Pinnacle of Excellence

Desiring flawlessness is tedious.

May 12, 2024
72 min read
dancinggay loverough sexromancefingeringPerfectionanalblowjobkissingdramahumor

Pinnacle of Excellence

Dance of Desire was initially never intended to have a sequel, but here it is! This small story is inspired by one of my frequent commenters who holds a fascination with one of my characters, who goes by the name Cam. They yearned for a tale told solely from Cam's perspective.

Cam is quite attractive and possesses that mysterious brooding quality that can be easily outshined by his charming smile. (Sigh!) One couldn't help but be enamored by him, and his impressive abs. (Whimpery sigh!)

If you're interested in taking a brief journey to Italy with lots of steamy sex, continue reading.

This can also be enjoyed as a standalone.

Tess O'Meter - Green.


Cam casually yawned and slowly stretched, ensuring his previous back pain wouldn't reoccur. Then, with greater confidence, he elongated his stunning, well-defined, 5'10'' (plus a little more) physique into his full form, following a yawn, before returning to his mattress. Relieved to notice an improvement in his injured muscle.

He usually danced with his partner, Beth, who was currently on maternity leave. Agreeing to partner another talented young dancer named Muriel, who he found it difficult to pronounce correctly.

Muriel's partner and lover had incurred a broken ankle. Though a positive injury, it required four months of recovery and rehab.

Cam consented to dance with Muriel and found her to be talented, but inexperienced. During rehearsals, she once hesitated during a lift, prompting him to attempt to lift her from a standstill.

She weighed no more than eight stones soaked, and despite his fit, muscular build being strong, the attempt to lift her was challenging without any support. The result was a frantic tangle of limbs, Muriel apologizing excessively, and Cam cursing fluently.

It was a good thing she couldn't speak Italian!

He sighed with relief at the knowledge of their two-week break from performances. He would have ample time to encourage more confidence from Muriel when he returned from vacation.

Upon opening his eyes, he was delighted to discover the time was late morning. He loathed waking up early since it often led to dark thoughts. Waking at 5 a.m. was always depressing.

He audibly yawned and stretched once more. Satisfied that his back pain was diminishing, the prospect of boarding a plane for three hours was less unbearable than he anticipated.

The relief could partly be attributed to the nice hot sex he had the previous night with his husband, Frankie.

He grinned as he considered the delightful experience of surrendering to Frankie's skilled hands, leaving him feeling soft and vulnerable.

The ecstasy of lying helpless, only able to moan, as Frankie orally worked his way to Cam's climax felt exceptionally sensual.

He couldn't help but smile at the memory of his husband sucking the life out of him through his penis.

He flopped his hand onto the bed beside him. While sometimes his hand would land on someone's buttocks, chest, or even his manhood, at others, he would unwittingly swat someone's nose or chin, resulting in a priceless, sleepy, annoyed expression followed by fits of laughter.

However, today, his hand landed on the bed cover. He flipped over to his back and with a frown, stared at the empty bed. It was still early. Where was the one who used to share it with him?

And what was that strange smell?

Just as his feet connected with the floor, the fire alarm in the kitchen began to screech. Cam winced, but hesitated, listening intently. He noticed a muffled, "Hush. Shut the fuck up," before the sound of a stool being pushed back, followed by, "Bastard thing!"

He lightly walked out to the kitchen, wearing the same old sweatpants that could cling to his waist.

Frankie, anxiously repositioning a tea towel over a plume of black smoke filling the kitchen, turned away from Cam, trying to entice the smoke towards the window.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"No. I was already awake. What are you doing?"

Frankie pouted, "I was making breakfast. But I got distracted. It's all right. I can start again."

Cam stepped closer, casting a curious eye at Frankie's failed attempt to disperse the smelly smoke with a towel. "What are you cooking? Ricotta pancakes? You didn't have to go to such lengths."

"Since it's your birthday and they're your favorites, today must be flawless."

"It's not even my birthday yet."

"It's your birthday, vacation, honeymoon - it all happened so suddenly," Frankie scowled while waving her hand through the air, causing Cam to laugh and kiss her nose.

"Do I age every day during this trip?"

Frankie just rolled her eyes.

"Do you need assistance?"

"No, you go take a shower, I'll need 20 minutes."

Not wanting to argue, Cam pulled up his pants and walked towards the shower.

25 minutes later, he returned to a more pleasant scent and a smiling Frankie, arranging fruits and berries in a complex pattern around soft pancakes.

"Perfect timing. Perfect pancakes. I hope," Frankie nudged Cam onto a stool and theatrically presented him with a plate and fork. Watching with concern, biting her lip, as Cam pushed back his wet hair, then cut a pancake and berries and chewed thoughtfully.

She maintained a straight face. Eager for a cue, Frankie's eyes focused on Cam's mouth. Cam nodded, furrowed his brow, and muttered, "Hmmmm."

He snorted when Frankie's face fell, "Are they terrible?"

"They're amazing. Are you going to be an anal man the entire trip?"

Frankie tried to look grumpy, but couldn't hide his happiness at the sight of Cam enjoying his breakfast.

Before Frankie could sit next to him, Cam grabbed him and pulled him close. Briefly abandoning his food, he instead pulled Frankie between his legs and kissed the side of his neck.

"Keep in mind, Frankie," Cam said with a smile. "No day is perfect, but every day with you is wonderful. Because you're here."

He smiled as Frankie turned his head and caught Cam's lips. "I agree," he whispered, his eyes slightly teary.

Cam pushed him back towards the stool and watched as Frankie tasted his pancakes. "Oh, it's good."

"Yes, I expected nothing less."

He grinned as Frankie grabbed his plate protectively.


"Did you put the battery back in the fire alarm?", Cam suddenly remembered to ask. The delay wouldn't make much difference, as they had already arrived at the airport and made it through security.

"Yes," Frankie confirmed. Cam nodded, satisfied that tomorrow's itinerary would remain undisturbed.

A half hour later, the satisfaction waned a little as the announcement came: "We regret to inform you that Ryanair flight FR1474 to Naples is delayed. Please wait for further updates."

Cam shook his head at Frankie's scowl and reassured her, "It doesn't matter. We'll still get there."

Three hours later, Cam tried not to look worried as Frankie scowled at the check-in desk and mumbled about the advantages of EasyJet. He expected more from Frankie, someone who had traveled a lot, considering her reaction to travel delays.

After a quick call to Bella to inform her of the situation, he hung up and dragged Frankie towards him.

"Calm down. We'll arrive today or tomorrow. It's not the important thing."


"Stop stressing."

It was past midnight (local time) when Frankie and Cam finally reached Bella's house in Naples.

This was not the house Cam had shared with Bella after he turned fourteen. It wasn't the one he lived in from sixteen to nineteen before moving to the UK.

But it was on the same street.

The larger house accommodated a spare bedroom for guests, which Bella could now have.

Purchasing the home for Bella had been Frankie's wedding gift to Cam.

Standing outside, surveying Bella's home, Cam couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart. Frankie always knew him so well, allowing him to buy this house for Bella - who had shared a room with Lucia since her birth. Bella deserved this. She needed it.

Sometimes Cam got nervous about how well Frankie understood him - and used it to his advantage.

When Frankie gave him a smile, her eyes glowed with joy. "It's lovely. The house, it's so sweet." She spoke quietly, conscious of her neighbors.

Cam stepped closer, smiling at her. "It's great. You can see the old house over there," he pointed. "The one where the cat is sitting."

"We're so close."

Cam gave a nod and leans in to softly kiss Frankie, trying to convey his gratitude and love. The appreciation for his brother's kindness. Although money wasn't an issue for Frankie, Cam believed this gesture to carry substantial meaning.

As their lips separate, Cam prolongs the embracement by slipping his hand into Frankie's hair. Both were beaming.

Without uttering a word, Cam knocks gently at the door. He nervously peers over his shoulder.

On the door's opening, Cam's heart quickens as he faces his younger brother, roughly five inches taller with an elegant stature. Tonio was handsome, slender, and had a baby-faced appearance, which required a jog to rid himself of the five o'clock shadow. Cam was immediately overcome with an exhilarating mix of happiness and sorrow knowing they lived worlds apart.

With an air of sarcasm, Tonio sneers and departs to hold Frankie in a fierce hug. "At last. My most beloved sibling-in-law."

Cam scoffed yet his heart swelled. He found delight in watching Tonio and Frankie's fast-growing friendship.

Grasping Bella's duffel bag, Cam smirks at her before returning to retrieve Frankie's bag. Both brothers, still engulfed in their affectionate embrace, were whispering in tandem.

Before he could unfasten the bag's clasp, a deep voice called out, "Camillo Russo!"

Jumping in fright, Cam turns to wave at Bella's fearsome neighbor. At a guesstimated age of 150, this scarecrow was shockingly still breathing.

With a casual gait, Cam treks across the road to pay his respects. He recognizes his body reacting to the old foe.

Sometime between when he was fourteen and learning about trust, Bella displayed loyalty protecting him. This event left Cam smitten and innocent. A love and adoration that has not ceased.

Despite Signor Gastani's advancing senility, a disheartening fact, he continued to emanate a palpable aura of menace.

Lacking an idea of how to explain the situation, he inquired, "How are you?" Flinching at his obvious concern, watching Signor Gastani assume a rigid spine.

"Barely hanging on," Signor Gastani retorted with a dismissive sigh. Gesturing to the living room, "Tonio said you and he will assist me? First thing in the morning and I'll prepare coffee."

"Certainly, sir. Whatever the task," Cam responds.

"Well, I'm going to retire for the night," Signor Gastani ordered, "How about you?"

Caught off guard, Cam struggles to speak. Bella beckons Frankie into the house, inviting him inside.

Infuriated by his stubbornness, Signor Gastani whacked Cam's arm, "Bring them here now!"

"Alright," Cam counters, signaling Bella to trot over with Frankie. Both apprehensive about the eventual meeting with their mysterious neighbor.

"Lorenzo, this is Frankie. Frankie, this is Lorenzo. He is a volcanologist," Signor Gastani clarifies in English, an ability Cam never knew he possessed.

"There's nothing Lorenzo couldn't tell you about Mount Vesuvius," Cam supplements, fiercely proud.

"In English, you may address me as Lorenzo," Signor Gastani instructs, lightly patting Frankie’s arm. Then scolding Cam, "You have not been told otherwise."

Chuckling, Cam agrees. Amused as he experiences a surge of fondness.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lorenzo," Frankie remarks fluent in Italian. Reciprocating the levity.

"I see," Lorenzo mentions in English, "Good. I plan on going to bed now. Expect Tomorrow, both of you with the boys. We can discuss our business as they work. I have the best coffee."

"Thrilled to oblige, thank you," Frankie replies.

Cam and Bella strolled back inside their home. "I'll see you in the morning then. Goodnight," she whispered, slamming the door shut before anyone else could reply.

Tonio carried Frankie's bag with him. "He has a stairlift installed tomorrow," she shared as they stepped inside. "Tonio said you and he would help move some furniture to make room."

Cam shrugged, "Sure." His arms were wrapped around Bella, whose embrace provided a sense of security he had never known.

"Tonio showed him the wedding photos," she added. "He said Frankie reminded him of his brother. The one who passed away in the war."

Frankie gasped and swiftly covered his mouth in shock. "That's terrible."

Tonio nodded solemnly. "Yes. He was shot and lost his life in Signor Gastani's arms. A horrific incident."

Cam took a step back, his astonishment overshadowed by the news about the old man.

"Tonio reassured him, stating that he wanted to meet you. There was no issue with you marrying a man." Tonio initiated an embrace. Cam responded, touched by his brother's acceptance. They both teared up and weren't ashamed of it.

Cam stroked Tonio's face and he marvelled at the mature, strong person his brother had become. "You're crazy! You were a baby a second ago!" exclaimed Cam, giggling.

"You're aging," Tonio teased and kissed his cheek in display of affection.


The following morning, Cam accompanied Frankie to the docks.

Their daily routine consisted of sweating and panting as they lugged bookcases filled with books and cabinets to clear a path around Signor Gastani's stairs. While they worked, Frankie and Signor Gastani relaxed in the warm rays of the sun, sipping coffee and listening to Signor Gastani's stories of volcanoes, the city, and other adventures.

Unsurprisingly, Cam found himself questioning whether some of these stories could be true.

Frankie was willing to invest all the faith in the elderly gentleman, choosing to stay out of his way to speed up their work.

If not for Frankie's belief in Signor Gastani's tales, it would've taken twice as long to complete the task.

The warm coffee was satisfyingly delicious, as was the variety of pastries that accompanied it.

After the day's labor, Tonio vanished to court his new lover, but Cam and Frankie remained behind to sightsee.

They crossed the street to a busy intersection and Frankie was astonished by the traffic. "Why is there no stopping at the zebra crossing, Cam?" he asked, his eyes wide with fascination.

"It won't stop," Cam explained.

"But this is a zebra crossing," Frankie pointed out. "Why aren't the cars stopping?"

"You'll get used to it."

After navigating the treacherous streets of Italy, he led Frankie to hail a cab back to their house.

The pair spent their day exploring the city and visiting cafes, while also enjoying refreshing scoops of gelato.

Thankfully, the sun played a role in make-up sex, freeing Cam's mind of any lingering tension.

Dinnertime arrived and Frankie wiped his hands clean while teaching Bella and Lucia how to make Paella.

Tonio hurried home in time to eat - who else could refuse such a delightful meal? Afterwards, he disappeared.

Cam approached his husband for their shared, romantic moment and found him in the shower. "Time for some holiday lovin'!," he chuckled, wanting to greet his partner with lube.

Cam entered Frankie's bedroom and closed the door gently. Placing his hands against the wall, he leaned back with his head on the door. He couldn't help but grin as he thought about their previous plans.

Frankie was lying on the bed, with lube nearby, but he was also asleep. With his arm draped over his head like a cat covering its eyes, Cam knew this meant Frankie was deeply unconscious.

He released a sigh and moved to the bathroom. After washing off the remnants of sunscreen, he started to consider whether he wanted to masturbate or wait until the morning.

The decision was made for him when a warm, sleepy body pressed against his back and Frankie's hand took control of his. "Let me do it," he whispered.

Cam smiled and placed his hands against the wall for support. Frankie reached around and stroked him to full hardness, all while kissing his back and shoulders.

"Turn around," Cam ordered.

Taking a deep breath, he complied. Looking at Frankie kneeling on the floor of the bathroom, Cam's heart raced.

"We need to go to the bedroom," Frankie reminded him.

"It's fine," Cam replied, thinking it wouldn't matter.

Cam was brought to the edge as Frankie engulfed his cock, taking it deep in his warm, wet mouth. He couldn't help but give himself over.

As Frankie hummed and moaned, encouraging him, Cam paused, grabbed hold of Frankie's head, and thrust slightly.

Frankie swallowed him whole and looked up at Cam with a smirk. "I told you!"

Cam laughed and wiped the sweat from his face. He grabbed Frankie's hand and led him back to the bedroom. They cleaned each other up and climbed into bed together.

Lying next to Frankie, Cam inhaled his scent and fell asleep.


The next day, as they made their way to the ballroom dance classes, Cam found himself shocked by their sudden appearance.

Frankie panicked, grabbing Cam's hand and pulling him into a narrow alley. "Shit. Shit." he whispered, his eyes filled with fear.

"What's wrong?" Cam questioned, searching the area for any signs of trouble.

Frankie held up his left hand, the ring glimmering in the light. "Should we take off our rings?"

His heart sank at the prospect of hiding their relationship. "Do you..." he murmured, feeling awful.

"No, but I don't want to hurt your friend," Frankie stammered, unsure of how Cam would react.

Cam stood firmly, holding Frankie's gaze. "I'm not ashamed. I'm proud. You can take off your ring if you want, but I won't hide."

There was slight relief in Frankie's eyes as he opened his hand and removed his ring. "I love you," he added.

Cam's shoulders relaxed. "I love you too. And Sister Maria will be happy for me."

Frankie braced himself and smiled at Cam's words. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Let's go teach the class now."

Sister Maria greeted Cam as they entered the dance hall. She was as lovely as Bella, inside and out, and Cam adored her. He beamed at her, despite the heavy regret he felt for not being able to show her more affection.

He had limited contact with Sister Maria since his youth. He was allowed to teach at the convent occasionally, so he saw her several times a year.

Cam had once asked Frankie why Sister Maria hadn't visited Bella since they were kids, and Frankie was astonished to learn that they only exchanged letters once a year.

On the other hand, Cam always saw Sister Maria when he was in Naples. Before the age of sixteen, she had treated Bella and him like her own kids. Afterwards, she became like a mother to him.

Frankie had been awed by the details Cam shared of their relationship, particularly their final hug, when Cam had left to live with Bella. "You're really close to her, right?" he'd asked.

He nodded, and although he missed his favorite sister dearly, he was filled with gratitude that they still maintained their connection.

Frankie's eyes grew wide as they entered the dance hall. "Sister Maria is...beautiful," he whispered, amazed.

Cam grinned. "I know, right? I love her."

Knowing they would be taught by Sister Maria, Frankie's confidence returned. "We should be pretty good, right?"

The knot in Cam's stomach lightened. "I think so too."

They walked over to Sister Maria and greeted her warmly. She returned their smiles and led them to a side room.

Frankie had been told that he would only have a short time to share updates with the others, so he stood alongside Cam and Sister Maria, giving the appearance of a slow, awkward conversation while Cam shared news and family stories with Sister Maria in rapid Italian.

When Sister Maria's superior gestured uncomfortably, they all stepped back casually, and Sister Maria promised to talk with them later. "Thank you," she said with a grateful smile.

"You're welcome. Nice to meet you," Frankie said back while looking around as if appraising the building.

The room was filled with around twenty teenagers, mostly girls and only three boys, eagerly awaiting their turn to dance. Cam assumed the students knew more about who Frankie and him were than the nuns did.

They split the group in half, busy keeping things moving throughout the morning. Cam was thankful to have Frankie there, helping share the workload.

After the first class was complete and an additional hour spent with four teenagers that Cam and Frankie had selected, Cam concluded that it had been a productive morning. He left a dark corridor, heading toward Frankie and Sister Maria, who were quietly exchanging words. The sound in the old building was unpredictable, causing the noises to bounce randomly.

"It felt like such a relief," Sister Maria explained. "The thought of leaving here would've broken my heart and, for some of the older nuns, it would've been devastating. This donation not only saved the roof but will secure the building for another century."

"That's great," Frankie said, trying to sound enthusiastic, but Cam immediately noticed the guilt and discomfort in his voice.

"Yes," Sister Maria agreed, maintaining a deceptively unconcerned expression she'd used to call out Cam when he was in trouble. "Hmmm."

Cam approached to lift the burden from Frankie. "I think it went well. You have some talented dancers here."

"Yes, thank you so much for the class. They always learn so much, and thank you for helping Frankie. I hope you'll come again."

"Yes, I would love to," Frankie replied, sounding genuine now.

Sister Maria gracefully switched between Italian and English, addressing Cam. "He's good for you. I'm so happy for you. He's released your smile."

Cam raised his eyebrows, perplexed by Sister Maria's statement.

"Your smile was a rare thing, Cam," she continued. "You were always so cautious and reserved. But now, it's the sun." She burst into a laugh when Cam blushed and shyly looked away.

As they left the convent, Sister Maria once more turned to Frankie and Cam. "I'm sorry," she apologized to both of them.

"I'm not," replied Cam, adamant about this.

"I'm not either," he added when Frankie frowned and turned to him. "There's no 'my money' or 'your money' anymore. It's ours. And that look on your face is why."

"It makes you uncomfortable?" Frankie questioned.

"No, I'm just curious. It's your decision about what you do with your money." He nodded as Frankie visibly relaxed. "And that look you just gave me is exactly what I meant."

They left the convent and found a bench to finish their late lunch and repel pigeons as they people-watched. Frankie was deep in thought. Cam understood that his husband was not always as confident as he liked to appear, often pondering on Sister Maria's words. Cam had no concerns. They would discuss that later. However,

"Why didn't you tell me about the donation?" Cam inquired gently.

Frankie winced and seemed uneasy.

Cam reached for his hand. "It's alright. I just wanted to understand. It's your money; you're allowed to do with it as you please, but..." and he trailed off when Frankie straightened.

"It's ours", he clarified. "I mean it. There's no more 'mine' and 'yours'. And that look on your face is why." By giving Frankie a reassuring nudge, he tried to downplay the situation. "That's alright. I was just curious. Your money is up to you."

Frankie faced Cam fully with a serious look. "You told me what Sister Maria said about the building needing urgent work. She didn't know you had access to money, and you didn't ask me, which you don't need to do, but I chose to handle it. It was possible from the charity account, and now their house is secure. I'm not sure how she figured out it was me, though."

Cam nodded as Frankie spoke. The first time Cam visited their current home, he wondered why Frankie needed an office, as a professional dancer.

But Frankie was also an artist and a financial guru. He worked hard, growing his wealth, and directed it towards charitable causes. Apart from his luxurious travels, he mainly lived off the income from dance, teaching, and art.

Now that their income was combined, it was easier, and Cam was enjoying learning how the charity fund worked, expanded, and how great it felt to assist.

"I did want to discuss the convent repairs with you, but I wanted to learn more from Sister Maria first."

"Ah. Ah, well. That's okay then." Frankie bit his lip and seemed bashful.

"And she knew, because when she told me earlier there was an anonymous donor, I knew it was you. She knows me well enough to have read my expression."

Cam observed as Frankie gazed across the pretty square they were sitting in. Waiting for him to speak his mind.

Eventually, "Aren't we both uneasy about the money issue, though?"

"Yes. We'll become less uneasy as time passes. We must simply keep talking."

"Yes. Okay. I love you."

"I love you too," Cam leaned in toward Frankie, "and I will show you my appreciation for your generosity tonight."

He smirked when Frankie released a frustrated sigh. "See, that's exactly what I mean. I don't need or want your appreciation. We're married, so it's your money as much as mine."

"Are you confident?" Cam whispered into Frankie's ear. "I thought that kissing every inch of you and then fucking your dick would serve as a demonstration of my gratitude."

"Okay, I can accept that," Frankie said too brightly, making Cam laugh. When he added, "Is it time for bed?" Cam laughed harder.

"No, it's Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli time," Cam responded rapidly, and pulled a smiling Frankie to his feet.


Later that night, when the pizza (it was Tonio's turn to provide food) had been consumed, and the kitchen tidied up, Cam crawled onto the bed, approaching a grinning Frankie.

He lowered himself down, gently thrusting his hips, sending delightful friction through him, and smiled as Frankie grabbed his hair and pulled him down for a kiss.

"Are you certain about this?" Frankie inquired between kisses. "It's your birthday, and you want to do all the work?"

Cam pressed Frankie a little harder into the mattress, thrilled by his gasp. "Yes," he stated, delighted by the taste of skin at his jaw and neck. "I want to see all of you. I want to control you from the inside. And I want to see your expression when this occurs."

Feeling naughty, Cam pulled back a little and made a fish-like gurgling sound with his mouth while gazing up at Frankie.

He was unsurprised when he saw Frankie's lips puckered, and his eyes glared angrily. He chuckled and rolled on his side.

"You don't act like that when you come," Frankie retorted. Gentle swats accompanied each word.

Cam chuckled once more, "I'm not lying. I want to video record you and prove you wrong."

"Shut up!" Frankie barked, with a few more swats.

Still amused, Cam pulled Frankie's face to his and kissed him until he was talking nonsense and gasping for breath. He felt Frankie's hands leave his shoulders and eased back. He noticed a reverent gaze in Frankie's eyes.

"I'll ride you very hard," Cam vowed. Kissing his way down Frankie's chest, abs, and hips. Before licking a damp route up Frankie's already wet cock. Smirking at the hip movements.

"Maintain your erection for me," he commanded, as he coated his fingers with lube and inserted one.

Frankie stood beside him, hoping to aid him. "Can I assist?"

"Yes. Okay then," Cam agreed. [End of text]

"Man, you're lookin' scorchin' hot doin' that," Frankie added more lube to Cam's and his own hands, then softly joined Cam's. "Can you take it?"

"Yep." Cam shut his eyes, focusing on the stretch and pain. Appreciating when he sensed Frankie push closely, his left hand moved to caress Cam's balls, tugging a bit, even as his finger slipped deep into Cam, who was now pinned by both of them.

Opening his eyes, it was a surprise to see them in the mirror. Frankie was already observing their reflection.

"Better?" Frankie inquired, tugging a little more.

Cam nodded, keeping his eyes on Frankie's as he waited for the discomfort to diminish. Then with a breath, "Yeah. Great. Lie down."

"Ooh. Yes, Boss," Frankie teased, lying across the bed. "I wanna watch," he clarified the weird incline.

Cam crawled up Frankie's body until he was straddling his hips. Yes, this was sizzlin', seein' their reflections.

He rapidly added extra lube to Frankie's throbbing cock. His own twitching in response. He rose on his knees and guided Frankie's cock into him. They both looked at each other and the mirror.

He could feel Frankie's hands grip his thighs, as he grew down, his claws nibblin' slightly.

"You feel so good, te amo" Frankie murmured, completely enclosed. Cam grinning, his grin took over his face. He didn't care.

"Te amo," he replied. Leanin' down, balancin' on Frankie's chest, he engaged him in a kiss.

Even as he sank into the kiss, he let himself relax down, they both gasped as they connected.

Cam rose and dropped again slowly, before he broke the kiss. "I often forget," he admitted. "How much ya fill me."

"Do it again," Frankie pleaded in the reflection. Cam rose and dropped again, enjoyin' Frankie's lustin' eyes.

"Check out the ever lovin' fuckin' view," Cam groaned, repeatin' the deed, as he strained his neck a bit to see.

Frankie's hands moved back and forth on his stomach, chest, and cock. Mutta messy un poco Italian blend of English, Spanish, and Italian.

"What're you laughin' at?" Frankie huffed when Cam started to snigger.

"Nothin'," Cam hit his head quickly. "Brain. Loco. Puta. I'm cummin'." He pushed Frankie's hand away from his goin'-bananas dick, startin' to jack himself in earnest, while still bouncin'.

"Yeah, c'mon," Frankie panted when Cam began to shoot cum all over Frankie's chest and stomach. Even a bit on his neck.

"Holy fuck, Yes," Frankie gripped Cam's hips and thrust a few times, Cam feelin' the boilin' juice splash inside him.

"Urghh," Cam uttered just that as they both went limp and he settled on Frankie's heaving chest.

When he sensed Frankie's hand rise and run down his damp back, he opened his eyes. Straight away edn't Frankie was sprawled, but lookin' rather satisfied.

"Hey," Frankie smiled at him.

Cam just smiled sluggishly and appeared to loosen even more. He felt Frankie gradually dependin' inside him, his butt still buzzin'.

They observed each other for a few moments till Frankie's face turned perplexed, then sheepish.

"Um, Cam? I can feel my cum leakin' outta your ass and all over my legs."

"Couldn't care less," Cam mumbled, 'praned in the mirror as Frankie's hand moved up and down his back.

"That'd be my legs, and Bella's sheets," Frankie mentioned.

Cam rolled his eyes and glanced at Frankie's hand encased in his own.

Next mornin', Cameron languidly filled Frankie's case. 'Cause Frankie vanished on 'n errand,' Frankie asked him to organize his stuff. Confirmin' he'd grab their rental car on returnin'.

Cameron wasn't sure about bein' left home alone on his birthday-next-day, as Frankie was callin' it, but it was pretty apparen' that Frankie was up to sumpin'.

He slipped away into the restroom. Cam sat patiently, waiting for the toilet to flush and the sound of the water running. Quickly grabbing Frankie upon his return.

"What have you been doing? You look like a well-fed cat," Cam teased.

Frankie smiled with pleasure. "Maybe there were a few pastries here and there. I got some for the drive."

"Cannoli?" Cam inquired, hoping for his favorite.


Cam furrowed his brows and drew Frankie closer. His hands glided over Frankie's slender waist and firmly grasped at his backside. "Come on," he growled, pressing his pelvis against Frankie. "Disclose what else you've been up to. I can see you're hiding something."

Frankie let his hands glide up Cam's arms, finding his shoulders, his eyebrows arched in amusement. "Now, tell me, will you break me?"

"Are you positive?" Cam questioned, slipping his hand into Frankie's jeans and affectionately caressing his smooth backside. A slight shudder and a low groan escaped Frankie as he enjoyed Cam's touch.

"That's cheating," Frankie teased.

"Is it?" Cam pondered and planted a kiss on Frankie's neck, gently biting his friend.

The door suddenly exploded open with a crash, and Tonio pushed his way in. "I'm leaving now?" he asked.

Frankie buried his face in Cam's shoulder and erupted into laughter.

"What the hell! Can't you knock? Instead of barging in here?" Cam shouted in furious Italian, directing his attention towards Tonio.

"Can't you keep your hands off of each other for five minutes?" Tonio asked.

"Fucking knock!" Cam yelled. Unable to resist, Cam squeezed Frankie's hip roughly.

"Would you like it if I barged in on you and Anna-Maria when you're tucked away in your bedroom? Huh? Don't you know what privacy is?" Cam yelled, his temper rising as Tonio kept smirking at them.

Jesus Christ! Talk about revenge.

"I'd be smart enough to keep the door secured," Tonio responded, his dialect as thick and his accent as substantial as mud. "And perhaps if I did, you'd acquire some wisdom."

"You little bastard," Cam spat, between English and Italian.

"I'm going to clean my hands now," Cam said petulantly and made his way to the bathroom. He grinned when he heard Tonio's reply.

"Yes, Jesus, do," Tonio shot back, noticing the earlier hair mussing. "Oh, fuck. Curse you!" Cam heard Frankie's joyful laughter.

"We'll grab the cases," Frankie announced, and Cam simply grunted in confirmation. He knew Frankie was up to something and was eager to find out more.

After walking towards the open door, he could hear the excitement in Tonio's voice and Bella's response.

But, stepping out into the street, his legs became weak, and he gasped in astonishment.

Frankie merely beamed at him as he took in the sight before him.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" Tonio asked, practically bursting with excitement, as he stroked the hood of the Ferrari-red, well, Ferrari.

"It's a Ferrari," Cam repeated, his voice sounding numb.

"It's a 1972 Daytona," Tonio elaborated, his tone one of wonder.

"It's a car," Lucia commented, unaffected. "Older than Mom."

"She's an exquisite automobile," Bella corrected politely, her tone gentle enough to appease the two nearby men. "Very pretty."

"She drives like a dream," Tonio added, and Cam felt another jolt course through his body.

"You drove it?" Cam questioned, frightened.

"Only half a mile, just the last three streets," Tonio explained.

Cam directed his ire towards Frankie. "You let him drive without a licence?" he questioned rigidly.

"I know," Frankie admitted. "But he used his beautiful brown eyes on me, and I couldn't say no." Frankie pleaded his case with his equally beautiful eyes.

Cam dragged his hands through his hair, but then burst out laughing. He was feeling a little giddy, amazed by the car and his friends' survival.

He stared into Frankie's eyes, the realisation suddenly dawning on him. "Frankie, you didn't...?"

"It's just a car rental," Frankie laughed, rubbing his arm self-consciously. Reading his intentions. "I would never buy you a classic Ferrari. I'm not that ridiculous."

Signor Gastani stepped out of his house at that moment, joining them with a youthful glee on his face as he sat in the car.

When Cam offered to take him for a spin, the smile on his face broadened, and they went for a stone's throw around the neighbourhood.

For about five minutes, it was a proper drive. The rest was spent with neighbours paying their respects, admiring the car, and acknowledging Cam's identity.

"Tonio's brother?" Signor Gastani would say. "You remember when he smashed my window?/Stole some apples from your tree/Cleared the snow from your steps?"

Cam oscillated between feeling as ancient as Signor Gastani or as young as a teenager again, but the journey was enjoyable, and he appreciated the elder's joy.

Promising to drive responsibly, Cam was sure it was more about Frankie's impression than anything else.

Finally, the road trip commenced.

Cam's grin got bigger as they glided through the city and into the thick traffic. Both him and Frankie strutted with pride, receiving envious glances from fellow drivers and passersby.

They exchanged waves and had conversations with young motorcyclists, who seemed excited to learn about renting such a vehicle.

"I've had enough of this," Cam finally said, pulling the Ferrari into a narrow driveway.

"Are we going to get lost?" Frankie inquired nervously, tucking his arm close to him.

"This is a shortcut," Cam assured him, shaking off any unease. "I won't get lost."

They sped through narrow one-way streets, slowed only for careless cats (who thought they owned the road), and escaped the noise and traffic.

Cam eased his nerves slightly as he drove further away from familiar territory, but then he heard teeth chattering.

Frankie quivered, his eyes wide with fear, staring at Cam.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Cam asked anxiously, reaching for Frankie's frigid arm.

"How old is Signor Gastani?" Frankie muttered so softly Cam could barely hear him.

"Late eighties, I guess," Cam replied, his heart racing.

Frankie's grip on Cam's leg tightened. "Didn't he serve in the war?"

Cam looked back at the city, his jaw clenched. "No, thank goodness. He was 15 or 16 back then. His brother was a year older. They were in a crowd when his brother was shot."

Frankie's eyes widened. "1943? So he's a survivor from World War II?"

Cam nodded, still shaken. "Yes, Naples was a rough place back then. Really rough."

Cam rubbed Frankie's hands to warm them, worried about his chilling hands. "Are you okay?"

Frankie nodded, offering a frail smile. His gaze shifted to the ocean. "One of my favourite cities in Spain is Barcelona."

"I've never been," Cam confessed.

"I'll take you," Frankie offered solemnly. "It's a maze of streets and courtyards. Beautiful, but it has a tinge of darkness, as if it's echoing something from the past."

Cam rubbed Frankie's hands again, warming them. "I believe cities have a memory, like you said."

Frankie nodded, waiting for Cam to continue.

He sighed. "Signor Gastani is almost 95, if I'm not mistaken."

"Elderly, but not a soldier," Frankie concluded, staring at the ocean.

Yesterday, he mentioned that I resemble his brother who was killed by the Germans. He forgave them a long time ago as they were just boys themselves. I apologized for causing any sadness but he replied with opposite feelings. He was thrilled to reunite with his sibling, and meeting me brought joy to him because his memories got more vivid.

"Frankie, he has many good memories too," Cam wiped away a tear with a hand. "He's not sad, you shouldn't be."

"I like the guy."

"Of course, I do."

A few moments passed with only a few quiet sniffs where Frankie regained his composure.

Cam jolted slightly as Frankie spoke again, unable to focus properly. "My mom's mom died when I was a baby. I wasn't banned from her or anything. She was a healer in Santeria, a significant religion in Cuba."

Cam nodded, intrigued by a tale of Cuba.

"She warned my parents that I'm sensitive. I should avoid contemplating it too deeply as it may harm me. She claimed I was for life, not death, and should bring joy as the darkness would devour me if I got too close. My parents heeded this advice, and one summer when I was fourteen, I spent time with someone who taught me to recognize and release."

"I understand." Cam turned his head partially left and narrowed his eyes at Frankie. "Mia said you often meet the Lady in Blackpool?"

Frankie smiled, "Yep. She's friendly. She stays there. You can't stare or point her out. I smile at her and avoid gazing until I'm departing. I've no clue what her sentiments are, but she always remains till the event's conclusion."

"Doesn't scare you?"

Frankie head shook. "Not her, the Lady in the Gallery. I often feel immensely powerful emotions. That can be disconcerting."

"Your father's mother also predicted that you'd encounter your soulmate during your third decade and be content, gazing into eyes like the sea."

Cam laughed out of control. "It's indeed a fabrication."

"I'm not. Mention this to my mom. I planned to wed a green-eyed Irish guy. The English sea doesn't often have blue tones."

Cam giggled heavily, "You're lying!"

"No. My parents knew. When I were fourteen, I met a man in Cuba who instructed me to see and release."

"But you're terrified of strong feelings." Cam tilted his head left and glanced at Frankie. "The Lady in the Gallery. I wonder if she prefers being renowned."

"Perhaps she does." Frankie grinned widely now. "My grandfather's mother said I'd marry my soulmate within my third decade and feel certain, gazing into eyes like the ocean."

"Wow!" Cam laughed heartily. "I never knew laughter was this amazing before I met you!"

"Presently, you seem remorseful for being terrified."

"No offense. I oppose regret." He tilted at the steering wheel. "The street where you felt discomposed doesn't interest me much personally. I infrequently frequent that neighborhood." He took a breath. "I nearly perished there."

"What? Cam! What happened?"

Cam appeared anxious. "Nothing serious. I was only thirteen, nearly fourteen. I delivered a parcel to one of the gang leaders. However, it contained evidence of one of his subordinates' betrayal. He learned he'd not survive the city, so sought revenge. He executed the one who betrayed him and intended to seek me."


"Since I transported the package." He leaned against the seat and ruffled his dark hair. "It's fine. I'm here, sound and safe."

"You've suffered? Cam, tell me!"

"Shush! I'm secure." Cam stroked the exposed skin of Frankie's chest, where his shirt was open. Comforting Frankie and himself.

"What occurred?" Frankie's pupils widened in fear.

"I delivered a package to the gang leader. Later, it emerged that it contained a traitorous member's proof. The scoundrel, outraged by this discovery, intended to kill me as retaliation."


"Because soliciting the package from me." He lowered his left hand, trailing his thumb along Frankie's left cheek. "You're in the clear. You're safe right now."

"I had to hide. The gang would find him by morning, but he found me first and chased me down that alley. It was extremely dilapidated, not like it is now. A fire had reduced some buildings to ashes. I wiggled into a cramped space in the basement, under debris. I was trapped if he spotted me. I heard him swearing and climbing to find me. He still held the knife he had used to kill the other man."

"Oh my goodness!" Cam heard the seatbelt click and suddenly he was hugging Frankie. "Cam, you must have been so frightened."

Cam wrapped his arms around Frankie's waist and pulled him close, finding comfort in his warmth. Frankie's face rested on Cam's neck.

"I was terrified. I prayed, for the first time in my life, to a God I didn't even grasp. Please don't let him find me. Please let me reach Tonio." Cam's voice cracked, surprising him and making him feel a bit embarrassed for a moment. Until he recalled that it was Frankie. He clutched him tighter and finished. "It was afterwards that our neighbor told her pastor we needed assistance. Just a couple of weeks prior. She was terrified that I would be murdered and she wouldn't have the funds to care for Tonio."

Frankie kissed along his neck, then his cheeks. "What happened to the man. The man who was pursuing you?"

"He would have ended up in the water. Once they were finished with him. He had stolen from them, so it couldn't be tolerated."

He smiled as Frankie's shaking hands captured his face and his lips were taken in a gentle kiss. Then another, and another. Until they were both trembling with desire, not fear.

"Do you believe you'll be able to drive?" Cam inquired, lifting his hips slightly, his erection brushing Frankie's ass. Then moaning when Frankie captured his lower lip between his teeth, and pulled gently. "Fuck. Frankie!"

"Not yet," Frankie joked, and climbed back into his seat.

Cam settled and took some deep breaths. He had never experienced such intense need before.

"I have a question," Frankie said.

Cam merely raised an eyebrow.

"Did the gangs never bother you after you were welcomed by the nuns?"

Cam snorted. "Of course not. Italians can be superstitious, especially when it comes to religion. It doesn't matter if you believe or not, it's all around you. I was taken in by God. They wouldn't contradict that."


It was early evening when Cam's sleek vehicle meandered along the long driveway to a luxurious, but modestly sized, hotel overlooking the ocean.

They had been traveling for seven hours, although an extended stretch was devoted to sightseeing. A few leisurely coffee stops, and a prolonged lunch on a renowned beach where Cam enjoyed observing Frankie ogling the local boys, who were busily primping and posing for the travelers.

"Why am I dancing?" Frankie inquired. "I can simply show off my abs for tourist selfies like these men."

Cam grabbed Frankie's hand with a smirk. "You have the abs, my sweet, but not the Italian."

"I can practice my Italian."

"Not the language, that's not significant. These tourists don't speak Italian. But the accent and the allure. You can't fake that." Cam chuckled as Frankie shook his hand, pretend offense.

"I'm very alluring."

"Certainly you are," Cam agreed with a soothing tone.


"See how alluring."

They were relieved to reach their destination and were eager to spend some quality time together.

The hotel was lovely and had been suggested by a friend who described it as intimate, but with enough guests to be interesting. And exceedingly LGBTQ+ friendly.

More than welcoming, in fact. The website carried stern messages about tolerance, and when they entered the lobby, there was a stunning artwork representing LGBTQ and every 'plus' one could conceive of, over and over.

One, when Cam interpreted it, it even left Frankie perplexed, "What the hell is that?" in a low voice, immediately whipping out his cell phone.

Cam was a tad shocked, as Frankie typically knew everything about the queer community. He walked up to the desk and smiled at the older man and younger woman behind it.

"Good evening," Cam greeted them in Italian.

"Welcome. I am Benito, the hotel's manager. This is Lucia, who will be overseeing everything tonight." He looked at Frankie over Cam's shoulder. "And this must be Mr. Russo? Welcome."

"We have a sister called Lucia," Frankie grinned at them, which warmed Cam's heart. "It's Frankie, please."

"And Cam," Cam confirmed with a hoarse voice. Frankie shot him a puzzled glance.

"Frankie," Lucia acknowledged in Italian, rolling the 'r' seductively. "Do you like the painting? I noticed you admiring it." [

It's marvelous. At first glance, it appears lively and colorful, yet there's a hint of darkness within. It's intriguing. Simplicity may be what one initially sees, but I doubt it's as simple as it seems.

Cam shared this with his friends, while Frankie grinned at him.

"A truly exceptional artist!" Benito exclaimed as he handed them each a chilled bottle of water, which they gratefully accepted. "You'll find a wealth of inspiration here. That work was created by a community that utilizes our place once a week. Young individuals who have had trouble fitting in or being accepted. Feel free to search for whatever materials you may require if you have the need to create." Benito used the word "create" with a mischievous wink and a spectacular hand gesture.

"I brought some items, though thank you."

And so, they were efficiently escorted to their room by Benito. He told them more about the local village, a haven for hippies (not the famous one), with the sea in front and the forests behind.

He spoke of the "safe space" that the village had become, and how the hotel had become a part of it. The art and therapy provided by the hotel.

He shared details of the staff members, the menu, and activities available.

Finished with an introduction, via his phone, to his wife, three children, a dog, and a goat. With a brief but animated history of each.

Cam's head was spinning as Benito finally left the room, instructing them that their dinner would be served in half an hour.

He turned and found Frankie collapsed on the bed, in hysterical but silent laughter.

"Oh my god!," Cam exclaimed, bending to pick up a pillow that Frankie had knocked off the bed.

"I adore him! Thank goodness you're engaged. He'd be exactly your type otherwise!" Frankie half-wept with laughter.

Cam just shook his head and threw the pillow at him.

A few hours later, they were sufficiently nourished, quenched, and after a stroll around the stunning gardens, back in their room.

Benito, who Frankie deemed the most perky person Frankie had ever encountered, had managed to convince them to sign up for ocean paddle boarding the next afternoon. He had initially pushed for windsurfing, but when they explained their professions and Cam's recent back injury, he relented. Paddle boarding it was.

Then Benito surprised them with a bottle of champagne and exuberant embraces when he discovered they were, in fact, on their honeymoon. Cam insisted on Benito and Lucia joining them.

Then the night porter and a young boy who had rushed in, his eyes bulging, seeing the Ferrari outside.

Lucia had seemed taken aback when the young man chatted excitedly to Cam and Frankie about the car, and begged to be allowed to wash it the following day.

She explained to Frankie and Cam that the boy was autistic and struggled with people he didn't know. He usually avoided guests, and she had never seen him so confident and animated with strangers.

Apparently, he did have an interest in cars, though.

Cam was relieved they had only managed to finish off half a glass of champagne each, as he was already feeling tired and a little dizzy.

"Wow. They're all so lovely," Frankie said, exiting the bathroom after freshening up.

He bounced onto the bed beside Cam, who was waiting and just about ready to drift off gently.

"Italians are very affectionate, though," Frankie added.

"It bothers you?" Cam teased as he moved to get comfortable.

"Never have I turned down a hug in my life." His head flopped on the pillow, even as Cam took his dick into hand.

Cam chuckled and nestled closer to Frankie's side, enjoying how the other man's hand continued to stroke his hair. The gentle tugging on his cock, the anticipation in his body, and the stirring in his lower abdomen.

It all felt so divine.


Cam woke with a smile on his face the next morning.

A slight annoyance at falling asleep early yesterday, but he held Frankie in his arms, who appeared relaxed and snuggled into him.

However, his cock was still being held gently in Frankie's hand.

Stubborn bastard, Cam thought, determined to win at everything.

At the bathroom mirror, Cam studied his reflection while brushing his teeth. It was difficult to maintain a regular brushing motion when sporting a smile, so he scowled with deliberation instead.

Stepping into the bathroom with an air of crisis, Frankie halted, his gaze stuck on Cam's scowl. "What happened? What's going on?"

Cam sputtered and spattered toothpaste across the sink. "Pzip, just practicing," he said, slowly hiccupping whilst struggling to cleanse his chin.

"You looked really angry."

"I woke up feeling too happy," Cam replied, chuckling at Frankie's eye roll as he dabbed at his chin with a paper towel.

"Right. Yes. Totally reasonable."

Shrugging off his response, Cam just chuckled more. He'd rather not let Frankie's ego balloon up.

"Uh, nu-woaw," Frankie queried, adjusting his own toothbrush.

"Nope. We're just showering after the gym," Cam informed him, as he understood Frankie's needs perfectly and carried on.

After a brief standoff at the shower entrance, they eventually shared the confined shower space. Dripped with sweat from their gym session, they carefully maneuvered into the shower cubicle.

Frankie greedily eyed the strength of the water pressure and set the temperature accordingly, leaving Cam vulnerable and at a disadvantage due to a knotted tie around his gym shorts.

"Argh! B-bastard!" Cam swore, as high temperatures caused his skin to peel.

"Don't be a baby," Frankie teased, savouring the water pouring down his scalp.

Cam, reaching for the shampoo, withheld from using it due to the scalding temperature. "I'll wait for you."

After they each took turn washing each other's hair, it was time for round two. Gently splashing the water, Cam glided his hand through the suds floating atop Frankie's dark skin. Hypnotised, he stalked those grooves and ridges of Frankie's bare body.

Frankie held his shoulders for balance, grinning widely in pleasure.

Following the massage, Cam returned the favour by grabbing the shampoo. "Want to turn the water down first," he asked, nudging the shampoo bottle toward Frankie.

Shifting the temperature to a more reasonable level, Cam took his turn.

Manhandling Frankie into the optimum shower position, he shampooed him with expertise.

Frankie playfully squirted Frankie under the showerhead and flicked his biceps to get into position.

After multiple minutes of his man launching his fingers across Cam's ass, Cam poked a second bottle into the date's hands. "Time for you to reciprocate," he teased.

Frankie slid his fingers down the crack. "Did you bring lube into the shower?"

"Yea. You know. In case we needed extra slip," Frankie pointed out. "Beware, it's going to get very slippery in here," he warned with a wily grin.

Pushing his massaging fingers up Cam's back, he pressed his torso between Cam's buttocks.

Having become vulnerable to a wave of sensations, Cam began panting. Clasping his shoulders to lead the dance, Frankie rode each pleasurable moment.

"I'm almost there. Can you cum too?" Frankie asked, panting heavily as his stomach muscles tightened.

With moans echoing around the bathroom, dormant shivering emotion cooled Cam throughout his nervous system. Adrenaline coursed as Frankie repeatedly struck Cam's prostate.

Cam shuddered into Frankie's increasing heat. Capitulating, his stamina fizzled as pleasure flooded his entire system.

Upon being lifted, Cam planted his hands against the wall. "Hate you," he muttered, face flushed as the constant giggles from Frankie infuriated him.

"Did you thank me?"

Cam sheepishly raised one finger, iconic for the insult often aimed at Frankie. "I suppose."

"Almost seen me charging for this."

Cam's face reddened. "Hell no, that's free."

As the water cooled, Frankie exited the shower so Cam could re-enter. Wrapped in his arms, Cam laughed. "I suppose it was."

"Cam, what about my turn?" Frankie questioned.

"Uh, come on in... just don't fold me."

Frankie stood, dripping wet with a challenging smirk.

"Accidentally coming out," Cam tried to justify himself, then frowned when Frankie indicated his private parts.

"Ah, yes. It always does once I'm finished," he chuckled.

"You're impossible," Cam said to him, but he was smiling now as well.

Filled with mischief, Frankie leaned in close and their smiling mouths met in a messy, awkward kiss as the water cleaned them.

It was Cam's stomach growling that ended the kiss.

"Yes, me too," Frankie replied to Cam's stomach seriously, making Cam laugh.

It felt more like an early lunch than a late breakfast, and they were both shivering slightly by the time they ate. Just from hunger.

After refueling, they applied sunscreen on each other, and then set off for their paddleboarding session.

It was lots of fun.

Following a few unplanned dives into the sea, they quickly balanced and were taken on a paddle tour by their guide, Mark.

Mark had such a strong Australian accent, that Cam needed Frankie's help translating using facial expressions and hand signals.

Mark also had a sculpted bottom and an impressive six-pack. Both Cam and Frankie couldn't help but laugh at each other's glances, causing Mark to ask them if they were drinking.

Frankie, who wouldn't recognize subtle if it punched him, admitted they were just horny and he, Mark, was really hot.

Luckily, although straight, Mark wasn't at all offended and spent the next two hours teasing them with ab exercises, squats, and other flexing poses.

"You're a good sport," Frankie told him, as they shook hands goodbye.

"If it gets me the tips," Mark joked, then thanked them and left to get his next booking.

Frankie and Cam moved to the patio bar and settled with tall frosty drinks, craving some shade.

"Workout enough?" Frankie asked as he relaxed on the lounge.

"For today, yes."

"So are you missing Muriel? Missing work?"

Cam laughed. "She's very nice. I don't mind dancing with her, but she's not good at all compared to Beth. I really miss Beth."

His gaze traveled to Frankie's profile. All dark glasses, prominent cheekbones, and sassy sexiness. "I think you should let me borrow Mia for some of the dances," he suggested. His stomach tightened with intense desire when Frankie's grin flashed.

"No chance."

"Just the ones you're not very good at."

Frankie gasped, before concealing it, turning to give Cam a baleful look through his glasses. "Fuck you." He said sweetly, then blew Cam a kiss.

Cam laughed hysterically, almost dropping his drink.

They chatted until dinner started, then stuffed themselves with pasta, aromatic bread, and wine.

Cam marveled that they still had so much to talk about. Of course they were both so busy since the Paris competition ended. They often felt like passing ships in the night.

After dinner, Cam held Frankie's hand and pulled him outside. Leading him down to the sand to sit under the half-moon and listen to the ocean.

They snuggled and kissed. Cam loved the lack of hurry. It felt almost peaceful, but incredibly beautiful. He was so relaxed almost to the point of dozing off.

"Come on," Frankie's voice suddenly angered Cam.


"Are you snoring? You want to spend the night on the beach?"

"Was I napping?" Cam enjoyed the word. Some English words were just delightful. Frankie had taught him 'spunk,' which he used as often as possible. Cam frowns, now thinking about there, their, they're, which just made him want to chew through his wrists.

"Spunk," Cam stated with confidence.

"Cam. Wake up!" Frankie whispered in his ear, waking him further.

"Sorry," Cam sighed, trying to catch his breath. "Just a migraine." He struggled to move his head, even a little, as Frankie rested his hand on his back.

"Cam, I'm calling a doctor."

"No," Cam insisted. "Just a migraine."

A sudden, blinding pain attacked him. He made a panicked gurgling sound, like a stifled scream. It felt like his skull, teeth, and neck were disintegrating at the noise.

With no further notice, his stomach rose from his throat and he collapsed out of the bed, agonizing every bone in his body, frantically reaching for the bin nearby before his body completely betrayed him.

For what seemed like an eternity, he sobbed and threw up over the bin. struggling to catch his breath, the impossible throbbing in his head, tearing through his whole body.

When finally his body was too fatigued and empty, he became aware of Frankie's hand on his back, just resting there.

"Cam? That's it, I'm calling a doctor."

Cam reached out and felt Frankie take his hand. "Can you help me onto the bed? I have some pills in my wallet."

"Sure, you're right next to it," Frankie replied as he assisted Cam in getting to the bed. After half-lifting him, Frankie guided his hands to grip the edge of the mattress to help him sit up.

Even the sound of Frankie searching through his pockets made Cam cringe.

"They're in the zipped pocket," he instructed in a soft tone. Hearing the sound of Frankie's wallet opening, he said, "I just need two pills."

"I can't read the prescription, but there are only four here."

"That's okay, I know what they are," Cam replied, grateful when Frankie handed him the two pills. "I need water right away," he continued.

"I'll be back in a minute," Frankie responded and took a step back.

Cam took the pills and placed them in his palm, instinctively grabbing the water bottle when it was offered. After washing the pills down with a long drink, Cam said, "Grazie," not realizing he had unknowingly spoken in Italian. "Sdraiarsi." Feeling weak and disoriented, he was glad when Frankie was there holding him up and arranging a pillow.

He drifted in and out of consciousness for some time before waking to find himself covered by a light sheet with a damp cloth on his head and an ice pack inside. Cam blinked and looked around the room, relieved to see the cool temperature and drawn curtains. A fan was blowing near him, making the air soothingly cool.

He didn’t want to move his head, but as he did, he saw a jug of water and his wallet with the pills on it. Feeling stronger, he sat up with great effort, drank a bit of water, and then rose unsteadily from the bed. The jug rattled loudly, startling him. He stared at his husband in confusion until Frankie quietly entered the room from the balcony.

"You're awake!" Frankie whispered, looking excited but also concerned. "It's been five hours since you took the pills. It's past two in the afternoon."

"I might need more," Cam admitted, grabbing the remaining two pills and swallowing them with another drink of water.

"What if you take more and there isn't enough?"

"I'll be okay now. Just go out and get some fresh air. Walk by the beach or something. I'll probably sleep for a few more hours."

"I can wait with you," Frankie insisted.

"No, go enjoy your day. We can have dinner in our room tonight." Cam groaned as his overprotective husband stood still. "I'll be fine," he added, offering a reassuring smile.

"If you're sure," Frankie said, looking doubtful.

"Positive," Cam answered. "Bring the fruit salad room service brought for me. I'm hungry now."

Frankie smiled as he fetched the fruit salad. Once he placed it on the bed, Frankie asked, "Can you eat?"

"Yes, I just need some food in me."

Frankie remained nearby as Cam slowly ate the fruit salad, feeling tempted to roll his eyes at his husband's concern but ultimately just enjoying the pampering. Finally, after finishing his meal, Cam took a deep breath and met Frankie's gaze.

"I'm going back to sleep now. Please go enjoy the rest of your day. Maybe we can have dinner together," he requested and sank into the comfortable bed.

"Alright, I'll go out for a bit," Frankie replied and felt Cam smile under the sheet. "I'll be back before dinner."

As Cam began to drift off to sleep, he heard Frankie's footsteps leaving the room. Although tired of Frankie's protectiveness, he couldn't deny the comforting sensation he felt from his husband's presence.

He shifted his gaze to Frankie, who was sitting next to him leaning against the headboard and hastily making quick, precise sketches.

"What's the time?"

Frankie glanced at his watch, "It's seven. It's getting a bit muggy in here."

"You can open the curtains now, that'll help with the temperature."

Frankie nodded and went over to part the curtains. The soft light and a refreshing breeze entered the room. "It should cool down shortly."

Cam was distracted as he examined the sketchbook. Simple pencil lines portrayed his naked body laying on the sheets. His hair was disheveled, his (slightly overemphasized) penis was semi-erect, and his lips were slightly parted, revealing his innocent expression. "Do I really look that young?" he asked, tracing his finger over the image.

"Absolutely. Whenever you're asleep. As soon as your eyes open, your naughty side takes over!"

Cam smirked slightly as Frankie returned next to him. "You seem to have captured me as a ravaged innocent in your art," Frankie whispered seductively.

Cam smiled and his laugh was feeble. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Promised," Frankie says, moving the drawing pad to the side and looking back to Cam with an anticipatory smile.

"I'm sorry, Frankie. I haven't had a migraine in years, I didn't think it would happen again. I didn't plan for it."

"You had pills," Frankie pointed out gently.

"Probably outdated. They might have been in there for more than five years. Longer?"

Frankie frowned his disapproval, but luckily didn't nag. Cam knew this meant he must look pretty rough.

"Do you have any known triggers?" Frankie inquired, and then his expression changed to a more severe one when Cam winced.

"It could have been the wine we drank last night," he admits.

"You consume wine occasionally, correct? You had wine at Bella's?"

"I buy organic wine at home, and Bella does as well when I'm staying there. I just didn't think. It's been so long since I had a migraine."

"Either Leeds or Sheffield," Frankie recalled suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Either Leeds or Sheffield. That would have been around six and a half years ago. I found Beth wandering around the hotel room. We were both relatively new, but you had already claimed her before anyone else had a chance! She was hungry, but didn't want to dine alone. There was a rambunctious stag party and it made her too nervous to leave her room. It was dark, possibly April?"

"I see," Cam murmured as his minds caught up.

"I took her to the bar and gave her some food. They kicked us out at midnight, as we had so much fun. Beth's life experience was so different from mine, it was fascinating."

"Thank you," Cam admitted, feeling remorse.

"For taking care of Beth? Of course, I adore her. It wasn't a problem." Frankie grinned when Cam's stomach rumbled. "Dinner's ready when you are. Feel free to change into some clothes!"

Cam offered a smile and put on his shorts before joining Frankie in the compact kitchen.

"There's chicken salad and some cold pasta dish. The adorable waiter, Marco? His sister suffers from migraines. He said this should be okay for you."

"It's delicious," Cam declared enthusiastically, taking a bite of the chicken before Frankie had even set it out. "Marco, the waiter, is dating someone, right? He has a newborn child?"

"It's acceptable for me to look," Frankie stated patiently. Then, sitting next to Cam, he chose up his own fork, winking at Cam. "Well, touching isn't appropriate."

Cam just smiled and concentrated on his meal.

In less than two hours, he was back in bed, feeling fatigued even though all he'd done was sleep all day and a short stroll on the beach after dinner.

He felt remorseful, but Frankie reassured him that he had left the room for most of the day, chatting with the staff and stretching out in a yoga session.

"I'm actually quite serene," he claimed after their sunset walk.

Cam appreciated it, even though he wasn't entirely convinced, as he drifted back off to sleep.


The following day, they had a relaxed start before strolling down a shady, wooden path to a nearby beach cove.

Cam walked steadily at a slow pace, feeling well but still a little tired. Watching Frankie zigzagging across the path, taking pictures and occasionally taking out his sketchbook and rapidly creating shorthand representations, capturing his intended paintings, amazed him.

Even their abridged sketches, which Frankie called sketchlings, were outstanding art to Cam. Especially the swiftness at which Frankie completed them.

He paused to take a drink and let Frankie finish, groaning when his phone rang.

"David," he replied, a bit surprised by this unexpected call from their friend. After all, they were basically on their honeymoon at the moment. "Is everything alright?" he asked, unable to hide his worry from his voice.

"Hey Cam. That's what I was going to ask you."

"What?" Cam squinted, attempting to understand what was happening.

"Are you feeling okay, after yesterday?" David inquired.

Cam looked over at Frankie who was still drawing with his chalks, scattered on the ground in front of him.

"Did Frankie call you?" he deduced.

"Yeah, he mentioned a migraine," David replied. "It scared him a bit, sounded like a bad one."

"I'm fine now," Cam said, turning towards the ocean visible through the trees. "I slept most of yesterday, but I'm good today." His gaze shifted back to Frankie who looked slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah, Frankie got freaked out a bit," he admitted.

"Any other health issues you forgot to mention?" David teased.

"No. I feel bad enough already," Cam responded.

David chuckled. "I was just joking. It was just the headache that freaked him out. As your friend, I care about you. How are you feeling? Any lasting effects?"

"No, just a bruise on my thigh," Cam explained. "Frankie called it a 'whopper.'"

"A whopping bruise, huh?" David grinned.

"Si, that's right," Cam replied with a smile.

"Now, tell me about this medication you were taking."

"It's called Zolmitriptan," Cam enunciated carefully.

"A migraine medication, okay," David understood.

"It was probably expired," Cam confessed.

"Doesn't matter now, just try to avoid taking them again. They affect the nervous system. I'm sure you didn't intend to do that."

"Right, got it," Cam acknowledged, turning back to the view.

"Enjoy yourselves," David bid farewell.

"Yeah, this place is beautiful," Cam said, making sure Frankie heard him.

"I'm sending you a picture," Frankie replied.

"Thanks, I'll look forward to seeing it," said David. "Don't let me disturb your honeymoon too much. Enjoy yourselves."

"I will, it's amazing here," Cam said before hanging up.

He watched as Frankie took a few photos and sent them off, then slid his phone into his pocket.

"I'm sorry I scared you yesterday," Cam said before Frankie could even begin to speak.

"I might've overreacted," Frankie admitted. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Frankie wrapped his arms around Cam's neck and drew him closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "You're pretty important to me," Frankie murmured.

"Quite?" Cam teased.

"More than that," Frankie insisted, embracing him more tightly. "You're the most important thing in my life."

Cam grinned and returned the embrace. "I love you."

"I'll paint you a portrait to prove it," Frankie joked.

"Can you? With yours?" Cam asked.

"Yeah, I've got enough for several!"

"Well, I can't draw stick figures like you can," Cam teased.

"True," Frankie agreed. "But you're still an artist in your own way. Remember that chest of drawers you bought a while ago? It was all falling apart, right? Well, now it's lovely, and that's all because of you."

Cam beamed at Frankie's praises and gave his hand a squeeze. "Just needed time and care is all," he modestly replied.

"A born artist," Frankie complimented, taking their hands.

"With dance and renovation?"

"Exactly," Frankie agreed. "It's not just about drawing and painting, it's about creating beauty."

Cam smiled, happy with Frankie's words and the memory of the set of drawers now sitting in their room.

Frankie told him as they made their way out of the forest and onto the sandy beach of the secluded cove, "You need talent, knowledge, and an artist's eye."

A few hours had passed since they had swam and eaten their picnic. Cam was smearing sunscreen on Frankie's toned back as they observed a family eagerly playing together.

When the father tripped and fell onto the sand while attempting to repeat his daughter's cartwheel, the family erupted into giggles and rushed to envelop him. Cam cautiously wiped his hands on the towel and grabbed his phone to send a quick message.

"Who are you messaging?" Frankie inquired.

"No one. Myself," Cam replied. "Wait a minute," he said when she was about to ask more questions. "An idea," he revealed after a brief moment. "For a ride."

"What idea?" Frankie asked, glancing over at the family and then back at Cam.

"I won't tell you. Why would I tell you?"

"What? You won't share?" Frankie seemed irritated.

"You're my competition, right?"

"I'm your husband."

"Husband second. Competition first," Cam responded with a grin as Frankie playfully wrestled him to the sand.

She teased him by saying, "So mean."

Smiling up at Frankie as she now sat astride his body on the beach towel, Cam replied, "Perhaps, but that's how I'll win."

"So competitive," Frankie said with a disappointed sigh and rolled off to sprawl next to him.

They intertwined their hands and lazed around for a while before swimming again and then hiking back to the hotel.

"What a delightful lazy day," Frankie commented wearily as they walked along the path. "But I'll need to hit the gym when we return to the hotel."

"Does the sex and swimming not count as physical activity?" Cam questioned.

"No, you're right," he said with a grin. "I'll join you."

"You should rest," she suggested with a worried look.

"I'm alright, Frankie. But yes, I'll also rest."

When they arrived at the hotel, they were invited to join a yoga class, which provided them with a more relaxing workout than they'd anticipated. They both took a shower, after which Frankie provided Cam with an extremely slow and meticulous blowjob.

"Jesus, Frankie, please," Cam begged, too eager to care about his demands.

Frankie had been denying him for so long. He had been on the verge of releasing for days.

"Cam, I was already close, I just wanted to make it last," she laughed, teasingly rubbing her tongue around the tip of his throbbing member.

Frankie's laughter intensified as Cam was overwhelmed by his release.


The next morning, Cam stirred uncomfortably in bed, annoyed by the early morning light streaming through the window.

He ventured out of the bed to relieve his restless bladder and brushed his teeth. On his way back in, he ambled over to the bed to peer at Frankie. She was still asleep, still buried under the pillow.

He chuckled as he saw a mark on her wrist from her watch band. The sheet had exposed her backside, and he could spot more faint marks where her shorts had contacted her skin.

"Look at those marks," Frankie mumbled in his ear as he pressed his lips close to hers.

Laughing out loud, Cam stradled Frankie as they continued to feign sleep before he started caressing her back and hips and back to her wrist. "Hmm, I trained you out of sleeping in your shorts," he teased.

"I can't help but be charmed by you," Cam said with a smile, amused by how she always drew his attention.

"Check this out." Cam lifted Frankie's arm and ran his fingers across Frankie's wrist, then kissed it before gently biting it. "Look, you've been soaking up some rays. No, that's not it."

Frankie corrected himself, "I've been catching some sun." Turning his wrist to show Cam. Cam nodded, pleased to see Frankie trying to learn. "It's just slang, not a big deal."

"I didn't expect this," Cam mumbled.

"Don't worry, I do get a tan," Frankie responded.

"Really?" Cam asked, genuinely surprised. Frankie was diligent about moisturizing and sun protection, but Cam had never considered tanning.

Frankie shook his head and laughed when Cam asked, "Does your skin stay the same color all year?"

"No, of course not." Cam's heartbeat quickened as he realized his mistake. Frankie rolled his eyes and exclaimed, "Jesus! White people are so oblivious!"

Cam grinned, knowing he was forgiven, and kissed Frankie's chest. "Now I have to check every part of your body for any changes."

"Why is that?" Frankie murmured, running a lazy hand through Cam's hair.

Feeling naughty, Cam licked Frankie's chest, causing Frankie to gasp lightly. "Because your skin might taste more like chocolate now."

"Chocolate?" Frankie questioned, and Cam pulled him close. Lifting Frankie off the bed and laying him face down, he stroked him between the legs.

"Got to do a thorough check." Cam joked, reaching for the lube.

Frankie grabbed the chest with the padding. "I'm going to take a quick shower."

"Wait." Cam stopped him and tugged him back to the bed. Straddling Frankie and pressing him against the chest, Cam opened the lube and dripped a generous amount onto his fingers.

"What do you want me to do?" Frankie asked curiously.

Feeling a bit naughty, Cam pushed Frankie's face against the tall, wide chest. "Stay put." He gripped Frankie's neck and leaned down to kiss the mark on his wrist. "You gonna stay still?"

"Yes, yes." Frankie laughed, feeling psyched.

Cam took Frankie's hand and twisted it, so it fit against his back and gripped it tightly to hold him in place. He lowered his head to nibble on the mark.

"Why are you doing this?" Frankie wondered breathlessly. He gasped as Cam slid a finger into him.

"I have no idea," Cam told him honestly. Cam spread Frankie open with two fingers, feeling strangely turned on by the stretch.

When Frankie started to moan and pant, Cam wiped the excess lube on his cock and stiffened his legs.

"Can I?" Cam asked.

"No!" Cam smacked Frankie's ass hard. His cock throbbed in pain as Frankie yelped and squirmed.

"Jesus, fuck!" Frankie gasped, trembling beneath Cam. Cam hesitated for a moment, but Frankie's low moans and the feel of his body melting under him convinced him.

Cam grabbed Frankie's wrist, his one with the mark, and pushed deep and hard. The tightness enveloping his cock was overwhelming.

"You wouldn't want me to stop, would you?" Cam growled into his ear, gripping Frankie's wrist tighter and pressing it firmly into his back.

Frankie begged, "Please."

"Not a chance," Cam refused. He flipped Frankie underneath him, grinning at the feeling of power. He reached for the lube, but Frankie stopped him.

"May I use a little?"

"One drop." Cam agreed, applying it to his fingers.

"Oh, damn." Frankie gasped, Cam slid his fingers in and out of him, feeling each pulse of Frankie's muscles.

Cam withdrew and the sound of his shaft slapping against Frankie's skin like a whip seemed to spur Frankie on. "Do you want me to stop now?"

"Please." Cam rode out Frankie's soft pleading and pushed himself deep within him.

The stretch was incredible and Cam had to bite back a groan. When Frankie started rocking back against him, Cam held his wrists and ground himself against him. Frankie's body quivered under the assault, and Cam increased his speed and force.

In the blink of an eye, he felt his release building. "One last thrust," Cam breathed, pushing in as deep as he could.

Frankie surged beneath him, his knees scraping the mattress, and Cam found himself lost in the moment.

"Jesus, that was amazing." Frankie stretched out, a smile on his face and desire in his eyes.

"You think?" Cam asked, then buried his face in Frankie's neck.

He felt wild as he began thrusting, causing Frankie's feet to slide on the carpet and his free hand to grip the edge of the chest. Cam's intense thrusts were like someone clapping inside him.

Cam felt a little lightheaded and shook his head to clear his thoughts. He could sense Frankie's body fighting against him as his sphincter muscle tried to defend itself from this rough invasion.

He gripped even tighter and managed to thrust deeper, causing Frankie to let out a scream. His gaze drifted down to the helpless Frankie beneath him, reminding him of the porn they sometimes enjoyed watching - young men being used and treated roughly.

"Damn," Cam muttered, his heart pounding with excitement and exertion. He leaned into Frankie, biting the back of his neck as Frankie screamed again and had an intense orgasm.

Cam pushed back and continued thrusting several more times before releasing Frankie's hand. He collapsed back down.

Frankie's limbs dangled limply, his body shuddering with sobs. After catching his breath, Cam asked, "Hey, Frankie?"

"Fuck. I thought I was the top," Frankie whispered shakily.

"Did I hurt you?"

"A little."

"Am I sorry?" Cam leaned in to kiss Frankie's wet cheek.

"Please don't."

Cam fought the urge to laugh and dance. Instead, he pressed a soft kiss to Frankie's damp cheek. "Do you want a bath?"

"Hell yes," Frankie breathed.

"Let's go." Cam lifted Frankie from the chest and onto the bed. He heard Frankie's balls moving, a post-sex routine Frankie didn't even realize he had.

Cam turned off the taps and checked the water, then whispered a quiet chuckle. Frankie's balls had always been too sensitive and ticklish after sex, so he left them alone.

When he returned, Frankie was calm, his eyes closed, one hand playing with his balls, a grin on his face that matched Cam's.

Cam hummed happily when Frankie opened his eyes and kissed him. Frankie held out an arm, letting Cam help him stand.

"I guess we'll only do that for special occasions," Cam suggested.

"Definitely," Frankie agreed, still a bit breathless.

"Like holidays."

"Yup, and birthdays."

"Whose birthday?" Cam asked.

"Anyone's birthday," Frankie snapped, and Cam burst into laughter.

"We'll take it slowly," Cam said as he stepped into the luxurious bath and held Frankie's hands for support.

Cam guided Frankie carefully into the water between his legs, leaning against the backrest before supporting Frankie so he knelt carefully in the water.

Frankie let out a "Whoaooooooo!" and closed his eyes, looking a bit uncomfortable as his butt sank below the surface.

"Are you okay?" Cam asked, concerned. Frankie was still shaky, and it seemed like he was in pain.

"One second."

"Is the water too hot?"

"Just one second," Frankie let go of Cam's hands and rested his palms against Cam's chest, relaxing for a moment. "The water's fine. I just need a second."

Watching carefully, Cam waited until Frankie relaxed completely, letting out a relaxed "Okaayyyy." He opened his eyes and smiling at Cam. "It feels really good now. The water."

Cam kissed his hair and held him close, his right hand slipping around Frankie's left wrist, gently rubbing the strap mark.

They lay there quietly, and as Frankie relaxed further in Cam's arms, Cam felt a warm sense of pride.

When Cam's eyes fluttered open, he found Frankie still stroking his wrist, and he let out a soft snort through his nose. "Weirdo!" Cam playfully teased, and Frankie chuckled.

Frankie shifted again, and Cam's groin tingled slightly due to the slight scrape against his flat stomach. "You need a shave," he told Frankie casually. Frankie simply batted his eyelashes in response, sliding closer to Cam's semi-erection.

"Behave!" Cam warned, and grinned as he felt Frankie shake with quiet laughter.

Frankie drifted off once more, and Cam lost track of time. The bathtub had a temperature control, allowing them to stay there all day if they wanted. He allowed his thoughts to wander back to the sounds of pleasure Frankie had made while Cam was inside him.

A deep breath and Cam realized Frankie was awake again.

"Does it still hurt much?"

"Not anymore," Frankie replied. "My bum was a bit cramped when I first got in the bath, but it's relaxed now."

Cam nodded and used his free hand to trace his fingers down Frankie's back and gently over his buttocks.

"Once, when I was a kid, I scrubbed my skin so hard that I caused myself to bleed," Frankie said unexpectedly. Cam jumped in surprise. "What do you mean?" Frankie was staring at his thumb, still lazily caressing Frankie's wrist.

"I was seven. The other kids at school would bully me - name-calling and shoving. I guess I just got overwhelmed. I remembered being in the bath and trying to scrub my skin to get clean, like they said I was dirty."

"Frankie!" Cam shifted to pull him closer, stunned by this revelation. "I don't know what to say to that."

"Well, Mum was pretty upset when she saw me. She wanted to know why I'd hurt myself like that. I don't remember telling her about the bullying. She went to the school, it was on a Friday, and when she came back, she was furious. She wouldn't let me go back to the school. We were supposed to go to Cuba in a few weeks anyway."

"Did anyone at the school help?"

"I asked a teacher for help, but she just told me to ignore them. When I went to tell Mum about it, she didn't really believe me. About five years later, there was a big incident and inquiry and everything at that school. But by then, I was long gone."

Cam touched Frankie's chin, reassured by the gentle smile on his face. "It was a few days before the end of term. I was so relieved when she said I didn't have to go back. We were about to go on vacation to Cuba in a few weeks, anyway."

"Why didn't you tell your mum about the bullying before it got so bad?"

"What makes you think I didn't?" Cam raised an eyebrow, and Frankie laughed softly. "You know, sometimes we don't share everything with our parents."

"I see," Frankie gave a little chuckle. "Anyway... that night, I was snuggled up in bed with Mum, listening to her read me a bedtime story. Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door. I remember Mum being startled and telling me to settle down. We would finish the story the next night. I slightly listened as Mum went to answer the door. But then she let out a strange sound that scared me. I ran out of bed to find out what was going on and bumped into my Dad. He picked me up and squeezed me tightly." Frankie beamed at Cam. "It was a fantastic moment for me."

Cam simply nodded. He had only met Frankie's dad on a few occasions, but got along well with him. He had no doubt that Dad would do anything for his children.

"The strange thing is," Frankie shifted his position to look up at Cam, "Dad stayed for three weeks. But after two weeks, I realized that he just didn't understand why I hated myself like that. No matter how much he tried, Dad couldn't comprehend it."

"You and your parents are too protective," Cam laughed humorlessly. "You two hardly ever communicate your problems."

"Yes, we've gotten better now," Frankie objected, and Cam let out a dry laugh. After all, they weren't very good at asking for help or expressing their feelings.

The bullies made you feel terrible, yet your father is a highly confident man, Cam considered. "How did that help you?" he questioned, glancing at Frankie.

"I believe it was by example. My Dad has never had doubts or felt terrible about himself. So neither will I. Although he's faced racism, he handles it like ignorant people are ridiculous. He almost feels sorry for them. I don't have a tough outer layer like him, but I've never felt bad about who I am. Never again. I'm comfortable with myself," Frankie remarked.

Cam nodded, smiling. He seized the opportunity to steal a kiss, but continued holding Frankie's chin when he lifted his head. "Why is this on your mind today?"

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe because we're in the bath? It's not that we can offer each other everything at once. Noticing your tan line? I guess it just came to mind," Frankie replied, examining his own wrist now.

Cam brought his cheek to Frankie's head and gave himself a moment. While he suspected he had also made Frankie feel vulnerable that morning, he couldn't be certain.

"Did I scare you?" he inquired, cringing at his rudeness.

"No, I've always felt safe and wanted around you. Your outburst was exciting and arousing, and you didn't scare me," Frankie stated.

Cam nodded, and then wiped away the water with a sigh, causing Frankie to grin.

"What's your favorite part of that story?"

"The part when your father walks through the door, of course!" Frankie responded in a tone of 'duh!'


"What? That's the best part!" Frankie protested.

"Not for me," Cam said. "My favorite part was the part when seven-year-old Frankie rushes out of his bed to save his mom from the bullies." He smiled contentedly as Frankie's mouth opened in disbelief. "Seven-year-old Frankie was very courageous, I'd say. Very admirable."

"Gosh. I've never thought about it that way," Frankie admitted.

"I've seen pictures of you when you were a kid. You were adorable and beautiful."

"I know that now!" Frankie replied, amused.

"Let's get out of the bath," Cam suggested, watching anxiously for any signs of discomfort as Frankie climbed out and stood dripping. He followed and wrapped a towel around his waist before wrapping another around Frankie's body, trapping his arms and sharing a kiss while guiding him backward.

"Where are we going?" Frankie inquired, grinning.

"To the bed," Cam advised, and laughed when Frankie's eyes widened with what seemed like pain. "Not for that, you crazy man."

"Well," Frankie chuckled. "I'm not sure if I could do it!"

Cam grinned and, after drying most of his skin, instructed Frankie to lie down on his side. "I want to talk to you." He resisted the urge to smack Frankie's bottom again, as he climbed onto the bed, his backside waiting.

Frankie lay there like Cleopatra waiting for grapes and kept his eyes on Cam as he dried himself.

"What are we talking about?"

Cam joined him, settling next to Frankie. Their legs touched, their bodies close. He couldn't resist touching Frankie's skin, and idly twisted his thumb around one brown nipple.

Soon, Frankie's resting penis subtly wiggled and then seemingly crept towards Cam across the sheet.

"Now look what you've done," Frankie exclaimed, raising an eyebrow as he checked his erection.

Cam snickered, unrepentant.

"Many people don't understand demisexuality," Cam explained to Frankie.

Frankie's concerned eyes looked at him. "I do," he stated softly.

"Yes, better than anyone else," Cam told Frankie. "Your recognition that my demisexuality is normal—although unusual—changed the way I see myself."

Frankie's immediate support and unwavering belief that his demisexuality was natural helped Cam accept it.


"People often wrongly assume that I'm not attracted to anyone, but I am. I could find someone attractive, even a stranger. I just..." He faltered, struggling to find the right words.

"So many unnecessary and useless words in the English language, and yet I can't find the words I need," he said in frustration.

Cam placed a hand on his chest. "I believe everyone's experience of being demi varies. However, based on who you are, I think you could feel sexual attraction for someone. But I'm certain you wouldn't act on it unless you genuinely knew and cared about the person."

Closing his eyes, Cam inhaled deeply. "You do get me, don't you?" He raised Frankie's hand and pressed his lips to the palm.

"Be careful, you might explain how you're attracted to someone who's not me!"

A mischievous grin spread across Cam's face as he remembered something. "Well, I don't plan to. But let me tell you, the first time I saw you, I thought you were gorgeous."

Frankie's jaw dropped in shock, utter silence filling the room.

"The most magnificent being I'd ever seen," Cam continued with a smile.

"But you didn't like me then?" Frankie was astonished. "No one has ever been scared of me!"

"I was petrified; I hadn't felt so intensely for a person before," Cam confessed. "Fear consumed me. I was terrified of how I felt. There was no one else I'd ever liked so much, and I worried that my emotions were too much for me to handle."

The tension in the air eased as Frankie's expression gentled. He pressed his lips to Cam's palm. "You've never been broken. You're one of the bravest people I know. Are you still afraid of me?"

"Si," Cam replied, kissing Frankie. "Yet I also feel protected by you now."

Losing his breath, Frankie responded, "We'll always keep each other safe."


"And take care of each other," Frankie added.

"Of course."

Almost whispering, "Can we talk about our dance dreams and ideas? Together we can achieve them."



"Yes, I'll share my thoughts on dance with you. And with others."

"Wonderful, I thought I'd managed to keep that secret. You're a worm."


"Or a bird," Cam teased. "Someone who's too slow and doesn't think very cleverly," he added.

"That doesn't make sense."

"It does, but I'll eat the worm," Cam shrugged mockingly. "And you need to turn over."

A brilliant smile spread across Frankie's face as he realized his cue. He pulled Cam into him and wrapped his thighs around Cam's neck.

"Cam, you taste so good," Frankie moaned deeply.

Unamused, Cam replied, "When did you and your mouth learn to be so silent?"

"Maybe?" Frankie answered cheekily, making Cam chuckle. "I want to be the first to make you cum though."

This caught Cam off guard. "How?" he asked, surprised.

"Watch me and..." Frankie gave Cam a brilliant smile.

Grunting from the exquisite sensations washing over him, Cam moved closer, brushing his lips against Frankie's balls.

His eyes widened as a idea surfaced. "Did you want me to...?" he asked suggestively.

"That sounds like a plan," Frankie grinned. The two shared a playful grin before starting to kiss passionately.

Cam grinned, "Maybe I'll get there first."

In fierce tandem, they competed. Cam brought his mouth to Frankie. Within seconds, Cam's mind went blank as his senses were overwhelmed. Frankie, in return, was struggling to cope with the ocean of emotion and pleasure that was washing over him.

"I can't hold back," Cam panted, his breathing becoming labored.

"Neither can I," Frankie echoed. They both reached their point of no return. Cam let out a deep, primal cry, as he came, pulling Frankie closer and claiming his mouth. Smiles exchanged as they shared the moment together.

"I mean it," Frankie swore. "We'll always keep each other safe."


"And take care of each other," Frankie vowed.

"Of course."

A brilliant smile spread across Frankie's face. "Can I talk to you about our dance ideas? Working together, we can achieve our dreams."



"Yes," Cam agreed.

He was attempting to guide Frankie as deeply as possible, ensuring he could control the force of his thrust to prevent him from choking. In the meantime, he kept Frankie still and concentrated on the sensual movements of Frankie's tongue over his erection.

Sometimes, he would push forward and Frankie would pull back, causing a coughing spell, before he would guide him back down.

But Cam would often forget to breathe.

Grasping onto Frankie's thighs and buttocks, he tried to keep him from wiggling so much and made the decision to just give it his all. So he could conquer the sucking match.

Yet, every time Frankie hit Cam's tip of his tongue into his slit and bit down on the underside of his cockhead, Cam completely lost control. Frankie's cock slipping from his mouth as he groaned, "Fuuuuuck!!!", and erupted into Frankie's mouth.

A wave of exhaustion overcame him, and he could do nothing but let Frankie flip him on his back.

"I win!" Frankie exclaimed in delight.

"Must you win everything?" Cam complained, out of breath.

"Yep! I had to!" Frankie beamed. Crawling up Cam's body and sitting on his chest, "Open your mouth, Sweetheart. Here's your worm!" Frankie gestured his semen-leaking penis near Cam's face.

Cam sniggered, quickly followed by a chuckle from Frankie.

"How can that be sexy?" Cam asked aloud.

"All I do is sexy," Frankie rejoiced.

"Of course," Cam said, reaching to Frankie's hips and pulling him in. Raising his head to take in Frankie's erection. His gaze remained locked on Frankie's gaze as he took Cam's member between his lips.

With Frankie's hips moving rhythmically, he pulled back.

"You okay?" Frankie asked.

"Yes," Cam reached for the headboard behind him. "Ram me with your dick, Frankie. Use me."

Frankie's eyes flared and held their gaze, even as he leaned forward and covered one of Cam's hands with his.

"With pleasure," he gasped as Cam’s mouth was filled with the salty and smooth hardness that was Frankie.

"My absolute pleasure."

Despite their erotic morning, they managed to make it to breakfast at the dining room on their final day.

For the very first time since their journey, they arrived in time for the meal.

Before returning through the woodlands, they ventured leftward, straying from their original course, and discovered a tranquil village and small harbour.

The captivating little village, almost a hamlet, was a joy for Cam to explore with Frankie. Accompanying him, they freely strolled while holding hands and resting an arm on his hip. Except for when Frankie was busy taking numerous pictures.

"I'm starting my 'Italian Phase'," Frankie disclosed, grinning at an intimate scene at a market of a small boy feeding a dog while his father sold produce.

"Am I not your 'Italian Phase'?" Cam inquired, causing Frankie to laugh.

"You know I meant in a photographic capacity," Frankie smirked depravedly. "Nude photos only." Then abruptly he eagerly focused on displaying the selection of pastries and confectionery.

Neither of them having any doubt that they would return, they indulged in a lunch in the village before strolling back to their hotel and arriving on time for cocktails.

Alternatively, in the absence of alcohol, Cam opted for a soft beverage.

While leaving their hotel to walk along the shore, they admired the ocean and each other's company. Cam feeling more relaxed than he had ever before. Enjoying the drink next to him and Frankie cuddling him comfortably.

A call aroused him from his sensual daydream of a naked Frankie, wet from strawberry scented lube, "Cam!"

The hesitant voice left him alert.


"I want to discuss what Sister Maria said. The topic of our mutual dependency."

"So you want to talk about how she said I need you more than you need me?" Cam resignedly replied.

"Yes. That." Frankie's expression remained fixed on the horizon.

"She was wrong," Cam asserted fiercely. "We need each other equally."

Frankie's confused expression prompted Cam to implore, "Please, don't downplay my need."

Astonishment swept Frankie’s face before they were both transfixed when Cam suddenly grew aggressive and pinned Frankie in the chair. Cam's eyes burning into his, "Don't you dare reduce my need."

For a moment, Frankie's gaze remained locked to his before he squealed from the sudden assault. Cam made no hesitation to push him back down and stride over him.

"I will not allow it. We are equal. We are mutually and equally dependent on one another," Cam ground out angrily.

As he loomed over him, Frankie's fear briefly flared before confusion mixed in.

"I'll always be there for you. You'll never be alone. I know how much you need this, and it just makes me love you even more. It's not a sign of weakness. You make it sound like a negative thing, and it infuriates me. It's not negative."

He gave Frankie another shake as he attempted to speak.

"I was alone until I was twelve. I had no one until Tonio came, and he was just a baby. You think I don't understand the fear of loneliness? Of course, I do. That's how I assumed my life would always be until you arrived and changed everything. You changed me. I can only be me when you're by my side. Don't minimize my need for you. It's not a bad thing."

Frankie placed his hand on Cam's cheek, softly stroking him as if he were made of glass. "Hush, it's okay now."

"It's not," Cam stammered, frustrated and closed his eyes. "I don't know how to make you understand this."

"Look at me," Frankie's hands were now on Cam's face. "Cam, look at me. I understand. I understand now."

Cam opened his eyes and stared into Frankie's gentle eloquent gaze. He could see the truth in the eyes, shining with tears and love. Yes, he understood now.

"Now, we're equal," Cam breathed out on a long, relieved breath. He hadn't realized how much he'd needed Frankie to completely comprehend him.

"Yes, now we're equal. I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm sorry I made you angry."

Cam shook his head. "I was frustrated. And scared. I love you," he suddenly realized he was still gripping Frankie's shoulders tightly, and felt remorse. "I'm sorry."

When Frankie pulled his face closer, he didn't resist. They shared a tender kiss.

"I love you," Frankie whispered against his lips, before Cam allowed him to draw back. Frankie then added with a smirk, "So, it's all about physical affection today?"

Cam smiled as his heart lifted, reassured by the smirk and the humor in Frankie's eyes. "Should I apologize?"

"No, I kinda like it. A welcome change for a someone like me who usually tops."

Cam chuckled softly and slid onto the seat next to Frankie, taking him back into his arms.

"It was so difficult. To see people, to admire and desire them but not to touch or be touched. I believe you're the only person in the world I love to touch me. The only person in the world I ache for with my lips, my hands, and my heart."

"And other body parts."

"What?" Cam asked, leaning back to look at Frankie's face filled with mischief.

"You said you liked to touch me and be touched. Your dick had better be aching for me as well, or this relationship is going nowhere."

Cam rolled his eyes and poked a finger into Frankie's stomach, taking care not to break it. It was taut and defined.

Then, he settled down so their faces were close, and they could look into each other's eyes.

"You and me," Frankie said softly, holding up his pinkie.

"So this is the real beginning," Cam agreed, intertwining their fingers.

"And where will we go?" Frankie inquired, barely above a whisper.

"Everywhere," Cam promised. "As long as we're together. With dancing and art. Or one day with art and teaching. I've thought about teaching, I believe."

"You're good at it," Frankie conceded. "You have more patience than me."

"Yes. It's true," Cam shrugged, then grinned when Frankie laughed. "And time to enjoy, our friends and our families. And I want to see Cuba. Maybe we'll have our own family someday. And one day when we're no longer in competition against each other, because I've won all the awards and you're happy for me-"

Cam was partially relieved, partially terrified, when Frankie gently took his hand.

"Back up a bit. Do you want kids?" Frankie asked softly.

Cam blushed and found it difficult to meet Frankie's eyes. His heart was racing because they'd never talked about this, and they probably should have.

"I know you're an uncle already, to Danny and Josh. And possibly, Tonio and Lucia will find partners and have children someday. But yes," he dared a glance at Frankie who was watching him thoughtfully. "Yes, I'd like to be a dad."

A fleeting smile appeared on Frankie's face, "What method would you prefer? Adoption or surrogacy?" he questioned, before his gaze wandered slightly. He was now envisioning their future. "I think for us, fostering with the intention to adopt would be ideal. Because that's how you and Tonio discovered your real family."

Cam saw Frankie's gaze refocus as he returned to the present. Before the scene became blurry once more, as quiet tears streamed down Cam's eyes.

Frankie emitted a sympathetic sound and gently wiped away the tears, before raining kisses on his face.

"I really care about you," Cam uttered, taking a few unsteady breaths.

"I do too," Frankie affirmed, as if it was a given, causing Cam to chuckle softly. Then, more earnestly, "And I want to create a family together with you at some point, Cam,"



"This is great, I think. Wow, I'm afraid and excited."

"It's you and me," Frankie repeated, clutching Cam's hand.

Cam simply beamed at him. He knew his smile was cliché but didn't care. How could he be so fortunate?

Frankie snuggled closer, resting his head on Cam's chest, and they both relaxed completely.

Cam laughed out loud at Frankie's quiet, "And don't forget that you always win all the competitions, sunshine. I did notice that!"

That night, because of popular demand, which is another way of saying people begged relentlessly, a section in the activities room was cleared, CDs were selected, and after demonstrating their Cha Cha with only one error, Cam ended up in an unexpected teaching/dancing session.

It was a fun evening filled with laughter and memories. Many people came from the town, so it wasn't just guests and staff present.

Cam found dancing with Benito's mother particularly enjoyable. Despite being eighty-three, she danced with tears and memories of dancing with her late husband in her eyes.

Cam loved it, and was incredibly impressed by her abilities. He even placed a gentle kiss on her cheek when he walked her back to her seat. This was unusual for him, as kisses require a level of intimacy he only shared with acquaintances.

Cam had a bad reputation among his peers. People thought of him as reserved.

He also nearly burst into laughter while witnessing a Spanish lady from the village trying some flamenco with Frankie.

For someone who could steal the show in a tango and sweep the competition with his Paso Doble, Frankie was terrible at flamenco. He struggled with keeping the same rhythm, as he enjoyed leading instead of following. This had been a major issue for them during the Paris competition.

Later that night, when Frankie was riding Cam to the max, his hips gyrating in a steady rhythm that sent Cam's prostate into overdrive, he began humming the flamenco tune they had heard earlier.

When Frankie recognised the tune, he lost it, and slid down onto the bed, laughing hysterically while still on top of Cam. His cock slipped free due to his laughter, spilling semen all over their legs. This made them both laugh even more.

Cam considered making Frankie cum unintentionally to be the funniest thing he had ever seen. He took a slow, deep breath and began singing the 'I Got Rhythm' tune, which clued Frankie in, causing him to collapse in uncontrollable laughter.

The drive back to Naples the following day was less picturesque due to the torrential rain.

Mainly because the ancient windscreen wipers had a hard time dealing with it.

They chatted and rested, switching driving every hour. Since the concentration required in such heavy rain was demanding.

They weren't far from Naples, and Cam was drifting off in the passenger seat, when suddenly there was a large thump, and the car veered wildly.

Cam's shoulder crashed into the window, and he opened his eyes to see the road spinning through the windscreen and the safety barrier, on the other side of the road, hovering just a few inches from his door.

Even though his life flashed before his eyes, it wasn't images of events he had experienced. It was more about what he planned to accomplish. The incident lasted less than 30 seconds of spinning before the car came to a halt.

Cam looked out the window. The barrier was about a foot from his door. He could hear the waves crashing against the cliffs a few hundred feet down below. Although the heavy rain prevented any view of the sea or horizon.

He turned to face Frankie, who checked the brakes before shutting off the engine and exhaling a tense breath. "Give me a minute."

"Frankie," Cam said in amazement. "That was some remarkable driving."

"Tire blew."

"Yes. I felt it. Are you okay?"

Frankie nodded and turned to Cam. "You? Did you hit your head?"

"No. Just my shoulder. I'm fine. Frankie, look," he pointed out the window. "Can you see the barrier's only three inches away from us."

"Holy shit, we came close to going over." Frankie gaped at the sight. "Fuck me," he breathed.

"I'm definitely going to. Tonight. For hours. You deserve it." Cam promised confidently. Relieved when Frankie grinned.

"Proving I'm still alive, I could use some pampering." He started the car again. "I'll just drive away from the barricade a bit."

Cam nodded and Frankie quickly adjusted the car, giving Cam some space to get out.

As soon as the doors opened, they were drenched. Frankie handed Cam a short wrench to loosen the bolts while he brought out the spare tire.

"It's easier to loosen them before we lift it," he said, and Cam nodded, then turned to the wheel. Although he'd never owned a car before, he understood the logic behind it.

The trouble was, they just wouldn't budge.

Cam clenched his teeth and put all his weight on the wrench, as Frankie pushed the spare tire.

"Won't move," he grumbled. "We'll have to call the rental place."

"Can't you move it?" Frankie teased.

"Machines tighten them," Cam replied, pushing the hair out of his eyes. He was already drenched, down to his underwear. "Jeez!"

Frankie just held out his hand, and because he could sense Frankie radiating smugness, Cam handed it over. With a groan, and a touch of humor, Frankie twisted the tool and it doubled in size.

"You need to make the wrench fully erect for better leverage," Frankie explained in an exaggerated tone, running his hand along the wrench as he did so, which caused Cam's dick to stir.

"Stop that," Cam laughed and swatted his arm. "How did you know?"

"My Cuban side coming through again," Frankie grinned. "Step aside, little lady. I'll take care of this."

Cam scoffed and leaned on the car as Frankie got to work. "I can do it."

"Let me, there's no need for you to strain yourself again," Frankie replied, making an effort as he forcefully shoved the wrench. "They're moving, but they're very tight."

"That's fine. I can just watch you flex your muscles and sweat while you do it." Cam suggested.

"It's not sweat, it's raining hard!" Frankie argued. "Don't make me laugh."

Cam slid the jack under the car, and when Frankie was ready, started raising the car up. They worked in sync. "It's obvious the rain isn't stopping."

"I used to hang out with my cousin who's a mechanic when I was in Cuba. He drove some nice old cars."

"Ah, so that's what those pretty cars are? Jalopies?"

Frankie chuckled. "No, it's 'jalopies'. The word for old, worn out cars."

Cam repeated the word a few times, then smiled. "Jalopies. It fits. The word is perfect."

"Yeah, it's a good one." Frankie agreed as they rolled the spare tire into place. Then he secured the nuts.

When they lowered the car and Frankie tightened the wheel, he warned Cam. "Just set the jack down, I'll help with the tire."

Aware of the slight discomfort in his back, Cam agreed.

Not long after, they threw some dirty clothes on the seats to protect them and drove off. Cam now was behind the wheel.

Thirty minutes later, they pulled into the car rental yard. The rain was still thundering down, like bullets on the roof.

A man beckoned them under a shelter, and Cam pulled in. Thankful that the noise was muted in the shelter. His ears were ringing from the constant drumming.

"Hi Luca," Frankie stepped out and greeted the man, who looked at them both in surprise.

"Are you wet from the car?"

Hearing the confused English, Cam responded in Italian, explaining the blowout and the skid. Brushing away the man's apologies.

"It's fine. These things happen."

"The car looks fine, but we'll inspect it and all the tires. Just in case the skid put extra strain on it. She's an old girl, you know."

"No, Frankie was driving. He has more experience than me, so it may have been a good thing." Cam smiled when Frankie looked up at hearing his name, then went back to packing their wet clothing back into the cases.

Since they were the last arrivals of the night, Luca kindly allowed them to climb into his old pickup and drove them to the end of Bella's street.

Cam had to laugh when Bella's face shows shock when she opened the door to their dripping wet, shivering selves.

"What, the?!"

"We needed to change a tire," he said, beginning to take off his shoes. "I figured we could remove our clothes here and toss them into the machine, then take showers."

Lucia, who had tagged along, shook her head. "Don't start until I'm gone," she instructed before making gagging noises and hurrying to her room as Cam smirked and removed his shirt.

"Sure thing. We'll give you about ten minutes alone," Bella said with empathy towards the shivering and chilled Frankie. "Just leave your luggage, I'll pack them up. Go and warm up."

Cam nodded while unfastening his belt. Frankie hesitantly began with his shoes and socks.

"I'll put a few of Tonio's things on the bed for you to change into, while you're in the bathroom," Bella offered, releasing a sad sigh. "Such a shame. This and Cam being sick. Did you enjoy yourself at all?"

Cam glanced towards Frankie as he spoke, his face beaming with delight, responding to Bella from his heart.

"It was amazing."

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