Celebrity Sex Stories

Ominously Descending

A young woman unexpectedly enters a terrifying virtual realm.

May 2, 2024
6 min read
nonconsentDarkly Descendingfantasy
Darkly Descending
Darkly Descending

Ominously Descending

Lord Cyprian was quite interested when the girl was brought from her hiding place in the dungeons. He hadn't been expecting someone with her features, but she seemed to be the one who had been tampering with his devices and stealing his journals. Her clothing was also peculiar; even though he could identify it as a nightgown, it was incredibly flimsy and moulded tightly to her body.

It was uncommon for pretty young women to sneak into his dungeons, and Lord Cyprian wouldn't object to such a situation.

"No!" she shrieked. "This is a mistake! I'm not meant to be here!" The guard dragging her by her hair laughed gruesomely, revealing his fangs. His other companion, who had been cursed with ram horns, held her arms behind her back and rubbed his horns on the side of her neck. The girl tried to wriggle free, but she didn't possess much physical strength.

"My lord!" said the guard with fangs. "We captured this attractive interloper while she was rummaging through your cellar. What do you want us to do with her? Shall we take her to your lab, or have some enjoyment first?" The girl increased her struggles and the guard tightened his grip on her hair. She would have tried even harder to escape had she known what awaited the subjects of Cyprian's experiments in his lab.

Or did she already know? If the one who had been hiding in the corridors had seen and done what he suspected, he wondered.

"Perhaps later," he replied. "Your type of entertainment is rather mundane to share with a distinguished guest. Bring her to me, and I'll decide what I wish to do with her."

"Please!" she begged when they brought her closer. "Lord Cyprian! Please, I'm not meant to be here! It's your apprentice, Thomas! He lost his memory and followed clues all over the castle. I was leading him - no, wait, I wasn't leading him, I wasn't assisting him! I'm not from here, this isn't real!"

Although it was troubling that she knew the names Cyprian and Thomas and what he did to Thomas, he was intrigued.

"Have you figured out the puzzle of stone and iron?" he probed. The girl nodded and continued rambling about playing a game before he silenced her with a slap. "You're quite brilliant, my dear," he complimented, enjoying the terror in her gaze.

Lord Cyprian seized her breast through the white nightgown, and the girl yelped in shock. His curse-touched men snickered at his mannerisms. Once, in his former life, women had blushed and giggled at his handsome, angular appearance and blonde hair; this young woman's distress added more satisfaction than any charming lady had provided.

"No," she gasped, "you don't comprehend. I'm not from this world!"

This caught his attention. Could she be from his lost planet of Carcosa, where he had fled as a fugitive so long ago? After creating an army of creature-men using his cursed sorcery to conquer his former home, he had been looking for a way to return to Carcosa, but his search proved futile without the black star amulet that allowed interplanetary travel. Could this girl be from Carcosa, with knowledge of how his world fared? Although unlikely, the possibility made her even more fascinating.

"Really?" he inquired, while continuing to fondle her.

"Yes," she stammered, as his hands roamed her body, pinching her nipples through the nightgown. "I was playing a game. It was a story about this castle and a man named Thomas who lost his memory. He started recalling terrible things he had done and was required to solve a puzzle - I mean, I had to solve the puzzle. And then I appeared here!"

"Solved it yourself, did you?" he inquired, stroking a lock of hair from her face.

"Of course I figured it out on my own! I don't read cheats for the Blackout games. You need to experience a horror game while feeling vulnerable!"

"You hit the mark there, darling," said Cyprian with a grin. Suddenly, he plunged his claws into the top of her nightgown and ripped it apart from neck to waist. The girl kicked and screamed, and the horned guard holding her reached a hand around to molest her large bare breasts. Cyprian was about to do this himself- until he saw something in her cleavage that could stop even his desire.

"The Black Star Amulet..." he muttered. "I've striven for years to find such a thing, and it ends up in my castle."

"It's simply merch!" the girl screamed. "It's not even genuine, it's made by fans! I obtained it from Etsy!"

"And yet it brought you here. Do you realize how uncommon it is to find someone who can use it? I hadn't thought to encounter another user in a century, let alone one who would end up in my bed."

Cyprian snatched the amulet off the girl's neck, and for the first time in centuries, he sensed the mystic chill of its power, the same power that had transported him to this place. So many had perished because he'd yearned to find it again, and he'd believed that upon finding it, he'd return to his homeland. What foolishness! He now realized that there were universes he'd never known, and since the amulet could transport between any two, he had no reason to leave this castle. He could maintain his power base here, pop over to his home world for magical supplies he couldn't recreate, plunder the girl's universe for victims and concubines, and make a hasty departure from anyone seeking to thwart him.

"My maiden capture in this new world," he smirked, gifting her with a kiss. She writhed in his arms, yet she didn't bother to break free from the kiss. "What's your name, my dear?"

"Janey," she said in a hushed tone.

"Janey. A bit of a mundane name for my bride by conquest, but it's acceptable."

"Bride?" asked the girl timidly. Was it hope or dread she was showing in her shaking voice?

"Am I to anticipate another woman who'd cross universes just to offer me her plentiful charms?"

Janey tried to slap him, one of the most foolish maneuvers she could have executed. He twisted her arm with one swift movement, then led her to a wall with tools dangling from it. If she was going to be a bothersome presence with her hands, that was a simple predicament to resolve. He yanked down a small wooden stock and imprisoned her wrists within it prior to she comprehended what was happening.

"And now, my beloved," Cyprian said, "for your wedding ring!"

He clamped the wrist stocks around her arms with a reassuring click, and the lock fastened them in place. Her struggles were now futile, so he slid his hands between her legs; as expected, she was more prepared for him than she would've preferred to admit.

"Not just a captivating bride, but a wayward one!" Cyprian teased.

"I'm a big fan of your voice acting..." was Janey's nonsensical response. Whatever she adored about the voice acting, at least it facilitated things.

Perhaps it'd have been more pleasing to tie her down on a table in his lab, exhibit every instrument of torture one by one, mark her body with chalk, and make her plead with him to rape her instead of what he had in mind. Nonetheless, Cyprian mused while thrusting into her, simplicity had its charm.

He'd never considered asking if she was a virgin, but her screams suggested she hadn't had this experience. His men cheered and taunted her cries, and the racket puzzled him as he reached his own climax. How long since he'd savored a captive? His experiments on the human body had grown desparate, but now, he could relish delight with his fair abductee. When she turned her head away from him, he pounded deeper and yanked her hair, pushing her to look him in the eye.

"You're a first-rate lover, love," Cyprian told her amid grunts. She moaned in response- and her retort wasn't completely disheartened. What would she do when he strapped her in ribbons and velvet cord and kept her on a leash next to him, so he could satisfy himself with her any time the mood struck? Would she climax instantly, or would he need to extract it with his hands and tools?

Janey's wrist stocks kept touching him, but they could do nothing to impede his orgasm.

In the future, Cyprian mused to himself as he caught his breath, he'd allow more time for his explore. There were so many tools to torture a lady with minimal physical harm, and he relished the chances she presented. For now, the delicate girl shivered naked on the floor, and the view was near enough to stimulate a hint of pity in Cyprian - not for her writhing, but for her honor.

"We must wash you off and find some fresh garments for you," he stated. "I imagine you'll appear quite fetching in a choker and a corset, bundled up in a cosy bed. It's only fair I provide a dowry-borne bride with a comfortable night's sleep."

"I would've preferred a comfy bed before the washing," she stated. Cyprian admired her remaining spunk to grumble - it would make their shared time that much more intriguing.

"It was an unconventional wedding night, indeed, but a fun one nonetheless," he said kindly. "And," he added thoughtfully, "I trust you won't object your groomsmen taking liberties tonight. It is a festivity, anyway."

Janey screamed as the full meaning of his sentence permeated her mind, and the men leaped on her.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de