Taboo Sex

Nudist Treasure Hunt: Chapter 5 by Furga

A tiny, nude man encounters an unusual yet appropriate friend.

May 20, 2024
10 min read
Furga's Nudist Treasure Hunt Ch. 05beachadventureenfcmnfmagicdwarfcfnfmedievalelffantasy
Furga's Nudist Treasure Hunt Ch. 05
Furga's Nudist Treasure Hunt Ch. 05

Nudist Treasure Hunt: Chapter 5 by Furga

"Wow, what a show-off!" someone yelled.

"Even dwarves lose their shame these days. Back in my day..." another voice chimed in.

"Look at that butt, shake it!" someone shouted.

"Guys at the magic academy will never believe this!" someone called out.

"Mommy, did that chubby woman lose her swimsuit?" someone asked.

Furga ran forward, pushing through the crowd as best she could and trying to ignore the barrage of comments that were coming her way. She jumped over a table, narrowly avoiding a couple sitting there and nearly hitting a man with her large chest. Her entire body was exposed, her mind a whirlwind of panicked thoughts. Her last hope was to jump off the yacht.

"Hey, stop that streaker! This gathering's rating doesn't allow nudity!" someone in a fancy dark uniform with a wooden sword shouted, pointing at Furga with a scowl.

Two burly orcs appeared in front of the naked dwarf, blocking her path. The man in the uniform swung his wooden weapon at her, but Furga ducked and dodged the hit. She retaliated with an uppercut, pushing the orc towards his ally, making an opening for her escape. The deck's edge was getting closer, but a third guard appeared, standing between her and the exit.

The redhead acted on instinct. First, she swung her fist. Then suddenly, she went between the man's legs on all fours, making him fall down. Before that, he managed to land a blow, leaving a red mark on her massive butt with his wooden sword.

"A-a-a, you bastard!" Furga shouted and hit the guard back with a kick.

More people in uniforms ran towards her, forcing her next move. She rushed to the railing of the yacht, moved into a dive position, and enjoyed one last close-up view of her bare backside for the crowd. Then she jumped, landing with a mighty splash in the water. The passengers whistled and called out to her as she swam as fast as she could, her skin now red with embarrassment. The rocks were a long way off, but Furga's adrenaline carried her away from the leering crowds like they were dangerous predators. She could feel the sand under her toes and touch solid stone.

Furga looked around and realized she was on a rocky part of the beach surrounded by wild greenery. It was too uninviting for any regular beachgoer. The dwarf could finally sigh with relief. Her cheeks were still bright red from the whole experience, and her thoughts were racing with possible consequences. She'd hardly considered that her quest might bring her to this moment. Exhausted, Furga sat down on a stone and enjoyed the brief moment of calmness as the sunrays and the breeze caressed her naked body.

"Oh my gods, I can't believe it!" a young female voice cut through the silence.

Furga stood up again and turned her head to find a tall, fair-skinned figure waving at her from between the rocks. She had a big smile and long, blonde hair tied in the same way as Furga's. The elf's slim, toned figure had appealing womanly curves. Furga couldn't help but admire the shape of the woman's breasts, round and pretty despite being smaller than Furga's.

However, it was her nudity that caught Furga's attention most. The elf's bikini top was dangling from one of her hands like a useless rag, while she was completely naked, save for the immodest panties she was holding in the other. After another excited cry, the blondie let go of her panties, leaving her completely exposed.

"Finally, someone who understands!" the light elf breathed out and made her way toward Furga, moving through the rocks with her sensitive feet.

"Um, hello?" Furga raised her eyebrow, confused.

Now that she too was naked, Furga didn't feel so embarrassed. She still felt awkward since the girl seemed so eager to lose her swimsuit.

"You don't even realize how hard it is to find other nudists here!" the elf exclaimed and threw herself into a hug.

Furga hesitated, unsure of whether or not to hug back, but she decided against it. She didn't want to admit how good it felt.

"So, you're a nudist?" Furga inquired, trying hard not to stare at the blonde's chest.

"Yep, that's me. Name's Fiana. I come to this spot quite often since most people find the rocks unattractive, so I can have some privacy. I don't mind being stared at, but sometimes..."

As Fiana continued chatting, her breasts bounced playfully with her animated movements. Furga sighed and scratched her nose. She really didn't need more company, especially a chatterbox like this. It wasn't strange to see someone naked anymore though.

"...And then I met you!" She finally finished, "What a wonderful surprise! You're just starting out, right?"

"Yeah. I'm just getting into nudism," Furga responded uneasily.

"A novice nudist? A nudivist? That doesn't sound right..." Fiana said, deep in thought.

"Something like that," Furga said, eager to change the subject, "I was looking for the magical willow tree. I've heard it's blessed, so I wanted to see it."

"Cool! It's not far, you can get there in ten minutes. I can show you if you'd like! There are lots of people there so..."

"I don't have any clothes," Furga admitted, blushing.

"Why's that?" Fiana asked.

"I came here to practice nudity without anything to fall back on," she tried to think of a plausible reason, but couldn't.

"Ah, so you're trying to get used to being naked in public?" Fiana understood.

"Yes, that's right."

Fiana stared at Furga, who became even more self-conscious. When Fiana spoke again, the redhead was unsure whether she was being complimented or joked.

"You're amazing! I always bring a swimsuit, just in case, but you... You've got guts."

"Thanks..." Furga was unsure how to take that.

"Here's what I'll do. If you're a nudivist, then I'll strip down too."

Fiana suddenly balled up her bikini and threw it towards the Golden Lake. There was a splash and then her laughter as her bikini was swallowed by the water.

"What the heck?!" Furga was taken aback.

At first, Furga considered pushing Fiana off a cliff and running away, but then she realized that having a guide and a possible distraction would help divert some horny looks away from her own bare body. So, she gave in. Fiana was delighted that her nudist friend agreed, quickly grabbing her hand and leading her into the woods.

Furga questioned whether holding hands was necessary, but Fiana was so caught up in sharing her nudist knowledge that she wasn't paying attention. They walked along the trail between tree-covered hills, their nude bodies being caressed by the summer breeze and their butts swaying with each step. They passed by several pairs of curious eyes as this area was popular with hikers and visitors. Furga tried her best to ignore the whistles, catcalls, and jokes, walking as if she still had some dignity left.```

This is a paraphrased version of the given text:

"Are you a nudist?" Furga asked, avoiding looking below the blonde's neck.

"Yes, I am. My name is Fiana. I come here regularly since most people don't find this area appealing, so I can be alone for a while," she explained as her breasts bounced while gesturing. Furga shook her head, not needing more company, especially someone talkative. Yet, she was no longer shocked by the sight of nakedness.

"So, this is where I met you," Fiana continued, eyes beaming as she stared at Furga. "You're new to this, right?"

"Yup, new to the whole nudism thing," Furga answered uneasy.

"A newbie nudist? Haven't heard that one," Fiana joked.

"Something like that," Furga laughed nervously.

Furga mentioned wanting to find the enchanted willow tree since it was blessed, and Fiana offered to take her there. "It isn't far, only 10 minutes away, and there are many people there. You might want to cover up."

"I don't have any clothes," Furga admitted, blushing.

"You came here intentionally to practice being naked in a public place?" Fiana asked.


Fiona gawked at Furga's bravery, then said, "You're incredible! Some of us bring bathing suits as a backup, but you..."

"I think you're praising me," Furga replied, unsure.

Confused, Fiana explained, "No, I just think what you're doing takes courage."

"Thanks," Furga thanked her, feeling unsure if the remark was sincere or sarcastic.

"Maybe your turn? If you want to be a true nudist, shouldn't you also strip naked?" Fiana suggested.

"I'm going to," Furga decided, feeling vulnerable but excited.

Fiana stripped off her bikini and tossed it into the lake. She laughed as the swimsuit floated away, ready to be Furga's partner in this nude adventure. Furga was surprised by Fiana throwing away her clothes, but was in awe of her willpower. She struggled with the idea of joining Fiana, but perceived her as a helpful guide and a possible distraction.

They walked with hands intertwined, becoming nude pals.

Furga wasn't sure if it was necessary to share a bond with one hand, but Fiana was so passionate about talking about nudism that she didn't care. Fiona enlightened her about the importance of towels, places that let people be naked, and some silly jokes about clothes and fabric.```

Despite her attempts, Fiana's efforts were unsuccessful. She chatted with everyone they bumped into, boastfully announcing that she and her friend were nudists who were simply too gorgeous for any attire. Furga wasn't happy about it, but she was a minority as the passersby responded to the naked elf with hearty approval. Before long, the stunning nudists turned into a spectacle for the entire forest. Even those who'd be pleased with ignoring them couldn't help but interact with the naked elf.

"Why aren't you looking at us?" The blonde teased a disinterested orc, thrusting her pretty breasts around, attempting to mesmerize him.

"How about we remain quiet for a moment?" Furga frowned.

Fiana just giggled, saying that the redhead's shyness was anticipated, but with her guidance, she'll become a professional nudist in no time. Furga started to understand that any benefit of using Fiana as a diversion was entirely nullified by attracting more attention to the redhead than she would've gotten alone. Nevertheless, the dwarf persisted with her posture and continued marching naked, even though she could sense the hikers' gaze penetrating her body. However, this wasn't the only thing she felt, as Fiana also urged the surrounding people to touch her and her friend if they wished.

"There's no better way to feel comfortable in your own skin than to allow others to feel it as well!" The elf giggled, allowing a human mage to enfold her arm around her bare waist and stroke her stomach.

The redhead desired to refuse, but was suddenly greeted with a hand on her bottom, causing a loud slap.

"Nice bum, chubby!" A drow lad walked past them.

Furga made the choice to reply and slapped the guy back. However, she didn't exhibit the same playful tone as him, instead causing the guy to shriek in agony and collapse into the nearby bushes, since his pelvis was difficult to perceive.

"Be a tad more gentle with your touches!" Fiana said while the mage practically covered her breasts with his unashamed groping.

"I'll be gentle when touching your skull with my pickaxe," Furga murmured so nobody could hear her, enduring additional slaps and touches from the overjoyed hikers.

The redhead could only last a couple of more minutes before humiliation and anger consumed her naked body, forcing her to fold her arms and glance at the ground, hoping this ordeal would end quickly. Alone without her ally and stark naked in front of hundreds of strangers sprawled across the lake, why on earth was she even doing this? She entangled herself in thoughts, looking for an answer, but it was to no avail.

But something else crossed Furga's mind. There was a mild tingle that quietly resonated through her body. It was a feeling she'd never felt before, but certainly not unpleasant. She seemed worlds apart from her usual self, from the focused, authoritative, and serious Furga in a mining suit. This Furga was the inverse, unprotected and meek. But there was also a mysterious sort of freedom she couldn't yet grasp. This sensation was supposed to be degrading, but, for some reason, it aroused the redhead for a moment while making her nipples hard like from the coldness.

"I'm losing my mind," the redhead thought in despair.

She rapidly raised her head, attempting to escape these intruding thoughts, and almost screamed in delight.

"Yes!" Furga yelled in the heat of the moment and slapped Fiana's buttocks herself.

In front of them was a light concealed in the tree treetops. A massive green entity loomed above the other plants, like a titan among mortals, with fireflies and wisps flittering around in an eternal dance of nature. Fiana couldn't suppress her delight and jumped once more as she saw the willow tree, while Furga sighed a breath of relief. Without wasting any time, the bare-chested dwarf grabbed Fiana's hand and sprinted to the scene, wrenching her out of the wizard's embrace. The nude pair moved through the greenery, capturing everyone's attentions with their bare, bouncing bosoms.

"Wow, you're really into nature!" Fiana remarked with a smile, waving at her male friend.

"Remember my email address!" The unhappy wizard replied, following the elf with his eyes.

Eventually, following some attempts and some discomfort inflicted by the forest's rough terrain on their unprotected feet, the pair arrived at a peak overseeing a tree. It was a magnificent sight, prompting Fiana's eyes to glimmer with reverence. Meanwhile, the dwarf redirected her gaze to something, or someone, that alarmed her much more than the scenery. To continue on the map and reach a curative mudpool to the south, she had to go down to the tree level and trek beside the road. And now, that road housed a crowd of around a dozen individuals, led by a fairy guide. These weren't just locals, but mainly hulking half-orcs from the western province with their reputation for rowdy behavior and disrespectful treatment of women.

"Crap, these seems like trouble. But if we can simply remain quiet, we..." the redhead started muttering, but didn't get the chance to complete her sentiment.

"Hey, welc'ome everyone to Golden Lake, a pla'ce with a prett'y view and even bett'er people!" Fiana beamed, resulting in all the guests looking in their direction.

Furga silently raged at life and the entire world, standing up to wave at the visitors with Fiana, knowing that the brief reprieve had come to an end.

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