Our Town

A mature woman's erotic discipline story.

Jul 8, 2024
10 min read
canehigh heelsage differenceintercourseOur Townfuckingorgasmpunishmentfingeringspankingmature
Our Town
Our Town

Our Town

Amanda's red heels flash brightly as she walks purposefully down the quaint, high street of this archetypally English seaside town. Today she wears a calve-length denim dress with the lower front buttons undone to reveal flashes of shapely legs, an entrancing hint of smooth inner thighs and just a hint of cleavage. As she proceeds past old-fashioned shop fronts, Amanda - naturally curly dark hair tied back with a colourful scarf - attracts admiring glances from men and women alike. Behind her smile, the woman's heart beats a little faster than usual at the prospect of what promises to be both a busy and challenging day. Turning right up a steep narrow sideroad she knocks on the door of an imposing Georgian property.

"Come in," commands a deep male voice and Amanda follows a familiar path through art and antique-filled rooms to a study at the rear of the building where sits the Major, exuding an avuncular but very real authority. With an upright bearing and presence testament to his years of military service, the imposing former officer takes a moment to consider the bare legs, discreet ankle tattoo and excellent figure of this most welcome female visitor. "Come to settle your monthly account?" he enquires.

"As per our agreement," confirms Amanda, adrenalin coursing through her veins while warily viewing various implements of correction casually arrayed on a large desk. She's encountered most of them before, a recollection that causes a shiver of anticipation, it's not only her palms that are suddenly damp. "What will it be, and how do you want me?" she enquires. The Major considers this question for a moment, deliberately letting the tension build before picking up a slender rattan cane and swishing it alarmingly through the air.

"Just a 'sixer' today," he announces, "a necessarily brief encounter,

I've an important meeting in the city, mustn't miss my train. Please be so good as to bend over, feet apart and grasp your ankles." Thank goodness for the modest number of strokes, thinks Amanda as she complies with these concise instructions, this is a bugger of a position to maintain when your bum is blazing.

"Magnificent," mutters the Major, flipping up Amanda's dress to bare her alluringly presented posterior. And it truly is, full, firm and protected not one jot by a delightfully attenuated pair of satin panties. "Ready?" he lifts his arm and carefully measures the distance.

"Yes Sir," responds Amanda tensely, gritting her teeth and bracing for the first stroke.

"Ooof!" He may no longer be young, but the Major possesses strong forearms. "Christ!" Amanda rocks on her heels, struggling to keep her balance whilst successive parallel lines of fire bisect her behind. "Owww," she moans quietly as the last cane stroke continues to make itself felt a full minute after being delivered. With a provocative wiggle, Amanda stands stiffly and attempts to regain her customary composure. "Applied them forcefully today," she observes without resentment, all the while furiously massaging her sore bottom.

"Let you keep your knickers on," he counters cheerfully.

"True," she concedes, "did you like the shoes?"

"I certainly did my dear, an inspired choice, they elevate those delightful buttocks quite wonderfully." As had been her intention when selecting this outfit. Ever the gentleman, the Major makes no other demands upon Amanda who often reciprocates this gentlemanly behaviour by augmenting her attire with accessories she knows will please him, stockings and suspenders are a particular favourite. If he subsequently wishes to please himself at the erotic recollection, so much the better.

"I'll be off then," she announces, planting an affectionate peck on his cheek and leaving a trace of Jo Malone perfume that'll haunt the old buffer enjoyably for the rest of the day.

He beams appreciatively. "You'll check on the pub and shop as usual?"

"Consider it done." In addition to occasional punitive encounters, Armada collects rent and manages the Major's many properties around the town - for which duties she inhabits her cottage rent-free.

Indulging the aristocratic Major's very particular 'enthusiasms' - an open secret among locals - is to her mind a small price to pay for such a lovely place to live. Well-known and respected by his many tenants, the former soldier combines old-fashioned paternalism with understated noblesse oblige philanthropy, a landlord considered by most as firm but fair. Although genuinely fond of the elderly Major, it also hasn't escaped Amanda's notice that he has no heirs. Play her cards right and one day all this could be hers...

"I'll need these," Amanda adds as an afterthought, tucking a couple of items from the desk into her shoulder bag. "Have a lovely day," she adds by way of a final farewell, favours her benefactor with a radiant smile and departs.

Back down the hill, stilettos clicking on the cobbled surface, hips swaying, nothing to more than a slight flush on her face to betray the nature of the recent encounter, Amanda continues to her next destination, the Dog and Bone pub, reputedly Tudor, more likely Victorian, enters a lounge bar thronged with tourists and makes her way to the back where the landlady, a pretty woman of middle years, nervously awaits.

"Rent's all there," mumbles Meg, looking fixedly at the floor.

"Thank you," replies Amanda accepting the cash. "you of course know there's another matter to be dealt with?"

Meg sighs. "Me being short with customers?"

"I know they can be annoying sometimes," says Amanda sympathetically, "but this town depends on holidaymakers, we can't go biting the hand that feeds us; the Major simply won't tolerate such behaviour."

Meg nods sadly. "Thing is, we've been a bit busy lately, jobs mount up, and it's hard to cope on my own since my useless husband ran off with that young barmaid."

"In which case I'll get young George the Major's gardener and handyman to call in and lend a hand," answers Amanda briskly, always a person with a solution to problems. "He's a good strong chap who'll soon help you get on top of this dilemma and, I shouldn't be surprised, get on top of you as well. Might relieve a certain unrequited need that's also been making you grumpy." The prospect immediately brings a smile to Meg's face, albeit vanishing almost immediately at the sight of the tawse Amanda produces from her bag.

"Nevertheless, although I'm sympathetic to your circumstances, a penalty must be paid, misbehaviour cannot go unchastised. Lift your skirt and kneel on that chair." Generous of bosom and curvaceous of bottom, Meg will give George a run for his money, thinks Amanda. "You're going to get a dozen and since you're a big girl with plenty to absorb the sting I'm going to lay them on hard."

Feet and fists drumming, Meg suffers the indignity of having every inch of her pale posterior rendered hot to the touch as the strap is relentlessly applied and she struggles to curtail her yelps in case the customers on the other side of the door should hear. At long last, Meg is allowed to clamber inelegantly to her feet, clutching her hot red behind and blinking back tears.

"All forgiven and forgotten as always," says Amanda hugging her tightly. She leans in, kissing Meg lightly on the lips and cupping an impressive deĢcolletage. Feels a stirring within which, judging by the expression on the errant publican's face, is reciprocated. Wouldn't be the first occasion, but unfortunately there's no time to pursue such erotic diversions today, Amanda has pressing matters to attend to.

In contrast to Meg's Rubenesque charms, her next appointment is with slender, flame-haired Debby who curates and manages a vintage clothes shop - often modelling the clothes herself. Once again rent is collected, and personal shortcomings addressed.

"Twice lately you've been late opening," chides Amanda. "Retro clothes fly off the rails in the summer and we can't have customers finding the place closed. The Major takes a dim view, as do I."

"Hard to get out of bed sometimes, especially when I'm sharing it with someone sexy, such as you," retorts Debby smartly.

"Too many late nights in the Dog and Bone would be closer to the truth my girl, and don't think for a second think you can use our occasional dalliances to avoid punishment. You know, yours was my first job when I moved to this town, work hard and who knows what opportunities might present in future, there may come a time when I require an assistant." Now firmly in control of the situation, Amanda sits in an upright chair and pats her lap. "Pull those impossibly tight jeans down and get over my knee, right now, young lady."

Debby reluctantly assumes the position, exposing a perfect peach of a derriere while Amanda rummages in her capacious shoulder bag, this time finding a hairbrush. Grasping the petite wench firmly round the waist Amanda commences smacking the girl's pertly rounded bottom. In truth, the spanking is mild in comparison to Meg's chastisement, although sufficient to get the recipient extremely hot and bothered. By the time it's concluded, Debby is wet between the legs and her chastiser is visibly flushed.

"Please finger my pussy, you're so good at it, being spanked makes me horny and I badly need to come" Debby pleads.

"Sorry, must dash," reluctantly Amanda demurs, "there's someone I have to meet, consider sexual frustration part of your correction," she adds, squeezing her thighs together and summoning all her willpower to resist temptation. No doubt the girl's dexterous digits will shortly be at work to assuage her arousal, meanwhile she has other plans...

"George gardening at your place is he then?" Debby can't resist a cheeky question.

"Er, yes," Amanda blushes uncharacteristically. Debby affords her a knowing look. "You can at least kiss me goodbye." And a long and lingering smooch it is...

Back at her cottage, George is busy mowing the lawn. The early summer afternoon is warm, and he's taken off his shirt. Flat abdomen, perfect 'pecs, oh to be 23 again, thinks Amanda, black lace briefs moistening as her pussy tingles in anticipation of the delights to follow.

"Come inside I'll get you a cold drink," she says and leads George willingly towards temptation. He leans against the kitchen counter, dark pupils frankly appraising her - in his words - 'classy chassis'. Fair enough, after all, Amanda frequently ogles his muscular frame and it's already been several times demonstrably proven that the simmering attraction between the pair is mutual. The older woman has always had a strong sexual appetite and right now her libido is in overdrive.

"Been to see the Major?" he enquires astutely. As if George doesn't know. Amanda nods in confirmation. "Let's see the damage then." With a coquettish smile, she turns, presents her delectable derriere and lifts the hem of her dress. "He was strict today," observes George.

"Some cold cream would help," she ventures.

"Think you've earned it." George manoeuvres Amanda face down over the arm of a thickly padded sofa and bares her buttocks. My but the woman's got a magnificent arse, thinks George appreciatively, cock growing ramrod stiff as he enjoys the blatant display. She moans gratefully as he solicitously soothes her stinging stripes. An idyllic interlude, rudely interrupted by a slap on Amanda's still tender behind. "Ouch! What was that for?" She turns her head in mock outrage only to be pinned down by two strong hands.

"I hear you visited my girlfriend?"

"Who?" Amanda genuinely does not know.


"Really? Since when."

"Couple of weeks back."

Minx didn't see fit to share the fact with me, thinks Amanda.

George runs an exploratory finger along engorged, wet labia, making her gasp and squirm. Adds a second digit and begins to gently pulse them in and out of her hot pussy. The sensation is blissful, Amanda's eyes close, lips parting as her breathing quickens. Working her internal muscles, she tightens her pussy, trapping the questing fingers within.

"Lovely darling," she whispers, "but I need something much bigger and thicker up there." All the invitation George requires to penetrate Amanda's pouting sex from behind in no uncertain fashion, a lack of finesse more than compensated for by his impressive stamina. Goodness, I'd almost forgotten what a big boy he is, thinks Amanda approvingly as she adjusts to being filled to the brim. The experience of George thrusting hard into her honeypot is incredible; being taken vigorously from the rear is quite her favourite position and she rolls her hips, urging his girth even deeper. Sensing the urgency of the older woman's need, the lusty lad delivers such an enthusiastic fucking Amanda soon climaxes twice in rapid succession. Eventually, the uninhibited bucking of her haunches proves too much for George who, with a hoarse cry, spurts powerfully into her well-fucked pussy as she orgasms for a third and final time.

Minutes later they share a post-coital jazz cigarette.

"Did you visit Meg?" George enquires, "handsome woman that."

"Yes," confirms Amanda, "I promised you'd pop round later and see if she needed anything attending to. If you've enough energy left of course."

"No problem," George assures her confidently. A thought strikes him. "Debby sells the nylons the Major likes in her shop, doesn't she?" Goodness, muses Amanda, is nothing private around here?

"That's right, why do you ask." As if she can't guess.

"Fancy you can wear them for me when next I visit, reckon I'll put you on the kitchen table and..."

"Yes alright, I get the picture," interrupts Amanda hastily. "Hardly the most sophisticated suggestion, but I admit the idea has a certain basic attraction. Immediately after my next visit to the Major would be a good time, getting my bum chastised always lights a fire. You're going to have your hands full servicing Debby, Meg and me..."

"Think you'll find I can always rise to the challenge," responds George cheerfully, a young man living his best life. "Oh, and I know exactly what fun and games go and on besides your warming their bottoms when you collect the rent. No secrets in a small town."

"Seems as if we're both happy in our work then," Amanda whispers seductively. "Ready to go again?" Of course he is.

Bet you'd like to live in our town?

  1. Despite the soreness from the cane, Amanda couldn't help but admire the effect of her high heels on her elegantly presented posterior.
  2. In her shoulder bag, Amanda carried a few items, including a pair of nylons that she knew the Major would appreciate.
  3. Meg, the landlady of the Dog and Bone pub, was particularly fond of the mature Amanda's choice of attire, including her high heels and cane-revealing outfit.
  4. Debby, the vintage clothes shop owner, found herself aroused by the thought of Amanda visiting her, especially knowing that the Major had chastised her earlier.
  5. George, Amanda's gardener and handyman, was deeply impressed by her maturity, age difference, and her ability to command authority, even while wearing high heels.

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