue deeper.

"At least she's incredibly wet," she thought to herself, both loving and lamenting the situation. Coupling the wetness with her tongue's exploration, Indigo experienced the most profound orgasm she'd had in a long time.

Satisfied, Alex chose not to question anymore about her lover's past experiences. Instead, she focused on satisfying Indigo's desires. Leaning in, she took Indigo's clit between her lips, sucking on it while flicking her tongue around the sensitive bud. Indigo suddenly disappeared between the waves of pleasure, screaming in ecstasy and moaning into the pillow.

Feeling satisfied, Alex moved up the bed to face Indigo. She watched with a soft smile as she relaxed, a sheet of sweat covering her body. Alex moved in for a loving kiss. "I know, Indy, I know," she whispered, trying to ease her guilt. In that moment, all that mattered was pleasing Indigo and showing her love and affection.

For a while, Alex glided her tongue along the open slit. She gently traced her clit as she reached its peak, which caused Indigo to make a little noise. But while returning back down, Alex eased up her touch to avoid going too deep. After that, she planted delicate kisses on each side of Indigo's pussy.

Indigo groaned in impatience. She craved more and she wanted it right away. "Liz would know that. She'd do it," she thought while rolling her hands above her head and pushing off the headboard, trying to get on top of Alex. Her urgent moans turned more fiery, and her irritation intensified.

Finally, Alex bent down and firmly pushed her tongue into Indigo's pussy. She swirled it back and forth and created wide circles. However, she was not giving hard thrusts as Indigo demanded. Instead, she gently increased the pace and the depth. Her tongue passionately fucked the warm pussy, still oblivious to Indigo's forceful thrusts.

In spite of her frustration, Indigo could sense she was about to climax. Her mound now pressed against Alex's face, and was eagerly rotating her clit on her forehead. She simply longed for relief. The intense feelings from before and the compulsion to connect along with the slow build up propelled her to the brink.

"Oh God," she moaned. "Oh fuck!" As her hips pushed against Alex's face with all her might, she felt the climax arrive. She screamed loudly as her back arched. Uncontrollable shakes swept through her. Her body convulsed repeatedly.

"No!" Indigo thought as she felt the pleasure wane. "Not enough! More!" She vigorously pushed her pussy against Alex, coating her face with her scent. Unfortunately, it did nothing. She couldn't relive it. The fleeting climax succumbed to her grasp and she slumped back onto the bed. Rolling over slightly, she laid eyes on Alex.

Alex knelt down right between her legs. The glee in finding her cum combined with the love in her eyes was visible. From her nose to her neck, pussy juice dripped down Alex's face. Gone was Indigo's irritation, and she beamed back. Pretending to not be dissatisfied with her climax, she put out a hand for her partner.

As she took it, Indigo pulled her towards her to lay by her side. She shared a loving kiss with her, accidentally smearing some tissue juice on her face. Alex chuckled and licked it off. Indigo giggled and formed a team with her to wipe every trace.

Alex laid on her back and Indigo moved to cuddle next to her. They exchanged passionate kisses for a while. Instead of the deep kisses just before, these ones communicated love and affection. Silently repeating "I love you" and "I promise", they basically guaranteed their commitment to each other.

"I love you, Indy. I mean that," Alex whispered as the kisses concluded. She stared at Indigo and traced her finger down her face to her neck. "I want our relationship to work," she continued.

"Me too, Baby. I promise," Indigo said. The touches felt great. Even though she was still a little horny, they didn't need sex to resolve her issues.

"You're amazing, Alex. Thank you for not abandoning us," she murmured.

Slowly, Alex curled up beside her with her head on Indigo's shoulder. Feeling nothing but love, Indigo stroked her friend's stomach softly. She kissed her shoulder and whispered "I love you, Alex."

Indigo had to remember these thoughts when she met Liz to maintain their connection.

This made Liz think once more. Without meaning to, she couldn't stop recalling how passionate their last weekend had been. Currently, her relationship with Alex seemed off-balance. "It's not always like this," she reassured herself. "Even though sex with Alex is great, Liz doesn't make me feel cherished. I just don't feel loved with her," she pondered before drifting off to sleep. In her dreams, she imagined it was Liz.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de