Celebrity Sex Stories

Raising the Bride: Part 1

Top bidder claims the virgin.

May 7, 2024
17 min read
virginityfirst timevirginexhibitionismnuditypole danceBreeding The Bride Pt. 01pole dancingvoyeurismstrip teasebreed
Breeding The Bride Pt. 01
Breeding The Bride Pt. 01

Raising the Bride: Part 1

On the planet Neo Sola, humanity's descendants enjoy a life filled with peace, luxury, and happiness, as crime, exploitation, and hereditary diseases have been eradicated. Consequently, the idea of familial incest has become socially acceptable.

Upon my inability to create an erotic incest story, I was stunned by how convincing "Breeding The Bride" seemed to me. However, I'm curious - will readers who typically enjoy incest fiction also appreciate a blend of this genre with science fiction? We'll have to wait and see.

I've categorized this series as incest instead of sci-fi because I want to avoid any confusion for potential readers. Now, starting with Part 1 of the seven-part "Breeding The Bride," we're introduced to Deja Admund, an 18-year-old virgin who desires to be deflowered and bred by her attractive Uncle Jone. Decide for yourself whether you agree with the sexual customs of Neo Sola's inhabitants.


Deja's robot friend, Maria, assisted her in rehearsing her bridal dance. In Neo Sola, weddings were momentous occasions, with celebrations lasting around two weeks. The bridal dance was the commencement of the ceremonial functions, and Deja was determined to put on a performance that would reflect well on her family.

"Pole dancing dates back to ancient Earth," Maria explained as she guided Deja through the fundamental moves. They practiced in a rented studio with two parallel poles that allowed Maria to instruct Deja in the spins, splits, capers, inversions, and other aspects of the choreographed dance she'd created. That day, Maria downloaded comprehensive instructions on exotic dancing and incorporated these techniques into the routine.

All females on Neo Sola inherited improved fitness and coordination from genetic enhancements, making them all graceful and skilled dancers. Maria understood that Deja wanted to create a sensual performance that would entice every man in the audience to bid for the chance to deflower her and impregnate her.

"Align your leg and point your toe," Maria advised, guiding Deja through the choreography. The day of the dance was fast approaching, and Deja still required more practice, but Maria believed she'd be well-prepared. Deja's genetically enhanced brain and body enabled her to excel in various forms of performance, making erotic dance an ideal exhibition of her remarkable abilities.

After nearly an hour of practicing, Maria noticed signs of fatigue in Deja. Although she didn't voice any complaints, Maria decided it was time for a break.

"Do you frequently think about your uncle?" Maria inquired, handing Deja a water flask.

"You're so perceptive," Deja responded, blushing - a rare occurrence for her. Maria loved seeing how effortlessly Deja displayed her emotions.

"You know me so well," Deja said.

Maria had a deep understanding of Deja. She was her companion since birth, having been activated when Deja was just a baby. Initially, Maria's skills included infant care, ranging from calming Deja to changing diapers and teaching her to walk. Maria understood that Deja's adoration for her Uncle Jone went beyond a typical familial connection.

"You're convinced that he'll bid for you in the auction, correct?" Maria asked.

"Of course I am," Deja replied. "My world would end if he didn't win."

Maria didn't believe this wholeheartedly. Deja held strong connections with each of her male relatives, who were all compassionate and nurturing men capable of instructing her in the intricacies of love. Deja maintained pleasant relationships with them all. However, Maria acknowledged Deja's unique feelings for Uncle Jone - she longed for him to be the one to take her virginity. She hoped Uncle Jone recognized how vital this was for her. Otherwise, Deja would be heartbroken if someone else won the bridal auction.

Perhaps it's time to share my concerns with Robbie, Maria contemplated. Robbie was Uncle Jone's robot accomplice, who might possess relevant information about Jone's intentions. Uncle Jone must comprehend how significant this is to Deja. He needs to understand that she'll be devastated if another man wins the right to shred her hymen.

"How did you develop such a strong bond with Uncle Jon?" Maria inquired.

"Do you recall the time our family searched for elk in the Cobalt Mountains?" Deja inquired, semi-rhetorically. Robots have impeccable memory, so it's a given that Maria remembers all the trip's minute details. At that time, Deja was an energetic, spirited 14-year-old girl. Specifically, Maria remembers how much she relished trekking the mountains, swimming in the chilly lakes, and joining the adults on their elk hunts.

"There was a particular day when Uncle Jon took us out to harvest an elk," Deja reminisced. "The adults anticipated him providing fresh meat for a banquet that night, so we set off early in search of a gigantic bull. The drones identified several nearby, and Uncle Jon selected one rather remarkable specimen. He led us to the elk, aimed, and fired with such precision.

"The elk fell dead with a single bullet. I was captivated by his proficiency with a firearm. At that stage though, I overlooked the fact that the law mandated him to use self-navigating ammunition devised to pierce the heart and ensure a quick, humane kill. My only understanding was that my heroic, manly uncle had slain an extraordinary creature. My heart skipped a beat while marveling at him, dressed in his hunting attire, and how sexy he appeared.

"I remember your disposition back then," Maria reminisced. "Moving from childhood to womanhood. I didn't realize that nascent feelings for Uncle Jon were forming."

"Later that day, things escalated between us," Deja said. "Uncle Jon and Robbie transported the elk back to our lodge. They suspended the elk from a rack for butchering. I implored him to let me observe the process. He initially refused, but I insisted.

"Maria rewound the memory. "He hesitantly allowed you to observe but warned you to intervene if you became affected by the gore. He was aware of many young girls' aversion to this sort of task.

"Deja recounted the scene. "I remained captivated by him throughout the process. I wanted to observe everything Uncle Jon did. He stripped off his shirt, replaced the butchering knives, and performed the task collectively with Robbie. Maria reviewed the sequence. "He promulgated the concept that we must honor the elk for providing nourishment. He symbolically marked us by smearing its blood on our foreheads, and asked if I desired to assist him, allowing me to hand him the knives. Once finished, he credited me with fetching the culinary cut of meat to the barbecue pit. There, I watched him entertained with his accomplishment."

"I was too young to comprehend my feelings," Deja admitted. "However, I grasped how witnessing Uncle Jon, shirtless, carrying out a manly, primeval chore at a time evoked a longing in my heart that accelerated my pulse."

"I'm hoping for his bid," Maria remarked. "And I hope he perseveres for the sake of your romantic inclinations."

"If I were to become his spouse, it would mean the world to me," Deja expressed.

The dance rehearsal resumed.

"There's another aspect of your performance to learn now," Maria directed. "You must learn how to remove your attire. The dance you're performing is based on a distinctly ancient ballet from Earth. The music for this piece was composed by a musician named Richard Strauss. It's designed around the fable of Salome, a charming young maiden who performs a suggestive dance for a ruler."

"I've never heard of it," Deja confessed.

"The elegance of the story is irrelevant," Maria explained. "It's basic. The concept of a captivating young woman dancing seductively for a man is perfect for the overarching theme of your wedding dance.

"Approximately to strip down to your naked body," Maria guided. "The dance you're executing is an adaptation of the 'Dance of the Seven Veils.' You'll strut onto the stage clad in seven silk veils meticulously arranged over certain areas of your body. As the music thrives, you'll dexterously detach one veil after another. You'll dismantle the final veil just prior to the grand finale, disclosing your gloriously naked physique to the viewers. I'm convinced that this sequence will stimulate the male audience, instigating them to bid for the privilege to claim your virginity."

"As long as it arouses Uncle Jon," Deja added.

Maria had engineered the costume design and commissioned its construction. She aided Deja in donning the seven veils. "You appear quite provocative," Maria noted jaundicially. "I'm assured the men will relish watching you discard the veils sequentially."

They initiated reenacting the music, practising how the pole dance steps interact with the ballet. The process went extraordinarily well due to Deja's genetically enhanced intellect and form, enabling her to swiftly master the choreography.

"Why are we learning this pole dance instead of ballet?" Deja questioned. "Aren't these moves meant for ballet?"

"Yes, but no one in the crowd will realize that," Maria replied. "I planned it as a pole dance since it needs to be erotic. Wait until you're done practicing it. I'm sure you'll agree it's suitable for your wedding dance."

They continued practicing, and Marie instructed Deja when to remove her veils. "Take it off... now," she said seven times. "Make it seductive as you do it. Focus on an individual man in the audience. Make him feel like you're performing for him exclusively."

They finally finished. "I'll have you wear an earpiece during the show," Maria told Deja. "If you forget, I'll let you know when you need to remove a veil. However, I doubt you'll need my assistance. Your last practice was nearly flawless. We'll keep working on it, but I trust you'll do well. Are you happy with the choreography?"

"Maria, it's fantastic. I'm so grateful," Deja said.

"I was certain you'd appreciate it," Maria retorted. "When I downloaded the choreography skill, the 'Dance of the Seven Veils' crossed my mind immediately. You appear very sexy. You're so graceful. You have an appealing aura. Mesmerizing. Every man in the audience will be smitten by you."

At that moment, Maria got a message from Robbie, Uncle John's robot companion.

"I have some great news for you," Maria said to Deja.

"Your Uncle John wants to inform you about his intention to bid for the right to impregnate you. He's seeking your permission to place a bid. If you object, he won't continue the bidding process. Do you object?"

Maria was aware of the answer even before she asked. This was another rhetorical question.

"Objection!? Objection!? OF COURSE, I don't object! Maria, that's the greatest news you could ever share with me! Tell him I don't object!"

"Should I recommend a different response?" Maria said. "In this particular scenario, etiquette demands that you express your gratitude for his notification. You should indicate your pleasure with his interest and state that, after careful consideration, you've chosen to accept his bid. You should also express your gratitude if he wins, and even more so if he successfully impregnates you. Informing a man that you yearn for him to impregnate you is the biggest compliment you can bestow upon him."

"That's ideal!" Deja exclaimed. "Please convey my message to him!"

"Let's pause for a few minutes," Maria suggested. "It's not ladylike to appear too eager. You need time to 'carefully consider' what he said."

"I just wish I could tell him in person!" Deja said. "I want him to understand how much I adore him!"

"It's likely he's aware of your affection," Maria stated. "He's described you as his favorite niece on various occasions. He wouldn't pursue you if he didn't know of your devotion."

It's worth noting that Maria withheld crucial information from Deja. The cultural standard on Neo Sola dictated that only married individuals (along with robots, naturally) were aware of these rules. The general consensus on Neo Sola was that certain knowledge shouldn't be disclosed to virgins.

The one major aspect of life that Deja was uninformed about was sex. Due to the unbreakable bond between her and her robot companion, Deja remained ignorant about sexual activity.

On Neo Sola, virginity was closely guarded, and it was customary to withhold this knowledge until one lost their virginity through real-life experience.

The availability of superb pornography outweighed the taboo on virginity. As a result, the only way to preserve virginity was to keep virgins unaware of these explicit materials. Consequently, all pornography was prohibited for those underage.

Deja's only exposures to sex education came from her family and Maria. However, she was still unaware of the details involved in intercourse and its aftermath.

Deja was worn out by the end of their practice session. On their way back to her apartment, Deja brought up a curious topic.

"Do you think he's as excited as me?"

It turned out that Uncle Jone was just as eager as Deja. He'd never had a baby before, and the thought of fathering his beloved niece was exhilarating beyond belief. There was nothing more appealing to him than the idea of having a child of his own. He considered himself incredibly fortunate to have such an amazing niece like Deja when she reached adulthood. He'd adored her since childhood. Now that she was a grown woman, he desperately wanted to help her become a mother.

His desire was partly due to a harsh truth. There were very few babies on Neo Sola. Reproduction was a coveted privilege that was rarely experienced.

There was a compelling reason for that. As humanity expanded through the galaxy, each generation remembered the grim fate of Earth. It had been devastated by the insatiable appetite of a burgeoning population that far exceeded the planet's capacity. By the end, humanity had cleared all the forests, poisoned the air and water, turned every wildlife habitat into farmland, endangered virtually every species, and relocated even the most impressive large animals to zoos. The natural, lush, and verdant world was no more.

It was a mistake that would never be repeated. On Neo Sola and other colonized planets, population growth was tightly regulated. Only those who replaced those who died were allowed to reproduce.

And that was a rare occurrence. Medical technology extended life expectancy to 300 years, so replacements were rarely needed. Genetic modifications eradicated all hereditary diseases, and then found ways to make the human body resistant to every malady from infections to cancer. The same techniques used to breed superior cattle were employed on successive generations of humans, resulting in stronger, smarter, and more creative offspring. Psychiatric disorders were minimized to the point that every child was born with a naturally cheerful disposition, leading to happy, fulfilled individuals.

On Neo Sola, the primary means of controlling births was by decreeing that no one under 18 could marry or reproduce. When a child became an adult on their 18th birthday, they were asked if they desired to marry and have a child; the right to do so was so highly prized that almost every young person requested it right away.

When a young adult asked to marry and have a child, their parents began their search for a suitable partner. Deja's parents found a family with a promising 18-year-old son who had many attractive qualities. The boy's family agreed to provide a generous dowry, and Deja's family accepted the terms and arranged for an apartment for the new couple. The home featured a luxurious nursery for the baby that would be born nine months later.

The young people were not permitted to meet prior to the wedding. Tradition held that it was bad luck for the prospective groom and bride to be acquainted with each other until they met at the altar. It was hoped that the bride would be pregnant with the baby fathered by the man who won the auction to breed her.

Given the rarity of procreation, bids for a woman's virginity were often substantial; the money went to the young couple, who used it to set up their new home. However, there were also auctions for the virginity of grooms, but the bids were usually less generous as no children would result.

Calls for legislative reforms to grant women who bid on a young man's virginity the right to bear his child were consistently dismissed. It was understood that such a move would inevitably result in a rate of population growth that could not be sustained without damaging Neo Sola's environment.

Aware of the unique opportunity Deja's virginity offered him, Uncle Jone went into action. He obtained a list of all the men invited to the bridal auction and contacted each one. Each conversation unfolded differently, but many followed the pattern of the one he had with his cousin Abl.

"Hello, cousin," Jone greeted Abl. "Are you looking forward to Deja's auction?"

"Yes," Abl replied. "Deja is a luscious young lady, isn't she? I can't wait to witness her dance."

"It will be thrilling, indeed," Jone responded. "You should definitely attend with a woman who can help you manage the arousal you're bound to feel when watching Deja's performance."

"I was planning to go alone," Abl said. "I intend to win the bidding for Deja. I believe it will be more enjoyable for Deja to alleviate my arousal afterwards."

The lie was affable. Everyone in the family knew Jone was smitten with his alluring niece. Abl recognized that Jone called to persuade Abl to place a higher bid, but to let Jone win.

"I support your decision," Jone said. "In fact, I'd like to ask you to bid more than 40. You could even bid 45. But I'll put in a bid of 50, and I kindly request that you let me claim victory."

"I will do that for you. And for her," Abl agreed. "That lovely girl deserves to witness a throng of frenzied men vying for her virginity. I'll show appropriate enthusiasm. Nevertheless, everyone is aware that she fancies you, Jone."

"Your offer of fifty dollars is impressive. Have you hit the jackpot recently? Inherited a fortune?" Jone inquired.

"None of those," Jone answered. "I've been saving for this special occasion. I care deeply for my little niece. When her friends find out that an amount like fifty was offered for the chance to destroy Deja's virginity, they'll spread the word, leading every adolescent girl on Neo Sola to be envious."

"You're a wonderful uncle," Abl remarked. "I'll pretend to be dismayed when you win. I may even throw something at you."

"Please, nothing heavy," Jone urged. "No dishes or appliances. I wouldn't want food or stains on my attire while I go on stage to claim Deja."

As the wedding ceremonies drew near, various discussions and arrangements with the groom's family took place. Deja played a role in some of them while being excluded from others. She could deduce that her family had made elaborate preparations for her and her unidentified spouse.

In her family, a woman's marriage was a rare event. They longed to witness a baby being born, hold it, watch it learn to talk and walk. It was indeed a blessing when a woman came of age. Their excitement was evident with the anticipation of Deja's big day.

Deja was acutely anxious before the Bridal Dance due to her being fertile. She could hardly remain still while Maria braided her hair, applied her makeup, and finally helped her don the seven veils.

"Why am I so nervous? Am I unwell?" Deja inquired.

"Your hormones are rising," Maria reassured. "Likely due to the drugs you were given yesterday, which caused you to ovulate this morning. This feeling is normal for a fertile woman. You're about to receive another man's seed, and your body is preparing for it. Try to view it positively. It signifies your potential to conceive tonight."

Robbie, Jone's personal robot, messaged Maria with the information that Jone would bid fifty dollars for the privilege of impregnating Deja. Other men had agreed to compete in the bidding, but none above this amount. That will make her very happy, Maria told Robbie. In my experience, a virgin's hymen never sold for such a high price.

Robbie concurred that this was indeed a high bid. Deja is a very attractive young lady. We've observed that prices are increasing, Robbie said. The need to procreate is strong with humans. A basic principle of economics applies here. My guardian Jone invested quite a bit of effort in convincing his family to allow him the chance to impregnate her.

As the time approached, Jone's device Robbie sent a message explaining that Jone would spend fifty dollars to breed Deja. Further discussions revealed that other gentlemen had agreed to bid, but not over fifty. This will delight her, Maria communicated to Robbie. I can't recall a time when a maiden's hymen commanded such a price.

Robbie acknowledged the high price, adding that Deja is a truly striking female. We've observed the recent trend of increasing prices, Robbie mentioned. Jone has been pushing hard to be the chosen mate, and he's willing to spend such a sizable amount for the opportunity to impregnate her.

At the designated time, Deja's great-grandfather proceeded to the stage to address the guests. "Most likely, you're all familiar with our beloved Deja. It's astonishing to realize that she's now eighteen. It is difficult to believe.

"The Bridal Dance is a highly prized event, enjoyed less often than we'd like. Residing in the paradise Neo Sola is a blessing, but it comes at a cost – rare births and infrequent weddings. They're like rare jewels.

"Deja is a precious gem. Right now, she will perform a dance created long ago that was part of a play by Richard Strauss. Strange name, isn't it? This opera was composed around a breathtaking young woman performing a dance to sway a king. It's called 'The Dance of the Seven Veils.'

"Let's all enjoy this lovely gem."

Maria initiated the music, creating an audible environment. The stage welcomed Deja, who gracefully glided up. Her steps symbolized evasion, yet her expression exhibited reticence, even shyness. In truth, she wasn't anxious about the audience but rather excited to disprove her status as a girl and affirm her womanhood. She was ready to offer herself to a man and be impregnated.

She pulled back the sheer fabric that covered her chest, allowing it to drop to the ground. Deja was fully aware of the fact that everyone could see her breasts swollen with desire, and her nipples were hard and erect. Through genetic modifications, the women of Neo Sola were given an extra amount of erectile tissue in their breasts, causing them to become engorged with blood whenever the woman felt aroused.

"Don't be shy about it," Maria had counseled. "It's all a part of being a woman. It'd be strange if a healthy young woman like you wasn't aroused while dancing naked in front of a group of men preparing to bid on you. Show them you're comfortable with your sexuality."

It was near the end of the dance when Deja removed the final piece of cloth, took hold of the pole, and rotated around, revealing every inch of her naked body to the crowd. They saw that her inner thighs glistened with evidence of her arousal. "Remember this is what you want them to see," Maria added. "The entire purpose of a bridal dance is to attract the men who will be bidding. Seduce them."

Uncle Jone was certainly seduced. He knew that he would ultimately take responsibility for Deja, and he couldn't wait for the bidding process to end so he could take her and make love to her. There was every reason to suspect she'd be pregnant with his child in just a few hours. It couldn't happen fast enough.

The bidding was over when the crowd erupted with an extended burst of enthusiastic applause as Deja took her place at the stage's edge, bowed, and displayed her naked body for her guests. She was taught to stand with one foot in front of the other, head held high, shoulders back, and chest out, while holding her hands loosely at her sides. Given a hand signal from her great-grandfather, Deja spun around and flaunted her body from every angle before her audience.

"That was absolutely incredible," great-grandfather said genuinely. "I've never seen a better bridal dance. It stirred something in every man in the room." He looked among the audience for bidders. "Who will place the starting bid?"

The bidding was electrifying, with Deja enjoying the clear display of lust by all the men in attendance, even her relatives. Although she believed the highest bid would hover around the mid-30s, the bidding escalated beyond her imagination.

Momentum slowed as the bid reached 45 but dozens of men were still making bids. 45! Deja had never encountered a bid that high! And it kept rising! Several men were still active bidders! 46! 47! 48! The crowd let out a loud intake of breath as someone offered 49!

But as soon as Uncle Jone raised his hand and bid 50, the room fell silent.

"Deja, it's apparent that these gentlemen highly regard you." Her great-grandfather observed. She watched as the remaining bidders sat down, except Uncle Jone.

"It's been bid at 50," great-grandfather announced. "Do I hear 51? This is your last call, gentlemen. Do I hear 51? No?" She witnessed as her uncle's victory was established. "If that's the case, then Uncle Jone Admund claims the prize!"

It was a thrill watching Uncle Jone walk slowly toward the stage as her heart raced from excitement. He shook his great-grandfather's hand and walked to Deja's side. "You look stunning, Deja," he praised. "I can hardly wait to make you a woman."

"I can't wait either," she agreed. "Thank you for bidding on me, Uncle Jone. I'm so glad you won."

Deja was eager to learn more about human sexuality as she embarked on a week-long journey in which she would lose her virginity, receive Uncle's Jone's affection, and welcome his child within her womb. She desired to comprehend the mystical nature of intimacy; Uncle Jone, on the other hand, was eager to reveal its secrets.

I have some exciting plans for you, Deja, he thought to himself. You'll never forget them.


Uncle Jone has claimed Deja as his betrothed in "Breeding The Bride, Part 2: The Wedding Night." Deja is ready to experience all the wonders of womanhood. Come witness the next stage of her transformation.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de