Part 3 of the Vampire Code

The Third Installment of the Coded Vampires...

May 24, 2024
15 min read
vampiresTheir Vampire Code Pt. 03
Their Vampire Code Pt. 03
Their Vampire Code Pt. 03

Part 3 of the Vampire Code

There was a war raging across Europe and beyond in 1915. Victoria, Catherine, and Marie were working in a field hospital, helping care for the injured soldiers.

"I don't get it. Aren't these men who cause destruction and death?" Catherine questioned, as she sat with the others.

"On which side would we stand? They're doing what's expected of them. If we took out one side, it would attract unwanted attention, and that wouldn't be ideal for our safety. We have powers that can help, and these soldiers appreciate what we do. The soldiers who follow orders instead of causing harm are safe for us," Victoria explained.

"We're treated to wounded soldiers, ladies. Prepare yourselves," a private informed them.

The nurses calmed the injured men, stopping their panic so they could receive treatment or prepare for surgery. This was a common occurrence, where not all would survive, but a glance into their eyes and a simple command of 'be calm' would alleviate or stop their screaming.

One night, the padre joined the nurses for their meal.

"Are any more wounded men being brought in, Padre?" Vicotria inquired.

"No, No, I simply wanted to sit with you," he answered.

"I'm aware of your occupation, Father, yet I am part of those who understand what you do. That whole Paladins affair got out of control, and I'm relieved they are gone," he confessed with a smile.


"One of them murdered a man rumored to be concealing specific beings, and his body washed ashore months later. They claimed to be doing good but they were merciless brutes ready to kill. Afterwards, they disappeared. A Cardinal aiding them was sent away, and the Church had been attempting to reconcile with the Redeemers until this terrible war started."

"It's been confirmed they were a small group," Victoria said.

"Regardless, it's important for them to know the positive impact they've had."

The padre's friendly smile comforted Victoria.

"Ladies, please help, more wounded soldiers are coming in," a doctor implored.

The hospital was a fair distance from the fighting, but due to a German advance, the front lines were slowly approaching. One morning, Catherine was awakened by Victoria and Marie arguing softly in their sleep.

"Marie, you can't fight. We must shield our abilities and stay secretive," Victoria expressed.

"I'm no longer the child who was made by Louise. Your acts of vengeance gave me the power to act, and I am grateful, but you're not my owner," Marie replied.

"My closest friend, Louise, adored you. I'm not trying to own you, just want to prevent any danger."

"Monsters lurk. I won't let them succeed. However, I promise to be cautious," Marie expressed, snuggling closer to Victoria.

"Please be careful, Marie. When this senseless war finishes, we must have some alone time together, away from the horror," she said in a gentler tone.

"I promise. After we've had some time for rest, making love and enjoying each other's company, we can have some fun with soldiers," Catherine added.

"What? We didn't mean to disturb you," Victoria apologized.

"It's okay. Marie has always been loud and clumsy, we can't hide in this muddy tent."

They all laughed.

The petite nurse's comment sparked cheeky grins all around.

"We don't want to scare the soldiers, ladies," the padre kindly chided, referring to their abilities.

Discussing the war is hard, there are no positive outcomes, just bullets, bombs, and casualties. "Over there" is a place of devastation. Consider following the events of this war at War History Online.

Victoria had been trying to protect those traits, but it seems like her two closest friends were always one step too far. But where do their powers come from? Are they truly vampires?

As the fight continued, the women took care of an endless stream of injured soldiers. One night, a German soldier was brought in with numerous bullet holes. He'd lost a lot of his left arm due to grenade shrapnel. Two British soldiers accompanied him.

"The medic couldn't save his arm, doc. Do you think you can save the rest of him? Captain Wetherby at HQ wants to have a chat with him," said a soldier with a thick London accent.

"I'll try my best, Nurse. Please help me get his clothes off so I can see his wounds. Did they remove all the shrapnel?" the surgeon questioned the soldier.

"I'm not sure, doc. We were attacked before he could strap his arm up," the other soldier responded.

Marie assisted with cutting the man's uniform off. The moment he opened his eyes, she caught a glimpse of his eyes. When he didn't respond to her hypnosis, she noticed a scar near his temple. Marie looked at Victoria, and whispered, "This one has been fighting for a long time, Sergeant. This scar is old, a head wound."

The soldier said, "We're not interested in battle plans. Let the doctor examine him."

The German soldier started muttering in German but began to speak in broken English.

"The monster, the killer... help, she's going to kill us all!"

"What did he say, Fredricks?" the Sergeant asked.

"He said she'll kill us all, Sarg. Do you think he means the Nurse?" replied the other man.

The Sergeant looked at Marie, then at the German and started laughing.

"Scared of a wee little Nurse, Kraut. The boys at HQ will have a blast with you!" he said, still laughing.

Victoria pulled Marie away, and Catherine took over helping the doctor.

"Did any of them survive?" Victoria whispered.

"I didn't see him. He wouldn't recognize me even if he did. I wear all black," replied Marie.

Their worry was short-lived. The German had grabbed a scalpel and took out Catherine with his one good arm, threatening to cut her neck. He was spewing gibberish in German. The Sergeant made no comment. He drew his gun and shot the German in the head. Fredricks snatched the scalpel before it could cut Catherine.

"Shit, Fredricks, you were supposed to be holding that arm the whole time!" the Sergeant scolded.

"I apologize, Sarg."

"Well, it's gone. Now I don't have a prisoner. Sorry, doctor." And the Sergeant walked away.

Another two men appeared to take the body away. The doctor, still in shock, wiped the blood from himself.

"I was told he was a sniper, he'd killed 3 of the Sergeant's men before they even found him. I think the Sergeant just shot him out of mercy. I'm switching out the nurses now."

"You suggested we'd be in danger?" Victoria asked.

"I've seen far too many terrible things in this war, and you ladies have special skills that benefit these men. Your presence makes me uncomfortable. Please leave. I'll find new nurses."

In under two hours, the women were moved to a heavily guarded area far from the front lines.

"Did you notice the tattoo on the Doctor's wrist, Mistress?" Catherine asked.

"Yes, I saw it. I fear we're in danger. They're most likely waiting for dawn. It might be necessary to escape, but we only have a couple of hours of darkness left."

"One of your guards is a friend," a soldier said.

The man swiftly took out all three other soldiers, making no sound.

"Who are you?" Victoria asked.

"I'm a friend of Gerald's. He sent me to protect you. Now we need to leave quickly. I'll unlock the south gate and create a diversion at the north entrance. Head west to the coast; it's less than a mile away. Gerald's waiting for us."

"Will you at least tell me your name?"

"Lucius Bonavito."

"Wow, you've grown... It's wonderful to see you again. Please be safe. Until then, know that I'd gladly give my life a thousand times for you."

"I'm not going to follow this man's path. I'll do whatever it takes to draw attention away, even if it means risking my life. Hurry, let's go!" the man exclaimed as they hurried towards the gate.

Marie hesitated as the others continued on, "There are several cases of explosives hidden in the guardhouse. I'm going to help him. I don't want anyone getting hurt here."

"Marie, wait!" Victoria implored, but it was too late.

Soon, an alarm blared, followed by the sound of soldiers panicking and running in every direction. Victoria and Catherine managed to escape unnoticed and were joined by Marie and Lucius in the woods.

"What did you do?" Catherine inquired.

"I used glamour to make one of the soldiers appear drunk and start throwing matches in the armory. He started shouting about an attack and pulled the alarm. This one was just planning to blow himself and the other soldiers up. Did they never teach you the code, young man?" Marie asked.

"My Master said the code isn't suited for soldiers, and I did what I had to do to help our cause," Lucius replied.

"When you're with us, you don't kill innocents or men just following orders," Victoria sternly admonished.

"I understand."

The four of them quickly made their way through the shadows and were met by Gerald, who was waiting near a boat.

"It's good to see you again, Gerald," Victoria said. "Since Lucius told me about his plans, I didn't expect to see you here with him. How's life treating you?"

"Tense. But it's nice to see you, Victoria. Did he fill you in on his ideas?" Gerald inquired.

"He almost killed Marie and Catherine. Her hypnosis didn't work on one of the soldiers, and we almost got caught. He's kind of a loose cannon," Victoria explained, wrapping her arms around Gerald in a hug.

"This isn't safe anymore. One of the Doctors had a mark of the Paladins on his wrist. A German soldier was unaffected by Marie's glamour, almost getting us killed. What was your plan? He almost blew himself and many others up," Gerald said angrily.

"Marie, what did you do?" Catherine asked.

"I used glamour to make the soldier act drunk and start throwing matches in the armory. He started shouting about an attack and pulled the alarm. The man was planning to blow himself and the other soldiers up," Marie explained.

Victoria frowned, "And you think that's perfectly okay?"

"The wars have always been dangerous, Victoria. I let Marie do it because it was the right thing to do," Gerald responded.

"Stop playing dumb," Marie said, "I didn't hurt anyone innocent. I'm fast, I avoid artillery shells, and these bodies are slowing them down. I'm following the code."

Victoria touched Marie's arm comfortingly, sensing something troubling her. "Gerald, tell me what's wrong. I've known you for centuries, and this urgency is new to me."

"The Council needs you to appear before them. I haven't spoken to them in 300 years, I've never taken an innocent life, and I'm strict with the code. Why?" Marie inquired.

"Your association with the Paladins has been exposed, Victoria."

Victoria's face fell in despair, "How many are on board?"

"I'm bound to serve them. He'll defend you, but won't take Lucious. Marie is our only option. She's loyal to you but belongs to no one. She'll complete the task and then take exile in our sacred place, a safe haven away from the wickedness of human men. It's the only thing that will calm her anger."

"I can't ask you to do this, Marie," Victoria protested.

"Marie will fulfill her duty. Lucius holds no loyalty to me. I would not survive the Council's judgment. His mother was my friend, but he won't be swayed. She'll kill him, and then leave for our sacred place," Gerald explained.

"The crew?" Marie inquired.

"Humans, not great people, but not worth killing," Gerald answered.

Marie looked at Catherine and kissed her passionately, "My love, stay strong. I'll see you again soon."

"What's going on?" Catherine asked, surprised by the sudden passion.

"I'm being sent to the Council for judgment. They're angry about my association with the Paladins. Marie is going to kill Lucius, then leave for our sacred place. It's a safe haven and will help calm her anger."

"Can't we reason with him?" Catherine asked.

"He's determined to join the Order and be on the Council someday. There's no convincing him," Gerald stated.

"The crew?" Marie asked.

"They're human, they're not blameless, but not worth killing," Gerald responded.

Marie faced Catherine, "Stay strong. I'll see you again.""

Marie smiled as she looked at Catherine and whispered, "I hope to meet you again one day, Catherine. You're stunning and it's been a joy getting to know you. Be sure to take care of Victoria; she made a smart choice in choosing you."

Marie then turned to Victoria and shared a passionate kiss with her.

"I adore you, Victoria. You’ve saved me from a dark path, and I now belong to you," Marie said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I'll be waiting for you, Marie. You'll always have a spot by my side," Victoria replied as they exchanged another kiss.

Marie gazed at them both and shifted her focus to Gerald.

"Heading to South America should be safe for the two of you. My sister mentioned we might be traveling there soon. I hope to meet you again, Gerald, but if that's not in the cards, I'll understand."

"I know what we have to do. I'm sorry, Marie."

Marie exited the cabin, closing the door behind her. A moment later, a frantic crew member burst in, his face filled with fear and blood oozing from his battered nose.

"Mr. Gerald! The woman! She murdered him and now she's gone," the man said, his eyes fixed on the women, his voice shaky.

"Was the man she killed using magic on you?" Gerald asked.

"Yes, sir. But when she killed him, I lost my memory. I'm a sailor, sir, from a royal ship."

Gerald steered them back towards land. Victoria and Catherine helped nurse the injured crew members, tending to their wounds. Several hours later, they set sail for Africa at Gerald's request.

"I'm returning home, Victoria. I'll return to the depths of the Congo and find safety there. I might rejoin the world again someday, but for now, I need some time alone. The Council may come for you though; I'll send word of your honor and convince them to leave you be. I know of a church that knows of us; I'll speak with them there," Gerald shared, his voice heavy with sadness.

"You're a loyal friend, Gerald. We'll meet again," Victoria said.

Gerald kissed Victoria's hand before leaving the women alone.

Catherine asked, "Will Brazil be safe for us, Mistress?"

"It'll be fine. There's a strong network of churches that know about us, but they don't hunt us. There may still be some trouble in the country, but we'll keep our distance and follow the code of conduct."

"It's been a while since we last made love. We should fix that," Catherine suggested with a smile.

"Indeed, my Catherine. Let's create some more wonderful memories."

The women spent the rest of the journey in their cabin, exploring and discovering each other once more.

"So, what serious matter needs my assistance?" Cathy asked as they strolled together.

"I've discovered a group of killers in South Texas. It's not just men, Cathy; women are involved too. They’re driven by drugs and money. The government is scared of the repercussions if they interfere," Marie shared.

"We're a sanctioned group, right?"

"Absolutely. I prefer working with those 3-letter agencies, and now I'm glad you like your friends locally," Marie laughed.

"I've stayed sharp with my swordplay."

"We have a plane waiting for us. We'll make it to Texas by nightfall. It's been years since I've tasted you, my dear Cathy."

As the two women arrived, they explored their emotions with kisses, touching, and a deep yearning for each other. The darkness allowed them to keep moving their plan forward.

"Marie, what did your contact mention that made you uneasy?" Cathy questioned when they were close.

"He said their leader was someone formidable. He knows who I am and just how powerful I am. Which is why I have you with me; I'm a little worried it’s a paladin or something similar."

"After all this time, there can't be many like that left."

"I tried my best to eradicate them, but they just won't let go. Just, proceed with caution," Marie urged.

Cathy could sense something in their opponents' scent. "Let me smell them. They reek of drugs and unclean blood."

The two females donned their face masks and split apart. They sprinted at top speed, evading the boundary guards before they knew what hit them and penetrated the fortress in mere moments. Prior to any of the men near them could take a shot, Marie and Cathy had wiped them all out, leaving a pathway of mutilated corpses in their wake. Instantly, the lights illuminated, enabling Marie to enter while Cathy stood surrounded by men wielding automatic rifles.

"You'd be dead before you even managed to pull that trigger," discussed Cathy. "Cease with the weapons and I'll expedite this, it's my only proffer," mentioned Cathy, but the men remained motionless.

"I wonder who he dispatched. Miller and his vampire goon squad. I've never seen you before, though," remarked the woman.

Cathy glimpsed the woman, assessing that she was exceptionally attractive, tall with dark tresses.

"Are you one of us?" questioned Cathy.

"Mm, your senses are remarkably keen, a rarity in these times. Are you still adhering to the code?" she responded.

"The code is all we follow," declared Cathy.

"There is only the code. Why are you among these assassins?" inquired Cathy.

"I have these creatures under my command—they provide me with a sort of power. I take whatever I please, and you and Miller have no hope of hindering me."

Cathy recognized the impending peril when she sensed it. She had executed a similar maneuver whenever her own Mistress was cornered by Paladins when she was freshly "turned." A severed human head crashed into the woman's breast, catching her unawares, followed by Cathy eradicating the five soldiers surrounding her. Then, Cathy saw Marie swiftly assassinate the woman, holding her by the hair and positioning a dagger at her neck.

"Who—how?" exclaimed the woman. Catalina recognized the gesture when it occurred.

"You haven't been trained to speak her name," said Marie, removing her mask.

"You don't get to utter her name!" exclaimed Cathy.

"I am unacquainted with you," asserted the woman.

"Find my friend and let her know," ordered Marie, removing the head as it turned to dust.

"Who was she?" inquired Cathy, snapping a photo of the woman.

"I'm uncertain, but you will see it there. She has innocent people imprisoned, and there are markings of physical suffering. I will notify the Council about this one's termination," said Marie.

"Does Miller realize you branched out and invited me into this?" inquired Cathy.

"No," she stated.

"Then, I will keep out of sight. Something doesn't feel right here," declared Cathy.

"I agree," concurred Marie.

Marie deactivated the floodlights and allowed Miller to enter through the gate in her SUV. She was alone.

"I'm isolated, no silver poseur. Inform your associate she can make an appearance if she wishes," Miller shared as he disembarked.

"I despise those drones," said Marie.

"I was under the impression that she was one of us," said Marie.

"I had a hunch," Miller conceded. "I'd have gave you a heads-up had I known, I promise."

"We must tend to the four survivors. Can you erase their recollections?" inquired Cathy.

"Indeed. My demolition squad is waiting; the chemical lab that was concealed in this place is going to meet an unfortunate end. I'd prefer the media didn't catch wind of the torture that transpired. How many?" expressed Marie.

"Four are still alive. May we use your vehicle, leaving it at the secure property once we're through?" enquired Cathy.

"Of course," said Miller. "I owe you for this feat, Marie. I would've lost way too many men putting down this operation."

"I'll add it to your tab," retorted Marie.

Cathy and Marie gathered the four innocent girls who were still breathing and carefully transported them to the car. They headed out of the compound, encountering three black vans parked up the street.

"There's a significant volume of chemicals," mentioned Cathy, screwing up her face at the stench.

"I vaporized the cages, but I'm not sure their blast would remove them," explained Marie.

"Leave no indications," said Cathy, "Louise would be overjoyed with your handiwork, Marie."

"I know she would."

Marie extinguished the spotlights and left the gate for Miller, who dropped by in her SUV. She arrived with no escort.

"I arrive alone, without a drop of silver," Miller said, stepping out.

"I detest those drones," added Marie.

"Did you know she was one of us?" Miller inquired.

"I had my suspicions," admitted Marie. "I would have apprised you if I could verify."

"There's at least four innocent people waiting to be rescued. Are you capable of wiping their memories clean?" questioned Marie, helping Cathy.

"Most certainly. I'll call a rescue team now. Please leave this place promptly," ordered Miller.

"I'll see to it," shared Marie.

Cathy and Marie transported the four children who were still consciouseress and transported them to the car, pushing out of the fortress. They navigated past three black vans parked on the roadside.

"This is an enormous cache of chemicals," Cathy assessed as the smell became nauseating.

"I nullified the cages too, and I'm questionable about their explosion extinguishing them fully," Marie replied.

"Leave no traces, would you? Louise would be proud of you, Marie," Cathy chimed in.

Marie whisked the women away to a hospital outside of the city. Handing a card to the doctor, he smiled, signaling his colleagues to aid them. They left the vehicle at a secure location then took refuge atop a warehouse to observe the blast. The public would be informed of a drug den blasting apart, and inquiries wouldn't arise. These ladies had vanished without a trace, but they couldn't recollect how they'd been saved or their point of origin.

"Until we meet again?" Cathy uttered, hugging tightly.

"Definitely, but let's not prolong our separation. Although three years is a fairly brief gap for our task, it's lengthy for my taste."

"I concur. I'll relay this image to the Council and keep you updated on their response. On the other hand, remain cautious around Miller; I've lost trust in him since the incident in Vietnam."

"I'm wary of them, I've never trusted them. It's better to work alongside them than become their prey."

Cathy and Marie parted ways as they hugged once more. Cathy pursued leads in Wisconsin, while Marie had unfinished business in New York, all the while anticipating their reunion.

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