Gay Sex

Paying It Back

She recalls freeing her lustful hubby from his shell at Prom.

May 2, 2024
20 min read
teenagerspromunprotectedofficecreampiecunnilingusschoolfriends to loversPaying It Backblowjob
Paying It Back
Paying It Back

Paying It Back

We parked in front of a brand new building, its front illuminated by the setting sun on this summer evening. It would look even better at night when the lighting took over.

"I feel like a fraud," my husband Stephen murmured as he shifted the car into park and turned off the engine. I placed my hand on his thigh, my red nails visible against his dark dinner suit.

"Sweetheart, enjoy the moment."

"This is for you as much as it is for me. I wouldn't be here without you."

"I love you," I replied, leaning over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. My lipstick stained his face; I wiped it away with my thumb. "What a lovely thing you've arranged for the students."

Stephen glanced at me, grinning. "It had its ups and downs, I suppose." He slid his hand up my thigh, casually tucking it under my short dress.

"Steve!" I cautioned him. "Behave, or we'll get caught!"

He chuckled. "Remember that time in the principal's office? We could try another visit."

My eyes widened. "Hold on. Don't remind me of that!"

Just then, our daughter Sophie yelled from the backseat. "Ew, ugh, gross! Can't you two please behave yourselves? Find a room or something!"

I pointed towards the building through the windshield. "Look closer; we got you a whole new building."

"Mum!" she cried, trying to open the door. "I don't need to hear that. Just go so we can all head in and get on with prom!"

"Honey, before you go," Steve called after her, "I've got something for you."

With a puzzled expression, Sophie reached for the pocket in his jacket, pulled out a pack of condoms. "Is this some kind of joke? What are we, high schoolers again?"

"No joke," he insisted, although his grin hinted otherwise. "We can never be too careful about these things."

Sophie snorted, put the condoms in her clutch purse, and rushed off into the building.

"Yes, Cinderella, off to the ball," I murmured. My little girl wasn't so little anymore, now grown up. "Let's go; we'll be late."

"I'll be late if I want to," he stated, emerging from the car to offer me his arm for help - the car was low, and my heels high. The car beeped, lighting up as we entered the auditorium.

The entrance hall swarmed with guests - talking, eating hors d'oeuvres, drinking champagne. Two distinct groups: staff and honored guests to one side, for the opening ceremony; and pupils on the other, waiting for speeches to end and the adults to leave. Slick suits and ball gowns were everywhere - hair meticulously styled.

The headmistress tapped her knife against her champagne glass. "I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen?"

She welcomed everyone to the school on this significant occasion - the unveiling of the new state-of-the-art auditorium. She awaited future performances in the room. For tonight, the automatic seating was removed and replaced with tables and a dance floor, ready for Grad Night.

"...all this wouldn't have been possible without the tremendous support of the local entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Cauldwell High graduate, Stephen Berkley!"

A huge round of applause prompted my husband to the stage to express his love for the school, recounting happy memories there. Most of which was a lie, though. My high school years had been a wretched existence, and I was partially to blame. But I made it up to him in the end. And now, he felt inspired to provide kids like him with a place to perform. I was so proud.

He spoke for a short while, yet still captivated the crowd. His talent in public speaking and charm won audiences over. Not even close to the boy who experienced the school.

written by daisy camacho

He yanked the string, and the velvet drapes slid aside to unveil the plaque mounted behind. My breath got caught and my eyes clouded before I recognized what I was seeing. Practically.

The Jacqueline Theater.

He had this biggest smile I can recall as he headed over to me. "I told you this was for you, not me."

"You prick," I replied. "You soppy prick." And I clutched his face and swallowed his lips.

Eventually, I needed to rise for air. "We're making a commotion," he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my neck.

"Let them see," I moaned.

That prompted him to chuckle. "Perhaps we should be leaving. Let the youngsters enjoy their prom."

I grasped his hand, started walking out of the foyer.

"This can't be the way to the car," he stated.

"Exactly," I declared, leading him toward the backstage doors. "We got a building to anoint." I hauled him along by the arm. "Oh, by the way... if this is your means of slamming me for how I've been penetrated, I'm gonna rent your cock off, chop it and serve it up to you in a spicy marinara."

"Sweetheart, 'spacious cavity' never even entered my thinking," he said, pointing to the marble cathedral we were forsaking.

"You know, divorce can be quite pricey," I surmised. "Fortunately for you, you're a fantastic lover."

We skipped towards the darkened corridors, and I couldn't help but reflect on the memories at this school, at our own Prom, that led this perfect gentleman back into my life.


Rippling water coursed down my slender teenager figure as I rinsed away the last of the bubbles and allowed the water to sooth me.

The most significant night of my life, I thought. Probably in the hunt for Prom Queen.

I ran my hands up my silky smooth thighs. Flawless. Then I took stock of the razor in my grasp, glancing down. I'd always maintained cleanliness - gymnastics, cheerleading, and swim team demanded it. But should I go fully hairless there?

If not now, then when? I asked myself. It's a special occasion, after all, so treat yourself. Furthermore, you never know when you might get laid. I crouched, very cautiously, and got to work.

Later, I was appreciative of the concept - the silky stockings and tiny thong beneath the slinky prom dress felt exquisite against my recently shaved skin. It made me feel even sexier, more confident, and marginally naughty. The perfect combo for the night.

I met Trish and the others in the gymnasium, which was filled with balloons, streamers, and trashy decorations for Prom. Trish wore a skintight turquoise dress that highlighted her curves and her fiery red hair.

"I see you smuggled in a pair of friends," I observed, nodding at the deep dip of her dress. Her bountiful bosom was in imminent danger.

"You're one to talk, bitch."

I inspected myself, grinning, bouncing on my toes and making my chest bounce. "What, these little things? I don't know where they came from. Come on, Trish, show us your dance."

She pirouetted, allowing us to peruse her curvaceous figure in its entirety. "Damn girl, that's a fine ass. I wish I had your butt. How the hell do you avoid panty lines in a dress that snug?"

"Easy, Jay," she replied. "Don't wear any."

"Ewww, TMI."

"Well, you inquired. And besides, it'll save time later with Andy."

"No, indeed, TMI," I instructed, and went to the punch bowl.

Cruising through the crowds of students, most of whom I realized I'd never communicate with again, was a weird experience. Not that it would be a notable loss to forgo links to most of them. For example - a wolf whistle rang out as Trish and I walked past Dave and his cronies.

"Heads up, guys, the entertainment's here!"

"Fuck you, Dave," Trish called back, showing him the middle finger.

"That's the idea, whores," he leered, eliciting shrieks of laughter from his neanderthal pals.

I didn't even look back. Once upon a time, I might've been flattered by the eyes but spent some time, just to enjoy a good time, even if it wasn't enduring. But then I learned. I desired a real bond, a soulmate, not simply a fuck buddy.

"Check out that pathetic loser," Trish commented, pointing to the chairs near the back wall in the shadows. I couldn't see initially, but as the spotlights rotated around the room, I spotted the target of her pity.

It was nerdy Stephen, slumped in a chair, his bottom lip stuck out, in his own world. His tie was askew, and his hair was a mess as he sipped a glass of punch.

She encouraged me, saying, "This will be a blast!" and guided me toward him. I was a bit sluggish in understanding her plan; before I got what she was doing, we were standing in front of him.

"Hello, Steve," she said, her voice as sensual as she could make it - which was not very, due to the alcohol she had consumed earlier. Gracefully, she leaned forward, allowing her breasts to almost burst from her low-cut dress. I watched Steve's eyes nearly pop out as he attempted to both look and not look at them.

"Would you like to dance?" Trish inquired of him.

Steve appeared at a loss for words. "I... um..." were the only ones that slipped past his lips before licking his lips. Yet, he managed to cross his legs - possibly attempting to conceal his emerging erection?

"I asked if you want to dance with me or with Jay?" she reiterated.

He gazed at her, then at me, then back at her, then back at me. He held my gaze for a moment before glancing down at his lap. I had never seen him look so sad.

"Well?" Trish inquired.

"Yes," he responded. "I'd enjoy it."

"Oh, what a loser! You pathetic lout!" she exclaimed in victory before laughing, dragging me away, and abandoning him to soak in his bleak rejection.

That was unnecessarily cruel, even for her. "Was that really required?" I inquired of her.

"What? It's just lighthearted fun. Come on, I need a refill," she stated, stumbling in the direction of the makeshift bar that had been set up along the edge of the gym hall.

I looked back toward the chairs, intending to apologize to Steve for her behavior. And for mine. We were former friends, although it felt like an age ago. I felt guilty for mocking him, for not calling Trish out on it sooner. Years ago, in fact.

But the chairs were empty. Steve was gone.


I searched the room without success to discover him. Nope, a door was shutting, leading to the corridor outside. I approached, pushed it open, and watched him vanish around the corner at the end.

"Steve! Wait!" I cried out.

"Leave me alone!" he shouted in response. His footsteps speeded up.

Dammit, my outfit wasn't supportive of running. I lifted my dress skirt and began sprinting after him.

"Please, Steve, let me talk to you!"

"Fuck off!" he yelled back. "I don't want to talk to you! I don't want to see any of you cunts again!" His footsteps quickened. "I knew I shouldn't have attended tonight," I believe I heard him remorsefully say.

I was gaining on him when I stumbled. "Ah, shit," I cried out. I looked up to see him turn and start walking back toward me. "Are you okay?" he inquired.

Should he care about me after everything I had done or not done to him?

I straightened my dress. Fortunately, nothing terrible occurred. I removed my broken high heel, lest I stagger like a fool. I hobbled over to the bench seat at the side of the corridor. Steve took my arm and walked me while I limped.

"My ankle is a little sore but not twisted," I said. Then I observed him. Gone was the loathing gaze, replaced now by what appeared to be genuine concern. "Thanks for helping me," I remarked.

"You're welcome." He sat parallel to me and remained silent.

I didn't know how to commence the conversation and had to. "What happened between us?" I posed. "We used to be quite close. But one day, we were no longer speaking."

Astonishment crossed his face. "You believe it was me who altered? You were the one who transformed into a bitch when you became a teenager. The only change was that I lost my best friend." Was it justifiable, I contemplated. I tried to recall. [

Steve and me were tight buddies since childhood. We dwelt on the same street, situated on the outskirts of the town. There weren't many kids around, so we just bonded together. We had long, dusty summers where we'd explore the woods, climb trees, make hideouts, skinny dip in the river in summers, and toboggan on tea-trays in winters. Our genders never mattered much. We were just kids, enjoying life carefreely. We were bright kids with a promising future ahead of us. I could say I was a bit of a tomboy, and we both had a touch of nerdy sides.

Yet, high school was different. Being bright and nerdy wasn't campus-friendly, making us easy targets for bullies. We both experienced bullying for a while until puberty struck. Puberty hit me harder, and my body developed faster than my emotional maturity. Instruction:

Out of nowhere, popularity came my way. I knew why; I wasn't oblivious, but I cashed in. Things that once were hard became effortless; boys were drawn to me, and girls wanted to be my friends. Or, at least, that's what I thought.

But what about Steve? For the first time, I pondered over his state. He wasn't buff or athletic; he was lanky and clumsy. I believed he had drifted away from me; but now, I was beginning to grasp the real reason. The people I was hanging out with had been the same group of bullies. Also, I hadn't been in the wrong, but not standing up for him either.

I attempted to hash it out with him. He was initially reluctant to open up, but we eventually confided in each other. Our chats were filled with our past experiences, pranks, and minor accidents. He was visibly edgy, maybe understandably so. It would take a while to bury the past. But, there was a glimmer of hope that we could be friends again one day.

As our dialogue petered out, I looked at him in his too-large suit, and remembered that it was prom night. The event was expected to be memorable. And it was his prom as much as mine. I stood up, stretched out my hand to him, leading him to me. "So, let's try this dance, shall we?" I asked him.

He glanced into my eyes. Not once did they drop towards my cleavage. "I'm not sure I want to go back in there," he expressed.

"C'mon! It's prom. You have to at least share one dance. It's compulsory!"

Begrudgingly, he followed me back into the hall. We strolled onto the dance floor, and I faced him. We shuffled around a bit at first. Not a single person was watching us; he was probably glad. The vast majority of our classmates were boozed up, busy making out, or both.

"คุณ barrier หาย," I instructed, attempting to draw him closer. He was hesitant to get intimate. "Come here," I urged again, pulling him towards me. The point was loud and clear between us. It was rubbing against my hip - long, hard, and hot, nested between us.

I leaned back. "Steve, do you... find me attractive?"

His eyes grew wide, as if I had asked a preposterous question. "Jackie, I... how can you not... you know I do. You know I've been in love with you since we were—"

"What? Eight?"


"But we were just children then. That wasn't love." Didn't it feel like love? A childhood crush, if you will. "You're so endearing." I kissed his cheek softly, making him shiver. My pelvis felt his erection pulsating steadily against me.

"I missed you," he whispered, swaying into me, nearly falling into me.

I kissed his forehead. The world around me ceased to exist, blurring out of focus. In his arms, I felt strangely serene, as if all my troubles had evaporated.

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Looking into his puppy-dog eyes, his gaze captured my soul, pulling me down towards him. Our lips met, and suddenly the room went dark, the music stopped. We were in our own world, just the two of us, lost in the moment. I could only feel his lips on mine, his body pressed against me, his tongue slipping into my mouth, his cock hard and pulsating against me. It was as if a dam inside me had burst, a dam I had no idea existed, holding back years of suppressed emotions and feelings. I wanted him, needed him, all of him, inside me - both emotionally and physically.

I broke away from the kiss. "Come with me," I demanded, leading him back down the corridor.

"Where are we going?"

"This way," I instructed, guiding him down the passage towards the offices. I halted at the end of the short hallway and started working on the keypad next to the door.

"We can't go in there!"

"It's private. Nobody will find us up here."

"We can't break into the headmaster's office! We'll get in so much trouble!"

My fingers were shaking wildly, not wanting to mess the code up. "Who cares? We'll be out of this hellhole soon enough." The entry system beeped and the door opened for me. I pushed him inside, quickly reprogramming the keypad to ensure no one could follow us in.

"How did you know the code?"

"I've been in here before. I've seen him tap it in so many times."


I walked over to the desk, lifting my dress up to flash Steve at the full moon. "I'm such a bad girl," I said, smiling as I bent over the wood, showing off my lingerie-clad ass.

To Steve's surprise, I didn't expect what he did next. His gaze locked on my behind, on the thong that was caught between my cheeks, on the stockings and suspender belt. He smacked me on the ass so hard it made it jiggle.

I was already aroused when we were kissing in the gymnasium. But now I was flooded. I needed him, and I needed him right now.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." he stammered.

"Sit in the chair," I ordered.


"His chair, the one behind the desk. Just sit there."

He got up and moved to the chair, still looking confused.

"I've been in here," I said, yanking off the zipper on my prom dress. "I didn't want to get cum stains on it." My hair was already pinned up, thankfully.

I strutted towards him, squeezed into his lap. He looked down at me, mesmerized by my breasts and the sight of my thong trapped between my legs. He stroked my breasts, my stockings, moving over my suspender belt.

"Jackie, you're so fucking hot," he choked.

I felt the heat too. I fumbled with his pants, gripping his length in my hand. "I wasn't expecting this," is all he could muster to say.

I licked along the base of his shaft, allowing a drop of pre-cum to settle on my tongue. "You're not what the locker room rumours suggested," I giggled.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you'd be smaller," I shrugged. My cheeks burned slightly.

"I'm not so much a show-er, more of a grower."

The smell of him was intoxicating. I flicked out my tongue, running it along the surface, tasting him.

"Jesus. This can't be happening."

"It's okay, I've been waiting for this for a very long time," I smiled, taking him deep in my mouth.

He held my head, not hurting me - our first fuck was never a case of dominance or control. He merely wanted to keep me there, keep himself from getting lost in the pleasure. He gently caressed my neck and stroked my cheek, sending jolts of heat down my spine.

"Jackie, I'm almost - "

He tensed, his hands gripping the arms of the chair. "Aaaahhh!" he cried out, coming in my mouth, his hot load spilling over my tongue, down my throat. I drank him down, savouring his taste, and left one final moan as I let go of his shaft.

When he was done, I stood up and hopped onto the edge of the desk in front of him.

"Oh my god, Jackie, I've waited so long for you to do that," he said.

"And there's more where that came from, maybe," I responded, licking my lips and sucking my finger. "But first, I really need you to make love to me."

He hesitated. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that right away," he said.

"Then you'll have to find something else to do until you're prepared," I told him, lying back on the desk and putting my feet up on the edge. "You'll have to find alternative ways to occupy yourself."

His eyes kept moving between my legs. I could see that my aroused state was having a powerful effect on him. His pupils were dilating as he struggled to keep his gaze on my face. I knew how wet I was, my thong must be completely transparent with my fluids. While he was unable to control himself, he started to caress my bare, sensitive thighs. He reached my waist and helped me raise my butt off the teacher's desk, so he could draw the wet underwear down my legs. As he rolled back in his chair, he began to kiss his way up my thighs. I could feel myself shaking. I wanted this, my friend for so long, crossing the line into being my lover.

He stopped just short of my genitals. I could feel his breath teasing my sensitive lips. I was glad I had shaved earlier. I needed to rub my fluids on his pretty face. I fought the urge to rock forward and smear my juices all over his face. I managed to restrain myself. Every nerve ending was on fire; it felt like he would ignite me just by touching me with his tongue.

He stopped kissing my inner thigh. "I'm not sure what I'm doing," he confessed, looking up at me.

"You're doing an amazing job," I whispered, feeling a drop of wetness run down to my thighs. "Please, I can't take this teasing anymore... lick me," I begged.

He smiled, then moved closer.

As he touched my hidden depths, I felt my body respond, cumming almost immediately. I heard his moan and felt the vibration through my body. In return, I groaned. Feeling his tongue inside me, I was like a ball of energy. He slid his hands up to my waist, then around my back, pulling me closer to him.

For someone who didn't know what they were doing, he was surprisingly talented. My body was responding to his touch, leaking more of my desire onto his face and fingers. My nipples were firm inside my bra, catching on the lace, and I couldn't resist playing with them. Every twist and pinch sent a shudder down to my pussy. He kept licking my clit just enough to drive me crazy.

"Please," I begged. "Lick my clit."

He rose up, moving up my body, sliding his tongue along my inner thighs. Then he slipped his hand into my folds. He brought it out, then thrust it back in, his fingers roughly against me, begging me to moan.

"Have you never done this before?" I asked with a smile.

"No" he breathed into my wetness. "But I've read a lot of porn."

He returned to his work, sucking and licking, his fingers stroking deep inside me. I could feel the intensity building. The tension in my body was growing so powerful... and then he found my magic spot, and I couldn't think. I let out a series of incomprehensible groans, my legs crossing around his head, my arms collapsing on the desk, my back slamming into it as I climaxed again and again.

It wasn't until I could breathe again that I looked down at his earnest face underneath my legs.

"Oh my God," I sighed. "We've wasted so much time not being together." I slid off the desk, grabbed my breast, pulling his face to my nipple as I jumped to the floor. My hands clung to his neck, then he grabbed my other nipple, sucking it as well. His erection was huge. "I'm ready now. I need to fuck you," he gasped, his finger swiping across the wetness on my lips.

"That's great, 'cause I want you inside me," I said, making my way towards the sofa. I unclasped my bra and tossed it aside, lay back on the leather, and observed him frantically attempting to remove his shirt in the heat of the situation. Eventually, he stood before me completely naked. This reminded me of something. "I haven't seen you without clothes since that summer by the brook."

"It seems like we've both changed quite a bit since then," he remarked, eyes tracing over my breasts and then further down.

"Let's do it again sometime," I suggested, and couldn't help but grin.

"Deal. Uh, damn it!" he exclaimed, turning to look at his clothing. "I don't have... do you have any, um, you know..." he gestured at his erection.

Aw, such a sweetheart, standing there stark naked with my cum on his jaw and pre-cum dripping from his impressive penis, but too nervous to utter the word "condoms" to his best friend and lover in a completely private setting.

I was on fire, and ready for him to be inside me. I wasn't going to wait for him to retrieve his garments and rush to the bathroom in search of a functioning vending machine. It's not as though anything would transpire, not at the outset. In addition, I certainly wasn't expecting. And most of my exes demanded unprotected sex.

"Just come closer," I instructed. "I can't hold off, I need you now."

As he neared, his eyes initially hesitated, fixated on every part of me before landing on his mouth. He leaned over me, supported his weight on a knee on the couch as he leaned toward me to lick and suck on my nipple, then kissed his way up to my lips. I gripped his length in my hand, guided him into me, and kissed his mouth while taking him inside.

He broke the kiss to groan, "Oh God, we're really doing this..." as he could feel himself contracting inside of me. He glanced down at me as, with each push, he penetrated me slightly deeper. I felt him passing through me - not the thickest I'd ever experienced, but substantial enough to elicit a delicate moan from me, relishing the feeling of being gradually filled. "It's so scorching," he groaned, uncertain if he meant the passion or the genuine sensation of my body warmth as I clenched around him.

I reached around to his muscular rear, tugged, urging him deeper within me. "I want all of you," I whispered, experiencing how he stretched me. I felt him breach the final barrier, nearing the point I craved, pushing me a bit past my limit, rubbing that special zone at the end of me, deep inside, grinding against my clit. I felt his hair tickle my shaved skin, sensed our bodies connecting as tightly as they could. But I craved more; I raised my legs from the ground, spread them apart, wrapped them around his hips so my ankles were pressing on his buttocks, felt him penetrate me even further, then pull back, then thrust in again... his veined penis teasing my folds as he moved.

"Oh god, Jackie, you feel fantastic... I'm not sure I can last long," he moaned, his hips moving uncontrollably.

I could barely hear him over my throbbing head. Ever since we met in childhood, it was Steve in me. Steve, filling me. Steve's hands fondling my generous breasts, Steve's tongue in my mouth, Steve's tremendous cock, plunging me in the headmaster's office, bring me ever closer to an immeasurably overwhelming climax.

I gazed up into his eyes, saw his disbelief. I placed his spare hand in mine, placed his fingers against my lips, kissed them. "Please don't hold back," I begged, noticing he was nearing his end, knowing I was as well.

"I adore you, Jackie," he uttered, his breath starting to get erratic, his motions becoming disorganized.


That's when I realized what I'd been missing. Why every relationship had felt so meaningless, why every boyfriend had left me unfulfilled. The sex may have been great, but this was something new. This was... completion. It felt right, as it should be.

Just as I acknowledged that to myself and prepared to respond, he climaxed - shooting himself deep inside me, his penis pulsing and his head shuddering as the force of the climax rippled through him. Feeling him bestow his heart on me in that way triggered a climax of my own, and I shouted my reaction, "Steve... yes, I... I... love... you too..." I was only able to utter between gasps, as my body shook.

The remnants of our formalwear spread across the now widely used dressing room of the Jacqueline Theatre. Heaving, I rose from the reclining couch and stretched toward my phone, which continued to vibrate intermittently for several minutes. I was familiar with the sound but a little preoccupied.

Six missed calls from Sophie, reciprocated by a handful of text messages. "Where are you?" and "I can see the car, I know you're still there."

I clicked callback, set it to speaker mode and she answered before it even rang. "Hi Mum, what's all the commotion?"

"Hi dear. Yes, Dad and I were... I was fondling my way through the Jacqueline Theatre. He was... umm, demonstrating."

"Really? I can't say my son possesses the most refined sense of humor sometimes. I suppose I can go to school here." A brief silence. "I'm prepared to leave now if that's what you're suggesting."

"No, advance was unsuccessful. But you may owe your father a few condoms," Steve jested, pulling on his boxers.


"I'd told you, safety first. This could be a magical night, Sophie. Prom... you never know. It's practically nineteen years ago since…" he arrowed at me "...since your mother and I enjoyed this evening." He winked at her. "The both of us."

Steve hung up, and I donned my bra, shoving my girls right back in. "Can you zip up this for me?"

"Certainly," Steve stated. "Apart from assisting in discharging from it sooner, how could I not?"

Special as ever, he was. But it was a treasure, what he extracted from that evening long ago. Or two gifts, if you count Sophie. My marvellous family.

We rode home in the car, chattering, with numerous reasons to be content. As a pair.

THE END [word count: 228]

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