erotic horror

Part 4: The Vampire Code

In numerous conflicts, females strive to remain secure.

May 27, 2024
12 min read
Their Vampire Code Pt. 04vampires
Their Vampire Code Pt. 04
Their Vampire Code Pt. 04

Part 4: The Vampire Code

A guy was sitting in a chair while he watched a woman undress. Typically, he'd be the one to remove their clothing, wielding a hunting knife as his bound victims stared in terror. He was confused as to why he couldn't move his arms even though he wasn't tied up. He looked down and noticed he was erect, not an unusual occurrence when he brought a woman to his remote cabin. Once the lady was naked, she began fondling herself and moved closer to him.

"Bad boy, Jerry, haven't you been?" the woman teased him.

"What did you do to me? I can't move my arms," he asked in confusion.

"You'll answer my questions," she told him as she peered into his eyes.

"Yes, I'll answer your questions."

"Where's your journal?" she asked after placing the book aside.

"Third log down, on the wall by the fire, press it before the seam."

Cathy followed the instructions and found a leather-bound journal inside a plastic bag. She flipped through it and found what she was looking for.

"Did you kill the last girl you picked up? Normally you kill them here, but I interrupted you, right?" she questioned him.

"She's still alive, but I'll kill her after we leave this cabin. I drugged her and put her in my basement," he replied.

"The police have been looking for you, right? How have you managed to avoid capture for so long, Jerry?"

"I've been sleeping with one of your clerks. He shares information with me, and I change my patterns when the police get close. He's even unaware."

"How many women have you killed, Jerry?"

"Fourteen, but by the time this day is over, it will be sixteen," he responded confidently.

"You can stop talking now," Cathy told him as she gazed into his eyes again.

Cathy climbed onto Jerry in the chair and slid his cock into her. He gasped and started moaning as she thrust his cock in and out of her pussy. She tightened her grip and before long, he felt his body convulse with pleasure, expelling cum into Cathy. He wasn't even finished before she yanked his head back by the hair, biting deeply into his neck and tearing his artery. As his life drained before her eyes, Cathy dismounted him and began wiping herself clean.

"No, she'll be fine. For the 14 women you've killed, you'll be discovered partially eaten by a pack of famished wolves. Leave the journal where your police find it, you started chronicle your actions so they'll be able to find it. The girl in your basement will be fine. I'll ensure it." Cathy said while gazing at the lifeless body slumping forward.

Cathy set the scene for the police to when they found and left the body to the wolves. They hesitantly attacked the body and began tearing at his flesh and clothes as desired.

Several weeks passed and Cathy sat in a diner at the edge of town. It was late, and she was consuming a slice of cherry pie while she waited for the detective. She observed him as he approached, nervous yet he sat down in the booth opposite her and grinned.

"You must be Cathy," he said.

"Yes, sir. Thank you for coming to see me," she acknowledged.

"I spoke to your friend in New Orleans, as you requested, Detective Webb. He had good things to say about you. As did Father Green at St. Mary's. Why am I here?"

"A few pieces of the puzzle I'd like to explain, and why I couldn't simply let your men uncover everything, Cathy. If they locate Chloe before finding your prime suspect, it would expose them both. So, go about a mile and a half northwest of this cabin, you'll find the remains of Jerry, the suspect in the 14 murders. There's plenty of evidence there. He went outside to meet his end as savage wolves roamed, and faced a fitting demise. He was receiving assistance, not deliberately, but he was sleeping with Steve Driscoll in your office. The man was unaware he was helping."

"Steve is married. His wife teaches at my daughter's high school."

"It's not my concern."

"You said 14 murders, I'm only aware of 8."

"Some were travelers, ladies from out of town. He had a preference."

"Why couldn't I have taken him into custody?"

"You and I both know that some of these monsters don't deserve the justice they might receive if their trials are carried out normally. He was intelligent, Detective. Some of them are, and when I take action, justice is served from where I see fit."

"This may seem like vigilantism to you."

"I abide by a strict code. I'm hunting them because they've already broken the laws of society. They've raped and killed. However they're held in custody isn't justice, not for these monsters."

"I resent this, but my sister lost her closest friend to this man. If you affirm there isn't a shred of uncertainty about him being the assailant, I'll endorse your actions. What's my reason for going to this cabin?"

"I could potentially have a bunch of hunters chance upon the body if you'd like, but you seemed to have a premonition and had your drone guy investigate. An image from the house where Chloe was discovered."

"My dad used to take me hunting in those woods."

"We've got it," announced Cathy with a grin.

"Shall I see you again?"

"I fervently hope not, Detective. Your town is lovely, filled with plenty of good citizens leading fruitful lifestyles. Sure, there's a few who prefer to booze and create a bit of strife, but not to the point where your attention's needed."

"Well, thank you. The population will be relieved, he's cast a rather foreboding presence these past couple of years."

The Detective scrutinized the coordinates written on the scrap of paper and, upon lifting his gaze, Cathy had vanished.

"What'll you have, Detective? Welcome back," said the waitress.

"I suppose I'll have a slice of cherry pie; I anticipate working tirelessly in the next several days," he responded.

Over the following days, Cathy observed as the Detective tracked down her clues. The serial killer's journal documented his activities, where he stashed the cadavers, and how he successfully eluded arrest. Reflecting upon it, Cathy recalled her disdain for wolves - they sensed her inhumanity and their curiosity invariably yielded perilous outcomes, yet they assisted her in avoiding leaving a path of evidence.

"Time for a break from the cold," she whispered to herself and set off for warmer climes.

* * *

It'd been several years since the European War had culminated, yet Brazil showed no sign of recognition or indifference. They had their own battles, as Victoria and Catherine steered clear of them. They eliminated a few individuals who savoured blood and perceived themselves as superior. They knew they had to weed them out.

"Why, dearest, if I'm meant to devour him, why give him the delight of my body first?" questioned Catherine.

"Faith me, my love. You've encountered his type before, but try feeding on him once he's climaxed. I'll ready him for you," responded Victoria with a smile.

Catherine removed her shorts and stimulated herself until she was soaked. She witnessed as Victoria roused the man and mesmerized him, informed him to harden and kept his lips sealed.

"Remember, only after he's climaxed," said Victoria.

Catherine sat on the man's lap. They'd spotted this particular assailant raping and mutilating women in a town they'd terrorised. He was one of four they'd taken into custody. She tightened herself so he wouldn't last before the man moaned and ejaculated into her. She pulled his head backward by his dirty hair and bit into his neck, ingesting the blood that gushed out of him. Her eyes widened as she drank to her fill. After letting his body slump to the floor, she smiled at Victoria.

"I had no idea, it's similar to the first time after I became yours," she marveled.

"The endorphins from his climax make it that way. I wouldn't relish providing the same release to all my prey, only those I required information from or those whose impending demise necessitated my explanation." replied Victoria.

Catherine doffed her attire and vitally entered the room next door, where they'd contained the other 3 men from the gang. They'd tortured and slain innocent citizens for no comprehensible reason, and both females intended to make these men pay. She entered the next chamber, removed the head of one of the men, and hurled it at the feet of the largest one, then removed his head from his shoulders. The third she merely stood up and tore out his throat with her hand, letting his blood spray onto her body. Laying her hands on the gang leader's shoulders, a vicious and sadistic man, she lifted him to his feet. Although substantially larger than her, he was no match. He thrashed about until she tore his heart from his chest and tossed him aside. The final man she grabbed, a tyrant, and tore his throat out with her bare hands, coating herself in his blood before seizing the gang leader. Admiring his fear, she stared into his eyes and spoke in fluent Portuguese.

"Those villagers, the men were simple farmers, diligently labouring to provide for their families. The women and children, all kind persons who relished love for one another, and you slaughtered them all. Why, Miguel, why did you murder them?" asked Victoria, addressing the pitiless leader.

"They were not loyal to our cause. They needed to assist our fighters."

"They were impoverished, they couldn't even sustain themselves!"

"Soldiers of the revolution come before all."

"No, Miguel, you're no soldier. You're a monster with a firearm."

Victoria guided him to the next chamber which contained a chair. She removed his attire, compelling him to achieve an erection then had him sit down. His gaze turned to her physique as she moved closer but she altered her mind and simply bit into him, draining his blood while he trembled in agony. She tossed his exhausted corpse across the room after she was done, following which, she began to weep. Catherine quickly embraced her.

"I'm so sorry, all I could envision was that child's face as he jabbed her with his blade. He snickered. He had no remorse for them - they meant nothing to him," Victoria disclosed.

"He'll harm no one else again, Mistress. By evening, we'll set this fire ablaze; it'll appear as just another blaze ignited by either side, and those males we eliminated won't be missed by honest people."

They observed the shack burn as they cradled each other. Once the cabin had been reduced to ashes, they prepared to depart.

"I believe I've had enough of this location, Catherine. Let's leave Brazil and assist France in restoring itself," Victoria suggested.

A few days later, they were in a quaint Chapel, sipping tea alongside the Priest.

"Sorry, my English isn't the best," he admitted after he served them both.

"It's fine, Father. I speak Portuguese, Spanish and several other dialects," Victoria said proficiently in Portuguese.

"Oh, amazing! Thank you. I was uneasy lest I choose the wrong term and possibly offend you."

"You needn't worry, Father. We're not vicious brutes."

The Priest assured them, "I've heard of men who disappeared mysteriously, gruesomely slain by creatures like you. Yet, my congregation prayed for them and mourn their passing but will not lose sleep over their absence. You requested my aide?"

"Yes, my companion and I require a secure route to the port but it's under the control of the rebels. All the while, we're unarmed and won't launch an assault. I can arrange for a vessel to transport us where we're heading provided we arrive at the docks."

"Yes, yes. I'm acquainted with the man required for that; will you stay here as my visitor until I converse with him?"


Catherine regarded Victoria's scowl but waited until they were alone to inquire.

"You, Miss Catherine, are extremely perceptive," Victoria remarked. "You recognized my unease about him?"

"Yes, Mistress. You doubt his loyalty but you yearn to trust him."

Victoria whispered, "I had faith in you. I adore you."

Catherine was taken aback, and Victoria embraced her, kissing her lips. "Shall we remain?"

"If it's your wish."

Several hours later the Priest returned with the rebel foreman and six of his men.

"Speak Portuguese fluently, so be mindful of your language," he suggested.

"Indeed, considering I've observed how you vanquished all those brutes back there, nothing you say would shock me," the foreman responded.

Victoria, aware she should be cautious, remained in the shadows to evade being spotted.

"She understands Portuguese. Be wary of what you utter," the Priest repeated.

"Yes, but I've been told you would betray me since you stand to profit from my capture and she requested your assistance. I figured this would be simpler."

Victoria, the stealthy figure, swiftly lunged at the foreman's men and tore out their throats before they could even blink.

"And now, Raynard?" she inquired from the darkness.

The foreman's face revealed terror as he espied his lifeless troops lifeless on the floor.

"No, Victoria," he begged, "I didn't wish for this. But I have three daughters and this reward will enable me to offer them a better existence."

Before Victoria could act, the foreman drew his weapon and aimed it at Catherine. She then rushed towards the guys and Victoria chopped the foreman's neck in a single swift motion, while the other troops fired their pistols recklessly, resembling a battle.

"If not for you, I'd have just had a calm conversation then peacefully left," Victoria explained, visibly disturbed.

"It didn't have to transpire in this manner," Victoria stressed. "I only sought safe passage. I'm aware of your deeds, I'm aware you've killed, I'm aware you've sent others to commit mayhem in your name, but this has to cease now."

Victoria effortlessly dispatched the foreman's neck before they both braced themselves for the advance of approaching trucks and military soldiers.

The General spoke of a fearsome pig that had killed many of his men. This pig would run and hide in the jungle when they tried to capture it, but eventually met its end at the hands of a stunning woman. He had heard stories of women like Victoria, and thus decided not to allow her simple passage to the docks as she had requested. Instead, he ordered a ship to transport her to her desired destination.

The General snapped his fingers, and three soldiers dragged the rebel leader outside.

"Thank you, General, for your kindness," Victoria replied warmly.

"If you're who I think you are, then I'm still in your debt. My grandmother once told me about a strong, beautiful woman who saved her from a vicious enemy when she was young. While most of the family didn't believe her wild tales, I've seen a lot in my life and believe your claim," the General said, gently kissing Victoria's hand.

"I do not keep track of favors, I simply help out those in need. If your grandmother described Victoria as beautiful, then I'm honored," she humbly responded.

"Yes, she was," the General agreed, wiping away a tear. "And she lived her whole life in peace at my grandfather's side. She was remarkable."

"I'm certain of that, General," Victoria said.

The General barked a few orders to his men, who began clearing out the rest of the town. He then made a call on his radio. He drove the women to the harbor himself and spoke to the captain of a small patrol boat that came for them.

"A merchant ship bound for Africa is currently in the water, and it will take you to France. It's the best I can do for you while my country battles against the rebels," the General explained.

"I cannot express my gratitude for your generosity, General," Victoria said.

Upon seeing each other again, Victoria and Catherine wrapped their arms around each other and smiled.

"Those encounters like the one you described make up for the horrors we witnessed. The slayer of women and children was attempting to kill my grandmother when I saved her, much like I saved you. She too was as exquisitely beautiful as he claimed," Victoria recounted.

The General smiled as he wiped away a tear. "That's how I remember her, full of life and love. Her presence in our lives brought us a certain level of happiness and strength. I'm glad to see that in your heart as well, Miss Catherine. I have noticed your care for the wounded soldiers in the field hospitals. So many of them might have fallen in love with you after your selfless care."

"Surely not half of them?" Cathy teased.

"You're right. There was also Marie to contend with, a skilled flirt," Victoria remarked with a laugh.

In France, Victoria and Catherine would continue to help their country heal from the scars of war. They stayed behind even when more conflict arose, but provided aid where necessary.

Later, Marie arrived at the dockside warehouse where Catherine was waiting.

"I didn't know you were a fan of the beach, Cathy," she teased.

"Beats the cold streets of New York, I suppose," Catherine said with a smile.

"This is for you. I received one as well," Marie said, handing Catherine a sealed letter.

Catherine opened the letter and read it, then exclaimed, "They were hunting her as well? That's fantastic!"

"This means we now have more freedom and more places to find safety. The Council stated they had changed since their interactions in Portugal."

"It wasn't our fault - the villain was going to kill us and beg the Council for forgiveness."

"The mother on the Council blamed us all, and she was banished. She tried to stand up against the Paladins but lost the battle," Marie explained.

"I'm sorry, Victoria. She would've been upset by that," Cathy said.

"We should take this time to relax and enjoy each other's company. To celebrate our new acceptance by the Council, thanks to the demise of the infamous Maya Chavez," Marie replied with a smile.

"I'll drink to that," Cathy said with a grin.

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