Group Sex

Ohope Beach Chapter 2: Surf's Up

Allison's daughter requests transportation.

Jun 1, 2024
19 min read
holidayOhope Beach Ch. 0218-year-oldgroupmotheranal
Ohope Beach Ch. 02
Ohope Beach Ch. 02

Ohope Beach Chapter 2: Surf's Up

This next chapter tells the tale of my Ohope Beach adventure, focusing on Allison's daughter, Hayley. I've had encounters with both mothers and daughters in my time, but never with them together. However, those stories will have to wait for another day.

After leaving Allison early on that Wednesday morning, I strolled back to our campsite, mindful of who I should and should not share my nightly events with. Despite my desire to shout it from the rooftops, I knew it was best kept quiet.

Upon entering our tent, I noticed Phil tucked inside his sleeping bag. Relieved to see that he hadn't joined Hayley in the awning, I let out a sigh of relief.

Nobody else in the tent had stirred yet, with the time only hitting 5:45 am. I slipped into my sleeping bag and rested my head, but my mind was still buzzing from the events of the night. My excitement had me hard again. I couldn't believe what had transpired. Yes, I wanted to tell my friends, but I knew they'd never believe half of what had happened.

By 8:00 am, the camp had started to wake up, with hangovers aplenty. Phil asked me what had happened, so I spilled the beans and admitted to having slept with Allison. He wasn't surprised but looked shocked. He then shared his experience.

Phil had left shortly after I initiated relaxation therapy on Allison. He said Hayley had seemed cold toward him and very upset that her mother had disappeared with me. So, he left as well. Phil also told me about his run-in with Jenny. After a long hike, she had turned up, wearing a baby doll nightie. Not knowing where I was, my friend had told her I was with a lady from Auckland and would be gone for a while. He offered to walk her back to her tent, but she appeared distraught. He grabbed a sleeping bag to sit on and brought her to the beach to comfort her. Before long, they were making out. He was keen to return to take Jenny out in Auckland.

I told him I was fine with it and thanked him for looking after her. I explained that I couldn't change the situation I found myself in. He was curious about my plans for returning Thursday, so I mentioned that I needed to say goodbye to Allison before we left and asked if it would be okay for Phil to sleep in the son's area of the tent that night if I came back down. We discussed the importance of being discreet and slipping in and out of the tent unnoticed.

We finished breakfast and packed by 10:30 am. I headed down to Allison's beachfront location, where I found her reading a book. I pointed out Hayley, nearby with a group of girls. I asked about a red-haired girl she knew whom Hayley was talking to.

"Jenny Simpson," Allison responded. "Her family has been coming here almost as long as we have. Do you know her?"

I informed Allison that this was the girl I was supposed to appear with the night before and explained how Phil had ended up making out with her instead. Allison was intrigued, peppering me with questions about Jenny and how far Phil had gone. I shared much of what Phil told me. She chuckled, not caring much for Jenny's father.

I inquired about Phil staying in the son's space of the tent if I returned Thursday. She said it would be fine as long as we were quiet and efficient in coming in and out of the tent.

"Oops, hold up, nope! Everything's loaded up with equipment, and we need to leave right away. I'll give you a ride tomorrow evening when I come by again."

Allison guided me into the caravan's shade, where she hugged me and planted a steamy goodbye kiss.

"How about a quick one first?" she asked.

I think she was teasing, but I didn't take the bait as several of my friends had already left. She grabbed my backside, then pouted when I left.

Phil was waiting for me, as he couldn't locate Jenny to inform her about our plans for the following day. I gave him directions to where she was staying, and he took off down the beach. A few minutes later, he came back.

"She's thrilled that we're returning," he said excitedly as we started our bikes and left the campsite.

Whangamata proved to be everything I had anticipated - filled with rows of blokes cruising around, beeping their horns at any female passing by. The beach was more crowded than Ohope's, but the surf was much better.

We headed straight to where our pals were setting up the tent. Our area was at a separate campsite from where the families stayed, and it wasn't long before we cracked open the first beers and got the party started.

I cannot recall anything from the night because I was a bit mopey, wishing we had remained at Ohope. Some of my friends shared the same sentiments. Both Phil and I didn't consume much alcohol, since we didn't want a hangover when we were supposed to leave.

The following morning, we readied ourselves to leave at 8 am, but I reminded Phil that the journey back to Ohope only took around an hour. So we scheduled a 10:45 departure. We collected our surfboards and prepared to head back to Ohope Beach.

When we arrived, Phil went on to take care of things, while I made my way towards Allison's pad. Hayley was relaxing in the sun on a lawn chair in front of the caravan when I crossed the line.

"Of course I'm here," she said with excitement when she saw me.

I inquired after Allison. Hayley told me her mom had driven to Rotorua, an hour and a half's trip away, because her uncle left his wallet behind. She'd be back in the early evening when he took her out to lunch.

My mind raced, recalling that I had told Allison we'd return in the late evening, but Phil had planned to meet Jenny at midday, creating a conflict with those plans.

"Why did her mother go to Rotorua?" I questioned.

"Oh! Uncle Fred left his wallet here and was too busy to come pick it up himself today. So mom was kind enough to drive it over to him. She'll be some time, as he's planning to take her out to lunch for her efforts."

"Sounds cool. I'll head down to the water then. My stuff is still in the saddlebags on my bike."

Hayley mentioned that she wanted to go with me, wanting a ride on my bike. I said, "Later, maybe when her mother approves."

But Hayley told me she was of age to make her own decisions and was aware of her mother's relationship with me. Thus, I had no choice but to take her for a ride as well. I sensed that there was a second meaning behind her request - blackmail. If her mother chose to do things without her father's knowledge, she required protection from any negative reactions.

I pondered the situation, thinking about all the girls in those days - those who did the dirty and those who didn't. The ones who slept around were extremely rare. The remaining campers ranged from those who had just managed to score with a girl, after months or years of trying, to the ones who had never slept with a girl. One-night stands were referred to as scrubbers, and they were not the kind of girl you'd want to introduce to your mother.

I was a fool who didn't heed these rules. I was a fit guy of 6'1" with a fit body, and the women were drawn to me. I had more girls than all my friends combined. But Hayley was an anomaly. Not only was she too pretty to approach easily, but the unspoken laws of mateship forbade making moves on your friends' ladies, and mothers and daughters were another story altogether. I was already breaking one rule by approaching Hayley, let alone making a pass at her.

This wasn't unusual in my case. I was a fool who did foolish things. All the girls I cra ... Am I just repeating the same sentence? Oh, let me continue...

This wasn't unusual in my case. I had a fascination with girls who were out of my league. Hayley, though beautiful as hell, was one of them. She didn't fart or fuck, and that was a known fact. These goddesses had no interest in chatting with me, let alone anything else. The pill had only been introduced a couple of years prior, and it was mainly available to married women.

In an instant, I found myself in a very intriguing situation with Hayley, a beautiful girl who had no interest in me. The 'pill' made it even more complicated, as married women were the primary users of it at the time. Even throughout the year when I met several girls whose moms had put them on it due to their period issues.

I was a fool who couldn't help but cross the line even when it was forbidden territory. Although she was in the category of too-pretty-to-touch, Hayley was an appealing enigma. She was a perfectly put together young girl, and many young men of the day would fall into two groups: those who succeeded in getting it on and those who didn't. Some statistics might indicate a 50-50 split, but the truth was that fewer than half had experienced women, while the remaining half took months or even years of convincing before their girlfriends finally gave in.

I, for one, did not have a problem attracting them. However, Hayley was like a forbidden fruit. I even risked breaking the mate's law by making a move on her. She was as untouchable as any woman with a mother who was my girl or my girlfriend herself.

So I was an idiot who ventured where I shouldn't. And now I found myself with Hayley as my unexpected guest. She was on the top of the too-pretty-to-touch list, classifying her a goddess whose whims dictated my fate. In any case, I'd made the decision - I'd attempt to woo her despite knowing full well that the chances were practically nothing.

After a while, Hayley emerged wearing tight, ripped jeans, a T-shirt over her bathing suit, and a seductive grin. I was preoccupied with the sexual tension that accompanied every remark she made to me. This made me extremely nervous.

We walked the beach to where I had parked my motorcycle. I intended to retrieve my towel, but Hayley suggested we go swimming later. She wanted to go for a spin. I wouldn't be lying if I said I considered making a move on her. However, the possible reaction of her mother caused me to act distant. This didn't deter her in the slightest; she climbed on my back, legs apart, and pushed her crotch against me firmly. I retrieved the helmets from the rear crash bar and helped Hayley put hers on. I then inquired about our destination.

"We have approximately two hours, so take me somewhere enjoyable."

"I'm famished. Would you like to eat?"

"No, but I don't want to go anywhere crowded."

This gave me an idea: There was a roadside fish shop a few miles beyond Ohope, known for its takeaway fish and chips. Additionally, ten miles farther along the road, there was a small rural school with no gates or fences. Given the summer holidays, I thought it unlikely anyone would be there. We started our journey, with Hayley clinging to me tightly. I could feel her breasts pushing against my back. While cornering, she struggled to remain seated, and the bike was challenging to maneuver.

I shouted over my shoulder, "Lean with me into the bends. Just keep squeezing me tightly and remain seated as you are."

On the first curve, she attempted to lean up, making it tough to negotiate the bend. I grasped her elbow with one hand to prevent her from moving and further leaned into the curve, allowing the bike to carve the turn. The sensation of nailing it was fantastic. I accelerated out of the curve and into the following one, going the opposite way. This time, Hayley tightly clung to me and rode along with the bike. She yelled something in my ear which I interpreted as "incredible" or "fantastic" and so on. A couple more bends, and we had to slow down and stop at the fish shop.

Hayley was ecstatic. She couldn't stop congratulating me on how enjoyable the ride was. We waited approximately ten minutes for our fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. I threw the package between my legs, resting it on the fuel tank, and asked Hayley to maintain a grip on it so the wind didn't blow it away. As we rode again, I noticed that her hand was quite closely situated next to my groin, and although her hand was mostly on the newspaper package, her wrist was rubbing provocatively around my increasingly stiff manhood.

My erection was hard to conceal, so I moved her hand away. Hayley only placed it back where it had been and would continue to move her wrist against my arousal. I could no longer deny her actions were accidental. I rode quickly and forcefully, desiring to provide her with an unforgettable experience, but not too quickly to endanger her safety. After about 15 minutes, we reached the school, and as anticipated, we saw no one around. We rode over to the main school building, then out into the grass and around the back, so we were concealed from the road and could view the valley. I unpacked the picnic blanket and laid it between us.

"That was incredible," passionately proclaimed Hayley. "Why do people dislike bikes? Biking is something every person should experience. I would love to ride back to Auckland on it."

While she exclaimed enthusiastically, she began swaying back and forth, imitating a bike ride.

We had barely begun consuming our fish and chips when I heard a motorcycle approaching the property. A Triumph 350 emerged, followed by Jenny's euphoric screams and yelling from the rear. Phil threw off his helmet and asked what on earth we were doing there. Hayley and I questioned him, and we all starting laughing. It seemed I hadn't realized Phil would know of this location. Then Jenny divulged that the idea was hers, given her previous visit to a school fair there.

Phil and Jenny positioned their food on the grass before joining us and sharing our meal.

During our meal, I inquired of Hayley why she had not accompanied her mother. She replied, "I have issues with Uncle Fred. He's worse than my father in terms of being a sleazy guy. Mom wanted me to tag along to provide support, but I firmly said no and refused to go. We had quite the disagreement over it."

After cleaning up our shared meal, I prepared to depart, but when I went to pick up the blanket, Hayley didn't budge and encouraged me to join her in continuing our conversation. Although I wasn't particularly enthused by the prospect of engaging in more than just a conversation, it became apparent that she had other intentions. While it wasn't unimaginable that we might exchange kisses or engage in some light touching, I didn't believe we'd partake in sexual activity.

"Phillip and Jenny probably want some privacy now," I mentioned. "Plus, I'm feeling a little guilty about bringing you out here when your mother is unaware."

Hayley merely flashed a seductive smile and reassured me that Jenny wouldn't mind our presence. She even disclosed that they had already discussed the matter. Hayley insisted she was old enough to make her own decisions, so I reluctantly reclined on the grass. Curious about facts like where she resided and whether she planned to attend college, I queried her.

Hayley provided replies, though as she spoke, she simultaneously removed her T-shirt and jeans. For her bikini, I was thankful, although it was quite revealing, leaving little to the imagination, making it resemble her undergarments. My breathing was severely impaired, and I feared I was going to have a heart attack.

"Come on," Hayley enticed, "take off your clothes and soak up the sun. They say it might rain tomorrow."

I countered that I was content just as I was, but Hayley physically pulled me towards her and wrestled my T-shirt away from me. I midly resisted but was ultimately no match for her. The squabble became exceedingly sensual, and wrestling with a beautiful girl in a bikini was quite appealing. Once I felt my T-shirt and shorts slide from my body, I tightened my hold on her and kissed her passionately.

Hayley unexpectedly returned my lip-lock with equal fervor. I experienced a strong desire, and I was prompted to reciprocate with equal eagerness. I then allowed my hand to roam and found her breasts, which were free for my perusal as she had unclipped her top. By most accounts, obtaining such access to a woman's breasts would've taken a considerable amount of effort in the past, but Hayley willingly provided it. The most exquisite breasts I'd ever seen emerged before me. Years later, I can still vividly recall their shape and size. Not only were her nipples already taut, but their pale color contrasted nicely with her tan. Hayley had never sunbathed without a top before, as she confessed.

"I know you're feeling remorseful because of Mom," she murmured during a pause for breath. "I saw the two of you the other night, so I empathize. However, my libido has been in high gear since then. Therefore, you have an obligation to take care of me as well."

Her statement was quite a shock; I was rendered speechless, fumbling for an appropriate reply. While her words were nonchalant, I suspected I could deduce the window from which she'd covertly observed my parents. The window beside the bed would've afforded a decent vantage point, and my partner, Allison, had mentioned a soundproof structure.

"You couldn't have. The window is completely sealed," I stammered.

"Father designed the two-bedroom modules for the awning expansion with noise insulation materials," she explained. "However, it's not an entirely reliable deterrent. And besides, I could easily remove the bottom peg and slip in between the awning and the padding. You didn't glance at the window once, or you would've seen that the curtain doesn't entirely conceal the view."

"So why did you?" I inquired, assuming the response I'd receive would be the same.

"I'd coincidentally glanced through the window once or twice. I could hear my parents engaging in passion on some evenings and couldn't resist peeking. I only did so on a few occasions. My antipathy toward my father is due to his reprehensible character, plus his mistreatment of women."

"No wait!" Hayley exclaimed. "It was amazing! I learned a few things. I guess you did too, right? But I had around three orgasms just from watching both of you. One of them was huge when you did it to her anus. I had to sneak out and sit on my bed until I could stand again, which meant I missed most of what you both did."

Hayley turned my head to look at Phil and Jenny. I partially sat up and saw Phil kneeling next to Jenny. He had removed her shorts and panties, was rubbing between her legs with his right hand, and had his left hand under her T-shirt, playing with her breasts. Jenny was vigorously stroking his shaft, imitating what she and I had done a few days earlier. (I remembered I had told Phil about this, the jerk was acting out what I had described to him). She had learned her lesson well, as she already had pre-cum leaking from the tip of Phil's cock.

As we watched them, Hayley moved my shorts down. I no longer had the refusal to wear them. She grabbed my penis and started touching it, copying what Jenny was doing. I rolled onto my back and pulled Hayley's bikini bottoms down.

Hayley let go of my member, sat up, and brought one of her nipples to my mouth. I eagerly latched onto it, mashing her nipple between my lips and rubbing both breasts with my hands. She placed her knees around one of my legs and ground her naked crotch against it while squeezing her legs together.

"Fuck," I thought, she was about to climax and I hadn't even seen her private parts yet. So I turned her over to her back, pulled her bikini bottoms from her ankles, and spread her legs. She tried to pull me up to continue our kiss. However, I had other plans. I wanted to utilize all that I had learned from her mother.

I dropped my head and began kissing around her mound without directly touching it. I could feel the heat and smell the strong odor from her little hole. She was pushing it closer to my face and jerking left and right, trying to get my lips where she desired. I continued avoiding her vagina, wanting to tease her. However, eventually, I gave in and placed my tongue as deep as I could into her hole and touched her clitoris with a finger. It only took seconds for her to cum, with her bucking upward so violently that I hit my teeth on my lips.

She uttered a loud groan, which morphed into "AAA AAA HHH HHH... FFFFFFFFFUUUUUCK." A bit embarrassed, I glanced over at both Jenny and Phil, who were staring at us with aroused eyes.

We lay together, and I hugged Hayley. I hesitated to kiss her again as her mouth had been directly on her vagina. But Hayley laughed at my apprehension and kissed me deeply. Not at all concerned about the taste of herself.

Then she questioned, "Did you like that because I sure did. I've been desiring that release for two days now."

"I'm open to anything. Just being next to you is more than I anticipated."

"Would you do what you did to Mom, the anus thing?"

What could I say? I wasn't that fond of anal sex. If I had my way, I preferred the old-fashioned missionary style. That's what a vagina was made for. But there I was in the moment. She could see the uncertainty on my face.

"You certainly looked like you enjoyed it with Mom," she said, faux disappointment on her face.

"Sure, if you're okay with it, I'm great with it. I believe it hurts quite a lot, and I don't want to hurt you. I think I might be a little huge."

"But you had no problems the other night."

"I had never done that before, and she had encouraged me to do it, telling me she'd done it many times. Even then, I could see that it was causing her discomfort at first."

"I really want to try. It turned me on imaginatively, and I've been thinking about it continuously."

With that, she lifted her legs and rested her knees on her stomach, exposing her pink inner lips and the light brown buttonhole below them to me.

I adjusted my position so that my penis was aligned with the opening of her slit.

"I need some lubrication before we try the other one. Are you alright with that?"

She merely nodded, not even glancing up at me; she had a deep intensity in her eyes and was staring down at her genitals.

Suddenly, I remembered that I didn't have any condoms.

"Damn! I don't have any condoms."

Hayley and I continued focusing on the action down below. She reassured me, her mother had given her the contraception pill over a year ago after she started dating her first boyfriend.

Slowly, I positioned myself on top of her. To my surprise, this wasn't her first time—she welcomed my entire length effortlessly. While it made me a tad jealous, I also admired her sexual experience. With self-control, I allowed her to watch our union. I started sliding in and out of her exquisite, petite vagina.

I glanced to the side where Phil and Jenny were now also engaging in intercourse. Jenny was on top of Phil while her rear raised and lowered. Hayley noticed my attention and followed suit, wriggling her buttocks on my shaft alongside watching the others. She became more aroused and persisted with her motion on me. Her excitement took its toll, and I felt the urge to climax. Hayley, sensing my impending orgasm, stared at me with concern.

"I said I wanted you to fuck me from behind."

After I waited a while to regain composure, I lifted her legs and guided my manhood against her tight tightened exit. Due to the absence of proper lubrication, I relied on my saliva to moisten her anus. I used my fingers to gather her fluids and applied them to her rear entrance, then slid into her. Pain could be seen in her expression, but she had too much willpower to appear weak. Slowly, my manhood found its way into her.

I began thrusting gently, fearing I could hurt her. However, she gave me the affirmative to proceed, requesting me to penetrate her more forcefully. I resisted out of concern until she begged me, with urgency, to continue my actions.

I put down one hand to rest my body weight and used the other to stimulate her frontal region. Hayley lifted her feet off the ground and resumed rubbing her backside on my shaft. I saved every chance to glance at the couple, suspecting a friendly competition taking place. Soon, I could no longer delay anymore, and I started going all out. I asked if it was hurting her, and according to her, it did hurt a little but not enough to stop.

During my fervid push to fulfill her request, she placed her feet back on the ground and began to thrust her hips onto me in unison. We alternated shortening and extending the distance. Hayley decided to increase her speed, seeking an orgasm. Pain was then replaced with satisfaction. I came suddenly, unable to predict. There was no time to alert her, so I hurriedly plunged into her buttocks and ejaculated nearby.

"Did you just...come?" she inquired.

"Yes. I couldn't control it."

"Stay," she pleaded, "I want to have an orgasm as well."

I stood my ground and fingered her clitoris for several minutes, waiting anxiously, until I observed the signs of her climax. One final time, I slipped my fingers into her container and resumed stroking for her to achieve her pleasure. To my utmost astonishment, I noticed Jenny and Phil next to a massive rock just above the road. They were completely naked, engaging in intercourse. To their shame, they noticed they'd been found; both of them flushed. They averted their gaze instantly.

Together, Hayley and I left and went our separate ways, planning to return to our rental home as swiftly as possible before Allison returned. As we bade our goodbyes, Jenny remained naked on the rock and didn’t bother covering up. The couple looked embarrassed to have been spotted having sex. Hayley and I dressed, crammed the blanket into our duffels, and addressed the woman next to us.

She inquired about our whereabouts, asking us to ensure we used sunblock. Hayley stated that they had traveled the length of the beach. Mrs. Parker, ignoring my worries, uncared for the possibility that Allison had gone searching during our absence.

"I thought you both looked quite sizzling indoors. I hope you used suntan lotion," she expressed.

Hayley and I arrived home and found Allison missing. I entertained the possibility that she could be hunting for us, so we continued packing the caravan and departing the beach.

At long last, we gained possession of our day back and dispatched it to our rental home. Luckily, Allison was not home. Mrs. Parker from the next plot faced us, asking where we had been. Hayley explained we had walked from one end of the beach to the other. Her final sentiment was aimed at our skin protection. "I thought you both seemed rather tan," she said.

Hayley inquired if her mom had shown up yet, and Mrs. Nosey Parker casually replied that she hadn't noticed her all day. We proceeded to occupy the deck chairs outside and discussed various topics as we waited for Hayley's mom to come back.

I inquired about Hayley's reluctance to ask her partner for anal sex, and she admitted she was hesitant because she feared being labeled as someone with exotic desires or perhaps a slut. I found it humorous, as Hayley didn't give off that vibe. However, times have changed drastically since then.

As I contemplated my role in Hayley's life, I pondered how I would react when her mom arrived. I shared these thoughts with Hayley, and her response was swift and clear - she wasn't abandoning her boyfriend. My pride took a significant hit.

I swiftly grabbed a towel and went for a swim to hide my embarrassment. Hayley chased after me, apologizing profusely for her earlier actions. She mentioned she was happy to cross paths with me once more, yet she wasn't planning on leaving her significant other. Thankfully, Allison arrived at that moment, making things feel much more comfortable.

To be continued...

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