Queen's Rage

Queen needs an outlet for her anger.

Aug 3, 2024
8 min read
Queen's Ragepunishmentfemdomcane
Queen's Rage
Queen's Rage

Queen's Rage


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Queens's Rage

Queen was furious! Today she had to deal with her tax collectors and advisors. The incompetent fools were threatening the stability of her realm. After two hours of dealing with them, she was blind with rage, and she just dismissed them.

She wished she could put them to the sword, but alas, that was not possible. At the end of the day, she needed them. That was bad, but it was not the end of the bad news for that day. She also read a letter where the tutors of her two daughters, her two princesses, were hinting that they could do better in their studies, especially in physical skills.

How dare they comment on her princesses! This just added to the flames of white hot rage that was boiling within her. She knew herself and she knew that she needed to let the anger out of her, before it poisoned her. Luckily, she had a perfect outlet for that.

Queen scoffed and allowed herself a cruel smile. Her subject, poor fool, has made a serious transgression and he contradicted her in public. The man in question was important to her and she would not exile him or kill him, but such insolence needed a proper response. What a lucky coincidence for her and a bad luck for him, that today was the day when punishment would be dished out. Maybe, today will not be such a disastrous day, as it might end well for her.

Purposely keeping her rage live, by feeding it with her thoughts, she walked into her private dungeon. The dungeon was dimly bathed in ominous red light. This was intended to add to the fear of the man waiting for her.

He was already prepared for her pleasure, wearing nothing but cuffs shackled to the punishment bench. His ass was slightly sticking out of the edge of the bench and his legs were splayed open, with support at his knees. Around his back, they were two hard leather straps holding him firmly to the bench. She walked around him and made sure that the straps were tight. At some stage, he will try to move away from blows and she needs to know that he can not. Movement of his tortured body could affect the precisions of her strikes, and that she can not tolerate!

Stepping back, Queen admired his tight white ass. It was firm and manly, not round and voluptuous like hers. She allowed herself another smile. It is white for now, but it will not stay like that for long. It was so inviting and she loved the idea that he was fully at her mercy, with no means of escape She was getting wet. After all, this might not be a bad day after all.

He was prepared for her, as she ordered, but she still wanted to add her finishing touches before she started dishing her justice. She walked in front of him, lifted his head from the bench and swiftly, before he could say a word, inserted a rubber ball in his mouth. She then proceeded to fasten it tightly behind his head. "I don't want you to distract me with your pitiful screams for mercy, do you understand?" she asked, not that she cared for an answer..

A slight nod and muffled noise is what she got in response. Then she got behind his back and pulled his dangling balls hard. This produced another muffled protest. Without paying any attention to it, she quickly wrapped a leather ball stretcher around his balls. To that she added a leash and two pounds of lead weight, again eliciting muffled protests. She couldn't care less for his protestations. Instead, she yanked the leash hard, almost lifting his ass off the bench, despite his back being tightly strapped to the bench. This sent a clear message to who is the boss in this dungeon. Another, even louder muffled protest was what she expected and what she got. She just loved that sound. She could definitely feel her juices flowing.

Happy with her preparation, she stepped away from her helpless victim and walked to the wall covered with instruments of correction. Today, she ignored vampire gloves or evil spiked nipple clips. Instead, she went to the part of the wall that had instruments of corporal punishment. She looked at them lovingly. When applied skillfully, they can bring one to ecstasy, despite the pain they inflict. But today, today was different. Today they will not bring ecstasy to their victim. Instead, they will help her channel her rage out of her into the flesh of the bound man. Today, it was about her and, anyhow, he deserved every blow and strike that is coming his way. He almost humiliated her in public! She felt her anger being revitalized. Good, it will make for a more fun evening.

Without a word, she picked up a thick, three-foot long, leather single-tail whip. Unless applied for a very long time, this whip will not draw blood. That was not her intention anyhow, as its purpose was to lay a foundation for further punishment. She walked back and made a few swings with it. Did she hear a whimper coming from a bound man? Who cares anyhow... Satisfied with her swings, she positioned herself behind the man's ass and measured the distance, by gently tapping him with the whip. She was ready.

She pulled the whip behind her back and with a fluid swing, she made it fly. The first blow was hard, harder than usual, as she didn't want him to be warmed up. She is the queen and this is the punishment after all. A muffled yelp and jerky movement of his body was the reaction that she expected. Without hesitation, she made a second strike and without letting him relax into it, she slipped into a rhythm, pulled back, hard swung forward, waited for a second for the pain to register, and then repeated it over and over.

After about twenty, or so, hard strikes, she paused. God, that felt good! The rage was slowly dissipating, but she was not done yet. She was feeling very aroused, that she would need a release after the punishment was over. Then she paid attention to her victim. He was perspiring and breathing heavily. As she was fully present while she was whipping him, making sure that each stroke was a perfection, she just vaguely remembered his violent trashing against straps and shackles and his muffled screams. She was queen and why would she pay any attention to it, anyhow?

After a few moments, the man was settling down and his breathing was getting shallow. He was obviously trying to adjust to the onslaught of pain and to transmute it into another sensation, without attachment. Usually, she would allow for that, but today was different. Today was about her rage. She walked back to the wall. Her rage was subsiding, but she was not done yet. Not by a long shot. She picked up a cane and walked back to the punishment bench and flesh on it. Right now, she didn't think of him as a man, but as flesh that would receive her fading rage.

She positioned herself, arm's length sideways from his nicely reddened and stripped ass. There were involuntary muscle twitches every now and then playing on it. He was well prepared for what was coming next, she thought to herself. Again, she measured the distance by tapping his buttocks with the tip of the cane. The response that she got was a stark contrast to the gentleness of the tap. He started trashing, as he recognized what was going to be used on his already paining and throbbing ass. The cane always produced a fearful response and now even more, considering Queen's anger. She could almost swear that she heard muffled cries of "No, No, Mercy!!" from him. Well, he had no say and anyhow, they were muffled.

"Be quiet and accept what is coming. The fear is a killer and pain is just a sensation. Accept it without attaching to it and let it flow through you. It will be easier..." she said, although she hoped he would not listen. She wanted to make him squirm and beg for mercy.

The man relaxed. He accepted his fate and he needed to surrender, truly, to endure what is coming. After a few seconds, it started.

The queen was methodical and merciless. The cane strikes were hard and each of them created a white spot on red buttocks, before exploding into an angry red stripe. Each strike was followed with a flinch and a muffled scream. The beating continued relentlessly. Eventually, both of them slipped into a rhythm. His struggles were less and less, his screams have turned into grunts, all that despite his ass looking like a crimson mess of crisscrossed stripes. Queen's anger was draining out of her with each stroke and was replaced with an urge to satisfy her desire.

After a few more strokes, the cane drew a first blood. It was a tiny cut, but the hairline blood trickle was the sign that brought the punishment to an end. Queen stopped. She was sweaty and hot. The trickle of her juices, just like a blood on man's ass, was flowing freely. She dropped the cane on the dungeon floor.

Without a word, she walked in front of him, removed his saliva-coated gag, and offered her sex to his mouth. He greedily lapped at her juices, while making a little circles around her enlarged clit. Soon, his efforts were rewarded by her cries of ecstasy. She collapsed on the red velvet chair that was a part of her dungeon and was waiting for her. After a few moments, she walked to him and released the straps that were tying him down.

"Are you OK, honey? Did I go too hard?" she asked.

"No, babes, this was just what I needed. And I think you too..." her husband replied.

"Oh baby, so glad that you liked it. After all, you deserved this, after making me look stupid in front of Smiths. And I had such a hard day with those bloody tax office idiots while filing tax returns. Government is full of morons these days..." she tried to sound convincingly, but her anger was gone.

"No worries, thank you. I hope they piss you off in the future, again," he added mischievously while rubbing his bruised ass. Nothing that will last more than a few days...

"Are you OK to drive and fetch the kids from school, honey?" she asked.

"Sure. I am fine." He looked for his clothes to start getting dressed.

She walked to him, held his face in her hands, and gave him a big sloppy kiss. "You know that I love you, honey"

"I love you too, baby. You will always be my queen."

Queen found the audacity of her advisors' criticism of her daughters' tutors to be the final straw in her rage. Determined to mete out a fitting punishment, she took her anger to the dungeon where her subject was already waiting, prepared and bound to the punishment bench. Using a cane, she delivered relentless strikes to his already red, stripped buttocks, draining her anger and satisfaction from each impact. When the cane drew blood, signaling the end of the punishment, Queen allowed her subject to lick up her juices and release her from the dungeon, their playful and consensual BDSM scene coming to a close.

As Queen and her husband shared a kiss and moment of intimacy, she couldn't help but feel grateful to have such a loving and understanding partner who supported her through her daily stressors and darker impulses. Despite the punitive nature of their encounters, Queen knew that she and her husband found mutual satisfaction and release in their safe, playful, and consensual dominance and submission dynamics, their shared love for femdom filling them with passion and bringing them closer as a couple.

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