Erotic Couplings

Oral Advocacy Chapter 11: The Prom Event

Samantha narrates the account of her maiden encounter with Matt.

May 3, 2024
62 min read
18-year-oldvirginpromoralOral Advocacy Ch. 11: The Promoral sex
Oral Advocacy Ch. 11: The Prom
Oral Advocacy Ch. 11: The Prom

Oral Advocacy Chapter 11: The Prom Event

With a lunch tray in her hand, Samantha made her way toward her usual table in the middle of Sacred Heart's cafeteria. She and her friends had been sitting there every day since freshman year, and by now, in the final days of senior year, she walked there without thinking, almost like she was on autopilot. But this time, as she approached, she hesitated and then stopped when she saw her friends. There was no way Sam could handle them today. Snapping her head around, she searched for another spot until she found an empty table at the end of the cafeteria and sat down by herself.

It was Monday, April 11, 1999. Four days ago, Samantha had been buzzing with excitement. The Sacred Heart's soccer team, in which Sam was a sometimes starter and key contributor, was having a fantastic year and seemed poised for a long playoff run. In the fall, she'd secured the state championship in tennis, her preferred sport, and earned a full scholarship to the University of Miami. She was nearly achieving straight As, had a group of close friends, and was dating Jeff, Trinity High School's star basketball player. They'd been together since sophomore year, so they were the power couple of the senior classes at both the all-female Sacred Heart and the all-male Trinity.

She was anticipating her prom on May 1 and then Trinity's three weeks later, where she and Jeff were assured to be named king and queen. In addition to being brilliant, well-liked, and athletic, Sam was breathtaking. She was 5'7" and unbelievably fit, with chiseled abs and enviable 34C breasts. She had a stunning face, with piercing blue eyes and immaculate skin accentuated by blonde hair reaching to her shoulders. With an ideal backside and toned legs, Sam was undeniably the most attractive girl at her school. Possibly the most attractive senior in the entire city, she reflected while picking at her lunch.

Yet, none of that mattered now. On Thursday night, Jeff had dropped by her residence with a throbbing erection as soon as he entered. Sam had led him into the basement and, on her knees, provided him with a sublime blowjob and consumed his semen. They'd spent some time watching television before he asked to be let out, suggesting it had been wonderful, claiming they needed to move on and start dating new people, having different experiences, and trying out fresh things – Sam was well aware of the implications. She'd sat in speechless astonishment as he rambled on, conveying sentiments that likely weren't sincere. Then, he'd inquired about having another blowjob, a memorable one, as a keepsake. Sam laughed, too astonished to be furious, and showed him out, hoping she'd never encounter him again.

Regrettably, that was impossible. His circle of friends was her circle of friends as well. Several of them were dating each other. The news spread like an earthquake. She received countless phone calls over the weekend. Some individuals were genuinely concerned about her and saddened by the event. Others, Sam presumed, were simply seeking gossip. Sam had skipped school on Friday and hadn't ventured out in the weekend, preferring to avoid dealing with it.

The only thing she did that weekend was work a shift at her part-time theme park job on Saturday. One of her coworkers, Matt Miller, had extended an invitation to Trinity's prom, much to her astonishment. The manner in which he asked her was unexpected, too. He'd exchanged a few casual remarks, some banter, and stared her directly in the eye without flinching. This wasn't what she'd pictured; Matt was a bit clumsy with the ladies, and he displayed little self-assurance, which was a distasteful attribute. Certainly, he was a kind fellow, and they had a good rapport at work, but she couldn't fathom going to a male school dance with someone she wasn't enamoured with. There was no way she could envision Jeff witnessing her with a guy like Matt, and that thought didn't appeal to her. So, she'd declined his invitation, attempting to avoid hurting his feelings. He's likely never asked a girl to a dance before, she mused, before returning to brooding about her circumstances.

In truth, she wasn't particularly dismayed by Jeff breaking up with her. While Sam initially assumed she'd be crushed, especially with prom around the corner, after a few days she had come to terms with it. She realized it wouldn't have lasted. If she had to forgo her senior year's two most notable social events, so be it.

By the beginning of the week, Sam felt cautiously hopeful about returning to school to reunite with her friends and experience the final few weeks of high school. However, her spirits deflated upon her arrival. Her ears were immediately flooded with rumours. Some claimed Jeff had discarded her for her alleged inability in bed, while others suggested she employed her teeth during oral sex or only accepted an inch of his penis. A handful of her closest friends were quick to pass on this news. The idea that Jeff might have been busy over the weekend circulating these stories angered her most. It bothered her that this was her friends' response to the newfound information.

During lunch, Sam was about to finish eating, and a group of her classmates were talking at a table nearby. She heard one of them proclaim, "I heard she swallowed." Another followed up with, "I heard she couldn't swallow because she used her teeth so much that she couldn't even make him ejaculate." A third student remarked, "I heard she would just lie still—almost as if asleep—during intercourse. I suppose she thinks that guys won't mind."

Her anger rose. Looking left, Sam saw a full table of individuals she wasn't particularly acquainted with outside of class. These senior students were unattractive yet funny. The fact that they were spreading such malicious gossip meant the entire school knew. Not only that, schools across the board in the area likely did too. It was unbearable learning that Matt had heard this trash as well. This epiphany explained why he invited her to prom. He believed she was so desperate he had a chance, she thought.

"Are you all discussing my sex life?" Sam inquired.

"Why would you suppose that?" one of them inquired with a tone of disbelief. "Are you indeed terrible at sex and offer awful oral?"

"No," Sam stated defiantly. "But that's none of your concern."

Someone chimed in, "It must be true if when she heard 'terrible in bed' she supposed it must refer to her.

Outraged, she hastily departed the cafeteria before the bell rang. The rumours haunted her for the remainder of the day. Jeff's motives for the disruption became clear. He was making these slanderous claims to combat the truth about not having slept with her. The most widespread rumour was that she was a dismal lover. This conclusion was baffling, since Sam had provided Jeff numerous handjobs along with countless blowjobs. The idea that she was a terrible cocksucker was laughable. But when it came to sexual intercourse with Jeff, Sam had always hesitated. Although she'd given him many handjobs and blowjobs, she was reluctant to sleep with him.

She then realized that Jeff had been cheating on her with someone else for quite some time. The premise was Jeff and Sam would surrender to one another during prom. But he couldn't be seen at prom with her and his mistress, which she now understood led to Jeff dumping her. He probably anticipated she wouldn't go through with it— an accurate assumption. Despite their period of fond memories, Sam was holding herself back. All she needed was to persevere the upcoming weeks and then she could journey to Miami.

"Good to see you smiling," her friend Maggie said, marching up to Sam's locker. "Where were you during lunch?"

"All by myself, situated next to a table full of unfamiliar people who were talking about how my sexual skills are laughable," Sam revealed.

"I comprehend," Maggie responded. "Did the rest of the day go well?"

"Terribly," Sam scowled before heading to the locker room for practice. "Apparently, I'm undesirable in bed, exclusively use my teeth during oral sex, cannot endure more than an inch of his penis, and have a grotesque vagina."

"Just a reminder, he bitched about your other half-inch," Maggie added.

"That's enough, please," Sam commanded sternly. "It's dreadful just hearing that one."

"What a jerk," Maggie stated. "One of my contacts at Trinity said Ms. Tapper, a teacher there, shared the gossip. She supposedly wants to sleep with every boy."

Sam uttered, "The embarrassment is truly unbearable. Teachers at my school know? Trinity? Every school in the area?"

"Apologies, darling," Maggie exclaimed at the locker room entrance. "Jeff was really swamped throughout the weekend." Maggie, a member of the same soccer team as Sam, was also her closest friend — the only person aware of Sam's virginity status. A bit fierce compared to Sam, Maggie led their group despite not being as attractive or athletic. Though she could be dominating at times, Sam considered her a good friend and loyal to her core.

"Truth be told, I don't mind," Sam exuded, as they transitioned into their soccer gear. "I assumed I'd be upset, but I'm okay." She noticed Maggie's gaze linger momentarily on her nude body.

"Holy smokes, you're gorgeous!" Maggie complimented, causing Sam to blush. "All the seniors in this town will be fighting for prom date invites to you. Disregard Jeff if he's being a numbskull."

"I'm not attending prom," Sam expressed. "I don't have a date, nor someone that excites me enough. So, it'll be a solo night at home, tucked away from the action."

"No, you must go to our prom, Sam," Maggie insisted. "Though it's last minute, I'm convinced you can find someone without a date yet. Perhaps that man you work with? Matt, the one you continually mention."

"Matt Miller? I wouldn't call it continuously," Sam clarified. "Besides, he's not my type. And he's likely already involved."

Maggie raised an eyebrow, implying a cryptic statement. "Seriously? You believe he has a prom date?"

"Absolutely," Sam responded cautiously. "He's not the coolest, nor athletic, nor super-attractive."

"He's not especially cool, active, or handsome." Maggie concluded. "However, you're familiar with him, right? I recall him when you both worked in the summer. I know he's shy and insecure, but you could do worse."

"Absolutely not," Sam said, determined. "You'll survive without me."

"I can attest that you've brought up Matt more often than you admit," Maggie deduced.

"Nonsense," Sam retorted defiantly.

"Few people cherish summer jobs as much as you do," Maggie illustrated. "I vividly recall how annoying the work was for me. If you remember, Sam, it was more dread than enjoyment."

"Cannot argue that," Sam allowed a smile. "You were suffering from a case of work-aversion."

"Indeed," Maggie responded and assumed the defensive position. "I'm not a workaholic. Maybe slightly...okay, kind of..."

"He actually invited me to Trinity's prom on Saturday." Sam confessed. "But, I declined the invitation."

"Wow, unfitting," Maggie considered. "Considering his request, perhaps he's changed. Consider him, my darling." Maggie's suggestion came with a thoughtful, pensive expression as they left the locker room.

Post-practice, they entered the locker room to shower. The steamy warm water soothed Sam's skin as she caressed it, admiring her perfect body. Her fingers caressed the curvature of her breasts before she eyed her best friend Maggie's firm, round booty and narrow waist. The sight triggered Sam's desire, and she began to imagine an intimate scenario with Maggie.

Stepping out of her shower stall and dressed in her own personal thoughts, Sam mused about fondling Maggie's breasts, sucking in her hardening nipples. Her excitement increased as her fingers slid into the crevice between her friend's legs. The intimacy continued with a kiss on her well-toned thighs, with Maggie's lips moving up Sam's inner legs; ending with sampling Sam's swollen clit. Sam felt the ecstatic rush of her climax when she brought her fingers to her vagina, detaching herself from her tantalizing thoughts.

Red-faced, Sam replied, "Nah, no way. Just the water and the stress of the day, I guess." Deep inside, she mulled over the idea. If only Maggie could know her true feelings. Maybe one of the other girls on the team would be more suitable? There wasn't enough time, though. Soon enough, their senior year would come to an end, and she had known them all far too long. Perhaps college was the perfect opportunity for exploration?

Chatting in the parking lot, Maggie inquired, "So, have you reevaluated your decision regarding the prom with Matt?"

Sam sighed, "I'm not going. I understand you want me to enjoy myself. It's just too soon. You'll all have a great time without me." They hugged, Sam holding Maggie tighter than necessary, savoring the modest sensation of her body brushing against hers. This thought would replay in her head later in the evening.

Throughout the following three days, Maggie kept pushing Sam to attend the school dance with Matt. Sam could sense her devious machinations, but couldn't discern her motives. "Seriously, Sam. Go to prom. We've been looking forward to this moment for four years. It won't be the same without you. Matt's a great guy, and you have no reason to worry about him trying anything. Honestly, he won't even dance," Maggie pondered.

After pondering over the proposition, Sam began to waver. He's a nice guy, she came to realize. We get along well and never run out of conversation. It would be nice to spend time with someone who doesn't force himself on you. All she could offer was a few smiles and innocent flirtation. To contemplate Jeff's absence from her prom wasn't the only motivation - she didn't want to miss out on Trinity's prom, either.

By Friday, she had agreed. Why not, she thought. "Okay, fine," she had said. "If he's not going with someone else, I'll ask him to ours."

"Excited for Trinity's prom, too?" Maggie inquired, ecstatic. "Oh my goodness, I can't wait! What about your prom? Don't you want to attend with him?"

"If he's still seeking a companion," she responded, while Maggie scowled at her. "Okay, yes, I'll go with him." The following day at work, Sam strolled towards Matt as soon as she arrived. "Hey, Matt, about prom?"

He nodded, "Let's talk later. Got to get everything set up."

"Fine," she said, slightly put off. Matt rarely turned her down. "Catch me later?" She concluded her shift, confused by his reluctance and all the more aroused by his departure. What could have changed his opinion of her? It baffled her.

But it turned out that Matt had not, in fact, lost interest. He sought her out and softly said, "Sorry about this morning. David failed to show up, and things went nuts. I've been intending to hunt you down since. Sam, I've been meaning to ask...about your prom...did you change your mind?" She could barely resist the urge to pretend to ignore his question in favor of grabbing him and dragging him off for some immediate fun. Instead, she whispered, "Well, I did change it...I'll ask him to attend our prom..."

"Why did you refuse to go with me before, Sam?" Matt inquired.

She sighed, "I should've been honest about why. I'm terribly sorry for leading you on, and I owe you an apology. I didn't want you to feel pressured or as if I was leading you on. When I let you down, you shouldn't have been left wondering."

"You're not the first girl to worry about things getting complicated," he agreed. "But I want to make it clear that my intentions were pure, and I harbor no desire to mess things up. I consider you a friend, and I'd enjoy sharing my prom experience with you." Did Sam's blush betray her? Anxious to pin down any miscommunication, she asked, "Can you promise me two things, Matt?"

"Certainly," he acknowledged, "so long as they're within reason."

"First, I need this to remain between us. People don't need to know my intentions," she entreated.

"Agreed," he agreed.

"And I don't want to end the night by feeling compelled to reciprocate in any other way," she continued.

"Matt looked taken aback and, with a genuine smile, reassured her, "Same here. Just a quiet, fun evening."

Instead of "smart?", Sam pondered to herself. She felt she was none of the phrases boys commonly used to describe her. Smart and captivating were the reasons this guy wanted to go out with her, she tried to figure out. Yet, it didn't seem like he was merely trying to sleep with her. She closely examined his face to read his intentions. Jeff wouldn't resort to lies or pickup lines to seduce someone, she noted. And he didn't ask girls on dates, she further thought. She perceived that he was serious about this. Her facial muscles curved into a grin.

"If you're still seeking a date," Sam shared, her nod asking him out in response to his question.

"Are you certain?" Matt questioned in sour disbelief. She confirmed.

"You genuinely seem to appreciate my affirmative answer. I'm flattered," Matt expressed his gratitude. "However, I have a certain condition; I'm not a fan of deep throating followed by spitting on your own body, so please ensure your technique meets my standards." Sam's ire began to ascend inconsistently. How could Jeff spread false rumors about her? And how did Matt expect her to orally satisfy him during their inaugural rendezvous? Near the pinnacle of rage, she noticed Matt wearing a joyous expression, and realized he was joking.

"I take it you're rather amused by my reaction," she informed him.

"No, just me," he admitted. "Regarding prom invitations, I am still unattached and would enjoy attending with you," he inquired.

"Done," she replied. "We'll keep it platonic, mind you. I'm aware your joking, but don't want you to misunderstand."

"I agree," Matt agreed. "This might not be so scary. You're less rigid than I anticipated. It's nice feeling relaxed around you," he thought. Sam reveled in her newfound relaxation. Breaking out of her 'must be the best' facade granted her some ease. "There's another subject I wanted to discuss, but I feel confounded," Sam said. With a confused look, Matt awaited further information.

"What if you aren't accompanying someone else to" she asked, while hiding her own surprise over lecturing guys on dating matters. "Would you care to accompany me?"

"With you?" Matt sounded surprised.

"Yeah, I mean, I assumed I had to ask -" she continued, "if there were no other prospects."

"I'm beyond eager to go with you," he intercepted, interrupting her embarrassing aliasing of herself. "Just shocked you asked me, and I'm not complaining. I can't fathom this is happening."

Sam's grin widened as she touched his arm. "I'm anticipating this immensely. The event will occur on May 1st." They parted with her glancing at him, worried about how her schoolmates perceived her recent interactions with Jeff earlier this week. He cheered noticeably, raising his fist as she looked back, thinking, "At least one person still wants me."

At school, Sam overheard rumors that she was both bad in bed and financially destitute, with Jeff being the source of the false facts. Her blood started to simmer, more so than the pervasive smutty comments. Her home life was submarine middle class, and she was known for working to assist her strapped-for-cash family. The whispers about her family enraged her further.

Her siblings were fairly well-integrated: four children in total. Her parents constantly strived to maintain their position in the middle stratum, but paying for private school had not been budget friendly. A scholarship to Miami had aided them, hence her pride in working and sacrificing her summer vacations for her family. This was the main reason why Jeff's smears enraged her.

Over the next few days, she sensed that her bonds with friends like Sam, Maggie, Charlotte, Julia, and Ava were loosening. Their closeness existed among the five girls together - socializing, sports, studying, and partying. Four out of the ten were in relationships with Jeff's close friends. They shared Jeff's allegiance to him, shifting their support towards him. A wave of resentment grew, pushing Sam to feel like graduating and segregating from this toxic environment. Jeff was intent on bringing their friend group more in line with him. She couldn't help but feel left out of her own circle. "I know you're angry," one of them cryptically whispered, calling for a closed group meeting without Sam. She felt a dark cloud forming above as she was not invited to participate. The ensuing talk rubbed against her furiously, expressing strong absolution for Jeff's behavior. The separation of the once-inseparable friendship group grew, leaving Sam upset and disconnected.

Her part-time job served as her escape, it was the one time she disconnected from her group of friends and engaged with others. On Saturdays, she eagerly anticipated chatting with Matt about prom. They had planned to have lunch together and it was scheduled for late since the day was hectic, so by 2 pm, Sam was alone with him in the breakroom.

"Excited for next weekend?" she enquired. "I can't believe it's just around the corner."

"I think so," he responded. "I'm thrilled, but also a bit anxious. I've never attended a dance before."

Sam could probably add to that list, she pondered. "Don't be apprehensive, I'm a seasoned pro," she reassured him. "I've been to every Sacred Heart and Trinity dance since freshman year. Can't believe you haven't been to any Trinity's."

"I've only been to two," he stated apologetically. "One was a blind date that didn't go well and the other one was last year with a friend. Witnessed you at Trinity's, but you were with your pals, so I figured I should stay away."

"Why? You should've introduced yourself," she encouraged. He seemed perplexed, as if the answer was clear. "They're not that bad, they're actually lovely people. Granted, it might take them a while to warm up, but trust me, you'll like them once you get to know them."

"I sure hope so," he replied.

"Don't stress, I'll shield you from hostile Maggie," Sam teased. Inside, she was slightly anxious about her friends' opinion, having kept Matt's identity a secret from them and simply informing them she was working on it and to hold onto their limo slot. The thought of him never having been on a date before unnerved her. I wonder if he's even kissed a girl? she pondered intriguingly. "All set for 5 pm in your tux?" she asked.

A week later, the much-anticipated event rolled around. Sam, Maggie, Charlotte, Julia, and Ava assembled at Maggie's house, along with their mothers for portrait sessions. They looked spectacular in their dresses emphasizing their toned bodies. Goodness, we look marvelous, Sam pondered. It's no surprise some college girls end up intimate with their roommates.

Subsequently, while in the lobby of Maggie's gargantuan house, Ava's mom disclosed, "Sam, I apologize for Jeff. You two seemed adorable. It's a pity he's not here for this. It's simply not the same without him."

"Really, it's better," Sam announced.

"I understand breakups can be challenging," Charlotte's mom chimed in, content to overlook Sam's sentiments. "We all utter remarks we regret. I support you two reuniting."

Unwilling to let her pals' moms spoil the special evening, Sam smiled calmly and remained silent. Thereafter, the girls gathered their belongings into the limo's trunk and proceeded to join their inside.

"Can you believe it?" Ava exclaimed cheerfully. "We're finally attending prom!"

"I know, it's extraordinary!" Maggie echoed ecstatically.

"It's a shame Jeff isn't here," Charlotte lamented. "It's strange not having us all reunited."

"It'll be better without him," Sam stated unequivocally. "He's a deceptive SOB."

"Do you truly think that?" Julia asked. "Admittedly, he said cruel things, but harsh words occur in every breakup. From my perspective, your comment is only a reflection of Charlotte's longing for all of us to be there together."

"Indeed, that's all I intended to convey," Charlotte clarified. "I never meant to hurt you. I promise you'll have a blast." Sam forced a grin and diverted the subject. When they collected their dates, everyone was pleasant toward her, but a noticeable shift was evident. Pointedly, the guys paid her less attention, while interrupting her more than usual since she was no longer Jeff's girlfriend.

Ava sneered, "That's quite the house for a high school student."

"I'm surprised he even goes to Trinity," Julia added.

Charlotte chuckled, "I guess he saves money on his house."

Sam glanced at Maggie, feeling uneasy. "What if... this isn't such a good idea?" Maggie's face grew serious, calming Sam. "Ladies, let's not be rude. Matt is Sam's date, and we're here to make him feel welcome." Sam exhaled and stepped out of the limo. Her heart pounded as she approached Matt's front door. He opened the door, staring at her in awe. Sam felt her face burning as he told her, "You're absolutely stunning; the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." She blushed and murmured a thank you.

Matt admired Sam's beautiful dress – a silver, one-shouldered dress with a brush train – and her heels. They both agreed on their first impressions of each other before Mrs. Miller interrupted.

"Hi, I'm Matt's mom!" Mrs. Miller greeted, before complimenting Sample's dress and how it showed off her figure. "You picked it out a year ago, didn't you?"

When Sam nodded, Mrs. Miller smiled, wishing them a great time. Finally alone, Sam and Matt approached their limo with growing anxiety.

Once settled, Sam asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm a little nervous," Matt admitted. "I've never seen you in anything other than your work clothes. I don't think you've ever looked more beautiful." He hung his head in embarrassment.

"Thanks," Sam replied. "You're not bad yourself."

Matt's daybreak-rosy cheeks reddened under his tuxedo. "Let's go before they start gossiping."

The door closed behind them, leaving Matt's breath taken from him. "Thank you," he said, feeling the crush on him wane as he held Sam's corsage. He pinned his boutonniere to his lapel, perfectly. Sam did the same, adding the masculinity of her date to her femininity. After exiting, they encountered a young woman.

"Hi, I'm Matt's mom." Sam greeted the woman, explaining they were leaving. The woman smiled, admiring Sam's dress, and encouraged her son to have a great time. Once Sam and Matt were in the limo, Sam asked, "That shocked you?"

"A little," Matt replied. "I mean, it's not like I've never looked at other girls as attractive, but you're... you're different," he paused. "Maybe it's your dress, or your hair down. It's the most beautiful I've ever seen." Sam smiled, excited to experience her first prom with a date. Sam looked at Matt with growing confidence. He reciprocated, admiring her exposed shoulder, cleavage, and the golden waves of her blonde hair. Her choice in dress let Matt realize how stunning Sam was. They couldn't leave soon enough.

"I've never seen you look so great," Matt said with admiration. "You know, before, I've just seen you working. You've always been attractive, but I never really noticed you so much."

Sam smiled, "I never realized you found me attractive. I guess it's nice knowing you notice me."

"I've always thought you were pretty," Matt confessed. "I just never really had the courage to say it."

"I always thought you looked good in your suit," Sam shared, "but I never knew you'd be such a gentleman."

Matt began humming in the car, while Sam pinched her lips and smiled. They shared delightful and flirtatious glances. "I can't wait to see you next weekend."

"Me too," Matt replied. Fourteen more silent minutes and the limo stopped. Unsticking themselves from the booth, Sam unfolded her legs from under her short, silver dress. Matt reached out to tighten her stiletto and adjusted her strap, checking his tie and his breath. "Prom was fun."

"It was," Sam smiled. "Let's go home."

"Let's go, shall we?" Matt proposed as he stretched his arm to the side, bending it at the elbow. Sam grinned and looped her arm through his, allowing him to guide her towards the limousine. The driver opened the door for them and they stepped inside, settling in the back, with Matt situated next to the car's side, Sam to his left, and then Maggie to Sam's left. Everyone else claimed the benches lining the sides.

Sam energetically introduced Matt to her friends, aiming to make him feel comfortable. Her companions rewarded her efforts with smiles and greetings but then promptly disregarded him throughout the journey to the restaurant. They exchanged not a single word with him--as if he wasn't even there. Sam became increasingly irritated by their inconsideration, particularly after Matt repeatedly attempted to join the conversation. That's how her friends treated new people, she realized with a pang of sadness, recalling the times they'd perpetrated similar snubbing.

She could detect Matt's disquiet, and probably disillusionment. Sam clasped his hand and squeezed it, leaning over to relay into his ear, "I'm sorry my friends are such jerks. They're not always this rude—I promise. They just need time to warm up to new people."

"It's fine," Matt responded. "Perhaps it's more about me than them. I'm not exactly a pro at interacting with new acquaintances, either." Sam squeezed his hand again. Surprisingly, the action brought her satisfaction, so she chose to keep her hand in his for the entire duration of the journey. Maggie was the only one to observe, nodding at Sam as she indulged in a nudge and a smile.

At the restaurant, Matt acted as a perfect gentleman, extending a hand to help Sam exit the limo and again when they approached the door to facilitate her navigating the uneven pavement in her heels. He even opened the door and pulled out her chair at the circular table for ten. Sam found him effortlessly engaging to converse with. She'd been apprehensive about the prospect of engaging in prolonged conversation outside of work, but fortunately, it wasn't a problem. They covered subjects such as college aspirations, tennis, and the school newspaper. Alas, her friends' behavior persisted during dinner, once more fleeing into silence in Matt's presence. Ava, seated at the adjacent chair to his, ceased speaking as well. By the time the meal concluded, Sam wished only the two of them had dined together.

Following a prompt transfer to the banquet hall, Matt ushered Sam onto the dance floor and invited her to dance. She was astonished by his request, given that Jeff had previously floated in the background, lingering along a wall, save for the slow dances. On those occasions, he had primarily governed her movement, merely swaying while holding her waist and pressing his erection into her. Thus, Sam had either whiled away the evening conversing with her friends or standing next to Jeff. This time, within thirty seconds, Sam appreciated that this evening was dissimilar from the past—quite markedly so.

Matt not only knew how to dance, but he was also incredibly skilled. "Just imitate me," he advised, spinning and dipping her and instructing her movement around the dance floor, outshining everyone else. As much as she felt disdain admitting it, he was considerably superior to her. Though Sam struggled to keep up, she determinedly made an effort, reveling in following his lead and enjoying the experience.

Upon the commencement of the first slow ballad, Sam extended her right hand to Matt's shoulder and clasped his left hand in her own, which he rested in the small of her back. "Where'd that ability come from?" she inquired.

"Largely natural talent," he replied. However, his look of disbelief prompted her to add, "I did have a couple of dance lessons too."

"I had a wonderful time," Sam expressed. "I can't wait to do it again. I also find this enjoyable," she added, pressing into his embrace as his physique hardened. "It's okay," she whispered to him. "That response is only natural. You don't need to conceal it." He brought his body nearer against hers, aroused and pressed her firmly against him. As Sam gazed into his eyes, desire surged within her.

She tilted her head to the left and leaned towards him, pelting him with kisses. Even though she was taken aback, she momentarily wavered before Sam leaned in to kiss him again. Sam sensed him parting his lips slightly and began to loosen her own for his tongue to slip in. Nonetheless, just as she was about to do so, the music ceased. A little flustered, Sam disengaged her grasp and smiled at Matt in response to the commencement of a fresh melody.

Initially, when Matt stretched out his arm towards her, she noticed Jeff on the opposite end of the dance floor. This revelation caused her anger inside and her heart to descend. Why is he here? With whom did he arrive at the prom? she questioned silently within. The anger within her heightened, so she said to Matt she needed the restroom and dashed across the ballroom to locate Maggie. Dragging Maggie into the bathroom, Sam exploded, "What the hell is Jeff doing here?"

Maggie disclosed, "He's with Jen."

"Jen? Are we discussing the Jen from our soccer team? My pal Jen?" Sam screamed out.

"I was about to tell you," Maggie specified, "but I didn't want to spoil your dinner. I simply discovered this information yesterday."

"Then, that's who he's been contacting sexually, isn't it?" Sam questioned.

"I'm unsure, Sam," Maggie responded. "It is conceivable. I've heard rumors for a year or so, but had no way of confirming it. I didn't want to upset you without knowing it was true. I'm sorry. If you'd rather leave, I comprehend."

"Not at all," Sam refuted. "Instead, he is about to experience the opposite of what he expects." She hastened toward the dance floor again and joined Matt. They danced generously, consequently causing others to depart to provide enough space. Sam's magnetic attraction was skillfully flaunted by flashing her dress's thigh-high slit. As the subsequent slow song commenced, Sam ensured she and Matt were directly in front of Jeff and Jen while they swayed together. "Kiss me again," she suggested.

Matt kissed her passionately, hence his tongue sliding into her mouth and engaging in a passionate exchange. Sam felt dizzy as his hardened member pressed into her. After they parted ways and breathed again, she asked, "Where did you master such kissing skills?"

"I must be naturally talented," he answered, and Sam, puzzled, was unsure whether he spoke truthfully. They made their way to the beverage station, and Sam was pleased to see Jeff's jealous expression. She delivered a little smile and a gentle wave at Jeff before quenching her thirst and rejoining the dance floor. For the remainder of the evening, Sam and Matt and her friends enjoyed themselves. During the slow songs, Sam committed to Matt enthusiastically, making the environment electric with their closeness. When the final song ended, the room darkened and the music ceased.

As they left by heading out of the establishment, Maggie approached Sam and uttered privately, "Enjoyed my urging you to ask him to prom?"

"Mags," Sam stated, "I can't comprehend how fortunate I am. His kisses were wonderful. I almost passed out during our make-out sessions, plus he's splendid at dancing."

"Still coming to the party?" Maggie inquired mischievously. "You can have the guest room to yourselves."

"Halt it," Sam objected. "It's our initial outing. I'm not certain if we are on a date. But yes, we'll attend the party, however, we do not require the bedroom." Sam had parked her vehicle at the banquet center so she could transport Matt, Maggie, and their boyfriends to the residence. She was grateful that, during the journey towards the mansion, Maggie was far friendlier than before and had a protracted conversation with Matt.

As they ascended the pathway to Maggie's colossal home, Sam and Matt trailed slightly behind the others. Amused by herself, she heard Maggie's boyfriend say softly, "Good for him. She's so smoking in that dress, I believe every man there was envious of him." Maggie frowned at him and explained, "He's in the right place at the right time, all thanks to me - a rebound situation if you know my meaning. But she does seem to enjoy him." Sam's heart sank slightly. Does everyone assume I'm kissing Matt merely to get back at Jeff due to being on the rebound? she reflected, as she gleefully grasped his arm while traveling up to the front entrance of the home.

Maggie's residence was immense. There were two stories, plus a basement, which had always felt like a castle to Sam. She could tell Matt was enchanted by how he roamed the majestic foyer when they walked inside. Teenagers from the prom flooded the upper floor and basement. Sam gave him a quick guided tour before they fetched beverages and conversed with some of her pals for a while. They persisted to generally disregard Matt, even when he attempted to communicate with them, sparking frustration in Sam.

Drawn by the noise of loud music, Sam directed Matt downstairs, where they danced some more, predominantly to tunes unsuitable for the school prom. As the evening progressed, Sam commenced dancing with her back turned to Matt, while he touched her backside against him and shook his hips. Following that, she sensed his hand on her thigh, hidden within her dress. Encouraging her, Sam acknowledged that it was a big first for him. As he moved his hand up her thigh, onto her bottom, she released a slight groan as he squeezed it. With his left hand, he touched her left breast through her attire while simultaneously stroking her rear end. Impressed with his sexual adventurousness, she thought, As he proceeded to slide his hand up her thigh and onto her buttocks, she heard him groan. With this act, Sam turned around and kissed him again, this time more passionately. After removing herself from his grasp, Sam smiled at Matt slightly embarrassed, and seized his hand. She led him towards the stairs and returned to the main floor. She was overcome with the desire to get him upstairs into the excessive guest bedroom. They rushed up the stairs and through Maggie's enormous living space toward the staircase leading to the upper floor. Merely as her foot touched the first step, she heard someone say, "Sam, can we talk for a minute?"

"No, Jen, we can't," Sam said. "I'd rather you don't spoil my night any more than you already have."

"I'm sorry," Jen answered. "He asked me at the last minute, and my other half was unwell, so I agreed. I didn't anticipate you'd have a problem."

"Last minute, eh?" Sam said in disgust. "I knew he'd been seeing you. I should've known a long time ago. The manner in which you flirt with him, discuss him, and the way he'd ceased to push for sex several months ago."

"Maybe if you could've retained his attention, he wouldn't have lost interest in you," Jen replied.

Sam was growing enraged, contemplating striking Jen in the face, but detracting her eye instinctively revealed Matt. She detested the idea, so instead, she said, "We're no longer friends, but it's not out of animosity to you. I actually pity you." Jen took notice of her, puzzled, and Sam added, "The oral sex Jeff is about to bestow upon you, or more accurately, you are required to employ, will be ample retribution." Then she led Matt upstairs into the resplendent guest bedroom.

As the door closed, Sam turned and smiled at Matt. This was unintended, and she could not have anticipated this evening concluding in this manner. It had produced a sense of fulfillment in her. The dancing, the kissing, the discussion, and being up against him triggered an overpowering feeling within her. The ravenous hunger instigated by the connection and exquisite interaction above drove her spirits to an inspired credo.

Sam switched off the primary light, leaving the room under the subdued illumination of a lamp. She drew closer to Matt but, just before apprehending him, he enquired, "Has this night truly been thus terrible?"

"No, it's been fantastic," she said. "Why are you inquiring that?"

"You told Jen you were unfortunate," he retorted.

"What I meant was that Jen ruined it for me," she explained. "However, while conversing with her, I observed you and no longer cared about Jeff. I prefer to be with you, right here, right now."

"I'm not comfortable accomplishing this task merely to retaliate against Jeff or spurred by your recent disengagement," Matt remarked.

"I'm sorry you heard that," Sam apologized. "I guarantee it's not accurate. I avow my fervour for this stemmed from our interaction, the discussion, and dancing, not to exact revenge," she said, reverberating her impassioned yearning.

"Yes, I do," he replied. "I want to be with you as well." They kissed again, and soon she felt his hands moving up her sides towards her breasts. He rubbed them through her dress and then slipped his right hand inside her dress and onto her left breast. Her dress was so tight that he could barely get his hand inside, so she said, "Why don't you help me take this off?"

She turned and held her hair to the side as he unfastened the strap over her shoulder and unzipped the lower part of her dress, sliding his hand down her back to just above her butt. He tugged it downward, assisting her in removing it. Sam removed her high heels and stood before him wearing only a tiny white thong. Matt stared at her, his mouth slightly open as he admired her lovely body for the first time.

"Wow," he exclaimed. "I can't, I mean, wow. You're simply stunning." Sam smiled and they kissed once more. After a while, he made his way down to her neck, kissing her gently while he cupped and massaged her breasts. He teased her, slightly avoiding her nipples until she began to moan. They were so hard and ached for his touch, but he continued to tease her until she couldn't take it any longer.

He began kissing her at the base of her neck, then on her chest, and then her breasts, again avoiding her nipples. He caressed her left thigh with his hand, slowly moving it towards her inner thigh and making her feel more aroused. Then he guided her towards the bed. As she lay back, he removed his shoes and shirt and joined her in the bed.

Matt resumed fondling her breasts again, clearly fascinated by them. He slid his fingers close to her nipples, driving her wild with desire. Then he lay on top of her and began kissing her breasts again. Just when she couldn't take it anymore, he traced his tongue over her left nipple and softly brushed his fingers over the right one. Sam moaned loudly with relief and he began to suck her nipples, using one hand to massage one breast while his mouth worked on the other until she was completely aroused. Man, he's quite good at this for a first-time, she thought.

By now, Sam was desperate for him to be inside her. Knowing he'd never cum in a woman's mouth made her incredibly wet. "Why don't you lie on your back?" she suggested. "I want to make you feel better than you've ever felt before."

"I'm scared you'll have to wait," he said. "Ladies first." She felt his lips on her stomach, then her lower abdomen, and then just above her panties. By now, she was so wet her juices were seeping through the sides of her panties and onto the bedsheets. As Matt continued to kiss her thighs, she said, "I want to give you a blowjob."

"Like I said, ladies first," he explained as he raised his head and slid his fingers along the sides of her thong. He pulled it down her legs to expose her tight, wet, shaved pussy. Nudging her legs open wider, Matt resumed kissing her thighs as Sam's need escalated. She'd never had great oral, especially in the beginning of her relationship with Jeff. She usually climaxed when she was incredibly aroused. Well, that definitely applies tonight, she thought, so why not give it a try?

She felt Matt's tongue near her vagina, close enough to excite her but just far enough to deny her release. He slid his tongue up and down both sides, teasing her with the thought of what was to come. After a while, he touched her lower vagina. She opened her legs more widely and he pushed his tongue into her opening, making her even wetter.

Sam began to moan loudly and her breathing accelerated as he dragged his tongue upward, stopping just short of her clitoris. He did it numerous times, until she started moving her hips with the hope his tongue would touch her where she needed it. Sensing her desire, the next time he dragged his tongue higher, her clitoris, causing her to groan loudly with relief. He started licking it, softly and only on the underside at first, before gradually increasing his speed. Before long, he was working his tongue from top to bottom while Sam cried out with pleasure.

This, she realized, would be much different than when Jeff went down on her. He was always in a hurry and his technique was mindless, so for the past year, she mostly just made out with him, allowed him to suck her breasts, and gave him a blowjob. Although he sometimes managed to make her climax, he mostly did so when he went down on her, and in the last few months, he hadn't even offered. She didn't even ask.

As her climax increased, Sam felt Matt insert his finger inside her, first one then a second. He pushed up as he slid them in and out, rubbing Sam's clit from both sides. "Oh my, that feels great! Oh God, that's so good! Yes!" she screamed as he licked faster and harder on her clit. "Oh God, I'm about to cum! Yes! Yes!"

At that point, Matt removed his finger and placed both hands on her abdomen below her pussy. Sam's muscles contracted, and she began to grind against him, pushing her wet pussy against his mouth. He pushed back harder, and she could feel it gathering, intensifying as his tongue stimulated her clit and she pressed up...

Sam's vagina exploded with the most powerful orgasm she'd ever experienced. Her hips bucked violently and she yelled loudly; probably loud enough for others to hear. She felt intense pleasure that even made her hips buck so forcefully that she knocked his head back a few inches. Without hesitation, he probed her clit again with his tongue; her orgasm continued. Sam's entire body shivered, and the sensation spread from her toes to her nipples. When the orgasm subsided, she was gasping and laughing with delight.

"Wow, that was mind-blowing!" Sam exclaimed. "I can't even describe how good it was!"

"I'm glad you liked it," Matt responded, crawling beside her. Sam turned to her right and rested her head on his chest. She enjoyed being close to him and they remained quiet for a few moments, wondering how he could be so damn good his first time.

"Would you like one of my reputed blowjobs?" she inquired with a laugh, temporarily sitting between his legs. She stroked his left thigh and touched his cock already hard. "Seems like someone likes blowjobs from me," she added jokingly. Matt raised his hips, allowing Sam to remove his pants completely, showing his erect cock in his boxers.

Sam stood up to get a hair tie from her bag, holding her hair in a ponytail, then resumed his position between his legs, kissing him before kissing his midriff. As she went lower, she could observe the anticipation and longing in his eyes. She wanted to allay his eagerness while still providing him a pleasurable experience.

"Take it easy; just lie back and enjoy this," she instructed. "There's no rush, just let me make you feel good." Matt nodded in agreement. Sam touched the tip of her tongue to the base of his shaft before sliding it toward the head. She pressed her tongue against the shaft's side and bottom several times before kissing his head and securing it in place with her hand. She took his entire cock into her mouth, and he murmured his appreciation.

Sam tasted him for the first time, sliding her tongue up and down his penis before licking the head for a while. Fastidiously, she took him as deeply as possible, but she raised her lips after sliding them back to the head. Leaving her mouth connected to the head with her lips, she lapped it before trying to take him deep from below but ultimately decided to maintain this position.

To her amazement, she sensed his penile shaft's ridge and tasted him, which excited her tremendously. She immersed him deeply before lifting her lips back to the head, pleased to learn that he was circumcised. She returned to kissing his chest as she had earlier, then lowered her head again, kissing his inner thighs, anticipating the moment when she would take him into her mouth. Her gaze moved to the look of desperation and desire on his face, knowing he needed her to suck him off so badly.

A mixture of arousal and anxiety surged through Sam. She was so horny that his desperation turned her on more and made her wetter. But she also wanted to make his first time as incredible as it could be. "Just relax and let yourself go," she advised. "I'm doing this to show you a good time." The hunger in his eyes convinced her to get down to business.

With her mouth firmly closed around his head, Sam pressed his cock into her throat and licked the side of his shaft, simultaneously feeling his pleasure and worrying about his pleasure. She then kissed the head before saliva proceeded to run down his hard shaft. After running her tongue along the whole shaft's length, she moved to kiss the head again, lightly pressing her lips up and down on his head before gathering her lips around it and swallowing him whole. Sam moaned softly, feeling his flesh on her tongue's tip and his strong muscular body's muscle. All the while, Matt lay back and moaned with excitement.

"Very few people have done this before," Sam thought. "But I'm going to make it good for you!"

Gently, she released the head, lifting her lips just enough for her teeth not to rub against his head and proceeded to repeat the process. Knowing that he needed the stimulation, she continued to lick, tease, and suck until he was pleasantly satisfied.

Sam started giving it her all, moving her head up and down rapidly - just how he liked it. Typically, he wouldn't last more than a couple of minutes, but considering this was Matt's first time, she assumed he would ejaculate in about a minute or two. Suddenly, she felt his hand on her face and heard Matt say, "Sam, you don't have to go so fast. I prefer it a bit slower."

"Oh, sorry, I just, that's how I've always..." She stopped mid-sentence, questioning how Matt Miller would even know his preferences. She then slowed down, realizing he wanted to savor the moment. And so did she. As she moved her head up and down, she could hear his moans, which told her he was enjoying himself. Sam enjoyed tasting him and feeling the hard, throbbing shaft as he moaned in delight. She ensured her lips were tightly knitted together and her tongue grazed the underside of his penis as she took about four inches of him repeatedly.

Soon, she sensed his breathing quicken and his moans grow louder. She increased her speed, hoping he could handle it. Once more, he touched her face and said, "You can slow down." A bit flustered, Sam slowed down and began taking her time. Matt's cock started to jerk in her mouth, and she pressed it a bit deeper, fighting the gag reflex while discovering she truly enjoyed sucking him. She knew he considered her the only thing on his mind, the only thing that mattered, and she loved it.

Sam was surprised he hadn't ejaculated yet. She had expected him to climax quickly, and she had been at it for quite some time now. Maybe he masturbated earlier today to avoid being embarrassed by getting an erection while dancing with her, she mused to herself. Clearly, that plan didn't work, she remembered happily as she recalled feeling him against her. And now, he was inside her. Sam placed one hand on the bed for support and gently squeezed his balls with her other hand. He groaned loudly, prompting her to fondle his balls with her soft fingers, eager to taste the cum within him. As he writhed and throbbed more, Sam rested her hand on his thigh and felt his muscles tighten as he strained to reach orgasm. She quickened her pace slightly, and tightened her lips a little, craving the taste of his cum.

Soon, he began to emit louder moans and breathed heavily. Precum oozed into her mouth as she continued to move her mouth up and down his pulsating shaft. Yes, he was about to climax, she thought. His shaft swelled within her mouth, and she felt him getting close. He twitched again, pushing forcefully into her mouth. Her saliva spilled onto his shaft as her lips tautened around his member and her tongue craved a taste of his cum.

Just then he jerked again, groaning loudly, and she heard a giant jet of semen shoot into her mouth, filling it with his semen as his shaft throbbed heavily. Sam stopped moving, holding her lips tightly around his shaft as he discharged more and more semen. She felt him twitch and jerk within her until he exhaled loudly and breathlessly. Sam opened her mouth slightly and raised her head, swallowing his enormous load in two swigs. She smiled at him and asked, "Did you like that?"

"Yeah, I did," he responded cautiously. "But please, try not to use your teeth so much next time?"

"Okay, I'm sorry about that," she said. "I didn't realize I was..."

"And try to go deeper next time," he suggested. "I mean, c'mon Sam, only an inch?" she asked incredulously. "I took..." He was grinning from ear to ear, and Sam replied, "Oh, very funny. It's so enjoyable to tease Sam Gentry, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. But seriously, Sam, that was amazing. I'm sorry if I made it awkward by telling you what I like. I know it'll require some adjustment for both of us to be on the same wavelength. By the way, can you excuse me for a moment please?"

A tad puzzled, Sam lifted himself up, allowing him to step off the bed and head to the bathroom. Both of us? He's never had a partner before, Sam mused, so why would...It dawned on her that maybe he was talking about Sam and another woman. And why was there so much cum if he had masturbated earlier today? Just then, Matt came back into the room carrying a cup of water and handed it to her: "I thought you might need this."

Sam took a sip and replied, "That's so considerate, Matt." Jeff never did that for her. She considered that he probably never even thought to do so. Matt lay down next to her, his nude body pressed against hers. He'll never forget this experience, Sam thought, even if it wasn't her best effort. How did he hold out so long? And why did he ask her to slow down? And why was there so much cum if he had originally delayed his climax?

As Sam's mind raced, she felt a hand exploring and fondling her breast. The touch triggered an instant response, causing her nipple to harden at his touch. He delicately stroked and caressed it, increasing her desire. Suddenly, he lifted his head and shifted over her. In between her legs, he found her other breast and enveloped it in his mouth while he continued to pleasure her remaining one. Her body begins to warm up again, and she moaned in response to his ministrations. His lips touched her skin, then her stomach, then above her pussy. His tongue entered her opening as Sam's panting grew louder.

Sam spread her legs further as his tongue traveled up to her clit. She was in awe of how horny she still was, and how good it felt. He swiftly moved his tongue all over her pussy, using his fingers and tongue to intensely pleasure her. Right before she was about to orgasm, he stopped abruptly. He gently brought her back from her peak and then methodically started building her sexual tension once more. Finally, when she could no longer take it, he took her over the edge, providing her with a magnificent orgasm that was more intense than the first.

Cradling her in his arms, he held her close and - she felt so relaxed and fulfilled. Her thoughts wandered as she fell asleep. The dancing, his manners, the conversation – they were all extraordinary. Plus, the kissing and oral? Who would've thought? Yes, she may have been hornier than she'd thought, at least according to him. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

The next day, Sam opened her eyes and met Matt's gaze. "Good morning," she said.

"Good morning," he answered. "I didn't expect to wake up to that."

"It's not every day one gets such a good night's sleep," she joked.

"It's a bit past ten, by the way," he informed her.

"What? I slept for almost nine hours?" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Seems so," he said with a grin.

Sam sat up with alarm, shaking her head. "How's that possible?" she exclaimed.

"Looks like you might've needed more than just a good night's sleep," he said with a smile and a knowing gaze. Feeling self-conscious, Sam felt his hand against her thigh, working its way toward her pussy. Slipping a finger inside her, he commented, "It seems you may need a second round."

Her whole body quivered with anticipation before his head once more was entwined between her legs, and he began provide her with oral satisfaction. He was better now, knowing exactly what Sam liked. In no time, Sam could not suppress her moans and gasps, culminating in yet another climax, causing her to let out a loud cry as her whole body shook with pleasure. As it subsided, she found herself breathing heavily.

Surprised, she realized she must have ejaculated. Matt sat next to her. Sam noted his fingers were sticky, and her arms and thighs, and the sheets were drenched. Sitting up, she realized how she must have soaked through the sheets and his hand. She began to blush.

Casually, Matt asked, "You feel like some more?"

Blushing, she shook her head and blushed thinking about what they had done multiple times within a day. "No, I can't believe that - all this, from someone who's never even kissed a woman before."

"Believe it," he responded with a proud grin. "I can't believe how good I am. You were very responsive - must be something about you."

Sam couldn't help but swallow. "You're pretty good yourself," she muttered shyly.

"Well, it's not like I'm a beginner. I've done it before, you know. Is that okay?" he asked, suddenly becoming bashful.

"Yes, of course," she reassured him somewhat shocked, already knowing the answer. However, she reflected on this. "I'm sorry, I thought - I thought you hadn't - done that?" she said, suddenly realizing.

"I didn't think it mattered," he noted simply. Sam was smitten with him. "You were great yourself. And you are so pretty. You looked incredible this morning and – my god, do you know how hard I was for that dress you were wearing last night? I was completely distracted," he confessed, barely containing his excitement. Sam blushed again. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine," she said with a laugh, feeling silly. "Now, it's time for breakfast." He responded with an conceding chuckle to lighten the mood. He gently increased her pleasure while preparing breakfast.

"Don't worry about apologizing," she told him. "You don't have to act like a gentleman all the time." Then, she got between his legs, positioned herself on her knees, and leaned forward. "I don't plan on being a lady all the time either," she softly described in his ear. Suddenly, his cock was inside her mouth, and he seemed harder than he was the night before. She gradually sucked him off, savoring the moment and making him feel great.

After they were both dressed, they made their way down the stairs to find only Maggie in the kitchen. "You guys were in the guest room?" she inquired with a stunned expression. Sam nodded and smiled. "Alright, I guess I didn't anticipate that. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's just that I'd never thought I'd find Sam coming out of a room the morning after the prom with you."

"I understand," he said. "Neither did I."

"So, did you guys have a good time?" Maggie asked.

"Definitely the best night of my life," Sam said. "What about you?"

"It was a great time too," Maggie responded. "Then I found out my brother got engaged," she continued. "He's marrying your teacher, Matt."

"Your teacher?" Matt questioned.

"Yes, Becky Tapper," Maggie clarified.

"Becky Tapper is marrying your brother?" Matt pondered, appearing somewhat disconcerted and uneasy.

"Yep," Maggie asserted. "Talk about broken hearts at Trinity today. The subject of all your schoolboy fantasies is now engaged."

"Your brother is pretty lucky," Matt stated. "Becky... I mean, Ms. Tapper is an excellent teacher and does a fantastic job with the newspaper. I'm genuinely happy for her." Sam noticed a subtle hint of reluctance in his voice, perhaps due to those schoolboy fantasies.

As Matt was about to leave, Maggie held Sam back and said, "Sam, you can't possibly leave here without telling me everything. What's the deal? You slept with him? You gave it up to Matt Miller, didn't you?"

Sam smiled coyly and replied, "We spent a delightful evening together."

"No way!" Maggie exclaimed. "No way!" As Sam walked out the door, Maggie hollered after her, "You're going to tell me everything on Monday!"

Sam brought Matt home, and as they sat in her car in his driveway, she commented, "Listen, Matt, about last night."

"I understand if it was just a onetime thing for you," he said with hesitation. "Though I hope it wasn't. I know I'm not the most in-demand guy or the most good-looking or a great athlete. I've always had feelings for you, though. I've never truly acted on them, mostly out of a lack of confidence."

Sam confided in him, "I had similar feelings for you. I thought we'd be friends, goof around at prom, and maybe do it again. But this somehow made me realize I should've taken action much earlier."

"What should I have done?" he inquired. Sam kissed him, bursting with passion, and she could feel the sensation radiate through her entire body. They made out for nearly 15 minutes before he approached his front door and waved goodbye. Evidently, he called her several days later and asked her to dinner on a Friday night. Sam wore her tightest, low-rise jeans and a white tank top that exposed her midriff.

She led him on throughout the meal, taking ages to make decisions about the food, the dessert, and finishing. By the time he paid the check, it was evident he was keen to proceed. While driving home, he asked her if she'd like to come over to his house. "Since my parents are away at a charity event, they won't be back until late. We can have the entire house to ourselves."

"It's only our second date, Matt," Sam said, getting annoyed. "What kind of girl do you think I am?"

"I, eh, I'm sorry," he said uncertainly. "I was simply suggesting..." and he cut himself off.

"Do you think I'm some sort of slut, Matt?" Sam demanded with a cold gaze.

"Nope, not at all," he replied defensive. "I simply... sorry, I'm just going to drive you home. I take that back." Sam flashed a wide grin. "Are you joking, right?" he queried. Sam nodded, gratified. "Okay, fair play, I deserved that. So, you do want to visit me?"

"Yes, I do," Sam asserted. "Wait until you see what I'm going to do to you." Matt gulped and Sam extended her hand over, stimulating his groin while he drove. Upon reaching his house and inside, she posited, "Are you certain your parents won't be back for a considerable time?" Matt nodded fervently. That was all Sam needed to hear.

As soon as the door closed, she was on her knees, hastily unstrapping his belt and removing his trousers. She instigated with his testicles, handling them with her lips and tongue while stroking his shaft. Subsequently, she took his manhood into her mouth, leaning him in the eyes as she moved her lips down his rigid erection. She reveled in his dick's presence and devoured him, savoring every second until he discharged a copious amount into her tight, moist mouth. As his semen traveled down her throat, Sam's eyed him and smirked.

Moments later her denims were scattered on Matt's bedroom floor along with her shirt and damp panties. Matt jerked her bra above her ample breasts, licking her aching nipples. He massaged her anew, inducing her climax instantly before leaving his mouth on her, eliciting her a fresh clitoral orgasm. Sam gasped and reclined on his bed, panting and still soggy. She reflected that a month ago, she'd never have fathomed being in Matt Miller's bed, her oral prowess faltering in his bedroom with her mouth still filled with the taste of his semen.

But she could no longer get enough. Any opportunity they had to be together, aligned their schedules to facilitate their intimate contact. Sam performed fellatio on him at work, while he drove her, at her house, and her home. The finest aspect was she climaxed twice each time he did. Sam fervently sought to learn the identity of the fictitious woman, but he evaded her queries. Consequently, Sam didn't ponder.

The night before prom, Matt trekked to Sam's to socialize. Her parents were outside of town fetching her elder sibling from college and her juvenile sister was spending the night at a pal's house, leaving Sam and Matt by themselves. They communicated regarding prom, and the ensuing events, and everything sounded honeyed until they started discussing the afterparty.

"I'm not convinced this will work," Sam voiced.

"I comprehend the floor might not be the comfiest sleeping arrangement. If you don't desire it, it's alright, I can ferry you home. I'll leave my vehicle at the banquet hall so I can transact you to your home when you're ready." Matt could decipher her regret.

"No, no, it's not about the floor," Sam confided. "Matt, I'm a virgin."

"So, that implies you can't attend an afterparty?" he inquired, cautiously.

"No, that denotes I don't want my first instance to transpire on the floor of another gent's basement," Sam elucidated.

"Ah, I seize what you mean," he said, grinning widely. "Really, are you confident?"

"Yup, I've never been more eager regarding a situation in my life," Sam expounded. "And are you content with seducing a young lady who just happens to be my first? You think I just blow guys habitually?"

"No, they're not..." he trailed off.

"Behave now, you better be careful," she admonished lightly. Seriously, she stated, "I figure you've fornicated before?"

"Yes, I have," Matt admitted. "Certain?"

"Yes, it's perfectly acceptable," she apprised lightheartedly. "You're my boyfriend. You think I exclusively serve a plethora of men for nothing?"

"Uh, well..." he leisurely coalesced. His demeanor altered when he realized her meaning and he beamed. "Truly, the most beautiful girl I've feasted mine eyes upon, who's 18 and now my lover, who's considering relinquishing her maidenhead to me?" he inquired fawningly, lengthening the last term until Sam nodded earnestly, "is going to surrender her virginity to me? You're asking me if that's permissible?"

"Yep, that's the summation," Sam said, giggling briefly, then she seized his mouth in a kiss. "You're my boyfriend, seeing how unsupportively I just blew guys?"

It makes sense. And all of it was accurate before this school year. I've never really had a girlfriend prior to this, so this is fresh for me. Honestly, it's quite astonishing. I assumed you and Jeff had been... well, which I shouldn't have assumed. I never really contemplated it before. I just knew I liked you but figured you were way out of my league. Here I am, seated next to you, discussing this, and a few months ago I never would have fathomed being here.

"Same for me," Sam said. "But it feels natural, and I wish for you to be my first, so let's move forward."

"Now?" he questioned, suddenly appearing anxious. "Here?"

"Why postpone?" she asked. "Otherwise, I'll have to find someone else at the party tonight."

"Believe me, that won't be required," Matt said. He leaned toward her and kissed her. He was so tender and sensual that Sam's entire body shivered and her toes curled. Shortly, they were deeply kissing, his palms stroking her nipples through her shirt and then gliding over her slim thighs and up into her skirt.

Sam reclined and removed her shirt over her head before unclasping her bra, providing him with a breathtaking view of her gorgeous breasts. He nearly tore his shirt off and laid her on the bed, licking and sucking her breasts and sliding his fingers into her panties and into her vagina until Sam was quivering with excitement. "I'm ready," she said. He stepped off the bed and shed his pants, unveiling his massive erection. Sam adored the sight of it and hungered to experience it inside her.

Matt reached for her skirt as she lay sideways across the bed. Sliding it off her, he tenderly rubbed her trim, smooth thighs before gradually removing her panties. By this point, Sam was moist with anticipation and emitted a moan as he softly caressed her. She scooted to the center of the bed and spread her legs as he climbed on top of her.

"Be gentle," she whispered softly as she felt his cock at the entrance of her vagina. Matt kissed her gently and gradually inserted himself inside her. Sam gasped a little as he filled her. He started thrusting gently and it hurt, even a bit uncomfortable. He was so hard and it felt so big, but after a couple thrusts, it began to feel somewhat bearable. "You can increase the pace," she said. He pushed further inside and quicker. It felt uncomfortable again, but she relished having him inside her.

The intimacy of his penis slipping in and out with him on top of her was captivating. Sam looked at Matt's face and observed a look of focus and determination. She could tell he was attempting to be gentle and kind, which intensified her desire. She widened her legs a bit more and said, "You don't have to restrain yourself. It's fine, I want you to ejaculate inside me."

"Are you certain?" he asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," she said. "It's starting to feel better. Oh yeah, Matt, carry on." He ramped up the pace, thrusting harder and faster. Her vagina felt like it was expanding, and it had never been so packed, and while it was uncomfortable, she desired for him to climax inside her. Sam breathed deeply as he started fucking her harder, enchanted by how aroused he was. She could determine that he had surpassing the point of no return, overcome by yearning and unable to control himself. Sam commenced to whimper and glimpsed Matt's face contort just as she felt him thrust hard and deep one final time. He let out a powerful shout and she recognized he had just climaxed inside her for the initial time. Then he thrust slowly a few more times before halting and rolling off of her, panting and clearly sated for the moment.

They remained silent for several minutes, his arm beneath her and her head resting on his shoulder. "Are you certain we didn't employ birth control?" Matt inquired.

"Indeed, I'm assured," she said. "It'll be that time of the month any day now and furthermore, I began taking birth control a few weeks ago." He gave her a wry smile and she appended, "Yes, okay, I knew I wanted to do this with you the day subsequent to prom. I'm astonished I withheld myself this long." She kissed him fervently and stated, "Thank you for making my inaugural connection so phenomenal." They spent the night together and made love once again in the morning, in the missionary position once more. It felt better than the first time--much better--and Sam recognized she wouldn't be able to obtain enough. Matt was set for a mighty summer. But first, that evening was Trinity's prom.

Sam sported a tight, ruby-red floor-length gown that accentuated her petite waist and luscious backside. The dress was low-cut, revealing her generously endowed bosom, and featured two thin straps situated over her shoulders and a singular strap that traversed across her back, resulting in a shirtless appearance from the waist up. She omitted her bra for the evening, replacing it with a tiny scarlet thong. Her lengthy gait saw her wearing her locks in a wavy style, sporting two-inch heels and diamond-studded earrings.

At precisely 5:00pm, Matt arrived at Sam's residence. This occasion signaled a significant deviation from Sam's normal social circles, as she was unfamiliar with most of Matt's friends and was, moreover, out of her element attending a prom function without her friends. To make matters worse, Trinity's prom was set to occur, and Jeff and his pals would be present at the gathering, culminating in a limousine ride they'd have shared with Sam prior to being estranged. Consequently, Sam's frenzy intensified as she prepared for the impending encounter, impeding her punctuality, leaving Matt to glad-hand her father in the entrance hall of her home.

Her mother knocked softly on the door and entered, stating, "Honey, your date's here."

"I know, mom, I know," Sam responded curtly. "I'm doing it as fast as I can."

"Samantha, you look beautiful," her mother remarked. "Your date is waiting patiently, but you know how your dad can be."

"Yes, mom," Sam acknowledged, examining her reflection one final time. "Ready." Bracing herself, she exited her room and trekked down the stairs, passing her mother and, at the foot of the steps, encountered Matt who was meticulously appraising her.

"You're dating exquisite," he pronounced as she neared the ground. "You look even more spectacular than you did at your graduation event." Sam blushed, touched by his compliment, and happened to glimpse her mother squeezing her father's arm with both hands while they beamed at her. Sam graciously handed Matt a corsage and fastened the boutonniere to his attire. While waiting for the photoshoot, her parents and Matt engaged in amicable conversation.

Her father leaned down and imparted, "I'm glad you're with him instead of that other fellow."

"Thanks, Daddy," she replied, aware of her father's personal disdain for Jeff. "We'll be leaving now."

When she resumed the main room, her parents and Matt were gelling with one another admirably. Informing her companions, "Everyone, this is Sam," Matt introduced her to the assembly. "Sam, these are your classmates you're familiar with."

"Hi, Kelly. Hi, Lauren," she offered. "It's nice to see you again."

"It's Laura," one individual clarified. "Nice to see you, too."

"Apologies, I recognized that," Sam insisted. "We haven't maintained much interaction, as you haven't been the closest of friends since junior high, it's understandable that you wouldn't remember my name."

"It's fine," Laura articulated. "If you meant to apologize, that's all that matters."

"Well, if that's settled, let's move past it," Sam stated. "I hope we might enjoy this evening."

"Fine. Let's just forget about the past four years," Laura suggested. Sam nodded, albeit trepidatiously, as Laura's suggestions heightened her anxiety due to their complex history. Realizing Matt's friends were taking rather disrespectful jabs at her, instead of simply ignoring them, she chose to convert this into an opportunity to engage with her companions.

"I apologize," she reiterated. "Although we haven't been the kindest to one another during our association, tonight should provide an opportunity to forge new connections."

"Whoa, so we just make peace and forget we've known each other since grade school?" Laura inquired. "I guess that's fine."

"My friends and I haven't been the kindest toward you," Sam confessed. "I hope we can all enjoy ourselves tonight in a congratulatory, festive spirit," she inquired, pressing for compromising camaraderie.

Complying, the assemblage's gossip subsided, and the atmosphere shifted to facilitate togetherness during the evening's festivities. The discourse among them shifted to include Sam, enhancing her experience in her narrative, particularly when contrasted to her experience in the limo with Matt's friends, whose attention wouldn't stray from her radiant appearance.

This time the dinner was held at the event center hosting the prom and, throughout the ride, everyone had themselves a fine time. After awhile, even Kelly began to warm up, chatting with Sam with at least a little cordiality. The two girls from other schools were friendly as well. Somehow, Sam was taken aback that they all knew each other, attended the same social gatherings, participated in school shows, and possessed social lives that were totally separate but strikingly similar to hers. Except for Laura, who remained reluctant to converse.

As they entered the hotel ballroom, Sam confided in Matt, "Your pals are really nice. I'm sorry about me spoiling your name with Laura's. I hope it didn't embarrass you too much having your vindictive, cruel girlfriend display her cruelty right from the start."

"She'll get over it," Matt said. "And you're not vindictive or cruel, at least not really. Although you sometimes feel the need to maneuver like a manipulative girl." This stung a bit, but Sam knew he was correct. There was still time to change direction, she considered - or to use it to change the tide, she thought as she spied Jeff and Jen just inside the entrance.

"Hi Miller, still savoring your lukewarm seconds?" Jeff ridiculed Matt in front of the rest of their group.

"Lacking in endurance would imply you can sustain it long enough to complete the task, right Jeff?" Sam teased. She heard giggles all around and decided to carry on. "Got it, Jen? You've witnessed Jeff's dismal performance at the party after our first soccer match this season?"

Bothered by Jen's silence, Jeff shot back, "This is the new Sam Gentry - here with her helpless boyfriend and his bad buddies and their unattractive dates. I know you want me back honey, but no, it's too late."

"Yeah, I definitely pine for your premature ejaculation," Sam said. "What gal wouldn't? Right, Jen? And pretending to achieve climax constantly? Ooh, Jeff, that was so extraordinary... please take me back. Hey Jen, care for hearing about Jeff's performance at the party following our first soccer match this season?"

Jeff shot an angry glance at her, aware she had snoozed through his attempt to go down on her. Sam was aware his sense of self-importance couldn't handle her making that public. Jeff took a moment, then thought the better of it and walked away. "Jeff," Sam pursued. "Apologize to these gals for calling them ugly."

"I'm sorry," he said.

"For real, Jeff," Sam said. "And say something good about them."

"I'm sorry for calling you ugly," Jeff said to Laura. "It wasn't true and I didn't imply it. You look lovely tonight and I admire how you styled your tresses." He went around and apologized to the other females. Afterward, he addressed Sam, "Sufficient, Sam?"

"Almost," she said. Stooping down to kiss him on the lips, she bade him farewell and stated, "Adieu, Jeff. I wish never to interact with you more. In addition, something else." Sliding her head back, she whispered in his ear, "Matt got to act out things you didn't accomplish yesteryear, and he will redo they presently. However, you." Matt diverted his attention and guided her to their table.

"Exactly what's with Jeff's ex?" Sam inquired.

"Ex?" Greg inquired, surprised. "Matt has never experienced a girlfriend before. Would he have claimed otherwise?"

"No, but he's an excellent dancer and a fantastic kisser; he's remarkably skilled in various areas." Her companions all chuckled and emphatically appeared unfamiliar with the idea of him having a love partner. "Any idea, Laura?" Sam inquired.

"No, you must be referring to someone else," she chided abruptly, then rose abruptly and quickly exited the ballroom. Intent on discovering this, Sam approached a few of Matt's companions stationed close to the back of the venue. Perhaps I can slay two birds with one stone, she mused.

"Gentlemen, how are we travelling tonight?" Sam inquired. They responded with a mumble and she inquired, "Come on, chaps! Don't act according to you don't know me. We've been friends for years."

"Hello, Sam," Nate replied.

"How do you like my attire?" she asked.

"It's extremely lovely," Nate remarked.

"Think it's not too revealing?" she asked with a playful tone. "I was kind of worried it might be a bit too low-cut."

"Nah, it looks great," Nate replied. "Really great."

"There's the Nate I know," Sam smiled, reaching out to touch his arm as she stood close by. She knew this would appeal to him. "Hey, we can still be friends, right, even if I'm not with Jeff anymore?"

"Of course," Dave added.

"Well, in that case, I need to ask a favor," Sam explained. "You all know my boyfriend Matt, right?"

"Matt's your boyfriend now?" Nate asked, clearly surprised. "I didn't see that coming, but good for him."

"Yes, he's quite content," Sam replied, maintaining her flirtatious tone. "And I am too. More than ever before, but that's a different story. Anyway, do you know who Matt's ex-girlfriend is? He's been a bit evasive, but I want to express my gratitude to her for making him such an incredible lover."

"I'm not sure," Dave answered. "But we're not really close. I could ask around, but why don't you ask his buddies? They're sitting at your table, you know."

"I do know," Sam said. "They don't know or pretend not to."

"So you want to thank his ex for making him such an amazing lover?" Nate questioned.

"Yes, I do," Sam confirmed. "I'm not one to share details, but wow... he's incredible. I can't believe what I've been missing all these years. So if anyone finds out, let me know." She returned to the table and, as the music began, Greg inquired if she'd said Matt was a great dancer. "I did," she replied, as she and Matt led each other to the dance floor. Because of her athletic ability and a few dance lessons, she was exceptionally skilled and wowed Matt with her moves. "Wow, you've been practicing," he remarked as they circled the floor. Together, they danced to nearly every song, including slow numbers, which involved an ample amount of kissing.

By the end of the night, Sam and Matt, along with Greg and his date, piled into Matt's car, heading to Greg's home for the afterparty. There were more people present than Sam had anticipated, and she barely knew any of them. She made an effort to get to know Matt's friends and spent quality time with some girls from her school whom she rarely spoke to, finding it enjoyable to get to know them better. As the evening progressed, she regretted her high school cliquishness.

Around 1:30, Sam stealthily approached the upstairs bedrooms, hoping to find an empty one where she and Matt could go. Greg's house was large, with five bedrooms. It's strange that it's odd to me, she thought as she opened a door. Of course, other students have friends, attend parties, and live in large houses. As her hand reached for a different door, a voice behind her stopped her.

"That one's occupied," Laura said. "They're all taken."

"Oh, okay, I didn't realize," Sam responded.

"Great, so losers like us have boyfriends, huh?" Laura teased.

"No, that's not it," Sam explained, though she accepted Laura's assessment. "What's bugging you tonight?"

"What am I being a bitch about?" Laura asked mockingly. "I'm being a bitch because of you."

"Me?" Sam asked, genuinely puzzled.

"You and your friends make fun of everyone," Laura said. "I see that now. You'll say something snarky about someone, and everyone else will laugh. You think it's so funny, but it's bullying and I hate it."

"I'm sorry," Sam apologized. "I thought we were friends."

"We don't have to be," Laura said. "You're messing with Matt just to get back at Jeff, right?"

"No," Sam insisted. "That's not how it is."

"Really?" Laura responded skeptically. "Matt's just a pawn in your game."

"I can't let my past define me, Laura," Sam reasoned. "I'm trying to be a good person now."

"You know, I won't believe you," Laura shot back. "I've seen how you are with your friends. They'll laugh about this at your expense, and tomorrow, you'll be done with Matt. And he won't mean anything to you."

Sam's heart sank. Yes, from Laura's perspective, that's how it appears. "Laura, I promise you that's not the case."

"That's not my intention," Sam shared. She hesitated, took a deep breath, and proceeded, "Last night, Matt took my virginity." Laura seemed staggered, and Sam considered what might convince her.

"Are you serious?" Laura finally exclaimed.

"Yes, it's true." Sam continued, "I've never slept with Jeff, but I did sleep with Matt last night."

"That's pretty low," Laura replied. "Sleeping with Matt just to make your ex jealous. You're quite something."

"What the hell?" Sam shouted. "Matt wasn't a virgin. I was. I slept with him because I genuinely like him, even entirely... I like him, alright?" That's when it hit her. "You know what, you're the one who's questionable. You're trying to split me and Matt apart since you're in love with him. You're his ex, right? The one who instructed him on how to dance, kiss, and make love?"

"Me?" Laura questioned. "No, we've never been together. I used to have a crush on him during sophomore year, but nothing happened. He's so clumsy with girls, he never made a move. And he doesn't have an ex. What the heck are you talking about?"

"He does." Sam emphasized. "She was the one who taught him to dance, kiss, and please women. You're asserting that wasn't you?"

"No," Laura responded. "He's a skilled dancer, but I thought he was copying your moves. He never even goes to school dances, so how would I know."

"What's happening?" Laura questioned as Matt emerged from around the corner.

"You're here," Matt said casually to Sam. As they stared at him, he added playfully, "Listen, I know what you're implying. I can't say anything. I promised her, and I plan on adhering to my promise. You two can learn everything about me, except that. Oh, Laura, maybe not everything."

"No, it's fine," Sam replied. "You can tell her. It's intriguing to hear stories about people and knowing they're having those same tales about me." Matt blushed slightly, and Sam realized it was time to take matters into her own hands. "Laura, are you sure that this room is free?"

"Go ahead," Laura said. "We can sleep downstairs. You look like you need it more than me. And by the way, I'm sorry for being such a jerk. I was only trying to help my friend."

"Thanks, Laura," Sam agreed. "Come on, my dear." She guided Matt into the bedroom and shut the door behind them, not concerned about the lack of a lock. She pulled the chain to dim the lights and stood before Matt.

"You're so darn sexy," he said as he examined her. Sam grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

"Are you aware of my motivations?" she asked. "Not to upset Jeff or cause envy."

"I do," he confirmed, and she could tell he was sincere. Sam made a dramatic flip and unclasped her backless dress. She pushed it off her shoulders, removing it completely to show off her nearly naked body. She also removed her thong, giving Matt a full view of her naked body.

"Do you want to see them?" Sam teased, gesturing to her lovely breasts. "Do you want to touch them?" Matt nodded, and Sam backed away, reaching for a seat on the bed.

"Sit down," she instructed, receiving a nudge from him towards the center of the bed. Sam stopped, taking a moment to gaze at him before lowering herself gracefully. "Lie down," she commanded. Matt obeyed, and she straddled his chest gently, playfully caressing his face.

"Kiss me," she begged, slowly leaning down and kissing him. He leaned upwards to meet her halfway in the embrace. Then she pushed him back down, kissing him more intimately, deeply, and slowly. Sliding her hips forward, Sam briefly rested them above Matt's face, scrutinizing his reactions.

With a wicked glint in her eye, Sam lifted her body. Sam paused and then slowly inched backward, presenting Matt with the fabulous view of her body. Encouraged, Sam slid off him and slid her arms behind her, raising her hips and bending forward slightly. Sam raised her hips and leaned down, her thong coming loose and falling to the side. She innately presented her backside to him, teasing him with what he imagined he would experience later. Sam raised her buttocks high, slid back upwards, releasing her hips from his view, and finally stood upright, satisfied with her performance.

From the way he was breathing and his expression, it was clear Matt was practically bursting with desire. Sam chuckled and rubbed her chest while rubbing her breasts with her other hand. She then squeezed her middle finger in and out of her wet pussy, moaning loudly, "Oh, I'm feeling so wet!" She groaned again, "I need it so badly." Matt tried to reach for her, but Sam backed off, saying, "Not just yet." She removed her clothes, then turned her back to Matt so he could admire her tight tush.

As he moved to touch it, Sam said, "Not just yet," one more time. She then slid her thong down and removed it, revealing her bald, damp pussy. She touched herself right there, making a loud noise, "Ahhh, I'm so drenched."

When Matt saw her finger moving in and out of her pussy, it made his penis even harder. Sam smiled at him and slowly slipped her hand between her legs. Her finger moved up and down on her clit while Matt gazed at her passionate act. She inserted two fingers into her pussy and whimpered with pleasure, moaning, "Matt, I need it so badly."

"Sam, I just can't wait any longer," he blurted out. She silenced him with her index finger pressed to her lips. She tasted her fingers and made him more excited by moaning loudly.

"On the bed," she ordered, and Matt followed suit. He could see her wet finger and the sight made his dick throb. Sam fingered her hotness some more before climbing up and kneeling right between Matt's legs. Her finger stroke the length of his dick as she inquired, "You're that bad off, huh?" Matt thrust his hips, moaning loudly.

She removed her hand, grabbed her wet finger and sucked them, sending Matt into a wild anticipation.

"You need it so much, don't you?" she said as she played with his dick. Sam fist pumped his dick, going from the base to the tip. Matt couldn't take it anymore, he arched his back and thrust his hips upward.

"By all means, make yourself at home," Sam said as she slid her wetness down to his shaft before lowering herself onto it. Her tight pussy met Matt's dick, penetrating for only the third time. She made low sounds of pleasure as she moved up and down. She rode him slowly, saturating his dick with her wetness. Matt's hips bucked as he struggled not to climax.

She paused for a moment, and then resumed riding him, leaning higher to go deeper. Sam's fingers rubbed her clitoris, making her gush, pouring more moisture to Matt's already wet member. Sam was feeling hornier in this otherwise regular routine, so she squatted over him and slid her wetness down his cock.

"Don't you dare say a word," she instructed. Matt nodded quickly. Sam ran her index finger along Matt's penis, stimulating him. Matt was so thrilled about Sam's new dominance that he couldn't resist moaning loudly.

Sam straightened up and told Matt to keep holding her, as she started to ride him. She grabbed Matt's hands, placing them on her breasts and enjoyed the roughness of his touch. Not long after, Sam felt her climax nearing, her shivers grew and she rubbed harder against him. With a loud yell, she reached the peak, his cock proving her right with his thrusts into her.

Matt couldn’t last long, and his orgasm passed as he slammed his hips upward, releasing his load into her. When his body stopped jerking, she softly rested her hand on his chest and removed herself from his member. The mixture of his semen and her wetness formed a trail down her leg. Sam lay next to him, enjoying the feeling after her relentless ride.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Sam.

"It's so damn obvious. That was incredible. I've never felt you so tight, don't even know if I'll last long next time."

"I'm happy about that," Sam replied. "I like being in that position with him." They made out for some time before they both fell asleep. When Sam woke up, she found herself with Matt's arms around her and his morning erection pressed against her bottom. It felt nice to be in his arms, as if she belonged there.

After a while, they both awoke and silently lay together until they heard noises coming from the door. They got dressed in shorts and t-shirts and went downstairs to join other partygoers who were either waking up or about to. The group chatted about the previous night's events, and Sam enjoyed getting to know Matt's friends, including the women she had previously ignored.

At one point, Sam noticed her friend Greg's curious gaze. "Is everything alright?" she inquired. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I feel like I need to ask this, but is this real?" Gregory questioned. "Is Matt Miller, of all people, actually having sex with Samantha Gentry?"

"Why would that be so shocking?" Sam asked.

"Really?" Gregory responded. "Do you know how many years we've known Matt? He's not exactly seductive or popular with the ladies, and you're absolutely gorgeous! I'm just surprised that this is happening. You two seem great together."

"He's my boyfriend," Sam replied. "What would you expect me to do with him?"

"Your boyfriend?" Gregory said. "This is unbelievable. Matt's my best friend, but he's not known for his sexual prowess, and you're so stunning."

"Thank you," Sam said with a smile. "But Matt is superb in bed. Intelligence, considerateness, ambition, and dancing are all important too." She then whispered, "And he's great at giving oral."

"This really shouldn't be surprising," Gregory said. "You seem well-suited to each other, and you're also quite kind, at least in our group. People are glad you're part of the group now." Sam beamed and hugged him.

Matt, Sam, and their friends said their goodbyes, and Sam was driven home by Matt. They exchanged one final kiss in front of Sam's home. That summer represented the best time in Sam's life. She and Matt had nonstop sex at her home, his home, in their cars, and even at work. Her preferred moment occurred when she was bent over in a second-story employee-only area at work. A customer passing by saw her bent over, her large breasts bouncing as Matt went at it from behind. He caught his gaze and smiled at the customer while Matt pounded her, thrilled at the idea of someone else witnessing her being taken.

With just a few nights remaining before she left for school, Sam and Matt spent an evening with Maggie and her friends. The discussion switched to Maggie's role as a bridesmaid at her brother's wedding to Ms. Tapper. As they talked about the ceremony, reception, and related matters, one of Sam's friends commented, "I bet the guys at Trinity would be upset to hear this conversation. They all have crushes on her. She must be disappointed it's over."

"No chance," another replied. "Our younger brother attending Trinity mentioned hearing that someone observed Ms. Tapper with a student."

"Stop it," Maggie interjected. "There's no truth to that. She's not that kind of person at all." As Sam smiled mischievously, she pulled Maggie aside.

"The dancing, the kissing, the evident experience, the late nights working on the newspaper," Sam said. "I'm curious..."

"No way," Maggie insisted with a frown. "Maggie, you're overreacting! My future sister-in-law absolutely did not have an affair with your boyfriend. That's the end of it."

"Hmm, you could be on to something there," Sam chuckled. "Think about it, wouldn't it be wild if it were true? Matt Miller and Ms. Tapper having a steamy affair at the school?"

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