Erotic Couplings

Point Five: The Enchanting Odalisque

Honor takes in the sights...

May 28, 2024
47 min read
The Odalisque Pt. 05cmnfdominant malebetrayallong storyromance
The Odalisque Pt. 05
The Odalisque Pt. 05

Point Five: The Enchanting Odalisque

The Grand Imperial's foyer was more enormous and even more lavish than the Bangkok Excelsior's, alive with a combination of real and artificial blossoms and plants, making it difficult to distinguish the two. Marble-coated walls and red marble decked out the gilded pillars. The hotel's staff, attired in maroon, marble white, and gold-trimmed garments, moved from place to place briskly, fulfilling responsibilities to please their esteemed patrons.

A wide variety of establishments could be found within: boutiques, jewelry stores, small brand-name shops, a hair salon, two car-rental companies, travel agencies, Thai souvenir stores, coffee shops, and restaurants showcasing their breakfast menus. ATMs lined the walls and signs advertising meeting rooms and business centers were exquisitely integrated into the columns.

Upon witnessing it all for the first time, Honor stood in amazement, observing the decor, taking in the bustling atmosphere, her lips curving upward in an unintentional smile as she examined her surroundings. She explored a few stores, pausing in a souvenir shop selling traditional Thai artwork, pictures, paintings, and books in various languages. She flipped through a Thai cookbook, focusing on sweets and pastries, her eyes flitting across the pictures, making mental notes regarding new creations.

Perhaps the sight of food in the book had awakened her appetite, but her stomach began grumbling before too long, softly but clearly enough for her to hear and sense. Deciding against ordering room service for breakfast, Honor had chosen to dine at one of the restaurants in the hotel's printed materials about breakfast options. Her stomach was likely wondering why it was waiting so long and complained about it. Honor smiled at the store clerk as she exited, carrying the cookbook and a small souvenir brochure marked "Sights, Sounds & Stories of Bangkok."

Exiting the store, Honor entered the first restaurant advertising a breakfast buffet. She deposited her bag at a table by a large window that overlooked the swimming pool and the expansive green landscape of the resort. She handed her credit card to a maitre d' who accompanied her to the table, declining to have it charged to her room. She sat there, her chin resting in her hand, observing the scene outside. Just two swimmers were present: a man performing laps, and a woman floating on the surface, adorned in a modestly-dressed bright red one-piece.

Honor fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable in her chair; her underwear's design had an eerie resemblance to hers. Lingerie that had impulsively filled her case at the airport bore no semblance to conservative attire. Her entire attire comprised a comfortable white Egyptian cotton shirt that wrapped around her body, accentuating its curves with a Chinese collar and long, broad sleeves. This item fell to mid-thigh, with slits barely a handspan from her waist. Its loose, airy material and high buttons were ideal for what appeared to be a warm, sunny day. Her hair was tied in a ponytail with a ribbon that seemed like a butterfly with outstretched wings.

The maitre d' returned with her credit card, a receipt, and a slip to sign, which she happily signed.

The man stood rooted, genuinely startled by her bright smile. "Would you like tea or coffee, Madam?"

"I'll have coffee, decaf." Honor replied.

"I'll have it delivered to your table right away." He nervously smiled back and nodded to her, indicating that she head to the buffet table. "Enjoy your breakfast, Madam."

"Thanks." Honor amusedly uttered, bemused at his fluster.

She joined a procession of French men engaged in animated conversation, unknowingly captivating them. She picked up a tray, but found a male hand reaching for it before her.

"For the lady." the tattooed taller man with a thin mustache said, accent pronounced.

"Thank you." She said, raising a questioning eyebrow, amused.

"Are you here alone?" The man questioned.

She considered him a moment before deciding he was safe, especially with his unfortunate mustache. The other man was more stout, and clean-shaven unlike his more talkative compatriot. "Yes, I am."

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't eat by herself." The man proclaimed. "Please join us. I'm Pierre, and he's Luc."

She greeted him with a beaming smile, planning to decline politely. However...

Luc spoke for the first time, "Will we search for you next time?"

She grinned, "Yes, next time."

Moments afterwards, she seated herself at the table, folding her legs and browsing through the tourbook while she ate, dog-earing the pages she planned to explore. She swiftly marked the pages for the Royal Palace, Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Arun, and Wat Pho. After a few minutes of contemplation, she tagged the National Museum's page as well. For the first instance, as she scanned the remaining pages, she longed, slightly, that she didn't have to leave the following day. There was so much more to see...

... and then there was the sex. Honor felt a slight discomfort in her seat, the continuous warmth in her belly intensifying, a blush sprouting on her cheeks as her nipples stiffened on her breasts.

She had to return home, she declared fervently. She desperately needed time to recuperate... and her body to rejuvenate.

Her phone rang at that moment and she rushed to collect her bag, appreciative for the interruption from her own concerns. Upon discovering the device, she observed the screen and understood immediately it wasn't 'him.'

It wasn't merely 'a' him, but a her. Honor chastised herself for omitting such an imperative detail. 'Oh dear, I'm in a world of trouble,' she contemplated, chuckling within herself and ready herself for the incoming verbal assault as she tapped the green key and positioned the phone at her ear. "Hello..."

"Where in the world ARE you, Honor Banet?!" Sarah roared, her vocabulary scoffing at her upbringing by nuns.

"I'm so sorry, Sarah..."

"What in the HELL is wrong with you?" Sarah screamingly continued, building up steam.

Honor scrunched up her face as Sarah unleashed an avalanche of four-letter words. Finally, she concluded with a repeat of her initial inquiry, "Where have you been?"

"I'm still in Bangkok." Honor conveyed. "Oh, and I love you too."

"Hmph" Sarah huffed.

"I'm sorry I didn't call." Honor provided. "I'm a deplorable, deplorable individual and I don't merit you as a companion."

"You can say that again, bitch."

Honor consented. "I'm a despicable, despicable despicable individual and I don't merit you as my dearest companion."

Sarah struggled to suppress her laughter but eventually, she managed to regain her composure, "Alright," she expanded once done, "so what transpired?"

"No." Honor explained, biting her lip. "He didn't show up. I missed my departure." She reminisced on the illuminated green digits adorning the clock, the sensation of soap foam remaining on her body, the droplets of water imprinting her skin, the cock sliding in and out of her vagina. She scrunched up in her seat again, experiencing her nipples harden as the mental pictures pervaded her head, her complexion reddening. ' Too preoccupied being promiscuous...'

"You don't miss flights, Honor Banet." Sarah reaffirmed. "And you'd never forget to reach out."

Honor bit her lip before responding, "I'm alright. I've just been weary. Jet lag, I think."

There was a pause. "Has David even comprehended you've ventured to Thailand?"

Honor recalled the phone conversation from the evening prior. "No." She divulged. "He's in... Singapore."

Throughout the call, Sarah's vocal tonality escalated. "Why the hell hasn't he been informed? If he realizes you traveled to meet him, he'll either make the effort to meet you or you shouldn't be marrying the jerk..."

While she wouldn't be marrying David Brenner anyway, it wasn't that reason. "I have some motives for not letting him know I'm here."

"Wh---?" Sarah clamored. "Don't say it's his occupation or..."

"I'll share the minutiae with you when I return home." Honor bargained. "I truly don't want to discuss it at this moment."

A pause occurred. "When are you scheduled to fly back?"

"I'll be catching a plane tomorrow."

"Well," said Sarah with resoluteness, "we'll have a chat when you arrive."

Honor smiled, discovering a way to divert around the embarrassing silence. "Well, at least I'll be viewing some landmarks. I'm planning on going to some temples and I'm exploring the museum today."

"Oh, that sounds magnificent!" Sarah beamed with elation. "You should take the week off!"

"I know," Honor answered.

Honor's skin warmed up, as a blush spread across her neck. "No way." She chuckled, slightly perplexed. "Is that what Dave did with Jillian Blake... did he release his pent-up frustration?"

Sarah, completely unaware of the situation, carried on. "Perhaps it's the man who 'saved' you... does he look good?"

Honor stiffened for a second. The flash of gray cells sparked as Sarah brushed upon the truth - she'd been spot on, but as always, Sarah was a tad too far away to realize it. "Sarah!" Honor yelped, appalled.

"Calm down..." Sarah relented with a giggle. "I know how much, even though I can't fathom it, how you adore that man of yours."

Honor sighed, a hint of relief amidst the blush.

"But you're yet to answer my inquiry…" Sarah teased, "is he good-looking?"

Honor thought of the man who'd grabbed her, her breath catching as images of his face flashed through her mind. "He's just mediocre... I guess."

"Ha!" Sarah chortled. "So you acknowledged it."

Again, that naughty thought surfaced. "I'm engaged, Sarah."

Sarah sputtered with a mock "Hmph..." tone." "Is that a yes? Did you succumb as I urged?"

"I just said, 'thanks.'" Honor interjected. 'And agreed to be his prostitute...'

"Oh." Sarah sounded taken aback. "The usual Honor Banet... always prim and poised."

"More of that type." Honor answered, her cheeks burning.

"But you still adore me, don't you?" Sarah queried, touching the wrinkles on her forehead.

"Yes, I do." Sarah promised. "I'll contact you soon."

"I'll call if I can." Honor replied, uneasy.

"Be careful." Sarah insisted. "And enjoy yourself."

"I will, I pledge." Honor finished up the call, her face beaming as she finished her coffee. She slipped the "Sights, Sounds & Stories of Bangkok" and her phone inside her bag, and stood up, grabbing her handbag. Sliding upon her heels, she waved at the two seated French men, who were coincidentally positioned at the table opposite her.

The French gentlemen shared glances as they waved back, their eyes traveling down her body before giving her a small wave.

"Did you catch that smile?" Pierre hushed, his pants bulging unnaturally. They could almost see her nipples poking through her top as she swayed efficiently with every step, her chest moving under the white cloth slightly.

"Her lips..." Luc mused. "It's as though sex incarnated... so seductive yet wholesome..."

Honor had walked into the Grand Imperial's front entrance. As she emerged, a compact man clutching a small whiteboard with 'Honor Banet' written on it in bold letters greeted her with a smile. His neatly brushed hair almost reached his collar, and his beard was a fine square on his chin, with many laugh lines around his face, indicating that he'd spent most of his life smiling.

"Are you Honor Banet?" He queried, displaying a mouth-filling grin.

Honor couldn't help but grin back at the man's cheerfulness.

"Nice to meet you." His accent was a mix of Thai influences and English, spoke with perfect fluency. Standing at the same height as her due to her high-heeled sandals, he extended an arm for her to hop into the backseat.

"Ready to explore?" Honor queried, following his instructions.

"Most definitely." He responded cheerfully. "Hop in."

Minutes later, he got into the driver's seat of a silver Mercedes with the Blue Dragon Guides logo on the passenger door and tinted windows. "Let's go and explore Bangkok!" He said, beaming.

A few moments later, Honor rode out in the backseat of the luxurious vehicle, entranced by the beautiful surroundings.

Honor was driven around in a sleek Sedan bearing the Blue Dragon Guides logo - her eyes feasted on the lovely scenery.

They were at the Wat Pho, also known as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, with a group of wide-eyed tourists and guides. Jao stood by Honor's side, camera in hand, captivated by the colossal mother-of-pearl inlaid feet of the more than 140-foot long gold-plated statue of the Buddha. Honor's phone rang in her bag, causing her to pull it out and put it to her ear. "Hello?"

"How's your tour going, Miss Banet?" asked Marq.

"It's going great, Mr. Haydn." Honor replied with a smile, despite herself. Her heart had already started racing with excitement just from hearing his voice.

"Great." He replied, sounding pleased. "And what do you think of Jao?"

Glancing at the tour guide, Honor was surprised to see him move further away to give her privacy. "Jao is fantastic," she responded without hesitation. "He's like a living, breathing encyclopedia."

Her "Thai Guide" had taken her to the Wat Phra Kaew, also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha. It was situated inside the Grand Royal Palace's grounds and was another site that was worth visiting in its own right. As they waited in line at the Eastern visitors' entrance to enter the temple's prayer building - the structure housing the forty-five centimeter tall green jade figure of the Buddha and the holiest Buddhist shrine in Thailand - Jao went into detail about the temple, describing the three different seasonal attire for the Buddha and the ceremony where he would be dressed by the King or a prince at the beginning of each season. Hot, rainy, and cold.

"Everything is gold," Jao continued. Explaining that only the King and members of his immediate family were allowed to use the central entrance of the prayer building. He pointed out the ornately decorated sema stones, which create boundaries to keep out evil.

The stunning colorful mirror tiles and gilt carvings on the walls took Honor's breath away, as did the mother-of-pearl inlaid doors. Small bronze bells tinkled as a gentle breeze blew across the roof, making her look up to see the bells lining the eaves. The golden statues of the garudas and nagas depicted on the exterior had everyone pointing and gasping in amazement while Jao told her their names.

Honor snapped a lot of photos and had Jao take even more.

The awe-struck exclamations over the statues and photo-taking halted as they entered the building. After removing their shoes, they shuffled in quietly and respectfully, Honor having wrapped the sarong Jao had brought along just in case around her waist. The Emerald Buddha was placed high up on a gilded altar, surrounded by numerous other Buddha figurines that Jao informed her had been placed there by the Kings of Thailand during special occasions throughout their reigns. He also pointed out the paintings on the walls of the prayer building, depicting the life of Buddha and the cosmological precepts of Buddhism.

Apart from the Emerald Buddha, they also visited other structures in the temple - prangs, chedis, mondops, and yods. There were also the golden statues of the kinnorn, half-man, half-bird creatures representing pleasure, beauty, and grace. Jao explained the significance of the yaksha, giant demon guardians, their faces adorned with intricate carvings. Jao had already shared the story of the Ramakien, the Thai version of the sacred Hindu Ramayana epic, for Honor to understand the paintings on the galleries and the walls, and she immediately recognized them from the tale.

She saw the temple's other beautiful buildings, altars, constructions, and gilded Phra Sri Rattana chedi, which she documented with numerous photos. She admired the golden statues of the kinnorn, and the intricate designs on each of the twelve giant statues, such as the small elephant-like trunk that symbolized the nose of the one named Thot-Khiri-Thon at the South Western gate. Jao provided an understanding of each statue's special features.

They had visited the Grand Palace next, where they had exited the Wat Phra Kaew. Here, she had learned about its construction by King Rama the First, formerly General Chakri, who had made Bangkok the capital of Siam after executing his predecessor, King Taksin. Taksin's capital had been in Thonburi across the river, where the Wat Arun stood in all its glory. She admired the gold embellishments and intricately designed red and sometimes green roofing of the buildings. The tiling and gilded pagodas featured a unique blend of western and Thai architecture. Within the Pavilion of Regalia and Royal Decorations, she had seen the other two seasonal clothes of the Emerald Buddha on display, waiting for the arrival of the changing seasons.

Next, they walked to the adjacent Wat Pho, buying water bottles and candy bars along the way. Jao was hoping to show her around a thousand of its Buddha images.

She was grateful. "Thank you," she said over the phone.

"You're welcome," Marq replied after a brief pause. "Where are you now?"

Her lips parted when she saw him, and heat flowed through her body. "Uhm... are you back at the hotel?" It was close to 2:45.

"Yes," he answered, but added, "I'll join you instead. Where are you?"

"At the Wat Pho." She licked her lips, puzzled by her body's physical response due to just talking to him. "The Temple of the..."

"... Reclining Buddha." He concluded. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Licking her lips again, she wondered if he could see the reaction. But he'd left her no choice. Even her nipples were more sensitive, coiled under her bra.

Jao noticed and smiled at her before returning his attention to the Wat Pho's four prangs - tall, slender, richly carved towers with small niches containing Buddha statues.

"Here's Marq." Jao beamed at her, unaware of her physical state.

She gazed at him and felt a blush rise in her cheeks as her body reacted to his presence. "Stop it, Honor!" she berated herself, making sure nobody else noticed. The wet heat welled between her legs.

Marq's hands were in his pockets as he approached, wearing a shirt with an open collar over his naked torso. His cock still dripped with cum from her pussy when she'd left him in the suite.

"This is a prang, isn't it?" he asked Jao.

"Of course." Jao confirmed. "It's good to see you remembered something from our talks."

The two men shared a grin, not needing much small talk when meeting again after a while. As they waited for Jao to bring the car, Honor and the guide had already seen enough of the Wat Pho. They continued the tour with Jao's lectures about the statues and the Wat's architecture.

"You seem to be enjoying it," he mentioned when they were waiting for Jao's car to pick them up. A few yards away, people traveled to the temple: tourists, locals and monks in flowy orange robes.

"I am," she replied, looking at him under her palm.

"Great," he said. [Note: Although the grammar of the original text was excellent, the sentence structure could be made simpler.]

Did your meet-up go well? asked Honor, feeling a bit uneasy as the guy seemed completely at ease during the silent moment. She knew that inquiring about his job was a risky move, one that she had consciously avoided. As she spoke, she realized she was treading on dangerous ground. Curiosity from those multiple casual mentions of "Marq" by the plump Thai guy had almost compelled her to ask how they were connected. However, she had resolved not to know more about him as things could only get more confusing.

She scolded herself mentally, 'Typical girl. Can't even enjoy a one-night stand without wanting to know their life story...'

"It was successful," he finally spoke. "Our next meeting is tomorrow and that will be it."

"That's great." she replied, hoping to gracefully steer the conversation away. Unsurprisingly, her curious side wanted to know more. Much more.

"Do you enjoy turtles?" he asked, grinning at her surprised reaction. "The Wat Arun has numerous ponds filled with turtles, although Wat Prayoon might have even more."

"I hired a tour guide beforehand." she replied. "Plus, he's quite knowledgeable."

He chuckled softly. "He surely told you that one day is not enough to see everything."

She averted her gaze from him, still smiling, but refusing to answer. Her rational side requested the line of questions to end, anticipating more harm. On the other hand, the part that led her to his hotel suite on the other side of the world craved more information.

Her temperature increased, sensing the man's attention on her. She could feel her breasts swelling and firming as her stomach warmed up. Her cheeks reddened when his eyes trailed up and down her body, seemingly imagining her naked.

"How did you like the Emerald Buddha Temple?" he questioned after what seemed like an eternity.

Where do I begin? she pondered. "It was breathtaking..." her eyes sparkled, recalling her emotions. "I struggle to find the right words to describe it..."

"I used the words 'awe-inspiring' when I saw it for the first time," he mentioned.

She nodded, sharing her admiration. "When did you see it?"

"About five years back," he responded. "With Jao, actually." A sly smile crept across his lips. "I got into his cab at the hotel and requested to visit Wat Phra Kaew. And I received an amazing historical account."

She turned her head to observe him, intrigue piqued at his story.

"The following day, I hired him for the rest of the week," narrated Marq. "I suggested he turn his passion into his profession. But he couldn't afford it. I could, so I helped him get his first two buses. He even designed the logo on his own."

Her jaw dropped at the revelation. She had spotted three similarly branded mid-sized buses with blue dragon logos in the parking lot and one of the drivers had saluted one of Jao's drivers. Apparently, those were the connections between the men she had assumed to be workmates. However, she later recognized she was witnessing an employee greeting their boss.

She also noticed the business dynamics; Jao had personally driven her around, implying that Marq had asked him to. Moreover, she took note of the ownership split in their business but was surprised by the apparent power-sharing.

"I also saw three buses earlier today..." she whispered.

"Three of the twelve," clarified Marq. "It isn't directly related to us though. Jao manages our business rather efficiently."

She contemplated, "So you two are business partners?"

Marq shrugged. "I hold fifteen percent of the company. Jao owns the remaining eighty-five percent. I initially sold the majority stake to him. He aims to buy the rest."

"So he refuses to purchase the rest of the company?" Honor deduced. "He wants you to stay involved." [Since you've mentioned the names of the Temples and the ponds filled with turtles, could you please mention if they have specific names?] The Wat Arun has its own name, Temple of Dawn, and the Wat Prayoon has one as well, Temple of the Reclining Buddha. Just in case you might want to refer to them in your paraphrased piece.

Marq shrugged once more, and she smirked, now comprehending the reason behind Jao's voice getting all cozy when Marq's name was mentioned.

She experienced a warm sensation. No, not just warm - scorching hot. It was as if he had compensated her for his services. Her lips parted a little as she gazed into his eyes, seeing the flush spread across her face and the hairs at the back of her neck rise. Her breasts became tense and strained, poking against the delicate fabric of her bikini and the soft cotton of her top. The heat in her stomach reappeared and started to travel down to her groin. She felt herself extending her hand towards his and began rubbing her fingers against his, moaning softly when he said what she yearned to hear. "We're heading back to the hotel, Ms. Banet."

This was a straightforward statement that signified her trip around Bangkok was over.

She granted him permission to approach her, edging closer until she could feel his breath against her skin, fanning the flames of desire between her legs. "You truly want to...?" she uttered with a whimper, inquiring about the many possibilities Jao could inflict upon her now that they were heading to the hotel.

His eyes roamed over her face, landing on her moist lips, before provocatively saying, "Everything." He leaned in to kiss her, suffocating her cries of pleasure, provoking her to move closer, not even considering how much onlookers might be observing them. Her lips touched his, allowing her mouth to open for him, protesting weakly when he backed away. "Is that a yes?"

She climbed onto her toes and lightly kissed his jaw, nestling her lips on his cheekbone. "Yes." She breathed softly, her lips grazing his earlobe.

The sound of a car horn interrupted them. A silver Mercedes with a blue dragon emblem had stopped next to them, occupied by another man.

Jao parked beside them, waiting for buses to pass before proceeding.

After a few moments without movement or reply from either of them, Jao asked, "You two ready to leave?"

Marq remained quiet.

Honor sighed and sat still as she grabbed his hand once more, running her tongue across her lips as they linked their fingers.

"Wait." Marq murmured.

Honor observed him as he leaned into the vehicle, conversing with Jao. She bit her lip lightly while holding her cravings back. Jao requested Marq's license, and she nodded in agreement. Jao shook his head, embracing the opportunity to tease her. "Let's get going."

"We're going to the Wat Arun, right?" she verified, unconvinced of their destination due to his response.

"No, we're not." Jao replied as he opened the car door for her.

Honor blinked in surprise. "Why are you leaving us here?"

"I'm getting a taxi," came his response.

"And what about your car?" she inquired.

Jao dismissed the question, believing they'd be safe with Marq at the wheel. "I'll have someone pick it up later." He unlocked the passenger door.

Marq sat down in her seat, adjusting the controls and buckling her seatbelt.

The elderly Thai gentleman nodded, regarding her once more before waving goodbye. "It was a real delight meeting you, Ms. Honor Banet. Make sure Marq doesn't confuse chedis and mondops."

"I will." She assured him and Jao, as Marq raised his eyebrows suspiciously beneath his glasses. She grinned at Jao, "And it was such a treat meeting you, Jao."

Jao beamed back at her and stepped away once their departing gestures were exchanged. She glimpsed at him from the corner of her eye as he made his way to the sidewalk, the glaring sun reflecting off his temple as he waved till he disappeared from sight, always present in her mind.

She grew silent as Marq managed the wheel, her eyes intently observing him, her mind running through the times she'd enjoyed the feel of his skin, his scent, the way he dominated her, and the satisfaction of tasting his semen. Her sensitive nipples, now hard points, pressed up against her top, aching for his touch. Though the burning heat within her became manageable, she didn't deny its presence.

Different version:

Marq barely glanced at her as he kept his focus on the road. His expression, however, gave her a sense of familiarity that was starting to become bothersome. But it was the time when he looked at her with a promise and heat that sent goosebumps down her skin. A one-time occurrence, yet enough to make her believe she could have the same control over herself.

As they stopped at a junction, time seemed to drag on for an eternity as they waited for the light to turn green.

Marq instructed, in a low tone, "Take off your bra." His voice was the same as the one he used when he carried her out of the shower and gave her total submission. It was the tone of the male in the most primal sense. "I like seeing your breasts. Take it off now."

Following his order like a good girl, Honor hesitated as she folded her glances from the cars surrounding them and the people inside. It was his gaze that calmed her nerves. She stopped thinking about the possibility of being caught when her eyes met his, full of challenge. She loosened the tie of her bikini from behind her neck. Since her shirt only reached her stomach, she had to put her hands under the hem, exposing her soft skin beneath the white cotton. She tossed the bikini top into her bag and sat back in her seat, looking at him, bemused at her own actions.

Being nearly naked didn't scare her as much as her common sense telling her something was amiss. Even so, rational Honor was fading into the background. Her aroused nipples stood out on her breasts, clearly displayed under the cotton top, becoming a stark contrast against the white fabric. Sensing they were close to the hotel, she observed the surroundings and recognized her earlier trip with Jao.

Her nipples responded to the combination of fabric and the air conditioning, making her squirm uncomfortably as she felt drunk with passion and her pussy dampened, desperate for some attention.

The light turned green, and he activated the gas pedal.

"Now, your buttons." he ordered, releasing the brake. "Open them."

Complying with his demand, she unfastened the button just below her collarbone, then the one above her breasts, before unbuttoning the one between them. She let out a sigh of relief when he told her, "That's enough."

She wasn't as covered as she thought, and she contemplated the difficulty of maintaining her dignity while moving through the hotel lobby. Surprisingly, she was willing to go that extra mile to keep Marq pleased, oblivious to any consequences. Her sensitive nipples became aware of the fabric rubbing against them with each movement, heightening her arousal even more.

The light turned red, and they stopped again.

"Undress." he ordered, without raising his voice. "Remove your pants and panties."

She couldn't help but look at him and found that her inhibitions were melting away, leaving the Mortified Honor behind. She started by loosening the knot at her ankles and removed her shoes. Then, licking her lips, she reached for the waistband of her panties. She paused, waiting for him to lift his gaze, but he just focused on driving.

Without hesitating, she finished unfastening the waistband of her panties and lifted her ass off the seat to pull the garments down. She didn't meet Marq's eyes as she gathered the denim and red mesh, carefully rolling and adding them to her bag.

The light changed, and they resumed their trip.

Marq maintained his neutral stance, maintaining a distance from Honor for the rest of the journey. The euphoria of being exposed didn't fade, and she wondered how she would prevent her breasts from revealing their eager nipples in the lobby. However, she was determined to make it through the lobby with some of her dignity intact, certain of his gaze as reinforcement. Her nipples tingled as the fabric brushed against them.

The Grand Imperial's underground garage accommodated fewer cars than its numerous rooms suggested. This was because most of its guests - foreigners primarily - typically arrived without their own vehicles and rarely needed them during their brief stays in Bangkok. The garage mainly served the vehicles carrying conference attendees and guests to events held in the hotel's numerous conference rooms and gigantic event halls on the ground and first levels. Besides hosting weddings, birthdays of the rich and famous, the Grand Imperial had welcomed numerous dignitaries, including ambassadors, visiting heads of state, and even royalty.

Marq slid his key card through the reader at the entrance to the garage, allowing him free parking as a guest. He drove to the darkest section at the end of the garage, where many fluorescent tubes had burnt out in the ceiling fixtures. He carefully parked beside a van emblazoned with the hotel logo and a thick layer of dust. The wall at the other end of their parking spot was only a few spaces away; the nearest cars were quite distant.

It was a serene, private space.

He turned to look at her. His gaze communicated a sense of anticipation that made her palms sweat, her nipples harden, her heart pound. His fingertips slid between her legs, eliciting a shudder as he gently explored her, opening her thighs without even considering it, her eyes still fixated on him. She was profoundly wet, flooded; a touch of his fingers caused a small desert in her to bloom with a river of her liquid.

He glanced away, his eyes searching hers with a hint of softness that belied their steely predatorical quality. Then his hand left her pussy, travelling beneath her top to the curve of her breasts. Fingers caressed the soft, plump flesh as he leaned towards her and kissed her deeply. She responded fervently, moaning slightly as he stimulated her nipple with his fingers, toying with her lips with his tongue. The sensation was exquisite; an ecstasy beyond measure.

However, he abruptly stopped. She took a moment to forcibly suppressed the panic bubbling up inside her. Her gaze returned to him, observing a fleeting softening of the intensity in the steely gray of his eyes.

Then he suddenly exited the car. She watched him circle around and then she swiftly pulled on her shoes, slinging her bag over her shoulder as he opened her door. She took in the crooked smile on his face.

Fear and excitement coursed through her. Beating rapidly beneath her breasts, her heart thumped against her skin. He peppered her with hot, heated kisses while he held her waist. She matched his intensity, kissing him back, licking his lips. She moved her arms around him to hug him, her feet moving up, tiptoeing to meet his hardness.

He disengaged from the kiss and whispered, "Someone might see us."

"Does it matter?" he responded, gripping her waist more tightly. "I'm all you need to pay attention to. Just focus on me, Honor."

She heard car doors opening and closing, engines humming as vehicles arrived. But no thought of stopping aroused within her. In the back of her mind, she was both frightened and enthralled. In front of her, he was more seductive and potent than any man she had ever known. He would have her in the most unconventional way - and she would let him.

They kissed again. But this time, his hands turned to her shirt, lifting it and discarding it. Bare midriff, breasts, nipples - all bare. She couldn't believe how willingly she allowed him to shed her top and expose her cleavage and stomach. He grasped her hands and pinned them behind her back, trapping her. Her mind whirled with the preposterous insanity of what was unfolding - she was letting him fuck her in a hotel's parking lot. But she didn't run, didn't cry, didn't object. It was as if she was witnessing it all through someone else's eyes. A perverse joy rose within her, knowing he made her feel like she'd never felt before.

She went up on her tiptoes and met his gaze. Her response mirrored his dominance. They were connecting, mutually willing. And as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, his fingers brushed her nipples, the buzz of other garage activity sensually enhancing the experience. The mere hint of shame in his voice vanished, replaced by an unwavering certainty.

They broke the kiss, both panting slightly. Their moans echoed inside the garage. Yet neither had a thought of deterring the other. She watched as he lifted her to sit atop him, then struggled to bend her knees and straddle him. He held her waist as he maneuvered positions. And finally, she felt him sink into her. They were both entranced, sensing the moment they'd crossed a boundary - one they would never forget.

She did her best to keep the noise down as he played with her breasts, using his tongue to tickle her hard nipples before taking them into his mouth, making her squeeze and breathe heavily as her purse fell and landed on the garage floor. She actually had an orgasm from that, a small one that hinted at more to come. He kissed the soft expanse of skin between her breasts as she leaned back against the car, her mind gone, panting loudly. He licked down her stomach and around her navel, knelt in front of her while holding her waist, the fabric of her shirt bunching up in his hands. He bit her in the stomach, a little close of teeth, sucking her skin into his mouth, causing a moan to escape her as he left a mark on her body before moving lower, down to the dark patch of hair covering her mound, kissing her softly and inducing little little "ohs" of pleasure from the mad woman he had in front of him.

His hands were now on her hips and one of them traveled around to her generous backside, caressing her soft skin and then down the back of her thigh. Honor instinctively spread her arms wide against the car for balance as he lifted her leg, palms against the windows, her breaths coming out in loud gasps of anticipation as he opened her, showing off the slick lips of her vagina.

Honor almost screamed when his tongue touched her, a slow scraping lick up her slit. She bit her lip as she threw her head back, quivering, one leg hanging on his shoulder and arm as he kissed and licked her, sucking up her liquid before diving into her center to draw out more of it. He started to lick her clit, teasing her, torturing her, her entire body shaking, tiny childish moans coming out of her parted lips as she wriggled against him, struggling to maintain her balance and keep herself open for him as her orgasm approached - the sheer naughtiness and depravity of what she was doing, what she was allowing this stranger to do to her in a hotel parking lot where anyone could see them, the need to keep any sound from escaping her parted lips magnified every twitch and movement of his tongue and mouth on her suffering pussy.

She came with a sharp gasp she couldn't suppress, her body shaking against the car, arching as every muscle contracted, her orgasm hitting her in wave after wave of joy.

Marq somehow found her lips and pressed them back against hers, standing up and pinning her against the car, using his weight and body to hold her up as her knees threatened to buckle and collapse. She kissed him back hungrily, clutching at him, using the moment to voice her pleasure against his mouth, tasting herself on his lips and chin as she licked and kissed around his lips. Desperation to have him inside her made her recover quickly, her hands finding his belt, frantically working the clasps as he quickly undid his pants.

Marq's pants and underwear fell to a pile around his ankles and he stepped forward, his hand moving between her legs to slide his fingers in, feeling how ready she was for him as he returned his attention to her lips. She responded with a quiet "oh" and frenzy, squeezing her knees together as he brought them to his mouth.

Marq heard her and did what she needed.

Both of her legs left the ground as he lifted her up, her thighs wrapped around his arms. She spread her arms on top of the car roof for support, most of her weight supported by his arms and the sturdy back of the car against her back. Her breaths came out in sharp gasps of anxiety as he positioned his penis against her vagina, the tip of his cock touching her wet labia, teasingly rubbing against her. Honor arched at the touch, anticipating, and, on instinct, she moved her hips forward, taking him into her with a small groan of effort. Marq made a deep noise in his throat, feeling her close around him, and then, with a grunt of ecstasy, brought her down on his shaft.

Eyes closed tightly, Honor's body began to shake uncontrollably as she opened her mouth in a silent scream. Her palms pressed firmly against the car roof as her legs spread apart to welcome the thick, warm, turgid flesh that was about to invade her body.

Breathing heavily, the sound of a man's voice broke through the chaos in her mind. "Open your eyes, Honor." Despite the apparent lack of restraint in his tone, the severe command in his voice remained unwavering.

Obediently, she opened her eyes to find herself gazing directly into his, eyes filled with eagerness and passion as she continued her silent scream. She could hear the commotion from passersby — the sound of cars coming and going, people entering and exiting their vehicles. Underneath her, her white cotton shirt had risen up to her waist, exposing her erect nipples through its thin material. Unable to believe what she was seeing, she stared down where she and her lover were joined. It was astonishing how their bodies had no distinguishable separation — their black pubic hair appeared to be of one, as Marq thrust himself further into her sex. Her eyes darted between his cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy and the way their matching pubic hair seemed to be one.

"What's in your mind, Honor?" Marq asked, squinting his eyes in confusion.

For a brief moment, Honor almost laughed at the ridiculous observation. But her focus was soon redirected upon the connection between their bodies. She felt herself being penetrated by the warmth of his skin as his cock moved rhythmically inside her.

The sensations were so overwhelming that she couldn't differentiate between euphoria and exhaustion. As she reached climax, she thrust her head back, screaming as she came, only to brusquely force it down again, biting her lip to contain her cries. It was as if her body was rejecting this newfound knowledge. However, Marq wasn't deterred. If anything, his desire only deepened.

In a harsh whisper, he commanded her to continue, effectively usurping every other thought in Honor's mind. She was at his mercy, yielding to his words as she sensed him removing the shirt she'd suddenly forgotten about. Suddenly, she was experiencing her first orgasm, the warmth of his semen flooding her as her body locked itself around his throbbing cock. Her arms stiffened in his grasp, almost refusing him the control he held.

Honor's orgasm didn't last long — the second came just as rapidly. The shock of another climax erupting so quickly made it nearly impossible to restrain her cries. But once more, he didn't seem to care. In fact, his desperation increased. Lowering her to her knees, he renewed his assault on her body. The intensity of the pleasure was desperate, as if he knew time was running out. He wanted to savor her, to ensure he had her all to himself.

Within the span of mere seconds, she was tensing up for a third time. Her whole body began to quiver as another orgasm took over, felt so strongly that the only acceptable response seemed to be her cries and screams. His feverish desire continued to grow as she reached past the barrier of control and experienced the best orgasm of her life.

As her body slowly recovered, Honor slowly raised her head, knowing something had changed. She scanned the dark parking lot before landing her gaze on his intense eyes. All the while, the slightest touch of her fingers on the nipples peeking through her now-creased shirt caused them to tingle in response. A low moan, a soft whisper, told her she wasn't completely insensitive.

Marq's lips then descended upon hers, devouring her passion before her very eyes, making her squeal in response to his force. As quickly as she was hoisted into a new position, her back pressing against the rough surface of the car, she was suddenly found tensed between his limbs, feeling his cock fill her as they both yearned for more.

The random insults and exclamations became background noise as Marq ravished her. "Fucker," she hissed, hands clenched into fists as he took her even deeper, only to be interrupted instantly by the volume of her screams. "God," she cried out, unable to control her body as her need was fulfilled.

Her top had risen back up her neck, only to be yanked down again as he groped at her naked breasts and belly. The rhythmic pounding continued as they eagerly grasped each other, unbothered by their compromised situation. Even amidst the potentially embarrassing location, their intense desire for one another radiated through their bodies.

Feelings surged through Honor as Marq's firm grip tightened on her breast, almost causing pain yet still not quite. She recognized what was about to happen through her hazy thoughts - he was close to ejaculating inside her. She steeled herself and gritted her teeth as her own arousal began to build once more.

With force, Marq rammed into her again, causing her to shriek in pleasure as he completely filled her. An instant later, his groan rang out as he erupted, shooting his semen into her pussy. Her climax came rapidly, minutes after his, accompanied by a tightening in her gut that echoed his. Her head flew back, muffling a silent scream of bliss as she came, fluid gushing from her sex.

Seconds passed before they returned to sense, finally separating from their intense embrace. This was when they realized the perils of their actions - their detached state causing them to lose awareness of their surroundings. The rapid pace of their heavy breathing became loud enough for a nearby car to honk. This sudden intrusion on their privacy forced them to quickly end their embrace.

Honor had difficulty regaining her composure. Her legs still shaky, her body slick with sweat, exposed in only a top held precariously up by her chest - not even a full dress - despite the air's coldness. The real gravity of her actions flooded over her and she shivered as she took in the surroundings. The garage, the exhaust fumes, her sweat and arousal, her nudity beneath her dialectic dress, and her trembling body. All of which made her feel as if she had transformed into a cheap prostitute.

"Nine thousand dollars for a night isn't cheap." involuntarily grumbled disapprovingly Honor Banet.

Her purse lay untouched on the ground, and she struggled to pick it up. Her stomach churned, thoughts of having just been raped in a parking lot flashing through her mind. Her skin crawled at the thought of the world seeing their acts - they wouldn't have to see that far to find them locked in a passionate kiss, his pants and boxers at his ankles, her chest fully exposed.

It took her a moment to regain control, mind numb from the physical stimulation. He was still so close, she had a hard time distancing herself. Her sex begged to be touched, warmed with his touch.

"It cannot happen ever again," her voice trembled with desperation as she faced him.

"And why not?" his calm response lacked empathy. His lips curled up corner into a self-satisfied smirk.

"I mean it. It was just for money," she wrecked with a weak attempt at standing her ground but succumbed to his strong hold on her hips.

"How am I supposed to believe that?" he taunted. "Enjoyed it, did you?" he asked, eyebrows raised. She hesitated but thought it better to avoid a lie. "Yes," she admitted breathlessly. "Something I've only heard about, twice..." she muttered to herself. Arousal began to rise once more, causing her to tense.

He stepped away, showing a neutral expression but her body reacted regardless. Her embarrassment only escalated as she felt his eyes explore her nudity beneath the shirt which is now little more than a dress. Her cheeks reddened at the idea of how much he was enjoying this. "It's time to go," she murmured softly, breaking away.

He offered no resistance, watching her intently. "You don't seem to be able to keep your own pronunciations straight."

She yelped as he reclaimed her, pushing her body against the vehicle, swiftly closing the gap between them. The rise and fall of each of their heartbeats increased by the moment. He grimaced at her speech before locking lips with her. She yearned for more but struggled to control herself when he pulled away.

He smiled, forcing a relaxed smile. "You're the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen," he complimented, his breath sending chills down her spine. His hands caressed her hips through her shirt, raising it to expose more of her flesh. With stunning beauty like her, how could he not be enchanted.

Before she could prevent it, he captured her lips again, his hands roaming underneath her mini dress, gracing her bare bottom. His lips brushed against hers. "You look straight out of a fantasy," he mused. "From Rob Gayron's," he added with a single raised brow.

"You'll never see this again," she murmured through ragged breaths.

The heat between her legs intensified as his hands, mouth, and voice conspired against her. She knew she should tell him to lower the white fabric again, but her brain stubbornly refused to even consider such an action. He caressed and spread her open, fingers exploring, making her helplessly mewl into his mouth.

He was going to have sex with her once more, she realized. In the parking lot. Again.

"Oh my... please..." she moaned as he eventually broke the kiss. "... please..." As his lips traced along the sensitive curve of her jawline, she shook uncontrollably. "@#&%!... please... stop... please...!"

Marq stopped.

She took a deep breath, attempting to meet his gaze. "... This isn't me..." she uttered, her eyes bewildered. "... this isn't me..." She licked her lips. "I'm a pastry chef back home... I'm saving money to open my own bakery..." she realized her ramblings made no sense and tried to return to her original point.

"This isn't me..." she repeated, aiming to convey her feelings.

He remained silent, staring into her eyes.

"I'm not a slut..." she whispered.

Marq kissed her gently, and she found herself reciprocating the affection, moaning in equal parts longing and disgraceful desire. "Check this out," he said, and then he turned her around to face the car while she was still catching her breath. He held her firmly from behind, wrapping his arms on her stomach. "Have a look."

Her eyes fell on her reflection in the car's windows, viewing her exposed belly and the dark bush of pubic hair beneath his arm hugging her breasts. The semi-darkness of the garage and the car's tinted windows transformed them into decent imitations of mirrors. Her handbag still rested on her shoulder.

"You're not a slut." He whispered in her ear, rough and decisive, his European accent thicker as his lips brushed against her earlobe. Their eyes met in the reflective windows.

Honor felt a surge of arousal as the solid length of his cock pressed against her bare bottom. He spoke to her with their locked eyes, and she trembled with a rush of heat between her legs.

"Yes?" he inquired.

She nodded.

"Say it." He commanded. "Tell me you're not a slut."

"I am not a slut." she stammered.

He held her stomach with one hand and lifted the shirt over her body, exposing her fully. "You're so beautiful, Honor Banet..." he murmured. His other hand encircled her stomach, running over the flat softness of her belly, down to the smooth hills of her hips, and along the dark triangle of her pubic hair. "I want you to comprehend this. I want you to realize how stunning you are."

Honor fixed her gaze on her naked body in the tinted glass, taking in the full roundness of her breasts, the soft, unmarked belly, the wide hips, and her dark bush. He began to plant kisses on her neck, caressing her exposed flesh with one hand and holding her firmly with the other. She shivered with waves of pleasure racing through her body as she watched her exposed self being pleasured, hypnotized.

"All I could think about today was you..." he whispered, his low, gravelly voice sending shivers down her spine "... touching you, kissing you, being inside you." He dipped his fingers into the thick chunk between her legs, having her bite her lip when they exited her. She soaked them completely, moaning and trembling with pleasure.

He brought the fingers to her lips, caressing them before replacing them with his tongue. He held her firmly with one hand and caressed her breasts with the other.

Honor noticed the sweet smell of arousal emanating from his fingers as she licked them. She let out a tiny moan as he traced her lips once more, senses jolted by his touch, feeling an invisible barrier within her collapse.

He emitted a rough growl in his throat as she obediently swallowed his fingers, her lips pursed. He fed her again, repeating the process until she crashed with lust, her moans ringing in her throat.

Ugh, what in the world am I doing? Her voice was a whimper as she lifted her head to feel his lips caressing her throat. Her knees slightly buckled as his fingers went deep inside her, gripping her breasts and playing with her erect nipples.

"You're not a whore, Honor Banet," Marq breathed quietly, placing his cum-coated fingers in her mouth. "You're mine."

Through the haze of pleasure, Honor tasted herself and him in her mouth. Her eyes closed, and she only heard Marq's soft tones in the background while the intense craving for his touch overwhelmed her senses. She moaned as he rubbed her nipples, shivering with desire that washed over her body, raising the hairs on her skin. Although she was fighting against her instincts, she couldn't help but moan with satisfaction.

"Yes!" she nearly shouted, reaching for his cock as it bulged through his pants, its immense size betraying his hunger for her. They kissed, like two lovers who've never kissed before, her hands outside his jeans, feeling the heat of his body against hers.

When he turned her around, her passion multiplied, her mouth seeking his lips with insatiable appetite. They kissed furiously, with just the parking lot covering their exposed bodies.

Marq ripped his mouth away from hers, snapped his head to look past her shoulder, and they stood there, hands interlocked and breathless, before moving into the underground lobby, where only a bare minimum of people strolled.

He pulled away, never taking his eyes off her exposed skin, her breasts still showing under the ripped cloth. Her body was on display, and it seemed as though every eye in the place was on them. But the only thing she could think of was Marq's heated stare and what was about to happen to her.

"Honor, don't be silly," he muttered, taking her hand as dozens ogled them. The large group of people on the staircase and the parking lot's suddenly increased occupancy only reminded her of how close they'd passed to being seen, her nipples pebbled with fear. The garish smile on her face spread wider as she thought of the car parked behind the pillar which had just witnessed the scene.

"I'm so proud of you." Marq whispered, and Honor heard the words in the flurry of emotions, standing there, one step away from being discovered, her dress carelessly covering her torso. She couldn't believe that this euphoria and carnal desire had been breathed into her by one man. A single glance from him and she was on her knees, craving just one more touch, one more kiss. Somehow, it didn't matter. What mattered was his eyes, and the power he had over her.

"What if..." She whispered to herself, her heart pounding in her chest. They moved slowly through the lobby, dodging cars and hordes of people, their hands interlocked, Marq's hand covered in tiny droplets of wetness.

And she laughed.


Their little adventure had filled the compact lobby with shady glances. Wearing her ripped dress with clinging material, Honor's exposed chest, heavy, jiggling breasts, and exposed thighs garnered many glances, and even more heated gazes, yet she couldn't even care. It seemed as though even their footfalls had grown louder, fuller, carrying a weight that was so out-of-place in the regal underground levels of the Grand Imperial.

The small crowd in the basement lobby seemed small despite the number of people, but the eyes penetrating her saw nothing else but her exposed flawlessness, unabashed in her demeanour and fiery passion for him. She blushed from head to toe, the few wrong steps she took in her heels turning heads as her wrists struggled with his hands squeezing them.

Ducking beneath the steps, he paused and looked at her, her bare thighs and short top revealing so much that every man had to yearn and press their lips together as she followed him, remembering the car parked a few steps behind the pillar they'd left. It didn't cross her mind that she was completely naked under the white material as she adjusted her handbag, still conscious of her appearance. However, there was no better time than now to indulge in the alluring silhouette her loose dress made.

A car beeped impatiently, signalling them out of the entrance, and Honor looked back, watching it reverse into the vacant spot. The garage, although normally not packed, now seemed to be filled with cars. A short moment passed, and her mind came back to their precarious situation.

"Had we been there for a minute more, we would have been caught." She said quietly, but with more confidence than was necessary. Their luck couldn't be this good, she realized, then she beamed. Placing her handbag on her mounded shoulder, she found his hand and linked their fingers. Together, they ventured deeper into the basement, into the free world of debauchery and emotional deviance.

At the elevator bank, he yanked her close, his heavy stare commanding and hungrily assessing. Without hesitation, she leaned against him, sighing as his arms wrapped around her breasts and her waist, his hands caressing her inch-perfect belly. Impulsively, she pressed her ass against him, soft smile on her lips as she sensed his excitement heighten even more against her behind. Considering how recently he had been pleased, the gooey mess between her legs proof enough, it was quite... flattering.

Patiently, they accompanied other residents and onlookers in awaiting one of the elevator's descent to the basement floor. Lil Marq separated them from the crowd, declining to engage in the superficial banter strangers share.

Honor felt his warm breath tickling her hair. She squirmed, eyes flushing with warmth and sensation as she basked in his undivided masculine attention. Stirred by the way her body responded to his, his cock standing at attention against her butt, she blushed, flattered, vulnerable, but reassured by his protective presence. However, her most dominant feeling was being craved, wanted, appreciated in her womanhood.


She should have ignored it - the French woman was a good distance away, on the other side of the elevator lobby. Yet some magical transmission projected her sibilant words to Honor's sensitive earlobes. Curiously, she gazed at the French phrase slinger, her scarlet cheeks warming as she observed an apology being extended. The French couple then hurrily departed across the lobby, disposing their eyes away.

Lil Marq chuckled softly behind her, Helen lifting her own gaze to him.

"All eyes are on you." He murmured close to her ear, petting her stomach with his rough fingers. She reddened, the sensations of being stared at so brazenly, like a different creature, despite her former prudish reserve, arousing her inexplicably.

"Can you sense all the men coveting you?" He murmured to her ear, his grip growing firmer on her belly.

Helen looked to expose the spectators. She observed them, the disapproval in their sighs, their frightful chatter in hushed whispers...

"Can you identify how all those men want you?" He voiced, intimate, his voice hearty.

Indeed, someone persistently checked her out, their eyes glinting hungrily, their stares momentarily distracted by the thought of stealing her, until they soon returned to enjoying the forbidden sight.

Her body shivered from the aggressive invasion, her cunt releasing warm juices. She literally felt his germinating erection harden against her.

"Do you see how ravishing you come across?" He requested, his breath hot against her ear.

She gazed, aflame with lust, her body disclosing the neediness in her soft breaths, eyes demonstrating her readiness. He pushed inside, thrusted unapologetically, forcing her to put her hands onto the wall. Crowding against her, gasping, his hands fondling her breasts, a forceful driving of his cock into Helen's loins startled her silent. His bold breath brushed against her cheek as he hugged her tightly, as if he was cradling a precious gem. Helen felt her wetness flood, a misty haze then covering her inner thighs. Unprepared to handle the force of his motions, her right hand carelessly held ticket, the left one dropping a designer satchel on the soft carpet.

Spotting three elevators lining up on the next floor, a factory-like cacophony of ding and dong embellished the boisterous scraping of entrance doors.

"What do you think? Am I beautiful?" He inquired.

She consented.

"Acknowledge your beauty." He whispered in her ear.

Helen's soaking cunt clenched, deceitfully clammy. "Yes." Her lips slightly parted, avid for contact. She planted a shameless kiss on his lips, sweat and saliva mingling in bashful angst to merge into one worthless, quaint whole. "Fuck me!" she begged loudly, her voice passionate.

They shared an elevator with a couple - a newlywed pair, both young and blonde - and an older woman reading a book. The two men nodded at each other, while the young bride shot a suspicious glance at the raven-haired woman in next to nothing but her shoes and a peculiar-looking handbag over her shoulder, feeling threatened enough to grab her new husband's hand as he pressed a button on the panel. Honor's eyes flicked to the husband and noted his gulp as his gaze slid over her, yet avoiding eye contact despite clearly taking her in.

It felt so naughty, she almost giggled.

The older woman exchanged a knowing glance with Honor and smirked, then moved away and returned to her book. "Twenty dollars," she said. The husband obliged, pressing the button for the sixteenth floor, in response to Marq's request. The elevator doors made a dinging sound, closed, and started to ascend. Silence consumed the space again, broken only by the lady turning the page of her book before extending her hand to press the "4" button somewhere between the digital display flashing "2" and "3". The elevator decelerated and stopped on the fourth floor. Wordlessly, she stepped out, no longer interested in going to the twentieth floor... leaving them alone. However, right before the door closed, she lifted her head, looked up from her book, and winked.

His mouth moved toward hers before the digital display hit "5", lips kissed her passionately as his tongue traced past her parted lips while he pressed her against the elevator walls, swallowing her involuntary moan of ecstasy when he tasted her mouth. His hand tore open the last two buttons on her blouse, then he swerved between her legs to touch her, entering her with his fingers. Honor clutched him, considering stopping him but ultimately holding his head to her erect nipple in his mouth.

Somehow, the elevator made it all the way to the sixteenth floor without any interruptions, and when the doors grew heavy and opened, by luck, there was no one waiting to use them. Stripped of her top, the front of which soaked with her arousal, Honor held it together with one hand and walked out, watching him suspiciously as he followed, knowing well that his definition of privacy differed considerably from most.

He caught up to her by the corridor phone, which she had used two days back to console Sarah. With a playful sniff and a slight curl of her lip, she pretended to ignore the numerous urgent womanly instincts warning her against playing with fire.

Yet, she didn't run when he let go. Instead, she swayed, eyeing him arrogantly over her shoulder as he approached her with a mischievous grin. If she had been her sensible self, Honor would have listened, but she wasn't.

The consequences were immediate. He pinned her against the wall beside the shut door of Room 1606's entrance, her eyes wide with a combination of fear and arousal as he ripped her blouse open with supernatural force, unveiling her naked breasts, her thighs streaked with traces of his cum and the slippery lubricant. Naked and on fire, Honor jolted back to reality, realizing his insatiable desire to fuck her in front of anyone watching.

She frantically whispered, "Give me back my top!" breaking the passionate kiss, attempting to seem in control despite her breathlessness. Her eyes darted around the hallway, frightened - and aroused - by the idea that anyone could emerge from the shut doors around them or the elevator and see her exposed body.

"Nope." He replied, going in for another kiss, capturing her moan as his fingers slipped into her from behind.

She broke away from the kiss. "Pleeeeease.... Gaaaaah!" She shivered at his fingers' investigation, not even trying to escape. Her hips started to gyrate with the movement of his fingers. She gasped for breath and quickly nodded her approval. "...please...yeah... go to the room...Gaaaaah!...please..."

He tormented her for a few more moments while she gazed up hungrily at him, her hands stretched out on his chest. Every single part of her body was attentive, from her puffy nipples to the back of her neck's hairs. It seemed like an eternity before he eventually pulled his fingers out, causing her to shudder, her eyelids flickering aimlessly, causing her to collapse weakly against him.

She knew the drill and she opened her mouth to clean his fingers of her juices, snuffling and following his fingers around her lips with her tongue, knowing they wouldn't leave till she was finished.

Finally he withdrew his fingers from her mouth, then kissed her lightly. Then he took a step back from her. "You have five seconds."

His voice was solid, but his breaths were rough and harsh and the heat in his eyes was all predatory, hungry, his self-restraint beginning to untangle.

Honor knew jaw-clenching her more would be unwise - she sprinted, her nipples swaying freely on her chest, heading towards the door with the gold-lettered '1615' and quickly searched through her bag for her cardkey. She felt a mixture of borderline panic and exhilaration as she saw him finish his count and start to approach her, thrusting her hand blindly into her bag. The handbook, the cookbook, her trousers, underpants and bra had turned her previously organised bag into an impossible labyrinth in which to find something as tiny as a two and a half by four inch key.

Marq caught up with her just as she found it. Way too late. He cradled her breasts and licked the sensitive curve of her neck. She arched from the friction of his palms on her strained nipples, mewling at the sudden deluge of sensation. He was unhurried as he unbuttoned himself with his other hand, revealing his member, capturing her.

Then he was there, his length slipping inside her as she fruitlessly attempted to get the key into the slot. He'd entered her then, before her fingers got to the keyhole, his cock slipping all the way in, groaning as her vagina instinctively clamped down around him and he slid into her again.

His thrusts were harsh and frenzied, and Honor, what tiny part of her was still rational, knew that this time her pleasure was nothing more than a side issue. This time, she was his plaything, an object for his pleasure and his pleasure only. He fucked her hard as cum drenched her pussy, snarling in her ear. Honor dug her back against the door, biting her lip and grinding her teeth to stop her from making a sound, matching his movements. She stopped trying to be quiet when he pinched her breast, his thumb suddenly rubbing against a deliciously sensitive nipple. And then she lost control.

It didn't take long, it barely being a minute, and then he came, holding her on his cock as he spewed his sperm deep inside her in hot, heavy blasts, groaning in her ear.

Then she came, her knees buckling as she let out a loud cry, his arms the only thing keeping her upright. She blinked as another spasm sent more clear, runny mess out of her, swirling around his penis, accompanied by another cry of unrestrained ecstasy. He spurted another load of semen into her vagina, grunting in satisfaction as she crumpled and released again, gripping and fluttering around his shaft.

She slid down against the door when he let go of her, his cock beginning to soften as he stepped away from her. She moaned again as her knees met the carpet, her breasts jiggling as she quivered again, she leaned against the suite door, her eyes shut, breaths jagged and uneven.

Sometimes, some measure of sanity returned, only for her to open her eyes and realised she was naked, cum dripping down her legs, in a hotel corridor... after having possibly the most intense, soul-shattering orgasm of her life. She shivered again, the ecstasy reigniting in her, her nipples tingling pleasantly on her breasts, her pussy comforted by the liquid warmth in her and her own arousal.

She ought to be mortified.

What if someone stepped out of the room or entered the hallway from the elevator bank? The thought of him satisfying her made her blush, thinking of him taking off her top - she readily raised her arms - then his girth entering her. A wave of goosebumps swept over her body as she recalled how he had taken her, an animal save for the cloth that separated her from being completely exposed. She sensed the dampness on her legs as she understood that she had climaxed yet again.

She should have been embarrassed.

She had allowed him to escort her, her nudity covered only by a piece of clothing, through the hotel lobby; then strip her bare and have sex with her. - in a public space like a hotel hallway - similar to a loose woman selling herself. She felt her complexion rise as she considered the fact that she had pocketed ten thousand dollars.

He had taken her to show that, regardless of what he claimed, she had essentially been a slut, his for sale.

Yet she continued to argue with herself, questioning her apparent lack of shame, anger, or humiliation.

But there was none of those emotions. Instead, she felt a sense of naturalness and ownership for herself. She belonged to him, he had paid for her, therefore he was entitled.

He was already back in his pants when she awoke from her trance-like condition. In awe, she couldn't think of anything to say; he had left so quickly.

He looked at her and said, "I think you left this behind." He pointed to the door key with his eyes.

She discovered the key, and as she watched, he pushed it into the door's slot and turned the lock green, indicating it was unlocked.

Steadying herself on his arm, she allowed him to help her stand upright, placing her hands on his chest.

"You're mine, Honor Banet. "he asserted "

She let him kiss her, her lips parting for his tongue. His hands felt every inch of her body, stroking her breasts, her hips, her bottom. Her foot lifted from the floor, allowing him to feel the mixture of cum between her legs, his fingers searching for more. She opened her mouth to suck his off, swallowing the taste of their sexual encounter and pleasing his fetish. He repeated the action twice more, kissing her again after each cleanse. Her moans and whimpers were loud as he kissed down her body, quivering with anticipation as he trailed his tongue across her skin, starting at her neck and ending just above her public hair, only to return back up. Her arms were wrapped around his neck by the time he once more pressed his lips against hers.

A door could be heard opening in the hallway. Nobody was watching though, confirmed by the fleeing footsteps. The sound faded. She scarcely registered it. Her heart pounded, and goosebumps surfaced on her skin when he touched her, her body flaring with arousal due to his contact.

Marq ended the kiss after about a minute, both of them still breathing heavily. She chuckled at his smug grin. ("Maybe we can take this inside now?" she whispered, forcing her hands further down his backside.)

His cheeks widened with amusement. Still bent over, he reached behind her and pulled the door open. Rather than entering the suites, he instead bowed his head to kiss her again.

Another door could be heard opening in the hallway. The noise was quickly forgotten, though. Her grip around his neck tightened, easing her body against his, surrendering herself to the act in the open. Eventually, he broke their kiss and picked her up and entered behind the closed door, taking her into the suite's reception area.

He placed her on the carpet in the suite's entrance area, no need to venture deeper. His eyes glinted with desire as he stood over her, swiftly discarding his attire. The predatory nature in his gaze made her shiver with anticipation and a touch of apprehension as he knelt before her prone frame, her lips slightly apart as she silently welcomed him in.

He initially handled her roughly, his hands explored her breasts, her nipples, her thighs, his probing fingers felt her dampness, spreading her as she gazed up at him, lips parted in arousal, panting fiercely as he examined her. Eventually, he stooped to kiss her, tenderly and invitingly as his lips sought the sensitive spots on her cheekbone, her neck, between her breasts and her rounded belly. He devoted significant attention to her breasts, caressing her nipples with his tongue until they were outrageously sensitive, causing her to arch her body beneath him, moaning wordlessly. She grew louder as he orally satisfied her, parting and spreading her legs wide, trembling violently as his tongue frequented her crevice, opening her vagina with his fingers. When he began to pierce her opening with his tongue, her mouth opened in a throaty yell when he relentlessly invaded her pussy, shouting out in rapturous joy as he vigorously agitated her with his tongue, stimulating her clit, tunneling beneath its hood and devouring her until she was gasping, breathless, tense, and then she climaxed, gushing copious amounts of fluid onto the carpet beneath her.

She yelped loudly and clutched at him, shrieking with euphoria as he lastly occupied her, relishing her primal nature and surrendering utterly to it, loudly imploring him to fill her with his cock. Their location - in the entranceway of the suite and barely a foot away from the door - along with the possibility that anyone could potentially hear them only intensified her cries, making her moan even louder as he slid in and out of her body.

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