Gay Sex

Popular American Tradition

She needed to retain it.

May 31, 2024
30 min read
anticipationcreampiecumexhibitionismwifedouble penetrationarousedyounger manThat Great American Pastimeanal sexbondage
That Great American Pastime
That Great American Pastime

The final inning was approaching, and Cynthia couldn't help but hope that George was enjoying the result of his hard work with the college baseball team. Just a few months ago, they were struggling in their division, but George's coaching and dedication to helping each player improve their fundamentals had turned things around, and now they were in the championship game.

Cynthia had started the game on the edge of her seat, screaming words of motivation to spur the team on. However, the pressure of the final game had seemed to get to them, as they made several mistakes that allowed the opposing team to take a 3-1 lead by the time they reached the ninth inning. George was constantly reminding his players of the same fundamentals that had brought them this far, giving signals to his first and third base coaches. During each at-bat, he would advise the batter on how to face the pitcher. He even managed to secure their first run, leading to a 1-0 lead early in the game.

However, the other team came back in the next inning, scoring two more runs. In the succeeding inning, they scored their third run. Their opponents had left these runs unanswered, and Cynthia could sense the tension in all 34 players, who were doing their best to follow their coach's instructions and secure a win.

Now, with the last inning underway, Cynthia found herself sitting back, feeling a little deflated. Her peanuts, which she'd nervously munched on earlier, were now nothing more than a dull memory. The first batter struck out after four swings, and Cynthia's heart sank a little. Perhaps the opposing pitcher was tiring, because his third throw to the second batter went slightly wild, hitting the batter on the leg. The umpire called "Take your base," and suddenly there was a man on first with one out. Their next batter gave a powerful swing at the very first pitch he received. The ball sailed between the first and second basemen, hitting the warning track before the center fielder could gather it and throw it in. This allowed the runner on first to dash all the way to third, while the batter remained at first.

Now, with runners on first and third and just one out left, Cynthia moved closer to the edge of her seat. Their next batter missed the next two pitches but managed to foul off the next three, protecting the plate. However, when he swung at the fourth pitch, it popped up and was caught by the pitcher, who glared at the runner on third, almost challenging him to try to score. The coach at third base instructed him to stay put. So, they had runners on first and third, but there were now two outs.

Only one out remained in the game. The next two pitches were called balls, and the batter patiently waited for a better pitch. However, the next pitch was a called strike. This might have thrown him off, so he took a swing at the next pitch and barely connected, causing the ball to fly backward over the catcher's mitt and bounce off the backstop, hitting the umpire's head. Cynthia groaned as the batter now had two balls and two strikes. One more strike and the game was over! With two outs, the base coaches were shouting for their runners to advance on any pitch.

The opposing pitcher might've wanted to end the game right then. He threw a fastball straight down the middle, hoping to strike the batter out and put an end to the game. But the batter connected! There was that satisfying sound of ball meeting bat perfectly. Everyone stood up to watch the ball fly up and out in an arch toward mid-left field. The opposing players watched helplessly as it sailed over the fence. It was a home run! Not just any home run – it brought in the two runners from first and third, tying the game. And the batter himself raced around the bases and slammed his feet onto home plate, scoring the winning run. He was embraced by his jubilant teammates as they erupted into celebration. Cynthia cheered so loudly that George looked back at her and grinned before he joined his team in their triumph.

Later, as George drove them both home, Cynthia was praising George for his excellent coaching and the championship win. "Thanks, dear," he replied. "But I'm not sure this team would have made it this far without your relentless support and enthusiasm." He smiled somewhat enigmatically.

"What do you mean?" asked Cynthia, puzzled. "I did attend every game and cheer loudly, but many others – college staff, students, and parents – did the same."

"I'm not talking about your attendance or your cheers, love," explained George. "I'm referring to the promise you made to the team during the season."

"What promise?" Cynthia questioned, confused.

"That day, following another loss, they were feeling desperate. You told them if they managed to win the championship, you'd let each one of them have sex with you however they wanted.

I recalled this story and blushed deeply. "Did I really say that?"

"Yes, my dear. They were determined to win for you. They're all horny college athletes, and you're incredibly attractive. You sounded so genuine, that made a massive difference. When we stepped into the locker room after their big victory, they quizzed me on whether you plan on keeping your word. I just reminded them of your offer."

Cynthia struggled to focus on the road as her mind wandered. She pondered the possibilities. Hearing those healthy and potent young men would definitely be a turn-on. Her imagination zoomed in on them stripping for her very gaze, their stiff erections under the spotlight. Her pussy started to moisten. Embarrassed, she clamped her thighs.

Once we reached our house, she moved to face him. "Would you be okay if I fulfil my pledge, George? It didn't sound like an upsetting issue for you."

"Thinking it over, my love, when you made the statement, we weren't even considering reaching the finals. It felt promising back then. Once they started succeeding, and I noticed a tribute to your words in the locker room, I began to realize the potential implications. They wanted to play for you until the playoffs, that's when it clicked."

"So, would you accept..."

"Darling, not only did I not find this offensive, but I can see you're excited about it. Heavens, I even noticed your excitement as your body reacted instantly." He frowned a little. "Is this too overwhelming for you? I promise we'll only have 17 each day on the first day and 17 others on the other day."

She hesitated then looked back at him. "How could you even consider this? We're talking about 34 men. How can I possibly manage that?"

George grinned teasingly. "Like a little personal championship game between your legs?" He caught sight of her reaction and chuckled. "Of course, I'm kidding, I won't put a point system on it, but you're right, it's quite a challenge deciding how many men - it's your call."

"Clapping her hands over her mouth, she laughed, "I knew you'd have some fun with this!" Serious again, she said, "Padding myself with condoms and disease-free certificates?"

"Oh, I'd advocate condoms. How about I ensure that they produce disease-free certificates? They'll be disqualified if they fail these tests."

Her eyes went wide as she realized her husband was dead serious. "You're planning out strategies on how to manage an orgy as if this is some sort of team sport."

"Why not? It'd be a heartwarming game to watch." His expression betrayed his amusement as he saw her stunned expression. "C'mon, I'm just kidding!"

They giggled at that, his body proving he was kidding as his penis responded. She swallowed, her throat moving up and down. "We have to be careful, remember?"

"We do." He moved into more serious discussion. "And I'll ensure your security in any case with tight safety measures. I believe you've got this, all while carrying your passion by your side. I'll be there to offer my support and nourishment to you. If you need professional help by the end of this tournament, we love tying you down too."

She gasped, her body trembling with desire. "Thank you, that feels refreshing to hear."

He teased, "If it's okay with you, how about I make a scorecard? It could be a memorable moment."

"I think you're definitely in the 'league' of making fun of this!" She giggled nervously. "You're such a sport."

"Then 'game' on."

We had both burst out laughing. How could I not? Being so turned on by a fantasy beyond comprehension was out of this world for me. I slowly pointed out the number of participators. "Just 34 men. Why the hell not?"

Then what he'd mentioned about the testing resonated with her. She could potentially feel the sensation of those young penises ejaculating within her! Now, her desire was so great that she had to do something. She pulled up the front of her skirt and pushed her panties down to mid-thigh. She wasn't shy about masturbating in front of her partner, and her hands started playing with her incredibly wet pussy. As she'd hoped, George drew near and inserted a finger inside her, teasing her internally. She glanced down, groaning softly as she observed his finger moving in and out.

However, she had one remaining concern that she had to bring up. "But what about the potential pregnancy risk if we allow them to ejaculate inside me?" She gasped, as he added a second finger.

"Honey, you're on birth control, and it also induces a light period. For a day or two after that ends, you should be extremely safe, so we can schedule accordingly for that."

Her hands went to his belt and zipper, and in no time, she had his growing erection in her grasp. "Mr., you continually have the solutions to everything - so you'd better penetrate me -- right now. I require you!"

"Love, if I enter you now, I won't last very long," he cautioned her.

"Love, at this stage, you won't need to last very long! I assure you!"

He complied with her request, and took her. Upon his penis entering her, she commenced spasming and thrashing in orgasm, moaning loudly. In response, his internal floodgates opened wide and he released his sperm into her churning depths, to their mutual happiness and satisfaction.

Following some time, after they'd calmed down but remained joined, she kissed him softly and whispered, "I guess we are moving forward with this. I'm unsure where or when, but it appears we've agreed."

He kissed her affectionately, and replied, "Yes, we are. Let me handle the logistics - you just await it."

She let out a sigh. "To be readily honest, I currently am," she acknowledged with a smile.

After three weeks, it seemed as if all the stars aligned. Cynthia was in the appropriate stage of her cycle, all the players had tested negative for diseases, George had rented a house in a remote location two towns over, and he'd established a pavilion where the baseball players could sip soft drinks, nibble on some food, and wait their turn. He had no grounds for complaints since the scenario had placed his wife in a state of such intense arousal that they indulged in sexual intercourse at least once a day for each day of the three weeks.

As they were driving to the location in the early morning light, he also reassured her, "I've even handled your other requirement, honey. You had shared with me what you meant by allowing them to 'use' you." From the corner of his eye, he saw her shiver and unintentionally press her thighs together, so he asked, "How are you feeling, love?"

Her gaze darted around, scanning the landscape. "I'll be truthful with you - I'm rather nervous and a little afraid, but also extremely aroused. So you mean I'll have 34 in total?" she questioned. He nodded. "Do you truly believe I can handle this, honey?"

The coach in him answered, "I have absolute faith in you!" But the husband in him added, "But just remember that if it gets to be too much, let me know and we can either slow things down, or postpone for a while."

As they pulled into the lengthy driveway that led to the rented house, Cynthia noticed several cars parked in the grass beside the drive, but no people. "Where are everyone?" she inquired, bewildered.

"Don't worry. They're all here. They told me that they wanted to arrive early. Their stated reason was that they didn't want to keep you waiting. But in reality, I believe it was their horniness that wouldn't permit them to wait any longer. I placed the pavilion where they'll wait their turn on the far side of the house so they wouldn't witness us arriving. I intend to get you completely ready before I let the initial one in. I know you don't know who's scheduled for today and who's scheduled for tomorrow, but do you have any preference in the order in which I should let them in?"

She was practically bouncing in her seat now. "Love, if I have to wait much longer, I'll either lose my mind and ask you to drive us back home, or have you invite them all into the bedroom all at once so they finish promptly. Of course, if they were all in the room at the same time, it'd be very difficult for you to maintain the proper order and ensure that each of the guests gets only one chance. So in other words, direct me to the bedroom and let's bring in the first person as quickly as possible." She was on the verge of hyperventilating when she said all this.

When they made their way into the bedroom, Cynthia removed her simple dress and threw off her shoes. Seeing as she was already bra-free and panty-less, she was completely naked, staring at the bed as George removed the covers. From a dresser, he fetched four leather cuffs with big metal rings and attached them to her wrists and ankles. She blushed lightly when she felt him tightening the cuffs, realizing he was fulfilling her request. The pink blush then deepened, creeping down her neck and onto her breasts. It took a lot of self-control for her not to touch herself as her need grew stronger.

"Lie down on the center of the bed, facing up," George instructed her. As she obeyed, he took out some ropes which he had previously attached to the corner posts of the bed. He threaded a rope through each metal ring, carefully tightening them until she was effectively spread-eagled on the bed. "I bought this wedge-shaped pillow. It'll provide you some back support and a very inviting view for anyone who cares to look," he explained. Helping her elevate her pelvis, he placed the pillow underneath her.

"I must admit, dear, I'm pretty excited about this whole shebang," she giggled nervously, thinking about how she'd look when these young men saw her. She couldn't hide her excitement anymore when George needed to make the last adjustments to the ropes. He had the foresight to take a few pictures of her before he left, and she was surprised at her appearance when she caught a glimpse of the images. "Oh, George," she whispered, "I've never felt so slutty before. I love it though. Can't you tell?" They shared a kiss, and she pleaded, "Let's start this roadshow already!"

"As you wish, my darling. I'll bring in the first player. In his post-game stats, he's batting first," George jested. "Almost all these boys had seen nudity among themselves in the locker room, but they all stripped off in anticipation. When it was their turn to enter the bedroom, they did so naked, following George's instructions to leave their clothes outside the door.

The first boy stepped in and was met with a loud double gasp. Cynthia gasped at his naked body and its impressive erection. He, too, gasped, captivated by Cynthia's lewd presentation on the bed. His eyes bulged as he took in her view, his hands instinctively shielding his own nakedness. "Oh gosh, erm, Cyn..." he stuttered. "You're... you're so... beautiful!" he gasped. He started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down, darling. Come closer," she instructed, drawing him nearer. "I... I want you to get up on this bed, slip between my legs, and fuck me like I promised!"

Startling him, he said, "Uh, you mean you want me to...?"

"Yes, baby, I want you to ram your big cock deep inside me and screw me like you've always wished!" she urged. With determination, he positioned himself and entered her, his hips moving steadily as he listened to her moans of contentment. He braced himself with his hands, huffing and grunting as he fucked her. When he felt his cock jerking inside her, he pulled it out, apologizing, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cum so soon!" As he pulled out, his release coated her stomach.

Though disappointed by his swift climax, she reassured him. "It's alright, honey. Whether you shoot your load inside me, on me, or wherever, you're allowed to use me however you want today." He sweetly blushed. "And if we get to use you..." he blushed again, "Well... I've always wanted to kiss you." They exchanged a long, passionate kiss, and he exclaimed, "Wow... I've always wanted to do that."

She grinned. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. Kindly ask my husband to step inside the room for a moment."

The young man exited the room, and her husband reentered a few seconds later. "How's everything going, sweetheart?" he queried.

"It went fine," she answered. "He was rather eager, and came a bit too quickly for me to fully enjoy the experience. But I've still got 16 left, so it's all good. I did have a question for you though. His semen is currently on my stomach. Should I clean it off, or should we let it remain? I'm not certain how the subsequent participants will feel about it."

He chuckled. "I'll presume they'll find it arousing, knowing that someone just 'came' on you, and neither of us are objecting. I'll verify after each participant, and if we believe you're getting a bit messy, I'll use a towel to wipe you clean. I could even keep this towel here close to you. So if anyone wishes to clean you up before they begin, they can."

"That seems like a sound approach," she chortled. "However, I want you to do me one favor. I want you to leave and inform them that I'm bound on the bed, but I'm offering myself up sexually of my own free will. Additionally, they're not only permitted to ejaculate within me, but they're also encouraged to do so. Also, inform them that you're entirely happy with this choice, as they've earned it. If it aids their performance, they may also refer to me as a filthy whore while we're having sex. We require them to loosen up, dear."

There was a prolonged break until the next player entered the room, seemingly due to George relaying this new information, emphasizing the circumstance. It appeared to have benefited them, as this player seemed more at ease as he observed her. "Oh my god! You're an incredibly attractive reward!" he exclaimed. Without any further discussion, he climbed on top of her, spread open her vagina with one hand, and inserted his stiff penis into her. As he commenced thrusting, he moaned, "Fuck, you feel amazing. You're warm and wet, and I'm going to stretch you out entirely!"

And stretch her, he did. He caused her to writhe and pull at the ropes as her body contracted in orgasm! It was her initial of the day, and a good one. She'd never engaged in sex while tied down before. She was incapable of interacting with him, so her sole alternative was to fully observe the sensations her body was encountering. Her facial expressions and sounds exacerbated the pleasure of experiencing her vagina contracting on his penis, hence he drove himself as deep into her as possible and released the hot, runny strings of his sperm, remaining still until he'd depleted his entire load. As he extracted his softening penis from her, he grinned, winked, and said, "Good slut," before he exited.

She could perceive what had to be his semen slowly leaking out of her as the subsequent naked young man entered. This one climbed on top of her between her legs and considered her genitals. "Wow, he truly fucked you well!" he exclaimed. Without further ado, he thrust his erection into her, causing a strange liquid noise as it somewhat displaced the load that was already there. He positioned his body more along her chest, allowing him to grasp her breasts in his hands. He squeezed and kneaded them as he humped her rigorously and fiercely. His swiveling pelvis pressed his pubic bone against her clitoris. It didn't take him long to climax inside her, and the spasming of his penis stimulated her once more!

She was still in post-orgasmic bliss as he departed. She didn't hear the entrance or exit of the door, but she heard her husband inquire, "How was it?" She was too preoccupied by the bliss she was experiencing to answer, but he identified the content state that she was in. "You're looking fantastic, so I'll bring in the next participant."

Each and every one of them took turns to fuck her - they didn't want to miss out on experiencing her tight vagina wrapped around their hard cocks. It was their turn to learn what it felt like to plunge into her welcoming love passage. Many of them released their cum into the same tunnel, sometimes with enough intensity that their cocks bounced inside her with the recoil after each powerful spurt. Occasionally, this triggered her own climax. And the names they called her! Among the insults used, she heard she was a "needy slut," a "cum whore," a "fuck doll," a "slut whore," a "meat object," and a "set of fuck holes" - the latter from a guy who fucked her pussy and then her mouth until she was swallowing his cum.

Number 4 was the aforementioned toe sucker, and as previously mentioned, Cynthia learned how much toe sucking turned her on. Not only did she allow him to do it, but also indicated through her vocal and physical reactions that he was pumping up her arousal to the point where her pussy was so ready for him that she screamed with pleasure as he exploded in her. This guy almost jumped on the bed and shoved his cock into her pussy, coming in a few thrusts. Cynthia was incredibly excited for him that he reached climax so quickly and she joined him in her orgasm. After their sexual session, he left with no comment, making her feel like he'd only used her as a fuck toy. She purred with delight at this thought.

The door opened and in entered the 5th guy. He gave her pussy a quick fuck then told her, "Let's put your tits to work, slut." He straddled her torso, placed his erect cock along her chest, and held her tits together, forming a tunnel around his cock. He licked his cock to moisten it and then her chest, reassembling the tunnel and began tit-fucking her. His thumbs played with her nipples while the head of his cock popped in and out of the tunnel. Her nose caught the scent of the different semen deposits from each of them inside her pussy, carried close by the coatings on his cock. She was so preoccupied by the sensations of his thumbs working her nipples that she didn't notice that he was about to cum. It blasted on her chin and neck. When he was done, he scooped some up and offered it to her.

Numbers 6 and 7 were both traditional missionary position fuckers. But as they called her dirty names during their union, she found it highly arousing (#6) and climaxed (#7). They both pumped huge quantities of their sperm inside her. Number 8 fucked her while she was still cumming, which they both enjoyed.

Participant number 9, who had been fucking her vagina, wanted to try giving her an oral fuck. He had to kneel between her head and the mattress to get the correct angle. He tilted her head back and pressed his cock into her mouth. The sound of his ball sac slapping against her nose threw her off, but as she adjusted her breathing, she realized that her lips clamped onto his cock provided more friction and he started to cum almost immediately, squirting his semen down her throat. However, he pulled out before she could swallow it all, leaving his cum to run down her breasts. This made her shiver with delight.

Ball players #10 and 11 shot their large loads into her now stuffed pussy canal and uterus. Since they thrust their swollen cocks inside her vagina, filled with the semen from the previous guy, the movement of their cocks pushed the still warm semen through her cervix and into her womb. The feeling of this unique sensation felt unlike anything she had ever felt before and she found it very attractive.

Upon completion, Number 11 and George entered the room to check on her. When she asked to be untied and retied, George facilitated. While peeing gratefully, she was astonished at how much semen oozed from her pussy when she sat on the toilet. Upon standing up and drying, she noticed that she felt less bloated.

Before long, she found herself bound once more to the bed, satisfying the remaining six players of the day. She was now in such an ecstatic orgasmic stupor that she wasn't keeping count - she was simply a wet pussy waiting to be fucked, a pair of tits ripe for kissing, sucking, or fondling, and a mouth for kissing either given shyly, firmly, or lustfully or used to clean cock. One man, however, stood out to her. After fucking her for a bit, he decided to pull out and move to the side of the bed near her head. Instead of cumming inside her, he chose to stroke his pole until he released his load, spattering it against her cheek, across her nose, and into her hair! "Mmmmm. I marked you, slut! Painted your face with my nasty cum!" When George saw it, he chuckled softly, thrilled to see her in such a mess, though proud of it.

As she was being undone, she mumbled, "So I'm finished, huh?" Her husband nodded in response. "Is it around dinner time? Did we miss eating?" she inquired.

George chuckled again. "No, it's still midafternoon, love. These energetic young men don't need much time to climax."

She groaned as he helped her stand next to the bed. "And I've got eighteen more to please tomorrow? I feel like I'll be walking like a broomstick. Please help me to the car."

"Here, take my arm, love. I'll get you home, and we'll both enjoy a nice warm bath. You can soak, and I'll make us a nice homemade dinner," he offered.

Feeling much better after a long, relaxing soak and a meaty meal, she couldn't help but review the past day's sexual experience in her head, mentally noting the eagerness of the young men and the orgasms they shared. As she cuddled with George, she relayed some of the details, making sure he wasn't upset by her actions. But she was shocked when instead of anger or jealousy, she noticed George was getting turned on even more by the story. She smiled as she felt his hard-on pressing against her hip.

Trying to read his mind, she asked, "Is all this interrupting your arousal, love?" She reached down and cupped his cock through his pants, feeling it throb in her hand. "Let me help," she purred, quickly undoing his trouser buttons and freeing his erection. It was larger and harder than she'd ever seen it before. She ran her fingers gently over the head of his dick, loving the scent of his erection. "Mmmm... this is stunning!" she murmured, kissing it softly in various places around his shaft.

George gave a soft moan. "Honey, if you keep this up, I might cum!"

Cynthia couldn't hide her grin. "Well, I plan to make you cum multiple times, sweetie," she purred. She covered his cock with her mouth, sucking on it and running her tongue over the modified head while her hands massaged his balls gently. It was at this point that George erupted with a loud roar, his sweaty, warm semen flooding her mouth, causing her to gulp it down hungrily. Not content with just one climax, Cynthia continued to pump his cock with her left hand, unsatisfied with merely one release. She took his testicles into her mouth, sucking hard as she rubbed his perineum with her thumb, meeting his second climax with her beautiful smile. When that was complete, she lifted his balls to her lips again, kissing them, while stroking him once more. As if he was milking his own dick, he came again - this time the orgasm was immensely powerful. With the third release, he could only offer a soft moan at the flooding sensation of semen emptying into her mouth, though it tasted just as tasty as the last. She patted his crotch warmly, saying, "I think I've drained the last bit of love juice from you, dear."

They ended their romantic night with an intimate session full of kissing and naughty fondling.

As they entered the house on the following day, Cynthia said, "I barely see any cars parked along the driveway." She frowned a little. "That's not too pleasing."

"Pished! These guys told me they intended to carpool. These 18 men will not miss this for anything!"

George had alerted her to the current situation and had aided her in preparing for her day's obligations. When they stepped into the house, he was pleased to see the objects of her fantasy already stationed in the living room, a wide bench, shaped like a sawhorse, but with wider legs and padding at the top. Elated, she eagerly disrobed and once more affixed the leather restraints to her wrists and ankles. Then, she followed his instructions, bending at her waist and positioning her legs on either side of the bench's end, allowing the sides of the padding to cover her hips and upper thighs. Lastly, she stretched out on the top of the bench, her arms tucked under it, and her hands dangling off either side.

He tied ropes from each leg of the sawhorse bench to her cuffs, securing her wrists and ankles as the ropes snugged against the metal loops in the cuffs. Her entire vulva area from ass to pussy to clit were displayed and exposed at the bottom end of the bench. Her head was positioned close to the other end.

Showcasing her, George announced, "I've got a cushion which you can rest your head on if you want to look to either side or your chin if you wish to look straight ahead.

Comfortable, darling?"

She found she could lift her head to take a look around, but it soon tired her neck. "My breasts are a bit squeezed like this," she told him. "Could you scoop them out a little?" As he did so, her nipples appeared, stiffened and now more content no longer being crushed into her areolae. George attached a wide leather belt that crossed her lower back and tightened it there.

"I found it relatively easy to divide my trainee group into two factions. One group wanted you on the bed like yesterday, while the other group wanted to utilize you in this manner. Ready for your first winner today, sweetheart?"

"Yes, dear, I'm ready and enthusiastic. Are they all outside at the pavilion?"

"Not exactly," he chuckled, "one had a unique request, so I'm allowing him to go first." He beckoned the player who had been hiding in the kitchen. A very reserved person, he'd begged the coach to let him go first before the others. He described that he didn't want to miss out on this chance, but also didn't want to face the other guys after he'd finished his turn. The coach and him swapped places... the coach headed to the kitchen, leaving them alone in the living room.

The young man had an explosive erection and the spectacle of her exposed pussy threatened to push him across the limit. He swiftly plunged his hard-on into her pussy and just in time! He ejaculated! "Oh damn... I've been awaiting this for ages... and now I've spoiled it! That was my only self pleasure."

"Quiet... listen to me," Cynthia hissed. "Keep your penis inside me and start drilling. I'm confident that you'll get hard again immediately, so we won't count that minor misstep... now penetrate me, and penetrate me deeply and frantically, all right?"

"Yes, Cyn... thanks." He kissed her appreciatively between her shoulder blades and started fucking her. Indeed, his young penis quickly hardened again. He managed to bring her to her first orgasm of the day, and her spasming pussy made him unleash a fantastic load into her womb. He sighed with relief, thanked her, and left to inform the coach he had finished. He'd driven his car, not wanting to mention this experience to his teammates, but he expressed his gratitude to both of them.

"Goodness, he was so nervous," Cynthia mentioned to her partner. "But he was great, all the same. I just hope the others aren't that hesitant."

George laughed. "I don't think you have any cause for concern, love." He whistled loudly. The two bedroom doors upstairs opened, and out of them walked 16 undressed guys, confidently displaying their bodies as they descended the stairs and swarmed the bench.

Cynthia nearly gave herself a neck injury by quickly turning her neck sideways, trying to get a glimpse of all the horny young men. Her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment, feeling so completely naked, so vulnerable, and so tantalizingly available in front of those 16 pairs of eyes. "You're not going to use me simultaneously, are you? That's impossible!"

"No, not all at the same time, of course." He regarded them. "Alright, you've examined the line-up. The rest of you step back. And remember, she's here of her own will and desires to be used sexually, as she promised you all. And I'm fine with it, otherwise I wouldn't permit it." The night before, Cynthia had shared with her spouse her reactions to being tied and called names. They even concurred to experiment more in their own love life. Therefore, he reminded the group, "Remember, she enjoys being subjected to foul language as she's used - it aids her unwind and achieve orgasm."

A male voice behind her said, "C'mon slut!" and smacked her ass. She moaned, already getting into it.

But then she heard a second voice behind her, saying, "Hi fuck toy. Tom, where's that lube coach mentioned?"

"Right there, Jeff," Tom likely answered.

Moments later, Jeff declared, "Alright, I'm fully lubed up, so I'll start rubbing her rectal hole with my fingers." The coach had told them that his wife enjoyed anal sex. He'd also mentioned that she'd anticipated it today and had taken the time to clean her anus. This chance was a strong incentive for these guys to select this group.

As her head tilted up in shock, Cynthia had her mouth parting wide in a "O" from surprised fingertips pressing lubricant into her anal opening accompanied by a cock still inside her vagina. Despite anticipating anal sex, she hadn't foreseen this unexpected event – a double penetration! The mouth stayed suspended in the open position as a new voice interjected, "I'll lubricate myself with her mouth!" followed by a male's pelvis blocking her view, filling it with a firm young cock. Instinctively, she began sucking it as the penetration in her vagina temporarily withdrew.

Thomas instructed Jeff, "Lean this way; you’ll straddle her while leaning back, and we can both be plugged in at once." Cynthia exhaled sharply around the cock in her mouth as her vagina made room for a sizable phallus. Soon after, she was assaulted with another cock plunging into her anus, which had already been made pliable by thorough fingering.

Being consumed by three cocks simultaneously in front of a horde of 13 witnesses... 14 if Thomas was included... filled her with embarrassment at the public display of her body. But due to her bondage, she was unable to escape. Eventually, this trailed into an unexpectedly potent sexual streak: exhibitionism.

Muscles contorted the restraints, but she hadn't made an attempt to flee. Instead, she contracted from within, a reflection of her physiological response. The crowd watching her experience sex aroused a ludicrous level of arousal! Jeff yelled to the bystanders, "This crazy twat's ass is gripping my cock so hard!"

The boy filling her mouth added, "We should definitely take turns fucking her pussy."

"Coach...can you let us finish in her multiple times?" Jeff begged.

George considered, scrutinizing her efforts to deep throat the cock being shoved in and out of her mouth. "Honey, can several men come in you repeatedly today?" he inquired.

Cynthia convulsed in a climax, body trembling. But, she swiveled her head to address George, responding, "Yes, yes, yes! Just, we've got to reduce waiting times if it's not too much bother...I've already let that other guy go twice." She resumed the ever-vigorous sucking of the man's cock.

It didn't take long before Jeff's cock released his semen into Cynthia's anus, initiating regular contractions. Then, as the pulsating cock, coupled with Cynthia's undulations, catapulted Tom over the edge, he emitted a grunt and emptied his semen into her vagina – both a first-time double cum for Cynthia.

Jeff detached from her ass, stepped away, and made a beeline to her mouth. "It’s either her pussy or her anus free, Henry. Hurry up and make a choice."

Tom, having removed his phallus, hoisted himself toward her anus. "Hurry and take my butt hole, Henry. I don't want to soften too much."

Henry observed her pussy as available, gladly inserting his saliva-covered member, vigorously penetrating. Meanwhile, Cynthia accommodated Jeff's cock. She was more than ecstatic that she'd cleaned her anus for this very reason. However, it merely tasted like cum; she diligently helped keep Jeff’s cock thrilled and rigid.

Henry produced a spew of semen into her pussy, eager to explore anal sex. Anticipating Tom's finish, Henry proceeded to swarm Cynthia's anus, ecstatic at his first experience. Jeff dashed about until he positioned himself behind her, crammed his own cock into her now-free outlet – her vagina – and thrust intently, discharging his seed just moments after Henry climaxed. Her anus was grasping Henry's cock, producing a tremendous orgasm that drained him. He left and sat down. The rest of the team cheered.

The coach addressed the group. "Alright, it seems like we've established our goal now. It appears you're all keen on the idea of triple teaming my wife. From the sounds she's making and her physical responses, I'm certain she enjoys being used this way. If any of you need me to help clean her off betweenuses, just let me know. But consider that cum as a sexy lubricant instead. And remember -she loves hearing dirty comments while being used. Alright, the next three of you, it's your turn!"

In groups of three, the men mimicked the behavior they had witnessed from Tom, Jeff, and Henry. Since Cynthia had given them permission to use her any way they wanted as a reward for winning, they were all eager to feel their cocks in her mouth, pussy, and especially ass. Most of them filled her ass and pussy with their sperm. However, a few wanted to watch her suck on their dicks and swallow their cum. Some of the other men not directly involved joined in by caressing, licking, and sucking what they could of her exposed breasts.

For Cynthia, her senses were overwhelmed as each trio used her to fulfill their desires. She could sense the ribald comments from the spectators and responded with increased arousal since she loved hearing them. Some shouted, "Give her the creampie," "Fuck her harder," "Make her cum," "Tear up that ass," "Pump her full," "Use that nasty whore," "Great fuck meat," "Look at those fuck holes." They were having a great time using this unique sexual opportunity she had promised them.

As five trios had their turn, one lone ballplayer, Jeremy, remained. George checked in with Cynthia. "Dear, we have one player left. Are you ready for him?"

A little dazed from her earlier orgasms, she looked at him with a hazy expression. "Just one more? So soon?" Her voice sounded slightly disappointed.

"So you're ready and willing, Jeremy. I'll tell you what though. I'll join you for this final round because you guys have really got me turned on too. Start in whatever hole you like, Jeremy." This announcement was met with cheers and lewd remarks.

Young Jeremy immediately positioned himself in front of Cynthia's lax asshole. He'd watched the more experienced men use her anus. He cautiously gripped the shaft of his cock with both hands to prevent it from bending as he attempted to penetrate her tight butt hole. As Cynthia became slightly more alert, she pushed back a little to help dilate her ass for him. He was satisfied when he felt the head of his cock enter her. He grabbed the waist strap with both hands and began furiously thrusting her butt cheeks.

Meanwhile, George offered his erect penis to his wife's mouth. She willingly allowed him into her lips. He groaned in delight as her mouth devoured him. He could tell that she enjoyed giving him oral pleasure, but not with the intention of reaching climax. Clearly, she intended to use his seed in another hole.

After a few moments, Jeremy felt himself nearing the point of no return. He called out, "Coach, can we switch positions?" Immediately, he relocated his penis into Cynthia's mouth, while George moved into her greasy anus. Neither George nor Jeremy moved much at first, enjoying the feeling. But they were preparing for another hole.

Finally, Jeremy found himself on the verge of ejaculation. He implored, "Coach, can we switch positions again?" Again, they switched ends.

Jeremy hastened to push his dick into Cynthia's soaking wet pussy. And just in time. He ejaculated within three strokes. She felt his cock pulsating and expelling its contents. These sensations triggered her own orgasm. With her eyes closed, she sucked George's lips into her mouth. "It's your turn, dear," she said. "Either fuck my ass or pussy and give me your load."

With a smile on his face, he walked to the other end of the bench, pulling her vagina lips apart on each side. He disregarded how wet with semen they were, as well as the additional semen that emerged from the hole he was planning to use. His dick slid into her effortlessly, pushing some of the semen that remained in her vaginal canal into her uterus, delivering a strange but thrilling sensation of feeling the liquid rushing in. Overlooking the belt, he grasped her buttocks with both hands and started pumping incredibly hard. He was controlling himself, since he wanted to feel her body contract during orgasm prior to receiving his ejaculate.

Some of his team members had already left, but the rest congregated around the edges of the bench. Cynthia felt warm, masculine hands caressing the back of her torso, the back of her neck, her hair, and her sides, including the exposed sections of her breasts. She'd never felt anything like this before! She could not fully focus on the thrusting motion of her husband's dick, but the caressing sensations caused such a potent reaction that she shouted out, "I'm cumming! Oh my god! Yes! Yes!" Her body jerked against the bindings as she experienced a powerful, intense orgasm! Her pussy even sucked liquid from George's testicles! He'd never unloaded like this before - his testicles contracted so hard that it felt like they would be forced out along with his semen.

It required them a few minutes to calm down after that. Cynthia was overjoyed that the youths continued to tenderly caress her body, and they even kissed her neck, lips, and back, expressing their gratitude. One of them said, "You certainly know how to keep your promises." After helping them clean up and return the house to order, the adolescents finally all left, and George and Cynthia embarked on their drive home.

Following a while, George giggled softly, reminiscing. "Honey, you managed those two days so effectively, love. Even being naked and on exhibit in a roomful of horny young men didn't seem to unnerve you."

"Honey, when they came downstairs and surrounded the table like that, I was mortified," she said.

"You were?" He sounded perplexed.

"Yes, I was... at first. After all, we don't usually go to nudist beaches or anything. And not only that, I was tied to the bench, vulnerable and powerless, with my legs so far apart that I understood both my openings down there were in view..." She paused. "But then... I don't know. Something changed within me. Since I was helpless, there wasn't anything I could do about being admired - I couldn't feel guilty about it. And I was at your approval, which made me adore you even more. So I began to truly become aroused by the fact that all those young men desired to fuck me! Therefore, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Her face made contact with his cheek in a kiss, enabling him to continue looking at the road while driving. "I'd like to finger you now, darling. But the way you came within me - so forcefully and so much - and the noises you made! I think we should let your penis recuperate. I don't want it to be injured."

They traveled for a while, and then Cynthia asked an inquiry that made George grin, guessing where she was going with it. "Honey, how many players are on your basketball team?" she said casually.

Glad inside, he answered, "There are fifteen players on the team." He hesitated. "Why?" he inquired innocently.

"Hmm..." she purred. "Only 15, eh? I bet I could screw them all in one day easily."

He was delighted, as he now understood that the more she had sex, the more she thought about sex, and the more she thought about sex, the hornier she got. And he would reap the benefits of all that heightened arousal. This little experiment had proven that to him. Furthermore, she'd hinted that she had a streak of kinky exhibitionism - she enjoyed being tied up and fucked in front of an audience.

Thus, in a more sensual tone, he said, "Love, if you wished to incentivize the basketball team to win by granting them a similar promise, you'd have to await the conclusion of the season and only fulfill it if they win." After a dramatic pause, he added, "However, at each match, we select the most valuable player - you could reward him. Or them, if I can devise a few 'most valuable player' categories. You can tell me how many you'd like. And that goes for the football team I coach later in the season. There we frequently have 125 players or so."

Cynthia's eyes sparkled, and she squeezed her thighs together in an effort to prevent herself from leaking too much. Leaning her head against his shoulder, and softly embracing his arm to squeeze her breasts against it, she declared, "Darling... I adore the way you think!"

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