Celebrity Sex Stories

Quid Pro Quo, Jodie!

A fantasy about meeting a very special lady.

Aug 14, 2024
26 min read
oral sexstrap-on sexcunt worshiptease and denialhot wife and cuckoldenforced chastitysmokingQuid Pro QuolesbianJodie!total power exchange
Quid Pro Quo, Jodie!
Quid Pro Quo, Jodie!

Quid Pro Quo, Jodie!

Author's introduction: I recently re-watched the film The Silence of the Lambs, and was as turned on by Jodie Foster's portrayal of the young, ambitious FBI agent, Clarice Starling as when I first saw her performance many years ago. Having read about the making of the film and the mutual decision not to socialise or meet between takes because of the fear of each other's characters that both Foster and Anthony Hopkins talked about years later, a storyline popped into my head. This is that story. It is, of course, pure fantasy, but I believe that it just could have happened, given the right circumstances. Fiction or not, I am obliged to record that all sex described in the story takes place between consenting adults of eighteen years of age, or older.

Please consider leaving a comment (and a score if you think my story merits it) after reading. All authors rely on feedback of their work, and if and when this is approved for publication, it will be my one hundredth story here! Thank you to all my friends and followers for your wonderful support and encouragement.

It all began when my cuckold, Richard, booked a surprise weekend in London to celebrate fifteen years of marriage. At the time, one of my favourite musical shows was in full swing in the West End, and my darling husband managed to get two tickets for Les Miserables in a weekend break package for the very weekend of our wedding anniversary. What a fortunate happenstance that was! I should explain further.

We returned to our hotel on the Saturday night after a memorable evening. The show had absolutely blown me away (I cried three times!) and we'd celebrated our anniversary with a wonderful post-show meal. In the taxi back to our hotel, I'd whispered to Richard that I wanted a brandy before bed, and because he'd been so thoughtful and booked this weekend break, I'd smoke my pipe for him whilst we were enjoying our drink.

This wasn't an altogether altruistic move on my part. I love to tease Richard, and when I smoke my pipe (or a cigar, come to that) his little cock, which you all know by now, I keep locked up in a chastity device, gets as hard as it can whilst locked up, and his balls swell. I do milk him regularly, but this weekend, he'd agreed that his milking could be postponed for a week. I knew that his balls would be extremely swollen and very tender after a fortnight of my teasing him, and so I also promised him that when we did go to bed, I'd sit on his face and he could worship me and taste my excitement.

There was a young woman standing at reception when we entered our hotel. I sent Richard upstairs to get my pipe and tobacco, reminding him not to forget my tamper and lighter too. I said I'd meet him in the bar, and we separated temporarily.

As I passed the reception desk, I heard the young woman saying to the clerk behind the desk, "Can't you find someone who actually knows which part of England this Wales is?" If she hadn't had such a beautifully seductive American drawl, I'd have hit the roof!

"Excuse me," I said sweetly, "but you are completely wrong. Wales is not part of England. It is a totally different country. It's like the USA is joined onto Canada, well England is joined onto Wales."

Both the clerk and the young woman looked at me as if I was crazy.Almost speaking together, the clerk said, "Surely, madam, you mean Wales is joined to England?" whilst the American lady said, "I think you mean that Canada is joined to the USA, ma'am."

I shrugged my shoulders, and was about to move on, when the American stopped me.

"You really are from Wales?" she asked, and when I nodded, she thrust a piece of paper into my hand.

"Can you help me?" she asked. "I need to find this place, and I can't even start to work out how to say it, let alone ask directions to it!"

I looked at the paper. In typewritten letters, I read, 'Pontrhydyfen, birthplace of Richard Burton." I smiled at her.

"Are you a fan?" I asked. She screwed up her eyes and her nose in what I considered to be a very attractive way whilst she considered her answer.

"I guess you could say that," she replied eventually. "But the reason I want to go there is because I'm an actress, and I've just started to make a film back home in the States with a guy called Anthony Hopkins. I'd never met him before shooting started, and I've been reliably informed that he's notoriously difficult to get to know because he's a very private person. I've heard that he's a huge fan of Richard Burton, and I thought that if I could learn a bit about that notorious hell-raiser and womaniser, I'd have an opportunity to get to know my co-star a bit better, and that will only help our on-screen relationship. We've been given the week off whilst external shooting schedules are set up, so I flew over here to look for this godforsaken place! How on earth do you even start to try and pronounce it?"

Richard came back at this point, carrying all my smoking implements. He saw that I was engaged in conversation, and so he held back. He knows that I'm bi-sexual, and I suppose his reasoning for not coming over straight away was that maybe I'd met someone who could turn out to be a one night stand, and so he let me get on with it, without interruption. I saw him and waved him over.

"This is my husband, Richard," I said, putting my arm through one of his. "Richard this is..." I looked at her.

"Jodie," she replied, offering her hand to Richard to shake. "Jodie Foster."

I saw Richard's dilemma. His hands were full with my pipe and tobacco pouch. I hoped my tamper and lighter were in the pouch too, or he'd be in big trouble! I took them out of his hands, and he and Jodie shook hands.

"Very pleased to meet you, Ms. Foster," Richard said warmly.

"Jodie is an actress, Richard," I said smiling at our new friend. "She's looking for directions to Pontrhydyfen."

I almost laughed out loud at Richard's puzzled expression. I knew the way his mind worked. What on earth did being an actress have to do with going to a small village in the Neath valley?

I was saved from saying anything when Jodie looked at me in admiration.

"How the hell do you get that pronunciation out of that mess of letters?" she asked. "I heard a vee sound when you said the name of this place, but there's no letter v on the paper!"

I winked at her.

"Richard and I were just going into the bar to have a nightcap," I said. "Would you care to join us? I can give you a quick lesson on the intricacies of the Welsh language. Did you know that it is the oldest, continually spoken language in Europe?"

Jodie's eyes widened in surprise.

"There's such a thing as a Welsh language?" she asked. "Oh, yes please! I'd love to join you. Maybe you and I can chat whilst Richard here has some peace to smoke his pipe?"

I winked at her again.

"Richard doesn't smoke," I grinned. "I was going to have a bowl of my favourite tobacco with my brandy, but if smoking puts you off, I can just have the brandy."

Jodie's facial expression was priceless, but she was too polite to say anything detrimental. Instead, she slipped her arm through mine and as we walked into the hotel bar, she said confidentially, "I used to have a girlfriend who smoked cigars. We split up when I played a woman with questionable morals who gets gang raped. She said she didn't want anything to do with a woman who had sex with men!"

I looked at her in amazement.

"You're kidding me!" I said. "It was only a film script!"

Jodie shook her head in amusement.

"That's what I tried to tell Debby," she smiled, "but I think she was looking for any excuse to end our relationship."

She stopped suddenly and put her hand to her mouth.

"Oh my," she said, "I hope sitting with a lesbian doesn't upset you?"

We were sitting by now, and I reached over and patted her knee.

"It doesn't bother me at all," I told her. "I'm bi-sexual myself."

Jodie looked up at Richard, who was standing at my side, waiting for permission to sit down. It was obvious that he'd heard my confession.

"Oh, don't worry about Richard," I smiled, nodding at a spare armchair. As he sat down, I moved a bit closer to Jodie and said in a theatrical whisper, "Richard's a cuckold, and I'm a Hot Wife!"

Jodie looked from me to Richard, and he nodded in confirmation.

"If it doesn't bother you, Ms. Foster, it certainly doesn't bother me," he said with a smile. "I love Olwen with all my heart, and I want her to be satisfied in all aspects of her life. We understand one another perfectly."

Jodie sat back in her chair and exhaled noisily.

"Wow!" she said, and for a moment I thought that our honesty and openness had scared her off. Then she nodded at my pipe and tobacco pouch.

"You'd better get that lit up," she said. "I was about to go out to a night club where I thought I might find some companionship for tonight. I wasn't planning on going to... you know, that place I can't pronounce until tomorrow. And a girl footloose and fancy-free in London has her needs!"

My heart beat increased and I leant forward again, picking up my pipe as I did so.

"I'll break it down for you," I said. "It'll be easier for you to say if you think of it in chunks rather than one word. You say pont."

Jodie repeated that word.

"Reed," I said slowly, and Jodie repeated it, so I put the two bits together, "Pont-reed" and once more Jodie parroted my words.

"Uh," I said and she looked at me strangely. "It's ok," I said, "I haven't forgotten what I was saying. The next bit is pronounced 'uh' that's all. Can you say Pont-reed-uh?"

Jodie dutifully repeated what I'd said, so I finished my quick tutorial by saying "ven" Then I said the whole word, "Pontrhydyfen," and Jodie repeated it. I nodded approvingly, and Jodie clapped her hands excitedly.

"A single letter 'f' in Welsh is pronounced as 'v'. It's the double 'ff' that gives the same sound as the English letter f," I explained to her.

"I did it!" she crowed, "I spoke Welsh!"

Her clapping obviously caught the attention of a passing waiter. He came over to our table.

"I'm so sorry to have kept you and your guests waiting, Ms. Foster," he said obsequiously. Jodie blushed.

"I'm the one who should apologise," she said graciously. "I was clapping because I'd done what this lady told me to do, not to attract your attention. But now that you're here, could we have a bottle of brandy, please and three glasses? Put it on my check. I'm in the Trafalgar suite."

"Of course, Ms. Foster," smiled the waiter, and off he went to fulfil Jodie's order.

"A whole bottle?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.I was still hearing Jodie's words that she had done what I told her to do. I began to wonder if I should take charge here. Jodie laughed, then blushed.

"I'm planning on getting you drunk and having my wicked way with you!" she whispered conspiratorially. I smiled as I continued to stuff the bowl of my pipe.

"You don't need to get me drunk for that to happen," I replied. "You only have to ask nicely! And do what you're told," I added.

I lit my pipe and waited for her response. The waiter returned and placed three glasses on the table in front of us, one each in front of Jodie, Richard and myself. He took the bottle of brandy off the tray he was carrying,and filled each one with a measure of the spirit.

Jodie looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you," she said. "We've changed our minds. We don't need the whole bottle. If I have to pay for it, I will, of course, but these three shots will do us fine."

"There's no need for you to buy the whole bottle, madam," the waiter replied. "I'll just put three brandies down on your account. Will that be all, madam?"

He turned to me.

"Do you require an ashtray, madam?" he asked.

"Thank you, but no," I replied. "I probably won't be down here long enough to finish this bowl."

I looked pointedly at Jodie, who blushed a delicious shade of pink. She knew exactly what I had in mind!

I puffed my pipe and blew a stream of creamy aromatic tobacco at Richard, who smiled at me and squirmed in his seat. My smoking was having its usual effect on my cock locked cuckold, and I knew that it had suddenly got a lot tighter. Richard can't get a full hard on whilst he's wearing his device, but his little boy's cock can swell a little bit inside it. I love teasing my cuckold!

"You have a choice."

I was talking to Jodie now.

"We can either go up to our room, and my cuckold will accompany us. He won't take any active part, but he enjoys watching me having sex. Or we can go to your suite, and Richard can go up to our room and sleep alone. Which one will it be?"

Jodie looked at Richard, who shrugged his shoulders.

"I do what I'm told," he informed her.

Jodie looked back at me.

"So do I," she said in a low voice. "I prefer taking the submissive role, especially with a strong, mother figure like you."

I took her oblique reference to my age as a back-handed compliment, and I picked up my glass of brandy and sipped it.

"I'm going to strap on and fuck the living daylights out of you," I informed her, "and my cuckold is going to watch you become my bitch tonight."

Jodie smiled delightedly.

"It 'll be a new experience for me," she admitted. "I've never been watched whilst I'm being fucked before. And by a man too!"

She sat upright in her armchair.

"Do you promise that Richard won't participate?" she asked nervously. "I really don't have anything to do with men when I'm having sex."

"Not only do I promise," I replied, suddenly becoming aware of a rapidly expanding damp patch in my knickers, "but I'll give you a practical demonstration when we get up to our room. Come on, drink up! I can't wait to get naked and start fucking you!"

Jodie picked up her glass, and proposed a toast.

"To all things Welsh!" she said in her gorgeous American drawl.

We clinked glasses and downed the contents in one. Jodie chuckled.

"If this was a film," she said, "we'd all smash our glasses into a huge, unlit fireplace before making our dramatic exit!"

Instead, we all put our glasses carefully back down on the table, and stood up. Jodie and I linked arms again, and I nodded to Richard, indicating my smoking implements. I still had my pipe in my mouth, so I removed it and muttered,

"Bring those with you, cucky!" and Jodie giggled.

"You're magnificently strict," she whispered as we made our way to the lift. "Would you mind if I made a suggestion?"

"Try me," I replied.

"I'm very excited about what is going to happen pretty soon," she began, "and I don't mind that Richard will be watching. But do you think we could sleep in my suite tonight? There's a lot more room there than in a standard bedroom, I'd imagine, and I'm a bit of a moaner and a screamer when I'm being fucked. I wouldn't want the neighbours to hear what you are going to be doing to me!"

"That sounds very sensible, Jodie," I smiled at her. "We'll go straight up to your suite, and Richard can stop off in our room and fetch my strap-on and harness, and bring it up to your suite."

We were in the lift by now, and Richard nodded his understanding. He pressed the button for our floor, then looked at Jodie expectantly.

"Um... I can't seem to find a button for any suites," he said apologetically, and Jodie grinned at him. She took out a key from her tiny handbag, and used it to open a panel in the lift wall.

"You need one of these to get up to the suite level," she explained. "It covers the whole of the floor, and unless you have an access key, you won't get up to that level."

She pressed the button, and closed the panel as the lift doors also closed. Jodie handed Richard the key.

"You'll need this to bring Olwen's strap on up to us," she grinned shyly. "Don't be long, please Richard. I'm really needing sex right now!"

The lift stopped on our floor, and Richard made to get out. I handed my pipe to him too.

"Oh don't, please," Jodie begged. "You look so sexy smoking that pipe. Isn't it traditional to smoke after sex? Perhaps you could teach me how to puff on one of those things as well as you taught me to speak Welsh?"

I chuckled and slid the stem of my pipe back between my lips.

"You'd better give me that," I smiled at Richard, taking my tobacco pouch from him. He'd put my tamper and my lighter inside the pouch when he'd picked them up from the table in the bar.

"Don't be long!" Jodie and I said in unison as the lift door began to close.

Alone in the lift, Jodie and I faced one another. I'm not considered tall by any means, but Jodie was tiny compared to me. The top of her head barely came up to my tits! She put her arms around me and rubbed her head against my tummy. The top of her head jiggled my tits in a very pleasing way. I took my pipe out of my mouth and pulled her head up so that she was gazing up at me. I lowered my head and kissed her.

Jodie's lips were warm and soft and she opened her mouth and sucked my tongue in. She murmured her pleasure as she tasted my smokey saliva, and then she broke off the kiss.

"You taste wonderfully smokey," she said, blushing furiously. "I haven't had such a lovely smokey kiss since Debby walked out on me."

"She must have been mad," I said as I guided Jodie's hand in between my legs. I felt her rubbing me through my knickers, and I kissed her again. The lift stopped with an electronic ping, and the doors opened. To my surprise, we found ourselves not in a corridor, but in the entrance to a suite of rooms that seemed to go on and on.

Jodie sniffed the fingers that had been rubbing my cunt.

"You smell delicious," she said, "I can't wait to taste you. The bedroom's this way."

She took my hand and led me through the most luxuriously appointed sitting room I'd ever seen. Until I saw her bedroom that is.

The bed seemed to me to be the size of a football field, and one side of the huge room was taken up with a walk-in wardrobe. Through an open door, I could see a bath and a shower, and I resolved to fuck Jodie in the shower as well as in the huge bed.

She stopped at the foot of the bed and turned to face me.

"How do you want me?" she asked shyly. "I told you downstairs. I want you to take charge tonight. Didn't you mention something about making me your bitch?"

Jodie was wearing a beautiful silk dress. I reached out and took hold of her small, but perfectly formed tits. She smiled at me, and I used my thumbs and my forefingers to grip her nipples which had suddenly become hard. I squeezed them tightly, and Jodie gasped at the sudden pain. I tugged on them and twisted my grip. Jodie moaned with pleasure.

I released Jodie's nipples and she frowned in disappointment. I reached under my own skirt and yanked my knickers down. The gusset gleamed with my cunt cream.

"On your knees!" I snapped and Jodie obeyed instantly. I lifted my skirt to reveal my smooth cunt, and she murmured with pleasure. I moved in closer and pushed my cunt into Jodie's face.

"I think you know what to do," I said curtly, and Jodie latched onto my cunt and began to suck on my swollen outer lips. I draped my skirt over her head, so that she was hidden, and I puffed contentedly on my pipe.

Jodie had just begun to use her tongue to penetrate me when I heard the lift ping again.

"We're in the bedroom," I called out, and moments later, Richard appeared carrying my latex harness and the ribbed dildo that I never leave home without. It's the dildo I use to peg my cuckold.

"At last!" I said, lifting my skirt to reveal a very industrious Jodie tongue fucking my cunt. I put my hand on her head.

"You can get up now," I said softly. "You have a very educated tongue. I must repay you for your efforts. Get undressed, there's a good girl."

Jodie's face was hot and sweaty and her mouth and nose glistened with my cunt juice. She undid the belt fastening her dress around her waist and started to unbutton it. Richard recognised the signs, and handed me my strap on and my harness. He began to undo my blouse buttons. I saw Jodie's face, and I spoke to reassure her.

"Don't panic," I smiled. "My cuckold will undress me and help me get into my harness, then he'll sit down and take no further part in our play. I keep my promises, Jodie!"

Jodie had taken off her dress and dropped it at her feet. She stood in front of me wearing only a bra and a pair of knickers that didn't contain enough material to make a decent sized handkerchief. I noted with approval the dark, damp patch on the gusset.

"Don't stop," I smiled. "When I say 'undress' I mean get totally naked. I want to see your tits and I can't fuck you whilst you're wearing those ridiculous knickers!"

Jodie blushed and slipped her bra straps down off her shoulders. She popped her tits out and slid the bra around so that the catch was visible and easy to unclip. Her bra joined her dress on the floor at her feet.

Richard had my blouse off by now and he popped the clasp on my own bra and removed it. Jodie's eyes lit up when she saw my tits. I'm proud to say that they hardly sag at all, which most women in their early forties (as I was at that time) can't say the same thing.

My cuckold slid the zip of my skirt down as I undid the fastening button. Richard slid my skirt down, and I stood before Jodie naked, except for my hold-up stockings. She squealed in delight.

"Oh Olwen, you look so hot in those stockings!" she breathed. "Will you keep them on please?"

I winked at her and nodded at her knickers. She understood immediately, and in an incredible display of balance and suppleness, she stood first on one leg, and then the other and removed the offending article. I eyed her beautifully manicured landing strip with approval.

"Don't throw those away," I nodded at the tiny pair of knickers in Jodie's hand. "Give them to my cuckold. He'll clean up the mess you've left in the gusset. If you can call that strip of material a gusset that is!"

Jodie handed her knickers over, and I gave Richard the pair that I'd been wearing too.

"Not yet!" I growled as I saw him raise my much more substantial knickers to his nose. "Get my harness on first. Then you can become a panty sniffer!"

Jodie giggled and watched as Richard expertly fastened my harness around my waist. He got on his knees and tightened the thigh straps around my legs and then he slid the dildo into the harness. I adjusted it so that the rounded end nestled snugly against my own cunt. The beauty of this particular dildo was that when I pegged Richard (or when I was about to fuck Jodie, for that matter), I'd also be pleasuring myself. I nodded to Richard, who recognised the sign of dismissal. He picked up the two pairs of knickers from the floor and went to sit in the huge armchair that was positioned against the wall on the opposite side to where the walk-in wardrobe was.

"Lick them both clean before you sniff them!" I said sternly, and Richard grinned. He knows that I know exactly which of his buttons to press, and when!

I turned to face Jodie.

"Ready?" I asked. "Let's give Richard a good show, shall we? Kissing and cuddling first, I think. I don't have any lube, so I want you dripping wet before I put this in you."

Jodie took my hand and led me to the bed. My rubber cock bobbed up and down and she shyly took hold of it.

"I can't wait to have that deep inside me " she confessed. "These ridges feel delicious in my hand. They're going to feel even better in my cunt."

"And up your arse!" I smiled and Jodie blushed again.

"How did you know I love anal?" she said. "Debby hated it and would never even touch my ass. I use a butt plug for pleasure now that she's left me!"

"As I think I noted earlier, that Debby must have been mad," I smiled. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, Jodie. By the time I'm finished with you, you'll have been fucked all ways!"

"Then let's not waste any more time talking," Jodie said softly as we lay down side by side and she latched onto one of my tits and began to suckle.

My clit tingled as I felt her soft, warm lips envelop my nipple, and Jodie sucked strongly on the thick, rubbery bud. I have incredibly sensitive nipples at the best of times, but when I'm turned on, I can cum merely from having them sucked. I felt my orgasm building, and I slipped a finger into Jodie. Her cunt was tight, warm and quite wet.

I've been with enough women to know exactly how to find a clit, and my finger began to rub Jodie's gently. She murmured her pleasure without missing a beat on my nipple, and the sensation was wonderful. I added a second finger and began to fuck her digitally.

This time she did release my nipple with an audible plop.

"Oh, Olwen darling, that's lovely," she gasped, "but I need your dildo in me, please. Fingers are lovely as foreplay, but I want to be fucked now. Please don't keep me hanging on! Put it in me and make me your bitch!"

I pulled my fingers out of her. They were slick with Jodie's cunt cream and I popped them into my mouth. She tasted divine, and I pulled her face up to me and just before I kissed her I whispered, "Taste yourself," and as our lips met, I put my tongue in her mouth. Jodie sucked it in greedily and swallowed my cunt flavoured saliva readily.

I broke off the kiss to give her instructions.

"Up on your knees, darling," I muttered. "I'm going to take you from behind!"

Jodie did as she was told, giggling as she turned to face Richard, who was still busy licking the gusset of my knickers.

"I bet you'd give anything to be in my place," she addressed my cuckold, adding, "Oh, fucking hell, Olwen! That hit the spot!" as I jabbed my ribbed dildo all the way in. I leaned forward and grabbed her small tits in my hands and squeezed them. Then I started to fuck her.

Jodie was as vocal as she'd promised. Her voice became harsher and quite hoarse as she encouraged me to "do that again" and "fuck that cunt, babe." I could smell her excitement, and hear it as my dildo squelched in and out of her sopping cunt.

I pulled out of her, and before she could protest, I flipped Jodie onto her back and, pulling her legs open, I shoved them back so that her knees were almost resting on her shoulders. Jodie's cunt gaped after being pummelled by my dildo, and I gave her no chance to recover. I slammed back into her, and she howled with pleasure.

"I'm cumming!" she gasped. "Fuck me harder! Oh! My! Fucking! Go...aaargh! Yes! Yes! YYY...EEE...SSS!"

First her cunt, then her whole body went into some sort of spasm, and she held onto me for grim life as I continued to fuck her. She howled and moaned as her orgasm took control of her, body and soul, and then I felt her squirt all over my thighs and my pelvic region. I wasn't far behind her, so I didn't miss a beat.

Jodie's cunt must have been super-sensitive by now, but I needed to cum too, so I continued to fuck her, giving myself wave after wave of pleasure as the rounded nub of my dildo stimulated my own clit as I thrust into my young lover. For her part, Jodie just clung onto me and whimpered.

When I felt my own orgasm about to burst, I quickened my pace. I was breathing heavily, and Jodie latched onto my mouth with her own. Our tongues mingled and wrestled and copious amounts of saliva were exchanged as we kissed frantically. I knew I was going to cum, and I slid my dildo deep into Jodie and held it there. The nub pressed up against my clit, and judging from her twitching, Jodie's clit was experiencing similar pressure. I'd never tribbed whilst wearing a strap-on before, and indeed, I didn't know if this counted as tribbing. Frankly, I didn't give a fuck! I was enjoying it, as was Jodie, and when I repaid her by squirting all over her, she once again howled with pleasure. I was glad there was no-one else on this floor to hear her. Anyone who could have heard her would have been in no doubt as to what was happening!

Exhausted, I pulled out of Jodie and rolled off her, gasping for breath.I was completely wiped out, and could hardly speak. Jodie, on the other hand, was younger, fitter and much more capable of communication.

"That was awesome!" she muttered. "I've never cum like that before! You made me squirt, you darling woman!"

"Quid pro quo," Jodie, I gasped.

"Is that more Welsh?" Jodie asked. "What does it mean?"

I chuckled.

"No, my dear, it's Latin," I told her. "It means 'something for something' and it's very appropriate, because you gave me an orgasm and I gave you one too. We both got something."

Jodie looked at me with her big blue eyes and she repeated the phrase.

"Quid pro quo," she muttered. and then she said it again. She dipped her head and gave me a quick kiss on the mouth.

"Thank you, Olwen, darling. I've never heard that phrase before. But I think I'm going to be using it in this film I'm doing. It fits perfectly in the dialogue I have to have with Anthony Hopkins at some point. I can't tell you much now, because the film script is embargoed until shooting finishes, but I think I can persuade Jonathan, the director to let me use it!"

I wasn't really listening to Jodie rabbiting on. I was more concerned with getting out of my harness. I wriggled free of the device and looked at Richard.

"Clean up time, cucky," I muttered, wriggling up into a sitting position. My thighs and my cunt glistened with a combination of Jodie's and my own cunt juices.

"There's no cream pie, I'm afraid, but I'm sure you'll enjoy what's on the menu! Don't forget to go right down on me when you've cleaned my tummy and my thighs!"

Richard scrambled up onto the bed, and Jodie gave a shriek of alarm as he dipped his head and began to lap up the mess that the two of us had produced between us.

"Hush, you silly girl!" I admonished her, reaching for my pipe. "Richard won't touch you. I promised you that didn't I? He just loves to clean me up after I've had sex. Watch."

Jodie did as she was told, watching open mouthed as Richard quickly licked all of our combined cunt juices off my tummy and my thighs. When I opened my legs and he latched onto my cunt like a limpet, a moan of pleasure escaped from my lips. I lit my pipe, sucked it into life and winked at Jodie.

"You don't know what you're missing!" I laughed. "Clean up is a permanent fixture in Richard and my lifestyle. He cleans me up when I've been man fucked too!"

I thought Jodie was going to be sick. She'd made it clear that she was a lesbian, and that she never had, never would, have any sexual contact with a man. It was obvious that the thought of eating a man's cum out of my cunt was nauseating to her. I winked at her and passed her my pipe.

"Have a puff on that," I smiled. "I seem to recall that you mentioned the hackneyed tradition of smoking after sex. Well, I'm smoking. So should you!"

Jodie took my pipe and sniffed the bowl.

"What is it?" she asked. "I don't smoke regularly, although I have done so in films. I have had the odd cigar with Debby in the past, but I've never smoked a pipe before,"

"It's nothing illegal," I assured her. "It's a favourite aromatic blend of mine. Try it. You might like it."

Jodie put the stem tentatively between her lips and sucked. Her nose twitched in a very attractive way, and she took the pipe out of her mouth. She looked at me.

"You can exhale," I teased her, and she blew a mouthful of smoke at me.

"It's not bad," she admitted, taking another puff. "I can taste chocolate and cherries and..." She put the pipe back in her mouth and puffed experimentally.

"Come here," I said, pulling her towards me, and plucking the pipe out of her mouth. I crushed my lips against hers, and Jodie melted into me. We kissed deeply and I sucked the smoke out of her mouth into mine. Then I broke off the kiss and blew her smoke back at her. Jodie giggled.

"That was lovely," she said. "Will you give me one of those smokey kisses, please?" she asked, blushing as she spoke. I found her shyness a huge turn on, given what we'd just done together, and I puffed my pipe and touched my lips to hers. Jodie opened her mouth and I blew my smoke into her. She murmured her approval, and slipped her tongue into my mouth. I sucked on it for a few moments, and then she withdrew it and broke off the kiss.

Jodie tapped Richard on the shoulder. My cuckold was still busy lapping at my cunt, but he looked up just as Jodie blew a stream of aromatic smoke at him.

"It's nothing personal, Richard," she said softly. "I'm just not wired for men."

"Think nothing of it, Ms. Foster," Richard replied. "It was very thoughtful of you to blow your smoke at me. Thank you very much." Jodie grinned and winked at him. She took my pipe out of my hand and nudged Richard.

"Budge up," she said mischievously. "Watch and learn!"

To my amazement, and then much to my pleasure, Jodie took a big puff on my pipe and dived down between my legs. She blew her whole mouthful of smoke into my cunt!

"Clean that up, cucky," she sniggered, "whilst I get into this harness." She looked at me.

"Quid pro quo, Olwen!"


"Is that you, dear?" Richard asked as I came into the house one Friday afternoon after school. I was exhausted, and a bit snappy.

"No, it's Margaret fucking Thatcher," I replied, using the name of the person both Richard and I despised the most. "Who the fuck do you think it is?"

I was, as I said, not in the best of moods, and I was looking forward to a weekend of rest, relaxation, and some good, dirty sex with my boyfriend.

I went into the conservatory at the back of the house, where Richard was sitting, reading the newspaper, and drinking a cup of tea.

"I'm sorry," I apologised, "I've had a bastard of a day!"

Richard smiled at me.

"What you need is a nice cup of tea and some good news," he said, nodding at the spare cup and saucer that sat next to the teapot. "It's only just brewed."

He poured me a cup, having first put the milk in. Things are done properly in my household!

"You said something about good news?" I asked, sipping my tea gratefully.

"There's a new film being shown in the multiplex," Richard began. We don't have a cinema in our village, and since the one in town shut down over a decade ago, we now have to drive about fifteen miles if we want to see anything in the cinema.

"Oh yes?" I said in a bored voice. "To be honest with you, Richard, I'd rather stay in tonight. How does watching some cuckold-themed porn sound to you?"

"You know I'll do whatever you want, dear," he replied, "but you ought to know that the film they're showing is called The Silence of the Lambs."

"And?" I said sarcastically. "Since when do we go and watch agricultural documentary films?"

Richard burst out laughing.

"What if I told you that this particular film stars Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins?" he replied. "Jodie must have found her way to Pontrhydyfen, and done enough research to get Tony Hopkins interested enough to drop his shyness and talk to her!"

I grinned at my cuckold.

"You're a darling," I told him. "Let's go upstairs and change, and we can go straight away. We can have a meal before we watch the film, and then, as a reward, I'll peg you when we get back home!"

Both Richard and I were the only two in a packed cinema who laughed when first, Anthony Hopkins as Dr. Hannibal Lector uttered the immortal phrase, "Quid pro quo, Clarice," and then again, later on in the film, when Jodie, in the character of Clarice Starling, quoted her nemesis, and said, "Quid pro quo, Dr. Lector."

But then again,I was probably the only person there who had fucked and been fucked by Jodie Foster, and certainly Richard was the only one who had ever licked the gusset of her knickers clean, and had a mouthful of smoke blown at him by the delightful American actress.


  1. Jodie, intrigued by our conversation, revealed she was an actress and had recently started working with Anthony Hopkins on a film in the United States.
  2. In an unexpected turn of events, Jodie admitted she was interested in learning more about Richard Burton to better understand Anthony Hopkins, who was reportedly a fan of the Welsh actor.
  3. Later that night, after teaching Jodie how to pronounce 'Pontrhydyfen', we decided to join her for a nightcap in her suite to further discuss Welsh culture and history.
  4. Despite being a lesbian, Jodie mentioned her past relationship with a woman who had issues with her acting career, which involved portraying a character with questionable morals.
  5. As the night unfolded, Jodie and I engaged in a playful power exchange, with her submitting to my commands and allowing us to explore our mutual interest in 'strap-on sex' and 'cunt worship'. Richard, understanding our dynamic, was supportive and agreed to watch the scene.

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