Penalty Provisions

Admission of inmate 534 into the civil detention center.

Jun 7, 2024
5 min read
humiliationchastitydebtprisonPunishment Clausefemdompunishment
Punishment Clause
Punishment Clause

Penalty Provisions

Ms. Palmer, the facility secretary, chuckled at the pathetic story. It amused her to think of how disproportionate yet well-deserved the new inmate's punishment would be. He had truly brought this upon himself.

"So, inmate 534, you believe that since your debt was only $8.50, your punishment should be light?" she asked incredulously, narrowing her eyes. "It's not the amount of debt that determines your civil confinement, but your motivation, attitude, and breaching of the contract you voluntarily agreed to, including the punishment clauses. Nod if you understand this."

Inmate 534 nodded, unable to speak due to his gag. An obvious erection became apparent under his prison overalls as the words came from the prison secretary's red lips.

"Your... arousal... as you face serious consequences is troubling. Your attitude clearly needs adjusting! These notes show your failure to take your contractual obligations seriously... your BDSM fantasies do not make your agreement any less valid." Ms Palmer continued going through the notes, and this feeble attempt to avoid the full range of civil penalties.

"This facility ensures that those who can't be responsible citizens learn the importance of sticking to agreements." She stopped, her chilling gaze freezing his heart. "On the contrary, your arousal makes your infraction even more severe. Nod if you agree."

Inmate 534 nodded, still aroused, but now with a feeling of terror beginning to creep in.

"We're professionals here, not here for your entertainment, and I must choose the proper regime to ensure your compliance. However, your situation calls for something more... serious."

She read Punishment Clause 7: "Further punishment may be applied during a period of civil confinement, as determined by the professional judgement of an officer of the confining authority, which the debtor may not appeal, having recourse only to the professional standards board of the civil punishment association."

Inmate 534 remained aroused. There was only one choice for Ms. Palmer: enforcing chastity as an inducement. Inmate 534 would have a tougher road ahead.

"To control your problematic genitals and their arousal, which are irrelevant to a magistrate, I'll determine what happens to them during your prison sentence. You'll find yourself under Level 7 restrictions at all times." Inmate 534's eyes widened, but he was still aroused.

The facility secretary relished the power to dictate each and every inmate's sexual future. "You'll forget about that," she said, pressing her baton onto his cock. "And you'll suffer until we consider you ready to return to society."

Officers Brady and Columba, sharply dressed with their hair tied up, entered the room. They embodied the austere severity of the punishment that awaited.

"Inmate 534, you acknowledge that you entered a contract with civil confinement as a punishment for breaking the contract, then breached it again, nod in agreement," said Officer Brady calmly. Inmate 534 nodded, still hard. "You'll forget about that," she said, thrusting her baton onto his cock. "And you'll suffer until we deem you ready for society."

Officer Columba pulled out a plain brown box and placed it on a cold metal bench. "Inmate 534, come here!" she snapped, waiting impatiently for the inmate to arrive. As he was handcuffed, she lowered his trousers, revealing his twitching penis. She took a scanning device from the box and aimed it at his groin. "This measures your dimensions, so the NPB Belt can be calibrated." Inmate 534 groaned in agony as Officer Brady twisted his balls and struck his penis with the baton. "This needs to be soft..."

After a minute of scanning, Officer Columba returned the scanner, took out a contraption from the box, and placed it on the bench. "[Inmate 534], we need to fit you now!" she barked, as the rattling of his shackles finally stopped and he was in position. As he was handcuffed, she removed his trousers and exposed his twitching penis. She pointed the scanner at his groin, "This will measure your dimensions so the NPB Belt can be calibrated." He cried out in pain as Officer Brady twisted his balls and struck his penis with the baton. "This must be soft..."

"This is the punishment belt," she said. "It's designed to deny you any access to your genitals and stop any kind of enjoyment. You're here to be punished, which, under level 7 restrictions, means complete denial. Internal sensors will detect any erections and instantly fill the cavity around your genitals with a cold, sticky liquid, the only thing your genitals will touch during your sentence." She said while fastening the DP belt around inmate 534's waist. "Do you understand, and have you agreed to this?" Inmate 534 nodded, feeling the weight of dread and a growing future of suffering.

Officer Columba smiled, her eyes glinting with delight. She loved these moments, knowing she held this inmate's fate in her control while she could enjoy life to the fullest. Noticing the smile, inmate 534 felt aroused, but for the first time, this led to consequences as his erection was detected, and the cold, sludgy fluid filled the cavity, causing his cock to shrink. This was true punishment. Now he truly regretted not taking the contract seriously. No more would he let his desires lead him into agreements like this, he promised himself.

"You'll learn that we're your absolute superiors, even when your body is completely sexless and full of misery," Officer Brady said. "While our job is to correct and reform, there have been instances where we've had to extend sentences, even resulting in life terms for repeated non-compliance. I hope this won't be necessary for you, but it's a potential outcome."

The exterior of the no-pleasure Belt looked like industrial equipment and was disproportionate and unattractive. Officer Brady hit it with her baton against inmate 534's groin, but he didn't feel a thing. "It auto-cleans, and waste is drained into the storage sack, which Officer Columba is now installing, so there won't be any removal or sensation except for aversive stimuli to make sure you're effectively punished."

Officer Columba laughed and her voice sent chills down his spine, "You'll experience at least six months of living hell. I, along with all the civil punishment officers, love our jobs and relish the creative ways we administer punishment to each individual." She pulled the gag out.

"Now, please verbally acknowledge that this falls within the terms you agreed to," Officer Columba said.

"Red! Red!" inmate 534 cried, the terror of what was to come was unbearable.

"Hmm, was that an attempt to safeword?" Officer Columba asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No," Officer Brady responded, scoffing. "Nobody would be that foolish...would they? I think he was saying 'read! read!' as in he's read these terms and agreed to them."

They both laughed.

"Great!" Officer Columba said. "Now that's settled, let's take him to the isolation cell. Follow us, 534."

Barely able to walk, inmate 534 complied. He was surprised to find himself heading back in the same direction. There had to be some sort of mindfuck going on, he thought. The door opened, and they were back in the secretary's office. Ms. Palmer smiled maliciously.

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