Power Pregame: Master's Control

Reasserting his firm grip on power.

Jun 28, 2024
10 min read
Power Pregame: Master's Controlsubmissivecontroldominant
Power Pregame: Master's Control
Power Pregame: Master's Control

Power Pregame: Master's Control

A dark shadow crossed over his eyes as I defiantly shook my head, refusing to bow to his demand that I lower myself into the kneeling position before him.

"Oh ho, so this is how it's going to be?"

I shrugged my shoulders & tried to sound bolder than I felt, "Yep, because you don't ACTUALLY own me."

"Really?" he quipped with an evil smirk. "I don't think you want to find out what happens to little girls who talk back to their owners. Or DO you?"

I shrugged again, his use of the word "owners" not lost on me - except this time I had to lower my head so I wouldn't have to look him in his eyes, which were burning like fiery lasers into mine.

Pressing both hands down firmly on my shoulders, he lowered me onto my knees and grabbed my chin, tilting my head back & forcing me to look up at him.

"If that's really how you feel, maybe a little test of wills is in order, hmmm?"

He paused for effect, letting his eyes linger on mine, before slowly roaming down hungrily over the rest of me. "You agreed, did you not, to be my slave for the next month?"

"Yes, Master, I did. But..."

"HUSH! You want to play games, then let's play this new one that I just made up - it's going to be fun! Until someone has to lose, that is. And once you realize that I don't lose - EVER, you're going to learn a valuable lesson. And my prize for winning will be oh, soooo deliciously sweet!"

"In fact, I think we'll play this game any time I think you need reminding," he spat, "about your place, now that you're learning this new way of life," pinching my cheeks together as if I were five, and hardening his grip on my chin.

"We're going to spar! And you'll learn that you don't get to question, hesitate or refuse my orders. Ever."

"It is useless for you to constantly try to fight me, defy me, or think that you can outsmart me, little girl, because I own you. At least for the next month. Get that through your pretty head, my love. I own your desires, your fantasies, your orgasms, and every inch of your beautiful body. And it won't be long before I own your heart, your soul, and all the other fascinating parts of your huge brain. And if we need to play this game every single day, me and my craving to dominate you will gladly & wholeheartedly accept that challenge. And we won't stop until you are MINE. And believe me, we'll both enjoy each new round more than the previous one."

"Ready, baby? Here's how it's going to go. I'm going to give you the command to "Resist." When you hear it, I'm gonna wrestle you to the ground, the bed, the couch, the table, or anywhere else that suits my fancy. You will use anything & everything you can possibly think of to try & stop me. You're gonna fight me off with everything you've got. Do not stop trying to get away from me until you either succeed, which is highly unlikely, or until you run out of moves, or strength - and are forced to admit defeat, with no choice left except to completely submit to me. And to accept that I am and always will be in complete control of you. Its really no different than a good game of chess, only we're relying on brute strength instead of brain cells. Are we clear?" He let go of my cheeks and my chin and took two steps back, almost as if he wanted to give me a wider view of how much he completely dwarfed my trembling frame.

"I-I think so," I stammer, knowing he can likely feel me shaking, even though we're five feet apart from each other. My eyes are as big as saucers as I digest his orders for this little 'game' of his.

"You think so, WHAT?"

"I-I think so, Master," I sniveled.

"Good girl," he smirked. "I'll let that little indiscretion slide for now, since you're clearly pre-occupied- too busy calculating whether there's even a remote chance that you'll get yourself out of this delightful predicament."

"You are going to learn that my ownership of you is not negotiable. It is not partial. It is not up to you to decide when I own you & when I don't. And it *never* will be. Understood?"

"Y-yes Master."

"Excellent. Now, let's begin. Resist," he snarled. And in one lightning-quick move, he grabbed and tore my shirt completely off, leaving my bare, heavy tits busting out into full view. With agility & speed, he scooped me up in his arms & began to carry me, kicking & twisting, down the hall toward our bedroom.

"C'mon baby, try to get free!" he growled. "If I don't see that you're at least putting up a real, honest-to-goodness fight to win, then we'll just have to start over - maybe even with some more rules for added motivation."

I started struggling half-heartedly, feeling wayyy out-matched by this giant of a man who towered over me & whose biceps were practically thicker than my waist. But once I started, I felt compelled to at least give it my best shot. I kicked my legs as hard as I could & pushed against his solid chest, managing to somehow break free & run back toward the front door.

"Oh she does have some fight in her, good girl - I knew this would be fun," he smirked, slowly sauntering after me, as if he had all the time in the world to catch up to me.

I had made it to the front door & was fighting with the deadbolt when I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck. I had managed to pull the door open and get myself partially out when I felt his hands wrap around my torso and grip my tits tightly.

"Baby it's cold out there," he whispered calmly into my ear, "are you sure you want our neighbors to watch you get all nipply while I enjoy our little game of cat-and-pathetically-helpless-little-mouse?" he quipped as his hand latched on to each of my heaving breasts, pulling my back against him while smashing my C cup tits together and literally lifting my feet off the ground by them.

"I didn't think so..." using his knee to slam the door. "And these lovely tits make the perfect handles to carry you back into my lair with. One other thing you should know baby, the more you kick & scream, the more unbelievably turned-on I get - one of the best parts of the game - so struggle away!"

He turned me toward him and slammed me up against the door, not enough to hurt me, but hard enough so that I was pinned. "I think my babygirl might also enjoying this little game of mine. Shall I check to be sure?" He winked & shoved his steely thigh in between my legs, forcing them to spread.

"Unfortunately, you're way overdressed," he pined, "If you're going to put on a show out on the porch, you can't do it half-assed," he sneered, his eyes roaming down to my shorts. "And in order for me to check your temperature, I need total & immediate access to this precious pussy, kind of like basting a cooking turkey."

Cupping my tits together in one giant hand as he keeps me pressed up against the door, he leans down, taking both my nipples into his mouth while the other hand quickly undoes the snap & zipper on my shorts. He has them around my ankles in one fell swoop, leaving me in my skimpy black lace thong as I struggle to push him away.

"That's it, baby, keep trying to fight me," he smirked as he keeps my tits cupped in one hand and yanks my thong upward hard, so it burst past my wet lips & made me gasp in surprise. "Just wanted to give you a tiny preview of what's to come, he growled, holding it tight up against my clit. Then he tore the skimpy piece of material off with one powerful pull & flung it aside.

"Now let's see, we know this beautiful body is naturally programmed to tell me if you're enjoying this. It never lies, no matter how much YOU try to, ha ha, isn't that great? But I don't need any turkey baster, all I have to do is slide my finger up into this silky - oh my god, baby, you are dripping wet! You are totally soaked! I told you your body doesnt lie. It's truly one of the best gifts man has ever received from our maker. Giving our female counterparts a built-in, high tech thermometer like this! Baby, I think this little game of mine is a keeper! But I might need to carry you upside down back to my lair, just to keep from letting all your yummy dripping juices make a slippery mess on our floor!"

"Mmmmm, you're so fucking ready to become my next meal," as he smacked his lips and moved his mouth back toward my nipples. "The only thing left to do is watch you slowly weaken & crumble until your strength is all used up - and I'm enjoying every minute..."

Before he could finish patronizing me, I quickly duck my body underneath him & manage to break free, only to face plant onto the floor as my shorts get caught around my ankles.

He stands over me with an evil smile as I flipped over to face him & started scooching away back down the hall as fast as I could.

"That's good, babygirl, keep going- you're heading in the right direction."

I kick my shorts the rest of the way off & am on my feet and halfway down the hall when I feel him grab my ponytail & yank me back toward him.

"Not so fast, my sweet, I at least want to enjoy that view of your nice tight ass during your lame little attempt to escape," grinning as he gave it a smack and I yowled in response.

Then once again, he scooped me up in his arms and traversed the rest of the hallway in two big steps and dumped me onto our bed.

I backed up as fast and as far away from him as I could, effectively trapping myself up against the headboard. But all he had to do was reach out & grab an ankle to pull me effortlessly back toward him. "Come closer, my sweet, I think your proverbial end is near..."

Then he was on me. I tried to push him back but within a split second he had my wrists pinned in one hand above my head and he'd shoved his thighs between my legs, forcefully spreading them wide. His other hand again squished my cheeks together as he brought his face within an inch of mine.

"Have you had enough yet, my little pet? I'll let you think on it for a sec."

Obviously a rhetorical question, as he held his face a fraction of an inch above mine, our lips almost touching.

"Answer me, pet, I'm waiting," he growls impatiently, sliding his tongue slowly & seductively along my lips.

"Answer me now, baby, or this story will have a much different ending!"

"Yes, Master. I give up! Just please don't hurt me!" I begged.

"Good girl!" He smirked, "and for the record, I'd never purposely hurt you...there are plenty other much more creative ways to make you submit to me," he winked.

"See, that's really all it boils down to. You do exactly as I say, when i say; you submit every ounce of yourself to me; you obey my every command, no matter how much you detest it, and no one gets hurt. Easy peasy...! And this lovely game is just one tool out of MANY I have in my arsenal," he says with a sultry smile.

"But know this." His voice turns low & lusty, like the alpha male he is. "You are mine. I own - or soon will own - every inch of you. Your heart will be mine. Your bottomless freakishly intelligent brain? I'm having so much fun seizing it bit by bit! Your gorgeous, affection-starved body? All mine. Your fragile & vulnerable psyche? I own it. But the best part? That will be snatching that fiery pride of yours, and replacing it with my ability to make you totally melt, day in and day out, whenever and wherever I choose. You're a natural submissive, little girl, you just don't fully realize it yet. But this lovely little cunt of yours sure does. You are a hungry and insatiably cock-starved slut and I am going to own you- from every single drop of honey I take from your saturated pussy, to every ploy & struggle you try to fend me off with."

"Now, I think our first little resistance game is over. Unless, of course, you want to keep going," he added with a sultry smirk. "Because I'd totally be up for round two! No? Aww, are you wiped out just from that little scuffle? Okay then, what's the score? Hmm, I think it's Master 1, babygirl, ZERO! Maybe you'll do better next time," he adds with a wink and an evil chuckle. I feel his steely grip pulling my wrists up & holding them tight with one hand. I feel a smooth leather band encircle each one, and then a metallic clicking sound. Suddenly I no longer have use of my arms. "You. Are. Mine. Baby."

His hand grabs my chin & lifts it as he slowly lowers his mouth over mine, "What a good, good gorgeous girl," he whispers, right before he plunges his tongue again across my lips, and slowly lowers his mouth onto mine, possessing me more completely & passionately than I ever thought possible...

"You have no idea what's in store for you, baby of mine."


In this game of power and submission, the dominant Master insists on taking control, claiming, "You agreed, did you not, to be my slave for the next month?" He then proceeds to remind her, "It is useless for you to constantly try to fight me, defy me, or think that you can outsmart me, little girl, because I own you."

His domination over her is evident as he instructs, "You are going to learn that my ownership of you is not negotiable. It is not partial. It is not up to you to decide when I own you & when I don't. And it *never* will be." The submissive woman, however, is still defiant, even in her submission, as she replies, "Y-yes Master."

This battle of wills continues throughout the Power Pregame, as the Master seeks to assert his control and the submissive woman tries to assert her own independence. Despite her efforts, the Master remains in control, enforcing his rules and dominance over her. The BDSM theme is prominent throughout their relationship, as the submissive woman opens up to her Master's control and submits to his demands, while he maintains his dominant position.

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