Celebrity Sex Stories

Real Estate Profits Through Quick Property Purchases and Resales

Two partners transform their abode, introducing the taboo fruit.

May 13, 2024
31 min read
sexlovecheatingbuild uphouse flipping
House Flipping
House Flipping

Real Estate Profits Through Quick Property Purchases and Resales

It's 11:30 am and they're running late as usual. I'm begging her to hurry so we can head to the truck and go. I'm excited because today is the day of the auction. My friend Mark and I have been talking about buying a fixer-upper house for a while, and we're both finally ready to take the plunge. The wives are surprisingly on board, even though they'll probably not be involved in the process. " Hurry up, we can't be late!" Mary eventually descends the stairs and says playfully, "I'm waiting on you now." She's a tall slender woman with long brown hair in a braid. I sigh loudly, which the neighbors must have heard. We jump in the truck and head towards the auction.

We eventually get there, and there are only about 10 cars. If that's all who show up, we might stand a chance. I spot Mark and his wife, Carol. Mark is shorter than me at 5'10" and weighs approximately 190 lbs. I, on the other hand, am 6'2" and 280 lbs. Despite our size difference, we share a lot of common interests and have been friends for the last 15-20 years. Carol, however, is shorter, slender, blonde, and barely speaks to me.

The house is a charming 86-year-old Victorian with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a full basement. The yard isn't huge, but it does have a two-car garage. There's a lot of work to be done, though - most of the rooms have holes in the walls, bad lighting, and a kitchen that needs a complete overhaul. Mark and I are both handy, but the ladies are a bit lacking. They're looking forward to making the finishing touches, like fixture choices and wall colors. We, on the other hand, are more excited about breaking things and building them back up into something beautiful.

We reunite with a hug and a greeting to one another and our wives. The wives don't talk much to each other, but that's okay - they get along just fine. Mary is a sports enthusiast, while Carol is more into arts. We make our way to the auction desk, pick up a number, and find some seats. There are only about five other groups with us. I'm hoping they'll drop out early.

The auctioneer walks to the podium, thanks everyone for coming, and starts the bidding at $20,000. No way this house is going for that! Those guys must be high. The auctioneer then starts lowering the price by $500 every few moments until Mark offers $2,000. Let the game begin. Another man in a cowboy hat jumps in at $3,000, and so it starts. Mark ups it to $4,000, a woman in a floral dress offers $5,000, and Mark goes up to $5,500. Cowboy hat counter-offers $6,000. Floral dress bids $6,500, and Mark goes to $7,000. It's silent. We almost have the house, but the idiotic cowboy hat guy offers $7,500. We discuss whether we want the house bad enough. I think there's something unique about it, and after sharing this with Mark, he bids $7,750. It feels like 30 minutes, but it's only a minute. The auctioneer says "sold," and I offer a fist bump without cheering. We all go up to the front to claim our prize.

After a few days of waiting and various fees, the house officially belongs to us. All in, it cost us a whopping $8,326. We estimate the renovation will cost around $25,000 and consume countless hours, but the possible profit justifies the expense. Maybe we'll make around $80,000. I'm overjoyed with the price, especially if it were free. " Are you excited about starting to break some stuff tomorrow, early morning?" Mark smiles and says, "hell yeah, I am." "The dumpster will be here today, so we can start demolishing right away," We fist bump and discuss our plans. The wives are listening but not contributing much. Neither of them has experience flipping houses.

In the morning, we all gather at the house, each of us excited to destroy the place. I inquisitively ask, "Who want's to open the door?" Since no one jumps in immediately, with a desire for some entertainment, I grab the honor and stomp my size 15 foot into the door, shouting, "This is Sparta!" The door violently swings open and crashes to the floor. My friends' reactions vary: Mark grins from ear to ear, Mary looks at me as if I'm an idiot and doubts ever marrying me, while Carol smirks at me. The door was scheduled for replacement in another spot, so it's nothing catastrophic. It just needed a little amusement.

Inside the house, we attempt to decide what area to tackle first. With my desire to kickstart the demolition, I suggest the entrance. Mark concurs, and the women disappear to talk decoration colors and make a list of responsibilities. I pay them no attention. Together, Mark and I get to work smashing, dragging, and leaving behind a mess. Wrecking day is a joy!

The first day concluded swiftly. We tore down 2 bedrooms, a living room, both bathrooms, and part of the kitchen, leaving only studs and wires. We're drained from the day's labor but still can't help grinning. There's something about a tough, hardworking day that brings us satisfaction. We patch up my Sparta victory and leave. Despite the vast amount of work remaining, Mary looks elated with our progress, tightly gripping her agenda-like lists. She seems blissfully unaware.

We return to the house and complete the demo. It's an absolute mess of studs, exposed plumbing, and dangling cords driving me up the wall. Although I relish in organizing and maintaining order, chaos such as this is stifling. We take a break, setting up grills, coolers, and seats. We enjoy burgers and beers, then spend the afternoon deliberating over more wall placements, old wall removals, and deciding where everything will go. All the while, Mark and I keep reminding them, it's just the two of us rebuilding the place, so be content. The conversation lasts until nightfall, and we return home.

The quiet drive back is unexpected. I assume we're both spent. During our return, Mary exclaims, "Who do they think they are?" implying her ideas were superior and we should've just tackled this ourselves. I reply nonchalantly, "It would take me months of working solo to finish this." Her irritation surfaces. "I'll help!" Impatient, she continues, "This is going to be hard work and a lot of effort. These shows you watch show teams of people working together. They still need a couple of months for completion. I appreciate your enthusiasm though." She's visibly aggravated that I'm not on her side. "As you wish, my love." She exits the vehicle without glancing back. Opting against following her home, I enter our residence, pondering the many months ahead.

During the first complete week, both Mark and I invested most of our spare time at our new residence. Slowly but surely, we made minor advancements. We chose to start with the room farthest from where the new front door would be and work our way towards it. The farthest room was the master bedroom. By the end of the first week, we were successful in nearly completing the plumbing for the ensuite bathroom, insulating the walls, installing new windows, hanging drywall, repairing the damaged floor, and constructing a walk-in closet. The room was evolving quite pleasantly. On Friday evening after Mark and I finished putting in the sink and toilet, I said, "Hey buddy, I won't be able to help this weekend. We're having the in-laws over." "No worries. I might still come by, but I may just relax at home." We shared a high-five and departed.

The weekend arrived, marking a much-needed break. It was refreshing to have a change of pace after dedicating all our free time to the house. After work on Monday, I changed into my jeans, black t-shirt, and old Steelers hat and headed to the construction site. Mark had not yet shown up, so I took charge of the project alone. My objective for the day was to have the space sanded down and complete the ensuite bathroom so the finishing touches and paint could be added. I had everything tiled, including the shower walls, floor, and backsplash by the sink. I didn't manage to sand the bedroom walls but left that for Mark to tackle the following day. I didn't want to clean up the dust, so I decided to focus on the ensuite. It took a couple more hours, but the bathroom was finally completed. It just needed to dry before I could move on to the next step. I was feeling good but decided to sand the walls so they could be painted the next day.

Tuesday arrived, and Mark was still a no-show. I sent him a text of a hammer and house. I was determined to finish this entire room on my own so that when he finally decided to show up, I could brag about it. Angry work sometimes helps. I put my headphones in and got down to business. The music blasted, and my rage fueled me. It took a few more hours, but the ensuite was finished except for the drying stage. I continued to sand the walls to prepare for painting the following day. I was frustrated that Mark had not shown up for two days in a row but had to admit that he had done an impressive job mudding the walls, and I found myself admiring his skills. I packed my stuff and went home.

A third day passed, and still no sign of Mark. "You lazy asshole," I grumbled. I would finish this entire room on my own and rub his nonsense in his face when he showed up. I pulled out the rollers, paint, and my tools. The room was heating up as I worked, so I removed my shirt, wearing only my jeans, work boots, and, of course, my beloved hat. I was in the process of installing the ceiling fan when Carol unexpectedly walked in. I had my headphones in, so I didn't hear her approach. I took my headphones out and said, "Hey there. You scared me." She apologized. "The room is shaping up nicely. You should urge your husband to lend a hand sometimes." I joked. She looked at me strangely. Carol has never made much sense to me, but I accepted it. She inquired about my current task. "I'm installing the ceiling fan," I replied. "Wanna help?" She seemed a bit embarrassed but agreed. I moved a box for her to stand on, handed her the first blade, screwdriver, and two screws. It took her a while, but she eventually got the first screw in, then the second. She didn't seem to have much strength, so in a flash, she had all the blades screwed in. I assured her she had done well but then asked if she required assistance coming down. She held out her arm, and I enveloped her in my embrace, lifted her off the box, and gently set her on the floor. She appeared shocked but remained silent. She couldn't have weighed more than 150 pounds, and that was not even my warm-up weight for most substantial lifts.

What room are you planning to work on next? Carol asked.

We're not finished with this one.

I'm still left with painting the walls, laying the carpet, and installing the baseboards.

Do you think you could lend a hand?

I chuckle at her question. You can help with all of it if you'd like.

I offer her a paint roller. "You're dressed rather nicely, do you have anything to change into?"

Nope. I just came to see this place. I have a feeling there's something special about this home. I'm really glad we all got it.

I understand that. This place definitely has a unique vibe. "Don't worry about offering help. I'd hate for you to get your clothes dirty." She looked disappointed. I quickly mumble, "Why don't you take off your top and you can wear mine?" My eyes widened. "I mean, you can wear my shirt if you'd like." I couldn't believe I said that. My face turned bright red. I tried to leave the room, but she stopped me, grabbed my shirt, and went to the bathroom. There's no door in the bathroom yet, so I could see her clearly, though not completely.

I see her shirt come off and tried to look away, but couldn't resist. She was wearing a black lace bra and more attractive than I'd imagined. Mark is a lucky guy, I thought. She slid my shirt down to cover her and looked at me, smiling widely. She looked a bit funny in my shirt, which reached almost to her knees. I handed her the paint roller again, and she went back to work. We finished painting the room in no time. I'm still mortified for staring and getting caught. "Well, it's getting late. I need to go home and cook dinner. If you want to help tomorrow, you're more than welcome." She said she was eager to learn. She went to the bathroom again, removed my shirt, and put hers back on. This time, I made sure not to stare. Instead, I turned around so I wouldn't be tempted. She handed me my shirt, and I put it on. It smelled nice, I couldn't deny that.

The following day, Mark's truck was at the house. Seems like he decided to help after all, I thought sarcastically. I walked in and spoke to him. "Glad you're still alive." We both laughed. "Nice job on the master bedroom. It looks great." "Thanks. Which room should we start on next?" We completed the master bedroom and began working on the laundry room. We dislike plumbing, so we focused on finishing these rooms first. The laundry room was done, except for the second coat of mud, painting, and flooring.

"I'm glad you're okay, man. It was getting a bit lonely working by myself." "I'm getting old. Don't have as much energy as I used to. Say, while I'm thinking about it, I've got a work trip coming up. Won't be back for about a week." "Enjoy your trip, man. I've gotta run home real quick. Mary texted me, saying dinner is ready. So, you know what that means, right?" We both laughed and went our separate ways.

It's Friday, and I'm excited for the weekend. I plan to put in a few hours at the house and then take the weekend off. I arrived at the project house, changed into my jeans, t-shirt, and hat. I finished painting the laundry room, installed the flooring, and added the lighting fixture. I was feeling exhausted but decided to keep working. I went to find Carol in the area where the kitchen would be.

"Hey, Carol, how's it going?" I greeted her cheerfully. "Since Mark's out of town, I was hoping you'd help me again. I enjoy learning this stuff, and would love to learn more." "Sure." She went to turn off the power in the breaker panel labeled "Second Bedroom."

She steps into the room sporting black yoga pants and a vintage T-shirt, her hair arranged in a casual ponytail. "What's our first task?" I announce I'm going to revamp the electrical system since it's in a state of chaos and I have a passion for order. We decide where to place the power outlets and lighting and start rewiring the wires. She's closely observing me and I clarify everything I'm doing. I sketch diagrams for complex tasks. She queries if I'm comfortable with her handling the last section. Although taken aback by her enthusiasm, I can amend it later. She inserts the wires into the studs, plots out the positioning of the electrical outlet, and continues. She performs exceptionally, so I eagerly applaud her. Just one more chore left for tonight. We fetch the tape and demarcate where the new closet will be; tomorrow or Monday, I can commence building it. I commend her contribution and share a high five. We giggle about Mark and leisurely proceed to the entrance. "Do you have any projects this weekend?" "Frankly, I'm undecided. Are you laboring this weekend as well?" "I might if Mark's away. If I do come in, I'll ensure to text you first so you can join me if available." She consents and we part ways.

On Saturday, time flies. I crave rest. Mary is exasperated with me so I retreat to the new house to work. Effectively, escaping from the wrath of her rage cleaning. I inform Carol. It's about 8 pm, so I doubt she'll be joining. I pull up, smirk, and prepare mentally. I open the garage and haul in 2x4s to form the walls for the closet. Not even five minutes after starting to cut the studs, headlights appear. Carol gets out of her car and heads inside. I'm shocked to see her. This time, she wears black yoga pants and a snug green shirt. I hand her some gloves. "These might come in handy. Avoid a splinter." She thanks me and asks what I'm aiming to accomplish. "We'll be constructing a wall for the closet." I elaborate on the process and we commence working. I have her at the miter saw and I'm at the drill. In no time, the wall is assembled. I encourage her to assist me in raising it into position. "Let's see how hardy you are, little lady. Grab your share of wood on three, and we'll hoist it up." I'm fully capable of executing this by myself but think she'll enjoy it. Wait, did I actually say that? I definitely need to monitor my speech.

"Let's go, 1, 2, 3." I allow her to toil slightly and lift it. The wall is erected. "Alright, gather the drill and some screws. Insert two screws in each gap from top to bottom." She seems anxious but begins kneeling, working steadily. I follow behind her, mindful of her safety. She concludes the base, smiles up at me, and I snatch her tool hand and help her to her feet. I gather some more screws and fit the headers. We work for several hours. I exhibit how to perform drywall, remove outlets, and insulate the space. Once the drywall is in place, I inquire if it's okay if we pause. I'm drained. She concurs. We tidy up and head for the exit. "You excelled tremendously. Before long, you'll be proficient in this." She chuckles and offers me a sweaty embrace. "I'll be here regularly after work if you wish to learn more. Perhaps Mary will join us. Nevertheless, this doesn't appear to be her cup of tea." She casts a curious look at me. Oh well. I offer her a high five and depart.

For the duration of the week, each day after my work shifts, I show up at the project house and Carol is already there. We commit ourselves to labor. I show her various skills including crown molding, installing windows and doors, drywall mudding, essentials of plumbing and electrical, and more. By the end of the week, we've completed the other two bedrooms, laundry room, and made progress on the bathroom. I'm remarkably impressed by her. I'm also proud to announce I didn't blunder any lewd comments. Lucky me. "I'll drop in tomorrow and labor on the main bathroom all day. If you'd like to assist, I'll arrive around 9 am." "I'll bring the donuts if you bring the coffee." I concur. "Deal's on, little lady."

I'm exhausted but I need to keep my promise. I head to Donut Bank and grab a coffee. I also buy an apple fritter since I think she likes them more than any other donut. I arrive at her house and she's already there. I enter the house and there's a beautiful wooden table in the kitchen, decorated with a box of donuts. This is a lovely table. "Hey, where are you?" She shouts from the master bedroom. "I'm in here!" I make my way to the master bedroom and find her standing there, looking around the room. She's wearing jeans and a tight black t-shirt. I can't deny that I enjoy seeing her in fitted tops - they accentuate her amazing figure.

"What are you up to? Here's the coffee, by the way." She accepts the coffee, takes a sip, and thanks me. "I can't believe the progress we've made and the things I've learned. It's so amazing. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this. You're such a wonderful teacher." "You did all the hard work. You're a really quick learner. I'm proud of you." She smiles at me, gazing up at me. We head to the kitchen. I open the box of donuts and surprisingly, it's all apple fritters. "Score! I love these!" "I remember when you said they were your favorites during the auction." This time, I smile. I pick up the biggest fritter and take a big bite. Delicious!

We begin working on the main bathroom. The plumbing has been installed, so it's about bringing in the new, positioning it, and installing it. Mary visits us at around 1 pm to check out our progress. She's impressed with what she sees, which makes me feel good inside. I know I've been working hard. Sitting at the new table, we chat for a bit, and then she heads to the gym. Carol and I continue our work. We have everything set up, everything lined up perfectly, and it's time to install the floor. We decided on vinyl planks because it's water-resistant and cost-effective. The first row goes in smoothly, and we immediately start on rows 2, 3, and 4.

I'm standing on the first row, providing some weight so it doesn't move. She's putting the new rows in place and constantly getting closer to where I am. Her butt is directly in front of me, making it hard not to ogle it. She finishes installing the fourth row and stands up. She attempts to leave, but she slips and falls right on my lap, knocking us both down. She stands right back up, but that image and feeling will remain with me for a while. Her incredible ass in her tight yoga pants, stretching out so much you could see through them. The way her ass felt against my lap. The sight of it rising in front of my face...I'm definitely going to masturbate to that memory tonight. My mind snaps back to reality. "Sorry for knocking you over." "It's not a big deal. Accidents happen." I stand up and notice how red her face is, possibly from working or -- no, I think it's more than just that. "Here. I brought you some water." She says something but I can't hear, so I just bring her water anyway.

She's focused on the next row but still seems a bit embarrassed. I think I know why. "Here, have some water." She thanks me for the water and drinks it. She's working diligently, but her face is still bright red. I'm starting to be attracted to her in a way I've never been before. Plus, she's smart, beautiful, creative, and dedicated - all qualities I look for in a partner. Shaking my head to clear my mind, I ask if she wants to call it a day. She agrees, so I take a seat. I'm pretty exhausted. Indulging in a donut, Mary looks at me oddly and takes a seat too.

We're done for the day. I move to the table and relax for a bit. I'm completely drained. She looks at me strangely, but I can't figure out why. Maybe it's just me projecting things. I ask her if she wants to call it a day and she agrees. I head to the table and take a seat. I'm really tired. I lean back, grab a donut, and enjoy it while looking at the progress we made today. Just as I'm finishing my donut, she joins me, looking rather bashful. "Here, would you like a drink?" She says something, but I miss what she's saying, so I offer her a glass of water.

She finishes the last row, but her face is still red, indicating she's embarrassed about something. I'm so drawn to her lately. She's smart, beautiful, creative, and hardworking - all the qualities I want in a partner. I shake my head to clear my mind of X-rated thoughts. We still need to put the toilet in and the sink. The tub was quite challenging as we planned to install it later, but it fits well now. The final step is installing the baseboards and creating a neat bead of caulk.

It's getting late, and I ask if she wants to stop for the day. She agrees and we make our way out of the bathroom. At the table, I can't help but think about her incredible ass falling on my lap. It was so hot.

We're almost finished with the main bathroom! There's only the toilet, sink, and tub left. The tub fitting wasn't easy as we planned to install it last, but it finally fits. The next step is installing the baseboards and caulking the edges. We're almost there!

What do you mean, are you okay? I'm sorry again for falling on you.

Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. You're so small that you probably couldn't hurt me. Plus, no guy would be angry when a sexy butt lands on his lap. However, at that moment, I realize I made another stupid comment. Why did I say that? I look down at the table before looking back at her. Her smile is huge, so I know I said something ridiculous.

"So, you think I have a nice butt, huh?" Oh crap, the words just slipped out. I bite my lip. "I mean, yeah. What's not to like?" Shut up brain, you're gonna get me in trouble. "Really? I always thought it was a little small." She gets up and shakes her butt from side to side to show me how big it is. It's not small. It looks perfect. My erection confirms it. "It's not small. I bet it would fit perfectly in my hands." Holy s*, what are you doing? You want to touch it and feel it bounce against you as you fk her.

My mind is blank, trying to think of anything other than her behind. Then I picture her breasts in that black lace bra. What's up with that? My dick is already almost hard. I have to sit there patiently waiting for her to speak. She bends a little and asks again, "Are you sure?" My eyes are fixed on it. I can't see if she's wearing panties or not, but if she leans more, the fabric will tell me. "Bend a little more for me." Without hesitation, she does it. She's wearing a silver-colored thong. Great! That's so hot! She stands back up and laughs. I'm left speechless. Desperately trying to think of something else, an image of her breasts pops into my head. Her nipples must be hard. My cock is ready to burst. I concentrate on anything else. She shakes her head lightly and tells me she has to go. She's running out the door, and I can hear how fast she's speeding away. My mind is reeling. I'm so confused, but damn, I'm horny.

I undo my pants and stroke myself right there at the table. I keep thinking about her butt, breasts, smile, and her outfit. My pace is too fast. I can't help but let out a loud groan as explode. I cover the floor with cum. I'm overwhelmed by the intensity of the pleasure. I can't move for a few minutes. When I finally gather my thoughts, I pack up my tools and leave. On my drive home, I keep reliving that moment. Part of me feels bad I went so far, and the other part wishes we had gone further. Sigh.

A day off at work the next day, concerned I'd bump into her or worse, she telling Mark. I don't say a word to Mary because, well, nothing actually happened.

It was on a Tuesday when I arrived, and there was Mark sitting at his truck. I parked beside him and he didn't seem to be in a good mood. "Hey buddy, glad to see you made it back safely!" He nodded, but remained silent. "How you feeling?" He looked down and muttered, "I left my key at home." I chuckled, thinking it was mostly relief, but still feeling tense. "Got you covered, my dear. Shall I carry you across the threshold like the gorgeous creature you are?" He told me to shut up and opened the door. I laughed, inserted the key, and unlocked it. I quickly turned around, grabbed his legs, lifted him, and threw him over my shoulder, but he struggled to not let me carry him inside. This lasted for about a minute or so, and eventually I let him down. He then karate chopped me in the shoulder and made his way inside. That night, we didn't accomplish much beyond painting the bathroom and messing around. I adore my friend. I'm glad I didn't take advantage of his sexy wife in her delicate thong on that table, causing her to squirt all over me, and I returned the favor by ejaculating all over her.

The rest of the week, it was just Mark and me. We didn't get as much done as when it was Carol and me, but we had a good time hanging out and working. The following week was the same. Lots of bro time and very little else. The house wasn't in a rush, so it wasn't a problem. At that point, the kitchen was about halfway finished - the lower row of cabinets were in place, the island was there, and the appliances were set up. Most of the electrical was in as well, but we hadn't done the upper drywall yet. "Wanna work on this some more tomorrow?" I asked. He said no and I called him a coward. "Carol will probably want to come back by then though. I might send her over to keep her off my back for a bit." He chuckled. "Thanks again for letting her tag along. She enjoyed it more than I would have expected." "No problem dude, happy to help teach." We cleaned up, packed up, and left.

I texted Carol when I was on my way over and didn't receive a response. When I arrived, I was surprised to see her car in the driveway. Walking inside, I found her intensely working. Today she wore an old, worn, and fading t-shirt and yoga pants. She didn't even notice me come in. "Hello there. How's it going?" She quickly stood up straight. "You made me jump!" I laughed. "Making some good progress down there, huh?" "I've been here since 9 am." It was now about 11. "Awesome!" Guessing if she needed help. "No, I had a helpful instructor show me the ropes." She smiled back, and I did the same. Back down in the basement for an hour, I was trying to figure out where to place the fireplace and the entertainment center. I also started feeling parched and decided to face the awkwardness and go upstairs for some water. She was standing where the table was, not doing anything, just standing. "Everything okay?" She nodded while still staring at the ground. "I'm sorry if I made things uncomfortable between us. Sometimes my brain lags behind my mouth." I let out a nervous laugh. She looked at me, "It's fine. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have done that." We fist-bumped and I offered to help her out in the basement. She reached for a bottle of water, threw it at me, grabbed one for herself, and we headed down to the basement. She was fantastic, knowing what I wanted before I did. We spent the time downstairs, deciding on where everything should go, like cabinets, no cabinets, TV above the fireplace, and so on, while we also shared lots of laughs. I sketched out the designs, and she offered her approval. "I'm taking tomorrow off but will be back on Monday. Feel free to join me if you like." She thanked me and said she would be there. I'm relieved things are getting back to normal. I'll admit, I do miss seeing her. However, I'm not going to lie, she's incredibly fun to look at!

The next couple of days are action-packed. We're erecting walls, installing a fireplace, and getting everything more or less set up. The majority of the time, we're chatting and giggling. Her wardrobe returns to how it used to be: a tight shirt and yoga pants. Love it. Before we leave, I can't help myself and ask, though I know I might fuck things up: "Is life back to normal for us, or are things still a bit uncomfortable for you?" She's only a few feet away and glances up at me. "I'm not sure if things will ever be normal. I showed you my butt, you know." She tries to force a smile. "That's fine. I've genuinely enjoyed getting more acquainted with you." A real smile spreads across her lovely face. "Me too. It's just a bit more challenging now." This makes me laugh. She tells me to shush and playfully swats me. I grab her face, pull her close, and kiss her fiercely. She freezes for a moment, and then her lips press against mine. It's magical. The world becomes a blur and I'm only aware of her.

We break our embrace and grin at each other. I sense a hint of panic on her face. I apologize and take off. The drive home is dragging on in complete silence, which grants me the chance to ponder what just transpired. Hopefully, she won't say anything.

The following day, I show up, feeling relieved to hear nothing. No one's there, thank God. I take a deep breath and focus on the task at hand: installing drywall. As I hear a door open, I start to panic. I hear footsteps approaching and closing in on me. I brace myself, prepared to face Mark, but instead, a gorgeous woman appears. She's wearing black heels, a knee-length black skirt, a black shirt, and a white shrug jacket. Even her hair looks fantastic. She stops at the last step and offers me a hesitant "Hey." I'm speechless and now feeling anxious over what she might say. The only reason I agree is she asks: "Can we talk for a minute?" I despise it when women say that. It makes me want to flee. I nod, and she asks: "Why did you kiss me?" My face turns red, and I struggle to respond. "I don't know what to say. I know I shouldn't, I know it's wrong, I know it would hurt people, but I still couldn't resist. I want to do it again. You wearing that isn't helping, either." I grin, attempting to lighten the tension. "Do you regret it?" Why do they always ask the tough questions? The only option is to be open and honest. "Not at all." I attempt to read her expression. Nothing. "Last question." It felt like minutes passed by, yet in reality, it was probably only seconds. "Did you tell Mary?" "No. I wrestled with the idea, but I feel a strong bond with you and just couldn't resist. I'm almost glad I did. I've never felt this way and nervous simultaneously." She nods and goes upstairs.

I stand there for a fraction and then rush up after her. She's in the kitchen, staring at the floor again. "Is that everything? Nothing else?" She faces me and asks, "Why me?" "Are you joking? You're intelligent, funny, creative, kind, and I cherish every second with you. You're unique." She moves closer to me and repeats: "Why me?" I look down at the floor, contemplating on my response. I breathe deeply and tell her: "I'm falling in love with you." She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into a kiss. It would have been even better if I didn't initially believe she'd hit me. Once my mind caught up to the situation, I kiss her back. My hands reach for her waist as our lips are locked in place. My thoughts fluctuate between "You're going to hell" and "This might be the best kiss I've ever had."

Our lips part to breathe in some air before swooping back together in an intense, passionate embrace. Her lips are flawless, and as we kiss, our tongues duel, each trying to conquer the other. She has a talent for this kissing business, and I'm not complaining. My hands trail down her sides to grab her backside - it's been something I've been itching to do since the "incident". With my grip on her firm, round butt in both hands, I am taken aback by how much better it is than I had imagined. It's the perfect fit for my large palms. I tighten my hold, causing her to let out a small sound. Grabbing her even closer, I hoist her up onto the kitchen island, positioning myself between her gorgeous thighs. Our fiery kisses escalate in intensity beyond anything I'm accustomed to.

She removes my hat so it won't get in the way again, and I seize her face, taking her in a fierce grip with one hand while spreading her legs and moving in closer with the other. As our passionate kissing continues, I stand back up and shove her against the island, menacingly grabbing at her legs. I rush to push her leg up onto my shoulders, licking away at her already saturated underwear. If she loved my kisses, wait until she feels my tongue on her. She pushes me off and lays back down. Tossing the fabric aside so it's out of the way, I set to work on her delightful pussy. I've never tasted anything quite like it before. My tongue oscillates between licking, sucking, and breathing - a rhythm that she seems to enjoy.

Screaming in extreme delight, she props herself back up and entirely off the island. "Oh my God, we shouldn't have done that." I'm momentarily distraught as my erection starts to deflate. I apologize out of guilt, but on the inside, I'm anything but sorry. She turns around, shrugs out of her jacket, rips her shirt off, and shoves her skirt down. I feast my eyes on the black lace bra she's wearing - the one she wore that night we came so close to having sex. "Ugh!" she exclaims, gesturing toward a spot on the floor. "What's that?" My heart sinks at what I discover - I had reached my climax on the floor after she'd left, fantasizing about us laying together. "Don't make fun," she says. "What's that?" Hastily covering my embarrassment, I exclaim, "Did you not save yourself for me before? Holy cow, your tits look so good! Let me worship them like a baby yearning for his mother's milk!" Reaching up, I greedily latch onto her nipple, caressing it with one hand while rubbing her drenched panties. However, she requests that I stop. "What's this?" I dumbly inquire. "What?" she points, widening her eyes. "What are you talking about?" Upon seeing what she was referring to, I feel incredibly ashamed. "Don't tease me," she whispers. "I missed you so much... But I didn't want to risk losing you." My eyes nearly pop out of my head at her admission. "I don't understand."

Disregarding her request to stop, I seize her head, forcing myself deeper into her mouth and wrenching her hair into a tangled mess. I forcefully thrust in and out, relishing the image of her chin soaking up the remnants of my cum as I remove her mouth from my rock-hard member. As she stands, I begin to undress her. Her jacket crashes to the floor, and I simply rip her shirt off and pitch it across the room. Seeing her in the lacy black bra brings back all that pent-up passion. Yanking the clasp open, I drag her skirt off while taking in the luscious sight of her glorious breasts. "Isn't this what you were hoping for?" she asks. "When we lost control... I thought we had shared everything." Sorry about the misunderstanding, my dear gorgeous woman, but let's not dwell on the past. Let's make up for it by losing control one more time.

Writer: She loosens my belt, unbuttons my pants, and lets them fall to the ground. She throws me a naughty wink. My heart beats faster at the sight. "I had to clean my car thoroughly after that night," she shares. "I stopped at a hidden spot and touched myself until I left a wet patch on the car seat." This revelation surprises me. I pull her closer and kiss her fiercely. I lead her back to the island, push her towards the edge, and grind my agitated member against her saturated panties. I'd have taken them off, but I was too swept up in the moment. I move them aside, rub it against her pussy. It's moistened up sufficiently now, so I let it go in. She is ready. I am prepared. The head starts to slide in and we both groan. The first moment of touch communicates more than words ever could. It's the moment where you establish both psychological and physiological unity. My head shuts off as she accepts more of me inside. She tries to sit up but sinks back down. She searches for something to hold on to and clutches the edges of the island. I'm taking it easy in the beginning, but neither of us is bothered by the slow pace. Her still aroused pussy is both wet and tight. How is this real life? I can't help but rush my pace. I'm thrusting faster and faster, and our cries become louder and louder. I'm delighted by the noise she makes.

She orders me to stop. She slides off the island and bends over the table. Her perfect bottom is just where I hoped to see it. The wait was worth it. I steer my dick back into her and cling to her hips for support. She's pushing back just as hard as I'm pounding into her. The sounds we make are incredible. She shouts that she's about to climax. I increase the intensity. She starts to gush so much that I accidentally slip out. Quickly, I rub her clit. Her fluid pours out, landing on the floor in the same spot as before. When her breathing slows, I re-enter her and re-initiate the action once more. I'm too aroused to last long. I manage to stammer, "Where do you want me to release?” "Simply say so right before you do," she replies. A few thrusts later, I tell her I'm about to come.

She spins around, kneels, and hastens to service me. This time, my hands reach for anything until I grip her head and empty my seed into her. She doesn't stop despite my pleas - she swallows every last drop. She pulls me out at my insistence. Ascribing one final sucking sound, she rises, winks, and swallows. I'm besotted. Oh my god, I'm in love. I'm incapacitated. I collapse on the floor. She settles next to me, laying her head on my chest. She listens to my heart's thumping in such a loving gesture. She remains there until my heartbeat no longer sounds erratic. Looking up at me, she whispers, "I love you as well."

We take our time re-dressing. We're both enchanted by the sight of each other. I take her hand and lead us into the master bedroom, settling us both down on the floor. For over an hour, we remain there, talking. For the first time ever, I've never felt so near any being. I admit this to her. It comforts me that she feels similarly. Neither of us wants to return home, but we discuss it and say our goodbyes.

This situation is difficult. We're both married and have mutual friends with our respective spouses. We consider our whirlwind love affair - though filled with passion and enchantment - we won't be able to repeat it. I detest that we must call it quits, but I understand the necessity. We both leave, but my mind dwells on the 'what if'.

The day after I wrapped up a project, the door opened, and footsteps entered. I hoped it was her, but I couldn't be sure. "Turn around." The voice was hers - it was Carol, standing in the room wearing only work boots. I rushed to undress and grab her hand, leading her to the master bedroom. There, I laid her down naked on the floor, rolled her onto her side, and settled down next to her. I slid my leg between hers, preventing her from closing them, and began to massage her clit. She was already drenched, and I loved it. She was so wet for me. I kissed her neck and complimented her on being an incredible woman. Her ass pushed against me with each flick of my finger. She clutched my arm, and I felt her cum. She rolled over, grabbed my penis, and began to stroke it insistently. Although her grip was tight, it wasn't too tight, and she was showing her intense passion. I warned her that I was close to cumming, but she didn't stop. She sat up, swung her leg over me, and mounted my tool. "I'm really not going to last," I warned, but that just made her hips move even harder. "Seriously, I'm already close." Despite my pleas, she continued to ride me. I used my hands to hold her hips and allowed myself to climax. I felt my seed shoot deep inside her. She laughed and continued thrusting.

Her touch was delicate, almost ticklish. She didn't care about my earlier warning - she wanted more. I struggled to keep myself erect but relished the feeling. She began rocking at a faster rhythm, my hands still on her hips. I was struggling to maintain my erection, but her constant movement aroused me. She raked her nails across my chest, then released a loud moan from pleasure. I couldn't help but become excited as I felt her wetness running down my leg. She rolled off, and we lay side by side, embracing each other. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. In this house. Forever. Just like the previous time, we spent the rest of the night cuddling, chatting, and enjoying each other's company. We both knew it was impossible to ignore our feelings anymore. We were both terrified and unsure but didn't want to lose each other.

Over the next several weeks, we refurbished our small home and engaged in passionate sex every chance we had. I honestly didn't think it would ever get old. We began to dress more daringly, with me sometimes only wearing a tool belt and her sometimes just wearing her panties. We were soulmates who couldn't have been more compatible.

One night, she gave me homework - I had to cum in a plastic cup and put a lid on it. I had no idea why, but I jerked off four times that day. She requested the cup the following night and, as we had sex, she poured the contents over her breasts and face. This was the most erotic sight I had ever seen, causing me to resist climaxing again. Oh, I love this woman.

The following months were full of difficulty - two divorces, lots of hatred and pain, and many bad days. However, having Carol and our modest house was all that mattered. When the storm finally passed, we could finally focus on each other. I was determined to keep her, and god, I loved this woman.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de