Taboo Sex

Qingwei's Assignments: Chapter 2

Adam employs Qingwei for enticing his mature Asian neighbor.

May 10, 2024
19 min read
chinkwhite masterQingwei Works for Her A Ch. 02asianraceplaywmafcuckholdgookschoolgirlmilf
Qingwei Works for Her A Ch. 02
Qingwei Works for Her A Ch. 02

Qingwei's Assignments: Chapter 2

Warning: The upcoming story features content related to WMAF raceplay. If this type of content troubles you, please stop reading. All that comes below is a work of fiction.

Qingwei was lying in her bed, recollecting anything that had just occurred. She couldn't accept what she did, yet part of her savored it. She wasn't simply raped; she enjoyed it too. It was something more than a straightforward sexual assault. She could barely fathom it, but she liked it. By the end, she begged for his dick. As she analyzed this, she felt ashamed. However, merely reminiscing over every slur he labelled her while using her as an object somehow elicited pleasure. Recalling it was causing her to moisten beneath the sheets. She could not resist herself and began fingering herself, pretending he was the one granting her pleasure while he wielded her like a cheap toy. Her fingers slipped within her moistened vagina, and the situation escalated. She was nearing climax.

She could hear him spew his disreputable, racial slurs. Words she was previously immune to, but was now taking pleasure in. It seemed she was attracted to someone being racist towards her. He was asserting his dominance over her, and she was beginning to crave it. He was offering to improve her grade from an 'F' in English to an 'A,' sparing her scholarship. There was more to it for Qingwei than mere academic help. The man was exerting control over her, and the idea made her wet. Proposing to fuck her was more than a gesture of academic kindness, it was control over her, and a fantasy bloomed within her. Her fingers were slipping back and forth, keeping a steady pace. She was about to climax.

Her fantasy ended abruptly as her phone started ringing. "Crap! I forgot to call him back." Gathering her senses, she slowly gained her composure after her phantom climax.


"Hey, baby! How are you doing?" His voice sounded uplifting. She had almost forgotten about his presence, and all the insecurities that would come with it. He was always supportive.

"I guess I'm okay." She sounded unsteady, trying to mask her arousal.

"That's good. Did you get home safe?"


"Good. Anything new today?"

"Nope." At this juncture, his expression appeared confused or suspicious.

"So how did it go with that professor?"

"Well, he read my work, but that's not going to improve my grade," she said. "However, he agreed to give me a second chance."

"Really? What do you have to do?"

Qingwei was lying. The opportunity present itself, she'd be his sex slave, yet only if she could rid herself of her current lover. "I'm getting assignments from him following this."

Mr. Adam, the racist professor, had humiliated her for her non-compliance: "Nah, Chinese whore, you thought I was joking. I never said a once-off fuck would result in your grade increasing. Your 'F' turned into a 'D' and it cost you a thousand dollars. And you think a single sex act is worth that sum? It's nothing, a five-dollar Thai whore. And you want an 'A'? You've got plenty of other tasks before you earn an 'A', slut. I'm going to be using your cunt for the next two weeks."

Believing her lover couldn't be surpassed, she agreed. What he didn't comprehend was that Mr. Adam's racism pleased her. His utter disrespect and the control he exerted over her was the icing on the cake atop the orgasmic situation. Her orgasm still lingered within her.

"Well, congratulations," said Mr. Adam, reiterating her new letter grade. "You just slipped from an 'F' to a 'D.'"

Qingwei obliged. After cleaning his sweat, spit, and cum from her face, she left his office. The thought of ingesting his cum lingered, and she could not avoid the taste. It was not something her boyfriend was subject to to. All of this was Mr. Adam's satisfaction; she never even permitted her boyfriend to ejaculate on her face, let alone interact with her cum. However, just as she was told to do, she swallowed.

"Mmmm... it tastes good." The satisfaction in indulging in the semen of a slave driver was unwelcome yet undeniable. Her excitement seemed unquenchable as she consumed Mr. Adam's spunk.

But Mr. Adam was through with her for the evening. She had accomplished her purpose. His balls were drained, so he didn't need anything more from her. He returned to his desk, fully clothed again, and continued grading papers. He didn't even nod at her as he got dressed and left his office. She made a beeline for the ladies' room to clean up and fix her shattered make-up before she headed home.

"What kind of extra credit are you looking for?" Qingwei abruptly refocused on her Asian boyfriend's voice.

"Just the norm for ESL classes in English, you know," she fibbed. "But I'm not sure if I'll have the opportunity to see you again until after the grades are submitted."

She felt remorseful. Her boyfriend was truly a pure soul. He saw her as his perfect angel and treated her as such. But he had never ignited her fire nor gave her any real pleasure. The humiliation she endured from a malicious white teacher had extinguished both.

"Will you come over tonight before you're swamped with grading?" He offered. Sweet as could be. But in contrast to Mr. Adam, he was just a young, skinny Asian boy with a minuscule penis. Qingwei craved a real man. A dominant Caucasian man with a considerable cock.

"I'm sorry, dear. I'm exhausted and I need to be well-rested for tomorrow." She lied. "I'll catch up with you in a couple of weeks."

"Okay, goodnight sweetie." He said before hanging up.

Qingwei sighed heavily. She could hardly wait to find out what their following session with White Master would entail. It was her final week in college. She should be concentrating on exams. But how could she? A new world of delightful, offensive sex had been unlocked.

She fingered her purse, returning to a state of arousal. She thought about her Hollywood-star-wannabe boyfriend and then switched gears, fantasizing about what the future would bring. As she touched herself, she drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the week to come...

Her excitement continued unabated the next day. She couldn't concentrate on her initial subject. She spent the entire lesson staring at the clock. Thinking about when she would next encounter Andersen again. She needed to distract herself from thinking about him. She yearned for his presence.

The bell finally signaled the end of the class. Qingwei dashed to her locker, quickly touching up her make-up. She applied additional eyeliner, intensifying her eyes. Looking more like a prostitute than a student. She desired to look pleasing to her White Master when she saw him again.

Entering the English class, her heart thumped rapidly. Her face flushed. She entered the room and noticed she was the first student to arrive. Andersen was at his desk, reading.

"Good morning, Mr. Andersen." She said, her voice slightly shaking.

To her dismay, he didn't even glance up.

"Morning." He replied, sounding uninterested. As if it were just another Tuesday and she were merely a different student.

Qingwei sat down in the chair across from his desk and patiently awaited the arrival of the remainder of her classmates. When they finally walked in, Andersen put down his book and handed out their corrected essays. He discussed the various writing topics and the various ways to address them. He answered questions from students regarding their grades.

Qingwei was unnerved. She had hoped for some sign that he recognized her presence, let alone acknowledged her. But he seemed completely oblivious. Did he even recall which Asian female he had defiled previously? Andersen's class was intolerable. She just couldn't escape his casual air. It was driving her crazy...

Her pussy cried out for satisfaction. Friction was all she could manage while sitting in class. Subtly, she attempted to rub her thighs together to achieve even the slightest friction.

Finally, the bell rang. Qingwei didn't know what to do.

Andersen spoke, "Remember, class. Your final exam grades are permanent. They'll be posted online in two weeks."

'Great...' Qingwei thought... 'More perfect teacher.'

Where was the perverted racist bastard she craved?

A few of Qingwei's classmates and friends looked at her questioningly, wondering if she was in trouble or what the professor wanted. She tried to give them a nonchalant expression, as if everything was okay.

She gathered her belongings slowly, waiting for everyone to leave. Then she walked up to the teacher's desk with a sense of anticipation. He was sitting there, not showing any signs of the incident from the previous day. He simply passed her a folded note and said, "Here's something for you." And went back to reading. It was as if the entire class had never happened.

Qingwei rushed out of the room, eager to see what was written in the note. She went into a stall in the women's restroom and opened it. The only thing on the paper was an apartment address and a time. The note said 1:30 PM. It was 12:05 PM, so she had almost an hour and a half to prepare for whatever her master had planned.

She usually ate a quick lunch and studied in the library during her break time, especially with final exams approaching. But that day she had to quickly go home to change and make herself look appealing for her master.

As soon as she got back to her dorm, she changed into some sexy lingerie. She felt a bit guilty wearing it since it was a gift from her boyfriend. But it was her sexiest outfit, and she wanted to please her master. She added a tank top and short jean shorts, along with a pair of high heels. She looked at herself in the mirror, feeling a bit like a prostitute but knowing she looked hot.

She grabbed her purse and left, not wanting to keep her master waiting. She was almost to his apartment when her phone beeped. It was her boyfriend.

"Hurry up. Bring these things with you:"

The list was very short: a dry erase marker, a pack of cigarettes, panties, a bra, and heels.

It was clear that her master expected her to arrive at his apartment partially undressed. Why would a Chinese slave girl need clothes? But cigarettes and a dry erase marker? What were those for?

Qingwei, not wanting to disobey, went to a convenience store and bought a pack of Chinese cigarettes and two markers. She couldn't bring her clothes into the building partially undressed, it would be too risky. So, she decided to get to his floor and then strip there before stashing her clothes.

She arrived at his apartment a few minutes early. She looked at her watch, it was 1:27 PM. Just one more minute. She looked down the hallway, seeing six doors. She decided to undress in the stairwell. Her master lived on the 30th floor, and no one would use the stairs. She could hide her clothes there.

When she was ready, she peeked around the corner. The hallway appeared to be empty. She crept to his door, knocking loudly. She waited for an answer, making sure she was hidden from any neighbors.

"Who is it?" She heard her master's voice from inside.

"It's me, Qingwei."

"Qingwei? I wasn't expecting anyone named that." He was teasing her. "Sorry, I couldn't hear you!" He yelled from inside.

"It's 'Chin Chin!'" She said, her voice cracking with humiliation. Hoping no neighbors could understand her Chinese name.

After a long wait, the door finally opened.

"Ohhhh Chin Chin!" He shouted, making sure his neighbors could hear her name. "Why didn't you say so?"

Qingwei was desperate to get into the apartment, but her master's body was blocking her way. She was getting wet from the anticipation of what her master had planned for her.

It's not like I was told to wear lingerie for it, right, Chinky? I meant bring it along. Now do as you're told and strip down here in the hallway. The heels can stay on, though. And quick about it, or your neighbors might spot you selling yourself for a white man.

Chinky hurried, unclasping her bra and letting it fall to the floor. She then slipped off her panties, stepping out of them.

A second later, the dreaded elevator door dinged open. Out walked a healthy-looking Chinese woman, around thirty-five, dressed in a tennis outfit and carrying her gym bag. She displayed her toned figure in a skirt and sports bra. Qingwei blushed deeply, wanting to cover her chest and vagina, but her skinny arms didn't hide much.

"Good afternoon," Adam greeted his neighbor, admiring her slim legs and flat stomach. "Great weather today, isn't it?" He continued, enjoying showing off his newest Oriental slave to his neighbor. Qingwei felt humiliated. She couldn't look at this sophisticated woman while she stood there naked like a cheap whore.

"Hello, Adam." She replied, attempting to sound friendly.

"Got any plans for today?" Adam asked his neighbor, observing her bend down to pick up her gym bag.

Qingwei knew talking was the last thing on Adam's mind. "No, Mr. Adam," she answered, waiting for his next instruction.

"I know what it is you need, bitch!" Adam said, his voice edging with excitement. Qingwei trembled, anticipating his response. Adam turned towards the neighbor, seemingly proud of his find.

"Love, look who I've bought today! You remember our neighbor, right? Chinese girl. She's on her knees for me now with her ass in the air begging for it," he boasted, gesturing to Qingwei's position. "She's your slave. My pet, who I'm going to breed till she's full up!"

"Oh, is that right, Adam?" Magma asked, her voice gliding smoothly. She stared at Qingwei incredulously, processing this new information.

Qingwei could tell Adam loved the confusion on Magma's face. His bragging was driving him wild. She was too afraid to look at Magma directly.

"Chinky," he barked, shouting over Magma's words. "Say hello to this innocent lady." Qingwei glanced at Adam then back to Magma, eyes still low.

"Hello, ma'am," she murmured. "Welcome to my humble presence."

"Qing… Qingwei, isn't it?" Magma asked, suspicion in her tone as she tried to place the girl's identity.

Adam gazed at Magma, answering, "Yes, that's right. She's my Asian toy, vitamin-rich penis receptacle. But you can call her Chinky."

"Alright Chinky," Magma replied calmly.

As Magma passed Adam, Qingwei continued to stare at the floor, now trying to take in her master's words. 'Slave.', 'breed', 'vitamin-rich penis receptacle'. It all sounded so wild.

When Magma disappeared inside her house, Adam greeted her, "See you around, sexy."

Entering his apartment, Adam grinned, unable to comprehend the adventure he was about to have with his hot, kinky new toy. It was bound to be an exciting day.

* * * * * *

The door slammed shut, and Magma's mind raced. Her initial disgust swiftly faded, replaced by an incomprehensible, arousing sensation. Her marriage had been strictly for the right benefits - family and financial security. Love and sexual satisfaction were never synonymous with her husband. So she was enthralled by the prospect of watching her husband's newly-purchased Asian slave service a white man. She'd heard the rumors about Caucasian men's size, especially when it came to foreigners and their women.

Her husband disliked Adam. Magma supposed it was out of jealousy. But listening to Adam use racial slurs, somehow her attraction heightened.

She hadn't had sex in what felt like years, and when she did, it was painfully uninspiring. Her husband lay on top of her for a few minutes, quickly reaching his orgasm. Afterward, he didn't even clean up. To put it simply, having sex barely left an afterglow or any profound feelings. Today, her mind swirled with sexual interest, a feeling which eluded her for most of her life.

Closing the door, she imagined Chinky, naked on Adam's couch, waiting. She'd be begging for it. Chinky, bound to Adam, used for his pleasure. She gasped when her heart skipped a beat. What aroused her was the thought of this irresistibly mischievous young girl, helpless at Adam's touch. Her entire existence was in service to him, there for his every desire. She bit her lip.

"Chinky" - she whispered, trying to commit the sound to memory. Despite her husband's frustration, she couldn't dispel this sudden urge. Adam's power and his clearly dominant nature overwhelmed her, stirring her inner sex drive. He made that blank slate quiver. What would Adam do? How would he use Chinky? What would their relationship be like? Curiosity roaring, Magma walked towards her bedroom. Her blood pumped harder, sending her body into an unknown, exhilarating frenzy. There was a new secret in her life, and the excitement left a sweet, unforgettable feeling on her lips. And she intended to find out more about this Chinky hiding in plain sight.

Immediately, she headed to her room, which shares a wall with Adam's apartment. She lay down on her bed and slid her hand into her pants, rubbing her pussy feverishly. A surge of jealousy coursed through her as she thought of Chinky's experience. She craved the sensation of being with a "White Master."

* * * * * *

In Adam's apartment, he steered Qingwei to the couch and instructed her to lie flat on it.

"First, give me the marker and stretch out on the sofa." He ordered.

Chinky complied, watching as Adam uncapped the marker and scribbled "GOOK" on her left breast and "CHINK" on her right breast. He then moved lower to type "White Men Only" on her stomach with arrows pointing at her cunt. Satisfied with his handiwork, Adam smirked.

With that completed, he removed his clothes and unleashed his longevity staff. "Now, suck your White Master's jade stick." He ordered. Chinky obeyed, wrapping her small hands around its silky sheath. She pushed the member into her mouth and began to swirl her tongue around its tip.

"Mmhmm... Good girl, Chinky. You're picking up on things quickly." He said, tightening his grip on her hair and forcing her head down onto his member. "Suck it harder, slut!"

Chinky proceeded to gag on his cock, feeling both excitement and humiliation as she served her master. Her arousal grew exponentially when his penis appeared before her eyes, the object that had given her the greatest orgasm in her life. She couldn't resist obeying her master's command.

"Mmhmm... Good girl, Chinky. You're giving great head!" He praised her before yanking her off of his cock. He tossed her onto her back on the couch and spread her legs. "You're going to take every inch of my big white dick in your tight, yellow pussy. Got it, Chinky?" He asked as he positioned his member at her slit.

"Yes! Yes! Please fuck me, White Master! I need your white cock inside me!" She begged. She was thrilled to humiliate herself before her neighbor, hoping that the neighbor would hear her degradation. But she ached for this moment since last night, when she was helpless in his office.

"Tell me what you are, girl."

"I am your personal Chinaman fuck toy!" She whimpered. "I am an unworthy slant-eyed whore! Please violate me again, White Master!"

She wrapped her legs around his torso and begged him to have his way with her.

He grabbed her by the legs and spread them wide. As he readied his length, he barked: "Widen your eyes like a tiger prey in the eyes of a great lion!" Then, with one swift thrust, he filled her tight hole, earning a shriek of pleasure. She'd been dripping with excitement just from his act of marking her body. But his thickness and speed were beyond anything her boyfriend had achieved.

"Oh yes! This is an amazing sensation!" He grunted. He demanded her acknowledgement.

"It's incredible, Master!" She gasped. "I want to be told how worthless I am! I'm your unfaithful, slutty toy!" Her lust peaked as he thrust harder, making her milk his length. No other man could make her crave this intensity. Her climax was imminent.

* * * * * *

Magma lay on her bed, fervently massaging her clit. The muffled grunts and moans resonated from the adjoining wall. Their voices were loud, as if there was a show to put on for her, their attractive Chinese friend. She would normally be disgusted by the racism, but her body burned with desire.

Chinky's voice lingered in her ears: "When you come, come hard. Let your entire body clench and cry out in pleasure, proper of a slut who's aroused!"

Magma found herself moaning: "Take whatever you want! Abuse me however you want!" She flicked her aching nipples as if they were his big white cock, imagining herself as a "slutty toy".

She was immersed in the dual arousal of the auditory input and her stimulation. The juxtaposition of her shame and the overwhelming pleasure, as well as the desired object of her neighbor, made her cum. Her cries in delight enveloped every inch of the room.

Adam moved away from Qingwei and flipped her around. He made her face the other side of the couch, putting her on all fours. Then, standing behind her, he forced his cock back into her eager pussy in a doggy-style position. He struck her ass and seized a handful of her hair, pulling her head back while he began thrusting intensely in and out. The room was filled with loud grunts as his thighs smacked against hers, only to be overshadowed by her joyful cries of ecstasy.

"Pleeease, White Master! Harder and faster! Oh fuck me, please cum inside me!" she cried out, deriving pleasure from her humiliation.

"What a slutty yellow prostitute you are," he quipped. He swatted her buttocks again.

"Who's the owner of this Asian pussy?" he taunted.

"You, oh lord. I belong entirely to you, White Master," she pleaded.

WHACK! He slapped her even harder. "What was that, darling? I couldn't hear you clearly."

"YOU are the OWNER OF MY CHINKY PUSSY, WHITE MASTER," she exclaimed, probably reaching her neighbors on the 5th floor.


"Who is the owner of this Asian cunt?" Noah teased.

"YOU!!! WHITE MASTER!" she yelled. Her body was convulsing with orgasm as she was violated brutally.


Magma was close to losing her self-control. Her daydream included having her ass spanked by a strong male. Nervously, she was allowing herself to imagine fucking the big man's dick and calling herself derogatory terms.

"Yes! Yes! Cum in my Asian cunt, White Master!" she whispered louder. As if they would hear her.

She was massaging herself between her legs with a few fingers. Undoubtedly, her engagement with the wild Asian girl from next door could not match the thickness of Adam's enormous dick.

She was close to the brink of the greatest orgasm of her life. It was uncertain who would climax first - the girl by the couch or her. What she knew for sure was that the pressure within her was about to burst, releasing an orgasm that would be the best she'd had in ages, if not ever.

"OH YES! A bit lower," she moaned. She heard her neighbor's screams as well.

"Oh fuck, OH GOD, I'm coming! My Asian slut is coming on your gigantic white dick!"


Adam didn't hold back in striking Qingwei's petite buttocks. At the verge of cumming, he remained relentlessly focused on spanking her to the rhythm he was penetrating her.

As he ejaculated, he grabbed her hair, pulling her off the couch and onto the ground where she collapsed, almost completely spent. Then, he jerked her roughly by the hair, forcing her to her knees. She shrieked in pain.

In a split second, he yanked her back into her mouth. He released his dick and began pounding into her mouth. Her muffled screams of pleasure just added to the pleasure.

Several slaps to her face suddenly ejected him from her mouth, clearing the way for him to ejaculate all over her Asian face.

Both of them, completely exhausted, collapsed. Adam laying on the couch and chinky kneeling on the floor. However, they realized Magma was also orgasming, clearly hearing the noises next door.

"You're not the only half-Asian whore who craves big white dicks in this complex," Adam said triumphantly, contemplating his strategy.

He knew Magma returned home from tennis practice at 1:30 PM every day. So he requested Qingwei not to come over at 1:00 PM. Losing thirty minutes of fucking her was a fair trade for the public humiliation she went through.

Adam was sure Magma had crossed the line with her flirting, and hearing him brutally dominate another Asian girl was the last push she required to breach her marriage vows.

Another plan was already underway in his mind. He removed a polaroid camera from the drawer and confidently instructed Qingwei, "Say cheese, darling."

Qingwei directly stared into the lens while she photographed the wrecked slut. Her hair was a mess, and her face was chaos due to the tears following from being choked-throat fucked. The writing "Chink" and "Gook" were present on her breasts from a dry erase marker, and if you looked closely, "White Men Only" could be seen on her lower stomach, but it became smeared due to the sweat and rough intercourse.

"OK, Chinky, hurry up and take this to Magma. Tell her it's a gift for her, to remind her of what she'll look like when I'm done with her."

After her climax subsided, Qingwei started to think clearly. Wait, did she just allow him to take a photo of her, covered in cum, with racist slurs written on her body? With a puzzled expression, she glanced at the picture he just provided her. With a glance, she seemed like a discarded Thai hooker after a session from racist frat boys. What would her family, and her boyfriend, think if they saw her current state?

"Well, Chinky? Hurry up!" Mr. Adam yelled impatiently as Qingwei remained silently frozen in place.

Qingwei obeyed and headed for the door slowly, verifying it was clear before entering Magma's room. While conscious of not desiring Magma to see her current state, she wasn't ready for her to witness her cum and lipstick-smeared face.

Swiftly, she knocked on Magma's door, her heart beating intensely. The thought of parading in front of Magma in this manner caused her to feel nauseated. Her embarrassment increased exponentially when wearing makeup, accompanied by cum, spit, and mascara from her face.

Magma's response confused Qingwei: "Adam? Is that you?"

"No, Magma, it's Chinky." Qingwei could hardly fathom that she was about to perform this duty.

The door swung open as Magma glimpsed Qingwei standing there, disheveled and looking distressed. "Oh my gosh... Um, what happened to you?" Magma questioned, more than a little turned on after hearing what occurred from her bedroom walls as she stimulated herself.

Qingwei tentatively entered the hallway. Magma's home was exceedingly welcoming, and her kids' drawings on the wall reminded her of how Magma doted on her family. Though she was disgusted with her current state, Qingwei could understand Magma's excessive adoration for Adam, being a married mother and all. Qingwei found her situation less horrific after recalling Magma's excessive familiarity with Adam's sexuality.

Interrupting her thoughts, Magma inquired, "Are you okay, Chinky? Did Adam hurt you? Should we call the police?"

"No, no, no," Qingwei meekly disagreed. "Adam is not like that. He just really enjoys the humiliation as much as I do. I can't help but have an orgasm every time he comes inside me."

Magma gaped at the vulnerable, crying woman in front of her. Finding this difficult to disregard, she grabbed Qingwei, drawing her inside her home. "Look, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course. You don't have to call me 'miss' or 'ma'am'; call me Magma," Qingwei answered nervously, her eyes fixed to the floor.

"Thanks.. Why?" Magma affectionately complained as Qingwei handed her the illicit photograph. "He doesn't seem like a racist pervert. What makes you allow him to treat you in such a demeaning way? Is he blackmailing you, or threatening you?" she inquired, emotions straining.

"He doesn't need to blackmail me, Magma. I choose to be degraded. I cum so hard during our intercourses that I can't deny his advances," Qingwei admitted. "And honestly, I think you feel the same." Remembering her previous jealousy, she gazed down in embarrassment, adding, "We both alter from casual flirting to enacting these absurd fantasies."

Magma's feeling of fear was replaced with astonishment. "Sweetie, I'm not sure. I didn't know you guys were... Together."

"Yes, but not in the traditional sense, of course. Adam and I... Well, he fucks me bare," her face turned red as she spoke, distracted by the fresh and unforgettable memories. Suddenly, she worried about her mistake and advised herself to stop discussing her relation with Adam. Fearfully, she added, "I just... I just want to get out of here." Uncomfortable, she left. Just before this, she noticed Magma take the photo, her face flashing with mixed emotions.

Magma was taken aback. Mostly because the words spoken by this young girl moments ago were accurate...

"Thanks for your honesty," Magma hesitated, mulling over the day's events in her head. "If you don't mind, consider returning to Adam's apartment now. I can't fathom explaining a half-naked woman drenched in semen in our home to my partner."

"Of course," Qingwei confirmed, not sensing any ill will. "Goodbye, Magma."

Qingwei made her way back to White Master's apartment. The door was still ajar, her reliefpalpable. She slipped inside, entering the living room. There, she found White Master lounging on the sofa, puffing on a cigarette. His knees were apart.

"Welcome back, Chinky," he greeted, genuinely interested. "How did Magma receive her present?"

"She was... flustered, White Master," Qingwei replied obediently. Standing there, she felt uncertain about what to do next.

"While we wait for your next class, there's something even better than a cigarette following a great fuck," he boldly declared. "Bring your lips here and clean the woman's juices off my dick, my devoted Chinese servant."

"Certainly, White Master," Qingwei complied, kneeling on the floor and gracefully started to lick his genitals clean with devotion.

Adam closed his eyes and savored the sensation. While he enjoyed the blowjob, his mind wandered to the prospect of seducing his neighbor female, whose luscious body he had spied on numerous occasions. So many prospects...

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