Celebrity Sex Stories

Part 1: Reluctant Spy

Stephen gets recruited as a spy by a dominant agent.

May 2, 2024
12 min read
femdomPart 1: Reluctant Spyfmtease and denialfacesittingforced
Part 1: Reluctant Spy
Part 1: Reluctant Spy

Part 1: Reluctant Spy

Stephen shut his eyes, feeling the glow of light suppressing his sight. He attempted to shift in his chair, realising his restraints were too tight. Foggy-brained, he tried to remember where he currently was. Then came the announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, flight attendants will now gather any goods you no longer require to prepare for landing." Oh yes, he recalled, a red-eye flight. He opened his eyes to the upon him - clouds sprawling on the side of his window, the sun streaming in so intensely that he practically winced at its brilliance. He yawned and took a warm towel from the enticing flight attendant. Stephen wasn't keen on travelling. Or more precisely, he disliked patience before and after. The vehicle itself was fine, but the process was oppressively tiresome.

The aircraft took forever to taxi down to the landing pad, and passengers leapt from their seats to escape the claustrophobic box while the bridge to the mainland was connected slowly. Stephen, a well-seasoned voyager, took his time and waited. As he exited the aircraft, he thanked the pilot and the staff before shuffling through the bustling terminal, joining the queue in preparation to surrender his passport and border card.Through another line, padding forwards hesitantly with the rest, and then the rhythmic drone verifying and authorising his legal presence, producing a common chorus of chanting.

"Stephen Crane?" queried the border official upon his entry.

"Yes, that's me," Stephen affirmed.

"So why are you here, Mr. Crane?" questioned the border guard, closely examining his passport and visas.

"For business," he announced, feeling confident. The same questions, the same routine.

"And what type of business are you involved in?" inquired the guard, rapidly merging Stephen's passport with the machine.

"I sell electronic devices. We offer a choice between components for manufacturing and even some primary industries like oil and gas,"

"I see," said the guard passively. Swiping the passport through the reader, he stamped his border card and handed it back to Stephen, clicking a button to signal him to exit.

"Thank you," Stephen received, taking his card and strolling toward the exit. Here he handed over his card to the awaiting guard, who glanced at it with military concentration and then unlocked the door to let Steven into the country. Steven trudged across the distance, relinquishing the card to the heavily armed officer.

"Please proceed this way, sir," instructed the sentry, guiding Stephen.

Steven nodding, wishing to do the same; for a shower, for a nap - he craved to feel fresh and prepared for work. The officer moved away from him, leading him up a staircase and inserting a key into the door. "Please have a seat," he requested, pulling Stephen inside and locking the door with a decisive click.

Silence. The quiet room isolated them from the surrounding chaos. "Enough of this," muttered Stephen, with irritation. Yet as he sat down in a crude chair, facing the crossed legs of the desk, he became aware of the lack of hubbub beyond - a change which would at first seem unimportant but gradually increased in significance with every slow, laboured breath he exhaled. Peering around the dull room, he spotted a desk, a couple of chairs, and a crappy couch positioned on the side of the wall. A blank canvas.

Stephen sat, tired, only to discover that he now had the patience of a saint. He glanced at his watch but time seemed to have ceased.

Click - the door opened, and a dark-haired border official entered, beaming - a luggage bag in hand.

"Ooh, quiet in here," remarked Stephen jokingly, hoping to make a connection with this woman. "This room seems to block out the cacophony of chaos outside."

"The silence of an unheard scream," she countered, impeccably combed hair draped back from her soft eyes.

"So, you're Stephen Crane?" she questioned.

"That's me." He grinned, attempting a little charm.

"I'm not a police officer, or a border guard. I'm from our country's intelligence," Julia admitted. "We believe you would be a valuable asset for us if you'd help us understand your connections and what they're up to. What say you, Stephen?"

"This isn't my department. I'm no spy. I can't recall the information you're requesting...I'm useless for this," Stephen defended.

Juanita spoke up, reaching into her suitcase. She pulled out three substantial, thick wads of money. "I mean no offense," she told me, smiling as she glanced down at the cash, "but we need your help," she said, her tone pleasant. "And there's more where that came from if you lend a hand."

I eyed the cash, shaking my head. "I'm not a spy," I responded. "I've finished paying off my bills, my house, my kids have left home. I'm comfortable. I don't need the money. Sorry."

Juanita looked a bit crestfallen, returning the cash to her suitcase. She then produced a bag of white powder, gazing a me questioningly.

"No," I stated, "I've never done drugs." I shrugged. "If that's all," I started to stand up.

"SIT DOWN!" she commanded aggressively, her eyes blazing. I sat back down, feeling a stirring sensation within me. Juanita evaluated me carefully. "I believe," she mused, "that there's more to you than just money or drugs," she admitted, seeing the bulge forming beneath my pants. She bent down to my ear and whispered softly, "I wonder..." she breathed, her warm breath tickling my ear, "if there are other things that might interest me."

She sat back down at the desk across from me, still sitting on the cage. "Are you feeling vulnerable?" she inquired. "Spread your legs farther apart," she ordered, when I didn't immediately follow her instructions, "SPREAD YOUR LEGS! NOW!" she commanded firmly. I complied, pulling my legs wider. She placed her foot between my thighs, and began delicately pressing down on my erection with the tip of her boot. I groaned despite myself.

Juanita contemplated, "Seems you do have buttons to be pushed," she murmured. "You've been doing that on your own since your divorce?" she teased.

"I'm not the person you need," I countered.

"Oh?" she raised an eyebrow, "Perhaps not..." She stood up, retrieving something from her suitcase. Returning to me, she snapped handcuffs onto my left hand, bringing them together and cuffing my right. "PRETEND YOU'RE BEING ARRESTED FOR MURDER," she teased me, watching my muscles tense. She motioned for me to stand up, and began locking the cuffs into the back of my pants.

"Sheesh," I said, "you must really hate men or something."

"No," she replied, her eyes gleaming. She rose up again, her booted foot hovering over my balls, "I'm in charge. I decide what you do. You understand?"

"And you're...?" I asked, trying to remember her name.

"You're forgetting already?" she chided, moving her boot away from me. In its place, she placed her boot on my stomach, pressing into the small of my back. "Put your forehead on the floor."

"Yes, ma'am," I murmured as I lowered down, my cheek making contact with the floor.

"Kiss my boots as an apology," she whispered. I weakly brought my lips to the length of her boot, kissing the top.

"You're sorry?" she checked.

"Yes," I admitted between kisses, her boot being pressed on my crotch as she moved it slightly.

"What's my name?"

"I was trying to guess," I replied, "but.."

"Five seconds," she warned, "counting..." She moved her boot away from my face and pressed it into my neck. "Juanita, or Miss Juanita," she corrected, standing up again and positioning her boot on my back, my face pressed into the floor.

"I'm sorry, Miss Juanita. I just thought that's what you wanted me to do."

"Wrong." Juanita struck me across the face, leaving a welt. "Don't touch me. I'll be the only one touching you." She cackled, "And there are consequences if you disobey."

"I'm so sorry, Miss Juanita!" I whimpered, my cheek against the floor.

"Good!" she noted. "Let's try that again," she commanded.

I complied, pulling my head up a little to seek out her boot. Juanita placed her foot squarely on the back of my head, pressing down. I lifted my lips and attempted to kiss the boot.

"You need to kiss deeper," she ordered. I complied, forcing my lips to the boot and feeling her sigh. "Perfect."

Juanita crouched down beside me, her foot hovering above my face until she placed it in front of mine. "Who's in charge here?" she asked.

"You're in charge," I responded, constantly seeing that boot hanging over my face.

"And what's my name?"

I rolled the name over in my mind. "Juanita," I finally answered.

"Good." She placed her foot back on my neck. "KILL ME," she whispered, her foot pressing harder.

I cringed, "I'm sorry, Juanita," kissing the top of her boot again out of reflex.

Juanita patiently waited for me to stand up, her knee raised above my face. "Where's your penis?" she asked. I grit my teeth, trying to concentrate. "It should be sticking out, Straight up," she instructed. "Painful, but it's necessary."

Trying to follow her orders, my penis struggled to obey. "This is really painful," I pointed out.

"It's a test for you," she replied, leaning her weight down on my shoulder as my penis finally rose to attention. She backed away, and then placed a pillow over my body. "You are mine, do you understand?"

Complying, I nodded.

"WHERE'S YOUR PENIS?" she boomed.

"Here," I replied, trying to mentally tough it out.


Juanita picked up the blanket and removed it, folding it up and not putting it away. She then led me unsteadily in front of her. "Kiss my boots," she ordered, her leg on my shoulder preventing me from seeing. I went to kiss, but she pressed her boot into the back of my head.

"WRONG." She swept her leg to the side, leaving a flattened palm on my kneeling form. "You're going to kiss my SHOES. I suppose it's a privilege. You don't appreciate it, then you won't be kissed."

I kissed her shoes weakly, thinking of all the fun I had. "I'm sorry, I'm both aroused and scared," I told her.

"Constant," she corrected me, pushing herself off my back. I meekly looked up at her, seeking her approval.

"I'm sorry," I repeated. She then lifted her foot, jabbing it into my crotch as I tried to rise. "NO!" she snapped, "KISS MY BOOTS." My head shot down, my tears soaking the floor.

"You better be." You heard Juanita standing over you and unfastening one of the handcuffs. "Turn on your back." You felt the handcuff pinch as she guided you to roll over. You complied, following the cuff to minimize the pain. "Put your other arm up here," she instructed using the cuff to enforce compliance. Click. You laid looking up, your arms stretched above your head, bound around the desk leg. Juanita peered down at you. "So what's your answer?" she grinned, loosening her round tanned breasts from her shirt and bra, flinging them onto the couch.

"I'm not really..." you began.

"I see..." Juanita gazed down at her captive. "Now let's see what you're packing," she murmured, sliding off your pants and underwear. Your cock swelled and hardened as it was freed from its confinement.

"Seems like you're really enjoying yourself," she smirked. She leaned down and slowly ran her hand along the shaft, feeling it throb under her touch. She moaned softly in her throat. "Nice and big Stephen. Think you'd like to push that into me, huh Stephen?" she pulled her nails over the shaft. You closed your eyes. "Open those eyes!" Juanita barked.

"Yes," you whimpered.

"Yes what?" asked Juanita.

"Yes please!" you groaned. Juanita got up and sauntered over to the desk, before returning.

"You're a thick swine," she snarled at you. You realized she had the ruler, and right before you could react, she brought it down hard on your thigh three times. "Yes, ma'am Juanita." You said.

"I'm sorry, ma'am Juanita," you gasped, panting from the pain. Junita eyed your shriveled cock.

"Looks like we need to do something with that..." She said eyeballing your dick. She straightened up and removed her uniform boots, stepping out of her uniform entirely. You watched her undress, salivating at the sight.

Juanita smiled, savvy to the effect she was having on you. "You like what you see, but you still decline?" She sauntered back towards you, taking her boots off as she did. "I suppose you need more convincing." Juanita placed two legs on either side of your face. You reached up to kiss her pussy.

"No!" she shrieked, grasping the ruler and smacking your cock with it. You screamed in pain "I never told you, you could lick my pussy, did I? What are you? A wild beast? A filthy animal?"

"Nooo," you wailed, "I'm so sorry ma'am Juanita," you panted.

"Good." said Juanita, "If I want my pussy licked, or my ass licked, I'll tell you..." You eyed her glistening pussy above you, yearning to lick it. "Now then," she said with her back to you. "This is quite simple. You know how much pain I can inflict...well, I can inflict a lot more, I assure you. This wasn't my first job for the agency. By the way, you're not permitted to cum unless I say so? Do you comprehend? I want to make sure I have your full attention."

Slowly, Juanita ran her fingers over your cock. "I believe I have your attention now," she beamed. Slowly she skimmed her hand up the shaft to the head, then down again. She watched the pre-cum pool on its tip. "Does that feel nice to you, boar?" she inquired over her shoulder.

"Yes, ma'am Juanita," you said, feeling ecstasy flow through your body with each touch.

"Great," purred Juanita. She spat on his dick before sliding her hand up and down, feeling it jerk underneath. Steve began squirming slightly under her.

"Be patient, there's still a long way to go," she smiled. "I'll make this easy for you; just tell me when you're about to cum..." Teasing Juanita played with his head with her fingers. "So impatient!" she moaned. She ceased her movements and moved her pussy patiently towards Steve's face. "Don't lick yet. Not at this point," she instructed.

Juanita slowly ran her fingers down his dick. "You know what I enjoy? Being fucked. The sheer pleasure of having a cock inside me. These men think they have control, but it's me who holds the power because I control who makes them cum. It excites me thinking about it," she said.

Steve groaned, sensing moist, warm folds a few inches from his face.

"Do you want to lick?" Juanita inquired. "If you want to lick, you need to beg me to let you lick me...and I'll decide if it's my ass or my pussy that gets licked." Juanita stopped her hand movements over his shaft, letting his excitement show. "Stephen?"

"Oh, please, Juanita, let me lick your pussy...please, I beg you."

"But won't you cum if I let you do that?" Juanita stood up and strolled back to her office desk. Steve couldn't make out what was resting there.

"Please Juanita, please let me lick your pussy. Please," repeated Steve, lost in the moment. Suddenly, Juanita reappeared on top of him again, placing his erection between her legs. "Lick my ass, boy," she commanded, settling down on him and giving his penis a quick tug. Steve obliged, licking around her ass and hearing her moan at the sensation. "That feels so good, Stephen..." she got off, moved around, and straddled him again. "I bet you would like to put that dick in me and cum now, wouldn't you, Stephen?" she said, eyeing her conquest. "Look at these nipples," she indicated her breasts, "and how hard they are. It's such a shame that you can't touch or lick them down there." She grinned.

"Please, Juanita...please, let me cum," begged Stephen.

"Not yet, Stephen." Juanita purred. She rotated 180 degrees and settled on his cock, almost allowing it to penetrate her, yet ensuring it didn't enter. "This feels so wet now; I'd love to have your cock inside me, so I could grip it, and we could both cum simultaneously."

Juanita sat down on Steve's dick, allowing the head to press into her without fully entering. "How does that feel, Stephen?"

"Oh my God," exclaimed Steve. "I so want to cum."

"I don't believe you, Stephen." Juanita replied. "If you cum, there'll be no more for me."

"Please, Juanita...please, I'm so turned on."

"Not yet, Stephen." Juanita purred. She spun around once again, sat down on his face, and ordered, "Lick my pussy, Stephen. I want your tongue to feel like a cock."

"Thank you, Juanita," Steve obliged and licked her pussy diligently, swallowing the abundant moistenings.

Wow, you're a fantastic dude. Junita lounged on your face, feeling your tongue stimulate her clit, triggering intense shivers inside. "You're so gifted, Stephen," she exhaled, sensing her climax growing. "Harden up, Stephen." You ramped it up, working on her pussy, clit, and gliding your damp tongue back to her butt before progressing forward again. Junita loosened up and tilted forward to slam her pussy into your face. "Step up your game, Stephen," she instructed, breathing on your dick to push you even more. Gradually, her orgasm kept growing and she applied more pressure, her pussy covering your face entirely. You writhed beneath her as you gasped for air, and that sparked her sensually. For she was the one with the upper hand, and she'd soon uncover how much you'd cope with in 5 minutes. The idea of that made her cum peppering your face. She lifted slightly, observing you gasp for air, and that sparked her off again, causing her to release another burst of pussy juices over your face.

"Yes, Stephen, keep going harder," she exclaimed, convulsing in your embrace. Breathing deeply, she shifted back slightly when you began licking her again, finding it annoying. She lightly smacked you. "No more of that, boy," she sighed. She noticed your erect cock, veins protruding underneath office lighting, resembling it would rupture.

"Do you want to cum, Stephen?" she inquired, knowledgeable that it was close at hand.

"Oh pleaaase Miss Junita. Whatever... I'll do everything... I'll give you whatever you want." Wailed Stephen.

"Really, anything?"

"Anything Miss Junita, just make me cum, please..."

Junita swivelled towards your dick and commenced tenderly teasing it. "So, you'll do whatever we ask."

"Oh please, yes, I'll do literally anything." Begged Stephen, pleading.

"Alright, then here's your payback," she declared, expertly manipulating you until you exploded, watching in awe as jets of semen propelled out from your prick and splattered onto her. She persisted rubbing, feeling your descent as you experienced one of your most powerful orgasms. As you weakened, she retrieved the gadget from the case. She could sense a deep-seated orgasm-like feeling arise within her, recognizing it as the time she got her way. It was a sensation she was familiar with. "Stephen, you're now part of our agency," she chuckled, savoring that bizarre sense of elation.

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