Part Two of The Apprentice

Penalty for the Aspirant.

May 30, 2024
14 min read
caningshavingThe Apprentice Pt. 02spanking
The Apprentice Pt. 02
The Apprentice Pt. 02

Part Two of The Apprentice

The front door shut, and we both watched as James walked away with a limp.

"I'm glad you've decided to become my apprentice. But you can't speak about discipline if you're not disciplined yourself. So let's start off on the right foot. Please, bring me the hairbrush."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Sorry, what have I done?"

"I checked your room earlier, and there were clothes everywhere. I need structure and discipline from my apprentices. Please fetch the hairbrush."

I couldn't believe I was going to be spanked like a misbehaving teenager. Half-naked, I went into the office and picked up the hairbrush. I hadn't paid much attention to it before, but now it felt heavy in my hand, and I knew it would leave a memorable mark on my buttocks. I couldn't deny that, although scared, there was a little excitement.

My aunt was seated on the sofa in just her skirt. "Take off all your clothes and stand in front of me."

I followed her instructions and took my position with my bottom uppermost.

"Your pubic hair is also a mess. Please tidy yourself up or I'll use the cane next time."

I knew I hadn't shaved or trimmed for a while, but I couldn't believe I was being threatened with the cane for my pubic hair.

"Hands on your head, legs further apart."

I did as I was told and got into position. My aunt's fingers explored my private parts, feeling my excitement from earlier. "You're aroused; was it from watching the punishment or the fact you're getting punished?"

"Watching earlier, but I'm scared to be punished."

"Excitement or fear? You'll have to find out." My aunt smiled and stroked my genital area.

I couldn't lie. "Both, but mostly fear."

"If you want to discipline others, you must experience it firsthand. You have many lessons to learn."

Fear and excitement mixing made me tremble.

"Over here, on my lap." My aunt patted her lap.

I wrestled into position and lay face down.

My aunt softly stroked my bottom with her hand. It felt nice. "It's almost a shame to spank you, but you've got to learn." Her voice changed, and she became stern. "Keep your butt relaxed, don't tense up, and don't try to prevent your punishment. I expect you to be brave. Do you understand?"

"Yes, but I've never been spanked before." My voice pleaded.

"One of the things I'm going to teach you is discipline."

I felt the hairbrush pressed against my lower back, and a gentle rub replaced the brush. I realized I didn't know my aunt's sexuality. I was sure my mother told her about mine. I spread my legs in hopes of receiving more attention. I was disappointed when my aunt just rubbed the brush on my buttocks.

"Stop offering yourself to me; you'll be punished. Good girls get rewards. Bad girls get sore bottoms." My aunt tapped the hairbrush on my bottom.

The fear swept through me with a thousand butterflies swarming in my stomach, but my pussy remained aroused.

"Remember discipline under punishment." My aunt raised her voice slightly. Instruction turned into a command, "Keep your butt relaxed and stay still." I remained as still as I could, despite how much I wanted to jump away.

After what felt like hours, but was probably only two or three minutes, my aunt put down the brush and began rubbing my bottom again. "You've done well, you can be obedient if you try. I'm going to give you two more strokes on the tops of your thighs, and then you can go."

I confidently whispered, "Thank you, Ma'am."

"Good girl."

Later, I'd wonder if this was how I'd become a disciplinarian.

In the midst of this journey, I found myself standing in my aunt's presence, feeling the gentle brushstrokes of her hand on my left thigh. Quickly following the initial touch, two swift strokes fell upon my flesh, sending shivers down my spine with a little cry escaping my lips. Reflection came swiftly, as I realized my actions earlier had led me here - a similar fate awaited my right thigh. I collapsed onto her lap, utterly exhausted.

"You've shown great courage," my aunt praised. Despite knowing I hadn't given it my all, I was thrilled by the compliments. "I recommend you head to bed now," she continued. "Your backside will soon be warmed by a glow, a type of comfort procured from the experience of discipline. Rest, for in the morning, you'll have another checkup to come. A caning was surely not what I wished to see happen."

I was dismissed, closing the door of my bedroom in relief. Once inside, I moved toward the mirror, examination in my hands. This time, the redness on my bottom was far less intense. Contentment gripped me, wondering if my little orgasm after last night's event had ameliorated the impact of my punishment.

The next day, a sense of responsibility warmed me. A trip to the store was necessary; scissors and razors awaited my purchase. The thought of not being able to pass inspection terrified me, for the consequences were severe. I couldn't wait to raid their sentences.

Brunch happened at a local bistro that afternoon. My aunt's friend, Natalie, captivated me. She was a petite fireball of energy and, it was clear she'd forged a long-lasting bond with my aunt. They shared laughter when they reminisced. I was quite content in their company, partly due to the wine.

"So, how's the plan?" Natalie questioned, seeming aware that I was destined to have a role in that story.

"Ever since my spanking, I've been thinking it over - I really enjoy it here!" I exclaimed.

A slight chuckle escaped Natalie's mouth. "Authorization could prove painful," she commented, flashing a schadenfreudian smirk at me. I should've known she knew enough based on the stories she'd heard, since my aunt had made it explicitly clear that I was punishment material.

"An office job is all I've got planned as of now," I clarified.

"Tomorrow at my office, a temporary role awaits you. My assistant, my former PA, is on maternity leave. She was great with my clients and suppliers, keeping me in check. I could use someone to help me get back on track."

"That would be perfect!" I heartily agreed.

A few hours later, I stood before the mirror and bared my legs. My newfound sense of responsibility urged me to shave everything. Freshly shorn, I examined my reflection with a sense of satisfaction. My now-bare vulva seemed very provocative. A calm dinner was had afterward, which was followed by an agenda-driven conversation.

"Let's go upstairs," my aunt ordered. Any uncertainty I'd felt earlier was replaced with curiosity.

"Undress," the order came. I quickly stripped naked, making certain to fold my apparel. Trepidation replaced my earlier energy as I stood in place, awaiting further instruction.

She declared, "Spread your cheeks." Determined not to anger her, I obeyed, widening my buttocks. Although the mention of rear inspection left me mortified, it was accompanied by excitement that grew as I reflected on her words. My aunt's fingers traced along my backside. This physical attention brought me to the edge.

"Am I enjoying this?" My aunt inquired, her fingers clearly suggesting otherwise.

"Yes," was my replies. She removed her digits, ruining my state of pleasure. "Turn around." Feeling disappointed, I rotated to face her.

"I adore this bottom of yours, it's one meant for a good spanking," she observed. The statement left me somewhat in awe at how well-received I had been. As her fingers once again reached my crotch, I was flooded with pleasure, moaning in response.

"You're delighted by the attention?"

"Yes," I answered plainly, desperately wanting her to keep touching me. She begrudgingly acquiesced, but only briefly. I let out an embarrassed laugh.

She anticipated that I had not yet been penetrated, prompting a slight sniff from my aunt. "Separate your thighs now." Nothing made me feel as awkward as doing so, but to her demands, I complied.

"This is enough," my aunt decreed. I guessed that meant I had passed my first inspection.

I couldn't believe what I was being instructed to do. While I was trying to process it, I suddenly felt a sharp slap on my butt. "You'll obey right away," my aunt ordered.

I reached back and grabbed both my cheeks, spreading them apart. "Open them wider," she said. I complied, feeling more exposed than ever.

"Dear, I expect nothing but perfection when I ask you to do a task. Why do you still have hair here?" She pushed her finger against my anus. "Next time I need to punish you, don't forget this shortcoming. I'll deal with it then."

I couldn't believe I'd be punished for this. My thoughts were interrupted by, "If you're going to take a bath tomorrow night, I'll shave off the hair for you." Her finger was still circling my rear. "This is much too adorable to be hidden away." In spite of myself, the sensation below got stronger.

My aunt patted the bed for me to sit next to her and asked, "Do you think I'm cruel?"

"No, it's just all so new to me. I used to be carefree and easygoing before."

"Were you happy then?"

"Sometimes, not often. I've always felt there could be more."

"Are you content here?"

"Yes, it's all so fresh and thrilling, and I'm looking forward to working with Natalie."

"She's handling her business well; you can learn a lot from her. I just want what's best for you. I'm being strict, and I'll continue to be. Well done on getting the job, thank you for cleaning your room, and you've been a good guest."

My aunt put her arm around me and kissed my forehead gently. "I'm going to take a bath, then a good night's sleep. See you at breakfast tomorrow." I was dismissed.

That night, my mind couldn't help but mull over my new lifestyle. I was growing more attracted to my aunt, but I couldn't tell if she returned my feelings. With these and other pleasant thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.

I strolled down to breakfast just as my aunt returned from her morning run. "Do you run every day?" I asked.

"No, every second day. It's something I just love."

"So you think I should join you?"

"It's good for the soul."

During breakfast, my aunt chatted casually, "I've sent you a link to Natalie's website. Check it out before you start your job tomorrow."

"Thanks, I will."

"Also, I was considering, do you have any stockings and suspenders?"

"No, I don't own any."

"Please purchase some. They'll look wonderful when you're being punished."

I was shocked. She definitely planned on punishing me again, asking me to buy clothes solely for her amusement. Despite this, I said, "Okay, whatever you want."

"What are your plans for today?" She smoothly switched between the unusual and ordinary.

"I planned to do some chores around the house to earn my keep and cook you a meal tonight. Now that I'm shopping for lingerie as well."

"A meal sounds great. I have a housekeeper, so we don't need tidying right now. Just remember to keep your room neat, or else your bottom will feel my wrath. Oh, and don't forget your bath tonight. I promised to shave your butt."

I didn't know if she was serious before, but I was now certain of it. I was going to have my rear end shaved. That familiar rush of excitement had returned.

I went to the usual store where I bought my undergarments to get the lingerie she wanted. It took time to choose, but I eventually selected a white suspender belt and brown stockings. I also bought matching panties. I realized that most of the other women shopping for lingerie probably imagined their partners romancing them. I was expecting to be punished instead.

I quickly got the grocery shopping done for our meal that night. Walking home, I knew I had to make a good first impression with Natalie, or else I'd be a poor, dependent niece. I allowed myself to smile at the thought that it wouldn't be the worst outcome.

I sat down with a cup of coffee and was determined to learn everything I could about Natalie's business. I had to be well-informed. I clicked the link my aunt had sent. I couldn't believe I was looking at Natalie's website. This woman operated a fetish clothing business! There were latex outfits, a variety of punishment devices, dildos, and many sexy lingerie options. It was a professional website with a great range of stuff.

Everything I'd ever considered weird and kinky was now considered normal.

One evening, I decided to cook my favorite seafood tagliatelle. My family, who I had just met that day, joined me at the table and we enjoyed the meal with a good bottle of white wine. Conversations flowed easily as we got more comfortable with each other.

After dinner, my aunt instructed me to take a bath. It was such a strange feeling to be ordered to wash myself by my own flesh and blood.

In the bathtub, I scrubbed myself thoroughly, even down there. I knew where her focus would be and made sure to clean that area well. As soon as I relaxed, she entered the room.

"Stand up facing the wall, bend forward," I followed her orders without hesitation. Then, "Reach back and hold your butt open," I did as she asked, feeling very vulnerable as I did so.

She ran her finger around my back passage and declared it "so pretty," a sight she enjoyed seeing. She asked if I had ever had anything inside me there before. I confessed I hadn't, arousing her curiosity about the various pleasures I could feel from that part of my body.

She soaped her hands and attempted to wash my breasts, met with some resistance from me, as I allowed my mind to wander opportunistically. My aunt then turned her attention to my pussy. I was so aroused from her touch that I was brought to climax.

Having had her fill, she whispered into my ear, "Stand up, spread your backside wide open," I did as I was told, knowing she'd be staring at my exposed anus.

"I thought so," she announced. "[Name], you have a beautiful bottom here."

I never thought of my bum as beautiful before, especially not in that context.

She questioned if anything had ever penetrated me there and I confirmed it hadn't. As if to challenge that, she brought two fingers to my bottom and slowly inserted them one by one, stroking my insides with the other hand. Her fingers slid into me like butter, leaving the other hand to pleasure me further till I reached climax once more.

She gave me a good luck wish and left the room, promising to visit soon.

As soon as she was gone, I tried to calm down, my mind still feeling overwhelmed with everything that just happened. It wasn't until the following day that it all began to make sense to me. Natalie, the woman I was working for, was quite possibly my aunt. The company she ran was responsible for selling products I never expected, and it was then supposed to be a normal business.

Natalie had received positive feedback about me--even claiming that I was bright. She suggested I organize a meeting to discuss my ideas on social media marketing, customer segmentation, and upselling. I was nervous about how much I had shared, since university was a long time behind me.

My aunt posed as a disciplinarian. That morning, I had forgotten to run with her, and paid the price with a punishment.

"You're undisciplined," she scolded, handing me a wooden cane. "Step into the office in thirty minutes. You'll receive six strokes."

Despite the guilt, I couldn't help but feel proud of myself for being called "bright." How could I have forgotten? In the meantime, I chose a sexy punishment outfit--high heels, a suspender belt, knee-high stockings and panties. They fit well, making my bottom even more prominent.

Punctually, I went into her office. She was sitting at her desk, looking rather disapproving. The cane lay on her desk, a telltale sign of my impending punishment.

"You've let yourself down. Six strokes of the cane," she ordered. "Get in position." My emotions oscillated between excitement and guilt.

I stood in front of her, my bottom high and taut from the high heels. My aunt smiled for a moment before getting up and leaning on the desk, watching me intently. Her eyes were fixated on my exposed anus. "Such a beautiful bottom."

I found myself responding subconsciously, "Can I keep my panties on?"

"Bend over, pull your heels apart," she desired, at my nakedness. I was shocked to find she was still wearing her skirt. "Start counting."

She flicked the cane a few times,then drew it back and struck it hard across my bottom. I counted down and braced myself for more. Like a well-orioused whore, she began to unleash her frustrations and continued spanking me each time I met each of her commands. Despite her best efforts, I enjoyed the pain, knowing how much I deserved it.

She stood beside me, gave me a few gentle taps and said, "That's it for now. You'll get used to being punished. When your sister shows up, remind her to bring you your caning supplies and clothes."

There was no point in fighting it - the sentence was set, and my rear end was destined to feel the brunt. Bending over my desk, I found myself staring intently at the cane sitting on top. Adrenaline surged through my body.

My aunt picked up the cane and swung it in the air. My cheeks clenched.

"I'm using a lighter cane than you witnessed before," she said. "It will sting and leave marks on your bottom, but no permanent damage will be inflicted. You need to learn from this. Remember to keep your cheeks pushed out for the cane to perform at its best, with no shouting or squirming.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"You'll need to count each stroke, so 'thank you, Ma'am' and so on. When you're ready for the next stroke, say 'may I please have another.' This way, you can keep track of your punishment. I'm permitting this because you're new to this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, thank you, Ma'am."

"Pull your knickers down, exposing your stockings."

In position, I lowered my underwear, allowing them to rest atop my stockings.

"Push your cheeks out further; you want the cane to function effectively."

Though I wasn't sure I desired the cane to function optimally, I protruded my cheeks outwards. I heard several swooshes of the cane behind me. Each time, I tightly clenched my cheeks, anticipating the next stroke was for me.

"Remain relaxed and count," she instructed.

I relaxed my cheeks, and a line of fire seared my lower backside. Every ounce of breath left my body, and I cried out. I was just about to rise and protest when I heard, "What a pathetic commotion, these are light strokes from a junior cane. That doesn't count; go back into position, rear end out, and remember to count."

She sounded incredibly annoyed, and I recalled James' stoicism while he endured his caning. I was determined to try harder, so I pushed my cheeks out and waited. I didn't need to wait too long. The third stroke was lower on my posterior, but I was better prepared. I muttered, "Two thank you, Ma'am." I labored to regain my composure. "Please, may I have another."

This process continued, and the pain intensified with each stroke, but eventually, I uttered, "Seven thank you, Ma'am." I collapsed on the desk, my backside aflame and tears dripping from my face.

"Mistress, I reminded you to reprimand me for neglecting to shave my rear end." I didn't want to disappoint her further by neglecting to remind her.

"Thank you for the reminder. I hadn't forgotten but wanted to make sure you hadn't, either. Spread your buttocks open."

I reluctantly reached behind me to display my anus. My aunt had retrieved a twelve-inch ruler from her desk. "This should help you remember to shave properly. I'll only give you two strokes, as you did remind me. You can guess where."

I was horrified that my rear hole would be struck.

"Spread your cheeks for me."

Every ounce of willpower I possessed compelled me to comply, and the ruler cracked twice in rapid succession behind me. Tears flowed anew.

"You're dismissed. I'll see you in the kitchen for supper in twenty minutes."

I gingerly pulled up my panties, noticing my posterior now appeared to be larger in size. In my unfamiliar shoes, I gingerly ascended the stairs, and once in my bedroom's privacy, I bent to scrutinize the harm done. Seven red stripes adorned my backend, and I felt a strange sense of pride.

The End.

I hope you found the story enjoyable. If you want to share your thoughts or exchange ideas, please message me privately.

More story ideas are, of course, welcomed.

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