Gay Sex

Point Four of the Gerry plan.

Thanksgiving with Aaron's parents and a paternal infatuation.

Jun 1, 2024
19 min read
collegeGerry Pt. 04underwearrimmingdaddy
Gerry Pt. 04
Gerry Pt. 04

Point Four of the Gerry plan.

We arrived at my parents' house for Thanksgiving, about a two-hour trip from school. I was surprised Gerry decided to come. He usually wanted to be in control and didn't seem thrilled about spending two days at my parent's house, where he wouldn't have that control. But he said yes.

My parents greeted us as soon as we entered their home. The smell of pies, turkey, and casseroles filled the air. It felt comforting to be back home.

"There's my boy," my mom gushed, hugging me. "You feel so good. Have you been working out?"

I tried to break free from the hug, feeling a little embarrassed. "Gerry, meet my parents, Margaret and Lee. Mom, Dad, this is Gerry." The formalities were over and my mom happily embraced Gerry in a strong hug. My dad, more reserved, shook Gerry's hand. Gerry seemed a bit off, probably due to nerves.

His nervousness showed when my mom exclaimed, "We're so glad you could come, Gerry. We've been looking forward to this."

"Thank you, Mr and Mrs C, for the invitation. May I call you that?"

"Of course," said mom in a daydreamy manner. Gerry's good looks, pleasant manners, and well-built body seemed to be affecting her.

My dad laughed and said, "Get your stuff, boys. Gerry, you'll be staying in Aaron's room since you're our guest. Aaron, you can sleep on the couch in the basement."

"Sure, dad," I said. This was normal whenever an aunt or uncle visited, so it wasn't shocking.

Taking Gerry to my room, I noticed his cautious look as he examined everything - old school and sports trophies, posters, books, toys, games, and photos of me and my family. He analyzed the contents as if he was investigating a crime scene, trying to understand more about me and my past.

He focused on one particular photo, which showed me and my dad in baseball uniforms holding a large trophy. I was ten and my dad was the coach that year. We won the league title. Gerry's expression suggested something was wrong.

"Aaron, I can't stay here," he said nervously.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't you?"

"I can't stay in this room, your room. I just can't deal with it."

"I can move some things to create more space if needed."

"No, I'll sleep in the basement. It's fine with just a couch." I knew Gerry wouldn't open up about his thoughts until he was ready, so the basement it was. I also had to come up with an excuse for my parents.

Gerry and I helped out in the kitchen and watched football with my dad during the afternoon. Gerry impressed both my parents with his knowledge of sports. In the kitchen, he was attentive and helpful, surprising even me. By dinner time, I was certain both my parents liked Gerry more than me. He was charming, athletic, and well-mannered. I found myself growing jealous and resentful.

Though my attitude was negative, dinner was tasty, and I ate enough to lift my mood. My parents asked questions about school life and showed interest in what we were studying. They also shared stories from their past, most of them about silly incidents involving me and my childhood.

The meal went well until my parents started asking Gerry about his family.

"I'm sure your parents missed you on this family holiday," my mom said casually.

Gerry gave a quick response, "No, they didn't."

"Do they live far away? Is that the reason you didn't go home?" My dad asked.

"No," said Gerry with irritation.

This situation wasn't looking good if the queries kept piling up. I could sense it, but my parents didn't pick up on it. The questions continued. Do you have siblings? What does your mother do? What about your father? Where did you grow up?

And then it all spilled forth.

"The reality is, my mother enjoyed drugs more than caring for a child, and I never met my father," Gerry stated casually, with no emotion. "Growing up, we stayed in a car for some time. When that didn't work out, I moved to some relatives I didn't know. Turns out they didn't want me either. Then I resided at various locations." He trailed off, as if running out of words.

Silence. Disbelief and silence. An audible ticking clock somewhere in the house. Nobody spoke, ate, or drank. All I could think about was how furious I had been at him earlier and how he must be feeling now.

My father was the first to speak, gazing directly at Gerry. "I'm sorry, son. I genuinely mean that." His tone was strong and commanding. "No child should have to experience what you went through."

"Thank you, sir," Gerry managed. "I'm sorry, I should have...or shouldn't have..."

"No. There's nothing you need to apologize for. You've done nothing wrong." My father said calmly. "Son, pay attention to me. If you ever require a roof over your head, a place to stay, you are always welcome here. Always. If you are ever in trouble, or need someone to speak with, anything, I want you to be aware, Margaret and I are here for you."

"Thank you," Gerry said.

My mother intervened to relieve us from our uncomfortable silence. "Gerry, be a dear and help me collect these dirty plates and take them to the kitchen. I believe we're ready for pie and coffee."

Gratefully escaping the uncomfortable silence, Gerry got up and aided my mom in collecting the dishes, taking them to the kitchen. I could see them from where I sat, merely my mom embracing Gerry with a long embrace, attempting to make everything right.

"Dad, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know. I would have told you before, but I didn't know. Honestly."

"It's okay, Aaron," my dad answered. "I shouldn't have quizzed you with all those questions." Then after a pause, "He's a good kid. After all he's been through, I'm relieved he has someone like you in his life."

"Thanks, dad."

Mom and Gerry returned to the dining room with pie and coffee. The interruption seemed to do us all good. We discussed other topics, including more amusing childhood memories, and the laughter resumed.

That evening, I accompanied Gerry downstairs to assist with the pillows and blankets for the old couch.

"Gerry, I'm truly sorry. I didn't know how to respond." I said, trying to offer support and grant Gerry space.

"It's all right." Gerry said. "Don't make me feel bad. Earlier, when I was in your room, and saw all your possessions, and it was the exact image of a perfect childhood, the life every kid dreams of. Then there was the photo of you and your dad in baseball uniforms, together, the two of you." Gerry concluded, trailing off.

"I understand what you mean," I replied. "But it wasn't perfect. Those anecdotes from dinner, that's just proof." I chuckled. Gerry seemed uncertain, but didn't argue.

We remained on the couch for a considerable length of time, leaning against each other.

Finally, Gerry commented, "I should have shared my history with you. That was unfair of me."

"Why didn't you?" I inquired.

"I thought if I didn't bring it up, it wouldn't matter," Gerry revealed.

I sat there, listening. I knew he had more to say.

"After I met you, it was like I transformed into a better version of myself, someone I liked. I wanted you to appreciate me too. I didn't want to upset you, lead you to believe I was all... I don't know... damaged."

"You see, I knew back then that things wouldn't always be a breeze for us together, but I'm still right here, by your side, exactly where I want to be. And throughout the years, we've discovered ways to get through everything, together, the both of us, no matter what it is."

Gerry smiled and leaned in, planting a kiss on my head.

I gave Gerry a tight embrace. A couple of silent minutes passed by.

"You know, you hug like your mother," he remarked.

"I warned you she's quite the hugger," I replied playfully.

"In that case, you also seem to dress like her," Gerry joked.

"Ha! Very amusing." I replied, rolling my eyes. "What's the saying... if you can't say something nice..."

"Oh, let me think," Gerry jested. "Your dad, for being 50, he's quite the looker. He's in amazing shape, and I must say, that beard of his is seriously sexy. You should consider growing one. I wonder how it would feel to kiss him with that rough beard." Gerry went on with a smirk.

"Gross! That's my father," I said in disgust.

"And you were saying you don't have anything nice to say?"

"Does he wear sexy little underwear like you do?" Gerry asked.

"Oh please, will you stop," I exclaimed.

Gerry tried to snuggle up against me and go for a kiss. I fidgeted on the couch, pushing him away.

"I was merely complimenting your father's good looks," Gerry justified, moving closer for our kiss. "If you ultimately turn out to be just like him, a hot and sexy older man, then I'm a lucky guy."

"Fine, you barely saved yourself with that," I conceded. "But are you saying I'm not hot now?"

"Just be still and kiss me, you simpleton," Gerry admonished, as we finally shared a kiss.

We disentangled ourselves, and Gerry whispered, "Do you want to do it?" As he caressed my growing erection, trying to persuade me into doing what he wanted.

"No, not here, not at my parents' house," I begged.

"You're making me hornier the more you resist," he replied, while still caressing me. "What a catch."

"Shh, they can hear you," I whispered back. "Besides, it sounds like it's your fascination with my father that's got you going."

"Of course not," Gerry retorted.

"Then who do you find attractive?" I questioned.

"Well, if that were to become a reality," he smiled, "I wouldn't say no to him. If you're going to turn into a hot older father, then I'm one lucky guy," Gerry said with a grin.

"Okay, you barely escaped your death sentence this time," I remarked. "But are you saying I'm not attractive now?"

"Just hush up and kiss me, you fool," Gerry said as we resumed our kiss.

Breaking free from our passionate embrace, Gerry murmured, "Do you want to have sex?" as he gripped my stiff cock, trying to achieve his goal as he often did.

"No, not here, not in my parents' house," I demanded. "I'll owe you for this."

"Alright, alright, go to bed then. You'll just have to pay me back later." Gerry chuckled, adjusting himself. "Oh, and did you know one of your trophies has a misspelled word on it? It's not something to be proud of. After all, it was probably just for participation, not an actual accomplishment."

"I hate you," I said, storming up the stairs.

"I hate you even more," Gerry called back cheerily.

"Goodnight," I muttered, filled with the intent to locate and destroy that troublesome trophy with the misspelled word.

The following day, I assisted my mom in unpacking Christmas decorations. To her, the holiday season operated like a well-oiled machine. Christmas always started the day after Thanksgiving. My dad took Gerry on an extensive hike around our extensive property. It was more of a hill than a mountain, but if you wanted to obtain acceptable mobile phone reception, you had to trek all the way to the summit, hence the name.

"I'm relieved you bought Gerry home," my mom observed. "I truly like him."

"Yes, I like him as well. That is, when he's not agitating me."

My mom chuckled. "That's how I felt about your father when we initially met."

"Dad? Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, he could be so irritating with his comments and actions. But those were just his way of demonstrating he cared about me. He didn't know any other way. Once I provided him the opportunity to open up, he evolved, acquired new skills. Don't worry, Gerry will as well. He's dealt with a lot. The more he trusts you, the more he'll blossom."

"No matter how old you are, I still consider you mine. Let's share a hug before things get messy. There's still a lot left to accomplish."

Several days ago, we all gathered together as a family for a meal. Gerry was brought in and taken as one of ours. He genuinely enjoyed the experience, despite my status as an only child being lost. We asked the waitress to take a snapshot of us, our first family photo.

Later that evening at the dorm, I sat in my room unpacking and considering the tasks I had to complete before Monday's classes started. Suddenly, I received a text from Gerry: "We need to talk". It was bizarre. We'd just spent the last three days in each other's company, along with the two-hour drives each way. We'd had ample opportunity to discuss anything.

I visited his room, and found him there, gazing at his bed. "[My name]", he asked with the serious deep voice.

"Yes", I cautiously responded, unsure of what was coming next.

"I was thinking we should make up with sex."

"Make up sex?" I enquired. "I'm unaware of any issues between us."

"Well, I have something to share, and I'm pretty sure you'll be very upset. So, before we go through that ordeal, let's just have the makeup sex first, then perhaps you won't be so upset."

"Are you ending things?" I posed flippantly. "Did my parents shock you?"

"No, I rather liked them," he replied in a dry tone. "In fact, I may like them better than I like you."

"Alright, it's working," I said with a laugh. "I'm getting aggravated already." I sat with an angry expression on my face.

"I stole a pair of your dad's underwear." He confessed.

"You took what?" I asked in disbelief.

"Just one pair, I brought them back, in my bag," he clarified.

"You burglarized my parents' room and poked around their dresser, seeking their underwear?" I wondered.

"No, nothing like that. You see, when I was gathering my things in the morning, I checked to ensure everything was packed, and I saw the washer and dryer in the basement and next to it was this basket of clothes. I just happened to snatch them."

"Is this a prank? Are you attempting to scare me?" I inquired, aware of Gerry's penchant for practical jokes and especially with my expense. "This is my dad we're discussing."

"No, I'm being serious," he said. "Here, let me show you."

Gerry stood up, glanced through his bag, and pulled out a pair of shorts, showing it to me. Instruction:

Arousal overwhelmed me as I contemplated this. I knew he shouldn't be, but I couldn't help it. The shorts were light blue, with a front seam and a waistband of black. I pondered whether they truly were my dad's. I was aware that he wore briefs, but I had never seen these before.

Gerry, noticing the humor in my reaction, held them near his nose and inhaled. "Stinky," he murmured. My heart pounded. No sex for a week left me on edge, plus since I saw him inhaling my dad's used briefs, it was too much. My penis was rock hard.

I didn't display anger towards Gerry since I recognized that he had intentions and I could think of many justifications as to why he may be turned on by my dad.

Without warning, a plan emerged in my thoughts, or rather my erection prompted the notion to my brain. Knowing I often lacked control over Gerry, I considered utilizing this to my advantage and adding a touch of fun.

"You've been a naughty young man, Gerry," I proclaimed in a stern tone.

Gerry was puzzled by my response, expecting instead my wrath.

"Do bad boys do anything?" I asked resolutely.

"No," he hesitantly replied.

"Good," I retorted firmly, "they obey their daddy's instructions."

Gerry was perplexed, part of him intrigued by where this could lead, while the other part of him couldn't comprehend my reaction despite my lack of anger. His erection urged him to participate; we hadn't had sex in a week, so he was horny as well. After a moments' hesitation, he agreed. "Yes", he stated.

"Yes, daddy",

"Yep, that's correct. Come over here now and take off those pants of yours. Bring the underwear with you." I said in a casual manner.

Gerry followed my command and moved closer, unzipped his jeans, and let them fall on the floor. His heather gray bikini was revealed, one of my favorites. There was nothing particularly seductive about it, but that's what made it so sexy. The thin, almost flimsy fabric allowed his bulge to be clearly outlined, whether he was soft or hard. When his dick was erect, the material provided enough space to play with his cock, suck on the head, and massage his shaft and balls. In back, the bikini clung to his muscular ass perfectly. I always loved seeing him wear these.

"Hand me those," I said, pointing to my dad's briefs, which he did, the mere touch causing a familiar shudder to run through me as I took them. "Now, take off your shirt and get down on the floor, on your knees." When Gerry didn't respond, I added, "Do what your daddy says or I'll have to tell you again."

Gerry complied, stepping out of his pants and shoes, removing his shirt, and kneeling down on the floor naked except for his gray bikini and socks.

"Close your eyes now," I instructed. Gerry complied.

I swiftly removed my shirt, pants, and shoes, and changed into the blue y-front briefs. The sensation of my father's briefs against my stiff dick brought back waves of memories. Memories of curiosity, obsession, and longing. Memories of pleasuring myself while wearing his briefs. I desired nothing more than to jerk off right then and there in my father's briefs, just like before, but I couldn't forget about Gerry. This was supposed to be about him, not about me.

I stepped in front of Gerry, my firm erection just inches from his face. "Open your eyes." He did, startled to find me in my father's briefs. "Show daddy how much you want me, how much you want my big dick."

Gerry instantly leaned forward and kissed my cock, trapped inside the briefs, inhaling the remaining scent from my father and my own pungent smell. He inhaled deeply, his head moving up and down my shaft as if he couldn't get enough.

With the ferocity of a possessed man, he worked my cock and balls through the fabric. His hands on my ass, pushing me forward to increase the pressure, pushing the briefs higher up my butt. His lips and teeth and tongue explored every inch, attempting to reach my balls. Aching for a taste of what was concealed within.

After a few minutes of adoring my cock, I said, "That's enough for now." I could have gone on like this for a long time, but I had other plans. "Get on the bed, on your hands and knees." Gerry was disheartened, craving more, but he followed my orders. He climbed onto the bed, his stiff cock straining against his gray bikini with a growing wet spot at the tip. He assumed the position on all fours. His attractive ass lifted upwards, the gray fabric fitting snugly in his crack, his heavy balls resting in gray cotton underneath. It was an arousing sight. My cock throbbed in anticipation.

I now focused on satisfying Gerry as my attention shifted to his succulent ass. I ran my hands over every inch of it. Around the sides, up the back, feeling the flimsy fabric, feeling the skin, warm to the touch. I placed a finger on his anus and traced it up and down the crevice, from his balls to the waistband and back again. Gerry lowered his chest onto the bed, moans escaping him as I rubbed his upturned ass.

I slid my hand under him and ran it over his balls, causing Gerry to squirm. "Bad boys have too much testosterone, way too much testosterone." I informed him while I gently squeezed his sacks. "You've been a naughty boy, Gerry. Daddy's going to have to extract that wickedness out of you." Gerry was getting more into it by moaning more loudly and arching his back, raising his hips higher.

I shifted my stance so that my crotch pressed against his muscular ass. I withdrew my erect penis and balls from one of the leg holes in my father's loose underwear and placed them on top of his gray bikini. I wasn't planning on having sex with him, but wanted to know how deep my large penis could penetrate if the opportunity ever arose. I also wanted to see how far he would allow me to explore his ass before asking me to stop. His forbidden backside was something I had never touched before. I slid my penis up and down his crack, feeling his backside beneath his bikini, and noting how my balls pressed tightly against him. Knowing that his large backside would have difficulty accepting my large penis. Gerry made no objection as I rubbed my hard, masculine cock against him.

The friction of his bikini against my hard penis caused shivers to run through me. I developed a rhythm, moving my penis up and down his crack. Enjoying the sensation of his bikini rubbing against my buttocks. However, I had to stop before I came.

Unwillingly, I grabbed the gray material covering his ass with both hands and tore it apart, revealing his bossy muscular ass and pink, hairless anus. His swinging balls were partially visible.

Gerry cried out in surprise.

"I need to remove your cock from that underwear of yours so I can squeeze the cum out of it," I told him as I gently pushed his hard penis downward and backward, freeing it from the torn hole in his briefs.

I spit into my hand and moistened it, then wrapped it around his penis. His penis throbbed in response to my touch, desperate for attention. "Oh daddy,...please," Gerry begged. He was arching his back more to make access to his ass easier.

I looked down at his pale white, rounded buttocks and the pink puckered anus, framed by the ripped gray fabric. I was consumed with desire. I had not planned on doing this, yet couldn’t resist the temptation. I got on my knees, extended my tongue, and lightly ran it over his exposed anus.

He could've exploded right there on the spot. His hips bucked, pushing further onto my tongue. He was making noises of pleasure as I continued to stroke his penis and teased his anus with my tongue.

"Are you a bad boy?" I asked.

"Yes daddy," he answered. "A very bad boy."

I took my large penis and slapped it against his buttocks. First one side and then the other. This allowed him to feel how big it was and how much it excited me.

"Bad boys need spankings, don't they?" I said as I continued to swat his buttocks through the torn fabric and his cheeks.

"Yes daddy," he moaned. "Please spank my ass with your big hard cock."

"We need to ensure you are prepared. We want that cum to be boiling hot so we can remove all that bad seed from you."

"Yes sir, please sir," he requested.

I returned to my position behind Gerry.

"That incredible ass of yours is causing my large penis to leak father juice all over the place," I said as I slid my penis along his anus, coating his lips with my pre-cum. "Let me run it across your tight hole. Make it wet so my tongue can slide in smoothly." Gerry groaned loudly as my penis head skated up and down his crack, pausing at his anus, making it glistening.

I knelt down and licked the tasty precum covering his anus and gripped his pulsing, rigid penis, milking it again. The briefs had moved up my buttocks, rubbing against my anus, providing a delightful sensation as I licked the salty precum on his anus, my tongue flickering over his sensitive lips, massaging the sphincter. Gerry was breathing heavily, his hips pushing backwards against my tongue, attempting to penetrate me. Both of us were close to climaxing.

I pulled away just before we reached the point of no return. I observed his red, erect penis as I feared it could release its load without warning. My own penis was dripping clear drops of cum onto the bed.

"I'll be the first to cum, all over your black ass. Then it's your turn." I said.

"Yes sir."

First, let's remove these. With some effort, I removed his bikini from him, sliding it down his legs and feet. Once again, we were in the same spot. Gerry was face down on the bed, his toned bare bottom pointing skyward, his anus easy to access.

With one hand, I grabbed my penis, throbbing hard, protruding from the opened leg holes of my father's underwear. I started thrusting vigorously, the knob head resting in Gerry's wet and fleshy crease. After a few strokes, I could feel the orgasm approaching.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" I managed to utter before my body tensed. The semen began gushing forth, not in jets, but a continuous flow, pooling on his bottom, then sliding down his crevice. I continued to stroke and gasped for air, trying not to lose my balance.

"Fuck!" Gerry yelled out as the hot cum landed on him, searing him, and his sensitive lips. "Oh my God, daddy!" He moaned repeatedly.

I wished to pause, calm down, and relish the pleasure, but I still had to finish the job. Once the last drops of semen dribbled out, I quickly crouched down, my face nestled against his rump, the powerful scent of semen permeating my nostrils.

I picked up Gerry's torn bikini and wrapped it around his fat penis, my fingers holding it in place, while I resumed stroking. My tongue encountered the initial puddle of semen and licked it along his crack, up to his entrance.

"Oh daddy, please, please," Gerry implored. His anal sphincter quivered.

I slowly pushed it inwards, then I found a second puddle, and positioned that against his entrance as well.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, daddy, daddy," Gerry cried out, his ass muscles trembling.

I inserted my tongue as deeply as possible, holding my breath as I entered, stretching it within his depths, settling it in his anus, filling him with my seed. My grip on his penis tightened. Suddenly, his member twitched, unleashing wide streams of cum into his gray underwear. His anus clamped down on my tongue. Spasmodically jerking, Gerry's penis continued to release so much semen that the fabric couldn't contain it all.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck..." was all he could utter as his body convulsed, and his sphincter quivered, emptying him.

After I was certain my movements wouldn't cause further discomfort, I climbed back on the bed and assisted Gerry in turning on his side. Facing each other, I leaned in for a kiss, proffering my lips covered in semen. It was a gentle and sweet gesture, a combination of lips, tongue, and semen.

We relocated to a position where we were lying on our backs, regaining our composure and calming our breaths.

Later, after the time was appropriate, I handed Gerry his bikini that had become a saturated cum rag. "Here, you might find this a memento from the night you became a man," I said jokingly.

"Thanks," he replied, wearing a grin.

"Honestly, though, I was thinking about the spell check on your trophies," I said nonchalantly.

"What? Really?" Gerry inquired. "I was just trying to annoy you."

"It doesn't matter now," I added, "I'm turned on just thinking about you wanting my dad."

"Quite possible," he remarked. "Saying that, when you're wearing your dad's underwear."

"I was just getting into character," I swiftly retorted with a smile.

Silence enveloped us, and after a moment, Gerry spoke. "By the way, I've been fantasizing about your dad."

"Maybe you're not the only one," I stated.

"Really? The guy who just had sex in his dad's drawers," he chuckled.

"Well, I'll admit it. When you say it like that," I snickered.

"Don't worry," he continued, cuddling me. "I think you're the most charming pervert."

"And you're the most amusing deviant," I cheekily replied, moving for another kiss.

Eventually, we rested in silence, savoring the moment and recuperating.

"By the way, remember when I mentioned the misspelled word on one of your trophies earlier?"

"Uh-huh," I responded.

"The truth is, I lied. There was no spelling error on your trophies." Gerry confessed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for the shitting conversation. I just wanted to annoy you a bit."

"You're impossible," I exclaimed, faking indignation. "I can't stand you."

"Still looking for makeup sex then?" Gerry suggested.

"You bet!" I replied, leaning in to kiss him.

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